当前位置:文档之家› 考研英语强化班词汇讲义(完全打印版)







1. 单词的英文解释







The oppressed ____ freedom.

A. demand

B. require

C. request

oppress→op+press 压迫

press 挤,压→pressure 压力


oppressed 被压迫的


demand--ask for firmly, unwilling to accept a refusal

require--the ruler set a rule with the expectation that it will be obeyed

request--ask for politely

2. 单词的例句




3. 单词的熟词生意

late 死亡

I can tell 我能够看出来

brave 勇敢的,勇敢地面对

brave the enemies' gunfire, march on, march on, march on, on, on...

4. 单词的发音



community 社区

每天花5 分钟时间跟读单词,读准后再背单词,这样单词才会背得立体



1. 形象化

chill 寒冷

snowflake 雪花,雪片

spark 火花

trail 足迹,轨迹




nutrition 营养,营养品--谐音“牛吹神”

sentimental 情绪化的,多愁善感的--谐音“三屉馒头”

curse 诅咒--谐音“克死”


schedule 时间表= s+che(车)+ du(堵)+ le(了)

leisure 休息,休闲= lei(累)+ sure(一定)

三变形:把词汇进行形状上的改变,变成我们能够编故事的单元garage 修车厂--g想成哥哥+(c)ar小汽车+age 年龄

gloom 忧愁,郁闷--gl(隔离)+(r)oom


discipline 纪律

scream 尖叫

fate 命运

doom 厄运

五分:单词去掉一、两个字母,成为认识的单词,就要用五分的方法drown 使淹死,使溺死--r 去掉

poise 使平衡--i 去掉

routine 例行的事情--in去掉


engine 发动机,引擎--engineer 工程师

rub 摩擦--rubber 橡皮

2. 组记

pie 馅饼→lie 撒谎→tie 领带→die 死亡

car 小汽车→scar 伤疤→scare 惊吓→scarf 围巾→scarlet 猩红色的

shirt 衬衫→skirt 裙子→flirt 调戏→dirt 脏话

3. 词根词缀


The radio can _____ signals.

A transmit

B emit


submit 提交

transmit 跨越式的发射

emit 发散性的散射


turb = stir 搅动

turbine 涡轮机


狂暴的turbulent weather

骚动的turbulent crowd

动荡的turbulent period

dis = away 分开

discard 丢弃,抛弃

per = through 从头到尾

perfect = per + fect(do) 完美的

pervade = per + vade(walk) 弥漫


compose 作曲,作图,写作,合成,由...组成

pose = put 摆放

expose 暴露,揭露

dispose 处理

depose 罢免


com = together 一起

confess 倾诉,忏悔,坦白

con = fully 完全的

condense 浓缩

conceal 隐瞒,隐藏

fess = speak 说

professor=pro(forward)+fess(speak)+or (人)教授


capital 首都,首写字母,资金,首要的

cap = head



compressed air 压缩空气

contact 接触,联系

contact lens 隐形眼镜

intact forest 原始森林

I am explicit.

explicit 明确的

plic = fold 折叠

implication 暗示

implicit adj. 暗示的,暗指的


log 原木,航海日志

calcium→calculate(计算),calculator(计算器),calculus(微积分,肠/胃结石)bar→rolling bar(滚动条),barrier,barrel(bucket,drum),stay behind bars


derive 起源,来源

thrive 繁荣,昌盛

rival 竞争者,敌人


hum 泥土

humble 卑微的

humid 潮湿的

wet 强调浸润的状态

humid 强调闷热

damp 强调阴冷

moist 强调舒服

humiliate 使丢脸,使羞辱


spir = breath

conspire 共谋

aspire 渴望

expire 咽气,到期

inspire 激发灵感,鼓舞


progress 进步

regress = re(back)+gress(go)退步,退化

第三课时congress = con(together)+gress(go)国会

egress = e(out)+gress(go)出口

reputation 名誉,声誉


computer = com(together)+put(think)+er 计算机

dispute = dis(away)+put(think)+e 争吵


4. 词根词缀与形象化相结合

duce = lead

produce = pro(forward)+duce(lead)生产

reduce = re(back)+duce(lead)减少

educate = e(out)+duc(lead)ate 教育

seduce = se+ duce(lead)勾引

suicide = sui(拼音衰)+ cide(cut)自杀

cide = cut

pesticide = pest(害虫)+I+cide(cut)杀虫剂dilemma 进退两难

di = away

divorce = di(away)+vorce(声音)离婚

5. 生活中学英文

rejoice 快乐

safeguard 保护


found 创立,建立

foundation 基础

futures 期货


face off 变脸

take off 起飞,脱衣服

see off 送别

lay off 解雇

modem 调制解调器

modulate 调制

demodulate 解调

de 分解,拆开

code 密码

decode 解码

compose 合成

decompose 分解

detach 拆卸

tach 粘贴,附带

attach 粘贴,附带

detect 侦察,侦探

tect = cover 覆盖

protect 保护

inspire the next 激发的永远是下一次灵感

mind act upon mind 心相印

communication knows no bounds 沟通无极限

education/internet/reading knows no bounds

extra value meal 超值套餐

extraordinary 非凡的

6. 熟练


ability 能力


the ability to do sth.

inability 无能

in = no

indifferent 漠不关心的

inevitable 不可避免的

incredible 不可相信的,难以置信的

credible 可相信的,可靠的

cred = trust 信任

credit 相信

credulous 轻信的

be credulous of

ous 充满,大量

laborious 费力的

superfluous 过剩的,多余的

able 能…的,有能力的

enable 使能够

en 使动

enforce 执行

enlarge 扩大

enrich 使富有,使丰富

entitle 给...题名,赋予权利

The ticket can entitle you to have a free meal at the hotel.

encourage 鼓励

discourage 使泄气

endure 长时间忍受

They endured tremendous hardship during their journey to the South Pole.

dur 持续


duration 持续时期

bear 忍受(痛苦)

tolerate 容忍

put up with 容忍

第四课时unable 不能…的,没能力的

un 表否定

unfold 展开

unload 卸载

unlike 不像

dislike 不喜欢

alike 相象的(只作表语)

You two are so much alike.

unemployment 失业

employ 雇佣,使用

employer 老板

employee 雇员

er 动作的主动者

ee 动作的被动者

disable 使残疾

dis = no 表否定

disorder 混乱,失调

disguise 伪装

Tom escaped by disguising himself as a civilian.

able 能…的,有能力的

be able to


capable 有能力的,能…的

be capableof


Our corporation is capable of coping with such a big order.

ability 能力

capability 能力

capacity 能力

ability和capability是同义词,没有区别(皆指做事情的能力)capacity 容量,能力(学习并掌握技能的能力)

cap = catch

She has great capacity of learning English.

Capture 俘虏,抓捕

escape = es(out)+ cap(catch)+ e 逃跑

escape doing


ab = off 偏离

abnormal 不正常的,变态的

odd 古怪的

eccentric 古怪的

concentrate 集中

abuse 滥用

abuse one's authority

abrupt 突然的,唐突的、鲁莽的

rupt = break 断裂

abrupt death 猝死

abrupt departure 突然离开

abrupt manner 鲁莽的言行

bankrupt 破产的,使破产


acquaint 使熟悉,使了解

I have acquainted myself with the custom here.

acquaint oneself with

I have been acquainted with the custom here.

adapt 使适应

I have adapted myself to the weather here.

locate 使坐落于

My school is located in Beijing.

erupt = e(out)+ rupt 火山喷发,(战争危机)突然爆发

Violence erupted after the negotiation.

interrupt 打断、打扰,暂时中断

inter 相互






Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the War.

disrupt = dis(away)+ rupt 使混乱

Theaccident disrupted the transportation in the city.

corrupt = cor + rupt 贪污腐败的,使败坏

The violence spreaded by the Internet has corrupted the minds of the young people.

co = together 一起



coeducation 男女混校的教育制度

coincidence 巧合

colleague 同事

correspond 相符合,相一致

These goods don't correspond with my order.

collapse 倒塌

collection 收藏品

lect = choose

elect 选举

neglect 忽略

league 联盟

alliance 联盟

I am a champion.(实义名词)

I won the championship.(抽象名词)

第五课时quality 素质

quality of leadership

member 会员

membership fee 会费

a socialist league 实义名词

become stronger through alliance 抽象名词

recollect 回忆

remind 使想起

recall 回想起

remember 记得remember 瞬时想起

recollect/remind/recall 需要思考的时间,慢慢想起

recollect 强调动作Please recollect what you saw just now? remind/recall 强调结果

remindsb. of sth. The picture reminded me of my childhood.

recall sth. to sb. The picture recalled the childhood to me. fect = do 做

affect = af(to)+ fect(do)影响(身体上的),打动Smoking affects our health.

influence= in + flu(flow)+ ence 影响(思想上的)

affection 爱慕

effect = ef(out)+ fect(do)n. 影响、效果,v. 促使affect = have an effect on 对...有影响

dual effect 双重功效

dual spy

Religion effected a real change in her life.

infect 感染,传染

She infected the whole class with her humor.

infectious 传染性的

infectious disease

disinfected 已消毒的

defect = de + fect(do)缺点、缺陷

many defects in the education system

perfect = per(through)+ fect 完美的

imperfect 不完美的


moral -- immoral

mortal -- immortal

mature-- immaturemodest 谦虚的,适度的,得体的-- immodest measurable– immeasurable

possible-- impossible

polite-- impolite

patient -- impatient

partial – impartial

fac = do 做

factory = fac(do)+ tory(场所、地点)工厂

tory 场所、地点

dormitory = dorm(sleep)+ i + tory 宿舍

dormant volcano 休眠性的火山

atory 场所、地点

laboratory = labor + atory 实验室

observatory = observ(观察)+ atory 天文台、观察台

lavatory = lav(冲洗)+ atory 盥洗室、厕所

lav 流淌

lava 岩浆

facile 容易做的、轻易的

ile 易于...的

a facile success

fragment 碎片,片断

the fragment of our conversation


a fragile vase

facilitate 使变得容易

facilities 便利设施

fic = do 做

magnificent = magn(large)+ i + fic + ent 雄伟壮观的

magn = large 大的

magnify 放大

ify 使动

purify 纯化

purified water

simplify 简化

simplify the procedure

beatify 美化

identify 鉴别

humidify 使潮湿

magnifier 放大镜

humidifier 加湿器

sacrifice =sacr(神圣)+ I + fic(do)+ e 牺牲

sacr 神圣

sacred 神圣的

holy 神圣的

holy day 圣日


artificial = art(艺术)+ I + fic + ial 人工的


artificial intelligence 人工智能

intel 英特尔

significant = sign(标记,标志)+ i + fic +ant 重大的

sign 标记

sign 签字

resign 辞职

assign 分配,指派

designate 指明、表明

de 强调

detail 细节

His uniform designates his rank.

efficient 高效的

an efficient secretary



missionmissionary 传教士

deficient 缺乏的

deficit 赤字、亏损

be deficient in courage

proficient 精通的

be proficient at swimming

sufficient = suf(超过)+ fic(do)+ i + ent 充足的、大量的abundant 丰富的、大量的= an abundance of

ample 充足的、大量的

adequate 足够的(刚刚够)

suffer = suf(超过)+ fer(take)

sur = 超过

surface 表面、平面

surpass 超过

surplus = sur + plus(加)赢余

export surplus 顺差

surplus = sur + plus(加)赢余

viv 活


survivor = sur + viv(活)+ or 幸存者

survive 幸存于



income 收入

large income

outcome 结果

come out 结果是

I came out first in the exam.

break out 爆发outbreak

vent,ven = come

invent 发明;捏造



invent a convincing excuse

convince 使确信

convince sb. of sth.

I have a very convincing example.


prevent 防止,预防

prevent sb. from doing sth.

Nobody can prevent us from getting married.


caution 警告

precaution 预防措施

adventure 冒险(寻求刺激)

venture 冒险(有生命危险,有财产损失)v. 冒险

joint venture 合资企业

venture her entire fortune

advent 到来

with the advent of computer





custom 习俗

habit 个人习惯

event=e(out)+ vent(come)事件

affair 社会上发生的事情

current affairs 时事

current 现行的

current price

accident 偶然的事情,事故

accidental adj. 偶然的

accidental success

by accident 偶然地

I won the competition by accident.

incident 附带的事情,小的事情

incidental adj. 附带的

incidental music 配乐

issue 争论的事情

revenue=re(back)+ ven(come)+ e 财政收入

avenue 大街

the avenue to success

intervene=inter(相互)+ ven + e 干涉(第三方)The government intervened to stabilize the situation.

convenient 便利的

convenience n.

convenient store

adolescent – adolescence

Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

ventilate 使通风



My office is well ventilated.

locate 使坐落于

My school is located in Beijing.


isolate=I + sol + ate 使隔绝,使孤独


sol = 单独

sole 唯一的

sole survivor

solo 独奏

solar 太阳的


solar eclipse 日食

solitary 独自的

lead a solitary life

desolate 荒凉的;使荒凉

The floods desolated my village.




in detail

console 安慰

uni 表示“1”

uniform 制服

universe=uni(唯一)+ vers(turn)+e 宇宙version

conversely 相反地

reverse=re(against)+ vers(turn)+ e

unite 统一

unique 独特的



Coal can be converted into gas.

mono 表示“1”

monopoly=mono + poly(sell)垄断

monotonous=mono + ton(tone)+ ous 单调的

monologue=mono + logue(talk)独白dialogue 对话

diameter 直径

diagram 图表

bi 表示“2”

biscuit 饼干

bikini 比基尼





bilingual 双语的

bilingual school/dictionary

linguist 语言学家

bimonthly 两月一次的

bicycle 自行车

recycle 回收

recyclable 可回收的

tri 表示“3”

triangle=tri(三)+ angle(角)三角形

triplet=tri(三)+ p + let(小的东西)三胞胎中的一个

booklet 小册子

piglet 小猪

leaflet 小叶

wallet 钱包

walnuts 核桃

trivial=tri(三)+ vi(六)+ al(all)琐碎的

I flew to HK via Beijing.

deviate 偏离


deviate from his normal habit

deprive 剥夺

deprive me of my civil rights

cess = ced = ceed go

access 通道,入口

have access to 有途径(接触,使用,接近)

The poor children should have access to the good library. I have access to the most important information.

I have access to the president.

process=pro(forward)+ cess(go)过程,工序

the new process for making steel

excess=ex(out)+ cess(go)过度,过分

excessive adj. 过度的,过分的

excessively adv.

There is an excess of violence in this film.

excessive demand

modest 适度的

concession=con(together)+ cess(go)+ ion 让步

make a concession

compromise=com(together)+ promise(承诺)妥协,让步

predecessor 祖先;前辈,上一任

successor 继承者;下一任,晚辈

proceed=pro(forward)+ceed(go)vi. 继续进行

+ with

proceed with our conversation

exceed 超过,超出

exceed 500 dollars

The result of the competition exceeded our expectation. surpass

precede =pre + ced(go)+e 先于……

The flash of lightning preceded the sound of thunder.

preceding adj. 先前的

preceding page

previous=pre(之前)+ vi(路)+ ous

precedent=pre(之前)+ ced(go)+ ent(人)先例without precedent in history

recede=re(back)+ ced(go)+e 后退

The tide receded.

hospital 医院

hospitable adj. 好客的;殷勤的

(反) hostile adj. 有敌意的

host 一大群,一大堆;主人(男)

a host of difficulties

hostess 女主人

air hostess

host 主人(男)- (反) guest 客人

master - (反) servant 仆人

disease 疾病

ease n. 安适;容易

at ease 自由自在

I never feel at ease in his company.

with ease 容易地

I passed the exam with ease.

v. 缓解

ease my anxiety

(同)relieve 缓解

relieve the burden of my family

chronic 慢性的;长期难以解决的

eradicate=e(out)+ radic(根)+ ate 根除

radical 根本上的

eradicate the chronic problem of unemployment

acute 急性的;深刻的

acute analysis

flu 流感

fluent 流利的

She speaks fluent English.

fluid 液体;adj. 不稳定的

fluid situation

stable 稳定的

influence 影响(思想)

affect 影响(身体)

affluent 富裕的

superfluous 过剩的,多余的



superman supermarket

superprofit 超额利润

supersonic 超音速的

supersonic plane

supernatural 超自然的

supernatural force


superstition 迷信

supervise 监督

supervisor 总监;物价员

flush 脸红

He flushed with anger.



prescribe 开处方;规定

prescription n. 处方

describe 描写

description n. 描写

inscribe 刻字

subscribe 订阅

subscribe to a magazine

manuscript 手稿

manual 手工的

manufacture 制造,生产

emergency room 急救室

emergency case 急诊

emergency 紧急事件

emerge v. 从隐藏中出现;问题发生或暴露

merge = sink

The truth of the matter emerged.

submerge=sub + merg(sink)+e 下沉

第八课时war 战争

Farewell to Arms.

farewell party

war 非常大的战争

World War II

campaign=camp(营地)+aign 战役(规模较大)

battle 战斗(规模小)

bat=beat 击打

combat=com(together)+ bat(打)战斗,格斗(规模比battle小)fight vt. 抗击

fight the floods

bow 弓

rainbow 彩虹

arrow 箭,箭头

sword 剑

as every sword has two blades

Attitude makes everything.

lance 长矛

freelance 自由职业者

patriot 爱国者

fire 开火

charge 冲锋

retreat 撤退;倒着走

decimate=deci(十分之一)+ mate(在一起的人)大批杀害decimal 十进制的

decade 十年

centi 一百分之一

centimeter 厘米

massacre=mass(大量的人)+ acre(英亩)屠杀

slaughter=s(想象成“死”)+ laughter(笑声)屠杀

hatred=hat + red 仇恨

catastrophe 大的灾难(人为)

disaster=dis(away)+ aster(star)灾难(自然)

asterisk 星号


music 音乐

musical 音乐的;喜欢音乐的

musical talent

a musical boy

museum 博物馆

um 地点名词的尾缀

forum 论坛

stadium 体育馆

auditorium=auditor + i(音阶过渡字母)+um 礼堂

ballot 选举,选票

blackball 反对票

audit 审计

auditor 审计员;旁听者

audi 听

audience 听众

audible 听得到的- (反) inaudible 听不到的

audio 音频的

vacuum 真空

vacuum cleaner

vac=vacu=empty 空

evacuate 撤离,清空

vacant 空缺的

hollow 中空的

blank 空白的

vacation 度假

on vacation

vocation 职业

advocate 拥护,支持;拥护者,支持者

graduate 毕业;毕业生

delegate 代表

provoke 挑衅

van=empty 空

vanity 虚荣,空虚

vanity box

vanish 消失,化为乌有

ish 动词尾缀

furnish 用家具来布置+ 房间furniture 家具

furnish my apartment

dispose 处理;布置,摆放

dispose the chairs in a circle

amuse 娱乐,逗乐

They amused themselves by watching TV.

amusing adj. 有趣的,使人发笑的= funny

interesting 有趣的,吸引人的

amusement 娱乐,娱乐活动

amusement park

recreation 娱乐

entertainment 娱乐;款待

tain = keep

detain 拘留

maintain 维修;维持

contain 包含(空间上)


stain 锈迹,斑点

musician=music + ian(人)音乐家

civil - civilian 公民

electric- electrician 电工

politics - politician 政客

statesman 政治家

physical - physician 内科医生

library- librarian 图书馆管理员


accountant 会计

inhabitant 居民


patient 病人

student 学生

president 总统

agent 代理人

precedent 先例


artist 艺术家

chemist 化学家

dentist 牙科医生

tele 远程

telecommunication 远程通信

telephone 电话

phone = sound 声音

symphony 交响乐

sym = same

sympathy 同情,同情心;赞同I'm in sympathy with ...

symmetry 对称,匀称

telegraph 电报

graph 写

paragraph 段落

para 在旁边

site 场所,地点

construction site

parasite 寄生虫

photograph 照片

photo 光

photosensitive 感光的photosensitive materials

autobiography 自传

auto 自己

autonomy 自治

autocriticism 自我批评

bio = life 生命

biology 生物学

biochemistry 生物化学

biography 传记


vision 图像,视力,视野

vis = see 看

visible 看得到的- invisible 看不到的

revise 修改

supervise 监督

visit 参观

pay a visit to + 地方

it = go

exit 出口

transit 运输

circuit 电路

initiate 发动

initiate a social reform

第九课时telescope 望远镜

scope 范围

beyond the scope of our imagination

microscope 显微镜


dic, dict = speak

dictionary 字典

predict 预言

foretell 预言

fore 向前


forehead 额头

dictate 听写,口述;命令

dictate a letter to a typist

dictation 听写

dictator 独裁者

contradiction 矛盾


contra 相反,对立

contrary adj. 相反的


opposite direction

on the contrary 正相反

verdict 裁决

nounce = speak

pronounce 发音

denounce 痛骂

condemn 谴责

renounce 否认;放弃(说出去的要求又收回来)privilege=priv(private)+ I + leg(law)+e 特权

renounce my privilege

announce 宣布,公之于众

They announced their date of wedding to the public.

proclaim 宣布,宣告

proclaim the foundation of China

claim 呼喊

exclaim 喊叫

She exclaimed when she saw the present/gift.

gift 礼物;礼金

reclaim 收回

reclaim the lost property

acclaim 拥戴

amalgamation 合并

The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed.

sist = stand

assist 辅助,协助

A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.

resist=re(against)+ sist(stand)抵制,抵抗

resist temptation

resist aggression

resistant 抵制的,抵抗的

be resistant to the social reform

water resistant

insist=in + sist 坚持(做一件事);坚决主张

+ on

persist=per (through)+ sist 坚持(反复做同一件事);持续

+ in

The boy insisted on taking the case for the girl.

persist in doing physical exercises

insist on the policy of opening up to the outside world

The bad weather will persist for several days.

endure 长时间忍受;持续

consist=con(together)+sist 相符合,相一致;包含

+ with

+ of

Theory should consist with practice.

apply theory to practice

correspond with

accord with

Our class is made up of/is composed of/consists of/comprises 500 students. 整体包含所有部分500 students constitute/comprise our class.

include 整体包含某些部分

This tour includes a visit to the museum.

contain 空间上包含

include=in + clud(shut)+ e

conclude=con(fully)+ clud(shut)+ e 下结论;结束

conclusion n.

come to/draw a conclusion

exclude=ex(out)+ clud + e 把...排除在外

eliminate=e(out)+ limin(limit)+ e 淘汰

He was excluded from the tennis match.

He was eliminated from the tennis match in the first round.

exclusive 排外的,专用的

exclusive interview/exclusive recipe


、accident n. 意外事件, 事故 2、achievement n. 成就, 功绩 3、activity n. 活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为 4、adopt vt. 采用, 收养 5、advantage n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益 6、Afford vt. [常与can, could, be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失、后果等), 花费得起, 经受得住; 抽得出(时间) 7、ambition n. 野心, 雄心 8、approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路vt. 接近,动手处理vi. 靠近 9、attract vt. 吸引vi. 有吸引力, 引起注意 10、bribe [braib] n. 贿赂vt. 贿赂, 向...行贿 11、chance n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气 12、cheat n. 欺骗, 骗子v. 欺骗, 骗取 13、client n. [计]顾客, 客户, 委托人 14、Communication n. 传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯 15、compare v. 比较, 相比, 比喻n.比较 16、compete vi. 比赛, 竞争 17、Concentrate v. 集中, 浓缩 18、Consequently adv. 从而, 因此 19、contribution n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿 20、Convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的 21、decline vi. 下倾, 下降, 下垂v. 拒绝, 衰落 22、decrease n. 减少, 减少之量v. 减少 23、demand n. 要求, 需求(量), 需要v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询 24、Depict vt. 描述, 描写 25、Duality n. 二元性 26、Economy n. 经济, 节约, 节约措施, 经济实惠, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况 27、education n. 教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学 28、effect n. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象 29、Efficiency n. 效率, 功效 30、Emphasis n. 强调, 重点 31、enjoy vt. 享受...的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱 32、Enrich vt. 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩 33、ensure vt保证, 担保, 使安全, 保证得到v. 确保, 确保, 保证 34、Entertain vt. 娱乐, 招待, 接受, 怀抱vi. 款待 35、Environment n. 环境, 外界 36、Expense n. 费用, 代价, 损失, 开支, 费钱之物 37、fee [fi:] n. 费(会费、学费等), 酬金 38、figure n. 外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份 39、finance n. 财政, 金融, 财政学vt. 供给...经费, 负担经费vi.筹措资金 40、fulfill vt. 履行, 实现, 完成(计划等) 41、GDP abbr. 国内生产总值(gross domestic product)


赵丽词汇5500讲义 精校版 UNIT 1 1 Living in that _____ house over there has nearly driven the hero of the story mad. A .bleak B .haunted C .gaunt D .acumen 2 His body temperature is ______ for three days, the highest point reaching to 40.5 degree centigrade. A .uncommon B .disordered C .abnormal D .extraordinary 3 Texas, the second largest state of America, is ______ in natural resources. A .wealthy B .abundant C .scattered D .deposited 4 _____ to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of continent are still covered with thick forests. A .Orientation B .Access C .Procession D .Blight 5 I hope my teacher will take me recent illness into _____ when judging my examination. A .account B .counting C .regard D .observation 6 I’d ____ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan. A .take into account B .account for C .make up for D .make out 7 His long service with the company was ____ with a present. A .admitted B .acknowledge C .attributed D .identified 8 Ms Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be _______with everyone who comes to the store. A .balked B .admitted C .admired D .acquainted 9 Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they ____ vision. A .vigorous B .exact C .acute D .vivid 10 The newcomers found it impossible to ____ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make permanent home in the new country. A .shatter B .adapt C .regulate D .coordinate 11 By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ___ opportunity to change his mind. A .accurate B .urgent C .excessive D .adequate 12 My camera can be ______ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny condition. A .treated B .adjusted C .adopted D .remedied 群 考网络网友友情提供,仅供学习,请 勿外 传!w w w .q u n k a o .c o m


2019年考研英语词汇:必背大纲5500词(88) 2018考研英语词汇:必背大纲5500词(88) 1 shame n.羞耻,耻辱;可耻的人(或事物) v.使羞愧 2 shampoo n.洗发膏,香波;洗发,洗头 v.洗发,洗头 3 shape n.形状,外形;情况,状态;种类v.成型,塑造 4 share v.(with)分配,共用;分担n.一份,份额;股份 5 shark n.鲨鱼 6 sharp a.锋利的;轮廓分明的;急转的ad.(指时刻)正 7 shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇 8 shave v.剃,刮,刨,削 n.刮脸 9 she pron.(主格)她 10 shear v.剪,修剪 11 shed v.流出;发散,散发,脱落,脱去 n.棚,小屋 12 sheep n.(绵)羊;易受人摆布的人 13 sheer a.纯粹的,十足的,全然的;陡峭的,险峻的 14 sheet n.被单;(一)张,(一)片,薄片;大片 15 shelf n.架子,搁板 16 shell n.壳,贝壳;炮弹 17 shelter n.掩蔽处;掩蔽,保护 v.掩蔽,躲避,庇护 18 shepherd n.牧民,牧羊人

19 shield n.防护物,护罩;盾,盾状物 v.保护,防护 20 shift v.替换,转移n.转换,转变;(轮)班,(换)班 21 shilling n.先令 22 shine v.照耀,发光;擦亮 n.光泽,光 23 ship n.船舶,舰艇 v.装运,航运,运送;发货 24 shipment n.装船,装运;装载的货物,装货量 25 shirt n.衬衫 26 shiver v./n.战栗,发抖 27 shock n.震动;电击,触电;休克v.(使)震动/震惊 28 shoe n.鞋 29 shoot v.发射;掠过,疾驰而过 n.嫩枝,苗,射击 30 shop n.商店,店铺;工厂,车间 v.买东西 31 shopkeeper n.店主 32 shore n.海滨,湖滨 33 short a.短的,矮的;(of)缺乏,不足 n.(pl.)短裤 34 shortage n.不足,缺少 35 shortcoming n.短处,缺点 36 shorthand n.速记 37 shortly ad.立刻,不久;不耐烦地,简慢地 38 shot n.开枪,射击;投篮;弹丸,炮弹,子弹 39 should aux.v.应该;万一;可能,该;就;竟然会


考研英语词汇练习题及答案(一) 1. This rock has to be _______ in order to build a road. A. blasted B.explored C.hired D.maintained 2. He did not go to the party last night, which _______ her feelings deeply. A. wounded B.injured C.hurt D.injury 3.When they returned to the river, they found that the boat had _______ away. A.framed B.frosted C.frowned D.floated 4.If you need further information, please _______ our office. A.constant B.construct C.contact D.contain 5.During the war, many soldiers were killed not by _______, but by disease. A.bulledts B.devil C.bible D.depth 6.We watched the ship until it became only a _______ in the distance. A. point B.jar C.stove D.dot 7.The English proverb ‘_______ the rod and spoil the child’means that if you deep from punishing the child, you will spoil its character. A. rule B.rug C.clap D.spare 8.The _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000. A. worm B.trial C.tube D.criminal 9.Higher education in China is free but the _______ for entrance is strong. A. comparison B.consequence https://www.doczj.com/doc/f54109705.html,petition D.crawl 10.The light is too _______ for me to read. I can not stand any more. A. rid B.ripe C.soup D.dim 11.The water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study. A. sprayed B.puzzled C.inclined D.exported 12.In the United States, Congress makes the laws and the President _______ them. A. orders B.conquers C.executes D.hedges 13.She is too _______ to answer questions in the class. A. eagle B.cough C.eager D.couch 14.We enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun. A. beams B.beans C.beef D.beer 15.In the _______ English reading course, the students have to read a lot. A. extensive B.mechanical C.mercury D.opera 16.He gave up his study in college in _______. A. bundle B.butcher C.ash D.despair 17.Several people _______ the car accident. A. witnessed B.proved C.swallowed D.drugged 18.They will _______ the project with the necessary funds. A. refer B.relate C.furnace D.furnish 19.I took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again. A. grand B.tame C.granted D.thumb 20.He was sent to London on a special _______. A. missing B.missile C.mission D.mistress


核心词汇 A abandon abide bid abide by =bear/endure/tolerate/ put up with come up with =put forward=raise catch up with =keep up with abnormal ab-away from norm enormous aboard board abound in/with abroad broad go abroad absent present-presence absence abstract tractor abundant abundance abuse abuse drug abuse one’s authority abuse one’s wife accelerate access -cess/-ceed/-cede=go/move have access to+n/doing succeed in, to success-successful succession successive proceed to process in process of precede preceding precedent exceed sb’s expectation excess an excess of excessive recede re-again/back recession economic recession concede = compromise concession accommodation ac commod ate commode accomplish


考研英语词汇:常见英语缩写词 AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the) Lord;since Christ wasborn 公元 A.M.,a.m.ante meridiem(before noon)上午,午前Apr. April 四月 Aug.August八月 Ave.avenue林荫道,大街 BABachelor of Arts文科学士 BC,B.C.before Christ公元前BS,BScBachelor of Science理科学士C°,Centigrade摄氏度 cccubic centimeter立方厘米CDcompact disk光盘,激光唱片 cf.confer(=compare)试比较;参看cmcentimeter厘米 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f54109705.html,pany公司

c/ocare of由…转交 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f54109705.html,pare比较 Dec.December十二月 dept.,Dept.department部,司,局,系Dr.doctor博士;医生 e.g.exempli gratia(=for example)例如esp.especially尤其是et al.et alia(=and others)其他的 etc.et cetera(=and the rest)等等FFahrenheit华氏的 Feb.February二月 ftfoot,feet英尺 g,gm.gram克 GMTGreenwich Mean Time格林威治时间

hr.hour小时 IDidentification card身份证i.e.id est(=that is)那就是,即in.inch英寸 Inc.incorporated股份有限的Jan.January一月 Jr.junior小(用于姓名后)Jul.July七月 Jun.June六月 kg.kilogram千克,公斤km.kilometer千米,公里 l. liter升 lb.libra(=pound)磅 Ltd.limited有限的,股份有限


2018考研英语作文图表描述常用词汇 的更新! 2018考研英语作文图表描述常用词汇 基本要素 类型: table, chart, diagram/graph, column chart, pie graph 描述: show, describe, illustrate, reveal, represent, can be seen from, clear, apparent 内容: figure, statistic, number, percentage, proportion 表示数据变化的单词或者词组–动词 (1) 起伏、波动 rise and fall, fluctuate, wave, undulate, rebound, recover (2) 高、低点值 peak, reach a (high) peak/point,reach the bottom, reach a low point (3) 增加、上升、提高 increase, grow, rise, climb, expand, ascend, skyrocket, soar

(4) 减少、下降 decrease, decline, fall, drop, descend, diminish, slide, shrink, collapse 形容词或副词 (1)变化巨大 迅速的,飞快的,rapid/rapidly 戏剧性的,生动的dramatic/dramatically 有意义的,重大的significant/significantly 锐利的,明显的sharp/sharply 急剧升降的steep/steeply (2)变化平缓 稳固的,坚定不移的steady/steadily 渐进的,逐渐的gradual/gradually 缓慢的,不活跃的slow/slowly 轻微的、略微地slight/slightly 稳定的stable/stably


考研英语作文词汇:work 【work】 词义:起作用[动词] 说明:会说work一词没什么了不起,但是擅长用work一词会让你英语原味大增!我可不想讨论它是不是可数名词,在这里只讨论它做动词的情况。The medicine didn't work!是什么意思呢?原来是“那药不起作用/不顶事” 的意思。其实work本意是一个人的工作,就是你应该干的活。电视是播放 节目的,能履行自己职责就是work了,不能播放了,或没声音了,就是没 把“work”干好;同样,走时间与在指定时间叫醒你是闹钟的工作;打印是打印 机的工作。。。总之,可以是一个想法,一个计划,一个产品,一个用品,凡是起到该起的或预料中的作用就是it works,否则就是it doesn't work! 例1、我的闹钟坏了。 Chinglish:My alarm clock is bad. (人家以为你买的是伪劣产品,能用但是质量差) Revision: My alarm clock doesn't work. (不走了,或不闹时了,或两者都不行了) 例2、我的计划顶事了。 Chinglish: My plan served for the purpose.(快说对了,可惜没说对, for是多余的。) Revision: My plan worked! (多精练!) 例3、电视已经不太好了。(如声音时断时续) Chinglish: The TV set is already not good now. (不知所云) Revision: The TV set doesn't work properly(or: well) now. (多地道!) I hope my explanation works! 使用频率:★★★★ 造句功能:★★★ 西方思维:★★★★


心一考研英语核心词汇精讲班配套讲义 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

@心一老师 核心词汇 A abandon abide bid abide by =bear/endure/tolerate/ put up with come up with =put forward=raise catch up with =keep up with abnormal ab-away from norm enormous aboard board abound in/with abroad broad go abroad absent present-presence absence abstract tractor

abundant abundance abuse abuse drug abuse one’s authority abuse one’s wife accelerate access -cess/-ceed/-cede=go/move have access to+n/doing succeed in, to success-successful succession successive proceed to process in process of precede preceding precedent exceed sb’s expectation excess an excess of excessive recede re-again/back recession economic recession concede = compromise concession accommodation ac commod ate commode


附录3常用的前缀和后缀,部分国家(或地区)、语言、国民及国籍表,洲名及常见缩写词 一、常用的前缀和后缀 1、常用前缀 aero-:concerning the air of aircraft plane-aeroplane 飞机 space-aerospace 航空空间 anti-:against;opposite of nuclear-antinuclear 反对核武器的 matter-antimatter反物质 war-antiwar反战的 auto-:of or by oneself biography传记–autobiography自传criticism批评-autocriticism自我反省 be-:to treat as the stated thing friend-befriend以朋友的方式对待;照顾little-belittle使显得微小,轻视、贬低 bi-:two;twice;double lingual-bilingual 双语的;人 cycle-bicycle bio-:concerning living things chemistry-biochemistry生化 sphere-biosphere 生物圈 by-,bye-:less important produce-by-produce way-byway偏僻小路;学科的次要领域,冷门 centi-:hundredth part grade-centigrade ?摄氏 meter-centimeter 厘米 co-:together,with author-coauthor合著者,合著 exist-coexist 同时共存、和平共处 col-:( used before l ) together,with location-collocation排列,配置,词的搭配com-:( used before b,m,p ) together,with passion-compassion 怜悯、同情 con-:together,with centric-concentric同一中心的、同轴federation-confederation结盟同盟,联邦contra-:opposite diction-contradiction 矛盾、否定反驳natural-contranatural违背自然的 cor-:( used before r ) together,with relate-correlate 有相关性 respond-correspond 相符合相一致,相当类似通信 counter-:opposite act-counteract 对抗、抵消 attack-counterattack 反攻、反击 cross-:across;going between the stated things and joining them country-crosscountry越野的 breed-crossbreed杂种,使杂交 de-:showing an opposite;to remove;to reduce code-decode 译码、解码、分析电子信号value-devalue 贬值,贬低 dis-:not;the opposite of advantage-disadvantage 不利、劣势、短处agree-disagree不同意、不一致、不适合honest-dishonest 不诚实、不老实 em-:( used before b,m,p ) to cause to become body-embody 表现、象征;包括、包含power-empower 授权、准许 en-:to cause to become;to make danger-endanger 危及、使遭受危险 large-enlarge 扩大、扩充放大 ex-:former ( and still living ) minister-ex-minister v辅助; 服侍,部长 wife-ex-wife 前妻 extra-:outside;beyond curricular-extracurricular 学校课程以外的ordinary-extraordinary 奇怪;特别;额外,临时 fore-:in advance,before;in or at the front arm-forearm前臂,预先武装 warn-forewarn 预先警告;事先告知 il-:( used before l ) not legal-illegal 非法 literate-illiterate 目不识丁、文盲的 im-:( used before b,m,p ) not moral-immoral 不道德、邪恶;放荡的possible-impossible 不可能、办不到的;很难接受 in-:not


2021考研英语写作高频词汇汇总 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 写作高分词——名词 1.对抗,争论:encounter, confrontation, argument, controversy 2.方法:way, approach, strategy, method 3.观点:idea, belief, view, opinion, viewpoint,

perspective affect, influence, have/exert influence/effect/impact on 4.会议:conference, discussion, assembly, conclave, congress, convention, gathering session, assignation 5.建议:suggest, recommend, propose, have a proposal in 6.决定:decide, choose, make up one’s mind, make a determination to do 7.缺点:disadvantage, shortcoming, weakness, inconvenience, drawback, deficiency, flaw, handicap, downside, limitation 8.人:people, human being, the folk, the public, individual, citizen, all children and adults, all men and women in all walks 9.任务:assignment, job, work, task 10.事情:thing, matter, affair, business


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 考研英语词汇:常见英语缩写词 AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the) Lord;since Christ wasborn 公元 A.M., meridiem(before noon)上午,午前Apr. April 四月 Aug.August八月 Ave.avenue林荫道,大街 BABachelor of Arts文科学士 BC,Christ公元前 BS,BScBachelor of Science理科学士 C°,Centigrade摄氏度cccubic centimeter立方厘米CDcompact disk光盘,激光唱片 cf.confer(=compare)试比较;参看cmcentimeter厘米 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f54109705.html,pany公司 c/ocare of由…转交 https://www.doczj.com/doc/f54109705.html,pare比较 Dec.December十二月 dept.,Dept.department部,司,局,系

文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. Dr.doctor博士;医生 gratia(=for example)例如 esp.especially尤其是 et al.et alia(=and others)其他的 etc.et cetera(=and the rest)等等FFahrenheit华氏的 Feb.February二月 ftfoot,feet英尺 g,gm.gram克 GMTGreenwich Mean Time格林威治时间hr.hour小时IDidentification card身份证est(=that is)那就是,即in.inch英寸 Inc.incorporated股份有限的Jan.January一月 Jr.junior小(用于姓名后)Jul.July七月 Jun.June六月


考研英语写作词汇整理 目前距离21考研还有170多天了,单词记得咋样了?考研单词分为阅读词汇跟写作词汇,阅读词汇在文章中看到能知道意思就好,写作词汇就要求我们要记住拼写,会运用,所以写作词汇除了记住之外,还需要自己默写,还会造句~这就需要我们平时在做阅读的时候收集好词好句,为后期写作文做准备,可能有的同学说我背模板,背模版是没错,如果在背模版的基础上加上自己的同学,改成适合自己的东西,那么你的作文肯定更能拿高分。 好了,说了这么多,就是希望你在复习的时候多积累一点写作词汇~ 下面是雷哥考研整理的一部分写作词汇。看看你认识多少个~ 1. previous [?pri?vi?s] adj. 先前的; 以往的; (时间上)稍前的 【写作例句】 There are no previous statistics for comparison. 没有先前的统计数据可供比较。 2. appreciate [??pri??ie?t] v. 欣赏; 赏识; 重视; 感激; 感谢; 欢迎; 理解; 意识到; 领会 【写作例句】 Your earliest reply will be highly appreciated. 如能早日回复,我们将不胜感激。 3. confidence [?kɑ?nf?d?ns] n. 信心; 信任; 信赖; 自信心; 秘密 【写作例句】 I have total confidence that things will change. 事情会有所改变的,我对此信心十足。 4. participate [pɑ?r?t?s?pe?t] v. 参加; 参与 【写作例句】 I would like to convey my gratitude to you for your kindness to receive me when I participated in the exchange program in USA. 我想感谢您在我参加美国交流项目时对我的热情接待。 5. region [?ri?d??n] n. (通常界限不明的)地区, 区域, 地方; 行政区; (一国除首都以外的)全部地区, 所有区域【写作例句】 This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。 6. facility [f?'s?l?ti] n. 设施; 设备; (机器等的)特别装置; (服务等的)特色; (供特定用途的)场所 【写作例句】 The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. 酒店有专门的设施来接待残疾人。


第一部分做梦娶媳妇篇 ceive- cept(握有,获得) (1) conceive con(整体,全部)+ceive(获得)=获得整体概念=构想 v.①(of)设想,构思,想象; ②怀胎,受孕 (2) concept n.概念,观念,思想 (3)concept ion n.①概念,观念; ②设想,构想 4 deceive v.欺骗,蒙蔽 deceit n.欺骗,欺骗行为,谎言 5)receive v.①收到,接到; ②接待,接见 (引)receiver n. 接收者,接收器 6 receipt (无) n.①收据,收条; ②收到,接到 7 reception n.①接待,招待会; ②接收,接受,接收效果 v.①察觉,感知; ②理解,领悟 9)ac cept v.①接受, 认可; ②同意,认可 10 accept able a.可接受的 11 accept ance n.①接受,验收; ②承认,认可 第二部分站如青松篇 stable/stacle/state- stance/stand/stant-stin/stim-sist stim 促进 其余都是“站”的意思 一.stable/stacle 12)stab v./n.刺,戳 13 stable a.稳定的,安定的 n.马厩,马棚 14 st ability n.稳定,安定 15 in stability n.不稳定(性) 16 stadi um n.运动场,体育场 17 ob stacle n.障碍,妨碍,干扰(to)18 e stablish v.①建立,设立; ②安置,使定居 19 e stablish ment n.①建立,设立 ②建立的机构(或组织) 二.state 20 e state n.房地产,地产 21 state n.①状态,情况; ②国,州 v. ③陈述,说明 ④规定 22 state ment n.声明,陈述 23 states man n.政治家,国务活动家 24 stat ic(al) a.静态的,静力的 25 station n.车站;所,站,局;身份,地位 v.安置,驻扎 26 station ary a.静止的,固定的 27 station ery n.文具 28 statistical a.统计的, 统计学的 n.统计(学) 注:-ics 学科


2017考研英语作文常用词汇 1、改革产业结构 reform the structure of industries 2、亏损企业 loss-making enterprises 3、搞活企业 enliven enterprises 4、加快现代化步伐 quicken the modernization drive 5、跨国公司 transnational corporation / multinational corporation 6、乡镇企业 township enterprises 7、国有企业 state-owned enterprises 8、合资企业 joint ventures 9、解放生产力 emancipate/ liberate productivity 10、振兴国家经济 invigorate our state economy 11、实行股份制 introduce the shareholding system 12、全面深化改革 deepen reform all round 13、提高经济效益 improve economic results 14、增进效益 increase economic returns 15、宏观经济调控 macro-economic control and management 16、经济实力 economic strength 17、经济转轨 economic transformation 18、经营机制 operative mechanism 19、整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order 20、引进竞争机制 introduce a competitive mechanism 21、建立技术密集型企业 set up technologically-intensive enterprises 22、招商引资 canvass business and introduce investment


1. Californians and New Englanders speak the same language and abide ___the same federal laws. Abide by 遵守 2. Apart from blue eyes, blonde hair is also characteristic ___________ Swedish people Be characteristic of: 是…….的特点,是…..特有的 3. A bridge can be defined___________ a structure getting over an obstacle, such as a river, a road or railways. Be defined as 桥可以被定义为跨越于河流,道路和铁路至之上的建筑物。 4. Prejudice sometimes hampered a person ___________ doing the right thing. Hamper sb. from + n.: 妨碍……做……偏见有时候妨碍一个人做正确的事情。 5. Monica was urgent ___________ me for further particulars. Be urgent with sb. for sth. 急切向某人要某物 6. You can take the books with you and read them___________your leisure. At one’s leisure 在…….有空的时候at leisure 闲着 7. He was running___________ the pace he had learnt from the natives. At the pace 以那种速度 8. To protect his new invention, he took out a patent ___________ it. Take out a patent on sth. 取得一项……的专利为了保护新发明,他申请了专利。 9. I could scarcely keep pace ___________the new discoveries in biology. Keep pace with: 和….起步前进 10. When I was about twelve, I suddenly developed a great passion__________ writing poetry. Passion for:对….. 热爱、热情 11. Try our delicious three-course meal, offering you superb value___________Money. Value for money: 货真价实 12. Susan put a value of a thousand dollars ____________ the necklace. 1

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