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Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question, Blacken the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points,1 point for each)

1. There are three dicisions on the island of Great Britain:Englan,Scotland and Wales.





2. , among the British monarchs,was regarded as “the father of the British navy.”

A.Henry Ⅱ

B.Henry Ⅷ

C.Alfred the Great C.William the Conqueror

3. The Celtic tribes are NOT ancestors of the .




D.Highland Scots

4. The Romans remained in control of Britain for about years.





5. One particular feafure of the feudal system of England was that all landowners took oath of allegiance for the land they held .

A.to their immediate lord,but not to the king

B.to the king, but not to their immediate lord

C.neither to their immediate lord nor to the king

D.not only to their immediate lord but also to the king

6.The Magna Carta had altogether 63 clauses,of which the most important ones were the following EXCEPT that .

A.no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council

B.the Church should possess all its righs together with freedom of elections

C.London and other towns should give up their ancient rights and privileges

D.no freeman should be arrested,imprisoned,or deprived of his property except by the law of the land

7.The name of the Hundred Years’War(1337-1453) is given to the intermittent war between .

A.France and England

B.Spain and Englan

C.Germany and England

D.America and England

8. The Peasant Uprising of 1381 in Britain .

A.was brutally suppressed

B.was a great success in English history

C.hindered the development of capitalism

D.had little significance in English history

9. treated 5 questions-her religion,her marriage,her foreign policy,her succession to the throne,and her finance-as personal and private.



C.Mary Stuart

D.Mary Tudor

10. The lasted intermittently for 30 years.

A.Civil War

B.First World War

C. Wars of the Roes C.Second World War

11. was responsible for the English Reformation in British history.

A.Elizabeth Ⅰ

B.Henry Ⅷ

C.Alfred the Great

D.William the Conqueror

12. The most famous literary work written by John Miton in the late 17th century was .

A.Paradise lost

B.Julius Caesar

B.Dr.Faustus D.Pilgrim’s progress

13.The Bill of Rights (1689)was finally accepted by thus marking the beginning of the age constitutional monarchy.


B.James Ⅱ

C.Charles Ⅱ

D.William and Mary

14.Agricultural changes in the late 18th century Britain were caused by the following Except


A.the enclosure Acts

B.Robert Bakewell’s selective breeding

C.small farms cultivated on the “open-field”

D.new agricultural machinery invented by Jethro Tull

15. The two events which most alarmed the British ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century were .

A.the Enlightenment and Frence Revolution

B.the Industrial Revotution and French Revolution

C.the American War of Independence and French Revolution

D.the Hundred Years’ War and the American War of Independence

16.During the First World War,the Allies included .

A.France,Italy and Turkey

B.Britain,France and Russia

C.Germany and Austria-Hungary

D.Britain,Germany and Austriap-Hungary

17.As the oldest British institution ,the has lasted for more than 1000 years.




D.Privy Concil

18.London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of .

A.Lord Chancellor

B.Ministry of Justice

C.the Home Secretary

D.the Attorney General

19. A who practices with 7000 patients or more in England may apply for fundholding status.




D.general practitioner

20.According to the textbook,the British public reads more than virtually any other country in the world.




D.scientific essays

21. According to the textbook,the five most populous cities in the United States are .

A.New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,Miami and Detroit

B.New York, Chicago,Los Angeles,Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

C.New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,New Orleans and Philadelphia

D.New York,Los Angeles,Chicago,San Francisco and Philadelphia

22. lived on the land by hunting,gathering,fishing and farming even before the discovery of the New World.

A.The Puritans

B.The Indians

C.The Pilgrims

D.The black slaves

23.The result of the War with Mexico was that .

A.Texas was added to the Union

B.the United States paid 10 million dollars to Mexico

C.Mexico agreed to give Louisiana to the United States

D. Mexico was forced to agree to give Califormia and New Mexico to the United States

24.The American Civil War ended in and cost American 618,000 lives.





25. was NOT among the contents of President Roosevelt’s New Deal.

A.Cancellation of federal labor laws

B.Establishing social security systems

C.Stimulating the recovery of industry and agriculture

D.Strengthening government regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systems

26.The leaders of the United States,the Soviet Union and met three times during the Second World War.





27.Through an executive order in 1947 started the violation of the Bill of Rights and widespread persecution of Communists and progressive people.

A.President Truman

B.Senator McCarthy

C.General Marshall

D.George Kennan

28.The great impacts of the Vietnam War on American society included the following EXCEPT that .

A.there was great unity within the ruling circle

B.the image of the United States was discredited

C.the United States was weakened because of the long war

D.people were divided in their attitudes towards American society

29. was the beginning of American involvement in Vietnam.

A.Japanese surrender in 1945

B.The outbreak of the Korean War

C.The French invasion of Indochina

D.Truman’s decision to send military aid to Vietnam to support the French

30. Which statement about the U.S.economy is NOT true?

A.It is both an economic and technological giant.

B.The U.S.is by far the biggest industrial country in the world.

C.It is first in such advanced fields as computers, space,nuclear energy and electronics.

D.It produces a major portion of the world’s industrial products and its share is growing rapidly.

31. In the U.S. produce about 85% of the total output of goods and services.

A.stare-run enterises

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f38315332.html,ernment enterprises

C.people in independent professional practice

D.the privately owned and operated businesses

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f38315332.html,erment involvement in the economy increased dramatically during the .

A.Great Depression

B.period of prosperity

C.Second World War

D.Progressive Movement

33.Which statement about the U.S.Constitution is NOT true?

A.The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

B.The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world.

C.The Constitution was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in the same year.

D.The Constitution has provided the basis for its political stability,economic growth and social progress.

34.In order to make sure than the new government would not misuse its powers,the writers of the Constitution set up a system of in the form of separation of powers.


B.mutual supervison

C.checks and balances

D.voluntary supervision

35.Generally,the number of presidential electors in the U.S. is the number of Senators and Representatives each state has in Congress.

A.equal to

B.less than

C.more than

D.10% more than

36.There is a certain degree of similarity in the U.S. elementary school curriculun,which mainly consists of mastery of the “basics”,such as .

A.reading,writing and arithmetic

B.science,visual arts and grammar

C.science,history and music

D.reading,writing and music

37.In the early 1900s,the kind of two-year colleges that emerged to meet the immediate need of the economic expansion and rapid in immigrants of the times was the .

A.liberal arts college

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f38315332.html,munity college

C.research university

D.doctoral university

38. is a historical,national and religious holiday that began with the Pilgrims.

A.Christmas day

B.Thanksgiving Day

C.New Year’s Day

D.Valentine’s Day

39. is regarded as Mark Twain’s master work.

A.The Gilded Age

B.Life on the Mississippi

C.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

D.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

40. was the spokesman for the “Lost Generation’.

A.Ernest Hemingway


C.Theodore Dreiser

D.Richard Wright

41.Montreal became a major port in Canada because it is .

A.next to Ottawa

B.next to the city of Quebec

C.in the province of Quebec

D.on an island in the https://www.doczj.com/doc/f38315332.html,wremce River

42. According to the textbook,Canada is a country with a population of 26,300,000.





43. In 1885,the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed and the country was linked .

A.from north to south

B.from coast to coast

C.with the United States

D.with South America

44.There is official language(s) in Ireland.





45.In 1948,Ireland voted itself the commonweath and on April 18,1949 declared itself a republic.


B.out of

C.a part of

D.a member of

46.Australia ’s Eastern Highlands are better known as .

A.the Dividing Range

B.the Great Barrier

C.the Great Dividing Range

D.the Great Barrier Range

47. In 1996,Australia’s population is about 18 million or about people to the square kilometer.


B. three



48.In recent years Australian governments have encouraged people with different ethnic backgrounds to and this policy is called multiculturalism.

A.change their cultures

B.keep their own cultures

C.learn from other cultures

D.give up their own cultures

49.There are all over Newzealand.





50.Waitangi Day is New Zealand’s .

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f38315332.html,bor Day

B.National Day

C.New Year’s Day

D.Independence Day





Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each) 51.In which year did the English navy defeat the Armada(the Spanish fleet),establishing England’s superiority as a naval power?

52.What were the two conflicting sides during the English Civil War in the 17th century?

53.When was Princess Elizabeth crowned Queen ElizabethⅡin Westminster Abbey?

54.What institution in the U.K.is the largest single employer of labor?

55.What accounts for a major source of population growth in the United States?

56.What incident made the United States formally declare war against the Axis powers in World WarⅡ?

57. What is the U.S.President’s official residence?

58.What are the three principal functions of the system of higher education in the United States?

59.What does the kiwi(a nocturnal bird)mean to the New Zealanders?

60.According to Australian Aboringinal culture,what is the relationship between the people and the environment?


Explain each of the following terms in English.Write your answer in the corresponding space on the ANSWER SHEET in around 40 words.(20 points,5 points each)

61.Alfred the Great


63.American federal system

64.The Progressive Movement


2005年10月自考英语(二)试卷 第一部分选择题(共50分) I. V ocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1. Six out of every ten prisoners in chains are black, which is ________ the chain gangs call up images of slavery in centuries gone by. A、where B、when C、what D、why 2. Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable, ________ there is no “absolute” time and space. A、so that B、even if C、in case D、in order 3. The next generation of robots will have a sense of _______. A、feel B、touch C、contact D、grasp 4. Scientists believe that you usually ________ to one idea at a time. A、attend B、tend C、pretend D、extend 5. From a systems point of ________, problems have multiple causes. A、sight B、idea C、perspective D、view 6. In a sense, men of this kind begin not so much with a musical theme ______ with a completed composition. A、but B、than C、as D、that 7. To these now familiar facts a number of further facts may be ______, some of them only recently recognized. A、shown B、proposed C、derived D、added 8. He argues that euthanasia doesn’t take into ______ that there are ways of caring for the dying. A、opinion B、thought C、mind D、account 9. Two-thirds of the nation’s voters still iden tify themselves ______ Democrats of Republicans. A、for B、as C、by D、over 10. You must push away the many temptations that are always present ______ your schedule is useless. A、and B、but C、or D、for II. Close Test (10 points, 1 points for each item) 下列短文中有十个空格,每个空格有四个选项。根据上下文要求先出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 At the moment some 170,000 young people throughout Britain are suffering what is potentially the most tense and anxious time of their lives. That is the number of students currently ___11__ to sit for their A-levels Examinations which __12__ whether a student proceeds smoothly on to the next rung (梯级) of the academic ladder or __13__ six years of work at secondary-school will be spent in the bitter disappointment of failure. __14__ the me dical “stress-charts” examinations rank __15__ behind a death in the family, a divorce or even the loss of a job; __16__ the symptoms of anxiety are all the most weakening because __17__ before the event rather than after it, and may in themselves be enough to bring __18__ the student’s worst fears-failing. The most crucial point __19__ pre-examination stress is that it is something the student catches from other people. He or she is not, after all, the only person with an interest __20__ the examination result. 11. A、are preparing B、prepare C、preparing D、to prepare


2015年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二) 试卷 (课程代码 00015) 本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 选择题区 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~l0题,每题l分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了l0个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该旬提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择8;如果该旬的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 Black Friday Everyone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season, but few people know the history of holiday shopping. While people have heard of Black Friday; most do not know its origins. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节).On this day most retail stores open their doors very early一some as early as 4 am. In addition, they provide their customers with great discounts on products. With this in mind, it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday. Black Friday is not as ok! as many people think. In fact, it is believed that the first Black. Friday was held in the 1970s in the USA. It was a day when stores decided to mark the start of the holiday season In order to draw more customers, they offered great discounts. All products sold very well. This large success resulted in the name Black Friday, it was so named because the stores were "in the black". This financial term means the stoics made a lot of money. However, it was not until around 2002 that Black Friday really started to gain in popularity. Today in the USA, countless advertisers proudly announce their Black Friday sales. They hope to attract shoppers into their stores. Black Friday is a day when many shoppers in the USA go out and buy gifts, even though Christmas Eve is still a more popular day to shop. Thanks to the Internet, it is now possible to get some excellent Black Friday deals online. So if you don't want to get to the stores by 4 am, this is the perfect way to still get items at reduced prices. 1. Many people know the history of Black Friday. ? A. True B. False C. Not Given


2014年10月自考《英语(二)》真题(完整试卷)含答案解析 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B或C)填在答题纸的相应位置上。 The Stranger Who Changed My Life It was a sunny morning in the spring of 1966. I was driving a taxi,looking for a customer. While passing New York Hospital,l found a man running down the hospital steps,waving at me. I stopped. The man reached the taxi and jumped in. “ The Airport,please,“ he said. As always,I wondered about my passenger. Was this man a talker? After a few moments,he started saying,“How do you like driving a taxi?” ‘s i t’ s OK,”I said. “I make a living and meet interesting people sometimes.” “ What do you do?” I asked. “I am a doctor at New York Hospital. ” Many times during long rides,l’d developed a good relationship with my passengers and received very good advice from them. This time I decided to ask for his help,”Could I ask a favor of you?”He didn't answer. “I have a son,15,a good kid. He wants a job this summer. is it possible that you get one for him?” He still wasn't talking, and I was starting to feel foolish. Finally, he said, “ Well, my students have a summer research project. Maybe he could join in. Have him send me his school record. ” He left his address and paid me. It was the last time I ever saw him. Robbie sent off his grades the next morning. And gradually this incident was forgotten. Two weeks later, when I arrived home from work, Robbie handed me a letter. He was informed to call Dr. Plum for an interview. Robbie got the job. The following summer, Robbie worked at the hospital again, but this time, he was given more responsibility. Then, he worked at the hospital for a third summer and gradually developed a love of medical profession. Near graduating from college, Robbie applied to and was admitted to New York Medical College. After getting his medical degree, Robbie, the son of a taxi driver, became a doctor at Columbia Medical Center. 1. The doctor shouted at the taxi driver for a ride. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. The doctor wanted to go to the railway station by taxi. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3. The taxi driver liked talking with his customers. A. True B. False C. Not Given 4. The taxi driver had two children. A. True B. False C. Not Given 5. The taxi driver became Dr. Plum' s friend. A. True B. False C. Not Given 6. The doctor wrote a recommendation letter for Robbie. A. True B. False C. Not Given 7. Robbie joined in a summer research project.


2019 年 10 月髙等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语 (二)试卷 (课程代码: 00015) 本试卷共 8 页,满分 100 分,考试时间 150 分钟。 考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。 必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。 第一部分:阅读判断(第1? 10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分) 下面的短文后列出了10 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果 该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 To Lease(租赁 ) or Not to Lease Planning to lease a car because you don't think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasing can end up being just as expensive as buying. Most people think about leasing because they believe it will cost them less money. They're right-it is cheaper, but only in the short term. For example, if you were to lease anew Subaru Forester, you might pay $300 per month for the car. If you were to buy the same car, you would pay about $400 per month. Over a three-year, you would save $3600-a big savings. But after your lease is over, you have to give the car back. Many people want to lease because they can drive a more expensive car than they might otherwise be able to afford. For example, if you spend $300 monthly on a car, you might be able to lease a new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might


2015年10月自学考试英语(一)真题 (课程代码 00012) 第一部分选择题(共20分) 一,阅读判断(第1-10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了十个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C,并在“答题卡”上将相应字母涂黑。 Atwentieth-centurywoman MaryaSkodowska was born onNovember 7, 1867, in Poland. Marya’s father wanted hisfive children to go tocollege, but the family was poor. In fact, Marya workedfor six years to makemoney so her elder sister Bronya could study medicine inParis. When Bronyafinished medical school in 1891, 23-year-old Marya went toParis to begin herown study. InJuly 1893, Marie passed herphysics exam first in her class. At this time, shemet Pierre curie, a youngscientist. Marie and Pierre found that they had muchin common. They bothbelieved that science was the most important part of theirlives. They didn’tcare about money or about being comfortable. They fell inlove, and weremarried on July 26, 1895. Marie and Pierre were very happy. Theydiscussedtheir work as well as the most recent scientific events, such as the discoveryofX rays. Marie was interested in this research and began to look forunknownelements that had such rays. Pierre stopped his own research in order tohelpMarie in her work. He realized that she was about to make animportantdiscovery. In1898, they discovered two newelements that gave off X rays. In those days, noone knew that such materialswere dangerous. They did not know that working withthese materials causedtheir illness, and they kept working. Finally, in 1902,they proved that radium(镭) is real. OnJune 25, 1903, Madame became thefirst woman to receive a doctor of sciencedegree from the Sorbonne. Then shereceived an even greater award. In 1903,Marie and Pierre and Henri wereawarded the Nobel Prize in physics. 1Marya went to Paris to begin herown study when she finished medical school. A.True B. False C. Not given 2Marya changed her name to Frenchform, Marie , in Paris.


2015年10月全国自考英语(一)考前押题试卷和答案 一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point each) 第1题 My advice is____you should not drink water with meals. A. which B. that C. why D. what 【正确答案】 B 分数1分 第2题 I like walking in the country and____. A. also does my husband B. so does my husband C. so my husband does D. my husband does also 【正确答案】 B 分数1分 第3题 The more the customer complained,____and more unpleasant the manager b ecame. A. the ruder B. more rude C. the rudest D. the rude 【正确答案】 A 分数1分 第4题 You____to bed late last night. Your eyes are red. A. might go B. must have gone

C. should go D. would have gone 【正确答案】 B 分数1分 第5题 Every boy and girl____in the same way. A. is treated B. are treated C. treats D. treat 【正确答案】 A 分数1分 第6题 There's something I'd____to tell you. A. like B. enjoy C. delight D. appreciate 【正确答案】 A 分数1分 第7题 He is____better in English than any other student in his class. A. more B. many C. much D. most 【正确答案】 C 分数1分


1.Would’t you rather your child __A____ successful with his study and won the scholarship? A. became B. become C. would become D. becomes 2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders ___C____will happen to his family life. A. it B. that C. what D. this 3. We hope that all the measures against sandstorms, ___D____ was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting . A. while B. after C. since D. as 4. We cannot leave this tough job to a person______B___. A. who nobody has confidence B. in whom nobody has confidence C. for whom nobody has confidence D. who everyone has confidence of 5.You are the best for the job ___B__ you apply your mind to it ._ A. until B. if only C. in case D. unless 6.Hey, leave __C___!I hate people touching my hair. A. behind B. out C. off D. over 7.I thought the problem of water shortage would ____A____ at the meeting but nobody mentioned it. A. come up B. come up to C. come over D. come to 8.Mr.Smith , can I __D______ you for a minute? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue. A. say a word with B. have words with C. mention a word with D. have a word with 9.There is a deadlock (僵局) in the discussion when neither side gives ____B____ to the over . A. a way B. way C. the way D. its way 10. This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ____C____ the height of students at different ages. A. with B. for C. to D. in Ⅱ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item) For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology. Her ability to negotiate __11___ by the fact most of the technology she wanted was no commercial secrets. Japan’s __12__ has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that __13__ to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an attraction to them to grant licenses. Besides, Japan’s work force was disciplined, so it was capable __14__ applying the information it acquired. Finally, American and European companies, who were __15__ licensers, felt that the Japanese companies might take a large share of the world market __16__ they were not limited by licensing agreement. Conditions of this sort, __17__ together in one nation, may well be unique, and the case of Japan may therefore not actually demonstrate that licensing is just as efficient as multinational ownership for the __18__ of technology. In fact, Japan may be finding this method of operation __19__ effective than in the past ,as her needs for outside technology now require information which __20__ only a few companies and is more closely held. DABDACDBCB 11. A. was strengthened B. will be strengthened C. will have been strengthened D. has been strengthened 12. A. position B. location C. place D. point 13. A. entry B. access C. presence D. acceptance 14. A. at B. in C. for D. of 15 .A. potential B. feasible C. liable D. inevitable 16. A. until B. before C. if D. after 17. A. came B. come C. will come D. coming 18. A. transformation B. transfer C. transmission D. shift 19. A. much B. little C. less D. more 20. A. sticks to B. belongs to C. draws on D. takes on Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension (30 points, 2 point for each item) Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage . One day, the principal came into our room and, after talking to the teacher, for some reason said: “I wish all of the white scholars to stand for a moment.” I rose with the others. The teacher looked at me and, calling my name, said: “You sit down for the present, and rise with the others.” I did not quite understand her. She repeated: “You sit down now, and rise with the others.” I sat down puzzled and dumb. I saw and heard nothing. When the other were asked to rise, I did not know it. When school was dismissed, I went out unconsciously. A few of the white boys laughed at me, saying: “Oh, you’re a nigger, too.” 21. We can infer from the passage that “a nigger ”means____B____. A. a white person B. a black person C. anyone that is not white D. anyone that is not black 22. When the teacher asked him to sit down and rise with the others, the author was confused because_____A____. A.he never considered himself a non-white person B.he thought the teacher didn’t recognize him C.he thought he should be considered D.he thought it rude for the teacher to call his name 23. It was on that day that he began to realize that ____D_____. A.he was a nigger B.he was different from others because of his beauty C.his color was like that of his mother D.he differed from other white people even with his beauty 24. From the passage we can learn that ______C___. A.the boy’s father left them for some reasons B.the boy’s mother didn’t want to mention his father at


2002年10月自考英语(二)试卷 PART ONE Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将相应的字母填在答题纸相应的位置上。 1. Make sure the label is firmly ______ to the parcel before you mail it. A. attributed B. accustomed C. adjusted D. attached 2. ______leisure was generally considered a waste of time. A. Not until recently B. Not recently C. Until recently D. Recently until 3. Man's greatest energy comes not from his physical strength ______ his dreams. A. except from B. yet from C. however from D. but from 4. It is ______ to avoid rich foods if you are feeling ill. A. senseless B. sensible C. sentimental D. sensitive 5. If you are walking away from a clock tower, you will hear the ticking of the clock fade to a point ______ it cannot be heard. A. which B. what C. where D. how 6. The moon turns round the earth, just ______ the earth circles round the sun. A. therefore B. as C. thus D. so 7. He said he was ______ the origin of the universe. A. speculating upon B. coinciding with C. putting into operation D. distinguishing between 8. A good manager identifies the interest of his employees ______ his own. A. to B. with C. for D. between 9. We have a ___ experience of continued living than any society that has preceded us anywhere. A. very more greater B. very many greater C. much more greater D. very much greater 10. While ______ your imagination, you should be alone and completely undisturbed. A. exercising B. exercises C. to exercise D. exercised Ⅱ. Cloze Test(10 points, 1 point for each item) 在下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,将相应的字母填在答题纸相应的位置上。 Business card exchanges are an important part of any international business meeting. To show how people exchange a business card, we will examine it as __11__ by an American in Japan. First, the cards should be in English on one side and Japanese on the other. It is important that the company and title __12__ noticeably positioned. The cards should be kept in a card holder in the jacket pocket. Never keep the cards in a wallet or a pocketbook. The presentation of the card is done at the beginning of the meeting. Cards are presented __13__ the giver's name(Japanese side) __14__ the receiver. The card can be __15__ by one or preferably two hands accompanied by a slight bow. __16__ receiving a card, the receiver should study it carefully to determine the status of the person he is meeting. Since meetings usually __17__ more than one person, each card __18__ should be placed on the table in front of the receiver __19__ he can tell who he is speaking with. The receiver should avoid shuffling(摆弄) the cards, placing them in his wallet, or writing on them __20__ the giver. The business card is the symbol of the organization; therefore it should be treated with the greatest respect. 11. A. checked out B. worn out C. turned out D. carried out 12. A. be B. is C. will be D. might be 13. A. with B. for C. to D. on

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