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基于51单片机智能无线耦合充电设备综述 文献综述.pdf

基于51单片机智能无线耦合充电设备综述 文献综述.pdf
基于51单片机智能无线耦合充电设备综述 文献综述.pdf












2015年03 月13日



无线充电技术(Wireless charging technology;Wireless charge technology ),源于无线电力输送技术。无线充电,又称作感应充电、非接触式感应充电,是利用近场感应,也就是电感耦合,由供电设备(充电器)将能量传送至用电的装置,该装置使用接收到的能量对电池充电,并同时供其本身运作之用。由于充电器与用电装置之间以电感耦合传送能量,两者之间不用电线连接,因此充电器及用电的装置都可以做到无导电接点外露。





随着科技的发展,电子产品迅速普及,面对身边手机、数码相机、蓝牙耳机、Pad 等数字终端的不同种类的充电器和充电线,看起来杂乱无章,用起来也非常不便。人们对充电技术的需求,逐步向智能便捷、简单通用、节能环保的方向发展。随之应运而生的面向数字终端的无线充电技术,无需人工线缆的连接即可自动对电子设备智能充电。一方面能让产品消费者摆脱各种充电线缆的困扰;另一方面, 也能解决数字终端充电器的通用性问题。如同WIFI一样,消费者可以在家里、地铁、机场等公用场所进行便捷无线充电,避免了型号不匹配无法充电的现象。



目前的无线充电技术还不算成熟,标准也尚未统一,还达不到上述的理想状态。业内主要有三大充电标准,分别是WPC 公司的QI 标准、PMA 公司的Power2.0 标准

和A4WP 公司的Rezence 标准。目前,研发的无线充电技术种类很多,但主流技术有三种:电磁感应、电磁共振、以及射频识别式方案。其中,WPC 和PMA 暂时是基于电磁感应技术,A4WP 是基于电磁共振技术,射频识别无线充电方案虽然目前没有成型的产品问世,但其却有着比前两种技术方案更广泛的应用前景。整个全球无线充电市场未来将高速发展,根据全球著名研究机构ISH 的13 份报告分析,在未来的 4 年里,整理无线充电硬件市场产值将翻10 倍。例如,2014 年 5 月推出的LG G3,5 天内销售了10 万部,这么惊人的销售数据,在于它的无线充电保护壳带有圆孔显示的Quick Circle。



谭建军,吴兴权(2002) 《智能微型充电器的开发与应用》智能微型充电器能很好地解决充电器通用性的问题。解释了智能微型充电器的工作原理及其应用。

张益铭(2013) 《无线充电技术标准浅析》无线充电将会是未来移动设备的一个发展方向,也是各大厂商争相研究的热点技术之一。目前的无线充电的主流标准分为


丁炜(2006) 《脉冲强磁场测量系统的研究与实现》本文围绕着电磁感应法测量原理,从脉冲强磁场测量特点及现场环境出发,对脉冲强磁场测量系统的具体实现进行了研究和分析, 针对脉冲强磁体测量特点,对系统探测线圈结构及骨架材料进行了分析设计。设计出的多级旋钮探头,温度系数小、性能稳定,可以方便地整合温度传感器和样品保持器。

黄洁琳,章磊(2009) 《无线充电的设计》介绍了一种由常用电子器件构成,以射频电路、接收控制电路为核心,以电感线圈实现无线传能的无线充电器,简单实用,成本低廉。并通过实验验证了方案的可行性。

徐守时(2003) 《信号与系统》帮助学生建立层次分明的全课程认知结构,以目标激发学生学习心向,以算法为核心讲解,将工程设计与课堂教学同步,大大提高了学生的编程能力。

张桂芬(2005) 《电子技术基础》在教学过程中可以作为实例进行分析讲解,具有较高的学习分析价值,也具有一定的实用价值,结合不同的方法,有一个系统全面的介绍。









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AT89C51外文翻译 Description The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS-51? instruction-set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. Features ? Compatible with MCS-51? Products ? 4K Bytes of In-System Reprogrammable Flash Memory – Endurance: 1,000 Write/Erase Cycles ? Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 24 MHz ? Three-Level Program Memory Lock ? 128 x 8-Bit Internal RAM ? 32 Programmable I/O Lines ? Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters ? Six Interrupt Sources ? Programmable Serial Channel ? Low Power Idle and Power Down Modes The AT89C51 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash,128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.


单片机的电子密码锁 目录 第一章绪论......................................................... . (2) 1.1电子密码锁简介......................................................... .. (2) 1.2电子密码锁设计的背景及意 义............................................................................. . (3) 第2章总体设计............................................................................. . (3) 2.1设计分析............................................................................. (3) 2.2系统结构............................................................................. (4) 第3章硬件电路设计............................................................................. (5) 3.1单片机最小系统设计............................................................................. . (5) 3.1.1时钟电路............................................................................. (5) 3.1.2 复位电 路 ............................................................................ . (6) 3.1.3 最小系 统 ............................................................................


目录 目录 (1) 函数的使用和熟悉 (4) 实例3:用单片机控制第一个灯亮 (4) 实例4:用单片机控制一个灯闪烁:认识单片机的工作频率 (4) 实例5:将P1口状态分别送入P0、P2、P3口:认识I/O口的引脚功能 (5) 实例6:使用P3口流水点亮8位LED (5) 实例7:通过对P3口地址的操作流水点亮8位LED (6) 实例8:用不同数据类型控制灯闪烁时间 (7) 实例9:用P0口、P1 口分别显示加法和减法运算结果 (8) 实例10:用P0、P1口显示乘法运算结果 (9) 实例11:用P1、P0口显示除法运算结果 (9) 实例12:用自增运算控制P0口8位LED流水花样 (10) 实例13:用P0口显示逻辑"与"运算结果 (10) 实例14:用P0口显示条件运算结果 (11) 实例15:用P0口显示按位"异或"运算结果 (11) 实例16:用P0显示左移运算结果 (11) 实例17:"万能逻辑电路"实验 (11) 实例18:用右移运算流水点亮P1口8位LED (12) 实例19:用if语句控制P0口8位LED的流水方向 (13) 实例20:用swtich语句的控制P0口8位LED的点亮状态 (13) 实例21:用for语句控制蜂鸣器鸣笛次数 (14) 实例22:用while语句控制LED (15) 实例23:用do-while语句控制P0口8位LED流水点亮 (16) 实例24:用字符型数组控制P0口8位LED流水点亮 (17) 实例25:用P0口显示字符串常量 (18) 实例26:用P0 口显示指针运算结果 (19) 实例27:用指针数组控制P0口8位LED流水点亮 (19) 实例28:用数组的指针控制P0 口8 位LED流水点亮 (20) 实例29:用P0 、P1口显示整型函数返回值 (21) 实例30:用有参函数控制P0口8位LED流水速度 (22) 实例31:用数组作函数参数控制流水花样 (22) 实例32:用指针作函数参数控制P0口8位LED流水点亮 (23) 实例33:用函数型指针控制P1口灯花样 (25) 实例34:用指针数组作为函数的参数显示多个字符串 (26) 实例35:字符函数ctype.h应用举例 (27) 实例36:内部函数intrins.h应用举例 (27) 实例37:标准函数stdlib.h应用举例 (28) 实例38:字符串函数string.h应用举例 (29) 实例39:宏定义应用举例2 (29) 实例40:宏定义应用举例2 (29) 实例41:宏定义应用举例3 (30)


外文文献: Knowledge of the stepper motor What is a stepper motor: Stepper motor is a kind of electrical pulses into angular displacement of the implementing agency. Popular little lesson: When the driver receives a step pulse signal, it will drive a stepper motor to set the direction of rotation at a fixed angle (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the angular displacement, so as to achieve accurate positioning purposes; the same time you can control the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, to achieve speed control purposes. What kinds of stepper motor sub-: In three stepper motors: permanent magnet (PM), reactive (VR) and hybrid (HB) permanent magnet stepper usually two-phase, torque, and smaller, step angle of 7.5 degrees or the general 15 degrees; reaction step is generally three-phase, can achieve high torque output, step angle of 1.5 degrees is generally, but the noise and vibration are large. 80 countries in Europe and America have been eliminated; hybrid stepper is a mix of permanent magnet and reactive advantages. It consists of two phases and the five-phase: two-phase step angle of 1.8 degrees while the general five-phase step angle of 0.72 degrees generally. The most widely used Stepper Motor. What is to keep the torque (HOLDING TORQUE) How much precision stepper motor? Whether the cumulative: The general accuracy of the stepper motor step angle of 3-5%, and not cumulative.


项目编号___201111 ___ 江南大学物联网工程学院 大学生创新训练计划结题报告 项目名称基于51单片机的智能窗帘控制系统设计与实现项目负责人晶 所学专业电气工程及其自动化 所在学院物联网工程学院 (手机) 电子信箱diamond-heartqq. 项目起止年月2011/11-2012/05 第一指导教师肖永松 专业技术职务工程师 (手机) 电子信箱https://www.doczj.com/doc/f14651636.html, 结题日期2012年5月

江南大学物联网工程学院创新训练计划项目结题验收表学院名称:物联网工程学院填写日期:2012 年5 月

大学生创新训练计划 《基于AT89C51单片机的智能窗帘控制系统》成果精粹 江南大学 二○一二年五月

简介 随着物联网概念的发展,智能家居的理念也渐渐渗透到我们的生活中,受此启发,我们想尝试着做一个智能窗帘的控制系统,希望可以通过光强和时间来控制窗帘的开合。恰好我们都进行了电路、模电数电的学习,也曾初步接触了单片机,我们想通过设计这个控制系统来加深我们对所学容的理解和掌握,更加熟悉使用protel等专业软件。 计划设计一个系统可以实现以下功能: 在自动模式下,在设定的时间,如早成6点至晚上8点,晚上8点至早晨6点,时间控制,可以避免室开灯造成窗帘自动拉开。通过光强控制,在设定光照强度围,窗帘拉开,超过设定强度,如夏日中午,为避免房间被光直射造成温度过高,窗帘关闭。在手动模式下,通过按键来调整窗帘的开合状态。 最终设计使用STC89C51单片机,STC89C51有512字节的数据存储空间,是AT89C51的两倍,并且带有4K字节的EEPROM存储空间,可以断电后保存资料,可以直接使用串口下载,而AT89C51需要专用下载器。 控制系统可以实现对光信号的采集、转换、传输,并根据单片机接收到的信号,结合时钟电路的信号,对步进电机进行控制,通过控制步进电机转向及转动圈数,来实现对窗帘的打开及拉合控制。 设计时对硬件进行了模块化分析,以STC89C51作为主控芯片,光信号采集使用光敏模块,数模转换主要使用PCF8591芯片,显示模块采用1602液晶显示器,时钟电路采用DS1302芯片,电机驱动器主要使用ULN2003。


Structure and function of the MCS-51 series Structure and function of the MCS-51 series one-chip computer MCS-51 is a name of a piece of one-chip computer series which Intel Company produces. This company introduced 8 top-grade one-chip computers of MCS-51 series in 1980 after introducing 8 one-chip computers of MCS-48 series in 1976. It belong to a lot of kinds this line of one-chip computer the chips have,such as 8051, 8031, 8751, 80C51BH, 80C31BH,etc., their basic composition, basic performance and instruction system are all the same. 8051 daily representatives- 51 serial one-chip computers . An one-chip computer system is made up of several following parts: ( 1) One microprocessor of 8 (CPU). ( 2) At slice data memory RAM (128B/256B),it use not depositting not can reading /data that write, such as result not middle of operation, final result and data wanted to show, etc. ( 3) Procedure memory ROM/EPROM (4KB/8KB ), is used to preserve the procedure , some initial data and form in slice. But does not take ROM/EPROM within some one-chip computers, such as 8031 , 8032, 80C ,etc.. ( 4) Four 8 run side by side I/O interface P0 four P3, each mouth can use as introduction , may use as exporting too. ( 5) Two timer / counter, each timer / counter may set up and count in the way, used to count to the external incident, can set up into a timing way too, and can according to count or result of timing realize the control of the computer. ( 6) Five cut off cutting off the control system of the source . ( 7) One all duplexing serial I/O mouth of UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) ), is it realize one-chip computer or one-chip computer and serial communication of computer to use for. ( 8) Stretch oscillator and clock produce circuit, quartz crystal finely tune electric capacity need outer. Allow oscillation frequency as 12 megahertas now at most. Every the above-mentioned part was joined through the inside data bus .Among them, CPU is a core of the one-chip computer, it is the control of the computer and command centre, made up of such parts as arithmetic unit and controller , etc.. The arithmetic unit can carry on 8 persons of arithmetic operation and unit ALU of logic operation while including one, the 1 storing device temporarilies of 8, storing device 2 temporarily, 8's accumulation


The Introduction of AT89C51 Description The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. Function characteristic The AT89C51 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, one 5 vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, one-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C51 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset. Pin Description VCC:Supply voltage. GND:Ground.


简易智能交通灯设计 1、设计背景 自从1886两个德国人发明了第一辆汽车交通灯改变了交通路况,交通问题也渐渐被人们所重视。从英国伦敦街头的第一个以燃煤气为光源的红,蓝两色的机械扳手式信号灯,到现在以电为光源的红黄绿三色交通灯,不知不觉中交通信号灯在人们日常生活中占据了重要地位。随着人们社会活动日益增加,经济发展,汽车数量急剧增加,城市道路日渐拥挤,交通灯更加显示出了它的功能,使得交通得到有效管制,对于交通疏导,提高道路导通能力,减少交通事故有显著的效果。 近年来,随着科技的飞速发展,电子器件也随之广泛应用,其中单片机也不断深入人民的生活当中。本次课程设计以模拟交通灯系统利用单片机AT89C51作为核心元件,实现了通过信号灯对路面状况的智能控制。在一定程度上解决了交通路口堵塞、车辆停车,特殊情况的交通灯等待时间不合理、急车强通等问题。在该次的设计系统具有结构简单、可靠性高、成本低、实时性好、安装维护方便等优点,有广泛的应用前景。 本模拟系统由单片机软件系统,两位8段数码管和LED灯显示系统。和复位电路控制电路等组成,较好的模拟了对交通路面的控制。 1.1 设计思路 (1)分析目前交通路口的基本控制技术以及各种通行方案,并以此为基础提出自己的交通控制的初步方案。 (2)确定系统交通控制的总体设计,包括,十字路口具体的通行禁行方案设计以及系统应拥有的各项功能,在这里,本设计除了有信号灯状态控制能实现基本的交通功能,还增加了倒计时显示提示,并基于实际情况,又增加了紧急状况处理和通行时间可调这两项特特殊功能。 (3)进行倒计时显示电路,灯状态电路,特殊情况按键电路的设计和对各器件的选择及连接,大体分配各个器件及模块的基本功能要求。 (4)进行软件系统的设计和仿真中,程序在KEIL软件中用单片机c语言编写,电路的搭建和仿真实现是在proteus软件中实现的。在本次课程设计中通过对单片机内部结构和工作情况做了一定的研究,充分了解定时器,中断以及延时原理,为本次智能交通灯的设计提供了理论基础。


51 单片机实用程序库 4.1 流水灯 程序介绍:利用P1 口通过一定延时轮流产生低电平 输出,以达到发光二极管轮流亮的效果。实际应用中例如:广告灯箱彩灯、霓虹灯闪烁。 程序实例(LAMP.ASM) ORG 0000H AJMP MAIN ORG 0030H MAIN: 9 MOV A,#00H MOV P1,A ;灭所有的灯 MOV A,#11111110B MAIN1: MOV P1,A ;开最左边的灯 ACALL DELAY ;延时 RL A ;将开的灯向右边移 AJMP MAIN ;循环 DELAY: MOV 30H,#0FFH D1: MOV 31H,#0FFH D2: DJNZ 31H,D2 DJNZ 30H,D1 RET END 4.2 方波输出 程序介绍:P1.0 口输出高电平,延时后再输出低电 平,循环输出产生方波。实际应用中例如:波形发生器。 程序实例(FAN.ASM): ORG 0000H MAIN: ;直接利用P1.0 口产生高低电平地形成方波////////////// ACALL DELAY SETB P1.0 ACALL DELAY 10 CLR P1.0 AJMP MAIN ;////////////////////////////////////////////////// DELAY: MOV R1,#0FFH DJNZ R1,$ RET

五、定时器功能实例 5.1 定时1 秒报警 程序介绍:定时器1 每隔1 秒钟将p1.o 的输出状态改变1 次,以达到定时报警的目的。实际应用例如:定时报警器。程序实例(DIN1.ASM): ORG 0000H AJMP MAIN ORG 000BH AJMP DIN0 ;定时器0 入口 MAIN: TFLA G EQU 34H ;时间秒标志,判是否到50 个 0.2 秒,即50*0.2=1 秒 MOV TMOD,#00000001B;定时器0 工作于方式 1 MOV TL0,#0AFH MOV TH0,#3CH ;设定时时间为0.05 秒,定时 20 次则一秒 11 SETB EA ;开总中断 SETB ET0 ;开定时器0 中断允许 SETB TR0 ;开定时0 运行 SETB P1.0 LOOP: AJMP LOOP DIN0: ;是否到一秒//////////////////////////////////////// INCC: INC TFLAG MOV A,TFLAG CJNE A,#20,RE MOV TFLAG,#00H CPL P1.0 ;////////////////////////////////////////////////// RE: MOV TL0,#0AFH MOV TH0,#3CH ;设定时时间为0.05 秒,定时 20 次则一秒 RETI END 5.2 频率输出公式 介绍:f=1/t s51 使用12M 晶振,一个周期是1 微秒使用定时器1 工作于方式0,最大值为65535,以产生200HZ 的频率为例: 200=1/t:推出t=0.005 秒,即5000 微秒,即一个高电


外文资料翻译 STC89C52 processi ng chip Prime features: With MCS - 51 SCM product compatibility, 8K bytes in the system programmable Flash memory, 1000 times CaXie cycle, the static operation: 0Hz ~ 33Hz, triple encryption program memory, 32 programmed I/O port, three 16 timer/counter, the eight uninterrupted dual-career UART serial passage, low power consumption, leisure and fall after fall electric power mode can be awakened and continuous watchdog timer and double-number poin ter, power ide ntifier. Efficacy: characteristics STC89C52 is one kind of low power consumption, high CMOS8 bit micro-co ntroller, 8K in system programmable Flash memory. Use high-de nsity nonv olatile storage tech no logy, and in dustrial 80C51 product in structi on and pin fully compatible. The Flash memory chips allows programs in the system, also suitable for programmable conventional programming. In a single chip, have clever 8 bits CPU and on li ne system programmable Flash, in crease STC89C52 for many embedded control system to provide high vigorous application and useful solutions. STC89C52 has following standard efficacy: 8k byte Flash RAM, 256 bytes, 32 I/O port, the watchdog timer, two, three pointer numerical 16 timer/counter, a 6 vector level 2 continuous structure, the serial port, working within crystals and horological circuit. In addition, 0Hz AT89S52 can drop to the static logic operation, support two software can choose power saving mode. Idle mode, the CPU to stop working, and allows the RAM, timer/c oun ters, serial, continu ous to work. Protectio n asa na patter n, RAM content is survival, vibrators frozen, SCM, until all the work under a continuous or hardware reset. 8-bit microcontrollers 8K bytes in the system programmable Flash AT89S52 devices. Mouth: P0 P0 mouth is a two-way ope n drain I/O. As export, each can drive eight TTL logic level. For P0 port to write "1", foot as the high impeda nee in put. When access to exter nal programs and nu merical memory, also known as


智能控制仪表简单设计 龙岩学院电子信息工程 学号:200402208 姓名:邓晶晶指导老师:吴春富 【摘要】:随着传感器技术、微电子技术、单片机技术的不断发展,为智能控制仪表测控功能的完善、 测控精度的提高和抗干扰能力的增强等提供了条件。本设计介绍了一种用变送器现场采集的温、湿度等信号再经A/D 转换送单片机进行处理,最后通过数码显示器,键盘等硬件设计实现了工作过程的自动化。一般的单片机系统在工业现场等恶劣的环境下容易死机,所以在本文中外加监视电路对系统起保护作 用。 关键词】:AT89C52 单片机;HD7279A; 看门狗;

第1章引言 仪器仪表是人类认识世界的工具,人们借助于各种仪器仪表对各种物理量进行度量,反映其大小与变化规律.随着人类认识能力的提高与科学技术不断进步,仪器仪表技术得到了飞速发展.50年代以前, 仪器仪表多为指针式,其理论基础是机电学?从50年代起,电子技术特别是数字技术的发展,给仪表行业带来了生机,各种数字式仪表相继问世,许多传统的指针式仪表相继被淘汰,数字仪表使仪表外观耳目 一新,数据表达能力与总体性能都大幅提高? 70年代中期,随着微处理器的出现以及单片机的兴起与应 用,设计者将计算机特有的许多优点引入仪表设计,随之产生了一代崭新的智能仪表,使仪表逐渐由数字型向智能化发展,其功能也由单一显示功能转变为具有信息处理、传输、存贮、显示、控制等功能,使仪 表性能产生了质的飞跃.,品种繁多?目前,我国仪器仪表有13大类,1 300多个产品.其中自动化仪表及控制系统是和国民经济各产业部门关系最为密切的一类产品,其传感变送单元与主控装置及I/O接口 均正朝智能化方向发展?在本设计中采用以单片机作为仪表核心控制器件,可以利用A/D转换芯片对标 准信号进行采集、转换,将输入的模拟量转换成单片机能够检测的数字量进行分析和监测控制,同时可 以利用键盘显示电路将相关数据进行显示。与此同时通过所查阅的资料我还了解到随着测量技术的发展 和微处理器的广泛应用,单片机系统的电路越来越复杂,而系统的可靠性问题也越来越突出,一般的单 片机系统在工业现场等恶劣的环境下容易死机,因此系统在这些场合要保证能够稳定的工作就必须外加 监视电路,在设计中采用了美国集把关定时器、电压监控和串行EEPRO三项功能于一体的专用集成芯 片X5045。该芯片的应用将有利于简化单片机系统的结构,增强功能、降低系统的成本,尤其是大大的增加了系统的可靠性。X5045中的看门狗对系统提供了保护功能。当系统发生故障而超过设置时间时,电路中的看门狗将通过RESET言号向CPU作出反应。X5045提供了三个时间值供用户选择使用。它所具 有的电压临控功能还可以保护系统免受低电压的影响,当电源电压降到允许范围以下时,系统将复位,直到电源电压返回到稳定值为止。本次毕业设计旨在掌握智能控制仪表的设计方法,同时掌握在开发系 统下实现部分软件的仿真方法。 第2章控制系统的硬件设计 硬件组成智能仪表的硬件方框图如图 2.1 图2.1 智能控制仪表的原理框图 2


1.闪烁灯 1.实验任务 如图4.1.1所示:在P1.0端口上接一个发光二极管L1,使L1在不停地一亮一灭,一亮一灭的时间间隔为0.2秒。 2.电路原理图 图4.1.1 3.系统板上硬件连线 把“单片机系统”区域中的P1.0端口用导线连接到“八路发光二极管指示模块”区域中的L1端口上。 4.程序设计内容 (1).延时程序的设计方法 作为单片机的指令的执行的时间是很短,数量大微秒级,因此,我们要 求的闪烁时间间隔为0.2秒,相对于微秒来说,相差太大,所以我们在 执行某一指令时,插入延时程序,来达到我们的要求,但这样的延时程 序是如何设计呢?下面具体介绍其原理:

如图4.1.1所示的石英晶体为12MHz,因此,1个机器周期为1微秒机器周期微秒 MOV R6,#20 2个 2 D1: MOV R7,#248 2个 2 2+2×248=498 20× DJNZ R7,$ 2个2×248 (498 DJNZ R6,D1 2个2×20=40 10002 因此,上面的延时程序时间为10.002ms。 由以上可知,当R6=10、R7=248时,延时5ms,R6=20、R7=248时, 延时10ms,以此为基本的计时单位。如本实验要求0.2秒=200ms, 10ms×R5=200ms,则R5=20,延时子程序如下: DELAY: MOV R5,#20 D1: MOV R6,#20 D2: MOV R7,#248 DJNZ R7,$ DJNZ R6,D2 DJNZ R5,D1 RET (2).输出控制 如图1所示,当P1.0端口输出高电平,即P1.0=1时,根据发光二极管 的单向导电性可知,这时发光二极管L1熄灭;当P1.0端口输出低电平, 即P1.0=0时,发光二极管L1亮;我们可以使用SETB P1.0指令使P1.0 端口输出高电平,使用CLR P1.0指令使P1.0端口输出低电平。 5.程序框图 如图4.1.2所示



外文资料翻译 英文原文: Structure and function of the MCS-51 series Structure and function of the MCS-51 series one-chip computer MCS-51 is a name of a piece of one-chip computer series which Intel Company produces. This company introduced 8 top-grade one-chip computers of MCS-51 series in 1980 after introducing 8 one-chip computers of MCS-48 series in 1976. It belong to a lot of kinds this line of one-chip computer the chips have such as 8051, 8031, 8751, 80C51BH, 80C31BH,etc., their basic composition, basic performance and instruction system are all the same. 8051 daily representatives- 51 serial one-chip computers . An one-chip computer system is made up of several following parts: (1) One microprocessor of 8 (CPU). (2) At slice data memory RAM (128B/256B),it use not depositing not can reading /data that write, such as result not middle of operation, final result and data wanted to show, etc. (3) Procedure memory ROM/EPROM (4KB/8KB ), is used to preserve the procedure , some initial data and form in slice. But does not take ROM/EPROM within some one-chip computers, such as 8031 , 8032, 80C ,etc.. (4) Four 8 run side by side I/O interface P0 four P3, each mouth can use as introduction, may use as exporting too. (5) Two timer / counter, each timer / counter may set up and count in the way, used to count to the external incident, can set up into a timing way too, and can according to count or result of timing realize the control of the computer. (6) Five cut off cutting off the control (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) ), is it realize one-chip computer or one-chip computer and serial communication of computer to use for. (8) Stretch oscillator and clock produce circuit, quartz crystal finely tune electric capacity need outer. Allow oscillation frequency as 12 megahertz now at most. Every the above-mentioned part was joined through the inside data bus .Among them, CPU is a core of the one-chip computer, it is the control of the computer and command center, made up of such parts as arithmetic unit and controller , etc.. The arithmetic unit can carry on 8 persons of arithmetic operation and unit ALU of logic operation while including one, the 1 storing devices temporarily of 8, storing device 2 temporarily, 8's accumulation device ACC, register B and procedure state register PSW, etc. Person who accumulate ACC count by 2 input ends entered of checking etc. temporarily as one operation often, come from person who store 1 operation is it is it make operation to go on to count temporarily , operation result and loop back ACC with another one. In addition, ACC is often regarded as the transfer station of data transmission on 8051 inside. The same as general microprocessor, it is the busiest register. Help remembering that agreeing with a expresses in the order. The controller includes the procedure counter, the order is deposited, the

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