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You say that you love rain,

but you open your umbrella when it rains.

You say that you love the sun,

but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.

You say that you love the wind,

but you close your windows when wind blows.

This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too. (普通版):



























































the sound of silence 静之声- 保罗。西蒙 hello darkness my old friend. 你好,黑夜,我的老朋友 i've come to talk with you again. 我又来和你聊天了 because a vision softly creeping 因为当我熟睡的时候,一幅美景便进入了我的梦乡。 left its seeds while i was sleeping. (因为梦幻缓缓涌现,在我熟睡时留下它的种子。) and the vision that was planted in my brain 在我脑袋里的那幅美景仍然保持着寂寞之声!still remains with the sound of silence (在我脑海中生根,在寂静之声中留存。) in restless dreams i walk alone 在不安的梦中我一个人独行(在无休止的梦境中,narrow streets of cobble stone 我独自走在狭窄的石道上。) beneath the halloof a street lamp, 在街灯的光晕下,寒冷和湿气让我竖起衣领。 i turned my collar to the cold and damp when my eyes were stabbled by the flash 当霓虹灯光刺痛我双眼, of a neon light that split the night 划破黑夜, and touched the sound of silence 触动了沉默之声。 and in the naked night i saw ten thousand people may be more 在刺眼的灯光下,我看到上万人群。


中文地址翻译英文详细讲解以及例句 No.3, Building 2, Jilong Lignum Market, Dalingshan Town, DongGuan City, Guangdong Prov, China 或者 No.3, Building 2,Jilong Mucai Shichang, Dalingshan Town, DongGuan City, Guangdong Prov, China 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的。 例如:中国广东深圳市华中路1023号5栋401房,您就要从房开始写起,Room 401, Buliding 5, No.1023,HuaZhong Road, ShenZhen, GuangDong Prov., China(逗号后面有空格)。注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊呢。 现在每个城市的中国邮政信件分拣中心都有专人负责将外国来信地址翻译成中文地址,并写在信封上交下面邮递员送过来. 重要: 你的邮政编码一定要写正确,因为外国信件中间的几道邮政环节都是靠邮政编码区域投递的。 常见中英文对照: ***室/ 房Room *** ***村*** Village ***号No. *** ***号宿舍*** Dormitory ***楼/ 层*** F ***住宅区/ 小区*** Residential Quater 甲/ 乙/ 丙/ 丁 A / B / C / D ***巷/ 弄Lane *** ***单元Unit *** ***号楼/ 栋*** Building ***公司***Com./*** Crop/***CO.LTD ***厂*** Factory ***酒楼/酒店*** Hotel ***路*** Road ***花园*** Garden ***街*** Street ***信箱Mailbox *** ***区*** District ***县*** County ***镇*** Town ***市*** City ***省*** Prov. ***院***Yard ***大学***College **表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th……如果不会,就用No.***代替,或者直接填数字吧! 另外有一些***里之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音*** Li。而***东(南、西、


5栋 Building No.5 ----------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如 **区 **路 **号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如 **号 **路 **区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的 . 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小, 如:X 国 X 省 X 市 X 区 X 路 X 号, 而英文地址则刚好相反, 是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X 号, X 路, X 区, X 市, X 省, X 国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X 室 Room X X 号 No. X X 单元 Unit X X 号楼 Building No. X X 街 X Street X 路 X Road X 区 X District X 县 X County X 镇 X Town

X 市 X City X 省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村 37号 403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路 125弄 34号 201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South, HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路 42号李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路 272号特钢公司李有财

英文歌曲Old MacDonald Had a Farm歌词及译文

Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! And on that farm he had a chick, ee-i, ee-i, oh! With a chick chick here, and a chick chick there. Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick chick. Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! Old McDonald had a farm, Ee-i, ee-i, oh! And on that farm he had a duck, ee-o, ee-i, oh! With a quack quack here, and a quack quack there. Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack. Old McDonald had a farm, Ee-i, ee-i, oh! Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! And on that farm he had a pig, Ee-i, ee-i, oh! With an oink oink here, and an oink oink there. Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink. Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! And on that farm he had a dog, ee-i, ee-i, oh! With a bow wow here, and a bow wow there. Here a bow, there a bow, everywhere a bow wow. Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! And on that farm he had a cow, ee-i, ee-i, oh! With a moo moo here, and a moo moo there. Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo. Old McDonald had a farm, ee-i, ee-i, oh! 中文歌词: 老麦克唐纳有个农场,咿呀咿呀呦。 农场里有只鸡,咿呀咿呀呦。 这里唧唧,那里唧唧,到处都是唧唧叫。 老麦克唐纳有个农场,咿呀咿呀呦。 老麦克唐纳有个农场,咿呀咿呀呦。 农场里有只鸭,咿呀咿呀呦。


Accounting ethics Barron's Kathleen Elliott Abstract Accounting ethics is primarily a field of applied ethics, the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to accountancy. It is an example of professional ethics. Accounting ethics were first introduced by Luca Pacioli, and later expanded by government groups, professional organizations, and independent companies. Ethics are taught in accounting courses at higher education institutions as well as by companies training accountants and auditors. Key words:Accounting Ethics Education Contents 1 Importance of ethics 2 History 3 Teaching ethics 4 Accounting scandals 1.Importance of ethics The nature of the work carried out by accountants and auditors requires a high level of ethics. Shareholders, potential shareholders, and other users of the financial statements rely heavily on the yearly financial statements of a company as they can use this information to make an informed decision about investment. They rely on the opinion of the accountants who prepared the statements, as well as the auditors that verified it, to present a true and fair view of the company. Knowledge of ethics can help accountants and auditors to overcome ethical dilemmas, allowing for the right choice that, although it may not benefit the company, will benefit the public who relies on the accountant/auditor's reporting. Most countries have differing focuses on enforcing accounting laws. In Germany, accounting legislation is governed by "tax law"; in Sweden, by "accounting law"; and in the United Kingdom, by the "company law". In addition, countries have their own organizations which regulate accounting. For example, Sweden has the Bokf?ringsn?mden (BFN - Accounting Standards Board), Spain the Instituto de Comtabilidad y Auditoria de Cuentas (ICAC), and the United States the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). 2.History Luca Pacioli, the "Father of Accounting", wrote on accounting ethics in his first book Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni, et proportionalita, published in 1494. Ethical standards have since then been developed through government groups, professional organizations, and independent companies. These various groups have led accountants to follow several codes of ethics to perform their duties in a professional work environment. Accountants must follow the code of ethics set out by the professional body of which they are a member. United States accounting societies such as the Association of Government Accountants, Institute of Internal Auditors, and the National Association of Accountants all have codes of ethics, and


唯美的中文翻译成英文 Abandon 放弃 Disguise 伪装 Abiding 持久的,不变的~friendship Indifferent 无所谓 Forever 最爱 I know what you want 我知道你想要什么 See you forget the breathe 看见你忘了呼吸 Destiny takes a hand.命中注定 anyway 不管怎样 sunflower high-profile向日葵,高姿态。 look like love 看起来像爱 Holding my hand, eyes closed you would not get lost 牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路 If one day the world betrayed you, at least I betray the world for you! 假如有一天世界背叛了你,至少还有我为你背叛这个世界! This was spoiled child, do not know the heart hurts, naive cruel. 这样被宠惯了的小孩子,不知道人心是会伤的,天真的残忍。

How I want to see you, have a look you changed recently, no longer said once, just greetings, said one to you, just say the word, long time no see. 我多么想和你见一面,看看你最近的改变,不再去说从前,只是寒暄,对你说一句,只说这一句,好久不见。 In fact, not wine, but when the thought of drinking the unbearable past. 其实酒不醉人,只是在喝的时候想起了那不堪的过去。 The wind does not know clouds drift, day not know rain down, eyes do not understand the tears of weakness, so you don't know me 风不懂云的漂泊,天不懂雨的落魄,眼不懂泪的懦弱,所以你不懂我 Some people a lifetime to deceive people, but some people a lifetime to cheat a person 有些人一辈子都在骗人,而有些人用一辈子去骗一个人 Alone and lonely, is always better than sad together 独自寂寞,总好过一起悲伤 You are my one city, one day, you go, my city, also fell 你是我的一座城,有一天,你离开了,我的城,也就倒了。


经典中文的英译 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。 A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years. 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal. 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。 It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 A bosom friend afar brings distance near.

合抱之木,生于毫末,九层之台,起于累土;千里之行始于足下。 A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows f rom a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand li journey starts with the first step. 祸兮,福之所依;福兮,祸之所伏。 Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies. 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects. 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄尽折腰。 This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage. 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men.


经典英文歌曲歌词翻译-Diana I'm so young and you're so old. This, my darling, I've been told. I don't care just what they say, Cause forever I will pray. You and I will be as free as The birds up in the trees. Oh, please stay by me, Diana! Thrills I get when you hold me close. Oh, my darling, you're the most. I love you but do you love me? Oh, Diana, can't you see I love you with all my heart? And I hope we'll never part. Oh, please stay with me, Diana! Oh, my darling, oh, my lover1! Tell me that there is no other. I love you with all my heart Ah, oh, ah, oh, ah, oh, oh, oh, oh! Only you can take my heart;

Only you can tear it apart. When you hold me in your loving arms, I can feel you giving all your charms2. Hold me, darling, hold me tight! Squeeze3 me, baby, with all your might. Oh, please stay by me, Diana! Oh, please, Diana! Oh, please, Diana! Oh, please, Diana! 歌词大意 黛安娜 我还年青你已老, 人们这样对我说。 我不管人们说什么, 我要永远祈祷你和我。 你我自由又自在, 活像树上的自由鸟。 啊,请与我在一起,黛安娜! 紧紧地拥抱令我激动。 在我心中你最重。 我爱你而你爱我吗? 啊,黛安娜,你可明白?


中文地址翻译成英文地址的方法和技巧 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。 1.各部分写法 ●X室:Room X ●X号:No. X ●X单元:Unit X ●X楼/层:X/F ●X号楼:Building No. X ●住宅区/小区:ResidentialQuater ●X街:XStreet ●X路:XRoad East/Central/West东路/ 中路/ 西路 芙蓉西二路/ West 2nd Furong Road Central Dalian Rd. /大连中路 芙蓉中路的“中”可以用Central,也有用Middle的,一般用Mid比较简洁。 ●X区:XDistrict ●X镇:XTown ●X县:XCounty ●X市:XCity ●X省:XProvince ●国家(State)中华人民共和国:The People’s Republic of China、P.R.China、P.R.C.、 China ●X信箱:M ailbox X 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 各地址单元间要加逗号隔开。

2.英文通信地址常用翻译 201室/房Room 201 二单元Unit 2 马塘村MatangVallage 一号楼/栋Building 1 华为科技公司Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

xx公司xx Corp. / xx Co., Ltd. 宿舍Dormitory 厂Factory 楼/层Floor 酒楼/酒店Hotel 住宅区/小区Residential Quater 县County 甲/乙/丙/丁A/B/C/D 镇Town 巷/弄Lane 市City 路Road(也简写作Rd.,注意后面的点不能省略)一环路1st Ring Road 省Province(也简写作Prov.) 花园Garden 院Yard 街Street/Avenue 大学College/University 信箱Mailbox 区District A座Suite A 广场Square 州State 大厦/写字楼Tower/Center/Plaza 胡同Alley(北京地名中的条即是胡同的意思) 中国部分行政区划对照 自治区Autonomous Region 直辖市Municipality 特别行政区Special Administration Region 简称SAR 自治州Autonomous Prefecture


见光死、鬼压床、脑溢血,这些英文歌曲名的中文翻译,是不是看着觉得很不靠谱?那你觉得“羊杂碎乐队”、“你二乐队”“天线宝宝乐队”的翻译怎么样?快来看看这些相当有颠覆性的中文译名吧。 爱尔兰摇滚乐队The Cranberries的名曲Dying In the Sun:晒死/见光死 英国摇滚乐队The smiths的名字被翻译成:斯密斯夫妇 也是很有名的英国摇滚乐队placebo有一首歌Sleeping With The Ghosts,翻译成:鬼压床 酷玩乐队Coldplay 的 A rush of blood to the head:翻译成“脑溢血” 老牌英伦摇滚乐队Suede,中文译名一直是“山羊皮乐队”,因为suede这个词本身有“山羊皮”的意思,有山寨译法将Suede翻译成“碎的”,于是:山羊皮+碎的=羊杂碎,羊杂碎乐队闪亮登场了! 苏格兰乐队Travis的一张专辑名称The Man Who:翻译成“这男的谁” 经典英国摇滚乐队Radiohead,其名称也有有多种译法:电台司令,喇叭头子,收音机脑袋,最离谱的一个是“天线宝宝” 英格兰乐队Embrace 的一首歌My weakness is none of you business:翻译成“我虚关你屁事” 爱尔兰民谣歌手Damien Rice的名字被翻译成:大米饭

美国摇滚乐队Maroon 5的官方中文译名是魔力红,然而有人将其翻译成:“马龙五兄弟”,或者“马老五” 大名鼎鼎的U2乐队不用多说了,有人将其名字翻译成:你二(确实,从字面上看,U2还真是这个意思……) 美国著名摇滚乐队“枪花”Guns N'Roses,其名称被音译为:钢丝和螺丝 伦敦街头乐队Hard-Fi有张专辑名为Stars On CCTV,被翻译成:央视群星 美国摇滚乐队Green Day的标准译名是绿日,这个似乎已经公认了,然而还是有人独辟蹊径,将其翻译成:青葱岁月(好浓的校园民谣味……) 被誉为美国摇滚乐队鼻祖的Velvet Underground乐队,主唱Lou Reed的名字被翻译成:老李 2002年开始迅速走红的英国摇滚乐队Arctic Monkeys,北极猴子,有一首歌名为Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not,被翻译成简洁明了的三个字:就是拽美国大为流行的摇滚乐团Yeah Yeah Yeahs,名字被翻译成:噎……噎……噎死


第四部分翻译 Part Ⅰ英译汉 练习: Unit 1 1.年轻时,他对学业漫不经心,加之他一直不愿考虑运动员以外的职业,到这时候,这一切终于给他带来了不幸。 2.护士们对不得不日复一日地参与欺骗病人的做法也许深恶痛绝,但要抵制却感到无能为力。 3.我不会在初版的《失乐园》上乱写乱画,就像我不会把一幅伦勃朗的原作连同一套蜡笔交给我的婴儿任意涂抹一样。 4.只有假设地球表面呈曲线状,这一现象才能得到解释。 5.鹿减少生存所需的能耗以增加越冬生存的机会,从生物学的角度看是合情合理的。 6.不论好坏,不论是何结果,美国人不仅会一概接受,还要去铲除那些反对者,尽管对于成千上万的人来说,这决定与自己的意愿背道而驰。 7.你可曾为了接电话在洗澡时从浴室冲出来,或是嚼着饭从饭桌旁站起来,或是昏昏沉沉的从床上爬起来,而结果却是有人打错了。 8.实际上,大把花钱的满足感大于商品本身带给他们的乐趣。 9.但是蓝色也可以表示伤感(我很伤感),白色常代表纯洁,尽管在中国,人们在婚礼上穿白的,在葬礼上穿黑的。 10. 晚上十点到十二点,美国处在权力真空状态——除了纽约广播公司总部和两家大的新闻机构之外,全国范围内就再没有别的信息中心。 Unit 2 1) 1800年英国与法国之间将爆发一场持续15后的大战。 2) 我相信,到1816年,英国将在滑铁卢村附近赢得一场伟大战役的胜利。 3) 然而,到1870年,对于英国来说,德国将成为一个比法国更具危险性的国家。 4) 在20世纪初,俄国、美国和日本将成为大国,而英国将不再是世界上最强大的国家了。 5) 反过来,农民的业绩大小取决于农业的组织形式,经济环境,市场结构这些与之息息相关的因素。 6) 他被接回来时,不停地跟人讲,一些可怕的怪物瞪着眼睛盯着他,把他带到了一个宇宙飞船上。 7) 烫伤大多数发生在老人和孩子身上,往往是由于浴室里水温太高而造成的。 8) 尽量多地了解可能发生的事情,这样你可以提前做好准备。 9) 市场的变化迫使很多网站关闭,而其它网站也仅是勉强维持。 10)因为在农民生产率低下的国家,需要劳动人口中大多数人种粮食,因此就没有多少人从事投资货物的生产或进行经济增长所必须的其它活动。 Unit 3 1. 在牛顿之前,亚里士多德已经发现物体的自然状态是静止的,除非有力作用于物体。所以运动着的物体会停下来。 2.人们在家中或是类似家的地方感觉最为亲密——和一个或几个亲近的人呆在一起——也就是在私人交谈的时候。 3.当一个人长时间在干道或高速公路上驾车行驶,就会存在两个问题:一是如何保持稳定的车速;二是如何确保他不撞上前面的车。 4.这个系统尤其适用于汽车拥挤的情况,因为电脑不仅能够控制车速,与前面车子的距离,还能够控制方向。


My love---西域男孩 An empty street, an empty house, 空空的街道,空空的房, a hole inside my heart, 心里也是个空空的洞, I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller, 我孤独的一个人,房间也变得越来越小, I wonder how, I wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,也不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh,yeah. and oh my love, 还有你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱. all:(合唱) So I say a little prayer, 所以我低声祈祷, hope my dreams will take me there, 希望我的梦会带我到那儿, where the skies are blue, 那儿天空湛蓝, to see you once again ,my love, 再次见到你,我的爱,

over seas from coast to coast, 漂洋过海,从一个海岸到到另一个海岸 find the place I love the most, 找到我最爱的地方, where the fields are green, 那儿田野葱郁, i see you once again, my love. 我再一次见到你,我的爱. bryan:(Bryan唱) I try to read, I go to work 我设法去读书,去工作, i'm laughing with my friends, 我和朋友们一起说说笑笑, but I can't stop to keep myself from thinking, oh no, 可我没法不想你,oh,no, I wonder how, i wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,我不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh yeah. and oh my love, 和你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想要得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱.


好听的英文歌歌词中文翻译 1.芬兰乐队Stratovarius - Forever 歌词: I stand alone in the dark- ness The winter of my life came so fast Memories go back to child- hood To days I still recall Oh how happy I was then There was no sorrow there was no pain Walking through the green fields Sunshine in my eyes 黑暗中我独自伫立 我生命中的寒冬这样迅速的到来 时光穿梭回到童年 欢乐的往事历历在目 没有忧愁没有伤痛 走过绿色的原野 阳光闪耀在眼瞳 I’m still there everywhere I’m the dust in the wind I’m the star in the northern sky I never stayed anywhere I’m the wind in the trees Would you wait for me forever ? {Solo……} I’m still there everywhere I’m the dust in the wind I’m the star in the northern sky I never stayed anywhere I’m the wind in the trees Would you wait for me forever ? Would you wait for me forever ? Will you wait for me forever ? 我还在彼时彼处停留 我是风中的尘埃 我是北方天空的星斗 我是穿过树林的风 永不停止的流浪


中文名字最标准的英文写法就是直接翻译成汉语拼音:Li Leyang或Lee Yeyang 西方人的习惯是名字在前,姓在后,二者间如果有中间名(Middle name),Middle name一般用简写,中国人如果有英文名字,在正式的场合可以参照这种格式。比如,搜狐创始人、董事局主席张朝阳的英文名字就写成:Charles CY. Zhang. 搜狐所有英文正式文件中张朝阳的名字都是这样写的。 如果没有英文名字,那么应该按照中国人的习惯(姓在前名字在后)直接把中文名字翻译成汉语拼音作为英文写法!很典型的例子,奥运会上,所有中国运动员的名字在运动衣上都是这样翻译的(以前不是,后来国家颁布了《汉语拼音方案》,并解释到《汉语拼音方案》是拼写中文人名地名唯一标准后,统一改过来了),所以,中国人名字的英文写法,就是汉语拼音:姓在前,名在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开头字母均大写! 两个字的是:比如:张三就应该写:Zhang San 三个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李小言就应该写:Li Xiaoyan 2.复姓,比如:诸葛亮就应该写:Zhuge Liang 四个字的是:1.单姓,比如:李雨中生就应该写:Li Yuzhongsheng 2.复姓,比如:司马相如就应该写:Sima Xiangru 1. Last Name就是姓,First Name就是名,請勿混淆。 2. "國語羅馬拼音對照表" 乃外交部護照科所採用的中英文姓名翻譯原則,為了保持所有文 件的統一,建議同學根據此表來翻譯姓名及地址。 3. 同學的英文姓名,應由中文姓名音譯,並與大學英文畢業證書、英文成績單、TOEFL / GRE / GMAT考試及申請學校、辦理護照及簽證時所用的英文姓名完全一致,如姓名不 一致,將造成申請學校、辦護照、簽證時身份的困擾,徒增麻煩。 4. 如果有英文別名 (如John、Mary...等),可以將別名當做Middle Name。 [例] 王甫平有一個英文別名STEVE,其英文姓名可以下列方式列出: WANG FUPING S Last Name First Name M.I. 5. 如果沒有英文別名,M.I. 處不要填。 6. 如非必要,英文別名最好不要用,只用中文姓名的英譯最為單純。 7. 在國外使用英文姓名的建議:外國人習慣將名放在前面,姓放在後;而中國人的姓名, 則是姓在前名在後,有時在國外填寫資料時常會搞錯,建議在打履歷表、印名片或處理 資料時,如果填寫姓名的地方沒有註明Last Name時,英文姓名正確表達方法可以如: Fuping Wang 或 Wang, Fuping

英语歌曲的诗体翻译版本--seasons in the sun

诗经体翻译 Seasons in the Sun [翻译] 曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。goodbye to you, my trusted friend. 嗟我良友,肇允已识。we've known each other since we were 9 or 10. 牙牙学语,偕陟荒址。together we've climb hills and trees. learned of love and ABC's. 恩若手足,两小不疑。skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. 曰归曰归,良友孔思。goodbye my friend it's hard to die. 白鸟翮翮,式鸣且喜。when all the birds are singing in the sky. 春日载阳,淑女游弋。now that the spring is in the air.pretty girls are everywhere. 苟其有佸,行与子逝。think of me and i'll be there. 往昔阳阳,且诚且挚。we had joy,we had fun. we had seasons in the sun. 春秋代序,汩若不及。but the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time. 曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。goodbye papa please pray for me. 嗟我父氏,谆谆诲辞。i was the black sheep of the family. 令德来教,刑于妻子。you tried to teach me right from wrong. 维我周容,久忘其旨。too much wine and too much song. wonder how i got along. 曰归曰归,父氏孔思。goodbye papa is hard to die. 白鸟翮翮,式鸣且喜。when all the birds are singing in the sky. 春日载阳,稚子游弋。now that the spring is in the air.little children everywhere. 苟其有佸,行与子逝。when you see them i'll be there. 往昔阳阳,且诚且挚。we had joy,we had fun.we had seasons in the sun. 春秋代序,汩若不及。but the wine and the song.like the season has all gone. 曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。goodbye michelle my little one. 嗟彼佳人,与我相知。you gave me love and helped me find the sun. 爰及矜人,慰我侘傺。and every time that i was down. you would always come around. 夙兴夜寐,营我家室。and get my feet back on the ground. 曰归曰归,佳人孔思。goodbye michelle it's hard to die.

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