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西安[xīān] 西安,古称长安、京兆,举世闻名的世界四大古都之一,是中华文明的发祥

























一、西安市情概况 西安,陕西省省会、副省级城市,地处关中平原中部,北临渭河,南依秦岭,是陕西省政治、经济、文化中心,辖9区4县,总面积10108平方公里,城市建成区面积449平方公里,常住人口855.29万人,户籍人口795.98万人。 历史悠久、文化灿烂。西安是一座世界历史文化名城,与雅典、罗马、开罗并称世界四大文明古都。西安是中华民族的摇篮、中华文明的发祥地、中华文化的代表,有着3100多年的建城史和1100多年的建都史,先后有周、秦、汉、唐等13个王朝在这里建都,是中国历史上建都时间最长、建都朝代最多、影响力最大的都城,有“秦中自古帝王州”的美誉。西安曾经是中国政治、经济、文化中心和最早对外开放的城市,著名的丝绸之路以西安为起点,深厚的历史文化积淀使西安享有“天然历史博物馆”之誉。文物古迹种类之多,数量之大,价值之高,在全国首屈一指。 交通畅达、区位重要。西安地处中国陆地版图中心和我国中西部两大经济区域的结合部,是西北通往西南、中原、华东和华北的门户和交通枢纽。在全国区域经济布局上,西安作为新亚欧大陆桥中国段——陇海兰新铁路沿线经济带上最大的中心城市,是国家实施西部大开发战略的桥头堡,是关天经济区的核心城市,具有承东启西、连接南北的重要战略地位。西安是全国连接南北的“大十字”网状铁路交通和陕西省“米”字形交通网的重要枢纽,是全国干线公路网中最大的节点城市之一、中国六大航空枢纽之一、六大通讯枢纽之一,枢纽城市特点十分突出。 科技发达、创新力强。西安的综合科教实力居全国城市前列,全市拥有普通高等学校62所,在校大学生72.4万人,拥有各类科研机构3000多个,省部级以上


1.华清宫; The Huaqing Pool is located in the Lintong District 30 km east to the urban area of Xian. With Mount. Li to its south and the Wei River to its north, it boasts the natural hot springs. The favorable geographical condition and natural environment make it one of the cradles where ancient people settled and . It was also a favorite place for emperors to buildtheir palaces as a resort. Since ancient times, it has ever been a famous bathing and tourist destination. According to historical records and archeological the Huaqing Pool has a history of 6000 years for the use of hot springs and a history of 3000 years of royal gardens. Over these years, the cultural relics excavated near the source of hot springs prove that over 6000 years ago primitive residents had used the hot spring. In West Zhou, King Youwang ordered the construction of Li Palace on the site. Then the emperors of the following dynasties join in the line. After Emperor Xuan Zong ascended the


西安及周边着名景点英语简介 西安几大着名旅游景点介绍(英文) 大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 鼓楼The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty 大雁塔Xi'an: Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayanta) The Big Wild Goose Pagoda (Dayan Ta),is a Buddhistpagoda built in 652 AD during the Tang Dynasty and originally had five original construction of rammed earth with a stone exterior facade eventually collapsed five decades later but was rebuilt by Empress Wu Zetian in 704AD who added five more stories. A massive earthquake in 1556 heavily damaged the pagoda and reduced it by three stories to its current height of seven stories One of the pagoda's many functions was to hold sutras and figurines of the Buddha that were brought to China from Indiaby Xuanzang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and is a prominent Buddhist figure mostly known for his seventeen year overland trip to India and back, which is recorded in detail in his autobiography and a biography, and which provided the inspiration for the epic novel “Journey to the West”. The pagoda is built on the premises of the Temple of Great Maternal Grace (Da Ci'en), originally built in 589 AD and then rebuilt 647 AD by the Tang Emperor Gaozong in memory of his mother EmpressWende. Before the gates of the temple stands a statue of Xuanzang. 大雁塔北广场North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda Surrounding Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the scenery is also quite charming, especially the square north of the Da Ci'en Temple. Covering about 110,000 square meters (131563 square yards) plus 20,000 square meters square yards) of water area, it holds many records: in Asia, it is the biggest Tang-culture square, the biggest fountain and waterscape square, and the largest-scale sculptures area. In the world, it has the most benches, the longest light-belt, and the largest-scale acoustic complex. The entire square is composed of waterscape fountains, a cultural square, gardens and tourist paths. There you can taste real Chinese culture and traditions and fully enjoy the truly attractive views. With reliefs on the theme of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 200-meter-long (656-foot-long) sculpture groups, 8 groups of sculpted figures, 40 relievos on the land, and 22 styles of musical fountains, it has become a must-see when you visit Big Wild Goose 秦始皇兵马俑The Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses One of the most significant archaeological finds in the world, this 16,300-square-meter excavation reveals more than 7,000 life-size terracotta figures of warriors and horses arranged in battle formations. (3 pits) The terracotta warriors and horses, created about 2,200 years ago, were found in 1974 on the east side of the tomb of the First Emperor Qin Shihuang (259 BC - 210 BC) near Xi'an. Emperor Qin Shihuang had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. In 221 ., when he unified the whole country, named himself Shihuang Di and carried on the


陕西省西安市企业名录 序号企业名称邮编企业地址 1 西安华恒科技实业有限公司710025西安市洪庆工业园西区7号 2 西安电子科技大学科技开发总公司710071 西安市太白路二号 3 西安星海电子科技有限公司710075高新二路4号星海大厦一层 4 西安无线电电子有限公司710068中国陕西省西安市光华路320号235-238室 5 西安太极药业有限公司710075 陕西西安市雁塔区火炬大厦16层 6 西安西普电力电子有限公司710119西安市高薪区新型工业园西普大道2号J28 号楼 7 陕西省科联新技术开发中心710065西安市小寨兴善寺西街17号 8 西安交大开元科技股份有限公司710043西安市火炬路2号大厦 9 西安交大能源新技术开发公司710049 咸宁西路28号 10 西安川仪经营成套公司710075高新路52号高科大厦8层 11 邮电部第十研究所电子仪器厂710061陕西省西安市红专东路6号 12 西安电力电子技术研究所整流设备厂710061陕西省西安市陕西省西安市长安科技产业 园创业 13 西安市海威光机电新技术公司710075陕西省西安市高新路37号 14 西安市思维计算机研究所710043陕西省攀枝花市东区陕西省西安市高新 技术开 15 西安翠华通信技术有限公司710061陕西省西安市雁塔区新城商城22房 16 西安市科新应用技术研究所710061 西安市吉祥路169号太白新苑B座1801室 17 西安市蓝溪计算机新技术公司710043陕西西安市西安市纬二街甲字48号 18 西安黄河电子通信设备公司710043陕西省西安市经理幸福北路8号 19 西安秦腾电子公司710075陕西省西安市高科技产业开发区高 20 西安长峰液压气动中心710068陕西西安市南二环西段17号 21 西安毅达信息系统有限公司710075 陕西省西安市高新技术产业开发区科技四 路西段三毅集团工业区 22 西安能源水处理新技术开发公司710032陕西省西安市碑林区兴庆路80号 23 西安光开电子电器厂710075西安市高新三路18号 24 西安渭河精密工具公司710043中国西安高新技术产业开发区东区火炬路一 号楼4层 25 西安北方电气公司710001陕西西安市碑林 26 西安银博科技发展公司710054西安市环城南路东段330号银博大厦 27 船舶总公司七院第705研究所高技术公司西安机电 710075陕西省西安市高新技术开发区高新 研究所 28 西安西北炫星科技发展公司710054西安市翠华路129号付25号 29 西安方舟电子公司710065 西安市唐延路35号旺座现代城C座2302室 30 西安市四腾工程有限公司710075西安市高新三路9号新时代大厦 31 西安市斯强生物工程公司710024西安市灞桥区滋水一路55号纺织产业园区A 区A2号四层 32 西安市环讯电子技术公司710065电子一路西部电子座B座 33 西安市西清华仪器研究所710075陕西省西安市健康社区居委会 34 西安市亚光放射技术服务部710068陕西省西安市莲湖区丰庆路44号 35 西安市四方机电信息工程研究所710000西安市高新二路4号星海大厦2楼办公室 36 西安康威电力电子有限公司710075陕西省西安市高新区高新路A7楼4层 37 西安市科光电控技术研究所710075西安高新区沣惠南路华晶广场 38 西安三环科技开发总公司710065陕西西安 39 西安青松图像技术有限公司710075陕西省.西安市高新二路桃园大厦


Xi'an, the eternal(永恒的)city, records the great changes of the Chinese nation just like a living history book,Called Chang'an in ancient times.Xian is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the YellowRiver Basin area of the country. During Xi'an's 3,100 year development, 13 dynasties such as WesternZhou (11th century BC - 771 BC), Qin (221 BC - 206 BC), Western Han (206 BC - 24 AD) and Tang (618 - 907) placed their capitals here. So far, Xi'an enjoys equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one ofthe four major ancient civilization capitals. Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi province, located in the southern part of the Guanzhong Plain. With the Qinling Mountains to the south and the Weihe River to the north, it is in a favorable geographical location surrounded by water and hills. It has a semi-moist monsoon climate and there is a clear distinction between the four seasons. Except the colder winter, any season is relatively suitable for traveling. The cultural and historical significance of the area, as well as the abundant relics and sites(遗迹),help Xi'an enjoy the laudatory title(美称) of 'Natural History Museum'. The Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses(兵马俑) is praised as 'the eighth major miracle of the world', Mausoleum (陵墓)of Emperor Qin Shi Huang is listed on the World Heritage List(世界遗产名录) , and the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) is the largest and most intact(完整的) Ming Dynasty castle in the world. In the city, there is the 3,000 year old Banpo Village Remains from the Neolithic Age (新石器时代)(approximately from 8000 BC to 5000 BC), and the Forest of Stone Steles (碑林)that holds 3,000 stone steles of different periods from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Around Xi'an, the Famen Temple enjoys the reputation of being the 'forefather of pagodas and temples in Central Shaanxi,' because it holds the finger bones of Sakyamuni -- the founder of Buddhism. The natural landscape (自然风光)around Xi'an is also marvelous(极妙的,不可思议的). Mt.Huashan ,one of the five best-known mountains in China, is famous for its breath-taking (令人吃惊的)cliffs(悬崖) and its unique characteristics.Traditional downtown Xi'an refers to the area encircled (环绕)by the city wall, this has now been expanded to encompass(围绕) the area within the second ring road (Er' huan Lu). The Bell Tower is the geographical center of Xi'an and the four main streets are respectively (分别地)Dong Dajie, Xi Dajie, Nan Dajie and Bei Dajie which are also the main commercial streets. Xiao Zhai, the busiest commercial area is in the southern part of the city and is popular with both youths and students since many universities are located here. Shuyuan Men and the still under construction Luoma Shi are must-visit pedestrian (步行的)streets in the city. Xi'an is also famous for its quantity of colleges throughout China. The old campuses of many colleges and universities are massed in the southern suburb of Xi'an, but most have established new campuses in


描写陕西西安的作文 陕西西安是一个美丽的地方,是一个有着革命气息的地方,描写一下你眼中的陕西西安。下面是小编分享给大家的描写陕西西安的作文,希望对大家有帮助。 描写陕西西安的作文篇一 寒假,爸爸妈妈带我去西安旅游,我很兴奋。西安一直是我向往的地方,因为那里是个历史悠久的古老城市,有许多古迹,也有许多故事,那里还有很多小吃。所以,我怀着兴奋的心情,踏上了西安。 在西安,我们先去看了“地下军事博物馆”兵马俑,那一排排与真人一样高的泥塑兵、气势浩大的阵容,让人一看就折服。晚上回到西安市后,观赏了大雁塔门口广场上的音乐喷泉,据说这是亚洲第二。这个广场是无数个小的广场组成的,一块广场比一块广场高几级阶梯。除了广场两边有水池外,其余所有的喷泉的泉眼都在地面上。音乐喷泉是晚上九点开始,一共五首曲子。音乐喷泉开始之后,游客不止一次的尖叫高呼,那一根根水柱都像有灵性一样,调皮地和我们打招呼、做鬼脸。 现代的音乐喷泉,古老的西安城市,西安人真会享受。 第二天,我们游览了大小雁塔、古城墙,又去享受了西安的饺子、面皮、夹肉馍、酸梅汤、酸菜炒米,不觉生出:

西安人真幸福,有吃又有看。 在西安还有很多好去处、好吃的,只可惜我们要回去了。怀着恋恋不舍的心情,我一步三回头,心里说:西安,我还会再来的。 描写陕西西安的作文篇二 西安,是一座历史悠久的城市。漫步西安,气象万千的名胜映入眼帘:新石器时代的村落遗址——半坡博物馆,世界八大奇迹——秦始皇兵马俑,佛教古刹——大雁塔,中国先保存最完整的城墙——明城墙。这些,都充分展现出西安丰厚的文化底蕴。 西安,是座美丽的城市。它它依山傍水,北临渭河,南依终南山。以险峻着称的西岳华山就坐落在它的东称的西岳华山就坐落在它的东北方。西安城内,有古香古色的钟楼、鼓楼,有蕴涵书法艺术精髓的碑林。长安八景和山水园林交织,装点着这座美丽的城市。 西安,是座繁华的城市。高新技术开发区有鳞次节比的工厂、商店。西安还有风味独特的小吃:牛羊肉泡馍、葫芦头等。当夜幕降临的时候,五颜六色的霓虹灯争放异彩,把西安点缀得更加美丽。 西安,我爱你。我爱你悠久的历史,爱你秀丽的风景,更爱你欣欣向荣的今天。 描写陕西西安的作文篇三


大雁塔Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔Small Wild Goose Pagoda 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 黄帝陵The Huangdi Tomb 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼The Bell Tower 西安城墙The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池The Huaqing Pond 乾陵 The Qian Tomb 法门寺The Famen Temple 黄河壶口瀑布The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall 大唐芙蓉园Lotus palace of Tang Dynasty Terra-cotta warriors -- Qin Dynasty 秦始皇兵马俑 The Silk Road 丝绸之路 Big and Little Goose Pagodas 大小雁塔 Shaanxi is one of civilized important , all together China headstream, as far back as having

Lantian Man to grow work here right away in the front for 1000000 years, starting from the 11th century B.C., successively have 13 in history dynasty found a capital here. Shaanxi Province field of being that our country cultural relics and historic sites gathers together , name of having "the natural history museum ": Acient Chang An county City historical remains, are known as eighth Shaanxi not only cultural relics and historic sites is a lot of , but also natural scene is beautiful: Have precipitous West Hua Mountain and Lin Tong Mt. black horse intelligent and elegant; Huanghe River kettle mouth waterfall having rapids to surge; Still have the organism's habits tourist area giving first place to protecting a giant panda waiting for a rare animal. Not only northern Shaanxi highland be Chinese revolution base area , but also be Shaanxi folk custom local manners and feelings headstream: Shaanxi opera loud and sonorous , vehement gong and drum , consummate paper-cut and extremely rich life breath peasant painting etc. , the sight having



1.华清宫; The Huaqing Pool is located in the Lintong District 30 km east to the urban area of Xian. With Mount. Li to its south and the Wei River to its north, it boasts the natural hot springs. The favorable geographical condition and natural environment make it one of the cradles where ancient people settled and . It was also a favorite place for emperors to buildtheir palaces as a resort. Since ancient times, it has ever been a famous bathing and tourist destination. According to historical records and archeological the Huaqing Pool has a history of 6000 years for the use of hot springs and a history of 3000 years of royal gardens. Over these years, the cultural relics excavated near the source of hot springs prove that over 6000 years ago primitive residents had used the hot spring. In West Zhou, King Youwang ordered the construction of Li Palace on the site. Then the emperors of the following dynasties join in the line. After Emperor Xuan Zong ascended the throne, he commanded the construction of Huaqing Palace on a large scale. The construction was built along the Lishan Mountains range, and the former spring well was designed into a pool. Roads were built to reach the top of Lishan Mountain and one two-way road to Changan linked Huaqing Palace with Daming Palace and Xingqing Palace in the capital city. In the year 747 A.D., the new palace was completed and emperor Xuan Zong


西安 Edited by CHENG.DA.XIA ※初识西安 别名:长安、镐京、大京、西京等 行政区域类别:地级市 所属地区:中国西北地区陕西省 下辖地区:11个市辖区、2个县 政府驻地:西安市未央区凤城八路未央广场 电话区号:029 邮政编码:710000 地理位置:关中平原中部 面积:10752平方公里 人口:1000.37万人(2018年) 方言:关中语言-西安话 气候条件:温带季风气候 著名景点:兵马俑、钟鼓楼、大雁塔、小雁塔、秦岭、大明宫、未央宫等 机场:西安咸阳国际机场 火车站:西安站、西安北站、西安南站等 车牌代码:陕A、陕U 高等学府:西安交大、西北工大、西电等 市花:石榴花市树:国槐 地区生产总值:8346.86亿元(2018)比较:佛山地区生产总值:9500亿元(2017) 人均生产总值:85114元(2018)比较:佛山人均生产总值:124722元(2017)

建成区面积:700.27平方公里(2018) 国际友好城市:33个 ※自然地理 西安市位于渭河流域中部关中盆地,东经107.40度~109.49度和北纬33.42度~34.45度之间,北临渭河和黄土高原,南邻秦岭。东以零河和灞源山地为界,与华县、渭南市、商州市、洛南县相接;西以太白山地及青化黄土台塬为界,与眉县、太白县接壤;南至北秦岭主脊,与佛坪县、宁陕县、柞水县分界;北至渭河,东北跨渭河,与咸阳市区、杨凌区和三原、泾阳、兴平、武功、扶风、富平等县(市)相邻。辖境东西长约204公里,南北宽约116公里。截至2016年,西安面积9983平方公里,其中市区面积1066平方公里。 (1)地形地貌: 西安市的地质构造兼跨秦岭地槽褶皱带和华北地台两大单元。距今约1.3亿年前燕山运动时期产生横跨境内的秦岭北麓大断裂,自距今约300万年前第三纪晚期以来,大断裂以南秦岭地槽褶皱带新构造运动极为活跃,山体北仰南俯剧烈降升,造就秦岭山脉。与此同时,大断裂以北属于华北地台的渭河断陷继续沉降,在风积黄土覆盖和渭河冲积的共同作用下形成渭河平原。 西安市境内海拔高度差异悬殊位居全国各城市之冠。巍峨峻峭、群峰竞秀的秦岭山地与坦荡舒展、平畴沃野的渭河平原界线分明,构成西安市的地貌主体。秦岭山脉主脊海拔2000米~2800米,其中西南端太白山峰巅海拔3867米,是大陆中部最高山峰。渭河平原海拔400米~700米,其中东北端渭河河床最低处海拔345米。西安城区便建立在渭河平原的二级阶地上。 (2)气候: 西安市平原地区属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候,冷暖干湿四季分明。冬季寒冷、风小、多雾、少雨雪;春季温暖、干燥、多风、气候多变;夏季炎热多雨,伏旱突出,多雷雨大风;秋季凉爽,气温速降,秋淋明显。年平均气温13. 0℃~ 13. 7℃,最冷1月份平均气温-1. 2℃~ 0. 0℃,最热7月份平均气温26. 3℃~ 26. 6℃,年极端最低气温-21.2℃(蓝田1991年12月28日),年极端最高气温43. 4℃(长安1966年6月19日)。年降水量522. 4~ 719. 5毫米,由北向南递增。7月、9月为两个明显降水高峰月。年日照时数1646. 1~ 2114. 9小时,年主导风向各地有差异,西安市区为东北风,周至、户县为西风,高陵、临潼为东东北风,长安为东南风,蓝田为西北风。气象灾害有干旱、连阴雨、暴雨、洪涝、城市内涝、冰雹、大风、干热风、高温、雷电、沙尘、大雾、霾、寒潮、低温冻害。 (3)水文:


西安小吃的英文翻译 钟楼????Belltower大雁塔???Bigwildgoosepagoda 兵马俑???EmperorQin'sterra-cottawarriorsandhorses 回民街???HUIminoritystreet羊肉泡馍??crudedpancakeinmuttonsoup 凉皮????coldricenoodles汤圆????sweetdumpling 肉夹馍???chinesehamburger烧饼Clayovenrolls 油条Friedbreadstick韭菜盒Friedleekdumplings 水饺Boileddumplings蒸饺Steameddumplings 饭团Riceandvegetableroll皮蛋100-yearegg 咸鸭蛋Saltedduckegg豆浆Soybeanmilk 糯米饭Glutinousrice卤肉饭Braisedporkrice 蛋炒饭Friedricewithegg地瓜粥Sweetpotatocongee 馄饨面Wonton&noodles刀削面Slicednoodles 麻辣面Spicyhotnoodles麻酱面Sesamepastenoodles 米粉Ricenoodles炒米粉Friedricenoodles 鱼丸汤Fishballsoup紫菜汤Seaweedsoup 酸辣汤Sweet&soursoup馄饨汤Wontonsoup 糖葫芦Tomatoesonsticks长寿桃LongevityPeaches 芝麻球Glutinousricesesameballs麻花Hempflowers 豆花Tofupudding牡蛎煎Oysteromelet 臭豆腐Stinkytofu(Smellytofu)油豆腐Oilybeancurd 麻辣豆腐Spicyhotbeancurd虾片Prawncracker 虾球Shrimpballs春卷Springrolls 蛋卷Chickenrolls碗糕Saltyricepudding 红豆糕Redbeancake绿豆糕Beanpastecake 糯米糕Glutinousricecakes萝卜糕Friedwhiteradishpatty 芋头糕Tarocake肉丸Rice-meatdumplings 豆干Driedtofu火锅Hotpot TheHuaqingHotspring Goodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen.Nowweareinthefamousimperialpark-HuaqingHotspring.Itislocatedat thefootofMt.Lishan,about35kilometerseastofXi’an.Becauseitwasanaturalhotspring,itbecameaveryfamou sscenicspot. AheadofusistheMt. Lishan,abranchofQinlingrange.Itiscoveredwithpinesandcypressesandlooksverymuchlikeadarkgreengall opinghorsef romalongdistance.InancientChina,ablackhorsewascalled“Li”,andthisishowitgotitsname-Lis hanmountain. Haveyounoticedthelittletoweronthetopofthishill?ThisisthefamousRemainsofabeacontowerfromtheweste rnZhoudynastyover3000yearsago.Therearetwofamoussayingsrelatedwi thit:“asinglesmilecosts1000piece sofgold”and“thesovereignrulersarefooledbythebeaconfire”. Well,let’scomebacktotheHuaqingHotspring.Historically,duringthewesternZhouDynasty,astonepoolwas builtandwasgiventhenameofLishantang.ThesitewasenlargedintoabiggerpalaceduringtheHanDynasty,an dwasrenamedLiPalace.DuringtheTangDynasty,EmperorXuanzonghadawalledpalacebuiltaroundtheLiHi ll.ItwasknownasHuaqing Place.


My name is XXX. I was born in Xi'an. I lived in the Xi'an for nearly XX years. Now, please let me introduce Xi'an, one of the most historical city in China, to you. As everybody knows, Xi'an, is the capital of the Shannxi province in China and it is a political, economic, cultural and transportation center of shaanxi province. As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi'an is one of the four great ancient capitals of China, because it is the capital of thirteen dynasties, including the Qin, Han and Tang dynasties. Its long history and rich cultural heritage have influenced generations of Chinese people, including me. I had to introduce some attractions in Xi'an. As a world-famous attraction, Terra Cotta Warriors is located in Xi'an Lintong County which is surrounded by Lishan, Huaqing Hot Springs and the other famous attractions. If you have not been to Terra Cotta Warriors, you can't imagine it's prosperous and powerful in Qin Dynasty. As people all know, there are some other attractions in Xi'an, such as Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Eild Goose Pagoda, Bell Tower, Drum Tower and so on. They are also the historical attractions where tourists have to go, if the one want to know more about Xi'an or even Chinese cultural. Xi'an not only has a long history of Chinese history cultural, but also has a long history of Chinese food cultural. Hui minority street which contains almost all of the snacks in Xi'an. If you visit Xi'an in summer, you have to taste the cold fermented glutinous rice(Lao Zao) which is made by restaurant owner who is kind-hearted and the cold rice noodles(Liang Pi) which can relieve summer heat for you. If you visit Xi'an in winter, you have to taste the most classic food which name is Mutton Soup with Bread in english and Yang Rou Pao Mo in Chinese.Looking at the hot soup in front of you, you will become warm in winter. Smelling the fragrant aroma of beef, you can not wait to put them into your mouth. When you finish your meal, you will in great satisfaction and want to eat more although you are already full. These attractive features in Xi'an are just a drop in the bucket. The view in Xi'an is too beautiful to write for me. I just can not write one composition to introduce a complete Xi'an to you. So, why not to come to Xi'an and have an unforgettable experience yourself. I'm sure that you would never regret for this journey.

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