当前位置:文档之家› 2008年专八词汇独家秘籍2




Group 1

archives (TEM8)[?ɑ:kaivz] n.

A collection of historical documents or records of a government, a family, a place or an organization; the place where these records are stored 档案;档案馆

The national sound archive国家音响档案馆

派生词汇:archivist n.档案保管员

barrier (TEM4)[?b?ri?]n.

An object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward one place to another 屏障,障碍物

Show your ticket at the barrier. 请在验票处出示车票

派生词汇:barrier reef 堡礁(近海岸的珊瑚礁),language barrier 语言障碍

bilingual (TEM4) [bai?li?gw?l]adj.

Able to speak two languages equally well because you have used them since you are very young/ using two language, written in two languages 会说两种语言的,用两种语言(写)的

A bilingual dictionary 双语词典

cram (TEM8)[kr?m]v.

①To push or force sb/sth into a small place; to move into a small place with the result that it is full 挤满,塞满

He crammed eight people into his car. 他往他的车里硬塞进八个人。

②To learn a lot of things in a short time, in preparation for an exam (为应考)临时死记硬背He?s been cramming for his exams all week. 他整个星期都一直在拼命准备应考。

必背搭配:cram sth into/onto sth; cram for sth

派生词汇:crammed adj.塞满的,挤满的crammer n.(为应付考试的)强化训练补习学校或强化训练用书


Very difficult and tiring, needing great effort for a long time 使人筋疲力尽的,折磨人的

I?ve had grueling day. 我一天下来累得筋疲力尽。

派生词汇:gruel n.(尤指旧时穷人吃的)稀粥,燕麦粥gruesome adj.令人厌恶的,恐怖的,可怕的

sophomore (TEM4)[?s?f?m?:]n.

A student in the second year of a course of study at a college or a university.(大学)二年级学生Li Ran is a sophomore in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. 李然是上海财经大学一名大二学生。

conceive (TEM4)[k?n?si:v]v.

①To form an idea or a plan etc. in your mind; to imagine sth 想出(主意,计划等)

God is often conceived of as male. 上帝常常被想象为上帝。

②when a woman conceives a child, she is pregnant. 怀孕

She is unable to conceive. 她不能怀孕。

派生词汇:conceivable adj.可想象的,可信的concept n.概念

elite (TEM8)[ei?li:t]n.

A group of people in a society, etc. who are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they are rich, intelligent, etc. 上层集团,(统称)掌权人物,社会精英

Public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media. 舆论为少数控制着新闻媒介的上层人士所左右。

派生词汇:elitism n.精英统治,精英主义

fretful (TEM8) [?fretf?l]adj.

Behaving in a way that shows you are unhappy or uncomfortable. 烦躁的,苦恼的,不舒适的She became fretful recently due to the upcoming examination. 她由于日益临近的期末考试而烦躁不安。

必背搭配:fret about sth/sb

派生词汇:fret v. 苦恼,烦躁,焦虑不安

mediocre (TEM8) [?mi:di??uk?]adj.

Not very good; of only average standard 平庸的,普通的,平常的

I thought the play was only mediocre. 我认为这部戏剧只是平庸之作。

派生词汇:mediocrity n.平庸,普通,平常


从Group1 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

The BBC?s are bulging with materials.

The crowd had to stand behind ..

She is in English and Chinese.

I could never in all that she does in a day.

He the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts center.

Group 2

egalitarian (TEM8)[i?g?li?te?ri?n]adj.

Based on or holding, the belief that everyone is equal and should have the same rights and opportunities 主张人人平等的,平等主义的

An egalitarian society 主张人人平等的社会

zealous (TEM4)[?zel?s]adj.

Showing great energy and enthusiasm for sth, especially because you feel strong about it 热情的,充满激情的

A zealous preacher 充满激情的布道者

派生词汇:zeal n. 热情,激情zealot n. (尤指宗教或政治的)狂热分子,狂热者

affluent (TEM4)[??flu?nt]adj.

Having a lot of money and a good standard of living 富裕的

Affluent western countries 富裕的西方国家

派生词汇:affluence n. 富裕

prestigious (TEM4)[pre?stid??s]adj.

Respected and admired as very important or of very high quality 有威望的,声誉高的

A prestigious award 赫赫有名的奖项

派生词汇:prestige n.威信,声望

discretion (TEM4) [di?skre??n]n.

The freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation. 自行决定的自由,自行决定权

I?ll leave it up to you to use your discretion. 我把这件事留给你自己斟酌决定。

必背搭配:at sb?s discretion 由某人斟酌决定,按照某人的的意见

派生词汇:discretionary adj.自由决定的,酌情行事的

circumvent (TEM8)[?s?:k?m?vent]v.

To find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule. 设法回避,规避

They found a way of circumventing the law. 他们找到了规避法律的途径。

派生词汇:circumvention n.回避,规避

nurture (TEM8)[?n?:t??]v.

To care for and protect sb/sth while they are growing and developing. 养育,培养

Children nurtured by loving parents. 受到慈爱的父母养育的孩子。

prospective (TEM8) [pr??spektiv]adj.

Expected to do sth or to become sth 有希望的,可能的,预期的

A prospective client 潜在的客户

派生词汇:prospect n.前景,前途prospector n.勘探者,探矿者

gourmet (TEM4)[?gu?mei]n.

A person who knows a lot about good food and wines and who enjoys choosing, eating and drinking them 美食家,讲究饮食的人

A gourmet dish 佳肴

rustic (TEM4)[?r?stik]adj.

Typical of the country or of country people; simple 乡村的,淳朴的

An old cottage full of rustic charm 充满了乡村魅力的旧农舍。

派生词汇:rusticate v.使归乡,使退居乡下


从Group2 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

A very neighborhood

Peking University is one of the most universities across China.

How much to tell terminally ill patients is left to the of the doctor.

These delicate plants need careful .

Lucas is picky on food, he is the veritable .

Group 3

fugitive (TEM8)[?fju:d?itiv]n.

①A person who has escaped or is running away from somewhere and is trying to avoid being caught 逃亡者,逃跑者

A fugitive from justice 逃犯

②trying to avoid being caught 逃亡的,逃跑的

a fugitive criminal 逃犯

burgeon[?b?:d??n] v.

To begin to grow or developing rapidly 激增,迅速发展

Burgeoning demand 迅速增加的需求

swarm (TEM4) [sw?:m]v./n.

①n. a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together in the same direction 一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫)

a swarm of locusts 一大群蝗虫

②(of people, animals etc.)to move around in a large group (人、动物等)成群地来回移动Tourists were swarming all over the island. 岛上到处是旅游者熙来攘往。

必背搭配:swarm with sb/sth 到处是人(或物)


①to move soldiers or weapons into a position where they are ready for military action. 部署,调度(军队或武器)

US forces deployed in the Gulf. 部署在海湾地区的美国军队。

②to use sth effectively 有效地利用,调度

to deploy arguments 利用论据

派生词汇:deployment n.部署,调动


A person who prefers tradition to modern ideas or ways of doing things传统主义者

派生词汇:tradition n. 传统;传统的信仰(或风俗)traditional adj.传统的,习俗的traditionalism n.传统主义

yearning (TEM4) [?j?:ni?]n.

A strong and emotional desire 渴望,向往

A yearning for a quiet life 对宁静生活的向往

必背搭配:yearn for sb/sth

派生词汇:yearn v. 渴望,渴求

reckon (TEM4)[?rek?n]v.

To think sth or have an opinion about sth 想,认为

It?s worth a lot of money, I reckon. 我想这值很多钱。

必背搭配:reckon on sth 指望,依赖reckon sth up 统计,合计

reckon with sb/sth 重视,认真处理reckoning without sb/sth 没考虑到,不把….算在内派生词汇:reckoning n. 估计,估算,计算

buoyant [?b?i?nt] adj.

①(of prices, business activities etc.) tending to increase or stay at a high level, usually showing financial success ( 价格,商业活动等) 看涨的,保持高价的,繁荣的

a buoyant demand for homes 越来越大的住房需求

②floating, able to float or able to keep things floating 漂浮的,能够浮起的

Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water. 盐水比淡水浮力大。

派生词汇:buoy n.浮标,航标buoyancy n.涨势,漂浮

tumble (TEM4)[?t?mb?l] v.

①to fall suddenly and in a dramatic way 倒塌,坍塌

The scaffolding came tumbling down. 脚手架突然倒塌。

②to fall rapidly in value or amount (价格或数量)暴跌,骤降

The price of oil is still tumbling. 油价仍在暴跌。

dwindle (TEM4) [?dwindl]v.

To become gradually less or smaller (逐渐)减少,变小,缩小

Support for the party has dwindled away to nothing. 支持这个党派的人渐渐化为乌有。

必背搭配:dwindle away to sth


从Group3 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

A population

Students into the school canteen after the class.

At least 5000 missiles were along the border.

She had no great to go back.

World records at the last Olympics.

Group 4

chartered (TEM4)[?t?ɑ:t?d]adj.

①qualified according to the rules of a professional organization that has a royal charter (持有皇家特许状的专业组织认定为)合格的,特许的

a chartered surveyor 特许测量师(TEM8, 2008)

②(of an aircraft, a ship or a boat) hired for a particular purpose ( 飞机或船) 包租的,租赁的

a chartered plane 包机

派生词汇:charter n. 宪章章程

survey (TEM4)[?s?:vei]n.

An investigation of the opinions, behavior, etc. of a particular group of people, which is usually done by asking them questions 民意调查,民意测验

To conduct a survey进行一项民意调查

派生词汇:surveyor n.检验员,测量员

zeal (TEM4) [zi:l]n.

Great energy or enthusiasm connected with sth that you feel strongly about 热情,激情

Her missionary zeal她的传教士般的热情

必背搭配:zeal for/in sth

派生词汇:zealous adj.热情的,充满激情的zealot n. (尤指宗教或政治的)狂热分子,狂热者

surge (TEM4)[s?:d?]v.

①to move quickly and forcefully in a particular direction 涌,汹涌,涌动

Flood waters surged into their homes. 洪水涌进了他们的房子。

②(of prices, profits, etc.) to suddenly increase in value (物价,利润等)急剧上升,飞涨

a surge in consumer spending 消费开支的激增

fantasy (TEM4) [?f?nt?si]n.

①a pleasant situation that you imagine but that is unlikely to happen 幻想,想象

a work of fantasy幻想作品

②a product of your imagination 想象产物,幻想作品

Her books are usually escapist fantasies. 她的书通常是逃避现实的幻想作品。

chronicle (TEM4) [?kr?nikl]n.

A written record of events in the order in which they happened. 编年史,历史

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?盎格鲁-撒克逊人编年史?

派生词汇:chronic adj. (尤指疾病)长期的,慢性的chronology n.年表

bonus (TEM4)[?b?un?s]n.

An extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to sb?s wages as a reward. 津贴,奖金,红利

Productivity bonus生产奖金

far-reaching (TEM4) [fɑ:?ri:t?i?]adj.

Likely to have a lot of influence or many effects 影响深远的,广泛的

Far-reaching consequences 影响深远的后果

publicity[p?b?lisiti] n.

The attention that is given to sb/sth by newspaper, television, etc. (媒体的)关注,宣传,报道The trial took place amid a lot of publicity. 审讯在全面曝光的情况下进行。

派生词汇:publicize v.宣传,推广,传播publicist n.推介人员,广告人员

aspire (TEM8)[??spai?] v.

To have a strong desire to achieve or to become sth 渴望(成就);有志(成为)

She aspired to a scientific career. 她有志于科学事业。

必背搭配:aspire to do/sth

派生词汇:aspiration n.渴望,报复,志向

agile (TEM8)[??d?ail]adj.

①able to move quickly and easily (动作) 敏捷的,灵活的

a strong and agile athlete 强壮敏捷的田径运动员

②able to think quickly and in an intelligent way (思维)机敏的,机灵的

an agile mind 敏捷的思维

派生词汇:agility n.敏捷,灵活


Acrobatic acts and movements 杂技

Acrobatics on the high wire 走钢丝杂技

派生词汇:acrobat n. 杂技演员acrobatic adj.杂技的,杂技演员的


从Group4 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

A recent showed 75% of those questioned were in favor of the plan.

The gates opened and the crowd forward.

His childhood about becoming a famous football player. Her latest novel is a of life in Devon village.

All employees received a £100 Christmas .

Group 5

gigantic (TEM4) [d?ai?g?ntik]adj.

Extremely large 巨大的,庞大的

A gigantic house 巨大的房子

派生词汇:giant n./ adj.巨人/ 巨大的

scrimmage [?skrimid?]n.

①a part of rugby game when players from both sides link themselves together in a group, with their heads down, and push against the other side. The ball is then thrown between them and each side tries to get it. (橄榄球的)并列争球

②a crowd of people who are pushing each other 相互拥挤的人群

There was a real scrimmage when the bus arrived. 公共汽车到站时,人们一窝蜂都往上挤。

rampart (TEM8)[?r?mpɑ:t]n.

A high wide wall of stone or earth with a path on top, built around a castle, town, etc. to defend it 壁垒,城墙


①a stone or a brick structure that supports a wall 扶壁,支墩

②to support or give strength to sb/sth 支持,给以力量

an argument buttressed up by solid facts 以确凿的事实为依据的论点

sturdy (TEM4)[?st?:di]adj.

①(of an object) strong and not easily damaged 结实的,坚固的

a sturdy pair of boots 一双结实的靴子

②(of people and animals, or their bodies) physically strong and healthy 强壮的,健壮的

a man of sturdy built 体格健壮的男人

派生词汇:sturdiness n.结实,健壮

scramble (TEM4) [?skr?mb?l]v.

①to move quickly, especially with difficulty, using your hands to help you (迅速而吃力地) 爬,攀登

They finally scrambled ashore. 他们终于爬上岸。

②to push, fight or compete with others in order to get or to reach sth 挣抢,抢占

The audience scrambled for the exits. 观众竞相向出口涌去。

必背搭配:scramble for sth

defy (TEM4) [di?fai]v.

To refuse to obey or show respect for sb in authority, a law, a rule, etc. 违抗,反抗,蔑视

I wouldn?t have dared to defy my teachers. 我可不敢不听老师的话。

派生词汇:defiant adj.挑战的,对抗的defiance n.挑战,违抗,蔑视

grin (TEM4) [grin]v.

To smile widely 露齿而笑,咧着嘴笑

She grinned amiably at us. 她咧着嘴向我们亲切地微笑。

必背搭配:grin and bear it 默默忍受,苦笑着忍受

epitomize (TEM8)[i?pit?maiz]v.

To be a perfect example of sth 成为…的典范

These movies seem to epitomize the 1950s. 这些影片似乎就是20世纪50年代的缩影。

派生词汇:epitome n.典型,典范

metropolis (TEM4) [mi?tr?p?lis]n.

A large important city ( of the capital city of a country or region ) 大都会,大城市,首都Beijing and Shanghai are two of the most important metropolis in Asia. 北京和上海是亚洲地区非常重要的两个大城市。

派生词汇:metropolitan adj. 大城市的,大都会的


从Group5 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

The sharp increase in crime seems to the argument for more police officers on the street. The boat was made.

Shoppers were to get the best bargains.

Hundreds of people today the ban on political gathering.

They with delight when they heard our news.

Group 6

enact (TEM4) [i?n?kt]v.

To pass a law 通过法律

Legislation enacted by parliament 由议会通过的法律

派生词汇:enactment n.(法律、法案、法令的)制定,通过,颁布

ritual (TEM4) [?rit?u?l]n.

A series of actions that are always carried out in the same way, especially as part of a religious

ceremony 程序,礼节,(尤指)宗教仪式

Pagan rituals异教礼仪

派生词汇:ritualize v.使仪式化,使程式化ritualistic adj. 仪式的

reminiscent (TEM8)[?remi?nis?nt]adj.

Reminding you of sb or sth 使回忆起(人或事)的

A reminiscent mood 缅怀往事的心情

必背搭配:be reminiscent of sb/sth

派生词汇:reminisce v.回忆,追忆reminiscence n.回忆,追忆,回忆录

embody (TEM8) [im?b?di]v.

To express or represent an idea or a quality 具体表现,体现

A politician who embodied the hopes of black youth 代表黑人亲年希望的政治家

派生词汇:embodiment n. (体现一种思想或品质的)典型,化身

repression (TEM8) [ri?pre??n]n.

The act of using force to control a group of people and restrict their freedom 压制,镇压Government repression政府的压制

派生词汇:repress v.压制,镇压repressed adj.压抑的,克制的

dynamo (TEM4)[?dain?m?u]n.

①A device for turning mechanical energy into electricity;a generator 发电机

②a person with a lot of energy 精力充沛的人

She?s a human dynamo. 她是个精力充沛的人。

Account for

①to be the explanation or cause of sth 是…的说明(或原因)

Oh well, that account for it. 哎呀,原来是这么一回事。

②to be a particular amount or part of sth (数量上,比例上) 占

The Japanese market accounts for35% of the company?s revenue. 日本市场占该公司收入的35%。

必背搭配:by/from all accounts 据说,据报道on account of sth 由于,因为take sth into account 考虑到,顾及

venerable (TEM8) [?ven?r?b?l]adj.

People or things deserve respect because they are old, important, wise etc. (因年高,显要,智慧等)令人尊重的,值得敬重的,受钦佩的

A venerable institution 令人仰慕的机构

派生词汇:venerate v.尊敬,敬仰

boulevard (TEM4) [?bu:l?vɑ:d]n.

A wide city street, often with trees on either side (市区的)林荫大道

Sunset Boulevard 日落大道

throng (TEM4)[θr??]v./n.

①a crowd of people 聚集的人群,一大群人

We pushed our way through the throng. 我们挤过人群。

②to go somewhere or be present somewhere in large numbers 群集,涌向

The children thronged into the hall. 孩子们拥进了大厅。

必背搭配:be thronged with sb/sth 挤满


从Group6 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

She objects to the of organized religion.

The way he laughed was strongly of his father.

The principles in the Declaration of Human Rights.

Boys only 20% of the class.

People are to see his new play.

Group 7

stilt [stilt]n.

One of two long pieces of wood that have a step on the side that you can stand on, so that you can walk above the ground. 高跷

A circus performer on stilts马戏团里踩高跷的演员

派生词汇:stilted adj. (言谈或写作) 生硬的,不自然的

charcoal (TEM4) [?t?ɑ:k?ul]n.

A black substance made by burning wood slowly in an oven with little air. 炭,木炭(可作燃料或供作画)

A charcoal drawing 木炭画

impersonate (TEM8) [im?p?:s?neit]v.

To pretend to be sb in order to deceive people or to entertain them 冒充,扮演

He was caught trying to impersonate a security guard. 他企图假扮警卫被抓获。

派生词汇:impersonation n. 装扮,假扮impersonator n.扮演他人的人

pimp[pimp] n.

A man who controls prostitutes and lives on the money that they earn 拉皮条的男人。

inspect (TEM4)[in?spekt]v.

①To look closely at sth/sb, especially to check that everything is satisfactory 检查,查看,审视The teacher walked around inspecting their work. 老师走来走去检查他们的作业。

②to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable 视察

Public health officials were called in to inspect the premises. 公共卫生官员奉召来视察了建筑物。

派生词汇:inspection n. 视察,检查inspector n.视察员,巡视员inspectorate n. 视察团,检查团

aficionados[??fi???nɑ:d?u] n.

A person who likes a particular sport, activity or subject very much and knows a lot about it 酷爱…者,谜

A ballet aficionado芭蕾舞谜

paradoxical (TEM8)[?p?r?d?ksik?l] adj.

Self-contradictory 自相矛盾的

It is paradoxical that some of the poorest people live in some of the richest areas of the country. 某些最贫穷的人却住在这个国家一些最富有的地区。

派生词汇:paradox n.矛盾的人(或事物,情况)

bizarre (TEM8)[bi?zɑ:] adj.

Very strange or unusual 极其怪诞的,异乎寻常的

A bizarre incident 稀奇古怪的事件

outlandish (TEM8)[aut?l?ndi?]adj.

Strange or extremely unusual 古怪的,极不寻常的

Outlandish costume 奇装异服


A person who is trained to help a lawyer. 律师助理


从Group7 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

They do a pretty good job of Laurel and Hardy.

The plants are regularly for disease.

It seems to me, but if you drink a cup of hot tea, it does not seem to cool you down.

He is an of basketball.

The incident adds a twist to last week?s escalating cycle of violence in the province.

Group 8

bondage (TEM4) [?b?ndid?]n.

The state of being a slave or prisoner 奴役,束缚

Women?s liberation from the bondage of domestic life 妇女从家庭生活束缚中的解脱

派生词汇:bond v.使牢固结合,把…紧紧地连接到bonding n.人与人之间的关系(或联结)

mortgage (TEM8) [?m?:gid?]n.

A legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc. and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow 按揭(由银行等提供房产抵押贷款);按揭贷款

A mortgage on the house 一项房产按揭

派生词汇:mortgagee n. 受抵押人,抵押权人mortgagor n.抵押人,出押人

verge (TEM4) [v?:d?]n.

A piece of grass at the edge of a path, road, etc. (路边的)小草地,绿地

A grass verge长了草的路边

必背搭配:on the verge of sth/ doing sth 濒于,接近于,行将

raging[reid?i?] adj.

①(of feelings or emotions) very strong (感情或情绪)强烈的

raging jealousy 强烈的嫉妒心

②very serious and causing strong feelings 严重的;激发强烈感情的

His speech has provoked a raging debate. 他的演讲激起了激烈的争论。

teeter (TEM8) [?ti:t?]v.

To stand or move in a unsteady way so that you look as if you are going to fall 摇晃,蹒跚而行,


She teetered after him in her high-heeled shoes. 她穿着高跟鞋一步三晃地跟在他后面走。

必背词汇:teeter on the brink /edge of sth

brink (TEM4) [bri?k]n.

①If you are on the brink of sth, you?re almost in a very new, dangerous or exciting situation (…的)边缘,(…的)初始状态

On the brink of collapse 濒于崩溃

②the extreme edge of land, for example at the top of a cliff or by a river (峭壁,河岸等)边沿,边缘

the brink of the precipice 悬崖边缘

sobriety (TEM8)[s??brai?ti]n.

①the state of being sober 未醉

I?d just drunk my third cup of coffee, and was well on the way to sobriety. 我只是在喝第三杯咖啡,我清醒得很啊。

②the fact of being sensible and serious 持重,冷静

We had the priest sitting at our table which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion. 我们让神父坐在我们这一桌,以给盛会带来一点严肃的气氛。

派生词汇:sober adj. 清醒的,冷静的sobering adj.令人警醒的,使人冷静的

renovate (TEM4)[?ren?uveit]v.

To repair and paint an old building, a piece of furniture, etc. so that it is in good condition again. 修复,翻新。

He renovates old house and sells them at a profit. 他把旧房子修整一新后出售获利。

派生词汇:renovation n.修复,翻新

yacht (TEM4)[j?t]n.

A large sailing boat, often also with an engine and a place to sleep on board, used for pleasure trips and racing 帆船,游艇

Her yacht is moored in the harbor. 她的游艇停泊在港口内。

condominium (condo)[?k?nd??mini?m]n.

An apartment building in which each flat/apartment is owned by the person living in it but the building and shared areas are owned by everyone together, a flat/apartment in such a building公寓(套房私有,其他地方属业主共有);一套公寓住房;公寓的单元房


从Group8 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

The slaves were kept in until their death.

If you fail to repay the mortgage, the bank will repossess your house.

He was on the of tears.

He …s got a temperature.

The ladder dangerously and I nearly fell off.

Group 9

approve (TEM4) [??pru:v]v.

①to think that sb is good, acceptable; a positive opinion of sb/sth 赞成,同意

Do you approve of my idea? 你同意我的想法吗?

②to officially agree to a plan, proposal, request, etc. 批准,通过(计划,提案,要求等)The committee unanimously approved the plan. 委员会一致通过了计划。

必背搭配:approve of sb/sth 同意,赞成

派生词汇:approval n.赞成,同意approving adj.赞成的,同意的disapprove v. 反对

snatch (TEM4)[sn?t?]v.

To take sth quickly and often rudely or roughly 一把抓起,一把夺过

She managed to snatch the gun from his hand. 她设法从他手里夺过了枪。

必背搭配:snatch at sth 伸手抓,试图夺

派生词汇:snatcher n. 抢劫者

console (TEM8)[k?n?s?ul]v.

To give comfort or sympathy to sb who is unhappy or disappointed 安慰,抚慰

Nothing could console him when his wife died. 他妻子去世后,什么事情也不能使他感到安慰。必背搭配:console sb/yourself with sth

派生词汇:consolation n.安慰,慰藉consolatory adj.安慰的,慰藉的

buck (TEM4) [b?k]n.

①a US or an Australian dollar (一)美元,(一)澳元

They cost ten bucks. 这些值十美元。

②a male deer , hare or rabbit 雄鹿,公兔

There was a big buck rabbit sitting calmly among the lettuces. 一只大雄兔安静地蹲在莴苣中。

vow (TEM4) [vau]v./n.

①Make a formal and serious promise to do sth or formal statement that is true 起誓,立誓,发誓

They vowed eternal friendship. 他们要立誓友谊长存。

②a formal and serious promise, especially a religious one to do sth (尤指宗教的)誓言,誓约to make a vow立誓

fateful (TEM8) [?feitf?l]adj.

Having an important , often very bad, effects on future events 对未来有重大(负面)影响的

His final fateful journey to Moscow. 他最后一次影响极大的莫斯科之行。

派生词汇:fate n.命中注定的事(尤指坏事),命运fated adj.命中注定的,命运决定的grief (TEM4)[gri:f]n.

①A feeling of great sadness, especially when sb dies (尤指当某人去世引起时) 悲伤,悲痛,伤心

They were able to share their common joys and grief. 他们做到了同甘共苦。

②something that causes great sadness 伤心事,悲痛事

It was a grief to them that they had no children.

派生词汇:grieve v.(尤指因某人的去世) 悲伤,伤心grievous adj.使人痛苦的,使人伤心的grievance n.委屈,抱怨,牢骚grief-stricken adj.(尤指因某人的去世) 极度悲伤的,悲痛欲绝的

lucrative (TEM8) [?lu:kr?tiv]adj.

Producing a large amount of money; make a large profit 赚大钱的,获利多的

Lucrative business 利润丰厚的生意

派生词汇:lucre n. (尤指来路不正的) 钱财

callous (TEM8)[?k?l?s]adj.

Not caring about other people?s feelings or suffering 冷酷无情的,冷漠的

A callous disregard for the feelings of others. 对他人感情的漠视。

派生词汇:calloused adj. (皮肤) 粗糙的,起老茧的

snap (TEM4)[sn?p]v.

①to break sth suddenly with a sharp noise; to be broken in this way (使喀嚓)断裂,绷断The wind had snapped the tree in two. 风把树喀嚓一声刮断了。

②to speak or say sth in an impatient, usually angry, voice 厉声说,怒气冲冲地说,不耐烦地说

I was tempted to snap back angrily at him. 我正想没好气地顶他几句。

派生词汇:snapper n. (尤指为报刊杂志拍摄名人照片的) 摄影者snappy adj.精炼的,简洁的,漂亮入时的snapshot n. (尤指抢拍的)照片


从Group9 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

He doesn?t of me leaving school this year.

Gordon up his jacket and left the room.

She put a arm around his shoulders.

She never to speak to him again.

She looked back now to that day in December.

Group 10

attic (TEM4)[??tik] n.

A room or space just below the roof of a house, often used for storing things (紧靠屋顶的) 阁楼,


Furniture stored in the attic存放在阁楼的家具

prominent (TEM4)[?pr?min?nt]adj.

Important or well-known 重要的,著名的,杰出的

He played a prominent part in the campaign. 他在这次运动中发挥了重要作用。

派生词汇:prominence n.重要,突出,卓越

extravagant (TEM4) [ik?str?v?g?nt]adj.

①Spending a lot more money or using a lot more of sth than you can afford or than is necessary 奢侈的,挥霍的

She?s got very extravagant tastes. 她有很奢侈的嗜好。

②costing a lot more money than you can afford or is necessary. 过于昂贵的

An extravagant present 昂贵的礼物

派生词汇:extravagance n.奢侈,挥霍extravaganza n.铺张华丽的音乐表演

pilgrim (TEM4)[?pilgrim]n.

A person who travels to a holy place for religious reasons. 朝圣的人

Christian pilgrims visiting Lourdes. 赴卢尔徳的朝圣基督徒。

派生词汇:pilgrimage n.朝圣之旅

diachronic [?dai??kr?nik]adj.

Relating to the way sth, especially a language, has developed over time. (尤指语言发展)历时的

Diachronic linguistics 历时语言学

hyponym [haip??nim] n.

A word with a particular meaning that is included in the meaning of a more general word, for example “dog” and “cat” are hyponyms of “animals”下义词,下位词

polysemous[?p?li?sim?s] adj.

(of a word) having more than one meaning 一词多义的

派生词汇:polysemy n.一词多义现象,多义性

homonym[?h?m??nim] n.

A word that is spelt like another word (and may be pronounced like it) but which has a different meaning, for example can meaning “be able” and can meaning “ put sth in a container”同形(同音)异义词(写法相同,读音可能相同,意义不同)

distress (TEM4)[di?stres]n./v.

①a feeling of great worry or unhappiness; great suffering 忧虑,悲伤,痛苦

She was obviously in distress after the attack. 她受到攻击后显然很痛苦。

②to make sb feel very worried or unhappy 使忧虑,使悲伤

It was clear that the letter had deeply distressed her. 这封信显然使她极为悲伤。

派生词汇:distressed adj.烦恼的,忧虑的

hegemony (TEM8)[hi?gem?ni]n.

Control by one country, organization, etc, over other countries, etc. within a particular group 支配权,霸权

The country?s continuing desire for political and military hegemony. 这个国家对政治和军事霸权的不断谋求。

派生词汇:hegemonic adj.霸权的,统治的hegemonism n.霸权主义

enormous (TEM4)[i?n?:m?s]adj.

Extremely large 巨大的,庞大的

An enormous amount of information 海量信息

派生词汇:enormity n.巨大,深远影响,严重性enormously adv.非常,极其


从Group10 中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。

Susie has a tiny room at the top of the house.

She was in the fashion industry.

I felt very spending £100 on a dress.

Muslim on their way to Mecca.

The newspaper article caused considerable .


1. archive



4. cram


6. affluent



9.nurturing 10. gourmet

11. burgeoning 12.swarmed 13.deployed 14.yearning 15.tumbled

16. survey 17.surged 18.fantasies 19. chronicle 20. bonus

21.buttress 22. sturdily 23. scrambling 24.defied 25. grinned

26.ritual 27.reminiscent 28.embodied 29. accounts for 30.thronging

31.impersonating 32.inspected 33. paradoxical 34.aficionoda 35. bizarre

36. bondage 37. verge 38. verge 39.raging 40.teetered

41. approve 42.snatched 43.consoling 44. vowed 45.fateful

46.attic 47.prominent 48.extravagant 49. pilgrims 50.distress


下面360教育集团为大家介绍的是关于雅思词汇记忆的两种方法,从横向和纵向两个角度为大家介绍了该如何记忆雅思词汇的相关信息。大家和小编一起来看看这些雅思词汇记忆的方法吧,看看对自己是否有帮助。 一、利用词根和词缀来记忆雅思词汇 比如我们都会学习到这样几组单词。 opt—choose/light/good adopt option optics optimistic optimum apt/ept--skill adapt aptitude adept inept 这样几组单词下来我们只是对单词进行了纵向记忆。第一个词根,是选择或是光。或是好的意思。我们无论选择什么事物都会选择好的事物。西方人们认为会发光的就是好的事物所以我们很容易就将这个单词的含义记住了。第一个词,表示采用领养的含义。本身就是选择 option 也是选择的意思 optics 以ics 结尾表示学科光学第四个单词 optimistic 表示乐观的。最后一个是最佳的。第二组单词表示技巧。第一个单词适应,第二个表示能力,第三个表示娴熟的,最后一个表示不适应的无能的。 这是我们传统的组记。我们看看还可以怎么扩充单词。拿apt举例,apt 本来是一个单词 v.适应的意思,只有适应才能获得技巧。那么为什么apt就可以表示适应呢?想适应必须适合。我们都学过一个词,就是proper a.合适的,所以又推出另外一个词appropriate ,我们发现这个词只在proper前面和后面前缀和后缀。所以这个单词的本意不会发生什么改变。还是适合适应的意思。那么我们再从这个单词中提取最关键的部分就会变成apt。只有合适的才是适合的apt再加上ad表示坚强的含义,那么这个词还是表示适合的含义。所以另外两组单词也出来了。 proper appropriate apt adapt adept adopt 二、大胆发现首字母规律记忆雅思词汇 任何一门语言都要遵循一定的规律,英语单词没有例外。雅思单词更是如此。在雅思阅读当中经常会出现一些我们写作听力口语不会用到的词汇。这一类单词我们只需要知道他们什么含义就可以。比如,在雅思阅读文章中会出现表示伪造的伪造这样的含义。如果我们稍微细心观察,就会发现这类单词有共同之处。就是这些单词都是f 开头的。 fake feign falsify采集者退散fabricate forge 这组词当中,第一个单词是一个形容词。表示假的。其他单词均为动词,表示伪造。其实究其原因,我们就会发现西方人比较愿意用f开头的词表示做的含义。例如,就有我们经常见到的词根facfeafecfic 都表示做的含义。然而是非法做成的,自然就是伪造的含义了。那么这组词根常考的单词还有feasible 能做的,就是形容词可行的含义。 例如还有在一些地质类的文章当中还会出现表示裂缝等的含义。 crevice crevasse chasm


Unit 2 The United Kingdom 语言点导学案2号 以后要加第二篇阅读上的几个句子 Class Group Name 使用时间学案完成得分双色笔使用得分 Learning Aims(学习目标): 1.Remember the words and phrases in the first part. 能记住第一部分所学单词与短语 2.Be familiar with the usage of the words and phrases in the first part. 熟知所学语言点的用法 Learning importance (学习重点): Master the usage of the new words and phrases in the first part by reciting and practising repeatedly. 通过反复识记与练习,掌握第一部分所学单词与短语的用法。Teaching and learning methods(教学方法): Tasked-based; Independent任务型、自主型 Learning Contents (学习内容): Ⅰ. Words单词集结 1.consist vi. 组成;在于;一致。常用搭配: consist of 由……组成(注意:没有实行时态和被动语态) =be made up of/be composed of consist in =lie in 在于,存有于 consist with 与……一致 完成句子 ()1.The United Kingdom _____________/_________________/ ______________Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


A.coroner B.accomplice C.felon D.claimant 404._is a cluster of tiny plants that looks like moss and grows on rocks,trees,malls, etc. A.Clover B.Cedar C.Lichen D.Leech 405.A_is the main part of the body of a boat or tank. A.tusk B.hull C.rooster D.duct 406.We ran when the bull began to_. A.dribble B.engender C.fizz D.snort 407.The_drove the ship on the rock. A.drizzle B.tempest C.haze https://www.doczj.com/doc/0116748677.html,ieu 408.Once you've_to the heat you won't feel so tired. A.enraged B.acclimatized C.foreboded D.gargled 409.If the sun_something,especially the ground or plants,it makes it completely dry. A.impends B.lilts C.parches D.traduces 410.After wavshing them in soapy water,_the clothes thoroughly. A.leer B.harrow C.maculate D.rinse 411.We'll need to have a new electric_fitted into the wall for the teievision plug. A.schooner B.socket C.rudder D.cartridge 412.Leaves turned to shimming silver as_played through them. A.solos B.zephyrs C.hurricanes D.galaxies 413.Much of what he said was beyond her comprehension but she understood the_ of his remarks. A.tac B.tact C.tanner D.tenor 414.A_is a very ba.d snow storm with strong winds.. A.blizzard B.bliss C.blister D.bazaar 415._is a red powder which people,especially women and actors,put on their cheeks in order to give them more color. A.Pip B.Rum C.Yogurt D.Rouge 416.The coronation of the new king was performed with great_. A.pomp B.pump C.plump D.plumb 417.During his_in Africa the missionary learned much about native customs. A.sojourn B.iris C.peril D.rapture 418.He received the ball from the'right near the penalty spot,then_it wide of the goal. A.assayed B.exterminated C.jabbed D.jeered 419.Insurance_losses were heavy last year due to a number of natural disasters. A.unraveling B.underwritmg C.understating D.unassuming 420.This Bob Dylan_includes some'rare recordings of his best songs. A.anthology B.anthem C.anthropology D.antidote 421.The president of this company is just a_—the chief Executive has day-to-day control. A.hind B.playboy C.figurehead D.backdrop 422.Silver_easily and turns black if not polished regularly.


20个雅思单词词汇经典快速记忆法 只有掌握了大量的雅思词汇才能在此基础上有“可观的收获”,雅思词汇记忆是痛 苦又乏味的,是一个日积月累的过程。 为了大家更好的记忆雅思词汇下面是小编为大家搜索整理的20种雅思词汇记忆方法。 大家可以试试: 1、逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。 a 、把几个字母看作一个来记,如night light center fight night mightsighttight b 、外旧内新,如bridge桥看成ridge山脊,sharp看成sharp、harp竖琴 c 、外新内旧,如cleave劈开看成cleave,tact机智看成tact 2、联想记忆 a 、音与形的联想即根据读音规则记忆单词 b 、形与义的联想如eye把两个e看成两个眼,banana把a看成一个个的香蕉,bird把b和d看成两个翅膀 c、象声词联想实际的声音,如gong 锣,coo咕咕声 3、分类记忆:把单词进行分门别类,如动物植物等进行分类记忆,你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 4、卡片记忆:自己制作单词卡片,随时随身进行单词记忆,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配例句等。 5、感官记忆:记单词时不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听嘴读手写眼看心记等 6、软件记忆:有电脑的可利用电脑软件进行记单词,如开心背单词、开天辟地背单词、我爱背单词等 7、构词记忆:利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词 8、图表记忆:利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意形物直观的结合到一起,你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考 9、游戏记忆:通过自己和集体做游戏,在轻松愉快的气氛中进行单词记忆 10、歌曲记忆:通过唱英语歌曲记忆单词 11、阅读记忆:通过阅读英语文章小说等记忆单词注意选择难度要适宜


高考英语口语精选试题:第五套 Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Working long hours can greatly increase the risk of suffering injury or illness, a recent risk study says. Workers who do overtime were 61% more likely to become hurt or ill, once factors such as age and so on were taken into account. And working more than 12 hours a day raised the risk by more than a third, one of the universities in Chicago found. According to their report, risk increased with longer working hours, not just in dangerous jobs, but in all types of work. Part Two: Make quick responses to the sentences you hear: 1. Sorry to trouble you, but do you happen to know when the lecture begins? 2. What do you think of the film directed by the young director? 3. I will get my doctor’s degree next week. 4. What is Hangzhou most famous for? 5. A new chain shop of the shopping mall will open soon in our community. Part Three: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation:


时间:2008-10-10 09:07 | 分类:学习笔记- 英语知识 主题:专八高频词汇100个 1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在 3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on 5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有 6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解 7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地, 8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地 9. in accord with 与…一致/ out of one’s accord with 同….不一致 10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地 11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据 12. on one’s own account 1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益 2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责 3) (=by oneself)依靠自己


必修二unit 1 单词练习题 2 一,单项选择题 1.It is really a pity that as many as 58 lives didn’t ________ the big high-rise(摩天大楼) fire that happened in Shanghai on 15th November, 2010. A. perform B. succeed C. remove D. survive 2. There are concerns that the beggars in the street may not ______ the freezing winter. A. survive B. live C. suffer D. experience 3. The police as well as the lost child’s parents set out, ________ the nearby forest for the boy. A. searching B. searching for C. in search of D. in search for 4. –What do you think of the sudden news? – Well, it’s quite ______ and I am quite _____ at it. A. amazed; amazed B, amazed; amazing C. amazing; amazing D. amazing; amazed 5. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health ____________poor. A. proves B. remains C. maintains D. Continues 6. We should learn from the spirit of the Foolish Old Man _____ the mountains in our daily study. A. removed B. moved D. who removed D. who moved 7. There are two buildings, ______ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which 8. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _____ are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 9. The old man used ____ in front of his house and he has got used to _____like that. A. to sit; doing B. to sitting; do C. to sit; do D. to sitting; doing 10. It is not _____ to discuss the question again and again. A. worth B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worth while 11. You should understand the traffic rules by now. You’ve had it ______often enough. A. explaining B, to explain C. explain D. explained 12. You’ll find this map of great ______ in helping you to get round London. A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness 13. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt ____ a cure for AIDS will be found. A. which B. that C. what D. whether 14. With the help of the government, a large number of people _____after the terrible earthquake of May 12th, 2008. A. survived B. remained C. lived D. saved 15. Though is was dark and raining hard, the children went out _____their lost dog. A. in honor of B. in celebration of C. in danger of D. in search of 16. The young man helped the company recover, so his boss gave him an apartment _______. A. in return B. in turn C. in charge D. in fact 17. Judging from the look on his face, he didn’t think ____ of our plan. A. well B. good C. nice D. high 18. –Why was he ____from his position? --- Because he broke the rule on purpose. A. disappeared B. gone C. removed D. beaten 19. The news _______ any doubts about the company’s future. Everybody in the company was happy. A. removed B. renamed C. reminded D. replaced 2o. The princess’s hat was really fancy, which ______with gold and jewels. A. dressed B. decorated C. was dressed D. was decorated 21. There are many dictionaries here. Which one _____ you? A. is belonging to B. is belonged to C. belongs to D. belongs 22. There is no doubt _____ you will be given a ______reception.


Word List 1 abandon vt.放弃,遗弃 abate v.减轻,降价 ability n.能力,本领,才能 abolish vt.废止,废除 abundant vi.富于,充满 absent a.不在场的,心不在焉的absenteeism n.旷课,旷工 absorb v.吸收,吸引...注意abstraction n.抽象 absurd a.荒谬,荒唐 abuse vt./n.滥用,虐待,辱骂academic a.学院,学术的,不切实际的,大学老师 accelerate vt.&vi.加速;促进 access n.接近,进入,通道;v进入,使用 accessible a.能接近的,可以达到的accessory n.附件,(常pl.)装饰品accomodation n.住宿,膳宿accompany vt.&vi.陪伴,伴奏accomplish vt.达到(目的),完成account n.帐,帐户;v.说明....的原因;占 accountant n.会计师 accreditation n.信任,委派,信赖,鉴定合格 accumulate v.积累,堆积;accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性) accurate a.准确无误的,精确的achievement n.成就,成绩 acid n.酸的;a.酸的,尖刻的acknowledge vt.承认,确认,感谢acoustic a.声音(学)的;听觉的acquaint vt.(使)认识;(使)熟悉acquaintance n.认识;了解 acquire vt.取得,获得 acquisition n.取得,获得物 acrobat n.特技演员,杂质演员activate vt.&vi.激活,加速反应actual a.实际的,真实的 acumen n.敏锐,精明 acute a.灵敏的,剧烈的,猛烈的adapt vt.&vi.使适合,使改编adaptation n.适应,改编 addict n.有瘾的人;vt.使上瘾addition n.加,增加(物) additional a.附加的,追加的 address n.地址,演说;vt.说话对付adequate a.充足的;合适的,胜任的adhere vi.粘附;遵守;坚持 adjacent a.邻近的,毗连的 adjust v.校准,调节,使...适应administer vt.&vi.掌管,给予administration n.管理(部门),行政(机关) admission n.允许进入,许可入学admit v.承认,准许...进入,准许...加入 adolescent n.青少年;a.青春期的;青少年的 adopt vt.采用,采取,收养 advance v./n.前进,预付;a.预先的;先行 的 advanced a.先进的 advantage n.优点,优势 advent n.出现,到来 adventure n.冒险,冒险活动 adverse a.不利的,有害的 advertise vt.为...做广告;宣传 advocate vt.提倡;n.拥护者;提倡者 aeration n.通风 aerobics n.有氧运动法;健美操 aeronautics n.航空学 airplane n.飞机 aerospace n.宇宙空间,航空宇宙 aesthetic a.美学的,审美的 affect v.影响,感染 afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨 Word List 2 afford vt.担负得起 agency n.机构;代理;代办 agenda n.议程;议程表 aggravation n.加重;恶化 aggressive a.侵略的,攻击性的;有闯 劲的 aggressiveness n.侵略;争斗;攻击 agriculture n.农业;农学 ailment n.疾病 airtight a.密闭的;无懈可击的 aisle n.过道;通道 alarm n.报警器;闹钟;警报;vt.(使) 惊恐;(使)担心 alchemist n.炼金术士 alcohol n.酒精 alert a.警惕的;n.警戒;警报;vt.警告 alienation n.疏远;离间 alight vi.落下a.点着的 alignment n.排成直线;联盟 alley n.小巷;胡同 allocate vt.分配;分派 allowance n.津贴;允许,容忍 alluvial a.冲积的;淤积的 almond n.杏树;杏仁 alter vt.改变;变动 alternate a.轮流的;间隔的v.(使)轮 流 alternative n.二选一,选择;a.两者选 一的 altitude n.海拔;[pl.]高地 aluminium n.铝 amass vt.积聚 amateur n.外行;业余爱好者;a.业余 的 amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕 ambassador n.大使,使节 ambiguous a.含糊其辞的;不明确的 ambitious a.有抱负的;有野心的 ambulance n.救护车;野战医院 amorphous a.无定形的;无组织的;非 结晶质的 amount n.总额;vi.合计 amplify vt.放大(声音等);vi.详述 analogous a.类似的 analyse vt.分析;分解 anatomy n.解剖学;解剖结构 ancient a.古老的;年老的 and so forth 等等 anecdotal a.轶话的,轶闻趣事的 announce vt.宣布;声称 annoy vt.使烦恼;打搅 annual a.每年的,一年一次的 anthropologist n.人类学家 anticipate v.先于...行动;预见 antidote n.解毒药 antiquity n.古代;古迹 anxious a.渴望的;忧虑的 apace ad.快速地,急速地 apart ad.相间隔;分离;除去;a.分离 的 ape n.猿;vt.模仿 apparatus n.器械;组织 apparent n.显然的;表面上的 apparently ad.显然地;看来 appeal vi.呼吁;吸引;n.感染力,吸 引力 appearance n.出现;外观 appetite n.食欲,胃口 applaud v.(向...)鼓掌喝彩;称赞 appliance n.用具,器具 applicant n.申请人 application n.申请;应用,运用 apply v.应用,使用;申请 appoint vt.任命,委任;指定(时间、 地点等) appointment n.约会 appraisal n.估计;评价 approach vt.向...靠近,来临;n.方法, 途径 appropriate a.适当的v.挪用;拔出(款 项) Word List 3 approval n.赞成、同意、正式批准 approve v.同意 approximate a.近似的 apt a.易于….的,适宜的、敏捷的 aptitude n.适宜、才能 aquarium n.养鱼池,玻璃缸,水族馆 arable a.可耕作的,耕地 arboreal a.树木的,栖于树木的 architect n.建筑师 architecture n..建筑,建筑式样 archives n.档案、文件;档案室;存档 argue v.争论;说服 argument n.争论;观点 aridity n.干旱;乏味 arithmetic n.算术 arrange v.安排;排列 arrangement n.安排;准备工作 array n.部署;陈列;大批 - 1 -


高二英语必修五Unit2单词 unite vi. & vt. 联合;团结 kingdom n. 王国 consist vi. 组成;在于;一致 consist of 由……组成 △London Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思罗机场 province n. 省;行政区 △River Avon 埃文河 △River Thames 泰晤士河 △River Severn 塞文河 divide…into 把……分成 △Wales 威尔士(英) △Scotland 苏格兰(英) △Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰(英) clarify vt. 澄清;阐明 accomplish vt. 完成;达到;实现 conflict n. 矛盾;冲突 unwilling adj. 不愿意(的);不乐意(的) break away (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离 union n. 联合;联盟;结合;协会 △the Union Jack 英国国旗 credit n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷 to one’s credit 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下currency n. 货币;通货 institution n. 制度;机制;公共机构 △educational adj. 教育的 convenience n. 便利;方便 rough adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的 roughly adv. 粗略地;粗糙地 △Midlands 英格兰中部地区(英) nationwide adj. 全国性的; 全国范围的 attract vt. 吸引;引起注意 △historical adj. 历史(上)的; 有关历史的 architecture n. 建筑学;建筑艺术 △Roman n. (古)罗马人 adj. (古)罗马的 collection n. 收藏品;珍藏;收集 administration n. 管理;行政部门 port n. 港口(城市) △Anglo-Saxon

人教版新目标(Go for it)八年级英语下册第 5 单元诊断性自测题D卷

人教版新目标(Go for it)八年级英语下册第 5 单元诊断性自测题D卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、单项选择 (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分)- Where are you going, Bob? - To go hiking. Eric ________ for me at the school gate! A . was waiting B . waits C . waited D . is waiting 2. (2分)Speak aloud, please! I can ______ hear you. A . usually B . almost C . hardly D . nearly 3. (2分)- There are some boys ______ basketball over there. - Let's go and join them. A . are playing B . playing C . to play 4. (2分)—Where were your parents at half past eight yesterday evening? —At home. At that time, my mother ______ some cleaning while my father ______ a football match on TV. A . did; watched B . did; was watching C . was doing; watched D . was doing; was watching 5. (2分)The girl with two cats ____ in the yard when the earthquake happened. A . was playing B . is playing


怎样训练英语专八听力 全国性的英语专业八级考试是一项检验英语专业学生语言能力的考试。该文就听力题型部分进行分析,从实践角度就如何使学生在练习中应用技巧解决难题,提高听力水平提出了一些建议。 怎样训练英语专八听力 (1)选择准确的听力材料 实际上,“听”和“说”不分家的原则也体现在TEM-8考试中。TEM-8考试听力均选自一般口语性较强、反映现代生活的英语资料。因此,考生可以集中精力多听一些大众媒介英语,进行实战演习。所选听力材料在难度上应低于阅读材料,因为读不懂的东西一般听不懂。来源于报刊、杂志、电影、电视的英语是练习听力的极好的材料。英语专业的学生,特别是高年级学生,可以通过看原版电影或听电影录音剪辑来练习听力。一般学校都会有丰富的音像资料,许多城市还专门开辟了英语电视频道,电视英语新闻对考生应付TEM-8考试第三部分有很大的帮助。 (2)选用恰当的练习方法 练习听力时,大家可采取“精听”和“泛听”两种方式结合来训练自己,前者的重点在于深度,后者则注重广度。精听的目的在于从what,who,where, when, why 和how等角度入手,弄懂与之有关的所有问题,即所有细节性问题;而泛听则是听懂大意即

可。通过这两方面长期不懈的努力,考生最终能获得用英语进行思维的能力。如果能做到用英语思考问题,那么做对几道试题是不会有太多困难的,因为试题从广义上也就分为两大类,局部理解题和通篇理解题,前者属于精听的范畴,而后者则属于泛听的对象。听的目的在于懂,那么,如何衡量自己是否听懂呢?一个行之有效的方法就是“复述”。在听完一个片段后,可将所听的内容重复一遍,如果具有较高的准确度,就说明真正听懂了;否则需要再听一遍,如果连听几遍还无法较为满意地复述,说明所听内容太难,应予以更换。 与此同时,还应通过“读”帮助“听”,特别是在听新闻方面。与其他听力材料相比,新闻具有其鲜明的特点。新闻的内容特别广泛,几乎覆盖生活的各个方面。听英语新闻的最大一个障碍是对新闻词汇的生疏。因此,在学习听新闻的初级阶段,可以阅读一些大众媒体文献,如报纸、刊物,从中积累一些新闻用语,一些重要组织的名称如EEC(European EconomicCommunity)欧洲经济共同体、IMF(I nternational MonetaryFund)国际货币基金会、OPEC(Or ganization of PetroleumExporting Countries)石油输出国组织、NASA(National Aeronautics andSpac eAdministration)国家航空和航天局;单词如upsurge(高涨)、manoeuvre(策略)、escalation(升级)、allegation(断言)等等。对现实生活各个领域的词汇都略知一二是听懂新闻的基础。新闻作为一种语言测试题型也是语言在现实生活中真实运用的体现。在TEM-8考试中,新闻的内容均为考生所熟悉的一般性政治、经济、


就英语学习而言,大量的单词积累至关重要的,是学习英语的基础,360教育集团特整理了巧妙记忆雅思词汇的二十种方法,以帮助大家快速记忆词汇。 雅思词汇记忆方法1、逻辑记忆: 通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。 a 、把几个字母看作一个来记,如night light center fight night mightsighttight b 、外旧内新,如bridge桥看成ridge山脊,sharp看成sharp、harp竖琴 c 、外新内旧,如cleave劈开看成cleave,tact机智看成tact 雅思词汇记忆方法2、联想记忆 a 、音与形的联想即根据读音规则记忆单词 b 、形与义的联想如eye把两个e看成两个眼,banana把a看成一个个的香蕉,bird把b和d看成两个翅膀 c、象声词联想实际的声音,如gong 锣,coo咕咕声 雅思词汇记忆方法3、分类记忆: 把单词进行分门别类,如动物植物等进行分类记忆,你可以找一本分类字典作为参考。 雅思词汇记忆方法4、卡片记忆: 自己制作单词卡片,随时随身进行单词记忆,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配例句等。 雅思词汇记忆方法5、感官记忆: 记单词时不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听嘴读手写眼看心记等 雅思词汇记忆方法6、软件记忆: 有电脑的可利用电脑软件进行记单词,如开心背单词、开天辟地背单词、我爱背单词等 雅思词汇记忆方法7、构词记忆:

利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词 雅思词汇记忆方法8、图表记忆: 利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意形物直观的结合到一起,你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考 雅思词汇记忆方法9、游戏记忆: 通过自己和集体做游戏,在轻松愉快的气氛中进行单词记忆 雅思词汇记忆方法10、歌曲记忆: 通过唱英语歌曲记忆单词 雅思词汇记忆方法11、阅读记忆: 通过阅读英语文章小说等记忆单词注意选择难度要适宜 雅思词汇记忆方法12、同义记忆: 通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意它们的意义的区别 雅思词汇记忆方法13、反义记忆: 通过反义词一起进行单词记忆扩大了词义 雅思词汇记忆方法14、词典记忆: 背字典这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法,它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的意义,可以作为一种短时间的强化手段。 雅思词汇记忆方法15、复习记忆: 单词记住了很快会忘掉,每隔一段时间要进行复习巩固所学单词 雅思词汇记忆方法16、商标记忆: 通过看到的商标和广告随时随地进行单词记


Book5 Unit2 The United Kingdom 基础知识考练 一.根据课文内容,用所学单词短语填空 A 组Puzzles in Geography 1.You can _______ this question why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland if you study British history. 2. Now when people ______ _______ England you find Wales included as well. 3.Happily the formation of Great Britain was accomplished without ______ when King James of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. 4.However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and_____ ______ to form its own government. 5.To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they will have very different __________ 6. England is the largest of the four countries, and for _________ it is divided roughly into three zones. 7.You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the ________ cities in the Midlands and the North of England. 8. It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not_______ visitors. 9.For historical ________ you have to go to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more about British history and culture. 10.The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art _______, theatres, parks and buildings. 11.London is the centre of national government and its _________. 12.There have been four sets of ______ of England--- the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings and the Normans 13.The Vikings, ________ the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England, and the fourth, the Normans, left castles and introduced new words for food. 14.If you ____ _____the British countryside you will find evidence of all these invaders. 15.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom ________and worthwhile. B组Sightseeing in London 16.Worried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had _____ _____ _____ ____ the sites she wanted to see in London. 17.To her _____, she saw the solid stone, square Tower the first time she traveled to London 18.This tower had remained standing for one thousand years. it remained part of a _____ palace and prison combined. 19.The special soldiers who guarded the Queen's jewels ,on special occasions, still wore the

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