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反讽作为一种修辞手法,通常指故意用与原意相反的话来表达本意,以达到谐谑、嘲弄、讽刺、喜爱和亲昵的目的。英语里irony的含义远比汉语里的广泛,它不仅指作为修辞格的verbal irony(反语),也指一种文学技巧(a literary device),主要包括:verbal irony dramatic irony(戏剧性反语)和situation irony(情况反常)即literary irony(嘲弄)。此外,irony还被人们用来表示一种对世界的认识、态度和心态:对世界加以描述、分析与推断,或对世界的矛盾和对抗表现出的一种冷静的、超然物外的态度等等。Irony

作为英语辞格(verbal irony)和汉语的反语基本相同。而翻译时能否成功再现英语原作中反讽的风格,使译文达到原文戏谑、嘲弄及讽刺的效果,却并非易事。译者在翻译时既要具慧眼识别,又要最大限度地传译,使读者能充分欣赏到原文的反讽特色。



例1:It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


《傲慢与偏见》中的这一开首句无疑可说是整个英语小说中最著名的开篇语句了。原文里,反讽表现得淋漓尽致,富有特效。主句使用了一个严肃的大字眼“It is a truth universally acknowledged”,仿佛在宣读一则放之四海而皆准的普遍真理和客观规律,然而从句的语调却急转直下“that a s ingle man must be in


傲慢与偏见鉴赏论文 摘要:《傲慢与偏见是》是简.奥斯汀的代表作,也是奥斯汀作品中最受欢迎的一部长篇小说。这不小说中有许多亮点:其一,里面有四段婚姻,这四段婚姻基本概括了当时社会中爱情和婚姻的状况,通过对四种不同婚姻和爱情的描写,解析和探讨,充分体现了作者的爱情和婚姻观。其二:采取了讽刺的手法描写了里面的人物,贯穿于整个故事的结构之中。 关键词:不动声色的讽刺,傲慢,偏见,个性,结构,英国乡镇生活。 这部小说以日常生活为素材,一反当时社会上流行的感伤小说的内容和矫揉造作的写作方法,生动地反映了保守和闭塞事情的英国乡镇生活。 小说发生在英国乡村,贝纳特家的五个女儿待嫁闺中,两位贵族先生的出现,民兵团的到来,给他们原本平静的田园生活带来了一些不平凡的意义。 小说开头那句“每一个有钱的单身汉,都得娶一位太太,这就像一条举世公认的真理。”已经是脍炙人口的名句了。小说中“母亲”形象的班纳特太太给人留下了深刻的印象。作者将她描述为:“一个智力贫乏,孤陋寡闻,喜怒无常的女人。她生平最大的事就是把女儿们嫁出去。” 的确,在一个男尊女卑的现象十分严重的社会中,班纳特家中只有女儿,没有男嗣,因而,班纳特家的财产不得不由班纳特先生的侄子继承。这样致使班家小姐的嫁妆只有从其母亲当年的嫁妆中分得,嫁妆的卑微常常使的年轻的小姐们不得不选择通过婚姻来为自己将来的温饱作打算,自然会将婚姻视为金钱至上的买卖。难怪郡里一旦来了一位有钱的绅士,班纳特太太便认定他为自己的准女婿。 贯穿整部小说的几个婚姻故事,既有关于伊丽莎白好友夏洛特的,又有关于她自己姐妹的婚姻,但仔细思考看来,这几个婚姻故事其实是为了衬托出伊丽莎白的爱情。 如夏洛特和柯林斯尽管婚后过着舒适的物质生活,但他们之间没有爱情。柯林斯不仅为人做作、举止粗俗,唯一可取的便是溜须拍马之功。但他可以继承班纳特家的财产,且自己有一份田地和一份牧师的俸禄。在文中柯林斯曾很明确地说过自己结婚的三个理由。“我结婚有这样几个理由:第一,我觉得只要是像我这样生活宽裕的牧师都应当为牧区居民在婚姻方面带头起一个模范作用;第二,我坚信婚姻会大大地促进我的幸福;第三,可能这一点我应当早一点提出来,这也恰恰是我有幸称为恩主的那位贵夫人曾再三建议和嘱咐我要办的事。”结婚对于柯林斯来说仿佛更多的是为了别人而结,自己却从中鲜有收获,这是一种无爱的婚姻。而对于受过教育可是没有多少财产的夏洛特来讲,结婚是唯一的一条体面的出路,虽然可能不见得能使人得到幸福,但毕竟是避免贫穷的最可靠的保险箱。仅仅为了这些,当柯林斯向伊丽莎白求婚失败后的三天中,夏绿蒂一直借看望好友伊丽莎白为由,与柯林斯朝夕相对,终于在第三天使柯林斯向她求婚。她成了柯太太,却不惜失掉伊丽莎白多年的友情……婚后,她不断忍受着丈夫令人生厌的怪异行为,她唯一的安慰是使她的新家有条不紊,并在世人面前构建一个美满的家庭。 而莉迪亚和威克汉姆的婚姻无疑就是《傲慢与偏见》中最荒诞且最不被看好的婚姻了。作者甚至没有正面交代二人是如何走到一起,继而出走的。只是简单的通过简和加丁纳舅妈写给伊丽莎白的信,让读者了解情况的大概。这桩完全由肉欲和金钱操控的婚姻注定是失败的。作者在最后一章含蓄得指出:“威克姆不久便清淡爱情,莉迪亚对他稍许持久一些。”但是这么荒唐的婚姻却使班纳特太太高兴无比,足以可见她有多么期待嫁出女儿。 书中较为美满的便是伊丽莎白的姐姐简和宾利的爱情故事了。当时的婚姻缔结的充要条件是男方有可观的家产,女方有丰厚的嫁妆。于是他们的结合便是幸福,便会为世人所承认接收。但是由于简的家庭条件使得宾利家人对她很不看好,也从中作出了多方阻挠,加上宾利在爱情上有些时候表现得过于懦弱和不自信,这当然在一定程度上和他谦逊随和的性格有所关系。但他总是过多地听信朋友和亲戚的劝告,而对于和简的爱情没有一个很好的把握,致使他们之间有过一些的波折,不过最后他们的结局仍是美好的,因为他们是出于对对方的爱情,而非金钱。 本书的女主人公伊丽莎白与达西的爱情可谓是最有看头的了。达西这个人物是被许多人所喜爱的,达西曾说过“我真的不如有些人那么有本事,和素不相识的人也能大谈特谈。也不能对别人说的话随声附和,假装关心。”这也就容易让人误解为达西的傲慢与冷漠。性格相对内向的达西总喜欢安静地坐在伊丽莎

最新-英语论文(傲慢与偏见) 精品

On Jane Austen’s Point of View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice Acknowledgements This thesis has finally come into being to meet critical eyes through two months of hard work. From the very beginning when I chose the topic till the completion of the thesis, I have benefited from many people . First of all I would like to show my sincere gratitude to my tutor, Shen Guozheng. Without his sincere and trustworthy guidance,valuable suggestions and critical comments,it would be difficult for me to accomplish this thesis.His loyalty to teaching and punctilious work style has profoundly impressed me. Moreover, I heartily thank all the teachers who have helped me in the past four years, who have provided me with incentives and direction for my study. Thanks are also due to my classmates and friends for their constant encouragement and their ways of assistance in the course of writing. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family members, for their selfless support,thoughtfulness and encouragement.


傲慢与偏见婚姻观 main meaning: Marriage is the central topic in Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Emma: the plots of the novels and the actions of the characters revolve around marriage. For Austen's characters, marriage does not mean the act of ungoverned passion but a complex engagement between the marrying couple and society. Austen's characters are completely integrated into society and play out the stories within the social rules. Based on Socialist-feminism, this thesis examines social background in Austen's time and explores how social conditions influence females' psychological struggle and anxiety toward marriage. For Socialist-feminists, material factors shape women's marital consciousness in determinate ways. The discussions of male class and female status in the end of the eighteenth century are helpful for understanding why marriage is the central topic in Austen's novels. In a sense, marriage is regarded as a market place to exchange upward class mobility and financial support for Austen's characters. In order to achieve the goal of marriage, females are good at transforming themselves into commodities by displaying their appearances and accomplishments to appeal to male gazers. They realize that marriage can provide opportunities of class mobility and financial support; money and class are thus closely connected in their decision of marital partners. keywords: Plot overview ;.Analysis of the major character ;Themes ;Motifs ;Pride and Prejudice ;marriage The feeling of 《Pride And Prejudice》 Then man treat great event in one's life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself's marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage . The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord's family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth's


南昌工程学院 英美影视文化 《刮痧》的观后感 电影《刮痧》主要讲发生在美国的华裔,因为中外对抚养孩子的差异。其中最突出的是在不同文化背景下,对教育孩子的不同见解。文化的差异不但存在与中外,可以说是每个国家都有其独特的文化。不同的政体也会对文化起到一定的影响,还有一方面是接受不同文化教育。 回望电影的故事情节简介:5岁的华裔孩子丹尼斯闹肚子发烧,在家的爷爷因为看不懂药品上的英文说明,便用中国民间流传的刮痧疗法给丹尼斯治病,而这就成了丹尼斯一次意外事故后父亲许大同虐待孩子的证据。庭上,以解剖学为基础的西医理论无法解释通过口耳相传的经验中医学,许大同最后终于失去冷静和理智,法官当庭宣布剥夺许大同的监护权,不准他与儿子见面。父亲因此事决定回国,为了让老人临行再见一面孙子,许大同从儿童监护所偷出儿子丹尼斯到机场送别,因此受到警方通缉,父子分离,夫妻分居,朋友决裂,工作丢失,接连不断的灾难恶梦。 看似简单的问题为什么会变得如此复杂,可能不同的人站在立场上想吧!我先对我们中国教育方法说一下,中国有就老话:“严父出孝子,慈母多败儿”的道理,这是我国古时流传下来的真谛,可以这么说,严是爱溺是害,往往严格的家庭子女都有出息且孝敬父母的多,而溺爱的子女多没出息而且容易在社会上惹事端,大多也不会孝敬父

母。 “棍棒底下出孝子”这只是一个比方,寓意为父母要严格管教孩子,教他正确的做人观,让他懂得分辨是非好坏。我认为慈母严父是对这句话最好的解释,而并非真的要用棍棒来教子,毕竟暴力是解决不了任何问题的。而所谓的“不打不成器”是指在某些无能为力的情况下采取的一种极端措施,毕竟有些时候只有让人受到巨大的困难后才会吸取教训,并不是说毫无观念的打孩子。 虽然现在一些教育家说不提倡棍棒教育,但我个人认为,所谓的棍棒教育并不是说像一天三餐饭一样,老是打孩子,应以说服教育为主,多和孩子讲道理,以理服人。不过在孩子犯了重大错误的时候,应该给于一定的惩戒,让孩子记住,同样的错误不可再犯因为小孩的记性好。但对于所犯的错误却是忘性大,但事后也要和他讲道理,让他知道错在哪里了。 越不孝顺的子女父母越是从小就宠爱有加,孝顺的孩子从孩提时代父母就对其较为严厉。为什么会这样呢?从现在心理学角度来看,父母宠爱孩子,会让孩子误以为自己就是家中的老大,父母不仅要对他们言听计从,还要柔顺地巴结、恭维和讨好他们。这样久而久之从襁褓到成人,历经十几个风霜雪雨,这种习惯、思维和观念就会逐渐在子女的心中定型。长大乃至成家立业后他们会照样对父母颐指气使,不仅从未树立起孝敬回馈父母之心,而且掠夺搜刮父母之心更盛。 为何如此,皆因随着年龄日增,欲望的胃口也会越来越大,自己


浅谈《傲慢于偏见》与《伤逝》中的女性角色 摘要:《傲慢于偏见》与《伤逝》中的男女主角从总体上来说,都是打破了当时那个时代的思想禁锢,努力地去寻求属于自己的幸福。但是细细体味两者又着很大的不同,两位女主角都反对社会世俗的观念、积极追求女性的独立,但是前者的伊丽莎白彻底、果断,而后者的子君则是妥协胜过了理性;两位男主角都有自己的思想与抱负,冲破了世俗的观念,前者在认识到自己的傲慢所带来的后果后勇于改正,而涓生却将生活的不幸归结于与子君的结合上,自私而软弱无能;前者最终幸福的相伴一生,而后者婚姻破灭、子君抑郁而死、涓生一生悔恨。本文主要通过这几个方面,来对两部作品中的女性角色进行对比与剖析。 关键词:婚姻、爱情、独立、金钱、反对、思想禁锢、经济独立 [Abstract]Generally speaking,the“Pride and Prejudice” and “Mourning” the male and the female are breaking the ideological oppressiveness of the era,and take efforts to seek their own happiness.Butsavoringthetwo very different, the former Elizabeth is thorough, decisive, while the latter suZijun is a compromise than a rational ;the two actors all have their own ideas and ambitions tobreak the secular concept, but the former to recognize theconsequencesof his own narrogance,and he has courage to determin tocorrect,but unfortunatelyJuansheng puts life’s misfortune due to combining with Zijun,and he is selfish and incompetent. The former accompany forever with eacherhappily,while the latter’s marriage end in Zijun depression and succumb,Juansheng repents at leisure.In this paper,I select this visual angle to comparison and analysis of the role of women in the two works. [Key Words]marriage love independence money oppose ideological oppressiveness economic independence 一、引言 《傲慢于偏见》主要是围绕伊丽莎白的于达西的爱情故事展开的,叙述两人最初的傲慢与偏见,最终消除彼此之间的傲慢于偏见,重新认识、互相尊重、互相倾慕,最终缔结了美满的姻缘,而故事到此也便结束了;《伤逝》中男女主人公涓生和子君是一对受到“五四”新思潮影响,要求个性解放的青年知识分子。他们相互认识后,而后相互倾慕,在时代精神的感召和鼓舞下,大胆追求自由恋爱,勇敢地反抗封建道德和世俗偏见,毅然地冲出了家庭的束缚,在众目睽睽之下同居在一起。但故事并没有随着有情人终成眷属而煞尾。随之而来的社会的现实,使得涓生于子君相行渐远,最终导致两者婚姻破灭、子君的抑郁而终。通过对这两部小说的解读,我们可以清晰地了解到简·奥斯丁笔下的伊丽莎白与鲁迅笔下的子君所存在的共同性及不同之处。 二、勇于追求独立,爱情是婚姻的基石,而非金钱 《傲慢于偏见》中伊丽莎白可以说是作者奥斯丁最为欣赏的女性角色,虽然她的相貌比不上小说中的第一美女——她的姐姐简,这从达西对宾利说“她(伊丽莎白)长的可以‘容忍’,但还没到能引起他兴趣的程度”便可看出。她的才艺与举止也比不上彬格莱小姐,但她却比小说中的任何一位女性都要睿智、风趣、有主见,其智慧和理性丝毫不逊于小说中的任何一位男性,她是她父亲最引以为傲的女儿。小说中柯林斯“理直气壮”地认为,自己向某一位班纳特小姐求婚,是对其全家的一种善意的表示,更甚至说是一种恩施;从经济的角度来讲,任何一位班纳特小姐都不会,也不可能拒绝他的求婚。所以当伊丽莎白以“要我接受,那是绝对办不到的。我感情上绝对不许可”这样一种直截了当的方式拒绝了他时,


论文题目: Choose a topic from the followings and write an essay about it. (Total score: 100) https://www.doczj.com/doc/0217828200.html,pare “American and British Modern Education”: Analyze the similarities and differences from their history, system and emphasis. 2.Elaborate “America n’s role in the two World Wars”: when, how, why did US enter the war, and its role. 3.Elaborate “American Dream” in the perspective of USA?s early settlement, civil war, civil right movements or modern values. 论文模板: American’s role in the two World Wars(标题,3号字体,全 文字体均用Times New Roman) --a comparision….(副标题,可有可无,小三号) Abstract: This essay aims at redressing some of the imbalanced coverage given to this area of history thus far. A chronological study, it examines the role, importance and, to some exte nt, impact of a wide range of women?s organisations in the local context. Some were local branches of national organisations, others were specifically concerned with local issues. The local focus allows a challenge to be made to much current thought as to the strength of a“women?s movement” in the years between the suffrage movement and the emergence of a more radical form of feminism in the 1970s. The strength of feminist issues and campaigning is studied in three periods – the inter-war period, the Second World War and its immediate aftermath, and the 1950s and 1960s. (4号字,不超过300字,两端对齐) Keywords: WW; American; (不超过4个关键词,4号字)

傲慢与偏见 开题报告

本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告 学生姓名学号 所在院系专业 指导教师姓名指导教师职称指导教师单位毕业论文题目浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观 开题报告内容 选题背景及选题意义(国内外研究现状、初步设想及拟解决的问题)一、选题意义 《傲慢与偏见》是一部世界性的经典名著,作者是英国作家简?奥斯汀。众所周知,简?奥斯汀是被誉为 “可与莎士比亚平起平坐”的作家。《傲慢与偏见》被翻译成多种文字在多个国家发行,作者在小说中将十八世纪末到十九世纪初英国乡镇的社会生活以及人情世故展现在读者面前。长久以来,众多评论家们在持续探究《傲慢与偏见》中作者本人的生活对婚姻的看法,对小说中的婚姻观也进行了细致的分析。《傲慢与偏见》以其独特的魅力以及生动的语言展现了不同态度的婚姻观,无论时代如何发展,婚姻观一直都是社会上广泛讨论的问题,随着时代的发展,逐渐进入了信息大爆炸的社会,人们的思想观念也在潜移默化中受到了很大影响。而今,80后以及90后作 为社会的主体,他们的婚姻观更是引起社会的广泛关注。《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观会给予当代的80后及90后很多启示。 理论意义:《傲慢与偏见》是简?奥斯汀于1813年创作的一本深受人们喜爱且被广泛阅读的佳作。该书被社会大众广为流传,其中一个重要原因便是小说通过质朴生动的描写,将作品中的社会生活及人情世故展现在读者面前。

在特殊的年代背景下,造就了金钱在婚姻中的地位,随之,影响了人们的婚姻观。小说中的人物都被赋予的典型性,充分体现金钱在女性选择婚姻中的重要地位,进而,作者也揭示了婚姻中单单有金钱是不够的,更需要爱情的滋润,婚姻这片土壤才能开出美丽的花。 现实意义:《傲慢与偏见》以一种爱情轻喜剧的方式向读者展示着一段段因人而异的婚姻,读起来轻松愉悦,实则包含了深刻的道理:婚姻是爱情的前提,经济能力是爱情的保障。为了财产、地位而结婚是错误的,但是不考虑财产和地位的婚姻也是愚蠢的。当今世界,文化趋于多元化,正是由于文化的多元化导致了人们价值观的多元化。随之,对婚姻的看法自然也存在着差异。时代不同,婚姻展示给我们的风貌也不同。不论世界如何变化,时代怎样变迁,婚姻与爱情一直都是人们关注和讨论的话题。关于这个话题,众说纷纭,有的认为经济上的门当户对是举足轻重的,也有人认为爱情是前提,没有爱情的婚姻是不幸的。不同的人对于婚姻观有着不同的态度。简?奥斯汀通过小说告诉人们只有爱情与经济能力共同兼顾的婚姻,才是理想的婚姻。这为当代人们选择婚姻的态度提供了参考价值以及引导作用。 二、研究现状分析 对于《傲慢与偏见》的研究现状大致可以分为以下五类:(一)对《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽艺术的研究 简·奥斯汀的小说有一个显著的特色,那便是反讽。她是在继承欧洲文学反讽的基础上创造出更为出色的反讽艺术。在她的小说中,反讽艺术的运用大胆创新,不仅仅局限于对话文字,更是穿梭于小说的人物塑造中。因此,探讨奥斯丁小说《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽艺术成了《傲慢与偏见》的热门话题


湖北省高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文论《傲慢与偏见》留给世人的感想 准考证号:013510210640 学生姓名:李月辉 指导教师:赵红英 二○一二年九月

On the "Pride and Prejudice" for the feelings of the world Li Yuehui Tutor: Zhao Hongying September 2012

摘要 作为英国文学的经典之作,有关《傲慢与偏见》的研究几乎从未间断过。《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀脍炙人口的艺术精品,具有很高的可读性和艺术性。作者在作品的题材选择、人物塑造以及艺术表现手法三个方面都别具匠心,具有不朽的审美价值和艺术价值。同时,《傲慢与偏见》也一直是英国人心目中的经典书目,它在英国人心目中的地位仍然超过流行。我在该论文中论述的主要内容包括:对小说作者的介绍和当时18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情的介绍,仔细研究小说中爱情、金钱与婚姻之间的纠葛,挖掘作品中的内在矛盾性和各个人物特征以及他们在整部小说中所起的独特作用,以夹叙夹议、不断归纳、不断总结的方式论证文章的观点。 关键词:《傲慢与偏见》;审美;女性主义;戏剧性;反讽

ABSTRACT English literature classic, The Pride and Prejudice is almost never stopped. The Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen thrilling fine arts, has the very high readability and artistic quality. The author in the works of subject choice and characterization and artistic methods three aspects does not provide craftsmanship, has the immortality of aesthetic value and artistic value. At the same time, The Pride and Prejudice, and has also been the British seared in the minds of bibliography, it in the mind of the British position still more than popular. The paper discusses the main content including: introduction to the novel of the end of the 18th century to 19th century early in the under conservative and occlusion state of England township life and state of the world favors the introduction carefully study the novel of love, money and marriage of disputes between mining the inherent contradictions in the works and character features and the unique role they played in the entire novel, a narrative proposal and continue to be summarized, constantly sum up the view of the demonstration article. Key words:The Pride and Prejudice; aesthetic; feminism; dramatic; irony


英美文化期末论文:英美间的文化差异英文版 精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

The Difference between England and A m e r i c a Abstract: the paper is to show the difference between American and English in several aspects, such as geographical location, cultural environment and the most important part, the language. Key words: Culture Environment,Education,food,Table Manner Introduction The paper deals with the The Difference between England and is a complex, including knowledge and belief, art, morals, law, custom, and members of the society who acquired as any other capabilities and habits. 1. Culture Environment Britain is a traditional European country with long historical tradition continuity, and there had been a hierarchy in British society for a long time. And in UK there always has been a monarchy. So, the British likes to remember past times and old acquaintances, tends to be conservative, and behaves like a gentleman. All these need culture accumulation, and these character and qualities can’t be made if the country is without a long history. However, the . is precisely without a very profound historical accumulation and is a young country. So, the Americans dare to innovate and stress emphasis on personal value. On the other hand, in the United States, there are not a lot of constrains. They feel free to make bold addition, there is a great difference in the population composition of the two countries. The United States is a nation of immigrants, people comes from all countries and regions in the world. So, the culture of the United States shows different characteristics. People in American can accept and absorb all the culture factors all over the world. . attitude toward foreign cultures is an open. However, comparing to the United States, the structure of

英语论文开题报告范文 傲慢与偏见

On the Relationship between Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》中金钱与婚姻的关系 On the Relationship between Money and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice I.Literature Review Pride and Prejudice is a very popular novel written by Jane Austen and it is read widely all over the world. It was written in 1813. That specific history time decided that people at that time took money much more seriously, even on their marriage. From the ancient times to the present, there are many studies about Jane Austen and her major works. In 1813, Oxford World's Classics for the first time recorded and published the work Pride and Prejudice and aroused great repercussion around the world. Then, in 1826 after the work has been widely read, Sir Walter Scott analyzed Pride and Prejudice from an overall perspective. In his article “The Journal of Sir Walter Scott”, he summarized the features of Jane Austen, he said that “Jane Austen has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful that I ever met with.”The background of Pride and

英美文化差异论文 英文版

1)A, the natural environment In the eyes of the Chinese people, "summer sorching", "hot summer," summer always linked with intense heat. In Shakespeare a sonnet yet such lines, Shall I compare thee to a summer 's day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate. (can I take with you? / summer than you ah, than summer came cute and photos.) The poet's compared to summer, lovely and always. "Summer" to the Chinese and British lenovo can be so different. Reason is that in different geographical position, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to a continental climate and four distinct seasons, summer most obvious characteristics is scorching, hot challenging. Britain is located in the north temperate, belong to sea climate, beautiful summer mild, pleasant. And of course many example of this, for example, in the Chinese "dongfeng" to make people think of the warm sunny, the west wind that have seed the bitter taste. And in the west the opposite. Reason is the same, the two are in different geographical position, bring feel different. 2)Second, production In English and aquaculture, ship the words very much, such as fish in the air (climb a tree to look for fish), an odd fish (weirdo), miss the boat (miss), etc. This kind of words in Chinese is much less. Reason is that British around water, aquatic fishing industry and ring navigation in its economic occupies an important place in the life, so many such words. And in China only coastal areas have fishermen netting fishing, so this relatively few words. To express "with the physical negative things" of the verbs in Chinese language has many, such as "carry, the Netherlands, pick, bear, carry, back, carry, negative, carry, ku" and so on, each word has certain negative luck with the corresponding things (such as soil, water, pick bear, the box), is really a very close. In English, but only a carry to "refers to the-action. The Chinese will this verb fine add distinguish, probably because in the long run, China agricultural society, manual work much more special reason. Chinese, we will encounter "like the same said work", "QiZhuangRuNiu" word, in English, to express the same meaning, will say work like a horse, as strong as a horse, flog a willing horse. Why the Chinese use the "bull" and English with horse? The answer is Chinese have always use cows to plow fields, the early English but with the Malay farming. Cows and horses in the production process were divided into two countries do good helper, earned the people with the words can be as above usage.

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