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二是“语法填空”顾名思义是考语法,而根据语境填这四类词同语法规则关系不大,与“语法填空”名不符实。不过,less, more, most等词是可能在纯空格类题中考查的,因为这涉及到到语法——比较等级。

(2)我们认为,倒装句中的助动词和强调谓语动词的助动词(do, does, did),以及情态动词、强调结构中的it, that等都可能在纯空格题中进行考查,名词的数和所有格也可能在用括号中所给词填空中进行考查,同学们千万不可忽视。
















⑤两年都没有要求考生填像depend on中的介词on这类固定短语中的单词。



1. 通读全文,把握大意。


2. 结合语境,试填空格。





[例1]I can send a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and ___38___ gets there almost in a second. (2007年茂名一模)

解析:and连接前后两个句子,and后面的句子缺主语,应填名词或代词;结合前一分句,不难推知,“马上可到达那里”的是the message,替代the message用代词it。

技巧2:名词前面,若没有限定词(冠词、形容词性物主代词、不定代词),很可能是填限定词。如:[例2]It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty (960—1279) was very anxious to help ___33___rice crop grow up quickly. (2008年广东高考)

解析:名词rice crop前还没有限定词,应当填限定词;根据句意,这个急性子人当然是急于使“他的”禾苗长得快,故填形容词性物主代词his。

[例3]…the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to ___35___ small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage. (2007年广东高考)



[例4]… who should have the honour of receiving me ___33___ a guest in their house. (2007年广东高考)

解析:因a guest在句中不作主语、表语、动词的宾语,前面一定是填介词,使其成为该介词的宾语;又由句意可知,他们“把我当作客人”来接待,表示“当作”,用介词as。


[例5]…two world-famous artists, Pablo Picasso ___34___ Candido Portinari, which are worth millions of dollars.

解析:因与Pablo Picasso (毕加索)与Candido Portinari (坎迪多·波尔蒂纳里)这两个名词之间没有连词,一定是填连词;两者是并列关系,应填and。

[例6]…all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me ___36___almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. (2008年深圳一模)

解析:因melted me和gave me两个动宾短语之间没有连词,一定是填连词;两者是并列关系,故填and。


[例7] I wanted to see as much of the city as possible in the two days ___32___I was to return to Guangzhou. (2008年广州一模)

解析:因I wanted to…是一个句子,I was to return…也是一个句子,这两个句子之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填连词;根据句意和两句之间逻辑关系,可知“参观这个城市的尽可能多的地方”应是在“返回广州”之前,故填before。

[例8] He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, ___37___he felt very happy… (2008年广东高考)

解析:因He was very tired…是一个句子,he felt very happy…也是一个句子,这两个句子之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填连词;根据句意和两句之间逻辑关系,可知“干了一整天活累极了”与“感到非常高兴”是转折关系,故填but。

技巧6:若结构较完整,空格后的谓语动词是原形,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,很可能是填情态动词或表示强调或倒装的助动词(do, does, did 等)。

[例9]What is acceptable in one country ___31___be considered extremely rude in another. (2007珠三角五校联考)

解析:句中What is acceptable in one country是主语从句,空格后的be considered 是谓语;因其中的be是原形,故空格处必定是填情态动词或助动词does(由语境可知是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数);由句意及作者的语气可知,需填表示“可能”的情态动词may。

[例10] He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife, but he

______ bring home a regular salary.



(1)由it is…that…强调结构形式,判断填it还是that。如:

[例11] …and ___40___was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn’t eat MSG (味精)! (2007年广州一模)


(2)由倒装句式判断,是填构成倒装的条件的only, so, neither, nor, never, hardly, seldom, not, until, had等,还是填do, does, did等。如:

[例12] ______with hard work can you expect to get pay rise.

解析:由can you expect to…可知,这是倒装句,根据构成倒装的条件可知,应填副词only,因为“only +状语(with hard work)”放在句首,句子要用倒装。


[例13] …as___32___took them just three minutes to steal paintings by two world-famous artists… (2008年佛山二模)

解析:由句式结构可知,这是it takes, sb. some time to do sth.句型,本句的不定式to steal paintings是真正的主语,空格处填形式主语it。

[例14]Dating sites also make ___36___easy to avoid someone whom you are not interested in. (2008年惠州二模)

解析:由句式结构可知,to avoid…是真正的宾语,easy是宾补,空格处应填作形式宾语的it。

(4)so /such…that…句型。如:

[例15] This made the goat so jealous ___34___it began plotting against (谋划对付) the donkey. (2007年惠州二模)


(5)more…than… (与其说……不如说……,比……更……)句型。如:

[例16]Cynthia’s story shows vividly that people remember more how much a manager cares ___40___ how much he pays. (2007深圳宝安期末)


(2) 给出了动词的试题的解题技巧


是并列关系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要考虑时态语态。[例17]His fear of failure ___36___ (keep) him from classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon. (2008年深圳一模)

解析:因主语His fear of failure后没有别的谓语动词,需填的动词应为谓语动词;因主语与keep是主动关系,应用主动语态;由从句谓语动词played可知,要用一般过去时,故填kept。

[例18] That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her Invitation, ___40___ (close) my book and walked away. (2008年广州一模)

解析:虽然句中已有谓语动词declined,但由and walked可知,所填词与declined 和walked是并列关系,所以也用一般过去式closed。

[例19] In Logan, three people ___38___ (take)to a hospital, while others were treated at a local clinic. (2007梅州二模)

解析:因主语three people与take是被动关系,即三个人被送进医院,故用被动语态;由were treated可知,要用一般过去时,故填were taken。



[例20] …but it is not enough only ___35___(memorize) rules from a grammar book. (2007年佛山一模)

解析:因it是形式主语,后面用不定式作真正的主语,故填to memorize。

[例21] ______ (speak) out your inner feeling won’t make you feel ashamed, on the contrary…

解析:句中已有谓语won’t make,所以speak应为非谓语动词;谓语前面应为主语,作主语,表示一般情况,要用动名词短语,故填Speaking。


[例22] _______ (complete) the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.

解析:因句中已有谓语will have to work,所以complete应为非谓语动词;因“(为了)按计划完成这项工程”是“我们每天不得不额外多工作两小时”的目的,作目的状语,用动词不定式,故填To complete。

[例23] Some people say that oldest children, who are smart and strong-willed, are very likely ___33___ (succeed). (2008年佛山一模)

解析:因在形容词likely后作状语,要用动词不定式,故填to succeed。

(3)作伴随状语,常用分词,与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词,是被动关系,用过去分词。如:[例24] He saw the stone, ___37___ (say) to himself: “The night will

be very dark.” (2008年东莞一模)


[例25] The headmaster went into the lab, ________(follow) by the foreign guests.

解析:句中已有谓语went,而follow又不是与之并列的,故为非谓语动词;又因the headmaster与follow是被动关系,故用过去分词followed作伴随状语。


[例26] There will be a meeting, ___40___ (start) later this year to review the film. (2008年广州二模)

解析:因a meeting与start是主动关系,用现在分词短语作定语,补充说明a meeting,故填starting。

[例27] Lessons ___39___ (learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people. (广东考试说明)

解析:因句中已有谓语can help,所以learn应为非谓语动词;又因lesson与learn 是被动关系,要用过去分词短语作定语,故填learned。




[例28] The youngster immediately fell ________ (silence) as tears flew down from his big blue eyes.


[例29] In a ________ (danger) part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand, they learnt to…


[例30] Teachers must try their best to make most of their students ________ (interest) in the subject

解析:因所填词在句中作宾语most of their students的补足语,用形容词;表示“感兴趣”,填interested。


[例31] When China’s ancient scientific and technological ________ (achieve) are mentioned, the nation will generally refer to the Four Great Inventions.

解析:在时间状语从句中,要求填的词作主语,China’s ancient scientific and technological是主语的定语;作主语要用名词,又由are可知,主语是复数,故填achievements。

[例32] These people have made great ___39___ (contribute) to China with their work.


解析:在句中作及物动词have made的宾语,要用名词形式;表示“作贡献”,其前面没有不定冠词时,习惯上用复数,故填contributions。

[例33] …instructors expect students to be familiar with ___32___ (inform) in the reading… (2008年三校联考)


技巧12:在形容词性物主代词后,或者在“冠词(+形容词)”后,用名词形式。如:[例34] …the remains date from this period because of their ___38___ (similar) to those found elsewhere. (2008年广州二模)


[例35] With the large numbers of students, the ________ (operate) of the system does involve a certain amount of activity.


技巧13:修饰动词、形容词、副词,或整个句子,作状语,用副词形式。如:[例36] As I looked ___32___ (close) at this girl, I fount that… (2008年深圳一模) 解析:修饰动词looked,作状语,用副词,故填closely。

[例37] There must be something ___40___ (serious) wrong with our society. (2008潮州期末)


[例38]Singles are flocking(涌向) to the Internet ___33___ (main) because their busy lifestyles leave them little time… (2008年惠州三模)


技巧14:括号中所给词有可能是要求词义转换,词类不一定要变,主要是考查具有与词根意义相反的派生词,需根据句子意思及前后逻辑关系,在词根前加un—, im—等,在词根后加—less等。如:

[例39] People certainly have a variety of reasons for going back to school but one important thing to know is, no knowledge is ________ (use).


[例40] Y our mistake caused a lot of ________ (necessary) work in the office.



[例41]…there was a lot of information about the city’s well-known tourist ___34___ (attract)… (2008年广州一模)


[例42]The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could…He jumped even ___36___ (hard) and finally made himself out. (2008年期末)


[例43]Storms which produced at least 13 tornadoes swept along New Mexico’s border with Texas on Friday, destroying homes and other buildings and injuring at least 16 people, several critically, authorities said.

The ___33___ (bad) damage was reported in the towns of Logan and Clovis, which are about 80 miles apart, police said. (2007梅州二模)


3. 重读全文,解决难题。



英语语法填空解题技巧与方法 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考察语法知识的运用能力,我们在解题时可遵循“三步走”浏览全文,了解大意;边读边填,先易后难;验证核查,清楚难点。 语法填空的考察形式分为两大类:无提示词填空类;提示性词填空类 一.无提示词类。即纯空格题。(只限一个单词) 纯空格填空题主要是填冠词(a/ an /the)、介词、代词、连接词(含从属连词和并列连词)等虚词.。 技巧1:在简单句和并列句中,若句子缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词。 技巧2:若两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填并列连词(连接并列的句子)或从属连词(连接定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句(以句子为单位) 1.I have ___________ interesting book. _________ is called “Frozen” 2.___________ he worked very hard, he still failed the test. 3.He was very tired after working for a whole day, ____________ he felt very happy. 4.Whether we will go to the park depends _____________ the weather. 二.提示性填空类。即用所给词的适当形式填空,(此类题填空不超过三个单词)。此类型的题一般考察动词的时态、语态、单复数;动词非谓语(to do / done/ doing); 词性的转换(形名副动);adj/ adv 的比较级和最高级。 注意:(一)、.判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。要从以下两点进行思考:(1). 若句子没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关 系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要考虑时态语态和单复数 1 . Friends can always _____________(trust),loved and respected. 2.People in the future _______________(know) and benefit from the technology. (2.)若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,所给动词就是非谓语动词。若是非谓 语动词就要确定是v-ing形式,-ed形式,还是不定式,确定的方法主要有: (1) 作主语,通常用v-ing 形式表示习惯或一般情况,(用不定式表示具体情况) (2) 作目的状语或在形容词后作状语,一般用不定式 (3) 作伴随状语,通常用分词,若与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词(v-ing);若是被动关系,用过去分词(-ed) 1.We are supposed to work very hard _____________(go) to a good university.


第二讲英语语法填空解题方法与技巧 1. 通读全文,把握大意。 既然是通过语篇在语境中考语法,那么,我们在解题前,应快速浏览短文,把握全文大意,这一步非常重要。 2. 结合语境,试填空格。 读懂短文之后,要结合短文所提供的特定的语言环境,从句子结构的完整性去分析思考空格所缺单词的词性,再根据句子的结构和意义,以及句子之间的逻辑关系来确定具体要填的单词和所给词的正确形式。具体来说,可按设题类型分为三类情况: (1)纯空格试题的解题技巧。 首先,分析句子结构,确定填哪类词。然后,再根据句子的意思,确定具体填什么词;或根据两句间的逻辑关系确定具体用哪个连词。 (2)给出了动词的试题的解题技巧 首先,判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。然后按以下两点进行思考。 若句中没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要考虑时态语态。 若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,所给动词就是非谓语动词。若是非谓语动词就要确定用—ing形式、—ed形式,还是用不定式形式, (3)、词类转换题的解题技巧 根据该词在句子所作句子成分确定用哪种形式。具体方法有: 技巧1:作表语、定语或补语,通常用形容词形式。如: [例1] The youngster immediately fell ________ (silence) as tears flew down from his big blue eyes. [例2] In a ________ (danger) part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand, they learnt to… 技巧2:作主语、在及物动词或介词后作宾语,用名词形式。如: [例3] These people have made great ___39___ (contribute) to China with their work. [例4] …instructors expect students to be familiar with ___32___ (inform) in the reading… 技巧3:在形容词性物主代词后,或者在“冠词(+形容词)”后,用名词形式。如: [例5] It is difficult to find out the (similar) between the two countries. [例6] With his ________ (patient), I made great progress in English. 技巧4:修饰动词、形容词、副词,或整个句子,作状语,用副词形式。如: [例7] As I looked ___32___ (close) at this girl, I fount that… [例8] There must be something ___40___ (serious) wrong with our society. 技巧5:括号中所给动词不一定是考动词的时态语态或非谓语动词,而是考词类转换;若是形容词或副词,有可能是考查其比较等级。如: [例9]…there was a lot of information about the city’s well-known tourist ___34___ (attract)… [例10]The other frog went on jumping as hard as he could…He jumped even ___36___ (hard) and finally made himself out 3. 重读全文,解决难题。 在解题过程中要先易后难,难题在大部分空格填好后,再经过仔细推敲,难题也就不会再难了。所有空格填好后,把整篇文章从头至尾复读一遍。 专项练习 1. He has a sense of (humorous). 2. Recent (study) show that smoking is bad to our health.


广东茂名市2015高考英语语法填空和阅读系列练习(9) 语法填空。请按照语境以及括号里所给的词完成短文。答案填写在答题卡标号为16-25的相应位置。 Dear Gill, Do you remember me telling you about a health farm I'd seen advertised? Well, I've looked at the ad again and I must say ____16___ looks fantastic. Now I'm hoping to persuade you to join me there for a weekend! The rooms you stay in sound really luxurious and apparently they all have an access ___17___ the gardens. All the meals are offered at a ____18___(reason) price and you can also get room service ____19____ you want. The brochure says that what you do is _____20____(entire) up to you. You can have program specially ___21____(design) to suit you, or you can just ask staff to make a few suggestions about activities to do. You can use ____22___ of the sports and leisure facilities for as much as you like, and the brochure also mentions lots of other activities every day. But don't worry, as nobody will watch you do anything, you could just spend the whole time ___23___(relax) n the sauna if you wanted! There's a terrific offer on at the moment with weekends costing only half the normal price although that only ____24___ certain dates. Anyway, let me know ____25___ you think. Best wishes Sue 【参考答案】语法填空: it 17.to 18.reasonable 19.whenever/if 20.entirely designed 22.my 23.relaxing 24.for 25.what 【甘肃省嘉峪关市一中2014模拟】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项. Yesterday, I met a delightful woman at a work event.As we talked, she told me about her 21 in Manila, Philippines. She spoke about the 22 her culture values their elders, and she explained that children are 23 from the time of birth to respect and 24 people older than themselves. It was 25 to hear that,so I enjoyed listening and learning. Here is her memory 26 I found so beautiful: When she was growing up, her father had three jobs to 27 his family. She said her dad never 28 , and though he worked very hard, he always had 29 for them. One day, her father was 30 at his full-time job. For several months, he was mailed temporary disability checks 31 he was recovering. When her father was able to return to his full-time job, he took all those disability 32 that were sent to him while he was recovering and handed them back to the 33 . He told them that he had two good legs and arms, and did not need this money. He told them to give the money to people who could not work, to people who 34 needed it. The woman telling the story was a little girl at that time. She had 35 her father that very day when he went back to his company 36 all those unopened checks. "My father is my


语法填空专练 2013广东高考真题 One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 1 ( find ) that he had run out of salt.So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it; neither too much 2 too little.” His son looked surprised. “I can understand why I s houldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, 3 not sav e a bit of money?” “That would be a very 4 ( reason ) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like our s,” Nick said. Nick’s guests, 5 had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. Nick replied, “The only reason a man would sell salt 6 a lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect 7 the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.” “But such a small thing couldn’t 8 ( possible ) destroy a village.” “In the beginning, there was only 9 very small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone added a little, always 10 ( think ) that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended up today.” 2012广东高考真题 Mary will ever forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day,__1_____( wear ) sun glasses. He walked in as if he __2____(buy) the school , And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City . For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt __3___ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in __4___last row.

英语语法填空解题技巧 做英语语法填空的技巧

英语语法填空解题技巧做英语语法填空的技巧 英语语法填空被认为是一种障碍性阅读理解题型,那么你知道怎样做好英语语法填空吗?下面是小编为你整理的做英语语法填空的方法,希望大家喜欢! 做英语语法填空的技巧 技巧一:名词形式变化。 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。 例:There are many students living at school,the (child) houses are all far from schoo1.由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,

所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式 复数的所有格children’s。 技巧二:动词形式变化。 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例:A talk (give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是将来作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式to be given。

技巧三:代词形式变化。 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。 例:The king decided to see the painter by (he).由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 技巧四:形容词、副词比较级变化。 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比较级和


高考英语语法填空技巧与方法 高考语法填空题究竟考什么?怎么考?请看下面的研究结果吧。只有数据事实最具说服力。 1.考什么? 根据此表,我们知道,语法填空的考点或考查内容是: (1)纯空格题:通常考冠词、介词、代词和连词等四类词。 (2)用括号中所给词填空:通常考谓语动词的时态和语态、非谓语动词、形容词和副词的比较等级、词类转换等。 解题高招 1. 通读全文,把握大意。 既然是通过语篇在语境中考语法,那么,我们在解题前,应快速浏览短文,把握全文大意,这一步非常重要。 2. 结合语境,试填空格。 读懂短文之后,要结合短文所提供的特定的语言环境,从句子结构的完整性去分析思考空格所缺单词的词性,再根据句子的结构和意义,以及句子之间的逻辑关系来确定具体要填的单词和所给词的正确形式。具体来说,可按设题类型分为三类情况: (1)纯空格试题的解题技巧。 首先,分析句子结构,确定填哪类词。然后,再根据句子的意思,确定具体填什么词;或根据两句间的逻辑关系确定具体用哪个连词。确定填哪类词有以下7个技巧: 技巧1:缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)。如:

[例1]I can send a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and ___38___ gets there almost in a second. 技巧2:名词前面,若没有限定词(冠词、形容词性物主代词、不定代词),很可能是填限定词。[例2]It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty was very anxious to help ___33___rice crop grow up quickly. [例3]…the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to ___35___ small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage. 技巧3:句子不缺主语、表语、动词后不缺宾语的情况下,名词或代词前面,一定是填介词。[例4]…who should have the honour of receiving me ___33___ a guest in their house. 技巧4:若两个或几个单词或短语之间没有连词,可能是填连词。 [例5]…two world-famous artists, Pablo Picasso ___34Candido Portinari, which are worth millions of dollars. [例6]…all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me ___36___almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. (2008年深圳一模) 技巧5:若两句(一个主谓关系算一个句子)之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填并列连词或从属连词。 [例7] I wanted to see as much of the city as possible in the two days ___32___I was to return to Guangzhou. [例8] He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, ___37___he felt very happy…(2008年广东高考) 技巧6:若结构较完整,空格后的谓语动词是原形,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,很可能是填情态动词或表示强调或倒装的助动词(do, does, did等)。 [例9]What is acceptable in one country ___31___be considered extremely rude in another. [例10] He had no time or energy to play with his children or talk with his wife, but he ______ bring home a regular salary. 技巧7:由特殊的句式结构来判断空格应填的词。 (1)由it is…that…强调结构形式,判断填it还是that。如: [例11] …and ___40was only after I heard she became sick that I learned she couldn’t eat MSG (味精)! (2)由倒装句式判断,是填构成倒装的条件的only, so, neither, nor, never, hardly, seldom, not, until, had等,还是填do, does, did等。如: [例12] ______with hard work can you expect to get pay rise. (3)由it作形式主语或形式宾语的句式判断,空格处是否填it。如: [例13] …as ___32___took them just three minutes to steal paintings by two world-famous artists…[例14]Dating sites also make ___36___easy to avoid someone whom you are not interested in. (4)so /such…that…句型。如: [例15] This made the goat so jealous ___34___it began plotting against (谋划对付) the donkey. (5)more…than…(与其说……不如说……,比……更……)句型。如: [例16]Cynthia’s story shows vividly that people remember more how much a manager cares ___40___ how much he pays. (2) 给出了动词的试题的解题技巧 首先,判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。然后按以下两点进行思考。 技巧8:若句中没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要考虑时态语态。 [例17]His fear of failure ___36___ (keep) him from classroom games that other children played with joyous abandon. [例18] That was definitely not an attractive idea so I politely declined her Invitation, ___40___ (close) my book and walked away. [例19] In Logan, three people ___38___ (take)to a hospital, while others were treated at a local clinic. 技巧9:若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,所给动词就是非谓语动词。若是非谓语动词就要确定用—ing形式、—ed形式,还是用不定式形式,确定的方法主要有: (1)作主语或宾语,通常用—ing形式表示习惯或一般情况,用不定式表示具体的情况。如:


高三英语语法填空专练 英语语法填空技巧与方法 1. 通读全文,把握大意。 既然是通过语篇在语境中考语法,那么,我们在解题前,应快速浏览短文,把握全文大意,这一步非常重要。 2. 结合语境,试填空格。 读懂短文之后,要结合短文所提供的特定的语言环境,从句子结构的完整性去分析思考空格所缺单词的词性,再根据句子的结构和意义,以及句子之间的逻辑关系来确定具体要填的单词和所给词的正确形式。具体来说,可按设题类型分为三类情况: A.纯空格试题的解题技巧: 首先,分析句子结构,确定填哪类词。然后,再根据句子的意思,确定具体填什么词;或根据两句间的逻辑关系确定具体用哪个连词。确定填哪类词有以下7个技巧: 技巧1:缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词或名词(多考代词)。如: [例1]I can send a message to Kenya whenever I want to, and ___38___ gets there almost in a second. (2007年茂名一模) 解析:and连接前后两个句子,and后面的句子缺主语,应填名词或代词;结合前一分句,不难推知,“马上可到达那里”的是the message,替代the message用代词it。 技巧2:名词前面,若没有限定词(冠词、限定词、不定代词),很可能是填限定词。 [例2]…the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to ___35___ small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage. (2007年广东高考)解析:因单数可数名词town前还没有限定词,应填限定语;根据句意,是指将车拉到离那里大约有20公里远的一个小镇上去修理,表示“一个”,用不定冠词,故填a。 技巧3:句子不缺主语、表语、动词后不缺宾语的情况下,名词或代词前面,一定是填介词。 [例3]… who should have the honour of receiving me ___33___ a guest in their house. 解析:因a guest在句中不作主语、表语、动词的宾语,前面一定是填介词,使其成为该介词的宾语;又由句意可知,他们“把我当作客人”来接待,表示“当作”,用介词as。技巧4:若两个或几个单词或短语之间没有连词,可能是填连词。 [例4]…all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose smile just melted me ___36___almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. (2008年深圳一模) 解析:因melted me和gave me两个动宾短语之间没有连词,一定是填连词;并列关系,故填and。 技巧5:若两句(一个主谓关系算一个句子)之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填并列连词或从属连词。 [例5] He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, ___37___he felt very happy… 解析:因He was very tired…是一个句子,he felt very happy…也是一个句子,这两个句子之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填连词;根据逻辑,转折,故填but。技巧6:若结构较完整,空格后的谓语动词是原形,特别是与上下文时态不一致或主谓不一致时,很可能是填情态动词或表示强调或倒装的助动词(do, does, did等)。 [例6]What is acceptable in one country ___31___be considered extremely rude in another. 解析:句中What is acceptable in one country是主语从句,空格后的be considered


广东高考英语语法填空专题训练语法填空(每篇共10小题;每小题1.5分,每篇满分15分) 阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空, 并将答案填写在答题卡上标号为1—10的相应位置。 Passage (1) Cars are too expensive for many people around the world to own. Not only that, many cities are already full of traffic, and many country areas have rough roads. So 1 do people travel those distances that are too far to walk? They use public transportation. If you ride the subway or bus 2 you live, you can appreciate some of the benefits of public transportation. With many people 3 (share) one bus or train, there is less traffic and, more 4 (importance), less pollution. Which of the types of mass transit 5 (describe) below are you familiar with? If a regular bus can hold dozens of people, imagine what a bus 6 (two) the size can hold! In Great Britain, there are many buses that are known as double-deckers (cars with two floors). Buses in Haiti are often very crowded. It’s not 7 (common) for passengers to actually sit on the rooftops. Buses are sometimes called “tap-taps”, because the 8 (ride) on the roof tap(敲击)when they want to be dropped off. Many large cities around the world take advantage of the space beneath the streets and run underground trains. People in Paris, Mexico City and Tokyo may use the subway system to get to school, to work, or to visit friends in other 9 (neighbor). Both the Japanese and French have developed High-speed trains to link various cities. While electric trains in North America average 130 kph, the French TGV (high-speed-train) is the world’s fastest, 10 (average) over 270 kph! Passage (2) Australia, the last continent, was discovered by ships 1 (belong) to some European nations in the seventeenth century. These nations were 2 (little) interested in changing it into a colony than in 3 (explore) it. As in the early history of the United States, it was the English 4 set up the settlements in Australia. This history and the geography of these two British colonies have some other things in common as well. Australia and the United States are about the same in size, and their western lands are both not rich 5 soil. It was on the eastern coast of Australia and America that the English first settled, and both colonies soon began to develop towards the west. However, this westward 6 (move) took place 7 because the English were searching for better land than the population was increasing. Settlements of the west part of both countries developed quickly after gold 8 (discover) in America in 1849 and in Australia two years later. Although the development of these two countries has a lot in common, there are some 9 (strike) differences as well. The United States gained its independence from England by revolution while Australia won its independence without having to go to war. Australia, 10 (like) the United States, was firstly turned into a colony by English prisoners and its economic development was in wheat growing and sheep raising. By 1922, for example, Australia had fifteen times more sheep than it had people or almost half as many sheep as there are people today in the United States. Australia and the United States have more in common with each other than either one has with most of the rest of the world.

广东省高考英语语法填空专题 (共28篇)

广东省高考英语语法填空专题(共28篇) 语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 (1) (2008年佛山二模改编) Several men hit the Sao Paulo Museum of Art just before dawn on December 20th , 2007,and __1__ shocked the authorities as it took the thieves just three minutes to steal paintings __2__ two world— famous artists, Pablo Picasso __3__ Candido Poninari,__4__ are worth millions of dollars. Images from the secret camera show that two men began their action at 5∶09 a. m. ,__5__ the guards in the museum were going through their shift change(换岗). They broke through two glass doors,__6__(run) to the museum?s top floor and grabbed the two paintings from different rooms,somehow __7__(avoid) nearby guards. The alarm never rang,and by 5∶12 a. m. ,they were making their escape. After __8__,the police were interviewing the 30 museum employees. “Everything indicates thieves were sent to do it by some wealthy art lover for __9__ own collection. He was not rich enough to buy the paintings,__10__ he was wealthy,” said the lead police officer,Marcos Gomes de Moura. 1.[解析]第二分句前有and,说明前后句为并列句,用人称代词it,代替前句内容。[答案]it 2.by 3. and 4.[解析]第二分句前无连词,说明此处是非限制性定语从句,用which 引导。 [答案]which 5.[解析]引导时间状语从句,意思是:当博物馆的保安换班的时候。 [答案]when 6.[解析]broke,ran,grabbed三个动词作并列谓语。


2021新高考英语语法填空专题解析及方法指导 I.题型研读 ◎命题宗旨 语法填空题于2014年首次出现在高考新课标英语试卷中,它标志着把英语基础知识放在一句话中做单项选择的时代的终结,标志着在语篇中考查语言基本功的时代已经到来。 ◎材料词数 短文体200词左右;对话体(广东卷)180词左右。 ◎命题方式 *提示词类 要求改变词的呈现形式(偶尔也可以不改) *纯空格类 要求填“小词”,指的是体型短小、实际含义不是很大、又不可或缺的词汇。如冠词、连词、介词、代词、副词、引导词、以及特殊句式中涉及到的小词。 ◎考查重点 词法、语法、句法、语篇 II. 语法填空题满分指南 ◎提示词类 1.动词的考点分布研究

a.做谓语 On my way to school, A boy on a bike caught(catch) my attention. It was(be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up. If the new students are accepted (accept),many universities will offer an instruction program for them to get to know the procedures. b.做非谓语 It took years of work to reduce (reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water. While there are amazing(amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the changes are gradual. One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about being(be) late for school. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and disappointed(disappoint). When she got home with her small but well chosen(choose) present in her bag, her parents were already at table having dinner. The bell rang again, and then she heard her letter-box being pushed(push) open. Generally speaking(speak),they can meet people’s needs very well. c.考查词性转换 *动词变成形容词 I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep last night. I fell asleep(sleep) at about two o’clock in the morning. Suddenly, all fear was gone(go) and I backed up and unlocked my car door.

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