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高中英语作文素材 我最喜欢的作家-鲁迅 My favourite writer—Lu Xun

我最喜欢的作家-鲁迅(My favour ite writer—Lu Xun) Lu Xun is my favourite writer. He is one of the most famou s writers i n China. He w rote a lot of literary w orks.He was thin and not tall. He always wore a long old coat in that ti me. At first, he wanted to be a doctor and save peo ple’s lives. So he learned medicine, but later he found the Chinese were in sensitive when they faced the oppression of their enemies. So he began to write articles to wake the people up.Lu Xun wrote some famous novels, he at tacked the soc ial mores in tha t time, and in his works, many persons were known v ery well, such as “Ah Q”“Kong Yi ji”. I like Lu Xun because I also want to be a g reat writer lik e him. I like reading and writing, and I of ten write some arti cles in my free time. Though I don’t have good literary talent o r a l a rge vocab ulary, I spend lots of time reading and writing to improv e my writing skills. Lu X un is my hero, I w ill learn more fro m h im.I believe I can be a great wri ter like him in the future.


有关鲁迅的作文素材 【篇一:作文素材——鲁迅专题】 走近鲁迅专题 一、对鲁迅的评价。 鲁迅是中国文化革命的主将,他不但是伟大的文学家,而且是伟大 的思想家和伟大的革命家。鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴 颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。 鲁迅是在文化战线上,代表全民族的大多数,向着敌人冲锋陷阵的 最正确、最勇敢、最坚决、最忠实、最热忱的空前的民族英雄。——毛泽东《新民主主义论》 鲁迅在中国的价值,据我看要算是中国的第一等圣人。孔夫子是封建 社会的圣人,鲁迅则是现代中国的圣人。——毛泽东《在延安陕北公 学纪念鲁迅逝世周年大会上的讲话》 据说有一个日本人发表他自己对中国的一点看法,说:“全中国只有 两个半人懂得中国。一个是鲁迅,一个是蒋介石,半个是毛泽东。” 毛泽东听冯雪峰说完这段话后哈哈大笑,然后沉思着说:“这个日本 人还不简单,他认为鲁迅懂得中国,这是对的。” 林语堂:“鲁迅与其称为文人,不如号为战士。战士者何?顶盔披甲,持矛把盾交锋以为乐。不交锋则不乐,不披甲则不乐,即使无 锋可交,无矛可持,拾一石子投狗,偶中,亦快然于胸中,此鲁迅 之一副活形也。德国诗人海涅语人曰,我死时,棺中放一剑,勿放笔。是足以语鲁迅。” 二、鲁迅求学、读书。 (1)、求学: 1904年9月,往仙台入医学专门学校,成绩在142人中排68名。1906年3月、4月间因深感改造国民性的必要退学,弃医从文。 1906年六月复赴日本,在东京独逸语学校研究文艺,搞翻译,跟 章太炎先生学习《说文解字》等,与周作人编《域外小说集》两册,在东京和上海销售。因周作人在立都大学未毕业就跟羽太信子结婚,羽太家又很贫穷,为了贴补家里和二弟的费用,鲁迅回国工作。 鲁迅的买书和藏书 根据《鲁迅日记》逐年统计,24年间鲁迅总共收入12万多银圆, 约合今人民币480万元。而其中耗资1万3千多银圆用来购置图书 1万多册(幅),价值约合今人民币52万元;也就是说,平均每年


(一) 假定你是红星中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新近出现的一种共享单车“mobike”很感兴趣,并请你做个简要介绍。请你给Jim回信,内容包括: 1. 这种单车的使用方法(如:APP查看车辆、扫码开锁等); 2. 这种单车的优势; 3. 你对这种单车的看法。 注意:1. 词数不少于80; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:智能手机smartphone, 二维码the QR code 参考范文 Dear Jim, I’m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike mobike mentioned in your latest letter. It’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is find a nearest mobikethrough the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip. Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well. Hope to ride a mobike with you in China. Yours, Li Hua (二) 最近很多大城市都投放了共享单车(shared bikes),比如摩拜单车(Mobike)、Ofo共享单车等。由于它们方便停放,骑车也能起到锻炼身体的作用,作为代步工具很受大家欢迎。但是,各地也出现了很多毁车现象,比如刮掉车上的二维码(QR code)、上私锁等。 你对这种现象怎么看?你对共享单车公司有什么建议吗?写一篇符合逻辑的英语短文,80词左右。 参考词汇:bike-sharing companies 共享单车公司,Mobike 和Ofo 是两家共享单车公司,convenience 方便,register登记 参考范文 The shared bikes like Mobike and Ofo bring great convenience to people. You needn’t lock them by simply using your smart phone. They can take you where the subway and bus don’t go. And they can be left anywhere in public for the next user. However, bad things happen. Some people damage the QR code on the bike, or use their own lock, which causes trouble to other users. In my opinion, it’s difficult to turn these people’s ideas in a short time. Therefore, bike-sharing companies like Mobike and Ofo need to do something. For example, those who damage the bike should pay for their actions. Also, because people use their real name toregister as a user, it’s a good way to connect to one’s personal credit. In the end, what I want to say is to take good care of public services. (三) 共享单车(bicycle sharing)已成为时下最热的话题之一,请你就这一话题写一篇短文。内容须包括三方面:1. 共享单车蓬勃发展,成为社会热潮;2. 共享单车带来便利,但也存在问题;3. 我对解决问题的建议。 参考范文 Bicycle Sharing With the development of technology, bicycle sharing comes into people's lives. It becomes more and more popular and much news reported it. At the same time, we should see that there are some problems caused by bicycle sharing. On one side, bicycle sharing makes it very convenient of people traveling. You can find a bicycle anywhere at any time when you want to go out for a cycling, and the price of one trip is very low. It can save time for people. On the other side, its management is not perfect. Even kids can open the lock and ride the bicycle, there is no doubt that such behavior is very dangerous.

【最新】鲁迅的名言警句英文版-word范文 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 鲁迅的名言警句英文版 导语:鲁迅是著名文学家、思想家,五四新文化运动的重要参与者,中国现代文学的奠基人。下面是小编整理的鲁迅的名言警句英文版,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、沉着、勇猛,有辨别,不自私。 calm, brave, discerning, not selfish. 2、小的时候,不把他当人,大了以后也做不了人。 a small time, do not put him as a person, a big future can not do people. 3、说过的话不算数,是中国人的大毛病。 said the words do not count, is a big problem for the Chinese people. 4、人类总不会寂寞,以为生命是进步的,是天生的。 human beings will not be lonely, that life is progressive, is born. 5、事实是毫无情面的东西,它能将空言打得粉碎。 the fact is no feelings of things, it will be empty talks shattered. 6、墨写的谎说,决掩不住血写的事实。 the ink to write a lie said, can not cover the fact that blood written. 7、其实先驱者本是容易变成绊脚石的。 in fact, the pioneer is easy to become a stumbling block.


读后感:我眼中的鲁迅先生1000字 在漫长的暗夜里,先生是一位孤独而执着的行者,他在最深刻的孤独里产生了最伟大的思想。 鲁迅,一个从1918年一直辉煌至今的名字,可是,又有谁真正懂得先生的内心,谁真正了解先生那曾在风雨中飘摇的灵魂故园? 鲁迅,原名周树人,他的祖父是清朝的翰林,由于祖上的荣耀,整个大家族都很看重教育,鲁迅因此从小的时候就被送入学堂读书,三味书屋就是他幼时读书的见证。 幼时的鲁迅曾如此向教书的先生提问,难道读书就是为了求取功名?就是考取了功名我照样也无法改变这个社会的黑暗啊?!教书先生无以为答,只一声叹息……后来,祖父在朝廷被害入狱,父亲因过度操劳也患病死去,家道因此中落。幼时的鲁迅就看多了别人的冷眼,听多了别人的冷语。 即使族人,也多是嫌贫爱富,所谓今时不同往日,言语表情行动也多有厌弃。幼时的鲁迅就饱尝了人世间的冷暖,拯救民族于危患的想法也在他的头脑中萌芽…… 及至先生长大,先生几经周折,先是东渡日本,希望学医以拯救国人。后来,先生猛然意识到国人思想的麻木与冷漠才是更可怕,更可悲的,于是弃医从文。也就是从那时起,一代文学巨匠逐步成长与辉煌起来了。

时至今日,先生在文坛的影响仍然被认为是巨大的而且无可替代的。在我的印象中,先生仿佛一册线装的古书,古朴而不失淡雅,极具内涵又有厚重的质感。细细想来,先生的一生真可谓钢铁的一生。 试想,整个社会熙攘喧闹且为一些金玉其外败絮其中的小人所操纵,假如很多人都热衷于奸佞小人式的尔虞我诈勾心斗角,那么,我们所敬爱的先生又怎么能不陷入“惯于长夜过春时”的孤独与迷惘?与社会格格不入,先生没有选择自己与哪个畸形的社会相介入,而是选择了一条与黑暗抗衡的思想之途。一枝笔,几叶纸,一枝纸烟成了先生战斗的武器,先生为之奋斗一生也未曾怨悔。因为先生面对周围污浊的空气的确出离地愤怒了! 眉头紧锁,先生低吟“怒向刀丛觅小诗”;头发直立,先生高呼“我以我血荐轩辕”。无情地揭露丑恶的梦魇,先生尽力去唤醒那些精神缺钙的懵懂民众;身无媚骨,先生有着一颗坚毅的灵魂。 难以想象,一个民族的思想的转变该是多么难的一件事情。但是,先生一生选定了一个目标就矢志不渝地去做了。无微不至地关心青年一代,担心有的青年会退化成“虫豸”,说明先生刚硬躯壳里有着一颗柔情的心灵;面对一些卑鄙文人的流言蜚语,先生又从来睥睨视之,不屑置辩。正所谓“阳春之曲,和者必寡”,先生的身影从人群中掠过,人群中总


[标签:标题] 篇一:关于汽车的英语作文 好的 Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities. It brings some benefits for us but also causes many problems at the same time. For one thing,there’s no doubt that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily. Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want. However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health.What’s more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious. Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots. As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars. Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed. Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars. 坏的 Nowadays, with the rapid improvement of people's living standards, cars have become an indispensable part of people's lives,so that more and more people have a car of their own, especially in cities.It brings some benefit for us but also causes many problems at the same time. For one thing,it's no doubt that that cars provide much convenience for people to go where they want to quickly and easily. Especially on weekday,driving a car can save a lot of time for us to go to work.When some places are too far away from our home, driving our own car is also convenient, we can go wherever we want. However,for another, too many cars will lead to the pressure of public transport, a series of problems will appear.First of all,it will bring about more air pollution,a large amount of polluted air given off by cars do great harm to our health .What's more, as the existing roads are not so wide for the increasing number of cars,undoubtedly,traffic jams will become more and more serious. Last but not least, cars also place burden on the public facilities in providing more parking lots. As far as I am concerned,everything has its advantages and disadvantages. It's high time that effective action must be token to limit the ever growing number of cars, the government should take measures to control the air pollution from the cars. Some roads should be widened and more new roads should be constructed. Only in this way,will people benefit from the popularity of cars. 篇二:雅思作文高分范文:私家车的利与弊 智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思作文高分范文:私家车的利与弊

鲁迅(英文评论 杂)

Considered by many to be the founder of modern Chinese literature,he wrote in baihua (白话) (the vernacular) as well as classical Chinese.Lu Xun was a short story writer,editor,translator,critic,essayist and poet.In the 1930s he became the titular head of the Chinese League of Left-Wing Writers in Shanghai. Lu Xun's works exerted a very substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement to such a point that he was lionized by the Communist regime after 1949.Mao Zedong himself was a lifelong admirer of Lu Xun's works.Though sympathetic to the ideals of the Left,Lu Xun never actually joined the Chinese Communist Party.Lu Xun's works are known to English readers through numerous translations,especially Selected Stories of Lu Hsun translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang. has been considered one of the most influential Chinese writers of the 20th century and the founder of modern baihua (白话báihuà), or vernacular, literature. Highly influential in 20th century Chinese history, his literary works exerted a substantial influence after the May Fourth Movement. He was also a noted translator. Lu Xun, termed "chief commander of China's modern cultural revolution" by translators Xianyi and Gladys Yang, is typically regarded as the most influential Chinese writer who was associated with the May Fourth Movement. He produced harsh criticism of social problems in China, particularly in his analysis of the "Chinese national character." He has


谈谈我心中的鲁迅先生 鲁迅原名周樟寿,后改名为周树人,字豫山,鲁迅是他的笔名。他是著名的文学家,思想家,五四新文化运动的重要参与者之一,主要领袖之一,也是中国现代文学的奠基人。无产阶级革命家毛泽东主席曾经这样评价他:“鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最宝贵的性格。鲁迅是在文化战线上的民族英雄,他是中国文化革命的主将,不但是伟大的文学家,而且是最伟大的思想家和最伟大的革命家。”从毛泽东主席这一段话中,鲁迅是多么的伟大,也就可见一斑了。他是我最喜欢的作家,也是我最崇拜的作家,没有之一。 第一次认识鲁迅是从他的作品《狂人日记》中认识这位中国民国伟大的大文豪,当时我正上三年级,第一次接触作文,所以老师叫我们买各种各样的课外书籍来阅读,我当时一眼就被《狂人日记》这本书给吸引住了,“狂人”?我真是太好奇了,买回家后就迫不及待的打开书来看,看到上面写着“鲁迅著”三个大字,也正是从那里,我第一次听到了鲁迅先生这一位大作家,读完了那一本《狂人日记》之后,我真的迷上了“鲁迅文学”,凡是鲁迅写的,凡是鲁迅翻译的,我全部都看。真的,读了他的文学作品之后,我的写作水平提高的很快,那犀利的文笔尖锐的语言,只击黑暗社会

的阴暗面,无不让我佩服。 我眼中的鲁迅先生是一个民主战士。鲁迅先生的一生都是在为了人民而战斗,他在《狂人日记》中这样写到:“大约当初野蛮的人都吃过一点人。后来因为心思不同,有的不吃人了,一味要好,便变了人,变了真的人。有的却还吃也同虫子一样,有的变了鱼鸟猴子,一直到变成有的不要好,至今还是虫子,这区人的人比不湿人的人何等惭愧,怕比虫子的惭愧猴子,还差得很远很远。”一开始我读这一段文字的时候,根本就无法领悟,其中所蕴含的文学思想,只觉得鲁迅先生写的东西文学思想很深,特别的深奥,不容易懂,现在重读这一段文字,我终于明白了,在当时那个黑暗封建社会,劳动人民连一点儿民主和自由都没有。鲁迅先生正是借助狂人的视角,来抨击这个“吃人的世界”。鲁迅先生对于这种人吃人的丑恶,运用了极其犀利的语言,告诫人们所谓的“人吃人”,只会导致一个国家更腐败,只会导致人们的生活更苦。你瞧,多么伟大的民主战士啊! 在我心中的鲁迅先生是热爱青年的。有一次鲁迅先生在广州的时候,一个青年受他的感化,随他到了上海,到上海以后又热情的留他在自己景云里的雨锁住,然后,鲁迅先生又准备给那个青年在上海找个工作,可是鲁迅先生自己当时情况也很困难,于是他找到了自己的好朋友,中国现代作家郁达夫,想问问这位好朋友有没有办法?可是郁达夫也没有

鲁迅《祝福》英文全文 The new year's sacrifice

https://www.doczj.com/doc/1012702680.html,/english/n12.htm(这是网址) THE NEW YEAR'S SACRIFICE New Year's Eve of the old calendar seems after all more like the real New Year's Eve; for, to say nothing of the villages and towns, even in the air there is a feeling that New Year is coming. From the pale, lowering evening clouds issue frequent flashes of lightning, followed by a rumbling sound of firecrackers celebrating the departure of the Hearth God; while, nearer by, the firecrackers explode even more violently, and before the deafening report dies away the air is filled with a faint smell of powder. It was on such a night that I returned to Luchen, my native place. Although I call it my native place, I had had no home there for some time, so I had to put up temporarily with a certain Mr. Lu, the fourth son of his family. He is a member of our clan, and belongs to the generation before mine, so I ought to call him "Fourth Uncle." An old student of the imperial college who went in for Neo-Confucianism, I found him very little changed in any way, simply slightly older, but without any moustache as yet. When we met, after exchanging a few polite remarks he said I was fatter, and after saying that immediately started a violent attack on the revolutionaries. I knew this was not meant personally, because the object of the attack was still Kang Yu-wei. Nevertheless, conversation proved difficult, so that in a short time I found myself alone in the study. The next day I got up very late, and after lunch went out to see some relatives and friends. The day after I did the same. None of them was greatly changed, simply slightly older; but every family was busy preparing for "the sacrifice." This is the great end-of-year ceremony in Luchen, when people reverently welcome the God of Fortune and solicit good fortune for the coming year. They kill chickens and geese and buy pork, scouring and scrubbing until all the women's arms turn red in the water. Some of them still wear twisted silver bracelets. After the meat is cooked some chopsticks are thrust into it at random, and this is called the "offering." It is set out at dawn when incense and candles are lit, and they reverently invite the God of Fortune to come and partake of the offering. Only men can be worshippers, and after the sacrifice they naturally continue to let off firecrackers as before. This happens every year, in every family, provided they can afford to buy the offering and firecrackers; and this year they naturally followed the old custom. The day grew overcast. In the afternoon it actually started to snow, the biggest snow-flakes as large as plum blossom petals fluttered about the sky; and this, combined with the smoke and air of activity, made Luchen appear in a ferment. When I returned to my uncle's study the roof of the house was already white with snow. The room also appeared brighter, the great red rubbing hanging on the wall showing up very clearly the character for Longevity written by the Taoist saint Chen Tuan.One of a pair of scrolls


我心中的鲁迅精选作文(5篇) 本文是关于鲁迅的话题作文文章,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 篇一:我心中的鲁迅鲁迅是我国伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家。他一笔为武器,战斗了一生。鲁迅原名周树人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人。 他给我留下了深刻的印象。在学习《我的伯父鲁迅先生》时,我感受到了鲁迅先生的伟大。我觉着鲁迅先生是个爱恨分明的人。鲁迅先生的话语很幽默、风趣。他没说自己的地位比别人高一级,就让别人给他干这干那。即使鲁迅先生比别人高一等,但鲁迅先生还是把自己当成普通人。从鲁迅先生给车夫包扎伤口时可以看出鲁迅先生对劳动人民的关心、同情、热爱之情。鲁迅先生用委外的语言,批评“我”读书马虎。但又看出了鲁迅先生和别人教育后代的方式不一样。 从《一面》这一篇课文中,我又感受到了鲁迅先生虽然很瘦,但精神抖擞。和坚持不屈的伟大精神。 我还要学习鲁迅先生珍惜时间。鲁迅先生说过“时间就像海绵里的水,只要愿挤,总还会有的。”是啊,如果你不愿挤,怎没可能会有呢? 鲁迅先生逝世前,还依然坚持写作。直到逝世。这种坚持不懈的精神令人敬佩。鲁迅先生一生接待过来访青年五百多名,亲自给青年回信三千五百多封。关心过的青年更是不计其数。

鲁迅先生虽然死了,但他这种坚持不懈的精神却永远在我们心中。“鲁迅先生是同我们一起的!” 篇二:我心中的鲁迅 小时候我曾听大人说过,中国有一个大文豪叫鲁迅。心中总觉得这人很伟大。但自从上了六年级,学了关于鲁迅的课文,鲁迅在我心中高大起来。他时常穿一件朴素的中式长衫,短短的头发刷子似的直竖着,浓密的胡须形成一个隶书的‘一’字。 鲁迅原名周树人(1881年9月25日—1936年10月19日),汉族。浙江绍兴人,字豫才,原名周樟寿,字豫山、豫亭。以笔名鲁迅闻名于世。鲁迅先生青年时代曾受进化论、尼采超人哲学和托尔斯泰博爱思想的影响。1904年初,入仙台医科专门学医,后从事文艺创作,希望以此改变国民精神。鲁迅先生一生写作计有600万字,其中著作约500万字,辑校和书信约100万字。作品包括杂文、短篇小说、评论、散文、翻译作品。对于“五四运动”以后的中国文学产生了深刻的影响。毛泽东主席评价他是伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家,是中国文化革命的主将。 在我心中他是一个有学问,关心青年,幽默,关心劳动人民,珍惜时间的人。看,在那北风呼啸的夜晚,鲁迅半跪着,给一个素不相识的黄包车司机包扎伤口;看在牛毛细雨,鲁迅廉价买书,送书给一位青年。我心中的鲁迅就是这么一个人。 篇三:我心中的鲁迅 鲁迅这个名字不知道你听没听过?答案是你肯定听过。鲁迅被毛


汽车的重要性《英语作文》 The automobile has become one of the most important means/ways of transportation in the world since it was invented. The automobile has completely changed the lifestyles of almost all the people in the world. In the past, animals like horses and camels were used for traveling and transporting goods. Automobiles are more comfortable and faster. Automobiles have also made it possible for us to transport large quantities of goods and people at the same time. Besides, the invention of the automobile has provided jobs for millions of people all over the world. 翻译: 汽车已经成为世界上最重要的交通工具之一,因为它是发明的。汽车已经完全改变了世界上几乎所有的人的生活方式。 在过去,像马和骆驼的动物被用来运送货物。汽车更舒适,更快速。汽车也使我们能够在同一时间运送大量货物和人。 此外,汽车的发明为全世界上百万的人提供了工作。


Lu Xun, a national hero --after reading “Better Known as Mark Twain Mark Twain is a American writer,well-known for his irony and humorous writing style . In China ,there is a writer similar to Mark Twain. He is Lu Xun ,who is recognized as the father of Chinese modern novel and ,more importantly ,the spirit of Chinese nation. Lu Xun, with his pen ,his invincible weapon, fought with enemies for the whole nation ,and was engaged in revealing the ugly side of human nature and arousing patriotic consciousness of people.Because his irony articles pointed out the corruption and inaction of the government ,the politicians tried every means to arrest him. To escape from their watch, Lu Xun changed his writing name frequently. Lu Xun is one of his writing names1. Because of continuous hard work and few rest ,Lu Xun died at the age of 55,in Shanghai ,in October,1936. Tens of thousands of people came to his funeral in memory of this national hero. And people put a banner on his coffin, which read “the spirit of Chinese nation” . Every hero ‘s life is a legend. So is Lu Xun’s. Lu Xun,whose real name is Zhou Shuren, was born inShaoxing County in Zhejiang Province. His family used to be wealthy and of good repute. However ,bad luck seemed to clutch to his family.After his family 1Lu Xun has 181writing names.


我眼中的鲁迅先生读后感800字 我一直相信,无论长夜漫漫,无论前路迢迢,总有那么一双眼睛,能穿透历史的阴霾,看尽沧桑流转,看透世态炎凉,一如锋利的长剑,刺破浮云鄂未残。 迅者,从走卂声,疾也。先生的一生,如他的笔名,满是飞越与奔跑,奔向他进取、正直、从容的眼所憧憬的前方。尽管时光如梭,曾经的象已不可察,我亦能从残存的光影中,得窥其眉目英朗,即使相隔百年,自让人心生敬意。 不满足是向上的齿轮 照片中先生的眼总是各向上看的。上眼眶曲成下压的弧线,仿佛满弦之弓,蓄势待发,顶着不断上挑的眼珠,别有一股逼人的英气。这样的人,别人说他不懂人生,把眼光放在脚下,求个安逸,保全己身,便已足够。我想,先生即使懂,大约也是不屑的。不满足造就了他的不平凡。从路矿学堂到仙台学医,从受尽歧视的华人到以文为戈,一往无前的战士,他一步一步前行,走出世上本无的新路。原来,他的眼是窄小的,容不得太多,容不得自身的学术不精,容不得世道的黑暗阴沉。他不满足,于是试图改变,所以他总目视上方。或许也只有深邃浩瀚的苍穹,才堪与之对话吧。 不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡 睫毛上扬,眼神中满怀着期待,先生似乎有许多要倾诉。统治

者的屠刃和燃尽思想的烈火,产生了无数的病态麻木、自甘为奴、逆来顺受的眼。然而他们永远不明白,什么都可以被洗尽,只有大脑不能,思想是凤凰,是焚烧不尽的野草,没有什么力量可以消灭。怒目圆睁,满怀愤慨和怜悯地看着眼前悲哀的世界,那眼神足以让任何阴险和野心勃勃的人心怯胆寒。是的,无须沉默,伴随着那哀其不幸、怒其不争的眼神而来的,是《彷徨》、《》、《华盖集》我终于明白先生眼中的期待,就让他在愤怒中嘶吼,去振醒人心吧! 当我成尘时,你会见我的微笑 岁月总是无情的。先生眼角拖起长长的皱纹,载着沧桑与疲惫,摧残着他。我甚至可以想象,在无数个黑夜,先生苦撑起他早已困乏不已的眼,坚持着他的坚持。先生的眼,浑浊又澄明,那疲乏背后所掩藏着的是从容与无悔。有限的生命和无限的价值,在他那里获得了平衡。正因为时日短暂,才需要夜以继日的奋斗。被辛劳击垮的先生,还是从容地离去,没有冠冕堂皇的言辞,只留下几件小的心愿。只是他的眼,依旧如光耀一般,闪在民族的血液深处。我这才发现,他的不平凡中,其实又包含着平凡,而这平凡,却透出别样的卓越。 而今,斯人不复,而先生的眼,依然承载着独立的人格和思想,激励我辈。所以即使那些当代的阿Q、孔乙己试图将他的

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