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外研版七年级英语上册教案 教案 课题 Starter Module1 Unit1 课型Listening and speaking 教学目标学习称呼语和问候语教学重点打招呼用语教学难点如何正确运用打招呼用语教具多媒体录音机课时 1 教学课程 Greeting Warming-up T ClassPlease stand up Hello class S Hello Ms T Sit down please S Thank you Drills 练习打招呼问好 练习感谢他人 练习告别语Goodbye Practise 1 Work in pairs part7 and part8 2 Complete the sentences Daming ______ ______ please 请坐 ___________ 同学们好

______ 你好 Jack ______________ 谢谢 Miss Li _______ 再见 Lucy Conclude Homework Complete part5 and part 6 个人修改 课后评价 教案 课题 Starter Module1 Unit2 课型listeningandspeaking 教学目标学习打招呼的用语询问姓名和相互间的问候教学重点打招呼用语询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句及回答教学难点一天中不同时间的打招呼用语教具多媒体录音机课时 1 教学课程 1Greeting 2Warming-up T Good morningWhats your name S Im My name is T How are you S Fine thank you And you T Im fine too 3Drills 1 练习打招呼的用语Good morningGood afternoonGood evening


七年级英语教学案例 一、主题 本模块以“自我介绍”为话题,让学生通过掌握自我介绍的表达方式,结识朋友,形成一个学习的集体,互相帮助。课题是“Module 1 Nice to meet you ! Unit 3 Language in use 。” 二、背景 由于刚开学,同学们相互间不太了解,在前两个单元学习上,通过本单元的学习,使学生们能够用英语介绍自己;同时掌握英美国家在姓名表达上与中国的区别;掌握在做自我介绍时英、美国家的人士与中国人的不同对答习惯;说话时要尊重对方的习惯,让对方感觉舒服,借以培养良好的情感。能够运用所学的句型向不同的朋友介绍自己的情况。 三、教学过程 Language practice Revise the sentence with the students. I’m a teacher and I’m Chinese. /He’s my friend. /We’re students. /Are you a new student? /They aren’t English. T: Ask the students to make other similar sentences. S: Make sentences with their own real information.

T: Explain the word “be”. S: Pay attention to the teacher and make some notes. 1. Talk about you and your friend to your group. T: Ask the students to sit and work with their classmates. I’m Liu Bin. He’s my friend, Zhao Hai. I’m 12 years old , He’s 14 years old. We’re Chinese and we’re in Class Two. S: Work in pairs. Where are you from? / Where do you come from? S: To present their partner to other pairs. T: Let the students talk about their partner’s information to the whole class. S: Ask and answer in pairs. 2.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. T: Ask the students to complete the sentences individually. S: Check their answers with a partner. T: Explain something difficult to the students.


七年级上Unit 2教学案例分析七年级上Unit 2单元主要教学一些物品的名称,如:学习用品,服装,水果,家具等等。要求学生能用下列句型进行交流。 A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pen. A: Spell it, please. B: P_E_N, pen. 本单元安排在26个字母之后,因此,字母的认读,单词的拼写,以及单词的读音也是本课的重点之一。在课堂设计的过程中,考虑到这节课的具体情况:单词较少,绝大多数学生都已在小学学过,但是,由于我所教班级学生的英语水平比较薄弱,虽然他们在小学已经学过这部分内容,加上小学英语的要求和初中英语要求的不同,他们对知识点的掌握程度还达不到初中水平。鉴于以上种种原因,我尝试着用让学生自己教会自己的方法来完成这节课的教学。整节课,我设计了绘画比赛,问答学习,调查统计等几个环节,一环紧扣一环,让学生在潜移默化中自然而然地学到了新知识。实践证明,我这样的安排不仅调动了已会的同学,让他们尝到了为人师的成就感和自豪感;与此同时,还让那些不会的同学有了更多更细心的学习机会,排除了师生之间的隔阂,让他们从自己的同龄人中学习,他们感到自然,易于接受。这不失为本课的一大闪光点。 上课前,我准备了四张图画纸。在师生互相问好以后,我把全班分成A,B,C,D四大组,然后把这四张纸分给他们,每组一张。要求他

们在5分钟以内完成一副画。A组画水果,B组画学习用品,C组画家具,D组画服装及床上用品。接着,老师把他们的绘画作品收上来,然后指着下列物品(a pen, a book, a pencil, a ruler, a pencil case, a backpack, a pencil sharpener, a dictionary, an eraser问学生 T: What’s this in English? S: It’s a pen. T: Spell it, please. S: P-E-N, pen. 老师示范性地问两次,然后请学生来互相问答,同时,板书下列单词:pen, book, pencil, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpen er, dictionary.。再让学生跟读几次上面的单词,以帮助那些还不会的同学掌握这些生词的读音和拼写形式。接着,老师在电脑上打出一副副关于以上单词的物品一件,并引导他们正确使用a和an进行问答。最后,由他们自己归纳出的a和an的基本用法。 接下来,我安排了一个知识延伸的环节,让学生充分利用他们自己亲手绘制的图片,用What’s this in English? It’s a / an….的结构互相教学另外一些单词,如:an apple, an orange, a banana, a pear, a grape, a watermelon; a bed, a desk , a chair, a blackboard; a b ag, a notebook; a shoe, a jacket, a hat 等等。学生词汇量的丰富多彩,完全出乎我的意料。这也是这节课成功的重要原因之一。 最后,在下课前,我给他们布置了一道既达到了知识的延伸,又激发了他们学习兴趣的家庭作业:让他们去寻找生活中常见的物品一


七年级英语外研版教学设计与反思蓝文祥 现代的英语教学要求学生听说读写全面发展,而英语知识散碎性又意味着记忆的不断重复性,那么把学生抓在手中让他们跟着学,有兴趣学就变得非常重要.这就要求英语教学设计日臻精致、完美,行之有效和富于独创性,以极大地刺激学生的学习情绪,满足他们的学习欲求,形成师生之间和谐愉悦的课堂氛围.下面是我对我们人教版初中英语八年级上Unit7第一课时教学设计,对如何将《英语新课程标准》的理念融入课堂教学作如下探讨。 Unit 2How do you make a banana milk shake? 一、教学目标: 1、重点词汇:peel, cut up, put … into, pour, turn on.. 2、重点句式:How do you make… ? First… , than… ,next… , finally…. 3、语法知识:how much + 不可数名词 how many + 可数名词 并且能够用英语解说制作的步骤。学生学会熟练制作奶昔,能力目标: 二、. 三、教具:多媒体搅拌器几个塑料杯六个香蕉两杯牛奶一大杯做好的香蕉奶昔 (二)教学过程

一、导入课堂,先微笑询问全班同学:What drink do you like?待学生纷纷表达自己喜好时,举着备好的奶昔边说:Here is some banana milk shake. Would you like some?学生抢着回答yes时,把准备好的奶昔分给他们(部分学生自带有杯子)品尝。之后问:Do you know how to make this milk shake?(有学生回答no),并宣布:现在我们来制作这种香蕉奶昔。 二、教学make a banana milk shake 1、播放图片,让学生观看并说出制作奶昔所需工具和物品(必要教师时帮助补充)。顺势学习搅拌器(biender)这个单词。 2、播放制作香蕉奶昔全过程,结合学习关键词汇:peel, cut up, put …into, pour, turn on. 3、listening. 要求学生把制作香蕉奶昔的顺序标在书本1b的横线上。 4、教师制作奶昔。边演示边解说(in English) 5、pairwork 学生两人一组,操练如何制作香蕉奶昔。 三、学生动手制作香蕉奶昔。. 分别请两位同学(自愿)到讲台上演示制作香蕉奶昔。要求按步骤用英语解说(如有误,教师纠正)然后连同老师做的奶昔一起分给同学们品尝。(充分肯定表扬上来制作奶昔的同学) 四、Listening 1、学生听、并完成2a、2b。 2、小结how much与how many的区别和用法: how much+不可数名词


七年级英语下教学案例 新目标七年级下Unit3 Why do you like koalas?(sectionA) 一、教学内容:英语《新目标》Unit3Why do you like koalas?第1课时。 1、课时内容:包含Section A中的1a、1b、1c和2a、2b Topic:Why do you like……? Structures:Why do you like koalas? Task:Talk about your\his\her favorite animals Culture:Know something about the animals and the description wo rds. Vocabulary:Koala,elephant,dolphin,lion,panda,penguin,cute, smart,interesting. Grammar:Why do you like pandas?Because they are very\kind of cute. 2、教学目标 (一)语言知识目标 1.掌握下列单词

(1)关动有物的名词:tiger ,elephant, koala, dolphin,panda, lion, penguin, giraffe (2)有关品质的形容词:cute, smart, shy, ugly, clever, beautiful, friendly, quiet, lazy (3)有关国家的名词:Africa, Japan, Australia (4)其他词类:grass, leaf, meat, sleep, relax, kind of 2.掌握下列句型 Why do you want to see the pandas? Because they’re cute. Why does he like the koala bears? Because they are kind of interesting. What animals do you like? I like penguins. They are cute. What other animals do you like? I like dogs, too. Where are lions from? They are from Africa.


外研版初一上英语教案 教学目标学习称呼语和问候语 教学重点打招呼用语 教学难点如何正确运用打招呼用语 教具多媒体、录音机课时 1 教学课程 1. Greeting. 2. Warming-up T: Class,Please stand up. Hello, class. S: Hello, Ms… T: Sit down please. S: Thank you. 3. Drills (1) 练习打招呼问好。 (2) 练习感谢他人。 (3) 练习告别语Goodbye。 4. Practise 1)Work in pairs part7 and part8 2) Complete the sentences. Daming, ______ ______, please(请坐) _____,______ (同学们好) ______(你好).Jack. _______,_______ (谢谢), Miss Li.

_______(再见), Lucy. 5. Conclude 6. Homework Complete part5 and part 6 个人修改 课后评价 教案 课题 Starter Module1 Unit2 课型 listeningandspeaking 教学目标学习打招呼的用语,询问姓名和相互间的问候。 教学重点打招呼用语,询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句及回答。 教学难点一天中不同时间的打招呼用语 教具多媒体、录音机课时 1 教学课程 1.Greeting. 2.Warming-up T: Good morning.What’s your name? S: I’m … / My name is… T: How are you? S: Fine, thank you. And you? T: I’m fine. too. 3.Drills 1)练习打招呼的用语Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening。 2)练习询问姓名和相互间的问候。


Unit 9 What does he look like 课程标准解读 学生参与决定教学内容。Brainstorm(头脑风暴)即学生在学习之前根据课题搜集、整理与课题相关人物外表信息。(身高、身材、头发颜色,长度及发型、脸部特征、着装、性格表达等)这样学生课前自己准备学习材料,教师利用学生带入教室的各种信息组织语言教学活动,并对学生进行经常性的需求分析,随时调整教学内容。 力图使学生自己输入成为主要教学内容资源,并成为整个学习过程的中心。教师针对本班学生特点,对教材进行整合、取舍并及时扩充必要材料充实课堂教学内容。 教学中挖掘利用学生自身的知识与经验,使学习内容更切合实际,学生更容 易深切感知。主张学生自主、自导学习,合作学习,强调不是个人学习,而是群体学习中的学生自主性。 总体教学思路: 本节课设计思路是两条主线, 一条是知识线;另一条是任务链。知识:知识的呈现是按照词、句、文,即,从易到难的顺序呈现的。从上节课的作业入手,然后分别复习人物外表如:身高、身材、头发颜色,长度及发型、脸部特征、着装、性格的词语介绍;讨论外表所需的询问和应答的句式,到知识综合运用和提高,最后是巩固和开放性作业。 任务:本节课任务设计以人物外貌为主线,上课以优秀小侦探导入新任务——识别罪犯,描述罪犯特征,然后,画出罪犯肖像,给马虎探长写回信。 教学目标: 1.学会描述人物外貌。 2.学习根据描述人物外貌的文章画出人物, 并能就图片写出人物间外貌不同特征及区别。 教学重点和难点: 描述人物外貌特征。 读文画图,看图写文。 课前准备:1.搜集有关人物外表的词汇如:身高、身材、年龄、头发颜色,长度及发型、脸部特征、着装、性格的词语(至少15个),分小组写出描述同一器官的不同词语。 2.分小组准备长相不同的人物图片,分男女。每组准备一篇描述人物的文章,画两个或多个外貌不同的人物图。(带软盘或样图) 教学设计: 本课按照两条主线进行设计,一是知识支撑,二是任务设计: 本节课流程图


Unit 3 How do you get to school? 一、设计思路 《新目标英语》教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践能力”,发展“学习策略”让学习者通过运用语言来完成各种各 样的交际活动.本课是新目标英语七年级下册第三单元,教材以“Transportation”为中心话题,围绕“How questions”和“Talk about how to get to places”展开,学习运用“I take/ride the/a…”和“I go to…by…”;面对七年级学生,他们有 了上学期的学习经验,有了一定的英语基础知识和听说能力,有了初步的自主合作,探究学习能力,却有很大的不稳定性。本节课以新理念为指引,以学生为主 体,以任务为中心,以交际为目的,关注学生生活实际和生活体验、让其贴进实 际,贴进生活树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践、合作探 究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。 二、教学目标 (一)知识与技能 1.Key vocabulary: train, bus, subway, ride, bike, ride a bike, take the subway. 2.Key structures: How do/does you/he get to ……? I take/ride the ……to…… I go to……by(on foot)…… 3.Ability aims: Ask and answer about “How do/does you/he get to……? Listening、speaking、and reading skills. To train students’communicative competence. (二)方法与途径 1.将1a,1b和1c整合为一个模块,以“How to get to…”为线索,学习新词和重 点句型;把1c重新设计为听力之后填表格的一个任务,学生明确了听力中五位 同学不同的到校方式,为他们后面的口语交际做好铺垫。 3.课堂的延伸,在对话中延伸至其他的交通方式(by plane等)学生既感兴趣,

外研版初一英语教案 (1)

外研版初一英语(上) Module7 My school day. Unit 1 I like maths! 教案 外研版初一英语(上) Module7 My school day.

Unit 1 I like maths!教学案例(新授听说课) 教学目标: 1、掌握以下单词: talk about What about…….? time o’clock half past art chemistry history maths at start(补充:物理physics生物 biology地理geography代数algebra几何geometry) 2、掌握句型: (1) What time is it ? I t’s eight o’clock / half past nine. (2) What day is it today? It’s Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/Saturday. (3) When is your history lesson ? I /We / (don’t) have Chinese at eight o’clock . 教学步骤: 一、新课导入 1、上课开始后,和不同的学生进行日常英语对话,比如:How are you ?How old are you ?How many people are there in your family ?Can you swim ?Can you play the piano ?Are you 13 ? Is it Thursday today ? No,it isn’t. 进一步引出新句型What day is it today?并将它板书到黑板上,学生会很自然的回答It’s Wednesday today. 2、然后让学生小组练习这个句型。 3、检查句型的操练情况。 一)、检查词汇预习。 1、Now,class,you are middle school students,you have learnt many subjects,everyday you live a busy but happy https://www.doczj.com/doc/f511209912.html,st lesson,we have learnt new words about subjects, now,let’s check the words.First,say out the English words for all the subjects. 利用各种课本,用他们来复习相应的词汇,特别是这节课的新词汇art chemistry history maths,(学生先一起说出科目名称,这样可以带动基础稍弱的学生进入预备学习状态。) 2、然后进行小组单词比赛竞争环节,个人抢答,抢答科目单词。 (小组4号可以得双倍的分数,以此来调动学生的合作互助气氛。) 二)、展示新知识,专项练习 1、新句型What time is it ? I t’s eight o’clock / half past nine.的讲授。


最新外研版七年级英语下册教案全册 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? 一、教学目标 : 1. 语言知识目标: 1)能正确使用下列单词和短语:crayon, eraser, glove, wallet, watch, whose, first of all, lose and found box, mine, hers, be careful with, from now on... 2) 掌握first of all及be careful with的用法。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 学习英语文明礼貌的询问和回答方式,拾金不昧的做人原则和助人为乐的优良品质。 二、教学重难点: 1、能够听懂有关失物招领的简短对话。 2、能够正确使用特殊疑问句“Whose…is this/that? 对物品的所属进行提问及其回答。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Show some pictures of school things. Say what they are. 2. Look at the pictures on Page 2. Match the words from the box with the pictures. 3. Read the words after the teacher. Step 2 Listening practice 1. Ask the students to read through the questions in Activity 2. 1) Is the football Tony’s? 2) Are the crayons Betty’s? 3) Whose gloves are these? 2. Ask the students to listen to the recording carefully. Step 3 Listen and read. 1. Ask the students to read the conversation. 2. Act it out. 3. Learn “Everyday English” Welcome back! be careful with… from now on. Step 4 Work in pairs. 1. Show some pictures of school things. Say what they are. 2. Ask the students to talk about the pictures. 3. Ask and answer like this: — Are the c rayons Betty’s? —No, they’re not hers. They’re Lingling’s. Step 5 Work in pairs. Work in groups of three or four. Put four or five school things on the desk. Ask and answer. 1. The students choose the school things. Ask and answer like this: A: Is this your pen? B:Yes, it’s mine. A: Whose pencil is it? C:It’s … 2. Read through the example with the class. 3. Pair them to ask and answer. Step 6 Language points 1.First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! First of all 是在介绍准备讲的几件事情的第一件事情。用于强调次序。 e.g. First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我作个自我介绍。 First of all, clean the surface that you are going to paint. 首先,把要刷涂料的表面弄干净。 2.Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. be careful with后接名词或动名词, 表示做某事时很小心或仔细。 e.g. He’s careful with his work. 他工作很仔细。 Be careful with the vase, it is valuable. 这花瓶很贵, 小心点。 Step 7 Homework 1. Remember all the new words and expressions we’ve learned today;


仁爱版七年级英语教学案例 案例背景: 在教七年级unit8 topic1 时,那时候学生已经学了近一年的英语,开始有些学生出现懈怠应付的现象,对英语的兴趣也在慢慢减弱,上课无精打采,我心里很是着急,该用什么办法让教学持续有效地进行呢?由于这个话题都是围绕天气,气象等实际生活现象,如果只是照本宣科,要求背诵各种天气现象,学生势必觉得枯燥无味,所以我想应该更多的从实际生活入手,让学生把英语和生活紧密联系起来,让他们觉得学有所用,让他们重新拾起学习英语的动力,让英语课堂更加生动有趣。课上我先教会他们读了单词,然后布置一项课后任务,让他们回去关注各地天气预报,下节课用英语汇报。以下是这节课的部分内容。 案例描述: 我把学生分成六个小组,让他们在自己的小组里把看来的天气预报记录结果总结汇报。学生马上一组一组叽叽喳喳讨论起来,我一听,大都是用中文说的,有些学生还不能很自然地运用英语表达,这样影响到其他学生,农村学生在自觉讲英语这方面还是比较薄弱。我赶紧鼓励他们“ speak English,if you don't know how to express,you can ask me or your teammates ”讨论后,按照惯例让他们各组请一个同学当天气预报主持人,把自己组查到的天气预报结果向全班汇报。为了不重复,我之前有让他们稍微分了区域,有的同学自告奋勇要查国外的天气。每个学生汇报

完之后,我还让其他组就汇报内容进行问答,以巩固相关的句型和表达,而且其他学生需要认真听汇报,才能保证问答流利。S1:Good morning! Everyone,here is the weather report on April 20 for some cities in Fujian.Fuzhou is cloudy. The temperature is from 19 °C to 28 °C .... Quan zhou is warm and sunny .The high temperature is 26 C, the low temprature is 18 C」t' s a good time to climb hills.Would you like to come with me this afternoon? (掌声)下面是问答环节, A:What's the weather like in Fujian? B:It 'closudy. A:What ' s the temperature there? B:It's from 19C to 28C . A: What can we do? B: We can climb hills. 提的问题课文里面都有,有事先去预习的学生都能很快提出来,如果不懂得提问,我会在旁边提示他们。 S2:Here is the weather report for some big contries tomorrow in the world …London is rainy, the temperature is between 14 C and20 C」f you go there, you need to take an unberalla …If you go to Sedn ey, you had better wear warm clothes.(掌声) A:What's the weather like in London tomorrow ? B:It 's rainy. A:What ' s the temperature there?


Module 3 My new school 一.教材内容分析 本模块以学校为话题,把焦点放在对学校的介绍上,话题贴近学生生活;新生对介绍学校也比较感兴趣。教学中应结合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容(或增加,或删除,或前后调整),合理设置课时。适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野,进行理想、人生规划的教育。 二.学情分析 通过前面两个模块的学习,学生掌握了部分描述物品的词汇及介绍自己的句型。本单元则是在前两个模块的基础上引入到学校与班级这个话题上,这是学生很熟悉也是较感兴趣的话题。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。 三.教学目标 1.语言知识目标

2.语言技能目标 3.学习策略目标

4.文化意识目标: 在中外对比中,了解不同国家的学校发展情况,了解不同国家的学校教育。5.情感态度目标 培养学生热爱学校,热爱自己家园的意识。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立正确的语言学习观。 四.重点难点 1. 教学重点 } [1] 重点句型:there be 句型表示存在的肯定,疑问与否定形式 [2] 重点话题:Introduce a school, a class, identify different places 2. 教学难点 [1] 数词与名词连用时,名词的单复数的使用。 [2] 掌握there be句型。 [3] 描述自己的班级和学校,能用恰当地道的英语进行写作练习。 五、教学设计 ~ Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class.


七年级上册英语教学案例 Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A (The first period) 【教材分析】 教学内容为人教版义务教育试验教科书《go for it!》英语7年级上册Unit8,Section A。学习内容主要体现以下几点: 掌握词汇: the words of 12 months ; the words of from 1st to 31st 掌握目标语言: When is your /his /her birthday? My /his /her birthday is October tenth . 【设计理念】任务型语言教学倡导“在做中学,在做中用”的教育理念,根据这理念,我将任务为中心将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式,运用学习任务组织教学,强化语言实践的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质。本节课的设计主要依据教材内容及七年级学生的年龄特点,充分体现新课程标准下倡导的“让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务目标,感受成功”的理念,使学生在情景中感受、体验和运用新学语言。 【教学目标】

语言目标:引导学生学会讨论日期和序数词的表达方法。 技能目标:学会日常交际用语,谈论日期等,会询问或回答生日。情感目标:学生通过相互询问生日,可以增进同学间的相互了解,并学会在英语交流中注意他人的情感。 【教学重点】 词汇: the words of 12 months , the words of from1st to 31st 句型 When is your /his /her birthday? My /his /her birthday is October tenth . 【教学难点】 when 引导的特殊疑问句询问日期和序数词的书写。 【学情分析】 本单元的主题是询问和谈论日期,围绕这一主题进行一系列的交 际活动,使学生掌握日期的表达法,正确使用 when 引导的特殊疑问句对日期进行询问。在学习日期的表达法时要先学习序数词的构成,学生在以前的课程里已经学习了基数词,对于两种数词之间的区别一定会令学生感到头痛,教师要引导学生运用对比的方法,找出构成规律,总结特殊变化,对比强化记忆。 【教学方法】


2011-2012学年度第一学期 七年级英语教学案例 毕节实验学校刘润平 Unit 12 Don’t eat in class period4 (section B: 3a, self-check ) Teaching Aims: 1. Learn to talk about the rules at school, in someone’s house and other places the Ss are familiar with. 2. Learn to use “I have to …”, “I can / can’t …”, “Don’t…”to describe the rules of each place. 3. Learn to be a polite student anywhere. Important Points and Difficult Points: 1. Master the sentence structure “No+doing”, “No+noun” 2. 祈使句肯定形式与否定形式的运用。 3. Describe the rules of the places correctly and fluently. [教学过程] Step 1 Warming-up and Lead-in Sing an English song with lyrics in the screen. T:Class, do you like music? Let’s sing an English song together. [1、由于是借班上课,老师与学生之间不是很熟悉,学唱一首轻松活泼的英文歌曲,能够使学生快速进入英语课堂,调动学生的学习兴趣;2、英语歌曲的歌词

仁爱英语七年级下册Unit Topic 教学案例设计 教案

Topic 2 Section A The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2. 本课重点活动是1a,1b和2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn other useful words and expressions: soon, local, hope,together, stay,places of interest,each 2. Learn to express plans and intentions: They want to go to different countries. I plan to travel around the country and take pictures of the local people. I hope to get together with them. I would like to travel to some places of interest. 3. Learn to talk about travels and holidays, maps and countries. The summer holidays are coming. I want to go to Australia. I want to go back to Cuba. Each of us has a good plan for the holidays. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 一张世界地图/录音机/10张教学挂图: 每张的正面写上P86页2中所列10个国家的名称,背面画上代表本国家的特色的名胜,动物,国旗等画面。 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间: 5分钟) 1.(班级活动。复习巩固上节课内容。) T: Good morning, everyone. Now, Let’s begin our class. But, first let’s chant together. Turn to Page 86. Read 4 by yourselves. Try to understand it. (班级一起chant三次。然后分组chant.最后四组进行四重chant,整个课堂掀起高涨的热情。活动chant内容如下。) I want to go on holiday. In the summer when the weather is hot, We wear shorts and T-shirts on the beach. And we swim in the sea. I want to go on holiday. In the winter when the weather is cold, We wear coats and hats in the park. And we play in the snow. Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间: 10分钟) 1.(听短文,把正确的图片用线连起来。培养通过听力,获取信息,处理信息的能力。) T: Really the summer holidays are coming. There are many places of interest in China and in the world. It is a good time for traveling. On Page 85, there are four students, who are they?


Module 1 My teacher and my friends. Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou. Ⅰ. Analysis of the text: This is the first English lesson. Students should know how to greet with the teacher and other students. Ⅱ. Arrangement of teaching in this module Three periods for this module, one period for one unit. Ⅲ.Teaching focus: 1. Master language of daily greetings. Key vocabulary and phrases: hello, class, my, name, is, Miss, good, morning, good morning, afternoon, good afternoon, goodbye 2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings. Ⅳ.Teaching aims: 1. Function: Greetings in students’ daily life. 2. Listening: Students can understand others’ greetings by listening. 3. Speaking: Students can introduce themselves and greet with others. 4. Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of greetings. 5. Writing: Students can write greeting words in their daily life. Ⅴ.Character building: Motivate students’ interest in learning English. Make friends with all students. Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures: Part I: Lead in: Step 1: Greeting with the students.

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