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高中英语人教版选择性必修第一册Unit1 Period1教案

Unit 1 People of Achievement Period 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计


Period 1 TU YOU YOU

AW ARDED NOBEL PRIZE 单元Unit 1 学科English 年级


Class 3

教材分析Reading and thinking is a news report.The passage mainly tells about “Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize”,asks students to learn the Artemisinin research process,analyze and refine Tu Youyou’s excellent quality.

教学目标与核心素养1.Knowledge objectives:To prediction of the content;To make the structure of the passage; To fully understand the whole article.

2.Skill objectives: To get the main idea,paragraph meaning and some details by careful reading.

3. Emotional objectives:To sum up and refine the greatness of Tu Youyou and the team;

4. Thinking quality objectives: To describe the character of Tu you in the form of recommendation letter according to the content and feeling of the text;


Summarizing and refining the greatness of Tu Youyou and the team.

难点1.What kind of person makes great discoveries?

2.What qualities do the research team possess according to the data?



Step1. Lead in 1.describing some people to

students,guess who they are according

to the description;

2.Give a picture of sweet warm wood

and ask students to guess who

discovered the artemisinin ;

Students can guess

the people according

to the description.

To arouse

students’ interest

and lead in the


Step6: Homework 1. Memorize new words.

2. Preview Language Points.

高中英语人教版选择性必修第一册Unit1 Period1教案

Unit 1 People of Achievement Period 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计 课题 Period 1 TU YOU YOU AW ARDED NOBEL PRIZE 单元Unit 1 学科English 年级 Senior1 Class 3 教材分析Reading and thinking is a news report.The passage mainly tells about “Tu Youyou Awarded Nobel Prize”,asks students to learn the Artemisinin research process,analyze and refine Tu Youyou’s excellent quality. 教学目标与核心素养1.Knowledge objectives:To prediction of the content;To make the structure of the passage; To fully understand the whole article. 2.Skill objectives: To get the main idea,paragraph meaning and some details by careful reading. 3. Emotional objectives:To sum up and refine the greatness of Tu Youyou and the team; 4. Thinking quality objectives: To describe the character of Tu you in the form of recommendation letter according to the content and feeling of the text; 重点 Summarizing and refining the greatness of Tu Youyou and the team. 难点1.What kind of person makes great discoveries? 2.What qualities do the research team possess according to the data? 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step1. Lead in 1.describing some people to students,guess who they are according to the description; 2.Give a picture of sweet warm wood and ask students to guess who discovered the artemisinin ; Students can guess the people according to the description. To arouse students’ interest and lead in the topic;


班级:__________ 姓名: Book4 Unit1 People of Achievement Period 2 Key phrases and sentences 一、重点短语 1.come to power (开始)掌权;上台 [教材原句]Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. 1933年,希特勒 dying fire.雪停了,但过了一段时间,一股强风把我们即将熄灭的火焰吹了起来。 单句语法填空 ①I am sorry; it's beyond my power to make such a decision. ①This kind of animals has some powerful (power) teeth. ①She always has the power to control (control) the situation. 2.take up a position 担任;任职 [教材原句]After spending time in Europe, he finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. 在欧洲度过一段时间后,他终于在美国普林斯顿高等研究broadened.我打算担任志愿者,能够从中开拓我的视野。 (1)写出下列句中黑体部分的含义 ①In fact, surfing the Internet takes up most of her time.占据 ①The teacher took up the lesson where he left off last week.继续 ①Peter will take up the management of the finance department.开始从事 (2)单句写作 ①这个城市发展很快, 呈现出新的面貌。 The city has been developing very fast and it has taken on a new look. ⑤智能手机不仅占用了我们宝贵的时间,而且对我们的健康也有很大的危害。 Smartphones not__only__take__up__our__valuable__time__but__also do great harm to our health. 3.sum up 计算……的总数;总结;概括 [教材原句]Use your notes to write your introduction and sum up how you feel about this person. 用负我们学校的期望。 (1)写出下列句中黑体词的含义 ①You will be fined the sum of £200.款项;金额 ①The sum of 7 and 12 is 19.总和;总数 ①This is the sum of my achievements so far.全部 (2)单句写作 ①To sum up , there are three main ways of settling the problem. 总之,解决这个问题的方法主要有三种。 二、重点句型 1. [教材原句]Artemisinin has become a vital part of the treatment for malaria ,and is thought to save 100,000 lives a year in Africa alone. 青蒿素成了抗疟疾药物的关键成分, 据估计每年仅在非洲就挽救了10 万人的性命。 【重点句式】 Sb./Sth. be thought to... 某人/ 某物被认为……,后接动词原形 Eg:The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.鱼肉里的脂肪被认为有助于预防心脏病。 【学法点拨】 该句式还可以换成It is/was thought that…,用it 做形式主语,that 引导主语从句。 Eg:It is thought that the fats in fish help prevent heart disease. ②The accident is reported to have occurred on the first Sunday in February. =It is reported that the accident occurred on the first Sunday in February. 【注意】动词不定式有时态和语态的变化。


人教版高中英语必修一unit1教案最终版 人教版高中英语必修一unit1教案最终版 一、课程介绍 本单元为人教版高中英语必修一的第一单元,主题为“问候与介绍”。通过本单元的学习,学生能够掌握基本的英语问候与介绍用语,提高口语表达能力。 二、教学目标 1、学生能够准确、流利地使用英语进行问候与自我介绍。 2、学生能够理解并运用基本的问候与介绍用语。 3、学生能够根据情境进行角色扮演,提高口语表达能力。 4、通过学习,学生能够增强自信心,主动与他人交流。 三、教学内容 1、课文阅读:本单元提供了一篇关于问候与介绍的短文,学生需要理解并掌握其中的重点词汇和语法结构。 2、听力练习:通过听一段对话,学生能够理解并掌握日常问候与介绍的用语。

3、口语表达:学生需要进行多次口语练习,包括个人介绍、两人对话、小组讨论等,提高口语表达能力。 4、写作训练:学生需要写一篇关于自己或他人的介绍文章,巩固所学知识。 四、教学步骤 1、导入新课:通过简单的问候,引导学生进入本单元的主题。 2、讲解新词:学习本单元的新单词,包括生词、词组和习惯用法。 3、课文阅读:阅读本单元提供的短文,并回答相关问题。 4、听力练习:听一段对话,并回答相关问题。 5、口语表达:进行多次口语练习,包括个人介绍、两人对话、小组讨论等。 6、写作训练:写一篇关于自己或他人的介绍文章。 7、复习巩固:回顾本单元所学内容,加深印象。 五、教学评价 1、课堂提问:通过提问,检测学生对本单元重点内容的掌握情况。 2、小测验:进行小测验,检测学生对本单元重点词汇、语法和习惯

用法的掌握情况。 3、课后作业:布置课后作业,让学生巩固本单元所学内容。 六、教学反思 1、成功之处:通过多种教学方法的运用,本节课取得了良好的教学效果,学生积极参与,课堂氛围热烈。 2、不足之处:部分学生的口语表达能力还有待提高,需要加强针对性的训练。 3、改进措施:针对学生的不足,制定个性化的教学方案,加强针对性的训练,提高学生的口语表达能力。 七、教学建议 1、建议教师在教学中注重学生的参与度,创造更多的口语表达机会,让学生在实践中提高口语表达能力。 2、建议教师在教学中注重培养学生的语感,通过多种形式的阅读和听力练习,帮助学生更好地掌握日常用语和习惯用法。 3、建议教师在教学中注重评价和反馈,及时发现学生的问题并给予指导,帮助学生更好地掌握本单元的重点内容和技能。 总之,本单元是人教版高中英语必修一的第一单元,主题为“问候与

2019新人教高中英语选择性必修一Unit1Using Language(p6-p9)公开课教案

2019新人教高中英语选择性必修一 Unit 1 Using Language公开课教案 Using Language1--Explore the meaning of greatness Teaching aims: 1.Enable students to obtain the key information on the great people and their achievements from the listening material. 2.Identify expressions used to introduce great people’s quality and achievements. 3.Express you ideas on the causes of the great people’s success by using expressions of giving opinions and reasons. 4.Internalize what your have thought to form positive values by setting the great people as personal role models. Teaching key and difficult points: 1.Obtain the key information from the listening material and learn to use the expressions in the listening text to introduce great people’s quality and achievement. 2.Enable students to express their ideas on the causes of the great people’s success and learn from them with the help of the target vocabulary and expressions. Teaching procedures: StepⅠLead-in Enjoy a poem To the tune of Chin Yuan Chun See what the northern countries show: Hundreds of leagues ice-bound go; Thousands of leagues flies snow. Behold!Within and without the Great Wall The boundless land is clad in white, And up and down the Yellow River,all The endless waves are lost to sight. Mountains like silver serpents dancing,

人教版高中英语必修一 Unit1 示范教案

【英语】新人教版必修一 Unit1 示范教案 Teaching plan Unit one Teaching aims: 1. 能力目标: ①Listening: gain useful information and clear views from the listening material; ②Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words. ③Reading: let Ss summarize the main idea ④Writing: write a letter about how to make friends 2. 知识目标: ①Talk about friends and friendship; how to BE friends; how to gain friendship ②Use the following expression: so do I / neither do I I think it is a good idea All right Yes,but… ③to get the Ss to master direct speech and indirect speech ④vocabulary and phrases: upset, calm, concern, careless, loose, cheat, list, share, German, series, outdoors, crazy, purpose, thunder, entirely, power, trust, suffer, teenager, advice, quiz, editor, communicate, situation, add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, walk the dog, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, so as to, face to face, according to, get along with, fall in love with, join in, be upset about, for once

高中英语人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 1 单元语篇教学分析与整体设计 教案

Unit 1 Teenage Life 单元语篇教学设计 单元语篇教学分析与整体设计 单元主题名称:青少年生活 单元主题语境:人与自我之学校学习和生活 单元主题内容:本单元主题围绕青少年生活展开,在“人与自我”单元主题语境下,探讨了中外青少年在学习、课外活动、兴趣爱好、人际交往等方面的状况及面临的问题。 单元主题育人功能:本单元旨在帮助学生真实、客观地了解和思考高中生活,能够以积极和阳光的心态规划未来的学习和生活,成就更好的自己。 单元板块与课程内容要素分析:


单元教学重点: 1. 在语篇语境中学习、理解单元主要单词、词块和句式结构的用法,并能正确使用单元主要单词、词块和句式结构进行口头和书面表达; 2. 阅读自述体语篇,理解其语篇特征及语言特点,获取有效信息; 3. 熟悉并掌握建议信的常用语篇结构,掌握提建议的常用表达方式,能够写一封针对解决青少年问题的建议信; 4. 理解并正确运用名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语; 5. 在阅读和视听中利用语篇标题、图片、关键词、主题句等预测语篇内容、获得语篇大意。 6. 了解中外青少年在学习生活、课外活动和成长中可能面临的身心问题以及中外青少年学习生活的异同,开阔文化视野; 7. 客观地比较、分析中外青少年学习生活的异同,理性地分析青少年学习生活中的问题,并提出解决方案。

单元教学难点: 1. 正确使用单元主要单词、词块和句式结构进行口头和书面表达; 2. 掌握建议信的语篇结构,写一封针对解决青少年问题的建议信; 3. 理解并正确运用名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语; 4. 理解中外青少年学习生活的异同,开阔文化视野,树立良好的心态; 5. 理性地分析青少年学习生活中的问题,并提出解决方案。 单元语篇教学整体设想:



Julie: Max is in the V olunteer Club. He says that they mostly help clean up parks and give directions to visitors. _________? … Step3 Post-listening 该环节是听力理解完成后的口语输出活动,学生结对自编对话,谈论如何选择适合自己的社团。 〔1〕利用听前准备阶段呈现过的社团图片或学生罗列的社团名称,开展师生对话,为学生小组对话活动做好准备。教师提问: Which club would you like to choose? Why? 教学提示:在这个步骤之前,教师可以事先收集班内四位学生从事不同爱好活动〔如play the violin、take photos、make plane models、read a novel等〕的照片,然后让学生将这些照片与四个社团〔如Music Club、Photography Club、Model Club、Reading Club等〕进行匹配,帮助学生过渡到口语表达阶段。 〔2〕教师带着学生学习示范对话,让学生关注对话中表示喜好和建议的表达法,还可以把初中学过的相关表达法进行总结。 〔3〕学生结对自编对话,然后进行展示,最后教师进行评价。 Step4 Pronunciation 1. 学生听录音,跟读、模仿活动1中字母组合的准确发音。 2. 教师引导学生进行总结,并写出更多含有这些字母组合并且发音相同的词,以起到稳固、强化的作用。 3. 学生先听一遍活动2的录音并跟读,然后结对朗读活动2中的谚语,尤其注意粗体字母组合的发音。同伴之间可以相互纠正发音,共同进步。

高二英语人教版选择性必修第一册学案:Unit 1

Section A Reading and Thinking 1.掌握本节单词、词组。 2.了解屠呦呦人物生平及事迹。 3.发展不同学习技能,解决不同的阅读问题。 1. vital 词性:____________ 意思:_____________ be vital to/ for 对……至关重要 It is vital to do sth. 做某事是至关重要的 It is vital that………是至关重要的(that 从句要用虚拟语气,即谓语用“should+动词原形”)It is vital that we (should) help children set correct moral values. 我们帮助孩子树立正确的道德价值观是至关重要的。 练习:It is for a journalist ____________ (keep) accurate records. 2. commit 词性:____________ 意思:_____________ 词性:____________ 意思:_____________ commit sb./ oneself to (doing) sth. 承诺/保证做某事 committed adj. 尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信的 be committed to 致力于;委身于 commitment n. 承诺;投入;委托 make a commitment 做出承诺 He has committed a crime and should be sent to prison. 他犯了罪,应该被送进监狱。 练习:He has committed himself _________ the cause of education. 3. evaluate 词性:____________ 意思:_____________ evaluate one's ability 评估某人的能力

高中英语选择性必修第一册 Unit1Grammar and usage 教案

Book 1 Unit 1 Food matters Grammar and usage To-infinitives as subjects and predicatives 一、教学目标 By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. identify the use of to-infinitives as subjects and predicatives; 2. work out the rules of to-infinitives used as subjects and predicatives; 3. distinguish and use the right form of to-infinitives to finish tasks of rewriting sentences and completing a magazine article; 4. apply to-infinitives in new situations. 二、教学重难点 1. To distinguish and use the right form of to-infinitives to finish tasks; 2. To apply to-infinitives in new situations. 三、教学过程 步骤教学活动设计意图互动时间/模式Lead-in Step 1 1. The teacher has students read the blog entry on Page 6 and complete a mind map. 2. The teacher has students complete the table of Part A on Page 6. 通过阅读, 引导学生了解 “外出吃饭和 在家做饭”这 个语篇的脉络 框架,并在此基 础上观察文中 动词不定式的 使用情况。 5’ Individual Work Exploring the rules


《Unit1 People of Achievement》 教学设计 一、教学内容 了解屠呦呦获诺贝尔新闻事件,梳理青蒿素研究过程,分析和提炼屠呦呦的优秀品质。 二、课时目标 1. 能利用主题图预测文本内容,梳理文章的宏观结构,明确文章的主要内容。(重点) 2. 能归纳和提炼屠呦呦以及团队的伟大之处,体会用故事刻画人物的写作手法。(难点) 三、教学过程 Procedures (Before class: Greeting; form groups of eight.) Step 1 Lead in (look at some pictures of people of achievement, such as Yuan Longping, Zhong Nanshan,etc, then watch a short video about Tu Youyou ) Purpose: to arouse students’ interest and lead in the topic Step2 prediction(read the title together then predict what the text is about?) Purpose: to arouse students’ curiosity and active participation Step3 Fast reading (read the text quickly to get the main idea and the structure of the text.)

Task1:What does the passage mainly talk about? It mainly talks about Tu Youyou's __________ and her way to __________________which saves lots of people worldwide. Task2:Try to divide the passage into three parts then match the main ideas with each part. Purpose:to help students have a better understanding of the main idea and structure Step 4: careful reading (read each part carefully to get some detailed information) Read part 1 carefully and fill in the blanks (Ask students to read paragraphs 1 carefully by focusing on 5w, that is who, when, why, what, where) Artemisinin has saved___________________ of lives, and has led to improved health for ____________ people. Over____________ people around the world get malaria each year, and about __________ die from it.Artemisinin is thought to save__________ lives a year in Africa alone. The discovery of artemisinin is very _______or ________ Purpose: to introduce the significance of the discovery of artemisinin Read part 2 carefully and do some tasks.(Ask students to read paragraphs 2-3 carefully by focusing on verbs or verb phrases to know about the process of artemisinin discovery.) Task 1: choose the best answers 1.What's the function of the third sentence in para.2? A. It serves as the introduction of the discovery of artemisinin B. It serves as the background of the discovery of artemisinin C. It serves as the illustration of the discovery of artemisinin D. It serves as the conclusion of the discovery of artemisinin 2. What do the figures mentioned in paragraph 2 suggest? A.To prove the old medical text is popular B.To attract reader's attention to Tu Youyou's team C. To show the efforts that Tu Youyou's team have made D. To demonstrate carrying out the research is rewarding

新教材高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册教案:Unit 1含答案

Unit 1 Teenage life Discovering Useful Structures 教学设计 科目:英语课题:Discovering Useful Structures 课时:1 课时 教学目标与核心素养: 熟练掌握名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语的形式和意义后。 能力目标:能够将名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语运用到语篇中,使语言表达更加充实,使语言表达更加充实、生动和准确。 情感目标:激发学生学习语法的兴趣。 教学重难点: 重点:帮助学生在语篇中理解并运用名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语。 难点:帮助学生丰富语篇表达内容,提高语篇质量。 课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔 教学过程: Pre-class: Explain the following sentences and let students find out NP, AdjP and AdvP. Being a freshman at snior high school is a really big challenge. It's a little confusing to choose suitable courses and extra-curricular activities. To choose suitable courses, I have to think very careful and ask the school adviser for help.

My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature. As to extra-curricular activities, I won' quit football and I will find a way to improve so that I can make the team. I have to study harder and be responsible for a lot more. I'm a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course. While- class: Guide students to finish Activity 1 and 2 and correct answers. let students look at the given examples, then discuss in a group that how to improve their writing by adding more details and information through the use of noun phrases, adjective phrases, and adverb phrases. After- class: Guide students to finish practices of Activities 3,4 and 5. homework: 语法填空 Jim was a shy boy. He was afraid of talking to 1 (strange). As a result, he didn't have any friends after he entered high school One day, when Jim 2 ( walk)on his way back home from school, it suddenly began to rain 3 (heavy). He saw a boy walking in front of him. The road was so wet that 4 boy slipped( 滑倒)and fell on the ground. Jim quickly ran to the boy and helped 5 (he) get up. The boy was wet all over. Jim 6 (think) the boy must feel cold, so he

Unit1 Period1 Listening and Speaking教学设计 高一英语人教必修一

必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage Life教学设计 Period 1 Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking Teaching material: Choose a school club & Plan a camp for teenagers Teaching objectives: In this lesson, the students will 1. develop the ability to predict the listening content and listen for main idea 2. talk about future plans using the structures: will do, be going to do, hope to do and there will be 3. get to know some words and phrases related to choosing a school club 4. review the pronunciation of some letter groups Difficult and focal point: develop the ability to predict the listening content, listen for main idea and talk about future plans Teaching aids: PowerPoint, blackboard Teaching approaches: PWP Teaching method Teaching procedures: Step 1 Lead in Look at the opening page of this unit and discuss the following questions: 1. What are the teenagers doing in this photo? 2. What do you do to relax after class? 3. Have you considered joining a school club and what club do you want to join? Step 2 Pre-listening Look at the four pictures and the words the students say on page 12, what do you think they are doing and what clubs are they in? Step 3 While-listening part 1 Activity 1 Listen to the first two conversations and figure out what they are talking about. Before you listen, based on the pictures above, read the questions and choices and predict what the speakers will talk about. 1 What are they learning about in Conversation 1? A Hearing. B Sounds. C Dogs. 2 The students are discussing _______ in Conversation 2.


2021-2022学年人教版(2021)高中英语: 选择性必修一Unit1 People of achievement Reading 教案Reading and thinking Teaching Aims After the class: 1.Ss can know more about Tu Youyou and have a clear idea of how artemisinin was discovered. 2.Ss can learn these key words or phrases: boil draw out obtain acknowledge defeat analyse apparently insist… 3.Ss can analyze the personal characteristics from some descriptions. 4.Ss can know what greatness means and be inspired by Tu. Key points: Ss can get to know the significance of the discovery and how was it made. Difficult Points Ss can retell the discovery of artemisinin and know what greatness means. Teaching Procedure Step1. Lead-in (Open page) T shows 3 pictures( Lin Qiaozhi, Yuan Longping and Zhang Guimei) and ask Ss who are they and what they did in brief sentence. (Lin was acknowledged as the mother of ten thousand babies because she delivered many babies in her life. Yuan produced the hybridrice to feed China and the world. Zhang offers girls in poor areas education so that they can have a brighter future.) (Justification: Lin’s story and achievement has been mentioned in Book 3. Yuan and Zhang is so famous that almost all students know them. They can activate Ss’ background information and can give them examples of people of achievement so that they can have a better understanding of what greatness means) Then T asks what they have in common and lead in the topic of unit 1---PEOPLE OF

新教材 人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册全册各单元英语作文写作指导.doc

人教版选择性必修第一册全册各单元作文指导 Unit 1 People of Achievement ..................................................................................................... -1 - Unit 2 Looking into the Future ........................................................................................................ - 4 - Unit 3 Fascinating Parks .................................................................................................................. -7 - Unit 4 Body Language ..................................................................................................................... -9 - Unit 5 Working the Land ............................................................................................................. -12 - Unit 1 People of Achievement 人物描写属于记叙文的范畴,它以写人、记事为主,以叙述和描写为主要表达方式。 一篇好的人物描写一般分为三大部分,即生平介绍、事迹叙述和简短的评论。时态的选择要视情况而定,若写人物的过去就用过去时态,若写人物的现在就用现在时态。 [基本框架] 1.首段:生平介绍 人物的出生时间和地点是必不可少的信息;介绍生平时要尊重客观事实,材料要真实。 2.中段:事迹叙述 选材要着眼于人物的生活背景及其成就事迹,以形成对比,起到突出人物的特点和树立榜样的作用。选材要有重点,不必面面俱到。 3.尾段:简短的评论 对所描述的人物的评论要客观公正。 [常用词块] 1.at the age of four 4 岁时 2. a boy of sixteen 一个16 岁的男孩 3.make friends with her 和她交朋友 4.set up a band of his own 成立自己的乐队 5. a lively and smart girl 一个活泼聪明的女孩 6.be warm-hearted and good-looking 热心肠而且漂亮 7.become a famous actor成为一名著名演员 8.show great talent in music显示出音乐上的非凡天赋 9.be ready to help others 乐于助人

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