当前位置:文档之家› 1-5课词汇选择练习a





1. The argument is settled ________ a rather unexpected way.

A. at

B. in

C. by

D. with

解析:该题选B,题目大意是“这场争论以颇为出乎意料的方式得到了解决。”in a …way以(某种)方式、方法。如:to do sth. in every possible way千方百计地做某事;speak in a careless way漫不经心地说话;reply in a polite way以有礼的态度回答

2. That story ________ in a magazine.

A. revealed

B. appeared

C. yielded

D. seemed



1. 出现;显露

Gradually a smile appeared on her face. 她脸上渐渐地露出笑容。

2. 出版,发表

His third play appeared under the title "The Web".


3. I have never been able to track ________ the person who wrote the story.

A. out

B. up to

C. down

D. after


track dow n:查出,跟踪到

1. They hope to track down the source of the infection.


2. That no time or money or energy on my part will be soared to track down this

scoundrel and hale him before the proper authorities.


3. Dr Ostrander has already used dogs to track down the genes behind certain

cancers that the species shares with people, and to work out the dog family tree.


4. I will ________ three hundred,from 1 to 300.

A. number

B. quantify

C. additional

D. count


count vt. 计算,计数,清点

1. I counted 34 wild goats grazing...


2. I counted the money. It was more than five hundred pounds...


3. At the last family wedding, George's wife counted the total number in the family.


5. He knows that the commotion would frighten the cobra ________.

A. into striking

B. at striking

C. to strike

D. into strike

解析:该题选A ,题目大意是“他知道这样会引起骚乱,致使眼镜索受惊咬人。”

frighten sb into doing吓得某人做某事,恐吓(某人)做…

They frightened him into giving them money.

He frightened the child into giving his toy to him.

6. The tone of his voice,which was so ________,silenced everyone.

A. surrounding

B. greeting

C. demanding

D. earning


7. The American comes ________ with a start.

A. over

B. to

C. up

D. down


come t o:苏醒过来

1. When he came to and raised his head he saw Barney.


2. When she came to, she could not, for a moment, recognize the surroundings.


8. The servants are waiting to serve the next ________.

A. dinner

B. course

C. meal

D. dish


9. He sees the cobra emerge and make ________the bowl of milk.

A. at

B. toward

C. for

D. to

解析:该题选C,题目大意是“他看到那条眼镜蛇钻了出来,向那碗牛奶爬去。”make fo r:走向;冲向;移向;向…快速前进:

After the concert, the crowd made for the door.


Though badly damaged by fire, the bus tried to make for its garage.


10. ________the corner of his eye, he saw her approaching.

A. Out of

B. From at

C. Beside

D. Aside


11. He sees a strange expression ________the face of the hostess.

A. come over

B. being come to

C. being come over

D. came over


12. While a man may feel like________, he has that ounce more of control than a

woman has.

A. screaming

B. to scream

C. scream

D. to screaming


feel like dong:很想要

1. I feel like eating an ice-cream.我想吃一个冰淇淋。

2. I don't feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。

3. I don't feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。

4. Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. 当我


5. She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确


13. That is what really ________ .

A. counts

B. concerns

C. matter

D. worry



I n sport what really counts is not the winning but the playing.


14. A ________ official and his wife are giving a large dinner party.

A. colony

B. colonial

C. colonel

D. colonist


colonial:形容词a. 殖民地的,殖民的

The African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.


15. The young couple ________ with their guests.

A. seat

B. seated

C. are seated

D. are sitting down


seat :及物动词

1. 使就座

He seated himself in a chair. 他在椅子上坐下。

2. 有...座位,容纳...人

The auditorium seats 3,000 people. 这个礼堂可坐三千人。

3. be seated 坐下,坐着;位于...

We'd like to be seated together. 我想和你坐在一起。

He then asked me to be seated. 然后他让我坐下。

注:这里的seated是形容词,类似于be careful:小心,这里的careful也是形容词。


Please be seated.:就座,请座

16. The guests sit in their ________ dining room.

A. spacecraft

B. wide

C. spacious

D. broad


spacious:形容词 a. 宽敞的

We entered a spacious dining-room. 我们来到一个宽敞的餐厅。

17. The wide glass doors open ________ the veranda.

A. onto

B. toward

C. in

D. into


open onto:通往

1. The door of the house onto a garden. 这房门通往花园。

2. The side gate opens onto a lane. 这扇侧门通向一条小巷。

18. A woman’s reaction in any ________is to scream.

A. critical

B. critic

C. criminal

D. crisis


crisis:名词n. [C]危机;紧急关头;转折点

1.The economic crisis lasted for several years. 经济危机持续了好几年。

2. Something told him that this was a crisis in their lives. 他意识到这是他们生


19. Her muscles ________ slightly.

A. contact

B. contract

C. conduct

D. confirm


20. The dining room has a ________ marble floor.

A. empty

B. bare

C. hollow

D. blank



The little room was almost bare of furniture. 这个小房间几乎没有什么家具。

21._________ there is life there is hope.

A. Since

B. As long as

C. As

D. Though


as long as:固定词组ph. 只要,如果,既然

1. You can go out, as long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock.


2. I'll accept any job as long as I don't have to get up early.


3. As long as electric current flows through a wire, there is a potential difference.


22. The meeting is __________ next Friday.

A. to be held

B. be held

C. to be hold

D. to hold


“ be + 不定式”表示对将来的打算、计划

1. An investigation is to be made next week.下周将展开一项调查。

2. I am to meet them at the airport.我将到飞机场去接他们。

3. Bob and Susan are to get married in October.鲍勃和苏珊打算在十月结婚。

23. He knows that the commotion would frighten the cobra ________.

A. into striking

B. at striking

C. to strike

D. of striking


frighten someone into doing something 吓得某人做某事,用恐吓手段使某人做某事

He exaggerated the dangers of the trip in order to frighten them in to not going.他夸张旅行的危险,目的是恫吓他们使他们不敢去旅行。

24. I have never been able to _________ down the magazine story.

A. catch

B. trail

C. trace

D. track

解析:该题选D,题目大意是“登在杂志上的那篇故事, 我一直未能找到。”track down:找到,发现;查出

1. It was not long before I tracked down the lost watch.不久我就找到了遗失的表。

2. All citizens should help the police in tracking the criminals down.所有市民都应


3. The criminal was tracked down and knocked off by the police.那个罪犯被警察


25. I feel like _________ cold.

A. catching

B. to be catching

C. to catching

D. to catch


feel like+doing,意为“想做……”。

1. I don't feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。

2. She really feels like having a talk with him about his study at school. 她的确


3. I don't feel like eating anything now. 我现在什么都不想吃。

4. Sometimes when I look into the sky, I feel like making a trip somewhere. 当


26. The driver _________ slowly after the accident.

A. came up

B. came to

C. came down

D. came over


come to: 苏醒过来

When she came to, she could not, for a moment, recognize the surroundings.她苏醒过来时,一下子记不清自己在什么地方。

27. He died _________ the earthquake.

A. shortly as

B. shortly after

C. shortly while

D. short after


shortly after:之后不久

1.Girl dies shortly after vaccine shot.女孩在接受疫苗之后不久死亡。

2. John passed through a difficult period shortly after his mother's death. 约翰在他


28. A strong wind _________ after we left the harbor.

A. stick up

B. stick

C. sprang

D. sprang up


spring up:突然开始,迅速生成

A great number of new companies sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring

rain. 大批新公司如雨后春笋般地出现。

29. He __________ to me to come downstairs.

A. motioned

B. warned

C. sighed

D. directed



1. He motioned to me to be silent. 他示意我不要做声。

2. The teacher motioned his students to be silent. 老师示意学生不要讲话。

30. ___________ his mother, the boy stopped crying.

A. At sight

B. In sight

C. At the sight of

D. In the sight of


at the sight of:一看见...就

At the sight of the police officers they ran off. 一看见那些警官,他们便逃跑了。

31. The student did not ___________ the argument but watched the other people.

A. attend

B. join in

C. join up

D. join with


join in:参加

They are going to join in the singing. 他们将参加唱歌。

注:join, join in和take part in 的区别

1)加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,用join,不可用join in。如:

①He will never forget the day when he joined the Party. 他永远也忘不了他入党


②His brother joined the army three years ago. 他哥哥是三年前参军的。

2)说参加某种活动用join in,如说“与其人一起做某事”,则用join sb. in sth. /

doing sth. 。如:

①May I join in the game? 我可以参加这个游戏吗?

②Come and join us in the discussion. 来和我们一起讨论吧!

③We are having supper now. Would you like to join us? 我们正在吃晚饭,你也


3)take part in参加(群众性活动、会议等),往往指参加者持积极态度.起一份


①A great number of students took part in May 4 Movement. 大批学生参加了五


②We are going to have an English evening. Do you want to take part? 我们准备


③How many of you are going to take part? 你们多少人准备参加?

④All the students took an active part in the thorough cleaning. 所有的学生都积


32. Tom is out of work now. Therefore, to him every penny _________.

A. is value

B. counts

C. is possible

D. costs


count :不及物动词“有价值”

Quality is what counts most.质量最重要。

33. When the class was over, every one made _______ the dining room.

A. by

B. alone

C. for

D. from


make for:走向;冲向;移向;向…快速前进:

1. He made for the door. 他向门口走去。

2. After the concert, the crowd made for the door.音乐会结束后,人群涌向门口。

3.Though badly damaged by fire, the ship tried to make for the nearest port.


34. The man’s eyes _________ with fear when he saw the robber’s gun.

A. wider

B. widened

C. hastened

D. thrilled



1. His interests widened.他的兴趣扩大了。

2. The city is widening this street.该城正在拓宽这条街。

35. Dick has __________ his childish habits.

A. outgrown

B. outlet

C. outnumbered

D. outdone


outgrow:及物动词 vt.长大成熟而不再

He has outgrown his credulity. 他已长大成熟而不再轻信。

36. After years of efforts, those originally _________ hills are now covered with

young trees.

A. empty

B. bare

C. hollow

D. naked


bare:a. (形容詞)裸的、光禿禿的

1. The child was bare to the waist. 那孩子打赤膊。

2. The hill bare because of the unlimited cutting.因为无限制的砍伐,这座小山


37. Mary is a ________ candidate for the job.

A. slim

B. likely

C. slight

D. complex


likely: a. 可能的,有希望的ad. 很可能


1. I'm likely to be very busy tomorrow. 明天我可能很忙。

2. They'll very likely ask for an increase in the budget.他们很可能会要求增加


3. As likely as not she's forgotten all about it. 很可能她把这事忘得一乾二净。

4. I've heard whispers that the firm is likely to go bankrupt. 我听到传闻说公司


5. The proposed tax changes are likely to prove a banana skin for the Government.


6. I think I'm likely to get the job, but if Bob applies for it too it/he could queer my

pitch.我想我很可能得到这份工作, 可是假设鲍勃也申请的话, 那[他]可能使我的计画落空。

38. We had ________ him of the danger but he turned a deaf ear to our warning.

A. warned

B. motioned

C. directed

D. tracked



1.They warned him of the danger. 他们警告他有危险。

2. The police warned us not to go out at night. 警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。

3. He warned me against going outside alone at night. 他提醒我晚上不要单独


39. How dare you ________ the door in your mother’s face?

A. release

B. contract

C. slam

D. widen


slam:及物动词 vt.

1. 猛地关上;啪嗒一声关上

His neighbor slammed the door in his face. 他的邻居当着他的面把门砰然关闭。

2. 猛扔,猛推,猛击

He slammed on the brakes. 他猛力推上制动器。

3. 砰地放下(或放倒)

She slammed the book on the table. 她将书使劲往桌上一扔。

4. 猛烈抨击

His habit of slamming friends made him unpopular. 他那苛刻指摘朋友的习惯使得他不得人心。

40. We learn to ________ before we learn to walk.

A. jump

B. climb

C. scale

D. crawl



1. 爬行,蠕动

He watched the baby crawl across the room. 他看着婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。

2. 慢地移动,徐徐行进

It was rush hour and we crawled along at 15 miles an hour. 遇上了高峰时间,我们的车子以每小时十五英里的速度缓慢行驶。

41. The two teachers started a _______ debate on whether intellectuals should

go into business.

A. stupid

B. vaguely

C. heated

D. stiff



1. She got very heated about it.她对此感到很生气。

2. After the meeting, the people participating it had a heated discussion on the


42. In the 1929 economic ________, many Americans lost their jobs.

A. crisis

B. critic

C. critical

D. criminal


crisis:名词 n. [C]


The economic crisis lasted for several years. 经济危机持续了好几年。

Something told him that this was a crisis in their lives. 他意识到这是他们生活中的一次危机。


The patient has passed the crisis. 病人已渡过危险期。

43. Frown _______ his brow when he was deep in thought.

A. contacted

B. conducted

C. contracted

D. confirmed


44. The _______ of Venus without arms has long been regarded as a symbol of beauty.

A. tone

B. image

C. signal

D. impulse


image:名词 n. [C]像,肖像,雕像;偶像

The coin bore an image of the president. 这枚硬币上有总统的肖像。

45. The _______ of the dinner party was disappointed at the small number of guests

who attended.

A. course

B. host

C. actor

D. native boy



1.B 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.B 21.B 22.A 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.D 29.A 30.C 31. B 32. B 33.C 34.B 35.A 36.B 37.B 38.A 39.C 40.D 41.C 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.B


1. Thomas Jefferson died long ago, but many of his ideas are still _________ great interest to us.

A. to

B. of

C. at

D. for


“be of (great/much)+ 抽象名词”,这时的of短语相当于这个名词的同根形容词,作为表语表示主语的性质或特征。


of use=useful;of nouse=useless;of importance=important等。如:

The matter is of great importance.=The matter is very important.这件事非常重要。

在形容词前常用very来修饰,在“of+抽象名词”结构中,名词前常用great, much 等来修饰。再如

It is of great importance for college students to master a foreign language.

=It is very important...对大学生来说,掌握一门外语是很重要的。

2. Jefferson may be ________famous ________George Washington and Abraham

Lincoln, but most people remember

at least one fact about him: he wrote the Declaration of Independence.

A. less…than

B. less…to

C. more…than

D. as…as


3. Jefferson believed that a free man ________ knowledge from many sources be-

sides books.

A. get

B. receive

C. obtain

D. acquire


obtain:及物动词 vt.得到,获得

He failed to obtain a scholarship. 他没有获得奖学金。

They obtained a loan from the government. 他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。4. He ________to a committee to find out whether the South Branch of the James

River was deep enough to be used by large boats.

A. appointed

B. assigned

C. pointed

D. was appointed



1. Dr Gray has been appointed to a consultancy. 格雷医生被派去当会诊医生了。

2. Her company appointed her the chief operating officer of the company. 公司


3. We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school. 我们必须


5. ________ birth and ________ education Jefferson belonged to the highest social


A. For…for

B. Of…of

C. By…of

D. By…by


by birth:adv. 在血统上,生来

1. Although I am by birth a Greek, yet I have no country. 我虽然出生在希腊,


2. She is the daughter of an earl, a lady by birth. 她是伯爵的女儿,


3. She is English by birth but French by marriage. 她是英国血统,


6. Jefferson ________ his way to talk with gardeners,servants,and waiters.

A. went on

B. went out of

C. went

D. went to


go out of one's way:


例如:I went out of my way to get you this gift. 我特地去给你买的这件礼物。


例如:Go out of your way to fight for the bright future!排除万难,去争取你的光明前程吧!

7. Jefferson ________to accept other people's opinions without careful thought.

A. refused

B. declined

C. rejected

D. refuted


refuse:及物动词 vt.

1. 拒绝;拒受;拒给;不准

He refused my offer of help. 他拒绝了我的帮助。

2. 拒不;不肯,不愿

The engine refused to start.引擎怎么也发动不起来。

Martin refused to discuss the matter. 马丁拒绝讨论此事。

8. ________believe ________reject anything because any other person has

rejected or believed it.

A. Either…or

B. Not only …but also

C. Neither…nor

D. Not only …as well as



She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢乳酪。


Neither dad nor mum is at home today. 今天父母都不在家。

9. Conflicting ideas is a ________of strength.

A. origin.

B. spring

C. resource

D. source


source:名词n. [C]

1. (河的)源头;水源

Do you know the source of Amazon River? 你知道亚马逊河的源头吗?

2. 根源;来源[(+of)]

They are required to publish the sources of their campaign funds. 他们必须


3. 提供消息(或证据)者;消息(或证据)来源

The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自一位可靠人士。

4. 出处;原始资料

The library has quantities of reference sources. 该图书馆藏有大量可供参


10. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom ________ .

A. living

B. alive

C. live

D. lively



1. 活着的;现存的

The injured man is unconscious but still alive. 受伤的人不省人事但仍活着。

2. 有活力的,有生气的,活跃的

Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive. 他虽有八十岁了,但仍然充满了活力。

11. There are two sides ________every question.

A. of

B. in

C. to

D. at


12. You should take one side with decision and ________ it with effect.

A. act on

B. act

C. perform

D. work

解析:该题选A ,题目大意是“如果你坚持站在一面,根据它有效地采取行动。”

act on:

1. 对...起作用

These medical herbs are said to act on the heart. 据说这些药草对心脏起作用。

2. 按照...行事

Acting on my recommendation, he has decided to read the novel once more.


13. The present should never ________ customs which have lost their usefulness.

A. chain to

B. tie at

C. be tied at

D. be chained to


be chained to:被链子\束缚

In former times, prisoners were chained to one another.在古代,囚犯们被相互拴着。

14. I steer my ship with hope,________ fear ________ .

A. leaving…away

B. leaving…behind

C. leave…behind

D. leave…away


leave behind:留下,遗忘,放弃,使落后,落下

1. Mike left his money behind when he went shopping.


2. Take care not to leave anything behind.当心别丢下东西

3. The airline hostess reminded the passengers not to leave luggage behind when

they alighted from a plane. 空中乘务员提醒旅客们下飞机时别把自己的行李忘在机上。

15. Jefferson's courage and idealism ________ knowledge.

A. were originated from

B. founded on

C. were based on

D. based on


be based on “以……为根据”;“根据……”;“基于……”用法是A be based on B

①What he said is based on fact. 他所说的话是以事实为根据的。

②The story is based on real life. 那故事是根据现实生活而写的。

③Some modern languages are based on Latin. 在些现代语言是以拉丁文为


16. He was an expert ________agriculture,archeology,and medicine.

A. in

B. at

C. about

D. on


17. He ________a plow superior to any other in existence.

A. discovered

B. found

C. invented

D. created


superior to:优于

This car is superior to that one. 这辆汽车比那辆要好。

18. ________ all Jefferson' s talents, one is central.

A. In

B. Among

C. From

D. Of


talen t:名词n.

1. 天才,天资[(+for)]

He had a talent for music. 他有音乐天才。

2. 天才们,有才能的人们

She is a new diving talent. 她是一个新的跳水天才。

3. (演艺界)明星们,艺人们

There was a lack of local talent, so they hired an actor from London.


19. He was ________ a good and tireless writer.

A. first

B. for all

C. above all

D. of all


above al l:首先;尤其是;最重要的是

He is strong, brave and, above all, honest. 他强壮,勇敢,最重要的是他诚实。

20. American education ________ a great debt ________ Thomas Jefferson.

A. owes…to

B. owns…to

C. offers…to

D. attribute…to


owe sth to sb/st h:感谢;归功于

1. owe one’s success to hard work把成功归功于辛勤工作

2. We owe it to Marconi and Bell that we can now talk to people on the other

side of the world over the radio.我们今天能够与地球另一端的人们进行无线电联系,都应该归功于马可尼和贝尔所做出的贡献。

21._________ still at college, Miss Wei had her first poem published.

A. Being

B. The time

C. While

D. That


while still at college = while she was still at college,用while, when, whether, unless though, if等引导的定语从句,如果谓语动词为be,同时主语与主句的主语相同时,从句的动词be可以省略。例如:

Although (he was) seriously wounded, he continued to fight with the criminal bravely.尽管身负重伤,他还是勇敢地与歹徒搏斗。

22. He did not fear new ideas,_________ fear the future.

A. nor he did

B. or did he

C. nor he could

D. nor did he



1. (用在not, no, never之后)也不

The story is not interesting nor instructive. 这个故事没有味道,也没有教育意义。

I have never spoken nor written to her. 我跟她从来没说过话,也没写过信。

2. (用在句首,句子须倒装)也不

1. You do not like him, nor do I. 你不喜欢他,我也不喜欢。

2. The enemy couldn’t make any advance, nor could they retreat. 敌人既不能


23. It was Jefferson _________ wrote the Declaration of Independence.

A. who

B. the man

C. which

D. what


英语中最常见的强调手段,也是我们必须要掌握的方法就是强调句型:It is / was + 被强调的部分+ that (who)…如:

(1) It was in the room that Li Lei was born. 李蕾出生就在这间房子。

(2) It is Wei Fang who has broken the record. 就是魏方打破了纪录。


(A) 原句子是现在时或将来时,强调句用It is + 被强调的部分+ that

(who)…; 若原句子是过去时,强调句用:It was + 被强调的部分+ that (who)…

(1) Li Lei’s father will work in America. —It is in America that Li Lei’s father

will work.李蕾的父亲的工作将就在美国。

(2) I studied at this school a few years ago. —It was at this school that I studied a

few years ago. 几年前我就在这所学校读书。

(B) 即使被强调的部分是复数,It后面始终用单数形式。

(1) Tom and Lucy gave us much help. —It was Tom and Lucy that gave us much


(2) I saw swans in the lake yesterday. —It was swans that I saw in the lake


(C) 强调人时,可用who 代替that, 但若强调时间、地点、原因、方式时,

不能用when, where, why, how代替that。如:

(1) It is our teacher who / that helps us make great progress.


(2) It is by bus that I go to school every day. 每天我就是乘公共汽车上学。

(D) 在强调not…until结构中的时间状语时,应将not移到until前,再将not


I didn’t go to bed until twelve o’clock last night. —It was not until twelve

o’clock last night that I went to bed. 昨天晚上我一直到十二点才睡。

24. Tom _________ himself ________ to have got the medal.

A. considered…luckily

B. proved…luckily

C. considered…lucky

D. questioned…luckily



25. These apples are ________ those I bought yesterday.

A. more superior to

B. superior to

C. more superior than

D. superior than


superior t o:比…更高级,更好,优于(引出比较的对象时,不能用than,只能用to,且superior没有比较级和最高级。)

1. The red cloth is superior to the white one.这块红布料比那块白布料好。

2. As everybody knows, a color TV set is superior to a black and white one.


26. Mike _________ his money behind when he went shopping.

A. left

B. brought

C. forgot

D. remained


leave behind:丢弃,留下,忘带

1. Don’t leave me behind; I’m afraid.别把我丢下,我害怕。

2. Take care not to leave anything behind.当心不要忘了任何东西。

27. Children need many things, but _________ they need attention.

A. in all

B. for all

C. above all

D. after all


above all:首先,尤其是

1. Never waste anything, but above all never waste time.


2. He enjoys listening to music, but above all to classical music.


28. We _________ to make him feel at home.

A. went to our way

B. went out of our way

C. went away from our way

D. went on our way


go out of one’s way (to do sth.):想方设法,不怕麻烦的去做某件事

1. If you are ever in trouble, my parents will go out of their way to help you.


2. They went out of their way to make us feel at home when we were in London


29. She _______ that if he didn’t give her enough money, she would make it public.

A. threatened

B. tortured

C. feared

D. scared




They threatened the shopkeeper with a knife. 他们用刀胁迫店主。

The strikers were threatened with dismissal. 罢工的人受到解雇的威胁。

They threatened to kill me unless I did as they asked. 他们威胁我听从他们的吩咐,否则就杀掉我。

2 有…之虞,有…恶兆

The black clouds threatened rain. 黑云预示着要下雨了。


Noisy traffic threatens the peace of the village. 嘈杂交通使村庄的安宁受到威胁。

Look at those clo uds! There’s a storm threatening. 看那些云!暴风雨就要来了。

30. Many species of animals which once lived on the earth are no longer _________.

A. in practice

B. in existence

C. in common

D. in turn


in existence:存在的;现有的

This is the most magnificent bridge in existence. 这是现有的最雄伟的大桥。

31. All the soldiers _______ their officer’s order.

A. acted on

B. acted to

C. acted with

D. acted for


act o n:按照……行事

1. Acting on her advice, I went there by plane.


2. They acted on the previously—determined plan.


32. I’ll _______ it to you to settle all the business.

A. reject

B. resent

C. leave

D. let


leave t o:交托,委托,留给

1. You can leave the matter to me.你可以把这件事交给我来办。

2. When I go away on business, I usually leave my key to my neighbor.我到外地出


33. Where did you _______ your knowledge of Chinese history?

A. obtain

B. receive

C. appoint

D. leave


obtai n:及物动词 vt.得到,获得

I haven’t been able to obtain that record anywhere, can you obtain it for me?


34. Public opinions are usually ________ by mass media.

A. affect

B. influenced

C. change

D. effect


influence:及物动词vt. 影响,感化;左右

I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself.


35. We _______ that important new discovery _______ Albert Einstein.

A. owe…for

B. owe…to

C. own…for

D. own…to


owe…t o:把……归功于

We owed all the success to our parents. 我们非常感激自己的父母。

36. It is reported that some workers on strike _______ with the police.

A. action

B. concluded

C. appointed

D. conflicted


conflict wit h:与……冲突

Their opinion on the matter conflicts with ours.


37. Don’t _______ in doing what you believe is good and correct.

A. reject

B. prevent

C. refuse

D. hesitate



1. hesitate in sth. (或doing sth. 动名词)

Don't hesitate in doing what you think is right.只要认为对,就别犹豫去做。

2. hesitate to do 跟动词不定式

①He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him. 他毫不犹豫地请她坐在他身旁。

②Don't hesitate to enlist the aid of friends or family if you have a big project to

finish in your domestic environment.如果在你的家庭环境里你有一个大项目要完成,不要犹豫向家人或者朋友寻求帮助。

38. The _________ of the custom is unknown.

A. origin

B. source

C. place

D. sources


origi n:名词n.

1. 起源;由来;起因

What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么?

2. 出身;门第;血统

His origins were humble. 他出身低微。

39. Mrs. Brown, who has recently been _______ general manager of our company,

is one of the most capable women I have ever worked with.

A. named

B. appointed

C. assigned

D. allocated


appoint:及物动词vt. 任命,指派

They appointed him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。

He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York.


40. The spy entered enemy territory on a ________ identity.

A. faint

B. slightly

C. false

D. vital



1. 不正确的,谬误的;不真实的

What you're saying is false. 你所说的是假的。

I don't want to give you a false impression. 我不想给你一个虚假的印象。

2. 不诚实的;虚妄的

He was accused of giving false witness. 他被指控作伪证。

3. 不忠实的,无信义的

Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

4. 假的;伪造的;人造的

She wore false hair to the dance. 她戴着假发去参加舞会。


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.C 20.A

31. A 32. C 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.D 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.C


1. Trying to make some money before entering university,the author _________ a

teaching job.

A. applies to

B. applies for

C. demands for

D. asks for


apply fo r:请求得到

1. He applied for the job. 他申请取得这份工作。

2. I want to apply for the scholarship of this school.我想申请这所学校的奖学金。

注:apply for与apply to的区别

apply for 的宾语在内容上应当是希望获得的事物,

例如奖金(reward),签证(visa), 贷款(loan, credit),

apply to的宾语在内容上则应当是对之作出申请的个人或机构,例如大学

(university, college)。apply to 后接人,表示“向谁申请”。

We applied to them for help. 我们向他们求援。

apply sth to sth 是指把某某物应用在某某上,比如说:

We can apply this new technology to our new product


2. I saw _________ in a local newspaper a teaching post.

A. published

B. advertising

C. advertised

D. publishing



1. 为...做广告;为...宣传

If you want to sell your product you must advertise it.


2. 公布;通知

He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election.


3. Being _________ money and wanting to do something useful, I applied.

A. short of

B. short for

C. 1ack of

D. slim of


be short of:有“缺少……”之意

1. We're short of cash. 我们的资金不足

2. The rebels were short of gunpowder.反叛者们缺少弹药。

3. Otherwise you'll be short of money all term.否则你真个学期都将缺钱。

4. I feared that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of

getting the job were _________ .

A. small

B. slight

C. thin

D. slim




1. 苗条的;纤细的

A rigid diet will make you slimmer.


2. 渺茫的

His chances for getting the scholarship were very slim.


3. 微薄的;少的

He lived on a slim income.


5. It _________an awkward journey.

A. tested

B. verified

C. proved

D. turned



1. 证明,证实

I'll prove to the world that he was right.


The lawyer proved the innocence of his client.


2. 表现,显示

She has proved herself unreliable.


6. I arrived on a hot June morning _________ depressed _________ feel nervous.

A. to o ... to

B. so ... that

C. as ... as

D. too... that


to o ... t o:“太……以至于不能……”(否定句型)

1. The boy is too young to go to school.这个男孩太小了,还不能上学。

2. She runs too slow to catch up with me.她跑得太慢追不上我。

3. I'm too busy to write to my family often.我太忙而不能经常跟家里写信。

4. I love you too much to leave you for a minute.我太爱你,一刻也离不开你。

7. The evergreen shrubs struggled to _________ the dust and fumes from the busy

main road.

A. live

B. survive

C. fight

D. resist




1. 在...之后仍然生存,从...中逃生

Only two passengers survived the air-crash.


2. 比...活得长;丧失(配偶,亲人等)

She survived her husband by twenty years.


不及物动词vi. 活下来,幸存;残留

Few survived after the flood.


8. He looked at me with _________ of surprised disapproval.

A. a looking

B. an appearance

C. a feature

D. an air


ai r:名词n.

1. 空气;大气

Better let in some fresh air. 最好放些新鲜空气进来。

2. 天空,空中

The air was full of butterflies. 天空中飞舞着许许多多蝴蝶。

3. 样子,神态

He came into the room with an air of importance. 他带着一副了不起的神情走进室内。

4. 气氛

There was an air of mystery in the house. 屋内有种神秘的气氛。

9. The narrow, sunless hall_________ unpleasantly of stale cabbage.

A. smelled

B. was smelling

C. stank

D. was stinking


smell o f:(动词短语)有…的气味,发出…气味

1. This pan smells of fish.这个盘子有股鱼腥味。

2. The Blacks have a beautiful garden. It smells of roses.布莱克一家有一座美丽的


3. His breath smells of wine. He must have drunk a lot of wine.他的嘴里有一股酒


10. His study,judging_________ the crumbs on the carpet, was also his dinning


A. from

B. of

C. by

D. among


judge by:意思:根据…做出判断,从…来看:

1. Judged by the ordinary standards, he was reliable.


2. A man should be judged by his deeds, not his words.


11. The headmaster suddenly_________ me with his bloodshot eyes.

A. watched

B. fixed

C. touched

D. stung


headmaste r:中小学校长


学位英语考试词汇语法选择练习题及答案 1._____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions. A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. Did I have realized that D. As I realized 答案解析:B 【句意】如果知道你忙,我就不会问问题打扰你了。 【解析】此题为省略if的虚拟条件状语从句,其结构为had+主语+过去分词+句子其它,主句结构为:主语+ would had done. 2.Tom said that he wouldn’t mind _____. A. to wait for us B. waiting for us C. wait for us D. for waiting us 答案解析:B 【句意】汤姆说他不介意等我们。 【解析】mind,avoid,admit,enjoy,escape,finish,can’t help,postpone,practise,risk,suggest等动词后要求用动名词doing做宾语。 3.They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theater, the

cinema or the opera, _____, perhaps, that show is disappointing. A. only to discover B. only discovering C. only so as to discover D. only for discovering Best Answer: A 详解:应选A项。only to do sth意为“结果只是……”,其逻辑主语是they. 4.For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child _____ psychologically really for the new idea. A. would be B. were C. be D. is Best Answer: C 详解:应选C项。require要求从句的谓语省略should +动词原形。 5.The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. state


Name & No.: Exercises for Business English Translation 练习之词义选择(1) 1. Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No. 102, of 29th, March. 2. We have had only one order from ABC Co., Ltd., so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience. 3. Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529. 4. The Buyer asks for credit and has given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference. 5. The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission. 6. A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523. 7. The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination. 8. Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation. 9. Routine duties of the Joint Venture Company are to be discharged by the general manager appointed by the Board of Directors. 10. Party B shall check the quality of each discharge in accordance with the Contract. 11. Just as in that year, when those catastrophes were followed by substantial increases in insurance premiums, insurers are already lobbying for rate relief. 12. During the 1980’s the large premiums paid in acquisition often resulted in prices that greatly exceeded the value of tangible assets. 练习之词类引申(2) 1.Vietnam was his entrée to the new Administration, his third incarnation as a foreign policy consultant. 2.There was no provocation for such an angry letter.


词语 1、下列词语中,字形错得最多的一项是() A.杀戳制裁云霄昏厥 B.灸疮疤琐屑取缔噩耗C.推祟连声喏喏滞笨霹雳D.名副其实月明风青风晨苦旅烦燥 答案:D 2、下列词语书写完全正确的一项是() A由然而生人声鼎沸翻来覆去咄咄逼人 B惊慌失措沉默寡言莫不关心麻木不仁 C见异思迁威风凛凛众目睽睽人迹罕至 D 饥肠鹿鹿煞有介事刨根问底拈轻怕重 答案:C 3、请选出下列词语中字形全对的一项() A. 转弯摸角别具匠心巧妙绝伦惟妙惟肖 B.重峦叠嶂锐不可挡张惶失错月明风清 C.豁然开朗晓风残月名副其实荡然无存 D.因地治宜宏大壮丽怡然自乐雅俗之别 答案:C 4、选择关联词语填空,正确的是() ()我是向来不爱放风筝的,()不爱,()嫌恶他,()我以为这是没出息孩子所做的玩艺。 A、因为不但而且所以 B、虽然不但而且但是 C、但不但并且因为 D、因为不但并且所以 答案:C 5、下列句子中加点词语使用不正确的一项是() A. 我们千万不要轻敌,不要低估敌人负隅顽抗的决心。 B.恒大队锐不可当,尤其是几位年轻中国小将的表现,让我们看到了中国足球的未来。 C.国人对洋品牌所引领的潮流趋之若鹜,源于精神饥荒。 D.在2016年的社会实践活动中,同学们既体验到合作之趣,又享受了天伦之乐。 答案:D 6、下列词语中书写完全正确的一项是() A.绥靖伎俩奢靡锐不可当 B.横渡依稀斑白语无论次 C.负隅顽抗苦心经营劫后余身振惊中外 D.世外桃园豁然开朗怡然自乐阡陌交通 答案:A 7、下列句子中加点词语使用不恰当的一项是() A.我想一个两全的办法,找不出;我想拆散一家人,分成两路,各得其所,终不愿意。B.这么贵重的东西不像一块点心一盒糖,怎么能自作主张呢? C.这里是荒园,人迹罕至,所以好多鸟都在这里安家筑巢。 D.《欢乐颂》这部电视剧吸引了各地观众,人声鼎沸,创下了收视率新高。 1


词汇测试100题 I. 单项选择 1. With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A. exhibition B. exception C. except D. reception 2. Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A. spare B. fast C. moderate D. moral 3. All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A. faded B. illustrated C. confined D. concerned 4. This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A. canal B. tunnel C. channel D. cable 5. The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B. beam C. bake D. battery 6. When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B. substance C. stretch D. substitute 7. With the help of the government, a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B. suspended C. suffered D. subjected 8. He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about. A. novel B. spoil C. acceptable D. additional 9. Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B. joking C. counting D. comparing 10. We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue B. bay C. assistance D. graduate 11. In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state. A. federal B. figure C. scientific D. service 12. He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member. A. traditional B. scholar C. nurse D. pilot 13. When you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later. A. policy B. plain C. permanent D. principal 14. John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude. A. pretends B. assures C. affords D. melts 15. We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty. A. owes B. spoils C. deserts D. neglects 16. In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______. A. facilities B. hens C. votes D. artists 17. When a spacecraft travels, on e of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _______. A. surface B. atmosphere C. attitude D. bent 18. This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea. A. boundary B. string C. spot D. zone 19. She is already 16 years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.


万文倩& No.:2016000151 Exercises for English Translation 练习之词义选择(1) 1 . Thank you for your letter reference DT/Zi No. 102, of 29th, March. 感谢贵方 3 月 29 日编号为 DT/Zi,No.102 的来信 2 . We have had only one order from ABC Co., Ltd., so we regret we cannot give you a reference from long experience. 我们仅接受 ABC 有限公司的一笔定货 ,很遗憾我们不能提供具有长期交往经历的资信情况 3 . Reference is made to your Sales Confirmation No. 1529. 现谈到贵方的第 1529 号销售确认书 4 . The Buyer asks for credit and has given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference. 买方要求记账交易 ,并提出中国银行北京分行作为资信备询人 5 . The Sales Company is given the same power with reference to apportioning the commission. 关于佣金的分配问题 ,应授予销售公司同样的权利 6 . A reference to your records will show that we have more than once asked you to establish L/C against S/C No. 2523. 查阅你方记录可以看出 , 我方已多次催促 ,要求你方对第 2523 号销售确认书开立信用 证 7.The time limit for inspection and claim is 60 days after discharge of the cargo at the port of destination. 检验与索赔的期限为货物卸至目的港后 60 天 8.Party B agrees that the expiration of this license shall not discharge party B from its obligation. 乙方同意在许可证到期时并不免除乙方应尽的义务


一、选择题 1.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for 2.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went ______the road. A.on B.along C.from D.off 5.--All right. I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ______ this kind of work. ---Come on, buddy! Don’t be so serious. A.take out B.take up C.take on D.take off 6.-What do you think of this story? -It's interesting, but Miss Lin asked us to __________ a story by ourselves, not to find one on the Internet. A.make up B.look up C.listen to D.take away 7.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 8.—What are you doing? —I’m looking ________ the Internet for some information for my article. A.for B.at C.up D.through 9.High technology is used in EURO 2016 to the matches are fair enough in France. A.make up B.make sure C.come out D.come over 10.My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A.too much;too many B.too many;too much C.much too;too much D.too much;much too 11.When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A.make up them B.look up them C.make them up D.look them up 12.---___________ is it from here to his home? ---Not far. You can arrive on foot ______________.


It was already midnight. At one end of the big house, on a sort of a raised platform, Major was already sitting in comfort on his bed of straw. He was twelve years old and had __1__ grown rather fat, but he was still a majestic-looking (威武的) pig, with a wise and kind appearance. Before long the other animals began to arrive and make themselves __2_ _ after their different fashions. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform. The hens rested themselves beside the window. The pigeons flew up to the rafters(房梁). The sheep and cows lay down behind the pigs. The two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover, came in together, walking very slowly and setting down their vast hairy hoofs (马蹄) with great care in case there should be some small animal __3_ in the straw. Clover was a motherly horse ___4___ middle life, who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth baby. Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses ___5____ __ together. A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of first-rate ___6__ __, but he was ___7__ __ respected for his steadiness of character and ___8___ powers of work. After the horses came Muriel, the white goat, and Benjamin, the donkey. Benjamin was the oldest animal on the farm, and the worst ___9___ __. He seldom talked, and when he did, it was usually to make some ironical __10__ _----for instance, he would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would rather have had no tail and no flies. Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed. If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at. BJGHEKCDAI When Minnesota Bank and Trust opened in 2008, CEO Kate Kelly was determined to make it a place people wanted to work. So she __1__ three volunteers to the employee event committee and waited to see what would happen. Soon, there was lawn bowling, miniature golf, blue-jean Fridays and a(n) __2__ _ holiday trip to Wal-mart where each worker got $ 10 to buy a Secret Santa gift. ‘It is nice every once in a while to just laugh,’ Kelly said. ‘There is a(n) ___3__ _ difference in the mood here after an event. Everyone is chatting and laughing. You d on’t have to spend a lot of money.’ Yet the __4_ __ is significant: people want to work there. And that’s important, according to a report __5__ __ by the Society of Human Resources Management. If employers don’t want their best talent to slip out the door for good, they need to develop the programs aimed at keeping their employees. Some executives say they are determined to keep their best talent and to spend the time and money necessary to __6 __ that all workers have a fun, engaging workplace where they feel ___7_ _. Kelly said her bank grew from 20 employees to 33 in four years. At the same time, she’s lost just three workers since 2008. It takes 12 to 18 months of training to replace a person who leaves. So her ___8_ __ in fun makes a lot of sense. Jessica Pecoraro is a member of the Women President Organisation. Every leader in that group ‘is looking for _9__ methods other than salary to motivate people, one, so they perform and two, so th ey stay.’ Beyond money, they look for ways to have fun. Other _10__ on investments come in all sizes of smiles and in all manner of nuttiness(疯狂) that often have little to do with the job at hand.

中考练习 选择 词汇

( , 学习必备 欢迎下载 中考练习 选择 词汇 V . 单项选择(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 26. --- ______honest boy is ______friend of Mary ’s brother’s. A. A,a B.An,an C. the, a D.An, a ( ) 27. --- What did you do yesterday,Lily? ---I went to the shop and bought a pair of . --- I’d like to, you don’t want to go alone. A.shoe ’s, sport shoes B. shoe ’s, sports shoes C.shoe,spouting shoes D. shoe, sport shoes ( ) 28. A lot of trees and flowers are on of the river ang the number of them is growing . A.both side,greater B.each sides,more C.both sides,larger D each side,more ( ) 29.He is good maths.But he is a little weak English. A.at,at B. in,in C. in,at D. at,in ( ) 30. Boys and girls,your dream will come true as long as you don ’t . A. stay up B.take up C.get up D. give up ( ) 31. In the exam,the .you are, mistakes you ’ll make. Acareful,little B.more careful,less C.careful,few D .more careful,the fewer ( ) 32. Have a glass of water ,please.Y ou _______be thirsty after a long walk. A. should B. mu st C. can D .have to ( ) 33.I will never forget the unforgettable time _______we spent t ogether last month. A.when B.whom C.what D .that ( ) 34- .. exciting news we’ve got! A.How B.What an C.What D .How an ( ) 35.Today’s weather isn’t as it was yesterday ,_______? A. wasn’t it B. is it C. was it D. isn’t it ( ) 36.When did you become a League member ? I______ the League Union for 3 years. A. have joined in B. have been to C. joined D. have been in ( ) 37.There are _____new words in this book . W e have already learned two ______of them . A. hundred ; hundred B. hundr eds of; hundr eds C. hund r eds of ;hundred D. hundreds; hund r eds ( ) 38.You’d better ______them the terrible news right now ,tell them later ,please ! A.not to tell B.don’t tell C.not tell D. to tell ( ) 39._______the story is short and there are no new words in it ,it is difficult to understand . A. Because B. Although C. Since D..While ( ) 40.Did you notice your mum come in ? A. had watched B. watched C. was watching D. watch ( ) 41.From the space ,the astronaut can see more the n 70 percent of the earth _____by water . A. are covered B. is covered C. covering D. cover ( ) 42. --- _______or you’ll have a bad cold. A. If you put on your sweater B. Put on your sweater C. Putting on your sweater D. T o put on your sweater ( ) 43.--Lucy’s got good grades.______ A.So she is B. So is she C.So she has D. So has she ( ) 44.I did’it know _____to the cinema when I first came here. A. which is the nearest way B. which the nearest way is C. which was the nearest way D. which the nearest way was ( ) 45. ______have you been to Hainan Island?---Never . A. How long B. How far C. How o ften D. How many times X .词语运用(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。 81. After the (两个月)holiday,I will be a Senior student. 82. Simon,hurry up.Don’t keep us (等待)you too long . 83. T om (穿上) his coat and went outside. 84. W e should listen to our teacher___________________ 认真)in class. 85. I____________ (感兴趣) collecting coins when I was seven years old . XI .基础写作 (包括 A 、B 两部分,A 部分 5 分,B 部分 10 分,共计 15 分) A. 连词成句 (每小题 1 分,计 5 分)根据所给单词或词语 完成句子。要求符合语法,语言通顺, 大小写及标点等正确。 86. I , see , hope , you , soon 87. there, that , can , is , for , anything, do 88. we, scientist, the, visit, will , week ,next ? 89.father , yesterday , his ,bought ,the , him , MP4 ,an , day , before . 90. it, to , healthy , he , important, finds, k eep . B. 书面表达 (共计 10 分) 环境保护部负责人宣布 2009 年“六· 五”世界环境日的中国主题是“减少污染——行动起来”,作 为中学生的我们应该做些什么呢?请以 Protect the environment ,our duty! 为题,写一篇文 章,鼓励热爱我们的地球,保护我们的环境。 提示: 1, The importance of protecting the environment . 2.What do you think is the most serious pollution? 3 What should we do to protect the environment ? Protect the environment ,our duty


现代汉语词汇练习 一、填空题 1、词最重要特点在于:它是_________的语言单位。 2、语言中最小的音义结合的单位是___,如按音节划分,可分为_____、_____和_____;按构词功能和构词位置,可分为____、_____和_______。 3、成词语素的特点在于它本身就能____、又能_________,而不成词语素则只能_________。 4、“北京猿人究竟多少人一群呢?”这句话中共有__个语素__个词。 5、“小孩儿喜欢吃吐鲁番的葡萄”中包含了__个语素__个词。 6、“流连”是单纯词中的__词,“妯娌”是______词,“丁宁”是__词。 7、词是构成__或__的要素,语素是构成__的要素。 8、由一个语素构成的词叫做___。合成词是由_______语素构成的词。 9、单纯词的特点是:不管它有多少音节,但只有__个语素。 10、双音节单纯词主要包括___、___、___三种。 11、由词根加词根组成的合成词有___和___两种形式。 12、复合式合成词是由____结合在一起组成的合成词;重叠式合成词是由____构成的合成词;附加式合成词是由_____组合而成的。 13、复合式合成词有_种类型,它们是___、___、___、___、___。 14、一种语言里所有的词语的总和叫做__。这里的“词语”指__和各种性质作用大致相当于词的__,在现代汉语中就是指成语、___、___、___等。 15、_____是词的物质外壳,____是词的内容。 16、词义是对客观事物的__反映,它包含着人们对客观事物的认识。 17、“鬼”、“神仙”等词的意义是对客观世界的_______反映。 18、___是词义中的主要部分,词还有附属的___,也可称作___。 19 、义项是词的_________。只有一个义项的词是___,具有两个或两个以上义项的词是___。 20、词的本义是词的__意义,基本义是词的____的意义,引申义是_________的意义,比喻义是__________的意义。 21 、同音词是指在现代汉语普通话中__、__、__都相同词,它可以分为____ _和_____两大类。 22、义素是构成词义的______,也就是词义的____,所以又叫____或____。 23、语义场就是通过_____的对比,根据它们词义的____或__划分出来的类。 24、同义词主要有两种类型。一是___。二是___。 25、同义词的辨析可以从三个方面进行,一是______,二是_____,三是_____。 26、反义词是指_______的词。从意义关系上区分,反义词有两类:一类是 ______,另一类是______。 27、“呆板”在“不聪明、反应慢”的意义上同__一词构成反义关系。 28、基本词汇是词汇的__部分,它长期存在着,并且为____提供基础。


根据具体的语境选择字词的含义的专题训练 姓名: 一、选择 1、“益”字典中的意思有:A、好处 B、有好处C、增加,更加 (1)我们要保护有益.的动物。(B) (2)读好书,受益.匪浅。(A) (3)我们为人民的利益.坚持好的。(A) (4)注意饮食,加强锻炼,可以延年益.寿。(C) 2、“精”在字典里的意思: A经提炼或挑选的。 B完美,最好。 C细,少。 D机灵,心细。 E精通。 F精神,精力。 (1)精.明能干(D) (2)精.疲力竭(F) (3)精.兵简政(C) (4)精.益求精(B) 3、“简单”的意思很多,选择恰当解释的序号填在括号里。A结构单纯,头绪少,容易理解。 B(经历、能力)平凡。C草率 (1)你把这件事的经过简单地说一说。(A) (2)你做事能持之以恒,真不简单啊。(B). (3)处理事情可不能简单从事。(C)

(4)这道题实在太简单了。(A) 4、给带点的子选择正确的解释。 (1)人声鼎.沸A古代煮东西用的器物,有两耳三条腿。 B、大C、正当,正在。(B) (2)卓.有成效A、优秀,出色,超出一般B、高而直C姓(A) (3)肃然起敬A、恭敬B、庄重,认真 C、肃 清(A) (4)盛名 A、兴旺,繁荣 B、很高的,深厚的 C、 规模大,隆重(B) 5、“绝”的意思很多,请选择正确的解释的序号填在括号里。 A、断绝 B、完全没有了,穷尽 C、气息中止 D、独一 无二的 E、绝对 (1)他说“猫猬兽”这种动物因不能适应自然条件的变化 而绝.种了。(B) (2)他俩竟由一件小事绝.交了。(A) (3)这一手绝.技,谁能比得上。(D) (4)我绝.不干这样的事!(E) (5)听了这个消息,他悲痛欲绝.。(C) 6、“端”的意思很多,选择正确的解释。 端:A、(东西的)头 B、事情的开头 C、平举着拿 D、 正 E、项目


Vocabulary 1. He was ______ as the best model football player of 200 2. A. designated B. asserted C. named D. rejected 2. The government is ______ about what should be done to solve the problem. A. regulating B. diagnosing C. deliberating D. wandering 3. You must ______ your paper by the end of this month. A. draft B. submit C. modify D. revise 4. Now in China many large stores use discount coupons as ______ to attract customers. A. motives B. incentives C. awards D. rewards 5. He was regarded as a great ______ to the committee. A. asset B. profit C. prosperity D. interest 6. According to psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the ______ of maturity. A. achievements B. fulfillment C. establishment D. accomplishment 7. The fight could have been avoided if both of you had been able to ______ your anger. A. hold back B. hold on C. hold out D. hold up 8. In speaking, the choice of words is of the utmost importance. But too often careless use of words ______ a meeting of the minds of the speakers and the listener. A. prevents B. stirs C. destroys D. offers 9. He always acts on his own ______. A. initiative B. creative C. infinitive D. aggressive 10. Football, baseball and basketball are ______ sports --- that is, only a few people actually take part in them while many more only watch them. A. spectator B. spectacle C. spectrum D. spectacular 11. Sally wanted to go to Florida for the holiday, but her husband thought ______, saying that they would go to New York to join his parents for Christmas. A. likely B. likewise C. meanwhile D. otherwise 12. We are trying to make people more ______ to the difficulties faced by the laid-off workers. A. sensible B. sensational C. sentimental D. sensitive 13. Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to ______ or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s. A. revolve B. revolt C. revive D. reverse 14. Traditional Chinese medicine is famous for using herbs with healing ______. A. possessions B. estate C. purpose D. attributes 15. To a first-year student, the doctoral degree is a distant ______. A. aspect B. respect C. spectacle D. prospect 16. The strong wind with sand comes from the ______ hill in front of their house. A. empty B. isolated C. remote D. bare 17. At the meeting, John argued ______ in favor of the proposal. A. warmly B. severely C. heavily D. forcefully 18. He gave a brief ______ of the history of the university before the opening of the conference. A. reference B. statement C. comment D. account 19. The picturesque scenery of his hometown has often ______ him to write poems. A. excited B. induced C. attracted D. inspired 20. Please come and help me with this form because I don’t know how to ______ it. A. set off B. set aside C. set up D. set about 21. The engine has more than 300 ______, made of a number of different materials.

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