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Dear ladies and gentlemen:

We are the researchers who work at Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal University. Recently, we are studying that foreigners commit crimes in China. The aim of this study is to learn the basic state of foreigners committing crimes in China, particularly the reason of crime, to find some approaches to avoiding crime through improving the foreigners’ living and working condition. We hope to help foreigners to fuse into Chinese social life.

Perhaps your answers only reflect your own situation, but more mad more answers could form a big social problem that every person has to deal with. Therefore, your real encounter and feelings is important not only for the research, improving the foreigners’ living and working condi tion, even for the development of Chinese society and the progress of the legal system.

The information that we obtain from this research is only used to do the legal study. This research conducted secretly so that your identity and answers will not be showed to anyone. Your answer will not exact the negative effect on you, so when you answer these questions you can relax yourself.

We are grateful for your participation and cooperation for

this research.

Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal University

March, 2014


mark the “√”,if your situation is meet the option. You can choose not only one option. Some questions need your further explanation, please fill up with your true feelings.

2. No matter what your answer is, it will not have any negative effect on you, your family, your friends and others.

3. Please complete this questionnaire independently. Don’t discuss with others.

4. If you have other views on this research or need consultation and help in legal problems, please write it down or contact us directly.


Contact person: Lirong Guo


Mailling address: Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjiekouwai Street, Beijing

Postcode: 100875

The questionnaire on foreigners committing crimes in


1.What is your gender


B. Female

2.What is your age

3.What is your nationality

4.What is your education level

A.Never go to school

B.Primary school

C.Middle school

D.High school or vocational school

E.University degree or above

5.What is your Chinese level

A.Excellent, no language barrier

B.No problem in daily conversation

C.You only can say some simple greetings.

D.You hardly speak Chinese

6.What is your job in your own country before you come to China


B.Work in a company, white collar

C.Run some small business, ordinary worker



7.When did you come to China

8.Why do you come to China




D.Do business (hope to make a lot of money)

E.Visit relatives and friends


9.What is your basic situation in China before you are sent

to prison

A.Study in school

B.Work in a company, white collar

C.Run some small business, ordinary worker



10. Why are you sent to prison

A. theft

B. rob

C. loot

D. fraud

E. extortion

F. rape

G. intentional injury

H. smuggle


intentional homicide J. vending narcotic drugs K.


11. How long are you sentenced to in prison Year/s


12. When do you commit your crime

A. The first year when you come to China

B. The second year when you come to China

C. The third year when you come to China

D. after five years when you come to China

E. others:

13. Did you commit your crime alone

A. yes, I committed the crime on my own

B. no, other people participated in crime

Tips: If you choose A, please answer 18th question directly;

if you choose B, answer the next question.

14. How many people participated in crime including you

15. Did Chinese participate in crime A. yes B. No

16. When you are committing crime who is your leader

A. me

B. Chinese

C. people who are hardened and professional

D. no leader, we discuss together

17. Why do you commit crime with Chinese

A. I could not complete the crime on my own

B. Chinese wanted to use my foreign identity provides convenience for committing crime.

C. Chinese know more about Chinese situation, I want to use him.

D. we happened to commit crime together

18. Some options that about the victim (you can choose not only one option)

A. no victim or you do not know the situation of the victim

B. the victim is a juvenile

C. the victim is an adult

D. the victim is an old person

E. the victim is female

F. the victim is Chinese

G. the victim is not Chinese

H. you know the victim (your friends, neighbor, or others)

I. the victim is a stranger

19. What is your understanding of your crime before you take action

A. you know this action will violate the criminal law in China, but you think that you will not be caught

B. you know this action will violate the criminal law in China, but you think that you are a foreigner; even if you are caught, you will not be punished

C. you do not know this action will violate the criminal law,

but you think it is illegal

D. you think your action is legal; it will not incur adverse consequences

20. Your crime that commit in China:

A. it also violate the law in your own country

B. it do not violate the law in your own country

C. you do not know whether it is a crime in your own country

21. Why you commit crime in China (you can choose not only one option)

A. you do not have money; your life is difficult

B. you need some money to squander

C. seek thrill

D. sexual satisfaction

E. suffers wrong; want to vent

F. aggressive, want to oppress others

G. chivalrous person, like to help friends

H. others

22. When are you caught by the police after you commit crime

A. arrested on spot

B. within a day

C. within a week

D. within a month

E. within six months

F. within a year

G. more than a year

23. During the trial process, do you hire a lawyer

A. my family or I hire a lawyer for me

B. I do not hire any lawyer, the court appoint lawyer for me

C. I do not hire any lawyer and the court does not appoint lawyer for me

24. During the trail process, did any translator provide service for you

A. Yes, translator provides service for me

B. no translator but I can understand Chinese

C. I could not understand Chinese and there is no translator providing service for me.

25. How many times did you commit crime in China

A. once

B. more than once

C. many times (more than three times)

26. Have you ever committed crime in your own country or other countries before you come to China

A. no

B. yes, I have. I commit

27. What is your age when you first committed crime years old.

28. If when you are going to commit crime (you have already come to the crime scene or you are on the way to the crime scene) but you encounter police on patrol, how do you behave in such situation

A. only if you will not be caught, you will continue to commit crime

B. depends on the situation; if the action is not detected, you will continue to commit crime

C. scared; you abandon your crime act

29. If you find that there are some monitor devices in your guilty place, how do you behave

A. abandons your crime act

B. try to avoid these monitor devices and continue to commit crime

C. ignores these devices, continue to commit crime

30. Compared with your own country or other countries where you have been there, what is your opinion on Chinese public security

A. excellent feels safe

B. just so so;

C. less good

D. bad, you do not have a sense of safety

31. Except your crime which was accused, do you have illegal entry, illegal residence or illegal employment

A. no

B. yes, you have been detected by police

C. yes, you have but you are not detected by police

Tips: If you choose A, please answer the 34th question directly; if you choose B, please answer the next question; if you choose C, please answer the 33 question.

32. If the police detect your illegal entry, illegal residence, or illegal employment, how do they deal with

A. they do not give any punishment

B. fine

C. detention

D. instruct me to leave China within the deadline

33. Before you are detected by police, how long did you illegal entry, illegal residence or illegal employment last

A. no more than three months

B. 3~6 months

C. more than 6 months less than 1 year

D. more than 1year

34. What is the relationship between you and your neighbors

A. you do not know each other

B. you know few of them and chat with them

C. you know most of them and you are friends

35. Have you ever taken part in any community events (New Year celebrations)

A. yes, I have.

B. no, I have not.

36. Do you know about Chinese law

A. not at all

B. a little

C. a lot

37. How do you learn about Chinese law

A. reading books or consulting the code

B. you watch some TV program, like Today’s Law or others

C. the lawyer or the legal counsel who are work in my company tell me

D. the laws education activity in our community

E. others

38. Compared with other countries where you have lived in, do you think that it is very difficult to integrate into Chinese society

A. more difficult than other countries where I have lived in

B. easier than other countries

C. no big difference

39. What is the most difficult problem to you to live in China

A. language

B. food

C. working environment

D. interpersonal communication

E. uncivilized act of strangers

F. the hidden rules that prevail in society

G. others

40. According to your experience of living in China, do you think it is easier or more difficult to deal with some events as a foreigner, compared with Chinese

A. more difficult

B. easier

C. no big difference

If you have any suggestions on Chinese law (criminal law, criminal procedure law, exit and entry law), please write it down:

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