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【最新】-【6】中考英语专项复习 连词

【最新】-【6】中考英语专项复习 连词
【最新】-【6】中考英语专项复习 连词


01 命题趋势考标导向化

连词是历年中考试题中的必考内容之一。从命题内容来看,涉及并列连词and, or, but, so, not only…but also,either …or,neither…nor等,从属连词when,while,since,as soon as,until等,分值一般在1~3分之间。从近年的中考试题来看,并列连词and,but,or,so,neither…nor,either…or,not only…but also的区别,when,while,as soon as,until等引导的状语从句的用法区别是考查重点。从命题形式来看,以单项选择、完形填空为主。

02 定义概念清晰化


03 知识归类知识网络化

+or+结果句”与“If you don’t…,you’ll…”同义,其中or意为“否则”。如:

Hurry up, or you will be late.快点,否则你就会迟到了!

=If you hurry up, you won’t be late.如果快点,你就不会迟到了。

=If you don’t hurry up, you will be late.如果不快点,你就会迟到了。


I want to help you,but I really don’t know what to do.我想帮你,可是我真的不知道该做什么。

He tried hard to catch up with others,but he failed.他竭力想赶上别人,但失败了。


It was rather late,so we decided to go home.已经很晚了,所以我们决定回家。

The rain began to fall,so we had to find a place to stay in.雨开始下起来,所以我们不得不找个避雨的地方。


I must be off now,for it’s rather cold outside.我得走了,因为外面相当冷。

I soon fell asleep,for I was tired.我很快就睡着了,因为我太累了。

5.not only…but also,neither…nor…和either…or…连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致;both…and…连接两个主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式;而as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词同前面的主语在人称和数上要保持一致。如:Not only I but also my mother is going to the museum.不仅我而且我的母亲也要去博物馆。

Neither you nor I am right.你和我都不对。

Either you or he is right.要么你对,要么他对。

Both Li Ping and her father take exercise every morning.李萍和她的父亲每天早晨都进行锻炼。


( )1.(2014·曲靖)—Would you like to hang out with me?

—I’d love to,_____ I have to study for the test.





( )2.(2014·遂宁)—Lucy,save water,_____ we will have no water to drink in the future.

—OK,you are quite right.




( )3.(2014·云南)—To achieve a bright future,we should _____ study hard _____ keep in good health.

—I agree with you.


B.not only;but also



( )4.(2014·滨州)—How do you like the two pairs of shorts?

—They don’t fit me well.They are ___ too long ___ too short.

A.not only;but also




( )5.(2014·重庆)Practice more,_____ you’ll do better in playing chess.

1/ 4


译林版中考英语专项训练初中英语连词专项练习题含答案解析 一、初中英语连词 1.Peter bought some goldfish ______________ he found it difficult to raise them. A. because B. or C. though D. until 【答案】 C 2.My mother has little interest in football ___________ she didn't watch the live match on TV yesterday evening. A. so B. if C. though D. when 【答案】 A 3.The environment will be much worse ______everyone has a sense of protecting it. A. unless B. if C. so that 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:除非每个人有保护环境的意识,否则环境将会更糟糕。A除非……否则;B如果;C为了。除非有环保意识,否则环境将变得更糟,本句是unless引导的条件状语从句,故答案选A。 【点评】考查连词辨析,首先识记连词词义,然后根据词义和句意确定。 4.— Do you know ____________Grandma is going to visit us? —Next Saturday. She told me on the phone. A. where B. why C. when D. whether 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你知道奶奶什么时候来看望我们吗?——下周六。她在电话告诉我们的。where 哪里;why 为什么;when 何时;whether是否. 根据答语next Saturday,可知问的是时间,用when提问,故选C。 【点评】本题考查疑问词辨析。根据答语确定所使用的疑问词。 5.—We should work hard. We'll never give up. China dream can come true. —I think so. Let's try our best. A. But B. And C. Or 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——我们应该努力学习,我们就将永不放弃,这样中国梦可以实现。——我这样认为。让我们尽我们最大努力。A但是表示转折;B和,表示并列;C或者,表示转折。根据题干可知,句子前后是并列关系,则应用and,故答案选B。 【点评】考查连词辨析,首先识记连词词义,然后根据句意确定。 6.— Would you like to go camping this weekend? — I'd love to, ______________ I can't. I have to prepare for the English Speech Contest.


一、选择题 1.—Let’s talk about the result of the survey. —________ many students like to watch sports shows, ________ game shows are the most popular. A.Although; but B.Although; / C.But; although D.But; / 2.The supermarket is far away from here, ___________ you'd better take a taxi. A.because B.if C.so D.or 3.—Ancient Chinese believed that traveling ten thousand miles is as important as reading ten thousand books. —I agree. It’s just like the popular saying “Make sure that your body your soul(灵魂)is on the way.” A.both; and B.not; but C.neither; nor D.either; or 4.Plan ahead for everything, _______ you will have a hurry life. A.and B.or C.for D.but 5.I really want to go back to my hometown, ________ I don't have time. A.if B.but C.or D.as 6.—Will you go to Nanjing by bus _____ by plane? —By plane. It is expensive ______ fast. A.or; but B.or; and C.and; but D.and; and 7.My grandfather is over 70 ______ he thinks he is very young. A.and B.so C.because D.but 8.The books are in the bookcase ______ the hat is in it, too. A.but B.or C.and D.because 9.The shop isn't open, she can’t buy her favourite chocolate. A.so B.or C.but 10.I don’t like running, I like swimming. A.and B.but C.with D.so 11._____________Jack _____________Jason have visited Shanghai Grand Theatre. A.Neither…nor B.Both…and C.Either…or D.Not only…but also 12.—Can you play soccer? —No, I can't.________I can play basketball. A.But B.Because C.So 13.Taxi Apps(打车软件)can help us travel around more easily.___more and more people like using them. A.Or B.So C.And D.But 14.A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates, so it __________helps with students' health,___________ improves their social skills.


专题18 连词成句 解读考点 连词成句 为了更好的帮助学生用英语进行交流,在英语中出现了种题型叫作“连词成句”,这种题型很好的测试了学生对语言运用的掌握。这跟语文中的连词成句有着异曲同工之妙。连词成句时注意看清标点符号。 直击考点 连词成句时注意: 一、看清标点符号。 ㈠如果是句号,则是陈述语句。 如果题目中给的是句号的要用一般陈述语气,也就是说它是陈述句。 陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。 例如:have a chocolate of bar i (.) 这样的题目给我们的标点符号是句号(.),很显然这是一个陈述句。那么,第一步是找到主语。经过认真的读题目,我们不难发现这句话的主语是i(我)。 第二步就是找谓语动词(谓语动词有be动词和实意动词等)。题目中唯一的动词就是第一个单词have(有/拥有)。那么这句话就应该是“ i have … ”(我有…)。还

剩下四个单词,仔细读一下就知道是一个固定结构“a bar of chocolate”,所以这句话就应该是“i have a bar of chocolate.”(我有一块巧克力。)。像这样的题目比较多。希望同学们能够很好的掌握这种题目的做法。 ㈡如果是问号,则是疑问语句。 就要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。 ①如果有where 、 what、 how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、is、 are三个单词。 例如:题目是“it is what ()”.首先看见它的标点符号是问号(),所以断定是疑问句,而且经过我们的继续观察我们发现还有一个特殊疑问词“what”,所以就知道这是一句特殊疑问句,故将what放在句子的最前面,然后,我们知道特殊疑问词在疑问句中它们的后面应该要有be动词(am is are),而通过观察我们不难发现句子中有一个be动词(is),所以很快我们就知道这句话应该是“what is it ”; ②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。例如:“have i a may new bike ()” 。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“may i have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“may i have a new bike ”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗)。同样其他的句子,例如由can 、would、shall等情态动词引导的句子也是这样的方法


连词 (一) 正误辨析 1、[误]Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now. [正]Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now. [析]在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都对。"而Neither of us is right。才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确"。 2、[误]He or his parents has some tickets for the film. [正]He or his parents have some tickets for the film. [析]由or 连接两主语时,谓语动词应与相临近的那一个主语保持一致。 3、[误]You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam. [正]You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam. [析]or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. 4、[误]Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others. [正]Though he is poor, he is ready to help others. [正]He is poor, but he is ready to help others. [析]"虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然",二者只可用其一。 5、[误]Either you or I are on duty. [正]Either you or I am on duty. [析]either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither…nor, not only…but also等。 6、[误]Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now. [正]Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now. [析]并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省略,也就是讲连接的部分不可省略。 7、[误]My father likes swimming and to collect stamps. [正]My father likes swimming and collecting stamps. [析]由并列连词连接的两个部分要保持相等的语法结构。如是动名词则都用动名词,如用不定式则都应用不定式,这是初学者要注意的一点。 8、[误]My father is reading a newspaper, I am doing my homework. [正]My father is reading a newspaper while I am doing my homework. [析]两个并列句中间不可用逗号连接,要用并列连词来连接。 9、[误]My father asked me that if I wanted to learn how to drive. [正]My father asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive. [析]宾语从句的连接词只能有一个不能重复使用。 10、[误]We will go both to Beijing and Shanghai. [正]We will go to both Beijing and Shanghai. [析]用both…and…作连接词时,其相连接的部分结构也要相同。 11、[误]Not only Mary but also her brothers is going to dance. [正]Not only Mary but also her brothers are going to dance. [析]由not only…but also…连接两个主语时,其重点在其后面的那一个主语,所以谓语形式应采用就近原则。


人教版中考英语专项训练常见连词最全总结 一、初中英语连词 1.—We have red and yellow T-shirt, which color do you like? —I'm afraid . I think blue will be OK. A. both B. either C. neither D. none 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——我们有红色和黄色的T恤,你喜欢哪种颜色?——恐怕两件都不喜欢。我认为这件蓝色的不错。A 两者都;B 两者中的任何一个,要么……要么……;C 两者都不;D 三个或三个以上的都不。根据句意,可知我选的是蓝色的,红色和黄色的都没有选,故两者都不喜欢,故选C。 【点评】考查连词辨析。注意识记各连词含义及用法。 2.It won't be a long time ________ your son comes back. Don't be worried. A. since B. as C. before D. unless 【答案】 C 3.This is the most important task should be finished soon. A. which B. what C. that D. / 【答案】 C 4.—My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents? —_________ my dad _________ my mum likes it. Instead, they prefer The Voice of China. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Not only; but also 【答案】 A 5.It was the middle of the night _____the sound of the piano woke me up. A. because B. if C. when D. although 【答案】 C 6.You will find it useful to learn to study by yourself _____ you go to college. A. while B. until C. Since D. when 【答案】 D 7.How can we improve our environment a lot each of us does something useful for it? A. while B. until C. after D. unless 【答案】 D 8.The situation is becoming more serious ________________ we do something to save the Earth.


中考英语连词成句专 项练习

中考英语连词成句专项练习 1.when,first,the baby,was,I,she,saw,10,days old, panda ,only . 2. At four months, she,about,started,home,time,10 kilograms,and to go her for the outside weighed first. 3. At the very beginning, hours,Xi Wang,14for,her,mother’s, drank,up to,milk,a ,day. 4.Sadly,is,it,giant,pandas,to,in,difficult,for,survive, the,wild. 5.It,is,to,world,learn,necessary,for,around,something, use,about,the us. 6. It ,is ,without ,for,you,to ,get ,success,impossible , working ,hard.

7. Mothers,baby,whole,their,own,pandas,for,leave , two,days,on often. 8. If ,find ,baby pandas ,people ,alone;take they will away often them. 9. If ,danger ,giant pandas ,are ,in ,the;we,farmer ,to , leave ,the,giant ,encourage ,panda ,should ,reserves 10. I ,will ,some ,birds,if ,I ,walk,through,see,a , rain ,beautiful ,forest. 11. If ,I,them ,don’t,buy,someone,will,buy,else,them. 12. Mother,have,giant,pandas,only ,at ,one ,two, babies,a ,or,time. 13. Their,is ,smaller ,and ,because,number,smaller, their ,living ,getting ,areas,are,becoming,farmlands


一、选择题 1.I quite like noodles_________ my cousin doesn't. A.or B.so C.and D.but 2.I know her, ____________I forget(忘了)her name. A.so B.and C.but 3.I live far away from my school, ________ I have to get up early every day. A.and B.but C.so D.or 4.______ Lucy ______Wendy speaks good English, so they cannot communicate with these British students very well. A.Neither, nor B.Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or 5.I really want to go back to my hometown, ________ I don't have time. A.if B.but C.or D.as 6.—Will you go to Nanjing by bus _____ by plane? —By plane. It is expensive ______ fast. A.or; but B.or; and C.and; but D.and; and 7.—Have you ever tried food in Singapore? —Yes.______ you like Indian food, Western food ______ Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore. A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Whether;or 8.Is getting up late good____ bad for our health? A.and B.or C.but D.for 9.— Would you like some cakes? — No, thanks. They smell delicious I’m not hungry. A.and B.so C.but D.or 10.—Ancient Chinese believed that traveling ten thousand miles is as important as reading ten thousand books. —I agree. It’s just like the popular saying “Make sure that your body your soul(灵魂)is on the way.” A.both; and B.not; but C.neither; nor D.either; or 11.He ________ like baseball. ________ he likes football. A.don’t, but B.doesn’t, and C.doesn’t, but D./, and 12.Get up early, John. you will be late for the class. A.And B.But C.So D.Or 13.-I like apples,_______ I like pears, too. What about you,Linda? -Well,I like pears _______ I don't like apples. A.and;and B.but; but C.but;and D.and; but 14.The shop isn't open, she can’t buy her favourite chocolate.


1、I don’t like reading watching TV. What about you? “I don’t like reading all day, I like watching TV plays.” A.and, but B.and, and C.or, and D.or, but 2、You won’t know the value(价值) of the health you lose it. A.until B.after C.when D.because 3、We bought Granny a present, she didn’t like it. A.but B.and C.or D.so 4、Study hard, you will pass the exam. A.so B.for C.but D.and 5、Put on more clothes, you’ll catch cold. A.and B.for C.or

6、My shoes are worn out, I need new ones. A.so B.if C.because D.and 7、He ran fast he won the race. A.enough …to B.so …that C.too…to D.both…and 8、He is only ten months. He can read write. A.either…or B.neither…nor C.both…and D.so…that 9、She said she might come Saturday Sunday . A.neither…nor B.nither…or C.too…to D.so…that 10、If Tom Mike asks for their car, tell him to come tomorrow. A.or B.and C.with



透析中考英语语法连词 【连词命题趋势】 根据对连词部分全国各地考试题的分析可知,今后该部分将是重点考查点之一。其考查重点为: 1、并列连词的用法 2、从属连词的用法 3、相似连词的辨析 【考点诠释】 一、考查表示转折对比关系的并列连词 这类并列句常用并列连词but (但是),yet (可是),while(而,另一方面)等连接前后简单句,but常译为‘但是”,“可是”,切不可与从属连词though或although一起使用。 1.but(但是,可是,而,却) 连接两个并列句,有时句中某些词可以省略;连接两个并列成分,可以放在一个句子的句首,后面不接逗号。 【考例】——Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? ——I'd love to,____I have lots of work to do.[北京市] A so B or C and D.but [答案]D。[解析]考查转折连词。so(表结果),or(表选择),ad(表并列),but(表转折),根据句意:“我很乐意去,但我还有一些事要做”可推断选but,表转折。It was very cold and windy, _________ those farmers were working hard on the farm.[吉林省]

A. and B. or C. but D. so [答案]C。[解析]考查连词的用法。 but表转折,and表并列,or表选择,So表顺接。根据句意选C。 二、考查表示因果关系的并列连词 这类并列句常用并列连词for,so等连接前后简单句。 1.for在意义上与从属连词because,since和as相同,但它们引导的是原因状语从句,而for则连接两个简单句。由并列连词for引导的分句只能置于句末,而且必须用逗号与前面的分句隔开。for分句主要是对前一分句补充说明理由或推断原因。for分句不能用来回答why问句。 2. so意为“因此”、“所以”,但不能与because同时出现在同一个句子中。因为because是从属连词,而so是并列连词,用来连接并列句。其结构为:简单句(原因)+so+简单句(结果)。 【考例】I have been trying my best to study English ________I want to have a chance to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympics. [太原市] A, until B. because C. though [答案]B。[解析] 本题考查连词的用法。until表示“直到……才”常用来引导时间状语从句;because"因为”用来引导原因状语从句,而though"尽管”用来引导让步状语从句。根据主从句的前后关系判断,应该选用表示原因的B项。 . Ricky caught a "bad cold yesterday, ___________ he had to stay at home. [南京] A. because B. but C. or D. so D because 因为,引导句子;because of因为引导短语But 但是,(表示转折=however,=whereas),不能够和though/although连用对不起,除了(=except) Or 和( and的否定形式),或者,否则(通常是将来时态,表示结


中考英语连词成句解题技巧1 一、命题趋势 连词成句是中考英语试题中新设的考查项目。这样,写作实际上分成了三个层次:1)词语的运用。是在命题人规定好的框架内,根据特定的语境,依据基本的规则完成单句。这如同体育竞技中的完成规定动作;2)连词成句。这个环节属于半开放式的表达形式。词汇范围有限定,但组合形式不见得只有一种;3)书面表达。在表达主题上有限定,但在表现形式和选用词汇上是完全放开的。这个环节好比体育竞技中的自选动作,可以根据自己的长项各显其能。三个层次各自独立但也互为联系,依次递难。 二、解题技巧 1.基本句型记心间 要想成功应对此题,一定要夯实基础,熟悉英语各类句型的顺序。如:题干若有what等“wh-word”时,我们一般要考虑特殊疑问句或感叹句;如果含有辅助动词、系动词或情态动词时,要考虑一般疑问句。 【典例分析】an, this, story, interesting, is 答案:Is this an interesting story? 【典例分析】do, fruit, you, best, what, like 答案:What fruit do you like best? 2.公式在手若等闲 英文的简单句一般以下列词序排列,如果是主从复合句,不过就是两个简单句外加一个连接词。记住这个基本的词序对于自己的英文写作很有好处。 【典例分析】in, he, football, does, playing, well 答案:He does well in playing football. 1 2 4 5 注意:由于do在这里作不及物动词使用,不需要宾语,故缺少第3项。 【典例分析】he, like, traveling 答案:He likes traveling.


连词 (一) 1、[误]Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now. [正]Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now. [析]在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都对。"而Neither of us is right。才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确" 2、[误]He or his parents has some tickets for the film. [正]He or his parents have some tickets for the film. [析]由or 3、[误]You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam. [正]You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam. [析]or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. 4、[误]Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others. [正]Though he is poor, he is ready to help others. [正]He is poor, but he is ready to help others. [析]"虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然" 5、[误]Either you or I are on duty. [正]Either you or I am on duty. [析]either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither…nor, not only…but also 6、[误]Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now. [正]Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now. [析]并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省略,也就是讲连接的部分不 7、[误]My father likes swimming and to collect stamps. [正]My father likes swimming and collecting stamps. [析]由并列连词连接的两个部分要保持相等的语法结构。如是动名词则都用动名词,如 8、[误]My father is reading a newspaper, I am doing my homework. [正]My father is reading a newspaper while I am doing my homework. [析] 9、[误]My father asked me that if I wanted to learn how to drive. [正]My father asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive. [析] 10、[误]We will go both to Beijing and Shanghai. [正]We will go to both Beijing and Shanghai. [析]用both…and 11、[误]Not only Mary but also her brothers is going to dance. [正]Not only Mary but also her brothers are going to dance. [析]由not only…but also…连接两个主语时,其重点在其后面的那一个主语,所以谓语形式应


一、选择题 1.I’d like to go with you, _____________I’m too busy. A.or B.and C.so D.but 2.__________ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesn’t like to see horror films. A.Since B.As C.Though D.不填 3.Don't came in ____________ you are called. A.after B.until C.since 4.-- I bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it. A.but B.and C.or D.so 5.______ Lucy ______Wendy speaks good English, so they cannot communicate with these British students very well. A.Neither, nor B.Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or 6.-How do you keep healthy? -I don't eat much meat, I do exercise every day. A.or B.so C.but D.and 7.—Have you ever tried food in Singapore? —Yes.______ you like Indian food, Western food ______ Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore. A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Whether;or 8.The books are in the bookcase ______ the hat is in it, too. A.but B.or C.and D.because 9.My grandfather is 85 years old. he's in excellent condition. A.Or B.And C.As D.So 10.The supermarket is far away from here, ___________ you'd better take a taxi. A.because B.if C.so D.or 11.The shop isn't open, she can’t buy her favourite chocolate. A.so B.or C.but 12.I have only two tickets of TFBOYS’ concert, ________ you________he can go with me. A.Either; or B.Neither; nor C.Both; and D.Not only, but also 13.—What kind of music do you like, pop music western music? —I like pop music. A.and B.but C.or 14.I like fruit _________ I don't eat too much. A.and B.but C.because 15.I wear more clothes today, ______ I still catch a cold. A.because B.but C.so D.although 16.His schoolbag _____ his baseball are on the sofa,____ his clock is not. A.and ,and B.but, but

初中英语连词成句 范文

连词成句 1、often ,She ,five ,for, times ,homework , a ,does, week. 2、sometimes,TV ,watches,He. 3、of, two, I ,cups, want, water. 4、book, on, desk, The, is, the. 5、a, country, is ,China, great. 6、an, A, is, animal. 7、is, very, The, beautiful, city. 8、have, I, sisters, two. 9、is, a, the, There, in, desk, classroom. 10、morning, on, My, football, Saturday, plays, father. 11、is, a, not, pen, this. 12、drink ,I ,milk,never. 13、set, It, a, color, is, TV, not. 14、teacher, not, I, a, am. 15、classroom, in, He, not, is, the. 16、does, love, you, she, not. 17、much, have, I, money, not. 18、is, nothing, the, there, in, room. 19、interesting, is, film, not, The. 20、a, computer, That, not, is

21、your, this, bedroom, Is? 22、the, Is, book, expensive? 23、Great, the, Wall, Is, this? 24、he, smoke, Does, heavily? 25、they, go, every, summer, Do, to, Europe? 26、the, go, round, earth, sun, Does, the? 27、you, English, have, books, two, Do? 28、man, Is, a, in, there, room, the? 29、pens, Are, any, on, there, desk, the? 30、you, get, Are, every, up, day,at6:00? 31、these, What, are? 32、my, where, socks, are? 33、color, is, the, What, bag? 34、Sundays, do, What, you, do, on? 35、do, How, eat, often, you, vegetables? 36、book, Whose, is, this? 37、favorite, What, your, is, fruit? 38、does, father, your, Where, work? 39、believes, Who, God, in? 40、hobby, your, What, is?

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