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Hello,my English name is Michael.My partners and I hold the point of view that after graduation,we’d better look for job instead of having a further study.

First of all,as the old saying goes,practice is the sole criterion of truth,we can easily choose whether we should hunt for job or have further study.We have accumulated mountains of knowledge from university.And I think that after graduation,it’s time to show the world what we got in our hand.I have seen many talented people who are eager to graduate just because they want to put what they have learned into real work.With so much knowledge in your mind but finding no place to practice it is totally a tragedy.Some of the students even can’t wait to graduate.Take Bill Gates as an example,he chose to drop off his classes before graduation and focused on what he really good at,and finally started Microsoft,which is now the biggest computer software company around the world.If we choose further education,the only thing you can gain is just the same as the things you have got in the past four years,which is,knowledge.However,people who choose to work have already gained the experience and practice that cannot be found in university.They are 10,000 miles ahead of you.

Secondly,choosing to hunt for job doesn’t mean that we won’t study any more.We will still study from books,from Internet,especially from work and colleagues.Learning from the work you do and the colleagues you

work with is important.During work,you can learn about the most advanced information in your career from your colleagues.After receiving those information,your study after work will have a clear way because you know what kind of knowledge,what kind of books can really help you in work.And I am pretty sure that you can never learn this in your further study.And we can also broaden our horizons during work.

Last but not least,if we choose to hunt for job instead of having further study,we will set up and enlarge our circles of friends promptly.As we know,in China,sometimes relationship can be the most important role to determine the outcome.As a consequence,circle of friends is becoming more and more significant.From my point of vies,the earlier we enlarge our circles of friends,especially the friends in our career,the earlier we will benefit from it.

That’s all I want to say,thank you for listening.



辩论赛反方能力比学历更重要一辩稿1 能力的基础是学识素养.他源于教育训练又高于书本知识.能力的最佳体现还在于实践,既能发现问题,又能解决问题.并能以其智慧创造出来.我相信,虽然学历是一个人求职的敲门砖,在找工作的时候,有学历也许会助你一臂之力.但是有学历并不代表有能力,学历只是获得能力的重要途径之一.能力才是个人价值的体现.因此我方认为学历对我们来说固然重要,但能力则是更加重要. 两个观点: 第一:个人能力不是由学历所所决定.一个人的学历只能说明他曾受过什么样的教育以及受教育的经历,至于学历和能力是不是名实相符,就需要靠时间验证了.打个比方说,学历好比产品的”外包装”,我们知道,一种产品在未使用前,人们只能通过厂家的广告宣传了解其特点,使用效果.实质到底如何?只能等到使用之后才能得出结论.同样这种情况也能说明学历与能力的重要性.如果学历比作”外包装”的话,那么能力就是”质量”,质量有了保证产品的价值才能得到提高,也就是说一个人有能力才是他综合素质的提现。有些有学历的人,其综合素质却名不符实.相反学历低的人,并不一定没有能力.著名桥梁学家林元培在上海设计了杨浦,南浦,徐浦,卢浦四座大桥,这些都成为上海的代表性建筑,但他却只有中专学历.爱迪生8岁上学,但仅仅读了三个月的书,就被老师斥为”低能儿”而撵出校门.后来他却成为了举世闻名的美国电学家和发明家,被誉为”发明大王”.一生公有约两千项创造发明,为人类的文明和进步做出了巨大的贡献.这恰恰说明了学历只能表示一个人具有某一学习经历

或者说具有某一专业知识的可能性,他并不代表一个人在具体岗位上的能力.能力的具备并不依存于学历. 第二:能力是个人价值的体现,是生存的基础.企业用人的关键是要看能力而不是学历.当然我们不能否认学历的重要性,虽然走入社会面试时经常碰到一句话”你是那所大学毕业的,什么学历?”但学历不是唯一的考量依据.在众多企业的人力资源总监看来,一个人才是否对企业忠诚,是否具备适应环境能力,是否具备学习能力远远要比他的学历更重要.学历虽然在求职的开始阶段会为应聘者提供一些优先的机会,但是如果没有能力也是徒然.因为任何职位招聘都有一段时间的试用期,而试用期则恰恰是在考察面试者的能力.很多用人单位招聘时常常要求有相关经验,其看中的也是求职者所具有的能力.据相关数据统计超过半数的企业招聘没有对应聘者的学历有要求,而是对应聘者都有能力的要求,可见用人单位也走出了”唯学历”的误区.企业对人才的需求,不再盲目追求高学历,而是根据岗位性质和特点,选择合适的人,实现企业人力资本效益最大化,也就是说那些有一技之长的技能人才是在以市场经济为企业真正需要的能力型的员工。 综上所述,我方认为能力比学历更重要.


世界大学生英语辩论赛辩题库(部分) 摘自:人人网 作者:Jade WUDC Berlin 2013 Motions Round 1 THW create public housing for the poor in wealthy areas Round 2 THBT Japan should acquire nuclear weapons Round 3 THW only imprison individuals who pose a direct and continuing threat to society Round 4 THBT International development institutions (such as the World Bank) should not finance natural resource extraction projects in corrupt states Round 5 THBT self described progressive males of dominant ethnicities are morally obliged to refrain from taking positions of responsibility where there is a qualified alternative candidate from a historically disadvantaged group who would otherwise receive the post Round 6 THW legally permit soldiers to refuse to participate in military actions or missions on the basis of conscience Round 7 THBT European Union nations should forgive Greece?s sovereign debt


英语辩论赛 话题:当代社会男人压力大还是女人压力大 主持:主持词:Good morning everyone, today, we will bring you a small but brilliant debate. I hope all of you would enjoy the time.(介绍来宾)The judges of today's debate are our teacher and everybody here! Welcome! The topic for our debate today is "whether the pressure of men is more than women?" First please let me introduce the contestants of both sides. Those on the pros are Liu Junyi and me. Those on the cons are Gao Tianli and Lei Feiyan. As everybody is ready now, here starts the debate. The first session: Statement of their arguments: ----the For-side, please 正方一辩:我方观点是当今社会男人的压力比女人的压力大。在当今社会事实是男人承受的 压力远大于女人的压力,不仅从社会角度,从工作角度,从家庭角度都对男人有更多的要求,男人被要求能够很好的处理社会交际,能够出色的工作,能够赚取更多的钱,能够很好的照顾家庭和孩子。因此,在当代社会,男人承受了比女人更多的心理压力。 Our view is that the pressure of men is more than women in today's society. The fact is that the men’s pressure is far greater than women, not only fro m a social point of view, from the working point of view, from the families point of view , the society has more demands on men, men are required to have good social communication, excellent work, to earn more money, to take care of their families. Therefore, in contemporary society, men suffer more psychological pressure than women. 主持----the Against-side, please 反方一辩:我方的观点是当今社会女人的压力比男人压力大,随着社会的发展,女人在社会中


辩论赛一辩陈词 辩论赛一辩陈词没有固定的格式,大致上就是阐述己方观点,进行论证,总结几部分。 提供一个辩词范本: 我方观点是成大事者不拘小节。何谓“不拘小节”?这是一个很泛化的概念,为了使讨论更有针对性,我们自然需要对其给出一个合理的界定。正本清源,“不拘小节”一词出自《后汉书·虞延传》,商务印书馆的解释是形容待人处世不拘泥于小事,不为小事所约束。多指不注意生活小事。在这里有两个词需要对方辩友尤其要注意:“拘”和“小节”。首先,“拘”在这里是拘泥的意思,形容被束缚其中。很明显,不拘泥并不等于不注重,不遵守。不束缚于小节,让我们做事的眼界更宽阔、更灵活。其次,“小节”是指无关大局的细枝末节,非原则的琐事。它的外延非常之广,小到生活琐事:衣着起居;大到自身利益:生死攸关。大科学家爱因斯坦整日蓬头垢面,可谓不拘小节;大文豪李白豪放不羁,当称不拘小节;伟大的雷锋同志,一心一意为人民服务,不在乎己身利益,更是不拘小节啊!此外,“小节”不等于“细节”,“细节”是构成事物的要素,不可或缺。小节是事物发展的次要矛盾,把握事物的发展更应看方向和主流。 那么,成大事者为什么不拘小节呢?我方认为原因有三: 第一,从“成大事者”的主体特点看。成大事者,决非普通的成才。他必然在某领域取得了杰出成就,并对社会产生较大并持久的积极影

响。纵观古今之成大事者,可以发现他们身上共同的特征:(1)具有长远的眼光,对事物发展有敏锐的洞察力和预见力;(2)他们善于把握事物的主要矛盾,能够明晰“小节”的地位作用,不会拘泥于无原则的琐事上;(3)成大事者往往性格独特,不拘小节。小平同志的人才思想中就提到:要用人唯贤,不拘小节……包括一些有怪脾气的人(邓小平文选第二卷),这就从客观上肯定了人才与不拘小节的关系。第二,从现实角度分析。人的精力是有限的,欲成大事,必需洞察方向、把握大局。正所谓会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。只有心无旁骛,才能专心致志。若拘于小节,将精力和时间过度的投放在非原则的琐事之上,“眉毛胡子一把抓”,必然对成大事产生阻碍作用。 第三,从理论层面判断:事物的矛盾可分为主要矛盾和次要矛盾,“方向”、“大局”是事物的主要矛盾,对事物的发展起主导作用;“小节”是次要矛盾。处理问题不能舍本逐末。要知道,解决主要矛盾的同时,次要矛盾也能迎刃而解。 综上三点所述,我方一致认为:成大事者不拘小节! 辩论赛四辩陈词格式: 四辩总结陈词,既是对本方观点的再一次申述、总结,又是一个最终的升华、点睛。写好总结陈词可以注意以下几点: 1、与其他选手全面分析、讨论辩题,了解其他辩手的观点 2、全体辩手根据辩题和讨论情况,制定一个总体的功防策略,每个人负责一个或者几个重点问题。 3、四辩在顾全大局的前提下,要照顾本方观点,同时加以升华。

2018-2019-大学英语辩论话题-范文模板 (2页)

2018-2019-大学英语辩论话题-范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议请及时联系,本司将予以删除 == 本文为word格式,简单修改即可使用,推荐下载! == 大学英语辩论话题 1. is tv a malign influence on society? 2. is career more important than family? 3. can people make true friends on the internet? 4. do you prefer to marry before you have a successful career or after you have a successful career? 5. should physical education in schools be compulsory? 6. should parents have the right to educate their children privately? 7. does reading makes a full man? 8. do we need to show 100% honesty to our beloved? 9. does pure friendship exist between men and women? 10. does the younger generation know better? 11. is it better to enjoy money currently or save it for the future? 12. is human nature good or evil? 13. are we living for ourselves or for others? 14. which do you prefer, freedom or responsibility in your marriage life? 15. a person should never make an important decision alone.y/n 16. should movies are designed only to amuse and entertain?


Oral Test Form: Debate Time: 5 minutes (minimum) Directions: In this part, two students work together to debate on one of the following issues. Procedures: 1) Each candidate gives an opening statement to illustrate your viewpoint clearly. (1 minute each) 2) Two candidates debate on the issue by asking and responding to the opponent for more details. Each candidate should have an adequate background of the positions and arguments that you will be proposing. (3-4minutes) 3) Each candidate gives a final conclusive argument/statement at the end of the debate. (1 minute) 1.Examination is a common means to evaluate a student’s academic achievement. But some people think universities should assess students by other ways. Candidate 1: Examinations do more harm than good. Candidate 2: Examinations do more good than harm. Statement: In my opinion I think examination does more good to the recent situation. As we can see , the exam is a common way to evaluate a student, teacher and others. Why it is commonly used not only at home but also at aboard? The reasons are as follows. First, it is the easiest way up to now. you can’t find a better way now. you can judge a person in a short time. It only need two or three hours. Second, it is the fairest way. The candidate have the same access to the test, they have the same time to prepare the exam, in case of some people get in from the back door. What’s more, so many talented was selected by the exam in china, for example , hujitao a student of tinghua university. Free debating: First of all , I want to say that , if there isn’t a exam , what will you do ? you can almost get nothing after a semester, because you don’t have to take a exam, so you don’t have to remember and practice, which is not good for a student to rise their ability. We work on the subject for a semester, exam is the most efficient way to test the students who really paid much effort. Second , the exam do make much pressure to the students , but if their do not have pressure , how can the students make program? Sum up: To sum up, I still hold the point that the exam does more good than harm. All coins in the word has two sides, I do agree some point of you, but as you can see , in current days , this is the most scientific way ,not only from time or space , exam is still a way that can operate, you can’t come up with a better idea except this.. As for some point you just mentioned. I don’t agree. For ……….. So I still a defender of my idea 2.Which is more important for you in your life: knowledge from books you read, or personal experiences in reality? Candidate 1: Knowledge from books is more important than experiences. Candidate 2: Experiences is more important than knowledge from books. 开头:In my opinion I think【Experiences is more important than knowledge from books.】…………A s we can see 1.All books are in a good order, they are ordered by chapters. This could make your brain a computer, you just think in a fixed way. You will don’t have your own idea. 2.Almost all the company offer few salary to the newly graduate students, as time goes by, the boss will pay more the worker. Why they can get more payment? the experience played a very important role. 3.What’s more , all the books is based on the experience. If one don’t have much expe rience , I guess there is no possibility that he can make a book. Let us see some of you relatives , even they are not well educated , they may only know few word , they even cant read, but they still make money. Sometimes they even make more than the one who get educated. What’s more , all the book are not all right at all . some are even wrong. If you just take in , and have no experience, you may make wrong. And some situation are not for your case, you have to experience and get a new way of yourself. Last , if you only read books and never practice , the effort is in vain. A man can live on his own experience , but can’t live on books.

人性本恶 辩论赛反方一辩稿

在座的各位同学们: 大家好!我方认为:人性本恶。 开宗明义,人性本恶中的本,无论是本来,原本,还是根本,在字典里都是事物的开始的时候最初根源的意思。虽然大家对善恶的标准都有自己的评判和思想,但归根到底恶指的就是本能和欲望的无节制地扩张,而善则是对本能的合理节制。我们说人性本恶正是基于人的自然倾向的无限扩张的趋势。早在两千年前,所谓人类文明的轴心时代,东方荀子的性恶论与西方原罪说便遥相呼应。而到近代,从马基雅维里到弗洛伊德再到鲁迅,无一不主张人性本恶。对方辩友身为祖国的花朵面对这样的真知灼见,至今未能幡然醒悟,真是让我痛心疾首啊!所以我方坚持认为:人性本恶。我将从以下三个方面阐述这一伟大的思想。 第一,人性是由社会属性和自然属性组成的,自然属性指的就是无节制的本能和欲望,这是人的天性,是与生俱来的;而社会属性则是通过社会生活、社会教化所获得的,它是后天属性.我们说人性本恶当然指的是人性本来的、先天的就是恶的. 第二,各大学术门类的研究均已证明人性本恶。人类学上,人类在诞生之初,就已经把本恶的人性充分地显示出来.研究表明,周口店猿人就已经懂得用火来把同类的头骨烤着吃,这种生猛烧烤,是何等凶残啊!秦的暴政到日本侵华战争到今天的利比亚混战。可见,千万年以来人类都还是保留有人类的劣根性啊!教育学上,有研究表明,等孩子长到两岁时,以殴打他人撕咬玩具为表现形式的暴力行动达到顶峰。此外社会学,管理心理学,生物学,哲学等方面的研究都众所皆知了。 第三,人有理性悟性和可塑性.人性可以通过后天教化加以改造.当人的自然倾向无限向外扩张的时候,如果社会属性按照同一方面推波助澜,那么人性就会更加堕落;相反,如果我们整个社会倡导扬善避恶,那么人性就有可能向善的方向发展。所以在现实中,法律,教育,道德才愈加重要。但我们不是改变人的自然属性而是塑造人的社会属性。 而对方辩友言下之意人类所有的道德教化都是多此一举了!心痛之余我不禁请问对方辩友,如果人性本善,那么我们要道德法律、交通规则干什么呢?个人修养、社会教化还有存在的必要吗?我方要尖锐指出:人性本善是某些不愿直面真我的人夜郎自大自欺欺人的最大借口。是普天下最大的谎言!!所以我方坚持真理:人性本恶。


编号:_____ 中学生英语辩论赛题目大全 学校:_________ 教师:_________ ____年___月___日 (此文内容仅供参考,可自行修改) 第1 页共4 页

中学生英语辩论赛题目大全 topics 1. advertising plays a negative role in our society 2. the hukou policy is still relevant in china. 3. the cigarette industry brings more advantages than disadvantages to china. 4. environmental protection is more important than economic development in china. 5. information technology dominates rather than facilitates people’s lives. 6. the cloning of human beings should be banned by law. 7. the opportunity cost of attending graduate school is too high for college students. 8. the benefits of mercialization of sport outweigh the negative effects. 9. hardship experience is necessary for young students to mature. 10. overseas returnees should have preferential access to employment. 11. this house believes that urbanization helps improve the quality of life. 12. this house believes that cities should tear down old areas to promote urban renewal. 第 2 页共 4 页



Whether Peopl e Can Conquer Nature (Debate of script ) Introduction---- 4.6 billion years ago, there has existed a beautiful planet—Earth. After 4.6 billion years’ evolution, what is the current situation on the earth, especially greatly influenced by human being. And now there is a wide spread concern over the issue that whether people can conquer nature. And today our group is going to begin a debate under the topic of whether people can conquer nature. First---- It’s the time for group members to demonstrate their own standpoint(各自自我介绍并表明阵营positive/negative) 正方: I’ m xxx. And I stand in the positive position—people can conquer nature. 反方: I’ m xxx. And I stand in the negative position—people can’t conquer nature. Second---- It’s time for both sides to make a brief statement based on their own viewpoint(先正方,后反方) 正方: Nowadays, there is a view that today's ecological problems are the result of human conquering nature, and the activities of the human conquering nature is dominated by a kind of wrong view, namely "the opposition between man and nature, put them as a hostile relations, advocate people to conquer nature. Transformation is an important practice activity of human nature, to transform nature, first to explore the nature, human beings in the process of exploring nature, will meet with difficulties and hardships, will encounter setbacks and failures, and must be in frustration and failure again and

辩论赛 反方辩稿

谢谢主席各位评委、观众、对方辩友、大家好!首先感谢对方辩友的精彩发言。 感谢对方辩友刚才的精彩陈词,但我仍不得不指出对方辩友所提出的“爱情的开始在于培养”的观点没有抓住根本。所谓“爱情”是指男女之间相爱的感情、情谊。即爱情是两个人的事,而非单个人的事。古往今来,爱情都是两个人的事,需要双方能够彼此契合,相互包容拥有能够产生爱情的条件。结合这些事实,我们可以发现爱情产生的条件往往取决于寻找,由此我们不难得出爱情的开始在于寻找。下面我将从三个方面来论证我方观点。 第一、马克思主义哲学认为“所谓爱情是一对男女基于一定的社会基础和共同的生活理想,在各自内心形成的互相倾慕的,并渴望对方成为自己的终身伴侣的一种强烈、纯真、专一的感情。”由此我们可以认为爱情是建立在一定的物质基础上,男女双方基于共同的世界观、人生观、和共同的生活理想,彼此相互爱慕,渴望对方成为自己生活伴侣的一种高尚的情感。所以爱情的发展需要一定的条件,如果需要达成产生爱情的这些条件,你必须通过寻找这个行为才能获得,所以爱情的开始在于寻找。 第二、爱情作为人类的一种强烈、纯真、专一的高尚情感,它无法凭空产生。而且爱情是两个人之间的感情,所以爱情的产生需要你寻找到的一个对象为前提条件。这和孤掌难鸣是一个道理的。只有你一个人爱着对方,那叫做爱情吗,不,那只是单相思,并不是爱情。所以你如果想要抚掌击节的话,那首先就需要有两只手掌。爱情也一样,当你去寻找到一个和你有着共同的世界观、人生观、和共同的生活理想的人,爱情才开始产生。 第三、有些被人认为是爱情的情感,其实它并不是爱情。爱情虽是所有人都可以拥有的情感,但这并不等同于你对某个人的感情就是爱情。例如:古代的“娃娃亲“,在还没出生之前就被自己的父母决定了未来的人生伴侣,这种娃娃亲最后往往酿成悲剧。为什么现在社会提倡的是自由恋爱,而不再是父母之命媒妁之言,就是说明爱情是需要寻找的。这种不经过寻找而认为只要培养就能产生爱情的想法是错误的,真正的爱情就是需要你去努力寻找才能找到。如果不去寻找是难以产生爱情的。爱情不会突然出现在一个人的眼前,只有你去寻找了,才有可能产生爱情。(忽视寻找难以产生爱情) 综上所述,我方认为爱情的开始在于寻找,谢谢!


大学英语辩论话题 1. Is TV a malign influence on society? 2. Is career more important than family? 3. Can people make true friends on the internet? 4. Do you prefer to marry before you have a successful career or after you have a successful career? 5. Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory? 6. Should parents have the right to educate their children privately? 7. Does reading makes a full man? 8. Do we need to show 100% honesty to our beloved? 9. Does pure friendship exist between men and women? 10. Does the younger generation know better? 11. Is it better to enjoy money currently or save it for the future? 12. Is human nature good or evil? 13. Are we living for ourselves or for others? 14. Which do you prefer, freedom or responsibility in your marriage life? 15. A person should never make an important decision alone.Y/N 16. Should movies are designed only to amuse and entertain? 17. Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Y/N? 18. Is it better for people to show off or be modest?


1. stating an opinion 陈述观点 a. in my opinion… 我的意见是…… b. personally I think…… 我个人认为…… c. I believe that…… 我相信…… d. I think that…… 我觉得…… e. the point is that…… 我的观点是…… f. if you ask me…… 如果你问我…… g. I’d like to say this:…… 我会这样说…… h. I’d like to point o ut that 我想指出的是…… i. speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说…… j. as far as I’m concerned,… 就我而言,…… k. in my experience… 根据我的经验…… 2. challenging an opinion 质疑某种观点 a. that can’t be true 那不可能是真的。 b. but what about…?但关于……方面呢? 3. clarifying a point 阐述观点 a. what I said was… 我刚才说的是…… b. what I mean to say was… 我的意思是说…… c. let me repeat what I sai d. 让我重复我刚才所说的。 d. let me rephrase what I said. 让我重申刚才所说的。 4. agreeing with an opinion 同意观点 a. of course 当然。 b. right. 是的。 c. exactly. 对。 d. that’s tru e. 是那样。 e. so do I. (neither do I.)我也这样认为。(不这样认为。) f. I agree completely. 我完全赞同。 g. I agree with you entirely. 我完全同意你所说的。 h. you’re absolutely right. 显然你是对的。 i. that’s a good point. 这个看法不错。 j. I couldn’t agree with you more. 我绝对赞成你。 k. that’s just what I think. 我就是那样认为的。 l. I feel the same way. 我也持同样的想法。 5. disagreeing with an opinion 反对意见。 a. however,… 然而…… b. I’m afraid i disagree. 恐怕我是持反对意见的。 c. I don’t think so. 我不那样认为。 d. I don’t think… 我认为……不是那样的。 e. on the other hand… 另一方面…… f. on the contrary. 相反的。 g. that’s not (entirely)true. 那不(完全)正确。


英语演讲与辩论》课程教学大纲 (2006年制订,2006年修订) 课程编号:100191 英文名:The Art of English Public Speaking and debating 课程类别:专业选修 学分:2学分 课时:32课时 主讲教师:韩静等 选定教材:Stephen E. Lucas(美),《演讲的艺术》(第八版),北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年 课程概述: 《英语演讲与辩论》课程是一门语言技能和专业知识相结合的课程,在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化.该课程有助于提高学生综合应用英语的能力,有助于学生综合素质的培养,是英语教学改革的新课型通过该课程的学习不仅能帮助学生进一步提高英语表达能力、英语口语交际能力,更有利于学生开拓思路、掌握沟通技巧;引导学生体会演讲魅力、提高演讲技巧、展示演讲才能,有利于他们早日掌握这门适用于各种领域的沟通艺术. 这门课程的学习需要一定程度的语言技能以外的知识积累.通过这门课程的学习,学生能够系统地了解英语演讲的技巧,英语演讲稿的写作方法以及英语演讲技巧在现代交际中的作用.本课程采用理论传授与实际操练相结合;教师讲解和学生参与相结合;教师点评和学生试评相结合的教学方法. 本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲课程的理论教学,采用范例录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析(自评、互评和教师点评相结合)等方法.考查方法采用课堂参与和考试相结合. 教学目的: 通过本课程的学习,使学生全面、系统地掌握英语演讲和辩论的理论知识与艺术特点以及在现实交际生活的作用及在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化,并且提高学生综合应用英语的能力和综合素质的培养. 教学方法: 本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲辩论课程的理论教学,采用示范录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析(自评、互评和教师点评相结合)等方法.考查采用课堂参与记录与考试相结合的方法,课堂参与记录占50%,考试占50%. 1)教学原则 a.教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线; b.运用激励策略,营造宽松型(free)、学生友好型(student-friendly)氛围; c.语境教学法(context teaching); d.过程教学法(process teaching). 2)课堂组织形式 a. 精讲多练,突出学生参与; b. 运用视听演示材料供学生观摩;


一辩稿 尊敬的评委,主席,对方辩友,台下的观众,大家晚上好: 今天我方的观点是:在现实生活中,男女平等是不可能实现的。 建国60多年以来,我国在实现男女平等方面取得了举世瞩目的成就。维护妇女合法权益的法律法规不断完善,妇女的整体权益不断提高。此外,上世纪中叶起世界各地不断爆发女权运动,女性在多个方面取得了和男性同样的地位。但是,我们必须清醒地看到,在新世纪,妇女的发展依然面临着许多的矛盾和问题。 但是,我方认为,一味地追求所谓的男女平等是不切实际的,不可行的,是无法实现的。首先,正本清源,所谓男女平等,在宪法中是指男女之间人的尊严和价值的平等及男女权利、机会和责任的平等。这种平等是没有倾向性的,不是单一的,片面的指男人和女人的权利相同,既是男女平等。而是要从责任和权利两个方面对等,达到综合层面上的相契合才叫男女平等。 下面,我方将从现实层面和理论层面就此展开论述。 从现实层面来看,很多时候,我们所追求的平等,只是表面意义上权力的相同,而不是真正意义上的男女平等。以所谓的同工不同酬来看,其实这不是针对女性的歧视,认为女性能力不足而给予了比男性更低的工资待遇。更深的来看,女性由于生理上的一些原因,可能每个月总有几天没法正常的上班,亦或由于需要照看孩子需要照顾家庭,无法像男性一样在工作中废寝忘食,三过家门而不入。在这样的情况下,公司出于商业的角度来看,不得不在一定程度上将男性和女性的工资区别对待。如果清一色一样的工资,我试想请问对方辩友,台下的观众,您每天在公司8个小时,而您的同事虽然工作的时候和你一样努力,但是,每个月总有几天不能全心工作,由于家庭朝九晚五,一个月下来,收入一样,对您是公平吗 再者,假设今天真的如对方辩友所描述的,一切的机会和权利平等了,是不是在战争中,为了平等,我们要抽签决定是男人先上还是女人先上最后,我们来看一看,其实,男性和女性在被大自然塑造之初就有了生理

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