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英语作文的连接词和过渡词 一) 作文连接词 (1)表选择关系或对等关系的连接词:either…or…,neither…nor, or, as well as…, and, both…and…。 (2)表因果关系或对等关系的连接词:therefore, so, as a result, as the result of …,because of, due to …,owing to, thanks to等。 (3)表时间顺序的连接词:the moment, as soon as, at first, then, later, mean while, at the beginning, in the end, before long, for the first(second…)time, the minute等。(4)表转折关系的连接词:yet, and yet, but , while, on the contrary, on the other hand, however, at the same time(然而)等。 (5)表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, such as, for instance, and so on, etc. and the like等。 (6)表递进关系的连接词:not only…but (also), what,s more, what's worse, besides, in addition, worse still, moreover, above all等。 (7)表示总结的连接词:in a word, on the whole, in short, briefly, in brief, to sum up, in all等。 二)作文过渡词 1、表示时间的 At first 起初 next 接下来


结合语境,体会句子的作用。 一、体会环境描写、景物描写的作用。 记得那是初秋时节的一天,温煦的阳光静静地照耀着树林,在地上投下长长的阴影,使我们觉得格外凉爽惬意。一路之上,树叶苍翠欲滴,十分悦目;花儿鲜妍可爱,芬芳醉人;鸟儿们叽叽喳喳,欢叫不已。多年的垂钓经历使叔叔深谙何处小狗鱼最多,他特意将我安排在最有利的位置上。我模仿别人钓鱼的样子,甩出钓鱼线,宛若青蛙跳动似的在水面疾速地抖动鱼钩上的诱饵,眼巴巴地等候鱼儿前来叮食。好一阵子什么动静也没有,我不免大为失望。 《我没有钓到那条鱼》用横线画出文中环境描写的句子。环境描写在文中起到的作用 是: 。 深蓝的天空中挂着一轮金黄的圆月,下面是海边的沙地,都种着一望无际的碧绿的西瓜。其间有一个十一二岁的少年,项带银圈,手捏一柄钢叉,向一匹猹尽力地刺去。那猹却将身一扭,反从他的跨下逃走了。《少年闰土》 用横线画出环境描写的句子。环境描写在文中的作用是: 春天的日子多雨,常常淅淅沥沥地下着。可是只要琴声一奏起来,雨点也似乎活泼起来,轻轻细细地洒在树叶上,洒在行人的雨伞上,也洒在人家关着的玻璃窗上……它们多么淘气啊!跳着快乐的集体舞,跟着琴声的节拍--丁冬!丁冬!丁丁冬冬……《弹琴姑娘》 景物描写在文中的作用是: 柳枝染上了嫩绿,在春风里尽情飘摆,舒展着自己的腰身。连翘花举起金黄的小喇叭,向着长天吹奏着生命之歌。而蓝天上,一架架风筝在同白云戏耍,引动无数的人仰望天穹,让自己的心也飞上云端。《我的老师》 景物描写在文中的作用是: 随后,他看见太阳微微露出一点,露出一点......就这样,太阳像顽皮的小孩一样,终于跃出了海平面,那阳光也随着起伏荡漾。《阳光很活泼》 这段话描写了,突出了,表现了父亲带着童心看日出时的惊喜与震撼。


英语写作过渡性词语大全 (1)表示增加的过渡词: also, and, and then, too, in addition, furthermore, moreover, again, on top of that, another, first/second/third等。 (2)表示时间顺序的过渡词: now, then, before, after, afterwards, earlier, later, immediately, soon, next, in a few days, gradually, suddenly, finally等。 (3)表示空间顺序的过渡词: near(to), far(from), in front of, behind, beside, beyond, above, below, to the right/ left, around, outside等。 (4)表示比较的过渡词:in the same way, just like, just as等。 (5)表示对照的过渡词: but, still, yet, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in spite of, even though等。 (6)表示结果和原因的过渡词: because, since, so, as a result, therefore, then, thus, otherwise等。 (7)表示目的的过渡词:for this reason, for this purpose, so that等。 (8)表示强调的过渡词: in fact, indeed, surely, necessarily, certainly, without any doubt, truly, to repeat, above all, most important等。 (9表示解释说明的过渡词:for example, in fact, in this case, for actually等 10)表示总结的过渡词: finally, at last, in conclusion, as I have shown, in other word, in brief, in short, in general, on the whole, as has been stated等。 二:提高听力的七个网上美语电台及收听指导 如果你真的想记住你所听到的内容,那么: 1. 你要确定你的兴趣是什么,它对你来说值不值得一听。 2. 真正用心听,集中精力听那些你想记忆的重要信息。 3. 不要把精力放在个别单词上,一定要听文章的全貌。只要你抓住了全文的意思,听不清或听不懂个别词也没关系。 4. 听完广播之后,立即做一做自我测试,检验你能回忆起多少听过的内容。 5. 把你从电台听到的东西向别人复述。 6. 找个朋友一起听。广播结束后,你和他可以谈谈所听的内容,看看你们听到的一不一样。 7. 如果你想隔较长时间再回忆你所听的内容,那么你最好把你所听的要点记录下来。 通过上面的种种方法,只要你能勤加练习就可以在短时间内突破广播英语,记住听完了以后一定要及时整理、检验你的成果,不能放到一边,否则你很难达到令你满意的水平。最后,向大家推荐练习口语听力7个网上美语电视台: 1、美国C-SPAN: 2美国NASA电视台: 3、美国一号电视台:


中心句、过渡句、总起句和总结句 一、阅读小技巧 1、做阅读,拿到一篇文章,先浏览题目,看看题目都考察了哪些内容,然后再带着问题读文章,这样比较容易找到答案。 2、每篇文章都有一个中心,可以从它的题目或者文章的中心句看出。所以回答问题一定要围绕文章题目,万变不离其宗。 3、联系上下文回答问题,一定要找到题目中引用的字词句的具体位置,然后根据题意从上下文中找出相应的答案。 二、中心句 1、中心句 顾名思义就是文章中最核心的一句话,一般称为中心论点或基本论点。一篇文章必须要有一个明确的中心,所有内容都是围绕中心展开叙述的。 因此,我们在阅读文章是,只有找到中心句才能迅速理解文章,更好的解答问题。 2、寻找中心句的方法 【1】从开头找中心句(较常用) 抒发感情的 开头解释一定道理的 引用名言的 【2】从结尾找中心句 抒发一定的情感 结尾揭示一定的道理 赞美可贵的品质 说明获得的启示 例如:《眼睛》的结尾:张大爷的眼睛看不见了,但是在他的身后有无数双眼睛,在帮助着他,支持着他. 【3】段落中心句(方法与整篇的通用) 开头引出下文 结尾总结上文 中间承上启下,过渡作用 三、过渡句 1、作用——承上启下 2、类型 ①连贯式(有动作的先后次序,为引出下文做铺垫) ②承接式(承上,启下。为启下服务) ③总分式

④转折式(虽然/尽管……但是/可是) ⑤递进式(不但/不仅……而且) 四、总起句和总结句 1、总起句 作用:①概括短文主要内容;②为下文写作做铺垫。 特点:通常在文章的开头。 2、总结句 作用:①总结全文;②点明中心;③升华情感;④深化主题。特点:文章的总结句在文章结尾;段落的总结句在段落结尾。


Signal / Transitional Words and Phrases过渡词大全(信号词)●Addition:表:此外;还有;加之; and, also, too, either, 也as well, 同样 not only……but also, not only……but,besides, in addition,另外as well as;除…以外moreover 此外,而且 ●Sequence: 顺序词: Time order; space order; logical order in the first place, 首先 first of all, 首先 to begin with, 首先 firstly, 首先 at first 开始时=at the beginning for a start, 首先 then, and then 然后 again, next, 再者;其次;afterward, subsequently,随后besides, in addition, 此外additionally,加之 moreover, what's more, furthermore, 此外,而且 one more thing,此外 a further, 此外 for one thing,首先 for another,另外

previously, 之前meanwhile, 以此同时simultaneously, 同时concurrently,同时in the middle/process of=during lastly, 最后finally, in the end;eventually最后last but not least,最后 Time sequence words & expressions:时间顺序词 1.now, nowadays, at present…;现在,现阶段 2.when, before, after, as, while, during…; 3.the moment…正当… 4.as soon as…一…就…. 5.hardly….when…. 一…就…. 6.scarcely…when…一…就…. 7.no sooner…than…. 一…就…. 8.be about to…正要 9.once …一旦 10.between…and….; 11.in…(year), e.g. in 1997; in 2000 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ee15550943.html,st ……; yesterday morning; 13.on Friday, on Friday morning, 14.in July, in winter 15.on the eve of the Spring Festival…除夕之夜


中心句、过渡句、总起句的阅读训练 练习: 一、阅读,填空 (一)、《美丽的南沙群岛》第二自然段 南沙是祖国巨大的蓝色宝库。她拥有难以计数的珍贵的海洋生物,蕴藏着极为丰富的矿产资源,贮存了用之不竭的海洋动力。仅曾母暗沙,就以丰富的石油储量而享有“第二波斯湾”的美誉。 1、课文是围绕()中心句来写的。 2、文章从()、()、()三方面介绍了南沙的物产丰富。 3、“用之不竭”中“竭”的意思是(),“用之不竭”形容南沙的海洋动力()。我还能从文中()、()、()读出南沙物产丰富。 4、南沙拥有难以计数的珍贵的海洋生物,如();南沙蕴藏这极为丰富的矿产资源,如();南沙贮存了用之不竭的海洋动力,如()。 (二)、《美丽的南沙群岛》第三自然段 南沙也是个迷人的世界。天是一片蓝玉,海是一块翡翠。远望水天相连,翡翠和蓝玉合璧,蔚为壮观。俯看清澈明亮的海水,龙虾、燕鱼、海龟五彩缤纷,令人心旷神怡。碧波浩渺的南沙海域,连浪涛都是美的,每一个浪头都托起洁白的浪花,一团团,一簇簇,仿佛是欢迎的人群在挥舞着花束。可以肯定,将来的南沙群岛会是一个充满魅力的旅游胜地。 1、这段话是围绕()来写的。 2、这段话中,作者将天比作(),将海比作(),从中可以看出天的蓝和谁的绿;从()可以体会水天一色,融为一体的蔚为壮观的景象;从()可以想象龙虾穿梭、燕鱼飞跃、海龟漫游的有趣情景;从“洁白”“一团团”“一簇簇”中可以体会到()。 (三)、《庐山的云雾》第二自然段 庐山的云雾千姿百态。那些笼罩在山头的云雾,就像是戴在山顶上的白色绒帽;那些缠绕在半山的云雾,又像是系在山腰间的一条条玉带。云雾弥漫山谷,它是茫茫的大海;云雾遮挡山峰,它又是巨大的天幕。 1、这段话是围绕()这个词来写的。


初中英语9类过渡词表达汇总 类别1 开头常用短语 It's said that... 据说…… As we all know that... 我们都知道…… It's well known that... 众所周知…… As/So far as I know... 据我所知…… It is clear/obvious that... ……是显而易见的 类别2 表“结构顺序” first/firstly 第一 first of all 首先 to begin/start with 首先 in the first place 首先 second/secondly 第二 next 其次;然后 and then 于是;然后 meanwhile/at the same time 同时 finally/eventually/at last/in the end 最终 类别3 表“并列补充” also/too/as well 也;同样;而且 both...and... ……和…… either...or... 要么……要么…… neither...nor... 既不……也不…… not only...but also... 不但……而且…… besides 除此之外 moreover 另外;此外 in addition/additionally 加之;除……之外 by the way 顺便;顺便说 what's more 更重要的是;而且;此外 what's worse 更糟的是 as well as... 也;又;和;及 类别4 表“转折对比” but 但是;而是 however 然而;不过 while 然而 instead 反而 otherwise/or else 否则;不然 on the contrary/in contrast 相反地 in any case/at any rate 无论如何 some...while others... 一些人……另一些人……


精品文档 找中心句概括段意的方法专题训练一、了解中心句在段内位置的一般规律:①起概括和总述作用的中心句一般在段的开头。②起承上启下作用的中心句一般在段的中间。 ③起归纳和总结作用的中心句一般在段的末尾。④起强调和增强印象作用的中心句一般在段的开头和结尾 在短文中找出过渡句 在短文中找出过渡句,这并不难。过渡句一般在段落的开头,少数在段落中间,更少的在段落末尾。它十分明显地告诉你:从一个地点转移到了另一个地点,或者从一个事情连接到另一个事情,从一个动作转化成了另一个动作,, 1、在写景的文章中找出过渡句 这种过渡句一般在文段的开头一句,交待从一个地点来到了另一个地点,起“承上启下”的作用,非常好找的,你一定没问题!长廊又长又美,微风从昆明湖上吹来,使人神清气爽。 走完长廊,就来到了万寿山脚下。抬头一看,又高又美,还金碧辉煌,真是美不胜收。站在万寿山上可以看到颐和园的全景,好美丽呀! 从万寿山下来,就是昆明湖。昆明湖石桥多,湖中心有一个小岛,树林茂密,美不胜收呀!2、在写人记事的文章中找出过渡句这就要看前一件事与后一件事之间是用哪个句子连起来的,前一个动作与后一个动作是用哪一句话连起来的。这个起“承上启下”作用的句子,就是过渡句!五、在短文中找出总写句或中心句。怎样找中心句:▲首先,我们要明确什么是“中心句” :中心句是一篇文章中处于中心地位的句子。它在全文中起主导作用,是这篇文章中最重要的句子。 ▲其次,了解中心句在文中位置的一般规律:中心句一般在文章的开头或结尾,如果在开头它的作用是概括和总述作用(或统领全文,点明中心的作用);如果在结尾它的作用是归纳和总结的作用(或总结全文,点明中心的作用。)总写句在文章开头,它起着“总起”的作用;总写句在文章的末尾,它起着“总结”的作用。中心句点明文章的中心思想,一般比较容易就能找出来。 怎样找过渡句:过渡句——文章中用一定词句和段落,提示前后意思之间的联系, 使它们有机联系起来, 自然而然地由上文转入下文,这就是过渡句。 常见的过渡方式有下面几种: ② 用小标题过渡. ②、用一个句子过渡,承上启下? ③用承上启下的过渡段落. ④用关联词过渡.(通常是表示转折的关联词为多) ⑤用提示句过渡. ⑥、用表示时间或空间的词语过渡? 过渡句的作用是承上启下的作用,由此可知过渡句应在文章的中间部位,一般情况下单独成段或在段首。过渡段分段时把它划分在下一段居多。 (一)找出下面这两段文字的中心句来,并且在它下面划上“——”线。 精品文档 1、地球上的光明和温暖,都是太阳送来的。如果没有太阳,地球上将到处是黑暗,到处是寒冷,没有风、雪、雨、露,没有草、木、鸟、兽,自然也不会有人。一句话,没有


英语连接词 连接词的意义分类 表递进 moreover, in addition, what is more ,furthermore, also, then, besides, etc. 表转折 however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, etc. 表层次 on the one hand, ... on the other hand; first, ... second, ... finally; 表强调 firstly, ... secondly, ... finally ...; first, ... then ... etc. 表强调 in fact, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact, obviously, apparently, 表结果 evidently, first of all, undoubtedly, without any shadow of doubt, etc. 表结尾 therefore, as a result, then, consequently, accordingly, thus, etc. 表例举 in a word, in conclusion, therefore, in short, to sum up, etc. 表强调 still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially. Obviously, clearly. 表比较 like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally. 表对 比 by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast. 表列举 for example, for instance, such as, take ...for example. Except (for), to illustrate. 表时间 later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while. first after a few days eventually at that time in the meantime meanwhile afterward from then on 表顺序 first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important. 表可能 presumably, probably, perhaps. 表解释 in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms. 表递进 What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, again. 表让步 although, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, whatever may happen. 表转折 however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on theother hand, unfortunately. whereas 表原因 for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to. 表结果 as a result, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence. 表总结 on the whole, in conclusion, in a word, to sum up, in brief, in summary, to conclude, to summarize, in short. 其他类型连接词


中心句、过渡句练习 (一)《美丽的南沙群岛》 南沙是祖国巨大的蓝色宝库。她拥有难以计数的珍贵的海洋生物,蕴藏着极为丰富的矿产资源,贮存了用之不竭的海洋动力。仅曾母暗沙,就以丰富的石油储量而享有“第二波斯湾”的美誉。 南沙也是个迷人的世界。天是一片蓝玉,海是一块翡翠。远望水天相连,翡翠和蓝玉合璧,蔚为壮观。俯看清澈明亮的海水,龙虾、燕鱼、海龟五彩缤纷,令人心旷神怡。碧波浩渺的南沙海域,连浪涛都是美的,每一个浪头都托起洁白的浪花,一团团,一簇簇,仿佛是欢迎的人群在挥舞着花束。可以肯定,将来的南沙群岛会是一个充满魅力的旅游胜地。 1、划出两段话的中心句。 (二)《庐山的云雾》 庐山的云雾千姿百态。那些笼罩在山头的云雾,就像是戴在山顶上的白色绒帽;那

些缠绕在半山的云雾,又像是系在山腰间的一条条玉带。云雾弥漫山谷,它是茫茫的大海;云雾遮挡山峰,它又是巨大的天幕。 庐山的云雾瞬息万变。眼前的云雾,刚刚还是随风飘荡的一缕轻烟,转眼间就变成了一泻千里的九天银河;明明是一匹四蹄生风的白马,还没等你看清楚,它又变成了漂浮在北冰洋上的一座冰山…… 1、这两段话分别是围绕()、()这两个词来写的。 (三)《葫芦池的四季》片段 葫芦池一年四季景色秀美。春天,池边翠绿色的柳条在春风里摇曳。红艳艳的桃花把葫芦池镀上了一层瑰丽的色彩。夏天,池里铺满荷叶,一阵风吹过,像翻动着一层绿色的波浪。含苞欲放的荷花清香四溢。秋天,照满,池边菊花盛开,千姿百态,美不胜收。寒冬,葫芦池结冰了,孩子们的欢声笑语在池边回荡。 1、这段话共有()句,是围绕第()句按()顺序写了葫芦池的美景。

练习:请找出各段的中心句。 ⒈一天夜里,三个和尚都在打盹的时候,一支燃烧的蜡烛被一只小老鼠咬断,庙宇起火了。危急中,三个和尚不分你我,争先恐后,挑水救火。一场大火很快被扑灭了。三个和尚从这件事中悟出齐心协力的好处。 ⒉地球上的光明和温暖,都是太阳送来的。如果没有太阳,地球上将到处是黑暗,到处是寒冷,没有风、雪、雨、露,没有草、木、鸟、兽,自然也不会有人。一句话,没有太阳,就没有我们这个美丽可爱的世界。 ⒊我时常怀着深深的感激之情,思念着我的启蒙老师们。是他们,在我童稚的心灵里播下美好的种子,教导我:要爱国,要勤勉,要做一个正直、诚实的人。几十年过去了,老师们的话仿佛还在我的耳边回响。


【高考英语】 英语作文高级过渡词汇总1英语作文高级过渡词 1.It's said that... 据说…… 2.As we all know that... 我们都知道…… 3.It's well known that... 众所周知…… 4.As/So far as I know... 据我所知…… 5.It is clear/obvious that... ……是显而易见的 6.to begin with 首先 7.in conclusion 最后 8.in brief,in a nutshell 简言之 9.in a word 总之 10.however 然而;可是 11.in spite of 不管;不顾 12.instead 代替;相反 13.nevertheless 然而;不过 14.on the contrary 正相反 15.otherwise 否则;另外 16.regardless of 不管;不顾 17.still 依然;仍然 18.though 虽然;可是 19.in contrast 相反;大不相同

20.in contrast to 与……形成对照 2英语作文高级过渡词加分句 1、表起始的过渡语有to begin with, according to, so far, as far as等。例如: 1)As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things. 2、表时间的过渡语有first/firstly, in the meantime, at the same time, for the first time, ever since, while, shortly after, the next moment, nowadays, at present, before long, in the future等。例如: 2)After that I went to No. 8 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. 3)Firstly, the technology of … secondly, people’s income has…Thirdly, mobile phones are… 3、表空间的过渡语有on the right/ left, to the right/ left of, on one side of… on the other side of …,at the foot/ top/ end of, in the middle/ center of等。例如: 4)On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building—our library. 4、表因果的过渡语有thanks to, thus, therefore, as a result(of…),with the help of…,owe …to…等。例如: 5)The company has a successful year, thanks mainly to the improvement in export sales.


2、a) 等。 b) 等。 c) 等。英语作文常用过渡词 1、过渡词常用于段落的开头—。常用于段落开头的过渡词有: Gen erally speak in g/ It toes without say ing that/ Everybody knows that/ As is known to all/ As the proverb says/ As the saying goes/ It is true that/ Prese ntly/ Rece ntly/ Lately … 过渡词常用于句子间的衔接。经常使用的转折词和连接词有: 用连接词表示地点:there, here, nearby, beyond, above, under 用连接词表示时间:now, soon, then, immediately, before long 用连接词表示举例:for example, for instanee, thus, that is, 用连接词连接句子:however, but, still, in spite of, n evertheless 等。 e) 用转折词表示结果:therefore, as a result, eonsequently, for this reason, hence 等。 f) 用连接词附加前面的内容:also, and, then, too, in addition, moreover, further, aga in 等。 g) 用转折词表示前后顺序:first, seco nd, third, last, the former, the latter, i n the first place, next 等。 3、过渡词常用于段落间的过渡。常用于段落间的过渡词有:


2019考研英语阅读理解最常见的过渡词 1、此外besides=moreover=furthermore=in addition 2、更重要的是more than that; 同样重要的是equally important; 更more/less 3、而且/并且and; 而且,也also 4、表先后顺序:first, second/next 5、同样: likewise; 或者alternatively 6、所以,表因果 so=therefore=thus=consequently=accordingly=as a result=and so 7、总来说之,表结论as a result=finally=above all=after all=concluding=hence=to sum up=in conclusion 8、但是;表转折but= yet= however= on the other hand= while= nonetheless= nevertheless= otherwise 即使although= though= despite= instead= in spite of= on the contrary= notwithstanding= rather= in contrast 9、表空间位置near, far, beside, next to, above, under, behind, in front of, across, on the side of 10、表目的for this purpose, so that, in order to 11、表强调in fact, indeed, surely, certainly, to be sure, I am certain 12、表举例for example= for instance= such as= specifically= to be specific= in particular= to illustrate this= thus


写作常用的过渡词语和短语,根据意思和作用的不同,可以分为以下十一类: 1) 用以解释的过渡词,比如:now, in addition, for, in this case, furthermore, in fact 1. The problem, in this case, is hard to solve. 2. Furthermore, several people telephoned the same night. 2) 表示强调的过渡词,如:certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important 1. Indeed, a dessert is always enjoyable. 2. Above all, do not build an open fire in a forest. 3) 表示限制的过渡词but, however, although, though, yet, except for 1. Yet there was still a chance that he would win. 2. Except for one girl, all the hikers returned. 4) 用以举例的过渡词for example, for instance, thus, such, next 1. For instance, a telegram often costs more than a telephone call. 2. Thus the trip finally began. 5) 表示递进或补充的过渡词in addition,furthermore,also,moreover,yet 1. In addition, the tour stops in Vancouver. 2. Furthermore, the time for registration has been extended. 6) 表达顺序的过渡词first, second, third, afterward(s)(后来), meanwhile(几乎同时), thereafter(在那以后), last, finally, eventually(终于) 1. First, you mail in an application. Second, you ask for an appointment. Third, you send them three personal references.



一)题型解读: 试题模式:给出一篇缺少5个句子的文章,对应有七个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。 (二)考查重点:主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。二)选项特点:主旨概括句(文章整体内容) 过渡性句子(文章结构) 注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)根据试题所在位置确定不同的解题策略 1)如果问题在段首 通常是段落主题句。认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找同义词或其他相关的词,推断出主题句。关注每段首尾句,了解大意知主题 2)如果空格出现在段中,这时要根据空格前后的句子意思、备选选项的句子意思以及句子之间的逻辑关系来确定答案 3)如果问题在段尾,通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,

选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。 七选五阅读理解题的解题技巧: ◆速读全文,关注每段首尾句,了解大意知主题◆浏览选项,理解全篇逻辑关系,找出关键词 ◆运用上下文所重复的关键词推断 ◆利用同义词和近义词关系 ◆利用词的上下义关系 ◆利用反义词、过渡词关系 ◆理清结构,确定答案,最后再来顺一遍,根据试题所在位置确定不同的解题策略 1)如果问题在段首 通常是段落主题句。认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找同义词或其他相关的词,推断出主题句。关注每段首尾句,了解大意知主题 2)如果问题在段尾 通常是结论、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。 主旨概括句(文章整体内容)


英语连接词大全版本 表递进moreover, in addition, what is more,furthermore, also, then, besides, etc. 表转折however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, etc. 表层次on the one hand, ... on the other hand; first, ... second, ... finally; 表强调firstly, ... secondly, ... finally ...; first, ... then ... etc. 表强调in fact, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact, obviously, apparently, 表结果evidently, first of all, undoubtedly, without any shadow of doubt, etc. 表结尾therefore, as a result, then, consequently, accordingly, thus, etc. 表例举in a word, in conclusion, therefore, in short, to sum up, etc. 表强调still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, after all, significantly, interestingly, also, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, above all, in fact, especially. Obviously, clearly. 表比较like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally. 表对比by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast. 表列举for example, for instance, such as, take ...for example. Except (for), to illustrate. 表时间later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, meanwhile, from now on, at the same time, for the time being, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, now and then, during, nowadays, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while. first after a few days eventually at that time in the meantime meanwhile afterward from then on 表顺序first, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important.


英语写作常用连接词及短语 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 表层进 first, firstly, at first, 最初 to begin with, to start with, first of all, 首先,第一 Initially, 最初,开始 first and foremost, 首要地,首 先 in the first place, 首先,第一点,原先 in the next place 其次,第二点above all, 尤其是, 更重要的是,首要,of all things, 首要,第一 (正文段数超5段时使用:Last but one, 倒数第二 last but two, 倒数第三) second, secondly, third, thirdly, what is more, 而且 also, and, then, equally important, besides, in addition, further, still, furthermore, last but not the least, next, moreover, all the more, 更加,愈发 too, finally, in a manner of speaking, 在某 种意义上,不妨说,可以说 表举例 for example, for instance, take …for example, cite an example in point, take …as a typical example, to illustrate, as an illustration, a case in point, another case in point is…, such as, like…, as a proverb says, as a saying goes, as Newton put it, just as, just like, after all, 毕竟,终究 to take an example, 表解释

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