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Q:Have you ever done any social practice?


A: Yes, I have been holding the post of editor as a part-time job in a student journal.


Q:What ability do you think should be fostered in this process?


A: It's the interpersonal skill. The biggest difficulty in my work was how to make effective personal profiles. However, it fosters my ability to communicate.



Q:What did you get from various working experience?


how do you evaluate your part-time jobs?


What ability do you think you have to enhance through your experience?


A:I learned how to deal with all kinds of people.


It was how to solve a lot of problems all by myself.


I should say it was the importance of team work.



Secretary: Receiving visitors, scheduling meetings, taking and typing dictation, writing routine letters and reports.


Assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise: Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements.


Worked 21 hours weekly as a salesgirl at the bookstore of Shenzhen University, earned 45% of college expenses. 在深圳大学书店当售货员,每周工作21小时,赚了大学费用的45%

Tourist guide during the summer vacation for Beijing International Travel Service: Conducted tours for foreign tourists on trip around the city.


I am quite satisfied with my university life.


Firstly, Equipment of my university is advanced and teacher team is powerful. There is an advanced library that owns all kinds of books. So we can acquire a lot of knowledge from my university.


Secondly, all sorts of lectures are given on campus. We can learn much knowledge that is interesting.


Thirdly, my campus activities are rich and colorful. Such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide opportunities to make friends.


What's more, my dormitory life is very harmonious. Dormitory life is an important part of my university life. On the one hand, we can have a good rest and put our heart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy being together.









大学英语口语对话两人 英语口语对话场景20篇

大学英语口语对话两人英语口语对话场景20 篇 在英语教学中,对话训练是必不可少的一项内容,主要目的在于丰富学生的英 语听、说技能,提升学生的英语综合能力,体现英语作为交流工具的价值。WTT精心 收集了大学两人英语口语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 大学两人英语口语对话1 A:Hi, Mike.I am going to move on the first of month. A:嗨,麦克,我下个月一号就要搬家了。 B:Congratulations! So, have you started planning your move? B:恭喜啊,你开始计划搬家事宜了么? A:Yes, I am trying to find good movers now.Do you know any? A:嗯,我现在想找一家好一点的搬家公司。你知道哪家好点么? B:Not really. B:不太清楚。 A:What did you do for your last move? A:你上次怎么搬的? B:Since I did not have much staff, I asked my cousin to help me out. B:由于我的东西不多,就请我的堂兄弟帮我搬了。 A:Oh.that's very ne of him. A:嗯,他人真好。 B:Yeah, it was.But I still have some information that I collected last time, and if you want, I will ve it to you. B:对啊,不过我还留有一些上次收集的搬家信息,如果你要我就给你。 A:Yes, please. A:好啊,拜托你了。


大学英语口语对话范文[大学英语口语对话] 大学英语口语对话 大学英语口语对话大学英语口语对话一A:Good moming! Welcome to J. P Interior Design. A:早上好,欢迎光临JP室内设计。 B:Hi, I saw the sign outside says that you do all kinds of interior design. B:嗨,我看到外面的广告,说你们承包各种室内设计工程。 A:Yes, we do. Do you have any specific needs A:是的,您有特殊要求么B:Well, I am thinking about redesigning my kitchen. B:嗯,我想重新设计我的厨房。 A:Do you prefer some specific style A:您是否喜欢某种特定的设计风格呢B:Yes, I prefer a more contemporary design. B:是的,我喜欢比较现代化一点的设计。 A:What kind of color tones do you like A:那您喜欢哪一类的色调呢B:Blue, green or earth tone colors. I do not like the colors that are too bright. B:蓝色、绿色或者大地色系的颜色。我不喜欢太显眼的颜色。 A:I see. And what kind of feeling do you want to create for your kitchen A:我明白了,那您希望您的厨房能营造出什么感觉呢B:I“d like it to look simple, neat and relaxing.B:我希望它看上去简洁、干净而且轻松舒适。 A:Fine, we will take an actual look at your kitchen before start working on it. A:好的,在我们作任何变动以前,必须上门实际考察一下。 B:No problem. How about 10“o clock this Sunday morning B:没问题,这个星期天上午十点左右如何A:Okay. Would you please leave your address and phone number A:可以的,麻烦您留下姓名及地址电话好么B:Of course. This is my card. See you then. B:当然,这是我


第一:宠物篇 A:Hey,GX. B:Hi,XD. A:I haven’t see you for a long time. How is it going ? B:Yeah, It is going pretty well. What about you ? A:Oh,just like always. But I feel very upset because I messed up the VB exam. B: Oh,Everything is gonna be alright! Don’t lose your heart. A: You are right. Thank you! A:By the way, do you like animals? B:Yes,I think they are so cute and interesting! I like dogs best, especially the little ones. I ever had a dog long time ago, he was one of my best friend. A:I can’t agree with you. I love animals so much and I’m thinking about getting a pet, but I’m really not sure which animal would be suitable, could you give me some advice? B:Certainly!But you should think it carefully. Because getting a pet have to consider many things. The first one is that how much time you can devote to your pet. Dogs are very demanding. You need to take them for walks and they love to play. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent. A:Oh, I love cats. And the most important, as you say, they don’t need


大学生活英语口语对话 1、关于社会实践的问答: Q:Have you ever done any social practice? 你有社会实践的经历吗? A: Yes, I have been holding the post of editor as a part-time job in a student journal. 有,我一直在一家学生杂志社做兼职编辑。 Q:What ability do you think should be fostered in this process? 你认为在此过程中需要培养什么能力? A: It's the interpersonal skill. The biggest difficulty in my work was how to make effective personal profiles. However, it fosters my ability to communicate. 主要是人际交往能力。我在工作中遇到的最大困难就是怎样有效地进行人物专访。然而,这也培养了我与他人交流沟通的能力。 2、关于实践收获的问答: Q:What did you get from various working experience? 你从各种工作经历中得到了哪些收获? how do you evaluate your part-time jobs? 你如何评价自己的兼职工作? What ability do you think you have to enhance through your experience? 通过实践你认为自己需要提高何种能力? A:I learned how to deal with all kinds of people. 我学会了怎样与各种各样的人打交道。 It was how to solve a lot of problems all by myself. 我认为是独立处理各种问题的能力。 I should say it was the importance of team work.


【大学校园生活英语对话】大学二人英语对 话 对话教学作为一种新型而有效的教学方式,主张教师和学生应具有对话心态,坚持对话原则,学生在互动交流与沟通合作中学习、使用英语,有效实现学生英语交际能力的锻炼与培养。小编精心收集了大学校园生活英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 大学校园生活英语对话1 Mary: Whattimeisitbyyourwatch? 你的表几点了? Jim: It’snineo’clock. 九点。 Mary: Nineo’clock. 九点.. Jim: Haveyougotanythingtodo? 有事?

Mary: Nothing,butIhavetogotothetoliet. 没有,不过我得去厕所。 Jim: Bequick.Thereisfiveminutesleftforthenextperiod. 快点,还有五分钟上下一节课。 大学校园生活英语对话2 Mary: Excuseme,couldyousparemeafewminutes? 对不起,能占用你几分钟时间吗? Jim: Noproblem.Goahead. 没问题,说吧。 Mary: Couldyoutellmethedifferencebetween“find”and“findout ”? 你能不能给我说说这两个字的区别。 Jim: Idon’tthinkIcangiveyouadefinitea nswer, butI’lltry..Doyouunderstand?

我想我不一定能给你一个肯定的答案,我试试吧。..明白吗? Mary: Yes.Thankyou. 明白了,谢谢。 大学校园生活英语对话3 Mary: Iwonderifwehavegotanyphysicshomeworktoday. 今天咱们有没有物理作业? Jim: Yes, wehave.Butnottoomuch.Theteacheraskedustodoexercise3and4 onpage126. 有啊,但是不多。老师让做..126页的练习..3和练习..4。 Mary: Haveyoufinishedit? 你做完了吗? Jim: Yes. 做完了。


大学英语对话范文带翻译 随着经济全球化的发展和国际交往的日益频繁,语言成为人们互相交流的重要桥梁。英语教学已成为各级学校的重点教学内容。小编精心收集了大学英语对话范文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 大学英语对话范文带翻译篇1 Jim: Hello,Is that Tom? 你好,是汤姆吗? Tom's father: Hello,this is Tom's father. 你好,我是汤姆的父亲。 Jim: May I speak to Tom? 能让汤姆接下电话吗? Tom's father: Sorry,he's not here.What's up? 对不起,他不在,什么事? Jim: I have something to tell him. 我有些事要告诉他。 Tom's father: May I take a message for him? 你要给他留言吗? Jim: OK.Would you tell him that Jim called? 好吧。请告诉他吉姆给他打过电话。 Tom's father: Anything else? 还有吗? Jim: No,just it.Thank you.See you. 没了,就这些。谢谢。再见。 Tom's father: OK.See you. 好的。再见。 大学英语对话范文带翻译篇2 Tom: Hello! 您好。 John: Hello!Who would you like to talk to?

您好。您找哪位呀? Tom: May I speak to Bob? 能叫鲍勃接电话吗? John: Sorry,there's nobody named Bob. 对不起,这没有叫鲍勃的。 Tom: Is that 2546856? 您的电话是2546856吗? John: No.I'm afraid you have the wrong number. 不是。您可能打错电话了。 Tom: I'm sorry. I must have misdialed. 对不起,我好像打错了。 John: It doesn't matter. 没关系。 Tom: Sorry for troubling you.Bye. 对不起,打扰您了。再见。 John: Bye. 再见。 大学英语对话范文带翻译篇3 Bob: Look!There are two ways here.Which one? 看吧!有两条路。走哪一条? John: Tom said we should go left. 汤姆说我们应该走左边的。 Bob: Are you for or against his idea? 你是反对还是赞成他的主意? John: I don't know.What about you? 我不知道,你觉得呢? Bob: I don't agree with him.I think we should go right. 我不赞成他的想法。我想应该是右边。 John: Why? 为什么?


关于大学校园英语对话 高中毕业的同学们马上就要踏入大学校园了,那么你想要学习有关大学校园生活的英语对话吗?下面店铺为大家带来关于大学校园英语对话,欢迎大家学习! 关于大学校园英语对话1: molly: what's up? gordon: same old, same old. how about you? molly: i'm a-ok. i heard that you are applying to college. is that right? gordon: that's right, but i still haven't got any admissions letters. molly: don't worry, i'm sure you'll get in somewhere. gordon: i'm not worried about getting in, i'm worried about being able to pay. molly: that's right. college is very expensive in the u.s. maybe, you should get a loan. gordon: i reckon that is a good idea. i will have to get a loan and pay it back after i graduate from college. molly: wow, college is different in the u.s. please tell me more about it. 莫莉:你还好吗? 戈登:老样子,老样子。你呢? 莫莉:我还好。我听说你正申请去读大学,是真的吗? 戈登:对,但是我还没有收到任何录取通知书。 莫莉:别担心,我肯定你总会收到某个学校的录取通知书的。 戈登:我倒不是担心录取的问题,我发愁如何支付学费。 莫莉:是啊,在美国上大学是很昂贵的。也许,你应该申请学生贷款。 戈登:那是一个好主意。我得去申请学生贷款,毕业后再还。


校园情景英语口语对话 【篇一】校园情景英语口语对话 张:Hello,everybody! 赵章周:Hello,lisa! 张:What do you think about college life? 你们觉得大学生活怎么样? 章:My life in this college is very busy. I join many activities in my spare time . I make friends with everyone whom I meet.Over class,I often play basketball with classmates .Some times,I involve in the college play. 我的大学生活非常忙碌,在课余时间参加了很多活动,喜欢交很多朋友,课后,我经常跟同学们打篮球,有些时候,我参与大学活动 赵: Wow, your college life is very rich. 哇,你的大学生活真丰富 张:What about you ,zhaoyun? 那你呢,赵? 赵:I like Travelling ,so from life at university,I travelled to Xiamen,Yunnan,shangdong with my friends.On weekends I likeshopping,reading and seeing English movies.However, I learn how to balance entertainment and study. 我喜欢旅游,所以在大学期间我跟好朋友去了厦门,云南还有山东,在周末我喜欢购物,看书,看英文电影。但是,我学会如何平衡学习和娱乐。


有关大学生活情景对话 英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面店铺为大家带来生活英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!下面店铺为大家带来英语日常情景对话,欢迎大家学习! 有关大学生活情景对话1:宿舍生活 Todd: Miki, when you were in college where did you live? 托德:美琪,你上大学的时候住在哪里? Miki: My first year I lived in the dormitory that was quite close to the campus. It was about a five minute walks so it was very convenient but I'm not sure that that many people actually enjoyed living in the dormitory because there were so many of us packed into such a small space that one did not get a sense of privacy at all. I shared a room with two other girls and 24 hours a day there was always someone near you, next door, down the hall if not in your own room, and a very small space. In Japan perhaps this wouldn't have been such a large problem because the sense of personal space and privacy perhaps isn't as strong growing up, but really in the United States if you grow up with you own room, if you grow up with your own sense of self and if, you know, you have personal space that you define just instinctively which, you know, maybe three feet in front of you, a meter, or if you have your own personal room itself, it's very difficult to move from that sort of sense of individuality and personal private space, to move into the dorms, and to have to share, all of that, and then always have a smile on your face, if you don't want to be considered a bitch. 美琪:我大一的时候住在宿舍里,离校园非常近。步行5分钟就


大学校园生活英语对话校园生活英语对话精选 学习英语最初的目的在于使学生能够运用英语自如地同他人交流。因此小学英语对话教学在小学英语教学中扮演着举足轻重的角色。精心收集了校园生活英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! Mary: I really envy these stewardesses. I wish I could be one of them. 我真羡慕这些空姐的工作,我也想当空姐。 John: You? 就你? Mary: What! Anyone can be a stewardess if she is tall and good-looking.

怎么了?只要身高长相可以,谁都可以当空姐嘛。 John: Honey, that's not as simple as you think. To be a flight attendant, the most important thing is to be amiable. More, you must speak English fluently. 亲爱的,没你想的那么简单。做空姐,最重要的是要有亲和力,英语也得很流利。 Mary: God, I'm done. You know my English will hold me back. 天啊,那我完了,英语肯定会拖我后腿。 John: Well, go practice your English first.

那你还是先好好练练英语吧。 Daniel: School has added several new courses to our grade this semester. I have more homework to do now. 这个学期学校给我们年级又加了几门课。现在我有更多的家庭作业要做了。 Tina: What's your favorite course, Daniel? 丹尼尔,你最喜欢的课程是哪门啊? Daniel: I like science most. 我最喜欢科学。


关于大学英语口语对话带翻译 【篇一】关于大学英语口语对话带翻译 Lily:It’s really a tragedy. Ann. 真是个悲剧,安。 Ann:What’s up? 怎么啦? Lily: Last night, I visited to my close friend and stayed with her last night. But when I got to her house, I found I didn’t take my purse and I only had three yuan in my pocket. 昨晚我去拜访一个好朋友并住在她家里,但是当我到她家的时候,我发现我没有带我的钱包,而我身上只有三块钱。 Ann: Wow, it was really a tragedy. 哇,真是个悲剧。 Lily: And this afternoon, we went out to meet another friend and when I told her this matter, she just laughed at me. 然后今天中午,我们去找另一个朋友,当她听到这件事的时候, 她居然嘲笑我。 Ann: What did you do for lunch? 那你午餐怎么解决的? Lily: The one who laughed me paid for my lunch. 那个笑我的家伙为我付钱了。

Ann: Why did she do so? 为什么? Lily: She laughed at me, so she should pay for it. 她笑我,所以她就要付钱。 Ann: A poor guy. 真可怜。 【篇二】关于大学英语口语对话带翻译 Ann: I love Mr. Darcy? 我爱上达西了。 Lily: Mr. Darcy? Is the main character in Price and Prejudice? 达西?是《傲慢与偏见》的主人公吗? Ann: Yes, but not exactly. I love the actor who played the role of Mr. Darcy. 是的,但也不全是,我是喜欢扮演达西的那个演员。 Lily:Why? I don’t think he is handsome. 为什么?我不认为他很帅啊。 Ann: No, he is really a handsome man. He seems born to be Mr. Darcy. 不,他太帅了,他似乎注定要演达西的。 Lily: Why? Is it because he played the role? 为什么?因为他演了这个角色吗?

大学英语口语对话范文 大学日常英语对话范文

大学英语口语对话范文大学日常英语对话范文 培养交际能力是大学英语教学的首要目标,但是目前高校学生的口语交际能力不尽人意。WTT整理了大学日常英语对话范文,欢迎阅读! 大学日常英语对话范文一 大嘴: Is there anything good on television? 有好看的电视节目吗? 脸盆: The 37th Miss Hong Kong petition is on show. 第37届香港小姐比赛正在进行。 大嘴: Miss Hong Kong is always the focus of the world. 香港小姐一直是人们关注的焦点。 脸盆: Yeah, with a history of more than 70 years. 是啊,有七十多年的历史了。 大嘴: What about the chions? 这届的冠军怎样呢? 脸盆: Ha,who knows! They were doomed to be disputed severely. 哈,谁知道呢?她们注定要饱受争议了。

大学日常英语对话范文二 大嘴: Hi,I saw your performance, so e____cellent. 嗨,我昨天看你的演出了,很精彩。 脸盆: Thank you for your appraisal, I will try my best. 谢谢你的赞赏。我还要更加努力。 大嘴: How long have you been playing guitar? You're a very good player! 学了几年吉他?弹的很棒! 脸盆: About seven or eight years, I am so interested in it. 嗯,大概七、八年了,我很喜欢吉他。 大嘴: Do you know Air Guitar Playing? 听说过空气吉他吗? 脸盆: Of course, it’s a particular form of acting that to imitate the solo part of the rock music or heavy metal music. 当然。那是一种以模仿摇滚乐或重金属音乐的电吉他独奏部分进行的特殊表演方式。


大学英语对话精选大学生英语口语对话B:Bettertaketheubway.It’fater,andmoreconvenient.最好乘地铁吧,地铁更快、更方便。 A:En,wheredowepaythefare嗯,那我们在哪里买票呢B:Jutgototheticketofficeintheubway.到地铁的售票处去就行了。 B:Morning.早上好。 A:IthiwhereIcatchthebuforthezoo去动物园是在这儿坐车吗B:Ye.YoucantakeNo.846fromhere,butyouhavetogetoffatNanchengmentopan dchangetoNo.106.是的。你可以在这乘846路公共汽车,但是你得在南城 门站下车换106路车。 A:That’alittletroubleome.那样有点儿麻烦。 B:Actually,ifyougotothebutopinthene某 tblock,youcantakeNo.105whichwillletyourightoffinfrontofthezoogat e.其实如果你走到下个街区的公共汽车站坐105路车,就可以在动物园的 大门口下车了。 A:Maybethat’whatI"lldo.Thankalot.我想我还是选择后一种吧。 谢谢您。 大学英语对话范文3A:E某 cueme.DoethibugototheNationalLibraryofChina打扰一下,请问这辆公 交车到中国国家图书馆吗B:Ye,therearethreetopleft.是的,还有三站。

A:Howlongitheride要坐多久B: Well,youwillgetthereinaboutaquarterofanhourifthetrafficin’ttooh eavy.如果交通不太拥挤的话,大约一刻钟您就能到了。 A: Thankyou.WouldyoupleaeletmeknowwhenwegettothetopI"matrangerhere.好的。到了站请叫我一声好吗我不是当地人。


大学生活英语口语对话 大学生活英语口语对话(精选5篇) 关于大学生活,我们一定曾想象过很多,不过却都不一定一致。以下是店铺为大家整理的大学生活英语口语对话,希望能帮到大家!大学生活英语口语对话1 a: i'm so upset now.. b:why? Anything bad happened? a:no,..it's just...college life is not like what i've pitcured. i con't get used to it. it was so much better in highschool. besides, i'm home sick right now. b:come on. don't think about it that way! college life suppose to be so colorful! don't just stay here everyday. let's go outside and make new friends! a:no, thanks. i think i better stay here and don't go and destroy other people's joy. b:hey! don't you think it that way. people like you! our friends love you! come on, i show you somewhere you will be definitely interested in. a:where? what place can draw my attention now? b:the chess club. you love to play chess don't you? come on , there's a whole bunch of friends waiting for you!come on, move! a:...all right. well i don't deny my passion on chess. by the way, thank you for being there for me. i'm feeling a lot better now. b:that what's friends do , right? you are wellcome! 大学生活英语口语对话2 A:How are your Chinese lessons going? 你的中文课进展得如何了? B:Oh I’m learning very slowly. I think Chinese is more difficult than English.


大学生生活英语对话 【篇一】关于学习生活的英语口语对话 Todd: Tini, you are a student, correct? 托德:蒂尼,你是学生,对吧? Tini: Yeah, I am a student. 蒂尼:对,我是学生。 Todd: OK, do you like to study? Do you like the student life? 托德:你喜欢学习吗?你喜欢学生生活吗? Tini: Of course, you know. Actually, I, myself, I like studying although I'm not that much of a bookworm, but, yes, I like studying. I like spending time with my friends, and I just like enjoying my student life. 蒂尼:当然喜欢。其实我很喜欢学习,我并不是书呆 子,但我很喜欢学习。我喜欢和朋友们共度时光,我很享受 学生生活。 Todd: Now, soon, you are going to graduate, correct? 托德:你马上就要毕业了,对吧? Tini: Yes, fortunately or unfortunately, yes.

蒂尼:对,不知道是幸运还是不幸,我马上就毕业了。 Todd: Well, why would you say fortunately? 托德:你为什么认为幸运呢? Tini: Fortunately, in the sense that, you know, it's about time to get out to the real world and, you know, earn some money, and earn some experience but unfortunately in the sense that all of these precious memories, like you are putting them all behind. 蒂尼:幸运是因为我能出去看看真实的世界,挣钱,获 得经验,不幸是因为要放下这些珍贵的记忆。 Todd: Yeah, soon they are going to be over. 托德:是啊,学生生活马上就结束了。 Tini: Right, right, and then you have more responsibility as soon as you step into the real world, you know. No more spring vacation. No more summer vacation. 蒂尼:对,一旦进入现实生活,就要承担更多的责任。 就再也没有春假和暑假了。 Todd: Actually, that's why I'm a teacher. People always ask me, why are you a teacher? And I say, because the time off. You get so much time off, and you don't have to work a 9-5 schedule.


大学生活英语对话带翻译 AWhat's this then? 那这个是什么? BIt's my geography, sir.The Map of Africa you set us. 老师,这是我的地理作业。你布置给我们的非洲地图。 ABut this should have been handed in last Thursday. 但是这个作业上个星期四就应该交了。 BYes, I know,sir.I'm sorry. 是的,我知道的,老师,我很抱歉。 AWell, what's your excuse then? 额,那你的理由是什么? BMy mother's been ill and I had to stay at home. 我的母亲病了,我必须待在家里。 AOh, Yes? 噢,是吗? BIt's true, sir. 这是真的,老师。 ACan I help you? 我可以帮你吗? BI hope so.I'm looking for some material for a paper I'm writing, and I'm not quite sure where to look. 希望如此。我在找写论文的一些材料,我不太清楚去哪里找。 AI'll certainly try to help you. What topic is your paper on? 我会试着帮你。你的论文是什么话题? BMy paper is on the influence of television on children.

我的论文是关于电视对孩子的影响。 AThere are several possible sources you might use for that topic. I suggest you use the computer and the computer will give you a list of every scientific journal that talks about children and television. 这里有一些合适的资料你可能可以用在这个话题上。我建议你用这台计算机,计算机 会给你列出关于孩子和电视的每一期科学期刊。 BThank you for you help. 谢谢你的帮忙。 Todd: Miki, when you were in college where did you live? 托德:美琪,你上大学的时候住在哪里? Miki: My first year I lived in the dormitory that was quite close to the campus. It was about afive minute walks so it was very convenient but I'm not sure that that many people actuallyenjoyed living in the dormitory because there were so many of us packed into such a smallspace that one did not get a sense of privacy at all. I shared a room with two other girls and24 hours a day there was always someone near you, next door, down the hall if not in yourown room, and a very small space. In Japan perhaps this wouldn't have been such a largeproblem because the sense of personal space and privacy perhaps isn't as strong growing up,but really in the United States if you grow up with you own room, if you grow up with your ownsense of self and if, you know, you have personal space that you define just instinctively which,you know, maybe three feet in front of you, a meter, or if you have your own personal roomitself, it's very difficult to move from that sort of sense of individuality and personal privatespace, to move into the dorms, and to have to share, all of that, and then always have a smileon your face, if you don't want to be considered a bitch. 美琪:我大一的时候住在宿舍里,离校园非常近。步行5分钟就可以到学校,非常方便,但是我不确定是不是大部分人都喜欢住在宿舍里,因为我们太多人住在一个小地方, 实际上完全没有隐私。我和另外两个女孩住在一个宿舍里,一天24个小时你附近都有人,如果你不在自己的房间里,那你的隔壁和楼下大厅也全是人,地方非常小。这在日本可能 不是大问题,因为日本人在成长过程中的个人空间感和隐私感可能并不那么强烈,但是实 际上在美国,如果你成长的阶段拥有自己的空间,如果你成长的阶段有自我感觉,如果你 有个人空间,那你就会本能地认为距离你三英尺或是一米的距离就是你的个人空间,如果

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