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Reading Report:On Robinson Crusoe

--- Class 2 Life is just like a boat which is flowing on the river of life,we will be confronted with various disturbrances and we will also enjoy several comfortable person may encounter many waves which are always onrushing and these waves will make you confused, feared, it will be destroyed or survive after the storm . it is you who are in charge of the fate of the little boat Whether it will be destroyed or survive after the storm. In brief,it is you who are doomed to control the little boat’s fate.

Recently I have read Robinson Crusoe,I think this great work proves this ,a solitary and tough adventurer,who gives up his comfortable life,fights for his dream. Robinson,a ture brave person,has spent twenty eight years on a desolate and uninhabitated island without anybody companying of these has proved that he is the one who dare take risks and have the kind of ,I find,is an observation that is equally valid for order to scale the heights of knowledge ,many scholars have experienced heaps of times of smokeless realize the lofty ideals,many businessmen have struggled in the commercial circles for many years and have gone through a lot of hardships. They are all our excellent models who we should learn are also inclined to try hard and pursue our own lofty ideals.

After I have read Robinson Crusoe,a great image comes into my is Robinson who is a brave adventurer and seafarer. By relying on his tough willpower and his sprite of never give up,he has achived his navigation dream.

As if I saw a man standing right on shipboard who had given up his well-fixed and comfortable life embarks on a duel with Azrael in the course of fighting agaist death on the of thousands of miseries and obstacles never defeated Robinson,on the contrary,these made him much more difficulties set up by God are the sailers are dead because of storm and tsunami exceot genuine challenge is just awaiting for he was confined to the desert island,in order to find a suitable habitation,he has searched the island all day ,he selects a place at the foot of the hill sets up a tent as large as possible with several wood to lift the hanging second day,he makes a instant wall to protect himself by using the boxes and wood after only over 10 days,the collapse strikes moves away the collapse moud and fixes the ceiling and uses pillars to lift this way,he won’t be bothered by necceseties provide him foundation for his future then,he finds wheat by chance. And he produces more and more crops by his hardwork despite of several he has spent several yeas to bulid a boat but only to find he can’t move it because it is far his hope collapes after a long time,he meets with hope lights up again.

Robinson is a brave and tough has lived for 27 years on the desert dares to fight against the serious natural works hard and keeps the island in has learned a lot from his 27 years life on the island and achived a lot finally. This book sheds light on me and guide me in the course of growing tells us that only by hard work and persistence can we it also tells that getting right on the job is more than belief.

As Winston Churchill said:Never give up,nerver give up,never,never.....

These can benefit me a lot in my future and make my life much more worthy.


一、填空题 1.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是英国作家(笛福)。 2.他在一座无人荒岛上生活多年后,收得一土人为奴,取名“星期五”,后来,这一土人成为他的忠实的仆人和朋友。小说中描写(鲁滨逊在荒岛上的经历)是全书的精华。在岛上生活28年后,因帮助一个船长制服叛变的水手,得以乘船返回自己的祖国,他在成为巨富后派人到岛上继续垦荒,他的名字叫(鲁滨逊),这部作品叫(《鲁滨逊漂流记》)。 3.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是(英)国小说家(笛福),他是该国文学史上第一个重(英国小说和报刊文学之父)有要的小说家, 的美誉,他的文章影响了后来期刊文章和报纸的发展。 4.鲁滨逊在荒岛上生活了(28)年,高度浓缩地体现着人的本质和人类进步的历程,他成了一位独自创造文明的英雄。

5.鲁滨逊在(巴西)买了一块庄园,曾在那儿,过了四年安稳的庄园主生活。6.在荒岛上,鲁滨逊刚开始主要的食物是(野山羊),由于担心弹药用完,他就把他们捉住饲养起来。 7.偶然机会,鲁滨逊抖装饲料的袋子,过了雨天,抖袋子的地方长出了(麦)苗和(稻)苗。 8.鲁滨逊在岛上捉到一只鹦鹉,给它起名叫(波儿)。. 9.鲁滨逊在岛上种粮的第一年收获了(两斗大米、两斗大麦),他把这些粮食碾碎放进自己烧制的瓦罐中烤成(面包)。10.鲁滨逊在岛上还用(羊皮)制作了一把伞。 11.鲁滨逊用近(两)年的时间造了一只独木船,还挖了一条(六)尺的运河,把船运到了半里外的小河里。 12.救了“星期五”,鲁滨逊知道在另一个岛上住着十五个(西班牙)人,是海船失事后逃上去的。 13.《鲁滨逊漂流记》是以第(一)人称

写的长篇小说。. 14.鲁滨逊第一次出海的目的地是(伦敦),不料却遇到了可怕的风浪,好容易才保住了性命。 15.鲁滨逊第一夜在(树上)睡觉。16.鲁滨逊第二次出海是去(非洲)经商,这一次他成功了。 17.鲁滨逊第三次出航极为不幸,他们遇到了(土耳其海盗),被俘虏,变成了奴隶,逃出后抵达巴西,在那里独自经营一个(种植园),生活过得很顺遂。 18.鲁滨逊第四次航行是去(贩运黑奴),遭遇飓风,一连十二天。当行驶到(南美)洲一个岛屿附近时,船突然触礁,遂遭灭顶之灾。. )金镑。.鲁滨逊有一包钱币,约值(3619可对于岛上的生活来说,它们却是(倒霉而无用),都已经发霉了。月,)12)年的(20.鲁滨逊来到岛上第(23(野人)。两年?突然发现岛上出现了一群后,他救下一个俘虏,那天是(星期五),(星期五),他成了?因此,这个俘虏名叫鲁滨逊的仆人。)


I WISH TO BE A SAILOR [11] M Y name is Robinson Crusoe. I was born in the old city of York, where there is a broad river, with ships coming and going. When I was a little boy, I spent much of my time looking at the river. How pleasant was the quiet stream, flowing, always flowing, toward the far-away sea! I liked to watch the ships as they came in with their white sails spread to the wind. I liked to think of the strange lands which they must have visited, and of the many wonderful things they must have passed. [12] I wished to be a sailor. I thought how grand it must be to sail and sail on the wide blue sea, with the sky above and the waves beneath. Nothing could be pleasanter. My father wanted me to learn a trade. But I could not bear the thought of it. I could not bear the thought of working every day in a dusty shop. I did not wish to stay in York all my life. I wanted to see the world. I would be a sailor and nothing else.


《鲁滨逊漂流记》名著情节概述 一、作者简介 丹尼尔·笛福(Daniel Defoe,1660-1731),英国小说家,新闻记者。他在西方文学发展史上占据着一个特殊的位置,被称为“现代小说之父”。其作品主要为个人通过努力,靠自己的智慧和勇敢战胜困难。18世纪,长篇小说兴起,笛福作为西方新兴资产阶级的代言人,他的创作开辟了以写实为风格,追求逼真效果的现代长篇小说发展的道路。他的小说情节曲折,采用自述方式,可读性强,并表现了当时追求冒险,倡导个人奋斗的社会风气。自14至15世纪新航路开辟以来,航海成为每个青年人都抱有的一种理想,其代表作《鲁滨逊漂流记》闻名于世,鲁滨逊也成为与困难抗争的典型人物,因此他被视作英国小说的开创者之一。 继《鲁滨逊漂流记》的成功之后,接下来的五年之中,笛福又陆续写了四本书,包括《生命》、《冒险》、《红牌船长的海盗生涯》及《疫年大事记》。笛福逝世于1731年4月,享年71岁。 二、写作背景 这部小说是笛福受当时一个真实故事的启发而创作的。1704年9月,一名叫亚历山大·赛尔科克的苏格兰水手在海上与船长发生争吵,被船长遗弃在南美洲大西洋中的安·菲南德岛上。四年后当他被救回英国时已成了一个野人。英国著名作家笛福以赛尔科克的传奇故事为蓝本,把自己多年来的海上经历和体验倾注在人物身上,并充分运用自己丰富的想象力进行文学加工,使“鲁滨逊”成了当时中小资产阶级心目中的英雄人物,是西方文学中第一个理想化的新兴资产者形象。本书成书于1719年左右,在作者快年届60时创作了这部妙趣横生、雅俗共赏、老少皆宜的传记体小说,为自己博得了“英国和欧洲小说之父”的美誉。 三、主要故事情节 1.第一次航行 鲁滨逊的父亲原来指望儿子学法律,但是鲁滨逊却一心想去航海。有一天,鲁滨逊去赫尔时,他的一位同伴正要坐其父亲的船到伦敦去,他动心了,于是,他跟着去——这是1651年的8月,当时他十九岁。船刚驶出海口,便碰到了可怕的风浪,使他感到全身有说不出的难过,心里十分恐惧。他在痛苦的心情中发了誓,假如上帝在这次航行中留下他的命,在登上陆地后,就一直待在他慈爱的父母身边,从此一定听从他们的忠告办事。可是第二天风停了,浪也歇了。太阳西沉,继之而来的是一个美丽可爱的黄昏,这时,又喝了同伴酿的一碗甜酒后,他就把这次航行后便回家的决心丢到九霄云外去了。 2.第二次航行。第二次出海到非洲经商,赚了一笔钱。 3.第三次航行。在去非洲的几内亚做生意时,鲁滨逊被一艘土耳其的海盗船俘虏,被卖为奴隶。后来他划了主人的小船逃跑,途中被一艘葡萄牙货船救起,逃到了巴西。在那里独自经营一个甘蔗种植园,当起了庄园主,生活过得很顺遂。 4.第四次航行触碓 在巴西,因为人工不足,有几个种植园主知道鲁滨逊曾为做生意而到过非洲的一些奴隶市场口岸,就竭力哄诱他作一次航行,到那一带去为他们的种植园买些黑奴回来。想不到,他们的船在南美洲北岸一个无名岛上触了礁,所有的水手及乘客全都淹死了,只有他一个人被高高的海浪卷到了岸上,保住了一条命。他把船上的东西都搬到岛上,在山上凿洞,围栅栏,定居下来,饮溪水,烤野味,度过了最初遇到的困难。


Reads Lu Bin xun To wander Records has the feeling This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe,published in 1719.It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature.It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island.He builds himself a hut,grows his own food,and becomes sufficient.After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners,a young native whom he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday become close friends,and when they are finally rescued four years later,both return to England.Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk,an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island.This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature. On the long road of life, there may be a great deal of hardship, which will obstruct your steps forward.If you never give up, everything will be conquered by yourself.


《鲁滨逊漂流记》练习题(满分100分) 一、填空题(每空1分,共30分) 1.《鲁滨逊漂流记》是以第一人称写的长篇小说,作者是英国作家_笛福_。他是该国文学史上第一个重要的小说家,有英国小说和报刊文学之父的美誉,他的文章影响了后来期刊文章和报纸的发展。 2.鲁滨逊在日记中把自己流落的荒岛命名为绝望岛,他收得一土人为奴,取名“星期五_”,后来,这一土人成为他的忠实的仆人和朋友。 3.《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部成功的_现实主义_小说,小说主人公鲁滨逊也因此成为欧洲文学史上的一个著名的文学形象。他的名字,已经成为冒险家家的代名词和千千万万读者心目中的英雄。 4.小说中描写鲁滨逊在荒岛上的经历是全书的精华。鲁滨逊在荒岛上生活了28年,高度浓缩地体现着人的本质和人类进步的历程,他成了一位独自创造文明的英雄。5.鲁滨逊在_巴西买了一块庄园,曾在那过了四年安稳的庄园主生活。 6.在荒岛上,鲁滨逊刚开始主要的食物是_野山羊,由于担心弹药用完,他就把它们捉住饲养起来。 7.鲁滨逊认为荒岛上可分两季:雨季和旱季。一个偶然机会鲁滨逊抖装饲料袋子,过了雨天抖袋子的地方长出了稻苗和麦苗。 8.鲁滨逊在岛上捉到一只鹦鹉,给它起名叫波儿。 9.鲁滨逊在岛上种粮的第一年收获了两斗大米和两斗大麦,他把这些粮食碾碎放进自己烧制的瓦罐中烤成面包。 10. 鲁滨逊用近两年的时间造了一只独木船,还挖了一条_六_尺的运河,把船运到了半里外的小河里。 11.救了“星期五”,鲁滨逊知道在另一个岛上住着十五个西班牙人,是海船失事后逃上去的。 12.鲁滨逊第一次出海的目的地是伦敦,不料却遇到了可怕的风浪,好容易才保住了性命。鲁滨逊第二次出海是去_非洲_ 经商,这一次他成功了。 13.鲁滨逊第三次出航极为不幸,他们遇到了土耳其海盗_,被俘虏,变成了奴隶,逃出后抵达巴西,在那里独自经营一个_种植园,生活过得很顺利。 14.鲁滨逊第四次航行是去_贩卖黑奴,遭遇飓风,一连十二天。当行驶到_南美_洲一个岛屿附近时,船突然触礁,遂遭灭顶之灾。 15.鲁滨逊有一包钱币,约值___ 金镑。可对于岛上的生活来说,它们却是倒霉而无用的东西,都已经发霉了。 二、简答题(共50分) 1.英国著名作家笛福代表作品是《鲁滨逊漂流记》。请你用简洁的语言写出这部小说的内容提要(80字左右)。(10分) 《鲁滨逊漂流记》这部小说可以分为三个部分,第一部分写鲁滨逊离家三次航海的经历,在巴西买了种植园;第二部分是小说的主体,写鲁滨逊在荒岛上的经历;第三部分叙述他从荒岛回来以后的事情,主要经历是由陆路从葡萄牙回英国途中遇狼群的故事。


英文版鲁滨逊漂流记读后感 Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe. It tells the story of a young explorer who becomes marooned on a deserted island. His experiences of the island change his outlook on life. The story takes place in the 1700s on a deserted island somewhere off the coast of Brazil. The island is fairly large in size and has a small shore. The interior of the island has many trees, wild pigs and other small animals and a small cave in which Crusoe stores food. I walked about the shore lifting up my hands. Look around, I see nothing but water, a forest, and the remains of my ship. At first, I was afraid of wild animals but after some exploration of the land, the only animals I had seen were wild pigs, squirrels, and some small birds.The only possessions that Crusoe retrieved from the remains of his ship were a small knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe, and a small book that would later become his journal. Robinson Crusoe was a young and stubborn explorer. He was extremely tall and strong. His stay on the island changed him from a mean, stubborn man to an open-minded person. Standing at six feet, two inches and having my long, thick brown hair back in a ponytail, I felt as if I was eight feet tall. Without the permissi.


《鲁滨逊漂流记》阅读测试题及答案 第一套题 一、填空题 1.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是英国作家(笛福)。 2.他在一座无人荒岛上生活多年后,收得一土人为奴,取名“星期五”,后来,这一土人成为他的忠实的仆人和朋友。小说中描写(鲁滨逊在荒岛上的经历)是全书的精华。在岛上生活28年后,因帮助一个船长制服叛变的水手,得以乘船返回自己的祖国,他在成为巨富后派人到岛上继续垦荒,他的名字叫(鲁滨逊),这部作品叫(《鲁滨逊漂流记》)。3.《鲁滨逊漂流记》的作者是(英)国小说家(笛福),他是该国文学史上第一个重要的小说家,有(英国小说和报刊文学之父)的美誉,他的文章影响了后来期刊文章和报纸的发展。 4.鲁滨逊在荒岛上生活了(28)年,高度浓缩地体现着人的本质和人类进步的历程,他成了一位独自创造文明的英雄。 5.鲁滨逊在(巴西)买了一块庄园,曾在那儿,过了四年安稳的庄园主生活。 6.在荒岛上,鲁滨逊刚开始主要的食物是(野山羊),由于担心弹药用完,他就把他们捉住饲养起来。 7.偶然机会,鲁滨逊抖装饲料的袋子,过了雨天,抖袋子的地方长出了(麦)苗和(稻)苗。 8.鲁滨逊在岛上捉到一只鹦鹉,给它起名叫(波儿)。 9.鲁滨逊在岛上种粮的第一年收获了(两斗大米、两斗大麦),他把这些粮食碾碎放进自己烧制的瓦罐中烤成(面包)。 10.鲁滨逊在岛上还用(羊皮)制作了一把伞。 11.鲁滨逊用近(两)年的时间造了一只独木船,还挖了一条(六)尺的运河,把船运到了半里外的小河里。 12.救了“星期五”,鲁滨逊知道在另一个岛上住着十五个(西班牙)人,是海船失事后逃上去的。 13.《鲁滨逊漂流记》是以第(一)人称写的长篇小说。 14.鲁滨逊第一次出海的目的地是(伦敦),不料却遇到了可怕的风浪,好容易才保住了性命。 15.鲁滨逊第一夜在(树上)睡觉。 16.鲁滨逊第二次出海是去(非洲)经商,这一次他成功了。 17.鲁滨逊第三次出航极为不幸,他们遇到了(土耳其海盗),被俘虏,变成了奴隶,逃出后抵达巴西,在那里独自经营一个(种植园),生活过得很顺遂。 18.鲁滨逊第四次航行是去(贩运黑奴),遭遇飓风,一连十二天。当行驶到(南美)洲一个岛屿附近时,船突然触礁,遂遭灭顶之灾。 19.鲁滨逊有一包钱币,约值(36)金镑。可对于岛上的生活来说,它们却是(倒霉而无用),都已经发霉了。 20.鲁滨逊来到岛上第(23)年的(12)月,突然发现岛上出现了一群(野人)。两年后,他救下一个俘虏,那天是(星期五),因此,这个俘虏名叫(星期五),他成了鲁滨逊的仆人。 21.(1686)年(12)月(19)日,鲁滨逊带着仆人乘船离开海岛,他一共在岛上生活了(28)年。 22.鲁滨逊认为荒岛上可分两季:(雨季)和(旱季)。

人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 《鲁滨逊漂流记》

《鲁滨逊漂流记》 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国小说家丹尼尔?笛福的代表作,是一部流传很广,影响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的资产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。作者用生动逼真的细节把虚构的情景写得使人如同身临其境,使故事具有强烈的真实感。小说主人公鲁滨逊也成为欧洲文学史上一个著名的文学形象。 我父亲原来指望我学法律,但是我却一心想去航海。有一天,我去赫尔城,我的一位同伴正要坐他父亲的船到伦敦去,再没有什么比这更让我动心了,我必须跟他而去——这是1651年的8月,当时我十九岁。 船刚驶出海口,便碰到了可怕的风浪,使我感到全身说不出的难过,心里十分恐怖。我在痛苦的心情中发了誓,假如上帝在这次航行中留下我的命,我在登上陆地后,就一直回到我慈爱的父母身边,从此一定听从他们的忠告办事。 可是第二天风停了,浪也歇了。太阳西沉,继之而来的是一个美丽可爱的黄昏,这时又喝了我的同伴酿的一碗甜酒,我就把这次航行后便回家的决心丢到九霄云外去了。我的这种习性给我的一生招来了巨大的不幸——任性的行动常给我带来灾难,可我总不肯在灾难来临的时刻乘机悔改。待到危险一一过去,就忘掉了所有的誓言,又不顾一切地投入了我的毫无名堂的生活。 在第一次狂风暴雨似的航行后,我又有过几次不同的冒险。在去非洲的几内亚做生意时,我被一艘土耳其的海盗船俘虏,被卖为奴隶,经过许多危险,我逃到了巴西,在那里独自经营一个甘蔗种植园,生活过得很顺遂。可这时我却又成了诱惑的牺牲品。巴西因为人工不足,有几个种植园主知道我曾为做生意而到过非洲的一些奴隶市场口岸,他们竭力哄诱我作一次航行,到那一带去为他们的种植园买些黑奴回来。 听从坏主意,人就会倒霉。我们的船在南美洲北岸一个无名岛上触了礁,所有的水手及乘客全都淹死了,上帝保佑,只有我一个人被高高的海浪卷到了岸上,保住了一条命。当时我所有的只是一把刀、一只烟斗和一个盒子里装的一点儿烟草。待到我的体力恢复,可以走路了时,我就沿着海岸走去。使我大为高兴的是,我发现了淡水。喝了水后,又拿一小撮烟草放在嘴里解饿。我就在一棵树上栖身,舒舒服服地睡了一觉振作了精神,海上风平浪静。但最叫我高兴的是我看见了那艘船,待到潮水退下,看到它竟离海岸很近,我发现可以很方便地游到船上去。船上只剩下一只狗和两只猫,再没有别的生物。不过船上有大量的生活必需品,这样,我就干了起来。为了把那些东西运到这个岛的一个水湾里,我专门制造了一只木筏,还把岛上有淡水而且比较平坦的一块高


丹尼尔·笛福与《鲁滨逊漂流记》 英国小说之父 Daniel Defoe (1659 –1731), 本名Daniel Foe, 英国作家、记者和小册子作者,因其《鲁滨孙飘流记》而获得永久的名声。 自中世纪以来,西方所说的“文学”基本就是神学阐述、论战、进道词、个人信仰体验等等宗教著述。这种状况直到很久以后才有根本改变—直到1886年小说的出版量才超出宗教读物。 笛福是小说的最早的倡导者,并为这种新兴文学形式的普及作出了极大贡献,被认为是英国小说之父。 在虚构与现实之间 笛福是一个具有多种才能的多产作家。共写了500多本不同类型的书和小册子,并与26家杂志有联系,其写作的主题和题材包括政治、犯罪、宗教、婚姻、心理和超自然等。他也被称为“现代新闻报道之父”。他的作品,包括大量政论册子,无一不是投合资产阶级发展的需要,写城市中产阶级感兴趣和关心的问题。 《维尔夫人显灵纪实》(1706)对一个流行的鬼故事作了逼真的报道;《瘟疫年纪事》(1722)写1665年伦敦大瘟疫,把这场鼠疫的发生、传播,它引起的恐怖和人心惶惶,以及死亡数字(共死7万人)、逃疫的景况写得如身临其境。当时法国马赛鼠疫流行,引起了人们的特别关注,笛福的作品满足了市民对鼠疫的好奇心。 现代处境中的个体 16、17世纪以降,工商业和海外殖民事业的快速发展,城市扩张和传统农业破产等等一系列变化,使旧有的阶级、家族和行业关系等等纷纷松动乃至解体。人们不再生来属于某个相对固定的社会群体或担当稳定的社会角色,相反,他们似乎成了漂浮的孤独个体,有可能或是不得不重新为自己定位,重新探求并塑造自己的角色和人生意义。这种典型的现代处境生出很多新的机会、新的诱惑、新的焦虑和新的观念。 航海-探险-旅行文学的风行 17世纪以来,由于航海技术的发展和海外殖民事业的发展,旅行文学在英国开始风行,海盗出身的威廉·丹皮尔(1652-1715)因《新环球航行》(1697)一书几乎成了传奇英雄。 公众对旅行、探险以及探险文学的嗜好不仅源自对新鲜事物的好奇心,还被切实的经济关怀和利益考量所驱动,有获取并传播实用经济信息的效用。 17世纪以来的读者“要求旅行作家为他们提供“真实消息”(news) The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York. Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates. Written by Himself. 《鲁滨孙飘流记》原作全名 约克水手鲁滨孙·克鲁梭的奇异的冒险故事,讲述他如何在海难中幸存下来,孤身一人漂流到美洲海岸,在靠近奥鲁诺克河口一个无人居住的荒岛上生活了28年,最后如何不可思议地被海盗所拯救。由他本人书写。 题解: The Adventure of Robinson Crusoe 实际上,在18世纪语汇中,“冒险”(adventure)一词本身所代表的主要并不是浪漫


Reading Report:On Robinson Crusoe --- Class 2 Life is just like a boat which is flowing on the river of life,we will be confronted with various disturbrances and we will also enjoy several comfortable person may encounter many waves which are always onrushing and these waves will make you confused, feared, it will be destroyed or survive after the storm . it is you who are in charge of the fate of the little boat Whether it will be destroyed or survive after the storm. In brief,it is you who are doomed to control the little boat’s fate. Recently I have read Robinson Crusoe,I think this great work proves this ,a solitary and tough adventurer,who gives up his comfortable life,fights for his dream. Robinson,a ture brave person,has spent twenty eight years on a desolate and uninhabitated island without anybody companying of these has proved that he is the one who dare take risks and have the kind of ,I find,is an observation that is equally valid for order to scale the heights of knowledge ,many scholars have experienced heaps of times of smokeless realize the lofty ideals,many businessmen have struggled in the commercial circles for many years and have gone through a lot of hardships. They are all our excellent models who we should learn are also inclined to try hard and pursue our own lofty ideals. After I have read Robinson Crusoe,a great image comes into my is Robinson who is a brave adventurer and seafarer. By relying on his tough willpower and his sprite of never give up,he has achived his navigation dream. As if I saw a man standing right on shipboard who had given up his well-fixed and comfortable life embarks on a duel with Azrael in the course of fighting agaist death on the of thousands of miseries and obstacles never defeated Robinson,on the contrary,these made him much more difficulties set up by God are the sailers are dead because of storm and tsunami exceot genuine challenge is just awaiting for he was confined to the desert island,in order to find a suitable habitation,he has searched the island all day ,he selects a place at the foot of the hill sets up a tent as large as possible with several wood to lift the hanging second day,he makes a instant wall to protect himself by using the boxes and wood after only over 10 days,the collapse strikes moves away the collapse moud and fixes the ceiling and uses pillars to lift this way,he won’t be bothered by necceseties provide him foundation for his future then,he finds wheat by chance. And he produces more and more crops by his hardwork despite of several he has spent several yeas to bulid a boat but only to find he can’t move it because it is far his hope collapes after a long time,he meets with hope lights up again. Robinson is a brave and tough has lived for 27 years on the desert dares to fight against the serious natural works hard and keeps the island in has learned a lot from his 27 years life on the island and achived a lot finally. This book sheds light on me and guide me in the course of growing tells us that only by hard work and persistence can we it also tells that getting right on the job is more than belief. As Winston Churchill said:Never give up,nerver give up,never,never..... These can benefit me a lot in my future and make my life much more worthy.


笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》鉴赏 丹尼尔笛福,英国作家、新闻记者。英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为“英国和欧洲小说之父”。其作品可读性强,主要构架为:主人公个人通过努力,靠智慧和勇敢战胜困难,表现了当时追求冒险,倡导个人奋斗的社会风气。其代表作《鲁滨孙漂流记》,创造了与困难抗争的典型人物鲁滨孙。 在英国,文学肇始于诗歌、戏剧,而1719年横空出世的《鲁滨孙漂流记》是英国第一部真正的小说。作者笛福成为当之无愧“英国和欧洲小说之父”。《鲁宾逊漂流记》中的主人公是资本主义萌芽时期新兴资产者勇于冒险的象征,鲁宾逊的故事适应了当时时代潮流的需要。新的土地、新的原料来源、新的市场是新兴资产阶级的追逐目标,大胆开拓的勇气和克服艰难险阻的毅力是他们达到目的的前提。鲁宾逊的故事反映他们的心声,让他们有了前进的动力,让他们看到了希望。鲁宾逊是“资本原始积累时期的英雄。 全书以鲁宾逊冒险的经历作为线索展开,讲述他如何离家出走、逃脱海盗、流落孤岛,如何在孤岛恶劣的环境中生存,以及最后又是怎么样成为富翁、如何回到英国等等。英国青年鲁滨逊从小喜欢航海,冒险是他的梦。他,在惊心动魄的航海中经历了无数险情。某一次,他们的船在太平洋上不幸罹难,船上的人都葬身海底,惟有他一人得到上天的眷顾,奇迹般地活了下来。但又很不幸地,他只身漂到了一座荒无人烟岛上。而鲁宾逊从绝望的缝隙中得到了生命的启示,他坚强地在岛上独立生活了28年。他在孤岛上劳作生息,开拓荒地,圈养牲畜,生产粮食,年复一年与孤独为伴,凭着他良好的心理素质,他克服了种种常人难以克服的困难。他曾与野兽斗智,也曾与吃人肉的野人斗勇,只为了生存。他以非同寻常的毅力和勇气,克服了难以想象的艰难困苦,用勤劳的双手,为自己创造了一个生存的家园。直到28年后,一艘英国船来到该岛附近,鲁滨逊帮助船长制服了叛乱的水手,才返回英国。 《鲁宾逊漂流记》一书采用了很多心理描写,在塑造主人公鲁宾逊的时候所用的一个很出色的手法就是心理描写。通过一系列的心理描写展示了鲁宾逊的思想变化,也在很大程度上揭示了他的性格特点。当鲁宾逊在海上遇难时,他认为“毫无疑问,我从此再也不会见到他们了”。仅这么一句话,却很准确地将鲁宾逊失去同伴后伤心、沉重的心情表现出来,同时也很好地烘托了他自感前途一片渺茫时的复杂心理。在写鲁宾逊开拓荒岛时,就写出了他前后从凄苦到快乐的心理变化。如“尽管我目前过着孤单寂寞的生活,但也许比生活在自由快乐的人世间更幸福”这句话充分的体现了鲁宾逊此时对孤岛的归属心理。而在“不速之客”这一篇章中,作者又用心理对比的手法,来衬托鲁宾逊的那种心理落差后的痛苦。这些心理的描写,细腻而深刻,都给我们留下了很深刻的印象。 在我眼里,鲁宾逊不仅是一个成功的冒险者,也是一个成功的商人。作为一个成功的人,他确实具备了良好的条件。他有梦想,有毅力,有智慧,自立自强;他勇于做出决定,敢于承担后果;他乐观开朗且自信。毋庸置疑,他的心理素质很高,心理承受能力也十分强,否则他不可能战胜陌生的环境、孤独的心理,在荒无人烟的孤岛上孤零零地活了23年。 《鲁滨孙漂流记》已经问世二百七十多年了,至今一直在世界各国广泛流传,其魅力可想而知。资产阶级的竞争和个人要求从封建社会关系中解放出来是那个时代个性自由发展的时代精神。《鲁宾逊漂流记》正是这种资产阶级进步思潮的体现。”新兴资产阶级勇于冒险、努力实干、渴望财富、


1 My first sea journey Before I begin my story,I would like to tell you a little about myself. I was born in the year 1632,in the city of York in the north of England. My father was German,but he came to live and work in England. Soon after that,he married my mother,who was English. Her family name was Robinson,so,when I was born,they called me Robinson,after her. My father did well in his business and I went to a good school. He wanted me to get a good job and live a quiet,com-fortable life. But I didn't want that. I wanted adventure and an exciting life. ‘I want to be a sailor and go to sea,’I told my mother and father. They were very unhappy about this. ‘Please don't go,’my father said. ‘You won't be happy,you know. Sailors have a difficult and danger ous life. ’And be-cause I loved him,and he was unhappy,I tried to forget about the sea. But I couldn't forget,and about a year later,I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship,and my friend said to me,‘We’re sailing to London tomorrow. Why don't you come with us?’ And so,on September 1st,1651,I went to Hull,and the next day we sailed for London. But,a few days later,there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous,and the ship went up and down,up and down. I was very ill,and very afraid. ‘Oh,I don't want to die!’I cried. ‘I want to live!If I live,I'll go home and never go to sea again!’ The next day the wind dropped,and the sea was quiet and be autiful again. ‘Well,Bob,’my friend laughed. ‘How do you feel now?The wind wasn't too bad. ’


《鲁滨逊漂流记》练习题(满分100分) 一、填空题(每空1分,共30分) 1、《鲁滨逊漂流记》就是以第一人称写得长篇小说,作者就是英国作家_笛福_。她就是该国文学史上第一个重要得小说家,有英国小说与报刊文学之父得美誉,她得文章影响了后来期刊文章与报纸得发展。 2.鲁滨逊在日记中把自己流落得荒岛命名为绝望岛,她收得一土人为奴,取名“星期五_",后来,这一土人成为她得忠实得仆人与朋友。 3。《鲁滨逊漂流记》就是一部成功得_现实主义_小说,小说主人公鲁滨逊也因此成为欧洲文学史上得一个著名得文学形象。她得名字,已经成为冒险家家得代名词与千千万万读者心目中得英雄。 4.小说中描写鲁滨逊在荒岛上得经历就是全书得精华.鲁滨逊在荒岛上生活了28年,高度浓缩地体现着人得本质与人类进步得历程,她成了一位独自创造文明得英雄。5。鲁滨逊在_巴西买了一块庄园,曾在那过了四年安稳得庄园主生活。 6.在荒岛上,鲁滨逊刚开始主要得食物就是_野山羊,由于担心弹药用完,她就把它们捉住饲养起来。 7.鲁滨逊认为荒岛上可分两季:雨季与旱季.一个偶然机会鲁滨逊抖装饲料袋子,过了雨天抖袋子得地方长出了稻苗与麦苗. 8.鲁滨逊在岛上捉到一只鹦鹉,给它起名叫波儿。 9。鲁滨逊在岛上种粮得第一年收获了两斗大米与两斗大麦,她把这些粮食碾碎放进自己烧制得瓦罐中烤成面包。 10、鲁滨逊用近两年得时间造了一只独木船,还挖了一条_六_尺得运河,把船运到了半里外得小河里。 11.救了“星期五”,鲁滨逊知道在另一个岛上住着十五个西班牙人,就是海船失事后逃上去得。 12.鲁滨逊第一次出海得目得地就是伦敦,不料却遇到了可怕得风浪,好容易才保住了性命。鲁滨逊第二次出海就是去_非洲_ 经商,这一次她成功了。 13.鲁滨逊第三次出航极为不幸,她们遇到了土耳其海盗_,被俘虏,变成了奴隶,逃出后抵达巴西,在那里独自经营一个_种植园,生活过得很顺利。 14.鲁滨逊第四次航行就是去_贩卖黑奴,遭遇飓风,一连十二天.当行驶到_南美_洲一个岛屿附近时,船突然触礁,遂遭灭顶之灾。 15.鲁滨逊有一包钱币,约值___ 金镑。可对于岛上得生活来说,它们却就是倒霉而无用得东西,都已经发霉了。 二、简答题(共50分) 1.英国著名作家笛福代表作品就是《鲁滨逊漂流记》。请您用简洁得语言写出这部小说得内容提要(80字左右)。(10分) 《鲁滨逊漂流记》这部小说可以分为三个部分,第一部分写鲁滨逊离家三次航海得经历,在巴西买了种植园;第二部分就是小说得主体,写鲁滨逊在荒岛上得经历;第三部分叙述她从荒岛回来以后得事情,主要经历就是由陆路从葡萄牙回英国途中遇狼群得故事.


Reading Appreciation(二) 编号:2 编写:贺聪聪审核:审批 班组:姓名:组评:师评: My first sea journey Before I begin my story,I would like to tell you a little about myself. I was born in the year 1632,in the city of York in the north of England. My father was German,but he came to live and work in England. Soon after that,he married my mother,who was English. Her family name was Robinson,so,when I was born,they called me Robinson,after her. My father did well in his business and I went to a good school. He wanted me to get a good job and live a quiet,comfortable life. But I didn't want that. I wanted adventure and an exciting life. 'I want to be a sailor and go to sea,'I told my mother and father. They were very unhappy about this. 'Please don't go,'my father said. 'You won't be happy,you know. Sailors have a difficult and dangerous life. 'And because I loved him,and he was unhappy,I tried to forget about the sea. But I couldn't forget,and about a year later,I saw a friend in town. His father had a ship,and my friend said to me,'We're sailing to London tomorrow. Why don't you come with us?' And so,on September 1st,1651,I went to Hull,and the next day we sailed for London. But,a few days later,there was a strong wind. The sea was rough and dangerous,and the ship went up and down,up and down. I was very ill,and very afraid. 'Oh,I don't want to die!'I cried. 'I want to live!If I live,I'll go home and never go to sea again! The next day the wind dropped,and the sea was quiet and beautiful again. 'Well,Bob,'my friend laughed. 'How do you feel now?The wind wasn't too bad. 'What!'I cried. 'It was a terrible storm. ' 'Oh,that wasn't a storm,'my friend answered. 'Just a little wind. Forget it. Come and have a drink. ' After a few drinks with my friend,I felt better. I forgot about the danger and decided not to go home. I didn't want my friends and family to laugh at me! I stayed in London for some time,but I still wanted to go to sea. So,when the captain of a ship asked me to go with him to Guinea in Africa,I agreed. And so I went to sea for the second time. It was a good ship and everything went well at first,but I was very ill again. Then,when we were near the Canary Is-lands,a Turkish pirate ship came after us. They were famous thieves of the sea at that time. There was a long,hard fight,but when it finished,we and the ship were prisoners. The Turkish captain and his men took us to Sallee in Moroc-co. They wanted to

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