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2020版英语大一轮复习讲义人教版(全国)话题晨背与阅读训练话题 (10)

2020版英语大一轮复习讲义人教版(全国)话题晨背与阅读训练话题 (10)
2020版英语大一轮复习讲义人教版(全国)话题晨背与阅读训练话题 (10)



We have all heard how time is more valuable than money,but is it 36 to have too much time?

I 37 back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also 38 a team sport.By the time I got home,I only had a few hours to do my homework,and I had to do it 39 .

When I got into college,things 40 .I suddenly found myself out of class before noon time.Because of all this 41 time,there was no sense of 42 to do my school work immediately.I was performing this action of waiting until it later became a 43 .Once that happened,I just kept 44 my studying further and further back in my day.Then I got to the point where I was 45 really late at night to get my work done.

One day I 46 a former classmate of mine who was 47 a lot of money running a sideline(副业).Since his regular job was 48 ,I asked him why he just didn’t do his sideline full-time.He said without the job,he would 49 have too much time and would just do what I did back in 50 .He said that if he 51 the job,he would lose his 52 to work and succeed.

So,try 53 your time with other work.This is why there is a 54 that if you want something done,ask a 55 person to do it.

36.A.true B.fair



答案 D


37.A.remember B.admit



答案 A


38.A.watched B.loved



答案 D

解析因为作者还参加团体性运动,所以他一天的大部分时间都是在学校里度过的。watch 观看;love热爱;coach训练;play参加运动。

39.A.at last B.right away

C.of course

D.as usual

答案 B

解析根据上文可知作者到家后只有几个小时的时间做作业,所以必须立即(right away)开始做。at last最后;of course当然;as usual像往常一样。

40.A.happened B.repeated



答案 C


41.A.extra B.difficult



答案 A


42.A.duty B.achievement



答案 C


43.A.burden B.relief



答案 D


44.A.pushing B.taking



答案 A

解析由上下文可知,作者不断地把学习往后推(push...back)。take...back带回来;set...back 拖……后腿;call...back回电话。

45.A.hanging out B.staying up

C.jogging round

D.showing off

答案 B

解析因为作者把功课一直往后推,所以最后只能熬夜(stay up)来完成。hang out出去闲逛;jog round在周围慢跑;show off炫耀。

46.A.met B.helped



答案 A


47.A.raising B.wasting



答案 D

解析由下文提到的running a sideline(经营副业)可知,此处是指赚许多钱(make a lot of money)。raise money筹钱;waste money浪费钱;demand money要钱。

48.A.safe B.important



答案 C


49.A.luckily B.hardly



答案 D


50.A.childhood B.college



答案 B


51.A.quit B.found



答案 A

解析上文作者问同班同学为什么不全职经营副业,所以此处是说“如果辞职(quit)”。find 找到,发现;accept接受;keep保持,保留。

52.A.heart B.chance



答案 C

解析如果辞职,他就会失去工作和取得成功的动力(drive)。lose one’s heart倾心于;lose one’s chance失去机会;lose one’s way迷路。

53.A.saving B.filling up

C.giving up


答案 B

解析通过上文得出结论:因此,试着用其他工作填满(fill up)你的时间。save节省;give up 放弃;trade交易。

54.A.message B.story



答案 C

解析句意为:这就是为什么有这样一种说法(saying)……。message信息;story故事;fact 事实。

55.A.careful B.busy



答案 B


1.valuable adj.有价值的

2.play a sport从事一项体育运动

3.sense of urgency紧迫感

4.perform v.执行;表演;表现

5.stay up熬夜;不睡觉(=sit up)

6.make money挣钱;赚钱

7.fill up...with...用……把……装满

1.(第39题)[正确答案]B项right away

[命题句子]By the time I got home,I only had a few hours to do my homework,and I had to do it 39 .



[命题句子]When I got into college,things changed.I suddenly found myself out of class before

noon time.Because of all this extra time,there was no sense of 42 to do my school work immediately.


3.(第45题)[正确答案]B项staying up

[命题句子]Then I got to the point where I was 45 really late at night to get my work done.


4.Then I got to the point where I was staying up really late at night to get my work done.




大一英语期末考试试题精选 又到一个学期的期末了,大家复习好大学英语了吗?为大家精心挑选了一份大学英语第一学期期末试卷,供大家复习使用,希望能够帮助到大家! 大学一年级英语试卷 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, w ho review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.”


大一上学期英语期末考试复习资料 必会单词与词组 Unit 1: 1.reward 奖赏;回报 2.positive 积极得;确实得;明确得 3.former 在前得;以前得;旧时得;前者 4.opportunity 机会;时机 5.access享用权;通道;入口 6.participate 参与;参加 7.virtual 虚拟得;实质上得;实际上得 8.mitment 投入,致力,献身;承诺,许诺,保证 9.minimum 最低得;最小得 10.embarrass 使尴尬,使难堪 11.post 发帖子;张贴 12.benefit 益处,好处 13.insight 深刻得见解 14.municate 交流,交际;传达,传播 15.favorite 最喜欢得 16.gap 差距 17.at times 有时,偶尔 18.be worth sth、/doing sth 值得…得 19.not only…but also…不仅…而且… 20.far from 一点也不 21.a couple of 两个;一些;几个 22.get/have/obtain access to 有权享用 23.participate in参加 24.keep up with 赶上 25.feel like sth/doing sth 想要;想做 26.give up停止,放弃 27.think out推敲,琢磨,仔细考虑 28.e across偶然遇到 29.reap the benefit(s)得到好处 30.trade for用…换… 31.give sb insight(s) into深刻理解 32.now that既然,由于 33.instead of 而不就是,代替 34.reach out to 接触,联系 Unit2: 1.concern担心,忧虑 2.forth 出来,向外 3.burst冲,闯 4.stuff东西 5.thorough全面得,彻底得 6.disgusting令人厌恶得,令人反感得


大学英语考试口语作文 Test 2 On Keeping a Diary in English Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability. It can help us to cultivate the habit of thinking in English. If we persist in this practice, gradually we’ll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably run up against a lot of difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certainly, there are some other roadblocks we may come across in our keeping a diary in English. As far as I’m concerned, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is of great use to keep a diary in English for the development of our writing skills. Test 3 Keeping Pets With the rise of people’s living standard, keeping pets is becoming a fashionable activity in China. More and more pet markets are set up across the nation, in which various kinds of pets are available. Over the past few years, even the prices of pets have been on the rise. Some people would spend several thousand yuan on a smart dog or a rare bird. If you are strolling along the streets in the evening, you’ll see a lot of people walking dogs. People keep pets for different reasons. For most families, pets are lovely, sensitive creatures with whom they are able to communicate. They keep them just for fun and pleasure. As for some adults, playing with their pets is their favorite form of relaxation after a day’s work. As for children, it seems that there are no better friends or companions they can find than a funny-looking dog or a clever cat. However, for some people, keeping pets is only a display of their wealth. By owning an expensive dog or bird, they intend to show off how wealthy they are. I, myself, don’t see anything wrong with keeping pets. I think the love that exists between us human and animals can be even more strongly felt while we are feeding a pet. It is this harmonious relationship between human and animals that contributes to the balance of nature. Test 4

大学英语 期末试卷题型

《大学英语3》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话7个、篇章理解2篇、复合式听写1篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% (1)、完型填空1篇,10题,每题1分 (2)、传统仔细阅读1篇,5题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:第三册第1、2、3、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation1中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语3》任课老师提醒学生自带耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。

《大学英语1》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话8个、长对话2篇、章理解3篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% 传统仔细阅读2篇,10题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:第一册第1、2、4、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语1》任课老师提醒大一新生购买耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。


一、选择题 1.The manager has assured me that my broken GPS will have been fixed by the end of next week . 2.The bridge was being repaired at the time,so we had to take another way. 3.He told us last year that he would be transferred to work in Paris later. 4.Shortly afterward ,I noticed to my satisfaction that their work was improving . 5.Besides being jailed ,be had to pay back all the money he had recevited from bribes. 6.In the past five years many natural and man-made di saster have taken place all over China. 7.If the work to be complete by the end of the month is delayed ,the company will be fined . 8.The violence in Urumqi is reported reported to have been organized by an anti-government extremist abroad . 9.Can I go home now ?No,you must stay here and wait for the teacher . 10.The children are sleeping .We mustn’t talk so loud . 11.Suerly nothing could be going on there so late at night when it was so cold . 12.I thought she might like something to eat ,so I have bought two pieces of bread . 13.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly ,but everyone was able to get out . 14.It’s nearly eight o’clock .He should be here at any moment . 15.Neither of us knows the way to their house .We should//must take a map with us or we’ll probably get lost . 16.―What are you going to do this weekend ? ―I don’t know . I may //might visit a friend . 17.Let’s get started without Franz . He may be sleeping at home ,I’m afraid . 18.I wonder why they haven’t arrived yet .I told them how to get there ,but perhaps I


Do you think “we all have a responsibility to be safe”? There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life. Recently our school has carried out a program aiming at increasing our safety awareness. I consider this as indeed a good practice, which will remind us that safety should always come first in our daily life, whether when we stay at school or outside it. For example, when we are doing sports, we should attach great importance to safety and avoid being hurt. Besides, we should follow the traffic rules when we are going to school or when we are on our way back home. I firmly believe that we should develop a good sense of safety and do everything safely. What measures have been taken to prevent driving infractions like drunk driving and speeding in China? Driving infractions cases have been increasing and have caused numerous deaths. A more severe punishment should be given to those who drive after they have drunk, especially to those who are drunk and have caused serious injuries or deaths while driving.In order to crack downdriving infractions, the government should introduce a more severe law. Besides, more measures should be taken to cultivate the drivers’ awareness of traffic laws and respect others’ lives as well as their own when they are driving on the road, which I think should be the key to decrease drunken driving cases. Can you tell us how to escape a fire, esp. when you are in a high-rise building? As we know, no one knows for sure when a fire will happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. To beginwith, checking the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it when lights have failed.What’s more, taking care not to be overcome by smoke, which containing monoxide gas, can kill you quickly. At last, cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke. In short, if you make preparations before and take precautions during the fire, chances are that you will survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day. What are the things you have to defend yourself so that you can have a peaceful and wonderful life?


东南大学期末试卷 Part I Writing (30 minutes) (15%) Directions For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic What does friendship mean? What does friendship mean? 1.友谊是人生永恒的主题 2.友谊到底意味着什么 3.友谊的重要性。 Part II Fast Reading (15 minutes) (10%) Directions In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. For questions 1~7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. For questions S1-S3, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. One of the best parts of university life is living away from home. You get freedom and the chance to meet new people. You are living away from home, planning your own routine and even cooking your own meals——and that means looking after your own money. At university, it’s all about the cash. Fees, student loans, rent, bills, overdraft (银行透支款)——you name it, you might have to pay for it. An important aspect of being at university is managing your own time. It’s up to you to decide when you’ll study, when you’ll go shopping and when you’ll have a night out. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? Of course, it is a good idea to organize your time with a weekly or monthly schedule. Remember, you can be as flexible with your time as you like, but you’ll always need to make sure you get out of bed for lectures, meet essay and project deadlines, and schedule in plenty of revision days before exams. After a hard day’s study, going out and having fun is what student life is all about. You can get involved in voluntary work and student representation activities and you could contribute and learn new skills with student magazine and radio station. It’s the perfect way to make friends and add a bit of sparkle to you CV(个人简历). University life is about learning. You’ll be expected to go to all your lectures and classes. Most courses are assessed through exams, essays, practical work an d projects. You’ll have anything from one to five hours of lectures, in a day. But on top of that, you are expected to do a number of hours of self-study. Every student has a personal tutor to help with any problems you might have or you can speak to your lecturers and other tutors if you have questions. If you plan you time and your workload, you’ll have plenty of free time to enjoy student life at university. Plus, getting a degree makes sense in the long run——graduates earn more and are more likely to get a job than people without a degree. 1. According to the author, which is not the advantage of being away from home? A. Freedom B. Being rich. C. The chance to meet new friends. D. Plan your own routine. 2. Being college students, you can____________. A. plan your time freely. B. borrow a lot of money from the bank. C. cook in your friends’ houses. D. spend money at your will. 3. The word flexible in the underlined sentence means ________. A. can be bent easily. B. feel very happy. C. can be changed easily to suit any new situation. D. can be easily obtained. 4. In order to pass the exams, you are expected to do a lot expect_____________. A. surfing the net for information. B. going for lectures. C. reviewing what you have learnt. D. writing papers. 5. You can make effort to do many things in order to enrich your blank CV. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage? A. You can involve in voluntary work. B. You can contribute to magazines. C. You can take part in representation activities. D. You can undertake part-time jobs. 6. If___________, you can enjoy your life at university. A. you work day and night. B. you can balance your study with play time. C. you bury yourself in a lot of exercises. D. you hang out with friends every day. 7. Which of the following is not true? A. Living away from home is one of the best things of university life B. The mo st exciting aspect of university life is that it’s up to


2010级大学英语第一学期期末考试(A卷) Jan., 2011 Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience. It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, who review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.” In August 1996, NASA announced the discovery in Antarctica of a meteorite(流星) from Mars that might contain evidence of ancient life on another world. As President Clinton said that day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the great discoveries of our time. After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published, other researchers began looking at samples from the same meteorite. Some concluded that the “evidence of life”was mostly contamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock. Was this a failure of science, as some news reports trumpeted? No! It was a good example of the scientific method working the way it is supposed to. Scientists spend years on research, announce their findings, and these findings


期末复习 现给大家厘清一下复习思路: 考试卷面分:60 分 考试题型:五种 I 选择更好的译文(10×1’) (备课组长说有可能是两选一,也可能是三选一) 例如讲义上的第1页 It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in Southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of room, in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature.” A.我们可以有把握地设想,二千年前,在凯撒到达不列颠南 部之前,从我正在写作的这间屋子的窗口,可以看到整个原野都是处于所谓“自然状态”之中。 B.赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸 境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前,当罗马大将恺彻未到时,此间有何景物。 II翻译评析(15分) 翻译评析评分标准:从翻译的标准(5分)、翻译的方法和策略(5分),以及翻译的技巧(5分)三方面谈。 请复习讲义pp2-4、pp14-29 翻译的标准有传统的:信达(忠实和通顺),有现代奈达的:

从形式对等—到动态对等—最后到功能对等 翻译的基本方法:直译与意译 翻译的基本策略(这是组长这样分的,其实都是翻译的方法):归化与异化 翻译的技巧:词的技巧—词义的确立、词类转换译法、增加、省略、延伸、正反反正译法 句子的技巧—三大从句的译法 III 长句的翻译(3×5’) 两个英语句子,一个汉语句子。 例如1: Ther e is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride. 最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心思或费用来招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的丈夫谈政治、谈生意,却没注意到香喷喷的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些却可能是她感到兴趣并引以自豪的主要所在。 例如2:


1. Make a self-introduction .Good afternoon ,next I will make a introduction of myself. My name is . I am a nineteen -year -old boy. I come from a beautiful country located at the bank of Chang Jiang River. In this beautiful country, I spent my childhood with my friends. I was born in a sunny day on October twenty-fifth. I am quiet and I don’t like to show myself before others. I am honest and hard-working. I have a strong will. To keep my enthusiasm, I keep exercise everyday. Only with strong will can you conquer yourself and realize your goals. If you don’t keep you dreams alive, you won’t have your dreams any longer. I don’t have many friends, however I have several best friends. They are very good people. We play, learn, and live together. If anyone of us gets into troubles, all of us will give him a hand and get him through these troubles. During my high school life, these memories with my friends are great fortune in my life. My favorite subject is physical. There are some reasons. On the one hand, I think physical reflects the law of the nature. Without physical, we can’t build up human culture and step into modern life. On the other hand, physical is beautiful and practical. Scientists use physical to design machines. We can also use physical to solve problems and seek the truth of the sceneries. To be honest, it’s a little difficult for me to learn physical. However, I really enjoy the beauty of the physical while solving these

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