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Chapter 6 Supply, Demand, and Government Policies

1. If the equilibrium price of bread is $2 and the government imposes a $1.50 price ceiling on the price of bread, ( )

a.more bread will be produced to meet the increased demand.

b.there will be a shortage of bread.

c.the demand for bread will decrease because suppliers will reduce their supply.

d. a surplus of bread will emerg


2. In a market where the government imposes a price control, the excess demand or excess supply created will be determined by ( )

a.the imposed price and the slope of the demand curve.

b.the imposed price and the slope of the supply curve.

c.the difference between quantity demanded and quantity supplied at the imposed price.

d.the difference between the imposed price and the equilibrium pric


3. Government-created price floors are typically imposed to ( )

a.help consumers.

b.help producers.

c.raise tax revenue.

d.shift the supply curve to the right.

4. Suppose the government imposed a minimum price in a market and a reporter for a local newspaper wrote a story on it. The headline on the story would read: ( )

a.“Government Action Calls for Ration Coupons”

b.“Rationing Price Replaces Market Price”

c.“Price Ceiling Replaces Equilibrium Price”

d.“Price Floor Protects Sellers from Low Incomes”

5. In the supply and demand schedules for socks shown here, if a price floor of $10 is imposed by the government, the quantity of socks actually purchased will be ( )

a. 6 units. c. 2 units.

b.10 units. d. 8 units



$2.00 18 3

$4.00 14 4

$6.00 10 5

$8.00 6 6

$10.00 2 8

6. In the supply and demand schedules for socks shown here. If a price floor of $10 is imposed by the government, there will be

a ( )

a.surplus of socks equal to 8 pairs.

b.shortage of socks equal to 16 pairs.

c.surplus of socks equal to 6 pairs.

d.market clearing quantity of 6 pairs of socks exchanged.

7. When the minimum wage is set above the equilibrium market wage, ( )

a.there will be an excess demand for labor at the minimum wage.

b.it will have no effect on the quantity of labor employed.

c.the unemployment rate will rise.

d.the quality of the labor force will ris


8. If the government imposes a binding price floor on sugar, it may also have to ( )

a.establish programs to expand supply in the private sector.

b.establish programs to reduce demand in the private sector.

c.produce some sugar itself.

d.purchase the surplus sugar.

9. A tax on sales of a good, when compared to the market equilibrium without the tax, will result in a _______ price paid by buyers and a ______ quantity traded. ( )

a.higher; lower c. higher; higher

b.lower; lower d. lower; higher

10. Consider this diagram, which shows the market for wheat. A price floor of $2.00 per bushel ( )

a.is binding and will generate a surplus of 100 bushels.

b.is not binding and will generate a shortage of 100 bushels.

c.is binding and will generate an equilibrium in this market.

d.is not binding.

11. Taxes levied directly on consumers ( )

a.always hurt consumers rather than producers.

b.always hurt producers rather than consumers.

c.generate more revenue than taxes levied on producers.

d.have the same effect as taxes directly levied on producers.

12. The per-unit tax on a good is ( )

a.the difference between the list price and the actual price paid by the buyer.

b.the licensing fees and other business taxes paid by sellers, averaged over the total quantity of goods sold.

c.the difference between the total price paid by the buyer and the price received by the seller.

d.the difference between wholesale and retail prices.

13. A 5 percent tax is levied on products A and B, both of which had the same demand elasticity. Unit sales of A are nearly the same after the tax, while unit sales of B fall dramatically. Which of the following can we conclude? ( )

a.Producers of A bear a greater share (relative to consumers) of their market’s tax burden than the producers of B.

b.Product B has a smaller elasticity of supply than product A.

c.Tax revenue is greater from product A.

d.Tax revenue is greater from product B.

14. A tax on fur coats will most likely ( )

a.raise large amounts of tax revenue for the government.

b.cause a large decline in the sales of fur coats because demand is elasti


c.be an effective way to tax the rich.

d.fall mostly on the fur coat buyers rather than the producers.

最新版微观经济学精品习题英文版 (with answer) (16)

Chapter 17 Monopolistic Competition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _ __. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. _ __. 1. Because monopolistically competitive firms produce differentiated products, each firm ( d ) a.faces a demand curve that is horizontal. b.faces a demand curve that is vertical. c.has no control over product price. d.has some control over product pric e. 2. Which of the following conditions distinguishes monopolistic competition from perfect competition? ( d ) a. Number of sellers. b. Freedom of entry and exit. c. Small size firms. d. Differentiation of product. 3. A firm in a monopolistically competitive market is similar to a monopolist in the sense that it ( b ) a.must overcome significant barriers to entry. b.faces a downward-sloping demand curve. c.there are no barriers to entry or exit. d.there is only one seller of the good. 4. If existing firms in the fast-food market, which is a monopolistically competitive market, realize sizable economic profits in the short run, the demand of existing firms will ( a ) a.decrease and become more elastic. b.decrease and become less elasti c. c.increase and become more elastic. d.increase and become less elastic.


第十二章外部效应 一、选择题 1.在正的外部性的例子中() A.私有市场产量不足 B.私有市场产量过多 C.效率要求政府实施税收 D.市场价格反映生产的社会成本 2.为了提高资源配置效率,政府对自然垄断部门的垄断行为() A.不管的 B.加以管制的 C.尽量支持的 D.坚决反对的 2.在负的外部性的例子中() A.私有市场产量不足 B效率要求政府实施补贴 C.市场价格低于有效价格 D.市场价格反映生产的社会成本 3.某一活动存在外部经济是指该活动的() A.私人利益大于社会利益 B.私人成本大于社会成本 C.私人利益小于社会利益 D.私人成本小于社会成本 4.如果上游工厂污染下游居民的饮水,按科斯定理(),问题就可以妥善解决。 A.不管产权是否明确,只要交易成本为零 B.只要产权明确,且交易成本为零 C.只要产权明确,不管交易成本有多大 D.不论产权是否明确,交易成本是否为零 二、判断题 1.只要私人成本(或收益)不等于社会成本(或收益),就会导致社会资源配置的无效率。()2.正的外部性会导致资源的供给不足。() 3.负的外部性会导致资源的供给不足。() 4.在科斯定律条件下,只要产权是明晰的,资源配置就是有效率的。() 5.只要产权是明晰的,产权的初始界定对资源配置的效率没有影响。() 6.一体化的组织成本一定低于市场交易成本。() 7.政府干预在一定情况下可以改善市场运行状况。() 8.在治理污染时,出售的许可证的激励作用类似于征税的作用。 三、计算题

1.某果园与养蜂场相邻。果园、蜂厂的成本函数分别为,,,分别为水果、蜂蜜产量,单位(千克);水果、蜂蜜的价格分别为3元/千克.2元/千克。 (1)果园、蜂场独立经营,其产量各为多少? (2)果园、蜂场是否有动力一体化? 2.某污染企业的私人边际成本函数为,污染给社会带来的边际成本为,市场需求函数为,(为价格,为产量)。 (1)假定企业面临的是完全竞争市场,那么,均衡产量、价格分别是多少? (2)社会最优产量是多少? (3)为减少污染,政府拟按产量对企业征收污染税。最优税率应为多少? 四、问答题 1.下面每种情况均涉及到外部性。试指出是正外部性,还是负外部性,或两者兼而有之;并解释为什么自由市场对所述商品会生产得过多或过少。 (1)从事研发的企业; (2)排污企业; (3)在公园中心举行音乐会; (4)吸烟。 2.完全禁止污染活动是一个好的想法吗?为什么? 3.设想A喜欢夜间大声播放摇滚乐,而这干扰了他的众多邻居休息。那么,产权将如何配置?效率较高。如果A的众多邻居都喜欢在夜间听摇滚乐,只有极少数几个邻居不喜欢,那么,产权将如何配置?效率较高。 如果A只有一个邻居B,且A夜间大声播放摇滚乐干扰了B的休息。矛盾将如何解决? 参考答案 一、选择题 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 二、判断题 1.√ 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.√ 8.√ 三、计算题 1.(1)A产量为150,B产量为200;(2)有。

最新版微观经济学精品习题英文版 (with answer) (9)

Chapter 9 Application: International Trade 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _ __ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. _ __ 1. Nations would gain from trade if a(n) ________ exists. ( c ) a.absolute advantage b.specialization https://www.doczj.com/doc/fd4083793.html,parative advantage d.infant industry 2. If Canada has a comparative advantage over Denmark in the production of wood, this implies that ( b ) a.it requires fewer resources in Canada than in Denmark to produce wood. b.the opportunity cost of producing wood in Canada is lower than in Denmark. c.Denmark does not benefit by trading with Canada. d.Canada should buy wood from Denmark. 3. Domestic producers gain from the opportunity to export goods to foreign countries because ( a ) a.the free-trade price of the good is higher than the domestic price in the absence of trade. b.producers are able to reach a wider market. c.although the free-trade price is lower than in the absence of trade, producers are able to sell a greater quantity. d.production rises, although there is no change in the price of the good compared to the no-trade situation. 4. If at the world equilibrium price the U.S. quantity demanded is greater than the U.S. quantity supplied, then ( a ) a.the United States will import the good. b.the United States will export the good. c.the world price will fall. d.the world price will ris e.


第二章需求、供给和均衡价格 1. 已知某一时期内某商品的需求函数为Q d=50-5P,供给函数为Q s=-10+5P。 (1)求均衡价格P e和均衡数量Q e,并作出几何图形。 (2)假定供给函数不变,由于消费者收入水平提高,使需求函数变为Q d=60-5P。求出相应的均衡价格P e和均衡数量Q e,并作出几何图形。 (3)假定需求函数不变,由于生产技术水平提高,使供给函数变为Q s=-5+5P。求出相应的均衡价格P e和均衡数量Q e,并作出几何图形。 (4)利用(1)、(2)和(3),说明静态分析和比较静态分析的联系和区别。 (5)利用(1)、(2)和(3),说明需求变动和供给变动对均衡价格和均衡数量的影响。 2. 假定表2—1(即教材中第54页的表2—5)是需求函数Q d=500-100P在一定价格范围内的需求表: 表2—1 价格(元)12345 需求量4003002001000 (1)求出价格2元和4元之间的需求的价格弧弹性。 (2)根据给出的需求函数,求P=2元时的需求的价格点弹性。 (3)根据该需求函数或需求表作出几何图形,利用几何方法求出P=2元时的需求的价格点弹性。它与(2)的结果相同吗 3. 假定表2—2(即教材中第54页的表2—6)是供给函数Q s=-2+2P在一定价格范围内的供给表: 表2—2 价格(元)23456 供给量246810 (1) (2)根据给出的供给函数,求P=3元时的供给的价格点弹性。 (3)根据该供给函数或供给表作出几何图形,利用几何方法求出P=3元时的供给的价格点弹性。它与(2)的结果相同吗 4. 图2—6(即教材中第54页的图2—28)中有三条线性的需求曲线AB、AC和AD。 图2—6 (1)比较a、b、c三点的需求的价格点弹性的大小。 (2)比较a、e、f三点的需求的价格点弹性的大小。 5.利用图2—7 (即教材中第55页的图2—29)比较需求价格点弹性的大小。 (1)图(a)中,两条线性需求曲线D1和D2相交于a点。试问:在交点a,这两条直线型的需求的价格点弹性相等吗



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 1

1 Chapter 1 Ten Principles of Economics Multiple Choice 1. The word that comes from the Greek word for "one who manages a household" is a. market. b. consumer. c. producer. d. economy. ANS: D DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 2. The word “economy” comes from the Greek word oikonomos , which means a. “environment.” b. “production.” c. “one who manages a househol d.” d. “one who makes decisions.” ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economy MSC: Definitional 3. Resources are a. scarce for households but plentiful for economies. b. plentiful for households but scarce for economies. c. scarce for households and scarce for economies. d. plentiful for households and plentiful for economies. ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Resources, Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 4. Economics deals primarily with the concept of a. scarcity. b. poverty. c. change. d. power. ANS: A DIF: 1 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Definitional 5. Which of the following questions is not answered by the decisions that every society must make? a. What determines consumer preferences? b. What goods will be produced? c. Who will produce the goods? d. Who will consume the goods? ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Economies MSC: Interpretive 6. The overriding reason as to why households and societies face many decisions is that a. resources are scarce. b. goods and services are not scarce. c. incomes fluctuate with business cycles. d. people, by nature, tend to disagre e. ANS: A DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive 7. The phenomenon of scarcity stems from the fact that a. most economies’ production methods are not very good. b. in most economies, wealthy people consume disproportionate quantities of goods and services. c. governments restricts production of too many goods and services. d. resources are limited. ANS: D DIF: 2 REF: 1-0 TOP: Scarcity MSC: Interpretive


习题 第一章 一、名词解释 西方经济学资源配置实证分析规范分析边际分析 二、选择题 1、经济学可定义为() A.政府对市场制度的干预 B.企业取得利润的活动 C.研究如何最合理地配置稀缺资源于诸多用途 D.人们靠收入生活 2、下列哪项问题不是西方经济学研究涉及的问题() A.在稀缺资源约束条件下,实现资源有效配置的方法 B.如何实现中国人均收入水平翻两番 C.中国传统文化的现代化问题 D.充分就业和物价水平的稳定 3、下列哪项是属于规范经济学研究的范畴() A.电冰箱在夏季热销的原因分析 B.政府如何改变收入分配不均的现象 C.对中国经济实现经济增长率超过8%的研究 D.失业人员的再就业问题研究 4、下列命题中哪一个不是实证经济学命题(C ) A.2007年9月美联储把贴现率降至4.75% B.2007年美国失业率超过4% C.联邦所得税对中等收入家庭是不公平的 D.社会保险税的课税依据现已超过30000美元 5、关于经济如何运作的基本经济问题() A.只有在市场经济国家中才存在 B.只有在计划经济国家中才存在 C.只有在混合经济国家中才存在 D.无论是哪种类型的经济,都存在 三、判断题 1、西方经济学是研究人类关于选择行为的科学。 2、资源的稀缺性是由于人们的欲望存在无限性特征决定的。 3、“一家制药厂研发新药并上市销售”这一事件属于宏观经济学讨论的问题;“本年度失业人数下降”这一事件属于微观经济学讨论的问题。 4、在市场经济体制条件下,经济体系中的决策完全是由非政府组织做出的。 5、经济理论揭示了经济现象之间的因果关系。 6、实证研究所得到的结论,是人们进行规范研究的基础。 四、简答题 1、请简单介绍微观经济学的基本研究内容。 2、西方经济学中的实证分析和规范分析有什么区别?请举例说明。


rkets WHAT’S NEW IN THE SIXTH EDITION: There are no major changes to this chapter. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: the link between buyers’ willingness to pay for a good and the demand curve. how to define and measure consumer surplus. the link between sellers’ costs of producing a good and the supply curve. how to define and measure producer surplus. that the equilibrium of supply and demand maximizes total surplus in a market. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 7 is the first chapter in a three-chapter sequence on welfare economics and market efficiency. Chapter 7 employs the supply and demand model to develop consumer surplus and producer surplus as a measure of welfare and market efficiency. These concepts are then 7 CONSUMERS, PRODUCERS, AND THE EFFICIENCY OF MARKETS


第四章 概念:边际产量等产量曲线边际技术替代率边际报酬递减规律规模报酬生产函数等成本线 判断:34.在一种可变投入生产函数条件下,可变要素合理投入区域应在>>0的阶段。 35.在一种可变投入生产函数条件下,可变要素合理投入区域应在>的第一阶段。 36.生产理论中的短期是指未能调整全部生产要素的时期。37.曲线与曲线相交于曲线的最高点。 38.能提供相同效用的不同商品数量组合的点的连线即为等产量曲线。 39.等产量曲线表示的是用同样数量劳动和资本生产不同的产量。 40.当劳动的边际产量小于其平均产量时,平均产量肯定是下降的。 41.边际产量递减,平均产量也递减。 42.在生产的第Ⅱ阶段,是递减的。 43.边际报酬递减规律决定曲线呈现先上升后下降的走势。

44.在一种可变投入的生产函数中,只要平均产量是上升的,就应增加可变要素的投入量。 45.在一种可变投入的生产函数中,企业处在合理投入区域时,必然递减。 46.在规模报酬不变阶段,若劳动的使用量增加10% ,资本的使用量不变,则产出增加10%。 选择:46. 在如下生产函数下:(L,K),理性的生产者选择的生产区域应是 >阶段下降阶段 C. >>0阶段与P相交之点起至与横轴交点止 47. 下列说法中正确的是 A.只要总产量减少,边际产量一定为负 B.只要减少,总产量一定减少 曲线必定交于曲线的最高点 D.只要减少,A也一定减少 48. 对于生产函数(L,K)和成本方程来说,在最优点生产要素组合点上应该有 A. 等产量曲线和等成本线相切 D.

49. 等产量曲线上任意两点的产量肯定是 A.相等 B.不等 C. 无关 D.以上情况都存在 50. 若横轴代表劳动,纵轴表示资本,且劳动的价格为w ,资本的价格为r,则等成本线的斜率为 C. - 51. 当其它生产要素不变,而一种生产要素连续增加时 会一直增加会一直减少先增加后减少会有一最大值 52. 在既定的等产量曲线上,若增加1个单位的劳动,需要减少2个单位的资本,则有 2 = 2 1/2, 1/2 1/2, =2 D. 2, =1/2 53. 一企业采用最低成本进行生产,若资本的边际产量为5,单位资本的价格为20元,单位劳动的价格为8元,劳动的边际产量为 A.1 B.2 C.3 D. 4 54. 当生产函数(L,K)的平均产量为正且递减时,边际产量可以是 3 / 12


微观经济学关键概念中英文对照 CHAPTER 1 scarcity稀缺性 economics经济学 efficiency效率 equity平等 opportunity cost机会成本 rational people理性人 marginal changes边际变动 incentive激励 market economy市场经济 property rights产权 market failure市场失灵 externality外部性 market power市场势力 productivity生产率 inflation通货膨胀 business cycle经济周期

CHAPTER 2 circular-flow diagram循环流向图production possibilities frontier生产可能性边界 microeconomics微观经济学 macroeconomics宏观经济学 positive statements实证表述 normative statements规范表述 CHAPTER 3 absolute advantage绝对优势 opportunity cost机会成本 comparative advantage比较优势 imports进口 exports出口 CHAPTER 4 market市场 competitive market竞争市场 quantity demanded需求量 law of demand需求定理 demand schedule需求表 demand curve需求曲线

normal good正常物品 inferior good低档物品 substitutes替代品 complements互补品 quantity supplied供给量 law of supply供给定理 supply schedule供给表 supply curve供给曲线 equilibrium均衡 equilibrium price均衡价格 equilibrium quantity均衡数量 surplus过剩 shortage短缺 law of supply and demand供求定理 CHAPTER 5 elasticity弹性 price elasticity of demand需求价格弹性 total revenue总收益 income elasticity of demand需求收入弹性cross-price elasticity of demand需求的交叉价格弹性price elasticity of supply供给价格弹性


第一章答案 二、选择题 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 三、简答题 1.微观经济学的假设前提是什么? 答:微观经济学有四个假设前提:资源稀缺性、市场出清、完全理性、完全信息 2.微观经济学有什么特点? 答:微观经济学的特点:(1)用数学语言描述经济现象与规律;(2)以价格理论为核心;(3)以均衡为目标;(4)理论与现实紧密结合 3.微观经济学要解决什么样的问题? 答:微观经济学要解决的三大基本问题是:生产什么,生产多少;如何生产;为谁生产。 4.微观经济学的研究对象是什么? 答:微观经济学的研究对象是个体经济单位。具体从三个层面展开的: 第一个层面:分析单个消费者、单个要素供给者和单个生产者的经济行为。 第二个层面:研究单个市场的价格决定(局部均衡)。 第三个层面:研究所有市场的价格同时决定。 四、论述题 1.请介绍微观经济学的新发展。 答:微观经济学的新发展体现在理论上新发展、方法上新发展和微观经济学发展的新趋势三个方面。 理论上的新发展主要体现在:(1)提出了新消费理论,包括显示性偏好理论、风险条件下的选择理论、消费也是家庭生产的理论;(2)提出了现代企业理论,包括企业的性质、最大化模型与委托——代理问题、内部组织效率与非最大化厂商理论;(3)博弈论改写了微观经济学;(4)信息经济学成为微观经济分析的主流。 方法上的新发展主要体现在三个方面:一是计量经济学的崛起,二是统计学在经济学中的大规模运用,三是博弈论引入到经济学。 微观经济学发展的新趋势包括:(1)假定条件多样化,(2)研究领域的非经济化,(3)学科交叉的边缘化。 2.微观经济学与宏观经济学有何区别? 答:微观经济学与宏观经济学的区别体现在:(1)研究对象不同。微观经济学的研究对象是单个经济单位,二宏观经济学的研究对象则是整个经济,研究整个经济的运行方式与规律,从总量上分析经济问题。(2)解决的问题不同。微观经济学要解决的是资源配置问题,而研究社会范围内的资源利用问题,以实现社会福利的最大化。(3)假设前提不同。微观经济学的基本假设是市场出清、完全理性、完全信息和资源稀缺,而宏观经济学则假定市场机制是不完善的,政府有能力调节经济。(4)研究方法不同。微观经济学的研究方法是个量分析,即研究经济变量的单项数值如何决定,而观经济学的研究方法则是总量分析,即对能够反映整个经济运行情况的经济变量的决定、变动及其相互关系进行分析。(5)中

曼昆的《微观经济学原理》课业笔记 英文版

Ch 1 Ten Principles of economic ?Scarcity: the limited nature of society’s resources ?Economics: the study of how society manages its scarce resources, e.g. ?There are 10 principle of economic which are needed to be remember throughout. ?People face trade-off 1. Individual(time,money) and society(efficiency vs equality). ?Cost of something is what your give up to get it.\ 1. The opportunity cost of any item is whatever must be given up to obtain it. ?Rational people thinking at margin(effect of one additional item) 1. This principle assume that everyone is rational people(made their decision base on their interests) this was addressed on Adam Smith's Wealth of Nation. ?People respond to incentives(诱惑物) 1. This statement reveals that human psychology is a important feature in economic study. ?Trade can make everyone better-off 1.Ex: trade of agricultural product and technology between Japan and America, it will break the law of PPF. It involved absolute advantages(low input) and comparative advantage(low opportunity cost win) ?Markets are usually a good way to organize economy activity. 1.Markets can balance the price. ?Government can sometime improve market outcome. ? A country's standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services. ?Price rise when government print too much money.


微观经济学课后习题答案<高鸿业版> 第1章课后习题详解 1.回想你看到过或接触过的西方经济学著作。它们各自属于本章所说的三种类别中的哪一种? 答:第一类,企事业的经营管理方法和经验。如行情研究、存货管理、产品质量控制、车间生产流程布局等内容。著作有《现代企业财务管理》等。 第二类,对一个经济部门或经济问题的集中研究成果。如资源经济学、商业经济学、农业经济学、石油经济学,对税收、财政和通货膨胀等问题的论述。著作有《资源经济学》、《农业经济学》。 第三类,经济理论的研究和考察。如微观经济学、数理经济学、福利经济学、经济思想史等。著作有《宏观经济学》、《微观经济学》、《经济思想史》等。 2.为什么我国学员学习西方经济学的目的不同于西方? 答:由于西方经济学具有双重性质,它既是资本主义的意识形态,由是资本主义市场经济的经验总结,这就决定了我国学员学习它所应持有的态度:在整个的理论体系上或整体倾向上对它持否定的态度,而在具体的内容上应该看到它的有用之处,是否真正有用还需要考虑到国情的差别,应结合我国的国情加以借鉴吸收,做到“弃其糟粕、取其精华、洋为中用”。 (1)我国学习下岗经济学的主要目的在于从中得到对我国有用的知识,即“学以致用”。对西方经济学而言,“为艺术而艺术”的学习目标是不适用的。因为,如果不是为了“实用”而学习,那么还不如去从事其它的活动。“经济学”这一名词的英文来源是希腊文的名词“家庭管理”。由此也可以看出西方经济学的“致用”的性质。 (2)既然学习西方经济学的目的是为了“致用”,那么就必须注意到它涉及对西方“致用”的两个特点:其一,它宣扬西方国家的意识形态,以便巩固西方社会的共识或凝聚力,即增加西方学者所说的“社会无形资本”;其二,它总结西方市场运行的经验,以便为改善其运行提供对策。西方经济学之所以能够存在于西方,其原因即在于此;这就是说:它存在于西方的原因正是由于他对西方国家有用。 (3)在以上两个特点中,第一个特点显然对我国不但没有用处,反而会引起有害的作用。因为,西方实行的是资本主义,而我国则为社会主义,而二者在原则上是对立的。把资本主义的意识形态施加于社会主义制度只能造成和激化后者的上层建筑与其经济基础之间的矛盾,导致思想混乱、社会行为失控,甚至走向自我毁灭的道路。类似的事例已经在世界上出现。 (4)以上述第二个特点而论,虽然西方国家实行的是资本主义市场经济,而我国则为社会主义市场经济,但是,二者在市场经济这一点上却有相当多的共同之处。因此,对西方市场经济运行的经验总结和总结的方法有许多内涵是值得而且必须加以借鉴的。以此而论,学习西方经济学又是对我国有利的。当然,在借鉴时,决不能生搬硬套,必须注意到国情的差别,在西方社会中行之有效的办法未必能在我国奏效。 (5)趋利避害,上述两个特点可以决定我们对西方经济学所应持有的态度,即:在整体内涵上,否定它的资本主义的意识形态,因为,在整体内涵上,它维护资本主义制度;另一方面,在具体内容上,它总结出的经验和总结的方法却存在着大量的值得借鉴之处。 总结上述五点,我国学员学习西方经济学的态度应该是要做到“洋为中用”,即:能充分利用西方经济学中的一切有利于我国的知识,而与此同时,又能避免它在意识形态上所带来的不良后果。 3.英国的著名西方经济学家罗宾逊说:“宣传成分是这一学科(指西方经济学——引


微观经济学课后习题答案 第1章课后习题详解 1.回想你看到过或接触过的西方经济学著作。它们各自属于本章所说的三种类别中的哪一种? 答:第一类,企事业的经营管理方法和经验。如行情研究、存货管理、产品质量控制、车间生产流程布局等内容。著作有《现代企业财务管理》等。 第二类,对一个经济部门或经济问题的集中研究成果。如资源经济学、商业经济学、农业经济学、石油经济学,对税收、财政和通货膨胀等问题的论述。著作有《资源经济学》、《农业经济学》。 第三类,经济理论的研究和考察。如微观经济学、数理经济学、福利经济学、经济思想史等。著作有《宏观经济学》、《微观经济学》、《经济思想史》等。 2.为什么我国学员学习西方经济学的目的不同于西方? 答:由于西方经济学具有双重性质,它既是资本主义的意识形态,由是资本主义市场经济的经验总结,这就决定了我国学员学习它所应持有的态度:在整个的理论体系上或整体倾向上对它持否定的态度,而在具体的内容上应该看到它的有用之处,是否真正有用还需要考虑到国情的差别,应结合我国的国情加以借鉴吸收,做到“弃其糟粕、取其精华、洋为中用”。 (1)我国学习下岗经济学的主要目的在于从中得到对我国有用的知识,即“学以致用”。对西方经济学而言,“为艺术而艺术”的学习目标是不适用的。因为,如果不是为了“实用”而学习,那么还不如去从事其它的活动。“经济学”这一名词的英文来源是希腊文的名词“家庭管理”。由此也可以看出西方经济学的“致用”的性质。 (2)既然学习西方经济学的目的是为了“致用”,那么就必须注意到它涉及对西方“致用”的两个特点:其一,它宣扬西方国家的意识形态,以便巩固西方社会的共识或凝聚力,即增加西方学者所说的“社会无形资本”;其二,它总结西方市场运行的经验,以便为改善其运行提供对策。西方经济学之所以能够存在于西方,其原因即在于此;这就是说:它存在于西方的原因正是由于他对西方国家有用。 (3)在以上两个特点中,第一个特点显然对我国不但没有用处,反而会引起有害的作用。因为,西方实行的是资本主义,而我国则为社会主义,而二者在原则上是对立的。把资本主义的意识形态施加于社会主义制度只能造成和激化后者的上层建筑与其经济基础之间的矛盾,导致思想混乱、社会行为失控,甚至走向自我毁灭的道路。类似的事例已经在世界上出现。 (4)以上述第二个特点而论,虽然西方国家实行的是资本主义市场经济,而我国则为社会主义市场经济,但是,二者在市场经济这一点上却有相当多的共同之处。因此,对西方市场经济运行的经验总结和总结的方法有许多内涵是值得而且必须加以借鉴的。以此而论,学习西方经济学又是对我国有利的。当然,在借鉴时,决不能生搬硬套,必须注意到国情的差别,在西方社会中行之有效的办法未必能在我国奏效。 (5)趋利避害,上述两个特点可以决定我们对西方经济学所应持有的态度,即:在整体内涵上,否定它的资本主义的意识形态,因为,在整体内涵上,它维护资本主义制度;另

英文版微观经济学复习提纲Chapter 5. Economic efficiency, government price setting and taxes

5 Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting, and Taxes Chapter Summary Although rent controls no longer in Australia, many governments around the world, such as Malaysia and the U.S., have placed ceilings on the maximum rent some landlords can charge for some apartments and houses. Governments also impose taxes in some markets. To understand the economic impact of government in markets it is necessary to understand consumer surplus and producer surplus. Consumer surplus is the dollar benefit consumers receive from buying goods and services at market prices less than the maximum prices they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus is the dollar benefit producers receive from selling goods and services at prices greater than the minimum prices they would be willing to accept. In a competitive market with no externalities the equilibrium price for a good or service occurs where the marginal cost of the last unit produced and sold is equal to the marginal benefit consumers receive from the last unit bought. At this same level of output, economic surplus, the sum of consumer and producer surplus, is maximized. Although price controls on rent no longer exist in Australia, there are many other examples of the government setting prices, such as the minimum wage in labour markets (a “floor price”). Compared to the competitive equilibrium, price ceilings and price floors reduce economic efficiency. A tax on the sale of a good or service also reduces economic efficiency. The burden of a tax (or tax incidence) is the degree to which consumers or producers actually pay the tax. The incidence of a tax depends on how responsive producers and consumers are to the price change caused by the tax. Learning Objectives When you finish this chapter you should be able to: 1Understand the concepts of consumer surplus and producer surplus. Consumer surplus is the benefit consumers receive from paying a price lower than the maximum price they would be willing to pay. Producer surplus is the benefit a firm receives from selling a good or a service at a price higher than the minimum the firm would be willing to accept. Economic surplus is the sum of consumer surplus plus producer surplus. 2Understand the concept of economic efficiency, and use a graph to illustrate how economic efficiency is reduced when a market is not in competitive equilibrium. An economically efficient outcome occurs when a competitive market equilibrium is reached. Maximum economic efficiency results when the marginal benefit received by consumers from the last unit bought equals the marginal

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