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Unit1 Section A (1a—2d)









7.发烧 8.躺;平躺 9.放松;休息



16.感冒 17.胃痛

18.躺下 19.量体温

20.发烧 breaks

to a doctor



I a fever. I my temperature?


I by accident. I do?


If you have a headache,you should . 【综合运用】


at the are only three (tooth) in his mouth.

you feel tired,you should (lie) down and have a rest.

has a fever;he should take (he) temperature.

went out without (say) a word.

was (bad) hurt in the football match.


careful not to with the knife.

7.—Let’s go boating!

—That a good idea.

doing a lot of housework,you need to .

sounds like you’re having a me .

’t run in the classroom,or you may .


()11.—Mom,I have a sore throat.

—Well,you should drink some hot tea honey.

()’s bad for your health to go to school without



() had a ,so she decided to see a dentist.


() talked last night and didn’t drink enough has a very sore throat now.

too many many much


—I have a headache and I don’t feel like eating anything. are you can I do for you

’s the matter with you do you like it

Section A (3a—4c)











sth. into trouble

to do sth. time

do sth. for

about a doctor



your help ,my room looks much tidier.


,he passed the exam.


You will if you play football here.


We all meet at the school gate.


Tom the bus and walked into a store.



are so many (passenger)on the bus,so it’s really crowded.

young man stopped his car and helped the girl without (think) twice.

old woman expected the young man (save) her dog.

that time,Rose saw her dog (lie) on the floor.

hurt herself (play) basketball with her classmates.

sat in the same way without (move).

only thought about (save) a life and didn’t think about (him).

old man needed (go) to the hospital.

expected them (get) off the bus.


10.—Should I put some medicine on it? (作肯定回答)

—Yes, .

11.—Should Kate go home with her parents right away? (作否定回答)—No, .

should ask some students to the English party.(改为否定句)

any students to the English party.

doctor should take this girl’s temperature at once.(改为一般疑问句) the doctor this girl’s temperature at once?

should see a doctor and get an X-ray.(对画线部分提问)

Jenny ?


(),we should the bus at the next stop.

up off to in

()16.—Jack,I have working out the math problem.

—Don’t me help you.

()’s said that a young girl took the old lady to the hospital.

year old years old

() is not good at Chinese,and she passed the exam the help of her classmates.

() I walked past the park,I saw some old people Chinese Taiji.


()can’t expect him such a thing.


()21.—The summer holiday is on the ’ll have more freedom.

—.But we should learn to manage ourselves.

’d love to agree with you

’m afraid I won’t’m sorry

()22. is said that of visitors visit the Great Wall every year.

,thousand ,thousands ,thousands ,thousand

()23. her husband,she has now become a famous film star.

to for the help

()24.—Mum,I’m not feeling well.


’s the wrong? at all.

right. ’s the matter?

Section B (1a—2b)









7.情况;状况 8.千克;公斤

9. 重要性;重要 10.血

11. 抉择;决定 12.刀


18.习惯于…… 19.冒险

20.用尽;耗尽 21.切除

22.从……出来 23.做决定

in control of on

sick ready to do sth.

that on doing sth.

one’s life



I’m up early.


When his food ,he began to eat leaves.


What did he use to his right arm?


We do not expect untrained people to .


This young man called Peter is this factory.


No one knows who is the club.

37.流鼻血时, 请把头扬起来。

Please your head when you have a nosebleed.


I’m eggs for breakfast.


You don’t have to because of this.


We should the hospital to an X-ray. 【综合运用】


lost a lot of (blood) in the accident.

(you)to some chicken,kids.

brother is ready (help) others when he is free.

a mountain (climb),you should have a strong body.

like to listen to music when (take)a walk after dinner.

have two (knife) and I can lend one to you.

’ll know the (important) of reading books one day.

(die) last week and everyone was very sad to hear his


doctor told him (rest) more.

realized that he had made a wrong (decide) and he decided (change) it at once.


students were late for school the heavy rain yesterday morning.

’s dangerous to play along the someone on the head.

you your money,you can’t buy the book today.

baby many times when he began to walk.

wearing a T-shirt and jeans.


( ),it’s cold outside. your coat when you go out.

off on away away

( ) China we can learn English a foreign language.

( ) is too should rest for days.

little few

( ) Yan’s books have been sold out in many book stores his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize(诺贝尔文学奖).


( ) in Thailand(《人在囧途之泰囧》) is successful ’s my favorite movie.

quite very very too

( ) are trying their best to come up with ways to treat(治疗) the terrible disease(疾病) H7N9.


( )22.—Why don’t you go out to play,Rose?

—I’m afraid I can’ have much homework .


( ) movie is wonderful I want to see it again.

,to ,that ,as ,as

( ) Green speaks loudly the students can hear her clearly. order to that soon as though

( ) in America,but now he is in is Chinese food. to live,used to eating used to live,used to eat

used to live,used to eating to living,used to eat

Section B (2c—Self Check)【基础训练】





3.割伤自己 a cold Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子


She didn’t the window.


The girl playing the piano every day.


He used his knife half his right arm. 8. 或许你应该躺下休息。

you should .


The children colds.


After the accident,he mountains now.


I you will soon.



is a mountain (climb).He likes climbing the mountains.

(sound) like a good idea.

care not to hurt (you) when you jump high.

(have) a should see a doctor.

you mind (I) closing the window?

climber doesn’t mind (take) risks.

last,she gave up (ride) a bike to school.

wrote a book (call) Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

hurt his back (play) volleyball.

don’t feel (good).You should see a doctor.


studying hard,and you’ll have good grades.

felt sick,so he this dancing competition.

8. the heavy rain,they didn’t have the sports meeting yesterday.

man can’t walk long because he .

month Tom and he lost his left leg.


Everyone of us may 11 a do you know about headaches?What may cause them?And what should we do 12 we have a headache?When should we go to 13 a doctor? A headache is not a disease(疾病),but it may show that 14 in your body is may have 15 than one headache each month.

Usually a fever or some other 16 may cause may get a headache when you work too may get a headache when you can’t get enough

17 .You may get a headache when you exercise on an empty 18 .

What should you do if you have a headache?You should 19 down and have a good should get enough you have headaches often,you 20 to see a doctor.


( )’s very important for us to learn how to learn .

ourselves ourselves

ourselves themselves

( )22.—Diaoyu Island belongs to China.

—Surely it does! We Chinese will never it up.

( )23.—Do you practice how to escape from dangers every term?

—Of school pays much attention to the of safety.

( ) made a final that we would help the poor children in the school.

( )25.—

—An old man fell down,but nobody went to help him.

’s the matter with you?

should he do?

did the old woman free herself?



八年级上册课时练:第15章《分式》 实际应用解答题提优(一) 1.某地响应“把绿水青山变成金山银山,用绿色杠杆撬动经济转型”发展理念,开展“美化绿色城市”活动,绿化升级改造了总面积为360万平方米的区域.实际施工中,由于采用了新技术,实际平均每年绿化升级改造的面积是原计划平均每年绿化升级改造的面积的2倍,所以比原计划提前4年完成了上述绿化升级改造任务.实际平均每年绿化升级改造的面积是多少万平方米? 2.近年来,我市大力发展城市快速交通,小王开车从家到单位有两条路线可选择,路线A 为全程25km的普通道路,路线B包含快速通道,全程30km,走路线B比走路线A平均速度提高50%,时间节省6min,求走路线B的平均速度. 3.甲、乙两公司全体员工踊跃参与“携手防疫,共渡难关”捐款活动,甲公司共捐款100000元,乙公司共捐款140000元.下面是甲、乙两公司员工的一段对话: (1)甲、乙两公司各有多少人? (2)现甲、乙两公司共同使用这笔捐款购买A、B两种防疫物资,A种防疫物资每箱15000

元,B种防疫物资每箱12000元.若购买B种防疫物资不少于10箱,并恰好将捐款用完,有几种购买方案?请设计出来(注:A、B两种防疫物资均需购买,并按整箱配送). 4.某帐篷厂计划生产10000顶帐篷,由于接到新的生产订单,需提前10天完成这批任务,结果实际每天生产帐篷的数量比计划每天生产帐篷的数量增加了25%,那么计划每天生产多少顶帐篷? 5.甲、乙二人做某种机械零件.已知甲每小时比乙多做6个,甲做90个所用的时间与乙做60个所用的时间相等.求乙每小时做零件的个数. 6.某工程队准备修建一条长3000m的盲道,由于采用新的施工方式,实际每天修建盲道的长度比原计划增加25%,结果提前2天完成这一任务,原计划每天修建盲道多少米? 7.某学校为丰富同学们的课余生活,购买了一批数量相等的象棋和围棋供兴趣小组使用,其中购买象棋用了420元,购买围棋用了756元,已知每副围棋比每副象棋贵8元.(1)求每副围棋和象棋各是多少元? (2)若该校决定再次购买同种围棋和象棋共40副,且再次购买的费用不超过600元,


人教版八年级英语上册Unit5课时练习(附答案) Section A Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。 1. I usually watch the morning n on TV. It makes me know what’s going on around the world. 2. —Do you think Jim can win the running race? —Yes, I h so. He runs really fast. 3. Do you m if I open the door, Mike? 4. —When did the accident (事故) h ? —Yesterday evening. 5. I can’t s a lot of noise when I’m reading. Ⅱ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换形式。 1. The game is ________________. All teachers like it. 2. Just now Rose ________________ why Tom didn’t come to school. 3. Before answering my question, you can ________________ in your group. 4. —What are you doing, Lingling? —I’m watching a(n) ________________ called Tiger Mom. 5. The result is much better than we ________________. Ⅲ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话。 A: Hey, Sarah! (1)________ B: I watched a game show. A: (2)________ B: Yes. I love them because they’re interesting. (3)________ A: I don’t mind them. B: (4)________ A: Animal World. B: (5)________ A: Because I love animals and I can learn a lot about animals from it.

Unit 1 第四课时教学设计5.DOC

第四课时教学设计 一.教学重点: 掌握五个四会动词短语:climb mountains,go shopping,play the piano,visit grandparents,go hiking。 二.教学难点: 1、单词mountain引导学生分音节模仿读音,掌握拼写,强调字母组合ou发[au],ai发[ei]。 2、将单词grandparents分为grand和parents让学生掌握。 三.教学准备: 1、腾图资源的相关课件。 2、Let’s learn和Let’s sing的录音。 3、短语卡片:climb mountains,go shopping,play the piano,visit grandparents,go hiking。 4、父母及祖父母的照片。 四.教学过程: 1、R eview(复习) 活动一复习句子 教学参考时间:3-4分钟 (1)请学生分角色朗读Read and write部分对话。 (2)教师提问:When do you...? When do you ...... on Saturdays/Sundays?请学生做出相应回答。 (3)教师说:On Saturdays and Sundays,we don’t go to school. It is fun. OK,let’s listen to a song. 复习本单元A部分内容,时间状语On Saturdays / Sundays的出现可以以旧带新,为on the weekend的学习和使用进行铺垫,同时引起学生了解歌曲内容的好奇。 2、W arm up (热身) 活动二学唱歌曲 教学参考时间:5分钟 (1)教师播放歌曲录音,学生欣赏。 (2)请学生说说在歌曲中听到的单词或短语。 (3)教师说:From Friday evening to Sunday is weekend. 出示单词weekend,学生模仿发音。(4)教师说:On the weekend,we don’t go to school. What do we do on the weekend? Let’s learn the song. 学生跟录音逐句学唱,教师适当用动作演示句子意思,帮助学生理解。在学生喜欢的歌曲演唱活动中引出Let’s learn部分的内容。 3、P resentation (新课呈现) 活动三学习短语 教学参考时间:5-7分钟 (1)教师播放B部分Let’s chant的课件,学生欣赏,初步感知本课时的动词短语的发音。(2)点击climb mountains,显示孩子爬山的动画,学生模仿发音并演示动作,教师强调climb 中b不发音,mountain中的ou发[au],ai发[ei],帮助学生快速记忆。


重点中学教学资源整理人教版初二上册 全 册 课 时 练 (精编答案版共54页) 第 1 页共53 页

第十一章三角形 11.1与三角形有关的线段 专题一三角形个数的确定 1.如图,图中三角形的个数为() A.2 B.18 C.19 D.20 2.如图所示,第1个图中有1个三角形,第2个图中共有5个三角形,第3个图中共有9个三角形,依此类推,则第6个图中共有三角形__________个. 3.阅读材料,并填表: 在△ABC中,有一点P1,当P1、A、B、C没有任何三点在同一直线上时,可构成三个不重叠的小三角形(如图).当△ABC内的点的个数增加时,若其他条件不变,三角形内互不重叠的小三角形的个数情况怎样? 完成下表: △ABC内点的个数 1 2 3 (1007) 构成不重叠的小三角形的个数 3 5 … 专题二根据三角形的三边不等关系确定未知字母的范围 4.三角形的三边分别为3,1-2a,8,则a的取值范围是() A.-6<a<-3 B.-5<a<-2 C.2<a<5 D.a<-5或a>-2 5. 在△ABC中,三边长分别为正整数a、b、c,且c≥b≥a>0,如果b=4,则这样的三角形共有______个. 6.若三角形的三边长分别是2、x、8,且x是不等式 2 2 x+ > 12 3 x - -的正整数解,试求第 三边x的长.

状元笔记 【知识要点】 1.三角形的三边关系 三角形两边的和大于第三边,两边的差小于第三边. 2.三角形三条重要线段 (1)高:从三角形的顶点向对边所在的直线作垂线,顶点与垂足之间的线段叫做三角形的高. (2)中线:连接三角形的顶点与对边中点的线段叫做三角形的中线. (3)角平分线:三角形内角的平分线与对边相交,顶点与交点之间的线段叫做三角形的角平分线. 3.三角形的稳定性 三角形具有稳定性. 【温馨提示】 1.以“是否有边相等”,可以将三角形分为两类:三边都不相等的三角形和等腰三角形.而不是分为三类:三边都不相等的三角形、等腰三角形、等边三角形,等边三角形是等腰三角形的一种. 2.三角形的高、中线、角平分线都是线段,而不是直线或射线. 【方法技巧】 1.根据三角形的三边关系判定三条线段能否组成三角形时,要看两条较短边之和是否大于最长边. 2.三角形的中线将三角形分成两个同底等高的三角形,这两个三角形面积相等.

新目标八年级上册:Unit 5 课时练(附答案)

新目标八年级上册 新目标八年级上册:Unit 5 Grammar Focus Ⅰ. 根据句意及括号内所给词的提示填空。 1. Jane enjoys _______ (play) tennis with her father after school. 2. Henry got up at 6:00 a.m. and tried _______ (not miss) the early bus. 3. Kate helped _______ (wash) the car just now. 4. I forgot _______ (have) breakfast with you this morning. I was too busy at that time. 5. Please remember _______ (leave) me a message. 6. I'd like _______ (go) to Xiamen with my parents next week. 7. Tom seems _______ (like) this farm. He is very happy to stay here. 8. Mr. Smith decided _______ (watch) this sports show with us. Ⅱ. 根据短文内容及括号内所给单词的提示补全短文。 Every year, people run in hundreds of races around the world. Runners usually try (1) _______ (win) prizes. But some people run because they hope (2) _______ (do) something to help others. This year, our club (3)_______(decide) to organize (组织) a run called “Let's Run.” We plan (4)_______(help) poor families and raise (募捐) money. Hundreds of people, young and old, want (5) _______ (join) in the race. Runners with less experience expect (6) _______ (win) prizes. They often run too fast at the beginning of the race. Before the race, we train (训练) them for two weeks. They practice (7)_______(run) at a steady pace (以稳定的步速) all the time. Also they need (8) _______ (learn) how to run healthily. We hope they can finish it strongly and healthily. 答案 Ⅰ. 1. playing 2. not to miss 3. (to) wash 4. to have 5. to leave 6. to go 7. to like 8. to watch Ⅱ. 1. to win 2. to do 3. decides 4. to help 5. to join 6. to win 7. running 8. to learn


八年级英语上册全册课时练习(共10套人教新目标版) Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 学校:姓名:班级:考号:评卷人得分一、单选题 1. We had great fun on the beach. A. to play B. playing C. play D. played 2. ―Where he go on vacation? ―He went to the mountains. A. is B. does C. has D. did 3. ―When will our uncle come to see us? ―He’ll come this weekend. He me that by e-mail. A. told B. tells C. will tell D. is telling 4. ―I called you an hour ago, but you were not in the hotel.Were you out? ―. A. No, I was in the bathroom B. I was reading a book C. I was in a meeting room D. I wasn’t in the hotel 5.The air in Dongying is much worse than that in many other cities. We must do to protect our environment. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything 6.Mo Yan’s books have been sold out in many book stores his winning of the Nobel Literature Prize. A. because B. since C. as D. because of 7. ―Have you read today’s newspaper? ―Yes. It’s really boring. There is in it. A. something new B. nothing new C. anything new D. new nothing 8. A lot of people are here vacation every year. A. in B. at C. on D. with 9. Please try to home on time. Don’t keep us . A. get to; to wait B. arrive in; waiting C. get; waiting D. reach; to wait 10. children want to get up early in the morning. They all like sleeping. A. A few B. A little C. Little D. Few 11. nice weather it is! Let’s play football. A. What B. How C. What a D. What an 12. I feel when I watch that match. A. excited; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; excited D. exciting; exciting 13. I felt like in the sky like a bird. A. fly B. flew C. am flying D. flying 14. I had umbrella when it rained. A. a B. an C. / D. two 15. Many of the visitors Beijing two days ago. A. reached in B. get to C. arrived at D.

人教版八年级数学上全等三角形课时练习及答案 2

A B E C D (第5题) A B C D E (第4题) A C F E D A O D B C (第1题) A B F E D C (第6题) (第7题) 新课标人教版八年级数学上第十一章全等三角形全章课时练习及答案 第1课时 全等三角形 一、选择题 1.如图,已知△ABC ≌△DCB ,且AB=DC ,则∠DBC 等于( ) A .∠A B .∠DCB C .∠ABC D .∠ACB 2.已知△ABC ≌△DEF ,AB=2,AC=4,△DEF 的周长为偶数,则EF 的长为( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 二、填空题 3.已知△ABC ≌△DEF ,∠A=50°,∠B=65°,DE=18㎝,则∠F=___°,AB=____㎝. 4.如图,△ABC 绕点A 旋转180°得到△AED ,则DE 与BC 的位置关系是___________,数量关系是___________. 三、解答题 5.把△ABC 绕点A 逆时针旋转,边AB 旋转到AD ,得到△ADE ,用符号“≌”表示图中与△ABC 全等的三角形,并写出它们的对应边和对应角. 6.如图,把△ABC 沿BC 方向平移,得到△DEF . 求证:AC ∥DF 。 7.如图,△ACF ≌△ADE ,AD =9,AE =4,求DF 的长.

A D B C (第2题) A F E C D B (第3题) A B C (第4题) 一、选择题 1. 如果△ABC 的三边长分别为3,5,7,△DEF 的三边长分别为3,3x -2,2x -1,若这两个三角形全等, 则x 等于( ) A . 7 3 B .3 C .4 D .5 二、填空题 2.如图,已知AC=DB ,要使△ABC ≌△DCB ,还需知道的一个条件是________. 3.已知AC=FD ,BC=ED ,点B ,D ,C ,E 在一条直线上,要利用“SSS”,还需添加条件___________,得△ACB ≌△_______. 4.如图△ABC 中,AB=AC ,现想利用证三角形全等证明∠B=∠C ,若证三角形全等所用的公理是SSS 公理,则图中所添加的辅助线应是_____________________. 二、解答题 5. 如图,A ,E ,C ,F 在同一条直线上,AB=FD ,BC =DE ,AE=FC . 求证:△ABC ≌△FDE . 6.如图,AB=AC ,BD=CD ,那么∠B 与∠C 是否相等?为什么? 7.如图,AB=AC ,AD = AE ,CD=BE .求证:∠DAB=∠EAC . D C F B A (第5题) (第6题) A C D D C E B A (第7题)


Unit1Hello第四课时教学设计方案 第四课时教学设计方案课题:Unit One Hello 教学重点:询问对方的姓名及回答的用语What’s your name? My name is…的学习,以及另一种表达道别的表达法:See you。教学难点:What’s your name? My name is…中name 的发音和欢迎用语Welcome! 的发音。教具准备:1 教师应准备自己的名字卡及本课主要人物的头饰; 2 要求学生准备一个面具,并制作一个写有本人姓名的头饰。教学过程: 1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision) (1) 唱“Hello”歌(2) 师生互相问候Hello! /Hi! (3) 学生将胸卡戴在胸前,分别起立做自我介绍。如:a。 Hello,I’m Mary。b。 Hi! I’m Peter。 2 呈现新课(Presentation) (1) 老师指着自己的英文名卡说Hello! I’m Miss/Mr…。然后用My name’s…。反复说三到四遍自己的名字,速度由慢到正常。接着教师对一名学生发问What’s your name? (用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他/她的名卡,并可以用夸张的口型提示他/她回答My name’s…。教师对第一个应答学生应重点表扬,并发给他/他小奖品,以次鼓励学生认真听别人的问答,努力模仿教师说的新句型。用类似的方法在教室里与学生进行问答练习,注意引导学生用My name’s…。回答问题。(2) 跟读、

模仿What’s your name? 注意学生对name一词中 a 的发音。(3) 教道别语See you。,告诉学生其中意思是“再见”或“一会见”。教师同时可介绍一下英语中有许多单词是一词多意,在不同情景中表示的意义不同。Welcome 还有不必表示感谢的意思,当对方说Thank you。谢谢的时候,通常可以回答 You are welcome。表示“不用谢”或“不客气”。学生在此简单了解一下即可,教师可在今后多说多用,起到引导、表率的作用(4) 听录音,放投影或通过录像、VCD来展示B部分Let’s talk的内容。 3 趣味操练 (Practice) (1)Pair work: 可让学生戴上头饰,表演书上Let’s talk 的对话。(2)Let’s play中的游戏,可请几个学生站在门外做迎宾先生或小姐,再请几个同学做嘉宾。每位迎宾者用Hello! What’s your name? 进行发问后,嘉宾须用My name’s…。答出自己的名字,方可入内。教室里的其他同学鼓掌并用Welcome! 向他(她)表示欢迎。教师注意提示学生区分发音的正、误,培养学生练习听力的能力,养成会听的习惯。在纠正发音时要适度,切不可挫伤孩子的积极性。(3)四人或六人为一个小组,先将学生自制的名卡头饰收集在一起,再由每组的“小老师”通过问What’s your name? 其他同学回答My name’s…的方式练习,答对的同学拿回自己的头饰戴在头上。 4 课堂评价 (Assessment) 做活动手册本单元第4部分练习。

初中语文八年级上册《与朱元思书》课时练习题 附加答案

与朱元思书 第一课时 课时训练 1.选出下列加点字的解释有误的一项() A.蝉则千转不穷.(尽) B.负.势竞上(凭借) C.横柯上蔽.(隐蔽) D.好.鸟相鸣(美丽) 2.选出下列加点字的意义与现代汉语不同的一项() A.从流飘荡 .. B.任意东西 .. C.互相轩邈 .. D.天下独绝. 3.下列加点字不是虚指的是() A.自富阳至桐庐,一百.许里 B.水皆缥碧,千丈 ..见底 C.争高直指,千百 ..成峰 D.蝉则千转 ..无绝 ..不穷,猿则百叫 4.下列加点的词不能解释为“全”或“都”的一项是() A.风烟俱.净,天山共色 B.水皆.缥碧,千丈见底 C.夹岸高山,皆.生寒树 D.此人一一为具.言所闻 5.下列句子的翻译有误的一项是( ) A.争高直指,千百成峰:群山竞争着高耸,笔直地向上,形成无数座山峰。 B.夹岸高山,皆生寒树:夹江两岸的高山上,都生长着耐寒常绿的树木。 C.泉水激石,泠泠作响:泉水飞溅在山石之上,发出清越的泠泠之声。 D.蝉则千转不穷,猿则百叫无绝:千百只蝉儿叫个不停,千百只猿猴叫个不断。 6.下列各句中的“者”与例句中“者”的意义和用法相同的一项是()

例句:经纶世务者,窥谷忘反。 A.苟慕义强仁者皆爱惜焉。(《送董邵南游河北序》) B.是故所欲有甚于生者,所恶有甚于死者。(《鱼我所欲也》) C.以为凡是州之山有异态者,皆我有也。(《始得西山宴游记》) D.入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。(《生于忧患,死于安乐》) 7.作者用“奇山异水,天下独绝”概括富春江的景色。请说说富春江的山“奇”在哪里,水“异”在哪里。 第一课时课时训练答案 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.写山的“奇”:夹岸高山,皆生寒树。负势竞上,互相轩邈,争高直指,千百成峰。泉水激石,泠泠作响;好鸟相鸣,嘤嘤成韵。蝉则千转不穷,猿则百叫无绝。写水的“异”:水皆缥碧,千丈见底。游鱼细石,直视无碍。急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔。


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 第四课时导学案 学段:七年级下学科:英语 学材:新目标(人教版)章节:Unit 1 编写者:曲晓娟审核者:曲晓娟 一.学习目标: 1.读并默写表示乐器的词 2.两人一组练习对话,并编新对话。 3.两人一组问和答,询问对方意愿,用What can you do?/What club do you want to join? 4.说出自己在哪一方面所具备的才能,用I can. 二、重难点: 说出自己在哪一方面所具备的才能,用I can...句型 三、学习过程策略: (一)、导入。 根据图片内容说出乐器名字,并同桌练习对话 (二)、自主学习一。 ?读背并默写下列词组。(3--5分钟) ? 1.弹钢琴 ? 2.拉小提琴 ? 3.打鼓 ? 4.弹吉他 ? 5.吹喇叭 Ask:What club do they want to join? 自主学习二 目标:同桌会问答关于询问是否会弹奏乐器的对话 内容:2b,2c 方法:对学(同桌练习对话) 时间:5分钟。 检测:1.同桌一组上讲台展示对话。 自主学习二 目标:根据3a,完成3b 内容:3b 方法:独学(看课本自己完成) 时间:5分钟。 检测:到讲台上展示答案 检测:3b 3b Complete the following poster with the words in the box. 用方框中的单词完成下面的海报。 Musicians Wanted for Rock Band We want two good musicians for our rock band. ___ you ____ the _____?

部编八年级上册课时练-23 周亚夫军细柳(有答案)

23 周亚夫军细柳 课时训练 1.给下列加点的字注音。 彀.弓弩()按辔.()介胄.()嗟.乎()曩.() 2.解释下面的词。 (1)天子且.至 (2)将军约.,军中不得驱驰 (3)使人称谢. (4)曩.者霸上、棘门军,若儿戏耳 3.下列句子的节奏划分正确的一项是() A.军中/闻将军令,不闻/天子之诏B.壁门/士吏谓从/属车骑曰 C.介胄之士/不拜,请以军/礼见D.其将/固可袭而/虏也 4.下列句子中加点词语的意思相同的一项是() A.已而之.细柳军称善者久之. B.上乃使.使持节诏将军使.人称谢 C.以河内守亚夫为.将军天子为.动 D.吾欲入劳军.军.细柳 阅读课文,完成5—7题。 5.文中哪句话表现了细柳军时刻有备,训练有素? 6.文中把文帝在细柳营和霸上、棘门军遇到的不同情况加以对比,刻画了周亚夫 的形象,请指出三处对比,并作分析。 7.最后一段说“群臣皆惊”,一个“惊”字,含义丰富,联系全文,谈谈你的理 解。

课时训练答案 1.góu pèi zhòu jiē nǎng 2.(1)将要(2)规定(3)告知(4)先前 3.A 4.B 5.军士吏被甲,锐兵刃,彀弓弩,持满。 6.一是文帝到前两处军营时畅通无阻,而在细柳营却两次不得入,这突出了细柳军军纪严明;二是文帝在前两个军营“直驰入”,而在细柳营却“不得驱驰”,只能“按辔徐行”,这表现了周亚夫治军有方,令行禁止;三是天子到前两处军营时,“将以下骑送迎”,而周亚夫却“介胄之士不拜”“以军礼见”,这突出了周亚夫恪尽职守、刚正不阿的性格特点。 7.为周亚夫治军之严而“惊”;为周亚夫怠慢皇帝有损天子之威而“惊”;为文帝的深明大义,礼仪周至而“惊”;为周亚夫过分拘泥于军纪而“惊”。

unit 1 第四课时教学设计.DOC

第四课时教学设计 课题:Unit One Hello 教学重点:询问对方的姓名及回答的用语What’s your name? My name is… 的学习,以及另一种表达道别的表达法:See you. 教学难点:What’s your name? My name is…中name 的发音和欢迎用语Welcome! 的发音。教具准备: 1 教师应准备自己的名字卡及本课主要人物的头饰; 2 要求学生准备一个面具,并制作一个写有本人姓名的头饰。 教学过程: 1 热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision) (1)唱“Hello”歌 (2)师生互相问候Hello! /Hi! (3)学生将胸卡戴在胸前,分别起立做自我介绍。如: a.Hello, I’m Mary. b.Hi! I’m Peter. 2 呈现新课(Presentation) (1)老师指着自己的英文名卡说Hello! I’m Miss/Mr…. 然后用My name’s…. 反复说三到 四遍自己的名字,速度由慢到正常。接着教师对一名学生发问What’s your name? (用清晰、缓慢的语调问两遍)边问边指他/她的名卡,并可以用夸张的口型提示他/她回答My name’s….教师对第一个应答学生应重点表扬,并发给他/他小奖品,以次鼓励学生认真听别人的问答,努力模仿教师说的新句型。用类似的方法在教室里与学生进行问答练习,注意引导学生用My name’s….回答问题。 (2)跟读、模仿What’s your name? 注意学生对name一词中a 的发音。 (3)教道别语See you.,告诉学生其中意思是“再见”或“一会见”。教师同时可介绍一 下英语中有许多单词是一词多意,在不同情景中表示的意义不同。Welcome 还有不必表示感谢的意思,当对方说Thank you. 谢谢的时候,通常可以回答You are welcome. 表示“不用谢”或“不客气”。学生在此简单了解一下即可,教师可在今后多说多用,起到引导、表率的作用 (4)听录音,放投影或通过录像、VCD来展示B部分Let’s talk的内容。 3 趣味操练(Practice) (1)Pair work: 可让学生戴上头饰,表演书上Let’s talk 的对话。 (2)Let’s play中的游戏,可请几个学生站在门外做迎宾先生或小姐,再请几个同学做嘉宾。每位迎宾者用Hello! What’s your name? 进行发问后,嘉宾须用My name’s…. 答出自己的名字,方可入内。教室里的其他同学鼓掌并用Welcome! 向他(她)表 示欢迎。教师注意提示学生区分发音的正、误,培养学生练习听力的能力,养成会 听的习惯。在纠正发音时要适度,切不可挫伤孩子的积极性。 (3)四人或六人为一个小组,先将学生自制的名卡头饰收集在一起,再由每组的“小老师”通过问What’s your name? 其他同学回答My name’s… 的方式练习,答对的 同学拿回自己的头饰戴在头上。 4 课堂评价(Assessment) 做活动手册本单元第4部分练习。具体教学步骤参考如下: (1)教师引导学生猜猜图中人物所说的话。 (2)教师讲解题目的意思并指导学生做练习的方法。


八年级英语上册全册课时练习 Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation 学校:姓名:班级:考号: 评卷人得分一、单选题 1.Wehadgreatfun onthebeach. A.toplay B.playingc.playD.played 2.—Where hegoonvacation? —Hewenttotheountains. A.is B.doesc.hasD.did 3.—Whenwillourunclecoetoseeus? —He’llcoethisweekend.He ethatbye-ail. A.told B.tellsc.willtellD.istelling 4.—Icalledyouanhourago,butyouwerenotinthehotel.Wereyou out? — . A.No,Iwasinthebathroo B.Iwasreadingabook c.IwasinaeetingrooD.Iwasn’tinthehotel 5.TheairinDongyingisuchworsethanthatinanyothercitie

s.Weustdo toprotectourenvironent. A.nothing B.anythingc.soethingD.everything 6.oyan’sbookshavebeensoldoutinanybookstores hiswinningoftheNobelLiteraturePrize. A.because B.sincec.asD.becauseof 7.—Haveyoureadtoday’snewspaper? —yes.It’sreallyboring.Thereis init. A.soethingnew B.nothingnewc.anythingnewD.newnothing 8.Alotofpeoplearehere vacationeveryyear. A.in B.atc.onD.with 9.Pleasetryto hoeontie.Don’tkeepus . A.getto;towait B.arrivein;waiting c.get;waitingD.reach;towait 10. childrenwanttogetupearlyintheorning.Theyalllikeslee ping. A.Afew B.Alittlec.LittleD.Few 11. niceweatheritis!Let’splayfootball. A.What B.Howc.WhataD.Whatan 12.Ifeel whenIwatchthat atch. A.excited;excited B.excited;exciting


与人教版义务教育教科书配套(2015.9) 基础训练(含单元评价卷)地理八年级上册 参考答案 课时练习部分参考答案 第一章从世界看中国 第一节疆域 第1课时优越的地理位置 课前预习 1.北东 2.北温热寒 3.亚欧太平 课堂练习 一、1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 二、(1)我国和美国都是大部分位于北温带,少部分位于热带;不同之处是我国没有寒带,美国的阿拉斯加州在北极圈附近,有部分在寒带地区。(2)该句话体现了我国纬度位置的优越性。我国大部分地区位于北温带,气候温和,适宜人类生存。 学习延伸 (1)我国位于亚洲东部、太平洋西岸,西部深入亚欧大陆内部,与许多国家接壤;东部濒临世界上面积最大的大洋——太平洋,对于我们开辟丝绸之路经济带和海上丝绸之路的商贸往来、沟通交流等,地理位置优势明显。 第2课时海陆兼备的大国 课前预习 1.从上至下依次为:漠河县曾母暗沙黑龙江乌苏里江帕米尔高原 2. 960 三 3. 2.2万14 1.8 6 4. 渤海琼州海峡 课堂练习 一、1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.C 二、1.(1) 蒙古俄罗斯印度老挝 (2) 文莱菲律宾马来西亚印度尼西亚 (3) 越南朝鲜 2 .(1) ①④ (2) A台湾岛B海南岛 (3) 60时差 (4) 50 (5)不对。不是。我国最东端在黑龙江与乌苏里江主航道中心线的相

交处。 三、(1)我国南海有丰富的天然气、石油、鱼类及其他海洋资源。 (2)我国漫长的海岸线,利于发展海上交通运输;丰富的海洋资源又为发展采矿、化工、海水养殖、捕捞等提供了有利条件。 (3)我们应该实施科技兴国,提高我国国防科技水平,利用科技合理开发、利用海洋资源,促进经济的发展,使丰富的海洋资源能为祖国的经济建设服务。(言之有理即可) 第3课时行政区划 课前预习 1.省县乡 2.略。 3. 342354 2 课堂练习 一、1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B7.A8.D 9.C 10B 二、1.(1)149填图提示:我国濒临海洋的省级行政区有辽(沈阳)、冀(石家庄)、津、鲁(济南)、苏(南京)、沪、浙(杭州)、闽(福州)、台(台北)、粤(广州)、港、澳、琼(海口)、桂(南宁);与邻国接壤的省级行政区有辽(沈阳)、吉(长春)、黑(哈尔滨)、内蒙古(呼和浩特)、甘(兰州)、新(乌鲁木齐)、藏(拉萨)、云(昆明)、桂(南宁)。辽宁省和广西壮族自治区 (2)略河北省和天津市 (3)略 2. ①—内蒙古自治区—呼和浩特—内蒙古 ②—湖北省—武汉—鄂 ③—江西省—南昌—赣 ④—青海省—西宁—青 ⑤—山东省—济南—鲁 ⑥—广西壮族自治区—南宁—桂 学习延伸 (1)提示:如辽宁像个虎头、山东像个卧驼、海南像个菠萝、台湾像支香蕉等。 (2)略 第二节人口 课前预习 1.13.40 2.大 3.计划生育 4.黑河——腾冲 课堂练习 一、1.D 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 二、1.(1)缓慢加快 (2)我国大力推行计划生育政策我国人口基数大 (3)对食品、住房、教育、医疗、交通等的需求数量巨大,给我国资


八年级数学上册第1课时练习题及答案 一.选择题(共8小题) 1.如图,一个等边三角形纸片,剪去一个角后得到一个四边形,则图中∠α+∠β的度数是() A.180° B.220° C.240° D.300° 2.下列说法正确的是() A.等腰三角形的两条高相等C.有一个角是60°的锐角三角形是 等边三角形 B.等腰三角形一定是锐角三角形D.三角形三条角平分线的交点 到三边的距离相等 3.在△ABC中,①若AB=BC=CA,则△ABC为等边三角形;②若 ∠A=∠B=∠C,则△ABC为等边三角形;③有两个角都是60°的三角 形是等边三角形;④一个角为60°的等腰三角形是等边三角形.上述 结论中正确的有() A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 4.如图,CD是Rt△ABC斜边AB上的高,将△BCD沿CD折叠,B 点恰好落在AB的中点E处,则∠A等于()

A.25° B.30° C.45° D.60° 5.如图,已知D、E、F分别是等边△ABC的边AB、BC、AC上的点, 且DE⊥BC、EF⊥AC、FD⊥AB,则下列结论不成立的是() A.△DEF是等边三角形 B.△ADF≌△BED≌△CFE C.DE=AB D.S△ABC=3S△DEF 6.如图,在△ABC中,D、E在BC上,且BD=DE=AD=AE=EC,则∠BAC的度数是() A.30° B.45° C.120° D.15° 7.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=120°,BC=6cm,AB的垂直平分线交BC于点M,交AB于点E,AC的垂直平分线交BC于点N,交AC于点F,则MN的长为() 第1题第4题第5题第7题 8.已知∠AOB=30°,点P在∠AOB内部,P1与P关于OB对称,P2与P关于OA对称,则P1,O,P2三点所构成的三角形是() A.直角三角形 B.钝角三角形 C.等腰三角形 D.等边三角形 二.填空题(共10小题)


3 The fourth period(第四课时) Part B Let ’s talk & Let ’ s play ?教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Let ’s talk ·能够通过观察、谈论Let ’s talk 板块的图片,并在PPT 和教师的帮助下理解对话大意 ·能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演 ·能够听懂、会说核心句型“—What ’s your name? —My name ’s …”“Goodbye./Bye.” ·能够在情景中运用句型“—What ’s your name? —My name ’s …”询问对方的姓名并作答 ·能够用“Goodbye./Bye.”与人道别 Let ’s play ·能够在情景中运用句型“—What ’s your name? —My name ’s …”进行问答游戏 1. 能够在情景中运用句型“—What ’s your name? —My name ’s …”询问对方的姓名并作答。 2. 能够用“Goodbye./Bye.”与人道别。 ?教学难点 能够在日常生活中自然地运用本课核心句型进行交际。 ?教学准备 1.预习《状元大课堂》《创优作业100分》《状元作业本》中本课时的相关内容。 2. 教学课件、课文录音、视频、人物头饰、面具等。 ?教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision 1. Greetings. 2. Sing the song —ABC song. (课件出示:教材P6 Let ’s sing 板块的歌曲) Let students clap their hands and sing the song together. 3. Revision. T: Do you have an English name? Can you introduce yourself? Who wants to try first? Invite some students to the front to introduce themselves by using “Hello/ Hi, I ’m…” Step 2: Presentation 1. Teach the sentence structure “My name’s…” The teacher takes out different headdresses and wears the headdress of Chen Jie, then greets the class, “Hello, I ’m Chen Jie. I can also say that my name ’s Chen Jie.” Teaching purpose 通过唱歌活跃课堂氛围,进入课前准备。让学生做自我介绍,既复习旧知,又为新知的学习做好铺垫。 Teaching purpose 通过戴头饰做自我介绍,引出本课核心句型,让学生了解可以用不同的方式介绍自己。自然引入新 知,使学生易于理解和掌 握,为后面的学习做好铺垫。

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