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As we all know,different countries have different table manners. Today, I’d like to introduce something about Chinese table manners. It’s very necessary to learn table manners in China. In China, table manners are too much. For instance,you are not supposed to eat with knives and forks. Chinese usually use chopsticks instead. But we are not supposed to stick our chopsticks into our food. But we are supposed to pick up our bowl to eat. And we are supposed to let the old start eating first. And we are allowed to talk at the table. However, you can’t talk too loud and laugh too crazily. In fact, in China, table manners are not so serious . so , you don’t need to worry about them so much.




As we all know,different countries have different table manners. Today, I’d like to introduce something about Chinese table manners. It’s very necessary to learn table manners in China. In China, table manners are too much. For instance,you are not supposed to eat with knives and forks. Chinese usually use chopsticks instead. But we are not supposed to stick our chopsticks into our food. But we are supposed to pick up our bowl to eat. And we are supposed to let the old start eating first. And we are allowed to talk at the table. However, you can’t talk too loud and laugh too crazily. In fact, in China, table manners are not so serious . so , you don’t need to worry about them so much.




Of course, chopsticks instead the main difference on the Chinese dinner table isof knife and fork, but that's only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough.

The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you're in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.

The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. Soup then will be served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings.

If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.

Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests. In formal dinners, there are always "public" chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks. This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.

People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. When you have had enough, just say so. Or you will always overeat!










餐桌礼仪的高中英语作文 中华饮食源远流长。在这自古为礼仪之邦,讲究民以食为天的国度里,饮食礼仪自然成为饮食文化的一个重要部分。下面是为大家精心整理的关于餐桌礼仪的高中英语作文文章,希望能够帮助到你们。 餐桌礼仪 As we all know,different countries have different table manners. Today, I’d like to introduce something about Chinese table manners. It’s very necessary to learn table manners in China. In China, table manners are too much. For instance,you are not supposed to eat with knives and forks. Chinese usually use chopsticks instead. But we are not supposed to stick our chopsticks into our food. But we are supposed to pick up our bowl to eat. And we are supposed to let the old start eating first. And we are allowed to talk at the table. However, you can’t talk too loud and laugh too crazily. In fact, in China, table manners are not so serious . so , you don’t need to worry about them so much. 我们都知道,不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪。今天,我想向大家介绍一下中国的餐桌礼仪。这是非常必要的学习中国的餐桌礼仪。在中国,餐桌礼仪太多。例如,你不应该用刀叉吃饭。中国人通常用筷


中国传统饮食礼仪论文 【篇一:浅析中国餐桌礼仪论文】 浅析中国餐桌礼仪文化 140511133钟子祺 摘要:餐桌礼仪在中国传统文化中占有重要的地位,它也是一种社 交手段,在用餐过程中,人的修养礼仪可由言行举止体现出来。正 确的餐桌礼仪不仅显得优雅大方,更能给人以良好的印象。然而, 在中西融合的今天,许多中餐礼仪却常常被人忽视,导致尴尬的场 面发生,因此,掌握一些餐桌礼仪在社交生活中显得尤为重要。 关键字:餐桌礼仪;入座;进餐;离席;茶文化;酒文化; 中西差异; 0.引言 作为拥有悠久历史的文明古国,中国的餐饮文化源远流长,博大精深,至少在周代已经形成了一套相当完善的饮食礼仪制度,并对西 方餐桌文化产生一定影响。自改革开放至今,人民生活水平不断提高,餐饮作为一项国计民生的大事越来越成为社会和媒体关注的焦点。而餐桌礼仪却因为其繁琐性和冗余性遭到人们的普遍忽视。基 于此背景作者深感现代国人缺乏餐饮礼仪的基础认识和准确定位。 于是在参考前人研究的基础之上编成此文,旨在希望国人通过文章 能够具备对于中餐礼仪基本认知并了解中西方餐饮礼仪方面的差异,同时愿此文为中国餐饮礼仪文化研究添砖加瓦。 ①“饮食所以合欢也。”中国人享受集体聚餐或饮宴的热闹氛围。餐桌,是考验一个人修养的重要场所,吃,是中国人协调人际关系的 一种方式。②“在中国,人们最重要的社交活动既是请客吃饭,而且 名目繁多,某些成功人士一天中花的时间最多的就是吃饭,一个长 期不能参加应酬的人可能就被社会淘汰了或者成为‘无用’之人”。大 家同夹一盘菜,共饮一碗汤的“群享”模式触发了欢乐气氛,举杯提 箸之间协调人际关系。但是在正式的中餐宴席中还是有很多讲究的。 1. 席位安排 “客齐后导客入席,以左为上,视为首席,相对首座为二座,首座之 下 为三座,二座之下为四座。”先请客人入座上席,再请长者入座客人旁,依次入座,最后自己坐在离门最近处的座位上。若是圆桌,则 正对大门的为主客,主客左右手边的位置,则以离主客的距离来看,


在中国,从古到今,因为桌具的演进,所以座位的排法也相应变化。总的来讲,座次“尚左尊东”,“面朝大门为尊”。家宴首席为辈分最高的长者,末席为最低者;家庭宴请,首席为地位最尊的客人,客主人则居末席。首席未落座,都不能落座,首席未动手,都不能动手,巡酒时自首席按顺序一路敬下,再饮。若是圆桌,则正对大门的为主客,左手边依次为2,4,6右手边依次为3,5,7直至汇合。若为八仙桌,如果有正对大门的座位,则正对大门一侧的右位为主客,如果不正对大门,则面东的一侧右席为首席。然后首席的左手边坐开去为2,4,6,8(8在对面),右手边为3,5,7(7在正对面)。如果为大宴,桌与桌间的排列讲究首席居前居中,左边依次2,4,6席,右边为3,5,7席。根据主客身份,地位,亲疏分坐。(https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f206408.html,) 在日本进入包房后,一般离门口最远的位置为上座,上司或贵宾应该坐在这个位子。而职位或辈份比较低的人,则坐在离门口最近的地方。如果是正规的宴会的话,日本人一般都会事先安排一名叫做「干事」的人来打点一切,当然最后也是由这个人负责交钱,这个人一般会坐在离门口最近的地方。(https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f206408.html,) 在中国,一般在别人请客时,如果您「不客气」的将桌上的菜一扫而光,主人一定会认为是菜不够吃,赶紧去加菜。而在日本却恰恰相反,如果您刻意剩下一些菜的话,主人则会担心是否饭菜不合口味。在日本,当别人请客时,最好还是不要剩菜。 一忌敲筷。即在等待就餐时,不能坐在餐边,一手拿一根筷子随意敲打,或用筷子敲打碗盏或茶杯。二忌掷筷。在餐前发放筷子时,要把筷子一双双理顺,然后轻轻地放在每个人的餐桌前;距较远时,可以请人递过去,不能随手掷在桌上。


饮食礼仪英语 篇一:餐桌礼仪 一、餐桌礼仪 导语;中西方餐桌礼仪的差异是很多的。下面就我所知道有一些方面与你共享一下:不少人在吃西餐时,都会担心“失礼”。其实,所谓餐桌礼仪是为了让餐膳可以不受阻碍和破坏,而得以顺利流畅地进行的实用守则。谨记“整齐、清洁和保持安静”三项原则便可无往而不利。 Blurbs; the difference is a lot of Western table manners. As far as I know there are some to share with you the following: when you have Western food, many people are worried about “rude”. In fact, the so-called table manners to make meals without obstacles and destruction, and to facilitate the smooth flow of usable code. Remember the “neat, cl ean, quiet

and” three principles will be no detriment. 1.在当你应邀赴宴时,你对同桌进餐的人和餐桌上的谈话,大概要比对饮食要更感兴趣。因此进餐时,应该尽可能地少一些声响,少一些动作。 2.女主人一拿起餐巾时,你也就可以拿起你的餐巾,放在腿上。有时餐巾中包有一只小面包;如果是那样的话就把它取也,放在旁边的小碟上。 3.餐巾如果很大,就双叠着放在腿上;如果很小,就全部打开。千万别将餐巾别在领上或背心上,也不要在手中乱揉。可以用餐巾的一角擦去嘴上或手指上的油渍或脏物。千万别用它来擦刀叉或碗碟。 4.正餐通常从汤开始。在你座前最大的一把匙就是汤匙,它就在你的右边的盘子旁边。不要错用放在桌子中间的那把匙子,因为那可能是取蔬菜可果酱用的。 5.在女主人拿起她的匙子或叉子以前,客人不得食用任何一道菜。女主人


Literature Review In the past few years, a lot of studies have been done and published on the reasons of table manners’differences between China and the West. From the past literature reviews, we may see that this field of study has become more and more important and many people, not only scholars, but also some foreign trade clerks, have been involved in the study. Manners in every country are different. What is polite in China may not be polite in other countries.Realizing this point will help us enjoy western food with your foreign friends. My research will focus on this topic and analyze the reasons of the differences. In accordance with the former researchers' studies, there are three reasons that caused the differences. They are cultural background, historical background and customs. Different nations or regions have different culture. In terms of the different cultural background, we will mainly introduce two aspects. They are religious beliefs and values. Most Chinese believe in Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. The Buddhist advocates “mercifulPurdue beings”and “harmony”. Westerners mostly believe in Catholicism or Christianity, and believe that God created man(Zhang Wenjuan, 2009) and the western culture is self-centered, the boundary between people is clear. And also Zhang Wenjuan pointed out in her paper that “thousand of years of Chinese traditional culture in the Chinese Buddhism makes Chinese table manners modest.” (2009) Different table manners reflect different national heart in different culture, such as, chopsticks in China, knives and forks in West. So the table manner is the reflection of national cultural identification. (Dong Baojun, 2005) Otherwise, different values can cause the difference of table manners. In cross-cultural communication, value is the core of culture. As a result, every country or society has their own value.To some extent, table manners are an epitome of a country’s value. Clyde Kluckhohn thought, value is “a concept of individual or collective possess which is dominant or recessive, it has national characters. The concepts affect people’s choices among the various behavior patterns, methods and goals.”(2005) In China, collectivism is the guiding value. But in western countries, they emphasize on individualism, self-worth and respect. The sharp contrast values also give expression to the table manners. (2005)Just as Chinese often share a plate of food together, while westerners often eat food in their own plate. As to the historical background, China and the West obviously have their different history. In China, the table manners could date back to Zhou Dynasty; table manners have shaped quite complete system. After being highly praised by Confucius, table etiquette became the important part of powerful country. From Qing Dynasty, the modern table manners gradually shaped. (Dong Baojun, 2005) What’s more, the western etiquette also has a long history. The western table manners originated from Merovingian Dynasty in France. It is developed from the spirit of knight during the 11th century to 12th century; banquet became the center of western feudalism. In 13th century, it gradually had access to family and friendship. (Margaret Visser, 2007) With respect to the custom, the eating process usually consists of three parts. They are before dinner, in the dinner, after dinner. There are some etiquettes which should be observed during the whole process. Before dinner, we need to notice the arrival time, seating arrangement, order dishes and so on. In the dinner, we also need


餐桌礼仪的英文作文 Table Manners The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality. And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there. Eating No-no's Don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table! Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table. Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite.Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone's home,it is like insulting the cook. Drinking Gan Bei! (Cheers! “Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of Bai Jiu. The Beijing favorite is called Er Guo Tou, which is a whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive are Maotai and Wuliangye. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that’s only superficial. Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough. The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host


餐桌礼仪作文 餐桌礼仪 张任榕 /福州屏东中学 /9.1 民以食为天,在我们的日常生活中经常会在餐上打交道。众所周知,餐桌文明是社会文明的重要体现,小餐桌,大文明,承载的不仅是人类的生生不息,更传承了中华民族的优秀文化和尊重劳动、珍惜粮食、勤俭节约的传统美德。 一个新的词汇在电视媒体上亮丽展现:“光盘行动”。 光盘行动“。这是节俭的壮举,如春潮热浪一般,在媒体上迅速蔓延开来,受到社会极大的赞扬。 很多饭店倡导了这文明举措,积极响应,把节俭活动推上了社会的窗口,产生了连锁效应。反对铺张浪费,反对粮食浪费,是扶持正气的一面鲜艳的旗帜,人人都会响应的,而且积极行动起来,我表示赞同。 ”文明餐桌,从我做起“>倡议书餐桌文明是社会文明的重要体现,小餐桌,大文明,承载的不仅是人类的生生不息,更传承了中华民族的优秀文化和尊重劳动、珍惜粮食、勤俭节约的传统美德。正在争创自治区文明县城的我们更应大力弘扬勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗的崇高精神,自觉引领”文明消费、节约用餐“的良好风尚,倡导积极向上、科学健康的生活方式,为此,我们特向全县广大市民发出如下倡议:一、传承传统美德。我们每个人都要自觉做到传承”礼仪之邦“的美德,号召大家踊跃参加到文明餐桌行动中来,积极打造温馨、文明的就餐环境,享受”文明用餐,节俭惜福“的快乐。 二、做到合理消费。绿色消费,理性消费,按需点菜,厉行节约,反对浪费。三、倡导文明用餐。自觉遵守公共道德规范,不肆意喧哗,注意他人的用餐感受;讲究用餐卫生,不带宠物进餐厅,不随意造成用餐环境污染;低碳环保,使用”公筷公勺“,杜绝使用一次性筷子;提醒家人开车不喝酒,酒后不驾车。四、餐饮服务企业在餐桌上摆放”节约用餐“标识牌,酒店点菜人员做到主动提醒顾客适量点餐,引导消费者避免产生餐桌浪费;主动提供免费打包环保餐盒、袋,鼓励消费者将剩余饭菜打包带回。 文明礼仪已经融入到我们的生活中,因此,我们要学好礼仪,做一个讲文明礼仪的人。一个民族是否文明,一个集体是否文明,都起始于每一个人的文明程度。”文明礼仪“包括我们生活的各个方面,尊敬长者,礼待幼小、朋友交往,同事相处,吃饭(餐桌)礼仪、坐姿礼仪、握手礼仪、串门(送礼)礼仪、化装礼仪……我们生活的一言一行,一举一动,都体现着我们的文明程度。因此,我们要知道文明礼仪的重要性,做一个文明社会的文明人。


Table of Contents Chapter one Introduction (2) 1.1 Reasons for the Differences (2) 1.2 Significance of Good Table Manners (4) Chapter Two The Differences in Table and Seating Arrangement (6) 2.1 Table Arrangement (6) 2.2 Seating Arrangement (8) Chapter Three The Different Use of Tablewares (12) 3.1 The Categories of Tablewares (12) 3.2 The Placement of the tablewares (12) 3.3 The Use of the Tablewares (13) Chapter Four The Different Orders of courses (18) 4.1 The Orders of Courses in Chinese Cuisine (18) 4.2 The Orders of Courses in Western Cuisine (18) Chapter Five Different Manners in Dinning (21) 5.1 Manners in Staple foods (21) 5.2. Drinking Etiquettes (25) Conclusion (28) Bibliography (29)


十条应该遵守的西方礼仪How to behave at table in western society? 1.When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don't shove it against the back of her legs. 为女士拉椅子的时候,要把椅子抓住了,留个角度,让女士好走过去。别让椅子腿碰到女士的腿。 2.If you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it's OK to start when several people are seated and served. 如果就餐人数少于等于八人,那就等所有人都坐好了,女主人开始用餐了,再开动。如果是长餐桌,那么只要有几个人入座进食了,你也就可以开始吃了。 3.All things not having to do with food should remain off the table: keys, clutch bags, cigarette packs, sunglasses, BlackBerrys. 一切和食物无关的东西都不应该出现在餐桌上,包括:钥匙、手袋、烟盒、墨镜还有手机。 4.Don't snap your napkin open or unfurl it showily like it's an Olympic flag. 不要把餐巾展开,看起来像是在展示奥林匹克会旗一样。 5.If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don't turn your glass upside down, and don't make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim of the glass and say "Not today, thanks." 如果在用餐时你不想饮酒,不要把酒杯倒过来放,也不要很在意地宣布你不喝酒。只要轻轻地把指尖放在酒杯边缘,说一句"今天不喝,谢谢。" 6.If you're eating and want to take a sip, dab your mouth with your napkin to avoid staining the rim of the glass. 如果你在吃东西的时候,想要啜一口饮料的话,那就先拿餐巾把嘴擦干净了,以免在杯子边缘留下残迹。 7.Grabbing a bowl of salad or a saltshaker as it's being passed to someone who asked for it is the equivalent of cutting in line: greedy and rude. 7.把原本要递给别人的沙拉碗或者盐瓶从半道截下来,这基本上就等于在说:你是个既贪婪又粗鲁的人。 8.On the subject of passing: Dishes go counterclockwise, but if someone to your left asks for something, you can hand it directly to him. 8.餐桌上要传递东西的话,规则一般是逆时针传递。不过,如果坐在你左手边的人想要什么东西时,你也可以直接递给他。 9.When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say "Please excuse me."


民以食为天,在我们的日常生活中经常会在餐上打交道。 众所周知,餐桌文明是社会文明的重要体现,小餐桌,大文明,承载的不仅是人类的生生不息,更传承了中华民族的优秀文化和尊重劳动、珍惜粮食、勤俭节约的传统美德。 一个新的词汇在电视媒体上亮丽展现:“光盘行动。 光盘行动“。 这是节俭的壮举,如春潮热浪一般,在媒体上迅速蔓延开来,受到社会极大的赞扬。 很多饭店倡导了这文明举措,积极响应,把节俭活动推上了社会的窗口,产生了连锁效应。 反对铺张浪费,反对粮食浪费,是扶持正气的一面鲜艳的旗帜,人人都会响应的,而且积极行动起来,我表示赞同。 文明餐桌,从我做起“>倡议书餐桌文明是社会文明的重要体现,小餐桌,大文明,承载的不仅是人类的生生不息,更传承了中华民族的优秀文化和尊重劳动、珍惜粮食、勤俭节约的传统美德。 正在争创自治区文明县城的我们更应大力弘扬勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗的崇高精神,自觉引领文明消费、节约用餐“的良好风尚,倡导积极向上、科学健康的生活方式,,我们特向全县广大市民发出如下倡议:一、传承传统美德。 我们每个人都要自觉做到传承礼仪之邦“的美德,号召大家踊跃参加到文明餐桌行动中来,积极打造温馨、文明的就餐环境,享受文明用餐,节俭惜福“的快乐。

二、做到合理消费。 绿色消费,理性消费,按需点菜,厉行节约,反对浪费。 三、倡导文明用餐。 自觉遵守公共道德规范,不肆意喧哗,注意他人的用餐感受;讲究用餐卫生,不带宠物进餐厅,不随意造成用餐环境污染;低碳环保,使用公筷公勺“,杜绝使用一次性筷子;提醒家人开车不喝酒,酒后不驾车。 四、餐饮服务企业在餐桌上摆放节约用餐“标识牌,酒店点菜人员做到主动提醒顾客适量点餐,引导消费者避免产生餐桌浪费;主动提供免费打包环保餐盒、袋,鼓励消费者将剩余饭菜打包带回。 文明礼仪已经融入到我们的生活中,因此,我们要学好礼仪,做一个讲文明礼仪的人。 一个民族是否文明,一个集体是否文明,都起始于每一个人的文明程度。 文明礼仪“包括我们生活的各个方面,尊敬长者,礼待幼小、朋友交往,同事相处,吃饭(餐桌)礼仪、坐姿礼仪、握手礼仪、串门(送礼)礼仪、化装礼仪我们生活的一言一行,一举一动,都体现着我们的文明程度。 因此,我们要知道文明礼仪的重要性,做一个文明社会的文明人。 关于餐桌礼仪的作文2017-07-01 21:24 | #2楼Dear Marc,How are you? I am very happy that you want to learn about Chinese eating manners. Chopsticks should be used when eating, but you


中国餐桌礼仪文化论文 浅谈中国餐桌礼仪 课程名称: 学生姓名: 年级专业: 学号: 指导教师: 成绩 时间 - 1 - - 1 – 摘要:餐桌礼仪在中国传统文化中占有一个重要的地位,它也是一种的社交手段,在用餐过程中,人的修养礼仪可由言行举止变现出来。正确的餐桌礼仪不仅显得优雅大方,更能给人以良好的印象。然而,在中西融合的今天,许多中餐礼仪却常常被人忽视,导致尴尬的场面发生,因此,掌握一些餐桌礼仪在社交生活中显得尤为重要。 关键词:餐桌礼仪入座进餐离席茶文化酒文化中西差异 自古以来,中国人对饮食一直很重视,古有俗语“民以食为天”,中国饮食文化可以说是源远流长的。另一方面,作为东方礼仪之邦,餐桌礼仪是中国数千年传统文化的反映。据有关史料记载,至少在周代,我国饮食礼仪就已经初步形成,经过不断地发展变化,逐渐形成体系,并对西方餐桌文化产生一定影响。“饮食所以合欢也。”中国人享受集体聚餐或饮宴的热闹氛围。餐桌,是考验一个人修养的重要场所,吃,是中国人协调人际关系的一种方式。在中国,人们最重要的社交活动既是请客吃饭,而且名目繁多,某些成功人士一天中花的时间最多的就是吃饭,一个长期不能参加应酬的人可能就被社会淘汰了或者成为“无用”之人。大家同夹一盘菜,共饮一碗汤的“群享”模式触发了欢乐气氛,举杯提箸之间协调人际关系。但是在正式的中餐宴席中还是有很多讲究的。 一、入座 “客齐后导客入席,以左为上,视为首席,相对首座为二座,首座之下为三座,二座之下为四座。”先请客人入座上席,再请长者入座客人旁,依次入座,最后自己坐在离门最近处的座位上。若是圆桌,则正对大门的为主客,主客左右手边的位置,则以离主客的距离来看,越靠近主客位置越尊,相同距离则左侧尊于右侧。若为八仙桌,如果有正对大门的座位,则正对大门一侧的右位为主客。如果不正对大门,则面东的一侧右席为首席。如果带孩子,在自己坐定后就把孩子安排在自己身旁。入座时,要从椅子左边进入,坐下以后要坐端正身子,不要低头,使餐桌与身体的距离保持在10~20公分。入座后,脚应放在自己座位附近,不可随意伸出,以免影响他人。坐姿要端正,勿以手托腮或将双肘放于桌上。注意事项:


餐桌礼仪英语文章各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 modern relatively popular chinese meal etiquette is on traditional mid-north with reference on the basis of foreign manners. its seating to borrow western dinner party for the law, the right first principal guest sat in the guest host, the second on the right or left in master first principal guest right, flexible processing, wine served on the right by guests, after the philippines, master, guthrie female guests first, after male guest. wine, not too full steamy quaver. serving sequence remains tradition, after first cold heat. the guest of hot food should be the opposite seat left; single gets or dishes on the table to have the first point and snacks, top whole chicken bingo, whole duck, whole fish, etc, not plastic food toward are emic


【篇一】餐桌礼仪八年级英语作文 Western refers to Western European countries diet cuisine.Western etiquette.Today, I introduce to you to eat Westernstyle food etiquette. When seated, the body upright, elbow not placed on, may https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f206408.html,e your fork and knife, fork, the right hand holds the knife; when the cutting things, keep the fork in the left hand hold the food, right hand with a knife cut into small pieces, fork in the entrance.Do not sip the soup to eat, chew when to shut up.Don't lick the lips or smacking sound.Overheating, can be cooled before eating, not mouth blown.A cup of coffee when ready to add milk or sugar, add the following to use tsp stirring, TSP will be placed on the coffee saucers.Drink cups should put his right, left hand end saucer, direct mouth to drink, do not use a spoon to scoop a spoonful spoonful of drink. Western food is not only a kind of etiquette, is also a kind of civilization.The westernstyle food etiquette, you learn? 【篇二】餐桌礼仪八年级英语作文 Table manners in China Different country have different table manners.The western country is different from eastern country,such as China and France.In China,old people eat first.We aren’t supposed to talk aloud while we are eating.If you don’t want to eat next,you are supposed to say:" I’m full." And you aren’t supposed to eat fruit at once.Chinese eat food with chopsticks.It is rude if you point at someone with your chopsticks.All of them will be helpful to you.It can make you a polite person.So we must know more about the manners around the world. 与某人曾经在法国餐桌礼仪在中国不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪,西方国家是不同的从东方国家,如中国,在中国,老人先吃,我们不是应该大声说话,我们吃。如果你不想吃下,你应该说:对不起,我吃不下;你应该吃水果。中国人吃的食物用筷子,它很粗,如果你使用你的筷子,他们将有助于你。它可以让你有礼貌的人,所以我们必须知道更多关于礼貌周围的世界。 【篇三】餐桌礼仪八年级英语作文 As we all know,different countries have different table manners. To day, I’d like to introduce something about Chinese table manners. It’s very necessary to learn table manners in China. In China, table manners are too much. For instance,you are not supposed to eat with knives and forks. Chinese usually use chopsticks instead. But we are not supposed to stick our chopsticks into our food. But we are supposed to pick up our


大学生餐桌礼仪的现状调查 ——以云南艺术学院为例 摘要 餐桌礼仪,指的是在吃饭用餐时人与人之间吃饭应当注意的礼貌及仪态,我国的礼仪文化可谓是源远流长,自周代开始便已形成一套成熟完善的规范标准,也正是这个原因,中国自古以来被称为礼仪之邦。但是,随着时间及风俗的发展,当前社会环境对餐桌礼仪的重视程度已大不如前,大学生作为新时代的接班人,除了科学文化知识,所因具备的“德育”水平也有待提高,那么大学生现在的餐桌礼仪是什么情况,是本文接下来将要探讨的重点。 关键字:问卷调查餐桌礼仪大学生现状及措施

目录 摘要 (1) 前言 (5) 第一章餐桌礼仪的主要内容 (6) 一、中餐入座礼仪 (6) (一)圆桌礼仪 (6) (二)八仙桌礼仪 (6) (三)其他注意事项 (7) 二、进餐礼仪 (7) (一)上菜 (7) (二)用餐礼仪 (8) (三)民族及宗教禁忌 (9) 三、离席礼仪 (9) 四、中餐文化——茶文化 (10) (一)上茶礼 (10) (一)饮茶礼 (10) 五、中餐文化——酒文化 (10) (一)进酒礼 (11) (二)饮酒礼 (11) 六、中西方餐桌礼仪差异 (11) 第二章大学生餐桌礼仪的基本现状 (13) 一、问卷调查(以云南艺术大学学生为例) (13)

(一)问卷设计 (13) (二)问卷抽样 (13) 二、数据分析 (13) (一)餐桌礼仪的认同度及作用 (13) (二)对餐桌礼仪的兴趣程度 (14) (二)家庭及学校对餐桌礼仪的教育现状 (14) (三)餐桌礼仪学习途径 (15) 三、大学生餐桌礼仪存在的问题分析 (15) (一)自身主观因素 (15) (二)家庭教育 (16) (三)学校教育 (17) 第三章大学生良好餐桌礼仪的提升策略 (18) 一、从认知层面解决大学生餐桌礼仪不足 (18) (一)加强对餐桌礼仪文化知识的学习 (18) (二)对餐桌礼仪具体规范的学习 (18) 二、从家庭教育解决大学生餐桌礼仪的基础 (18) (一)转变家长对餐桌礼仪的教育观念 (18) (二)培育和树立良好的家风 (19) 三、从学校教育加强餐桌礼仪的引导 (19) (一)丰富大学生餐桌礼仪教育的内容 (19) (二)创新餐桌礼仪教学方法 (19) 结语 (21)

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