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第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。ww w.ks 5u.co m

1. What was the weather like during Mary’s holiday?

A. Cloudy.


Sunny. C. Rainy.

2. What does the man mean?

A. The bus has already come.

B. The bus will be on time.

C. The bus is late.

3. How much is a ticket for the night flight to New York without discount?

A. $400.


$450. C. $500.

4. How does the man prefer to go to work?

A. By bike.

B. By

car. C. By bus.

5. Who is Mrs. Smith?

A. She is the man’s friend.

B. She is the man’s teacher.

C. She is the man’s classmate.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。ww w.ks 5u.co m

6. What will the man do next?

A. Prepare for an exam.

B. Read an English novel.

C. Practise his spoken English.

7. What is the woman going to do immediately after graduation?

A. Find a job in America.

B. Travel around China.

C. Get back to her home country.

8. Where does the woman come from?

A. America.


China. C. Canada.


9. How much did the company pay the newspaper to advertise this job?

A. 90 cents.

B. 90

dollars. C. 19 dollars.

10. What does the man think of the applicants today?

A. Really good.

B. Just so-so.

C. Very bad.

11. What is the last applicant’s name?

A. John Berry.

B. Judith.

C. Conn.

听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。ww w.ks 5u.co m

12. Why does the man want to change his reservation?

A. It’s hard for him to catch the flight at 10:00 pm.

B. He doesn’t want to take the flight at 10:00 pm.

C. He wants to leave earlier than planned.

13. Which flight does the man agree to book?

A. Flight Number 210 to Paris at 10:00 pm.

B. Flight Number 335 to Paris at 11:15 pm.

C. Flight Number 335 to Paris at 11:50 pm.

14. When must the man pick up the ticket?

A. By 11:15 pm.

B. After 11:15 pm.

C. At about 10:00 pm.

听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。ww w.ks 5u.co m

15. What will Jane do this afternoon?

A. Borrow some books.

B. Go

skating. C. Study in the library.

16. What does Bob have to do on Monday morning?

A. Hand in his composition.

B. Recite a long poem.

C. Hand in his maths exercises.

17. What subject is Jane good at?

A. English.


History. C. Maths.


18. Which is NOT one of the uses of the money earned?

A. Paying the kids.

B. Helping the airplane passengers in need.

C. Helping a local youth project.

19. If a student works six hours, how much can he earn?

A. $36.00.


$36.60. C. $30.50.

20. What’s the most common mistake of the students?

A. Forgetting to add the coffee.

B. Forgetting to add the flavor.

C. Forgetting to steam milk.

第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)ww w.ks 5u.co m


请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. “This is ______ most useful reference book,” a teacher from ______ European country told us in class.

A. the; a

B. a; 不填

C. 不填; 不填

D. a; a

22. ______ that another miner has been rescued from the flooded Wangjialing coal mine.

A. The news comes here

B. Here comes the news

C. The news here comes

D. Here the news comes

23. To his surprise, the lifestyle he was used to ______ greatly in the past few years.

A. change

B. changing


changed D. has changed

24. ______ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

A. What is required

B. What requires

C. It is required

D. It requires

25. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ______ jokes.

A. turning up

B. putting up

C. making up

D. showing up

26. It was quite a long time ______ he really realized the serious situation.

A. since

B. when


after D. before

27. Who was ______ spoke first at the meeting? ww w.ks 5u.co m

A. that it

B. it that

C. it what

D. what it

28. The little boy still needed the ______ 20 dollars to do with the things ______.

A. remaining; remained to be settled

B. remaining; remaining to be settled

C. remained; remained to settle

D. remained; remaining to settled

29. In some parts of the world, many people can’t have free ______ to the drinking water.

A. chance

B. use


right D. access

30. ---You’re going to collect money for the drought areas in southwestern China?

---______. We should try our best to give them a hand.

A. No, I am not

B. No, I was just joking

C. Yes, I do

D. Yes, I have never been more serious

31. It is known to all that a proper amount of exercise ______ to good health.

A. benefits

B. contributes

C. values

D. improves

32. We offered them a lot of valuable information about farming

______ their help with our industry.

A. thanks to

B. in return for

C. in turn

D. in honor of

33. Whatever he promis es, you can’t ______ anything.

A. rely his doing

B. depend his doing

C. depend on him to do

D. advise him to do

34. Our city has developed into a big city, which is ______ it used to be.

A. four times larger than that

B. four times the size of what

C. four times the size larger than what

D. as four times the size as that

35. In my view, the best friend is one with whom ______ your sorrow and joy.

A. sharing

B. to spend


spending D. to share

36. The boy the teacher considered ______ was caught ______ in the exam, which surprised us very much.

A. to be the best; cheating

B. as the best student; to cheat

C. being the best; cheating

D. as a good student; to cheat

37. ______ all our efforts, we still lost the game. ww w.ks 5u.co m

A. Despite

B. As if

C. Even if

D. Though

38. The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to ______ it.

A. take for

B. make way for

C. fall

for D. fall into

39. They are just college graduates and don’t realize what ______ takes to start and run a company.

A. this

B. he

C. that

D. it

40. ---What a pity! I’ve not got a ticket for the football match.

---Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast ______.

A. live

B. lively

C. alive

D. living



佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ww w.ks 5u.co m

The back door of the ambulance (救护车) was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into the seat, and started the engine. Inside were the 41 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green, the mother holding their baby daughter, Ally. The little girl had some food stuck in her

42 and could hardly 43 .

The driver, Mr. White, 44 his siren (警报器) and flashing light, and started speeding toward the 45 hospital, fighting against 46 . The cars ahead of him pulled out of way 47 he drove through the busy traffic. From the back of the ambulance the parents were shouting at him to 48 , since Ally almost stopped breathing. In front of him he saw some traffic 49 , with the red “stop” light shining. Mr. White knew he had no time to lose, so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking 50 his left and right as he did so.

Coming towards him from his right was a 51 . The driver had the windows 52 , since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing

his radio. He did not hear the ambulance.

The lights were 53 , so he drove straight 54 into the path

of the ambulance. Mr. White tried to stop his ambulance, but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everyone was shaken but no one was hurt. Mr.

White looked back to see 55 little Ally was. He was 56 to see relief (宽慰) instead of fear in the face of the parents.

“Look!” cried Mrs. Green. “She is 57 again.”

“It must have been the crash (撞击),” said her husband. “It 58 the food out of her throat.” The baby’s color was turning normal, and she was crying in a loud 59 healthy voice.

They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the 60 , the taxi, and the lines of cars all around them.

41. A. worried B. excited C.

angry D. surprised

42. A. mouth B. nose C.

throat D. ear

43. A. talk B. breathe C.

cry D. hear

44. A. turned on B. opened on C. turned

off D. sped up

45. A. best B. biggest C.

first D. nearest

46. A. time B. cars C. policemen D. speed

47. A. that B. as C.

there D. if

48. A. stop B. slow down C.

hurry D. keep safe

49. A. lights B. signs C. policemen D. marks

50. A. at B. to C. down D. forward

51. A. taxi B. car C.

truck D. train

52. A. up B. down C. open D. covered

53. A. red B. green C. yellow D. out

54. A. out B. away C.

on D. off

55. A. who B. what C.

where D. how

56. A. lucky B. astonished C.

worried D. happy

57. A. crying B. breathing C. smiling D. talking

58. A. made B. let C.

knocked D. pulled

59. A. and B. with C.

or D. but

60. A. driver B. accident C.

girl D. reporters


请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ww w.ks 5u.co m


At present, in many American cities especially, many teachers in the public schools say they are underpaid. They point to jobs such as secretary or truck driver, which often pay more to start than that of a teacher. In many other fields, such as law, medicine, computer science, a beginning worker may make more than a teacher who has taught for several years.

Teaching has never been a profession that attracted people interested in high salaries. It is by history a profession that has provided rewards in addition to money—the satisfaction of sharing knowledge, of influencing others, of guiding young people. But in the past several years, there are more difficulties in teaching, for many, than there are rewards.

Unruly(蛮横的)students, especially in big cities, large classes and a lack of support from the public in terms of money and understanding have led many public school teachers to leave the profession.

As a result, many of the best students, who would have chosen teaching as their life career in the past, are going into other fields.

Another reason for this change in teacher candidates is the changing status(地位)of women in the United States. Until the late 1960s and 1970s, one of the most popular choices for women was teaching. But as other professions, such as law and medicine opened up to women, women stopped pouring into teacher training programs. Thus, a major pool of excellent candidates for the teaching profession dwindled (减少;缩小).

Bit by bit government officials and others realized that the status of the teacher had suffered. They talked about change. But the change in a vast society like the United States is not easy. People’s attitudes have formed over many years, and sometimes change takes many years.

61. The underlined word “that” in Paragrap h 1 refers to


A. money

B. job

C. secretary

D. truck driver

62. What is the present situation of the teaching?

A. Teachers work harder and get underpaid.

B. Teachers have no opportunities to work in other fields.

C. Teaching can attract best students to work as a teacher.

D. Teaching can provide rewards as well as high salaries.

63. Many public school teachers turn to other professions because


A. the government doesn’t financial ly support them

B. they have to work longer hours than a lawyer

C. their students refuse to listen to them

D. they are not fairly treated


Read the following reviews for movies that are showing at the moment. And then answer questions.


Happiness tells the story of two people(Lisa Turbot and Danny Roy)who work for different advertising companies. They talk on the phone all the time and don't like each other. But then they correspond by e-mail and fall in love. This movie will be very popular with teenagers and people who like romances. It also has beautiful music.

I Scream(Thriller)★★

In I Scream, Paul(Colin Jacks)is a young man who joins a thriller club. Each of the members tries to frighten the others. Paul is told to stay in an old house for the night. Everyone who has tried to stay in the house before has died. This movie is very frightening but also quite

silly. It doesn't make sense for Paul to stay in the house when things start to go wrong. Only for people who like thrillers.

Paul's Heroes(Comedy)★★★

This is a very funny war movie set in World War Two. Six soldiers (including Sammy Turblow)have to get to Italy to take secret messages to the American army there. During the movie, they dress up as women and fight with Italian workers. You can guess the ending, but it's great fun getting there.


This is a very good drama with Jack Ross, who plays a hard-working truck driver. His wife becomes ill and he has to find a doctor who can help her. In his travels he meets Dr. Lloyd(Phil Driver)who has found the cure for the illness, but Jack Ross has only twelve hours to get the medicine back to his wife on the other side of America. This is an excellent movie, which is very exciting.

64. Which of the four movies is the least popular with people?

A. The 1st one.

B. The 2nd one.

C. The 3rd one.

D. The 4th one.

65. The underlined word "correspond" can be replaced by


A. date

B. exchange


write D. communicate

66. A thriller is most probably a film which tells something


A. frightening

B. instructive

C. humorous

D. interesting

67. Which of the following is the best title for the fourth film?

A. A Hard-working Truck Driver

B. Medicine

C. A Strange Illness

D. Twelve Hours


Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook by yourself? Have you been doing Internet shopping rather than going to the stores? What can't you be bothered to do?

A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half

of the adults are so idle (懒散的) that they'd catch the lift rather

than climb two flights of stairs.

Just over 2000 people were quizzed by independent researchers at Nuffield Health, Britain's largest health center. The results were extremely surprising.

About one in six people questioned said if their remote control was broken, they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.

More than one third of those questioned said they would not run to catch a bus. Worryingly, of the 654 respondents with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them.

This led the report to conclude that it's no wonder that one in six children in the UK are classified as obese (very fat) before they start school.

Dr Sarah Dauncey, medical director of Nuffield Health, said, “People need to get fitter, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of their families, friends and evidently (明显地;显然) their pets too.”

“If we don't start to take control of this problem, a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the most fundamental tasks.”

And Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, was shamed as the most idle city in the UK, with 75% questioned admitting they do not get enough exercise, followed closely by Birmingham and Southampton, both with 67%.

The results bring serious challenges for the National Health Service, where obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease

and cancer have been on a steady increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year.

68. How many people questioned don't play with their children?

A. 1280.

B. More than 333.

C. 654.

D. About 420.

69. The study leads us to believe that _____________.

A. the pets in the UK will be in trouble if their owners keep their way of life

B. Glasgow people feel ashamed because they don't get enough exercise

C. British people are the laziest around the world

D. five sixths of the British children are healthy

70. How does the author convince the readers?

A. By presenting the results of a study.

B. By providing answers to questions.

C. By interviewing some experts.

D. By telling a story.

71. What is the passage mainly about?

A. A study of British people's laziness.

B. A study of British people's lifestyles.

C. The health service in the UK.

D. The obesity problem in the UK.


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