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Fall in Love with English 爱上英语

Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60.

His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well.

The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English.

2 Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes


Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All based on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”, instead of requesting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British

.3.A Hard Trip一次辛苦的旅行

My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and

the insurance, we began our trip.

Our journey was along a river flowing from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys, where the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey. But we also enjoyed great views. One night, I put my head on my pillow--a parcel of wool coats, and lay beneath the stars. When the flame in front of our cave went out at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful!

4 A Horrible Earthquake可怕的地震

Dirty water rose in wells and canals before the earthquake. But no one judged that an earthquake was coming. Suddenly, everything shook. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Millions of brick houses and a number of dams were destroyed. Railway tracks became useless bars.Pipes in mines burst and let out smelly steam. Huge crack strapped cyclists everywhere.

The next day, this event was the headline or main title of all newspapers. With the reporters giving an outline of the disaster, the whole nation was shocked by the damage and the victim’s extreme suffering. People were moved when they read that the survivors comforted each other by saying “Congratulations! You survived!”. So they not only expressed their sympathy sincerely, but also organized together to help the victims right away. The injured were rescued and the dead were buried. The frightened survivors were dug out from under the ruins and were offered shelter, fresh water and e lectricity. Thanks to people’s help, the loss was minimized.

5The Great President 伟大的总统

As the founder of the republic, the president had many good qualities. Before coming to power, he was a generous lawyer. He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him. He accepted no fee to offer legal guidance and opinions to those who were out of work or uneducated. Later, believing all mankind to be equal, he devoted himself to stopping the unfair anti-black laws. He set up the Black Youth League and was voted to be the leader. However, though he kept peaceful principles without violence and terror, his mean enemies still blew up his house and attacked his relatives, and he himself couldn’t escape being sentenced to 30 years in prison. Not fearing of t he prison guards’ cruelty, he kept active and begged no mercy from them. As a matter of fact, he was always hopeful and never lost heart during the stage even though he was in trouble.

Finally, people rewarded him with the leader’s position and a gold blanket.

6.A Brave Maid 勇敢的女仆

A wooden vase from the Ming Dynasty at the entrance of the reception hall amazed everyone. The artists designed it in a rare style and selected valuable jewels to decorate it. People thought highly of its fancy colour of honey and the beautiful paintings on it.

The vase used to belong to a former castle. But when the country was at war, the enemy troops exploded the castle.Debates on how the vase survived went on and on. In order to remove people’s doubt, a team of no less than 20 people carried out an informal investigation. The evidences they found showed that a maid took the vase apart and asked a sailor to sink it in a local well. She never gave away the secret even under the cruel trial of the enemies who were in search of treasures.

It is worth giving this brave maid a fortune in return.

7.A Fair Competition 公平的比赛

Swifter, Higher and Stronger stands for the spirit of the Olympics. But fairness is the basis of this motto. Only when you win fairly will you and your homeland deserve the great glory. But nowadays, unlike the ancient honest slave competitors, some hopeless athletes who can’t bear the pain of training cheat when taking part in games. Medals seem to have magical power causing them to cheat, and the prize money has replaced the motto as their only goal.

So, in the gymnastics event to be held in our city next month, one of the host’s responsibilities is to keep competitions fair. They advertised on posters outside the stadium to promise that every competitor is to have a regular physical examination in a gymnasium one after another. No one can bargain on this. The volunteers in charge will be very strict. It is foolish to cheat because they will not be admitted to compete and will even be fined as well.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/1b2094444.html,puters 电脑

The goal of early calculating machines was to simplify difficult sums. But with the help of new technology,electronic chips replaced tubes and a revolution of artificial intelligence has arisen. From then on, the appearance of computers totally changed our lives. They can not only download information from the wet when connected by the network or mobile phone signals, but also solve different types of logical problems. With operators as their coaches, they can even control rockets to explore the moon and instruct androids with the human race’s characters to mop floors and watch over your naughty niece. Anyhow, computers are so helpful that they do bring happiness.

However, computers are easily attacked by viruses. This reality has become a hard-to-deal with-problem. As a result, computers are dangerous in a way. So, personally, I worry about their universal applications in some fields, such as finance.

9.保护野生动植物Wildlife Protection

Dinosaurs died out because of an unexpected incident. But wildlife today disappears or is in danger just because humans do harm to it. For example, tigers are hunted

for fur to make carpets so that they can only live in secure reserves; grassland is destroyed without mercy so that dust storms come into being affecting distant cities. Last year, scientists saw some monkeys rubbing themselves with a certain kind of insects to protect themselves from fierce mosquitoes biting. According to the result of the inspection, they found that the insect contains a powerful drug, so local farmers were employed to catch the insects. The ending was that the insects disappeared from the whole zone. When told that it was a loss to humans, the farmers burst into laughter and responded, “Our real loss is our decreasing income.” We should appreciate the natural balance and pay more attention to the importance of wildlife protection. Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live in peace, can we smile in relief.

10.My First Band 我的第一支乐队

I was very sensitive to music. Just dipping into the music books briefly, I could sing or play well. To be honest, I always dreamed of becoming a famous folk actor. I was so confident that I never decreased my devotion.

I formed my first band called “Rolling Frog”. At the beginning, we relied on performing on instruments in pubs or to passers –by to earn extra money in cash. Then we wore false beards to pretend to be the musicians whom people were familiar with. In addition, we attached humorous acts to our performances and played jokes on each other. Soon, our “funny jazz” became famous and invitations to perform for broadcast stations began to come. Afterwards, we sorted out attractive music and made a record in a studio. A million or so copies were sold and we became millionaires.

It was painful that the band broke up finally. But above all, I realized my dream to be a musician.

11 An interesting festival

The Agricultural Feast takes place after the Independence Day. It is not a worldwide celebration. Only Christians in Mexico look forward to its arrival for its religious origin:


Long ago, humans’ ancestors were bad. They fooled and played tricks on each other and never kept their word. So God turned up and drowned all their crops. Humans starved day and night, weeping. In order to gain God’s forgiveness, a woman poet set off to see God. She admired God and kept apologizing. God was moved. With his permission, humans finally had good harvests again. So, to wipe sadness and remind themselves of the belief in God, people began the festival.



On the festival, people gather in open air, such as playgrounds or parking lots, and energetically have fun with each other all night long, as though they were never tired. When a beauty dressed up in lovely clothing reads poems in memory of the poet, everyone holds their breath. Then, it is the custom that the bone of a rooster head is given to her as an award.


Obviously, the story is not true, but the festival is interesting.


12.Balanced Diet平衡膳食

Wang peng earned his living by running a barbecue restaurant, which served delicious bacon, fried chicken breast and mutton roasted with pepper and garlic. But his food and discount attracted fewer and fewer customers. Finally, he was in debt. Yong Hui’s slimming restaurant served fresh peas,carrots, eggplants, and raw cucumbers with vinegar. As the hostess, she said fibers benefited customers' digestion the most. In order not to let Yong Hui get away with telling lies, Wang Peng spied on Yong Hui despite her glare. But he was surprised that she was losing her customers, too.

Curiosity drove Wang Peng to consult an expert. The expert sighed and said, “Both of your menus have weakness and limited strength. Your customers put on weight too easily, while Yong Hui’s lose weight too quickly. So, Wang Peng, cut down the fat of your food and increase vegetables and fruits, like nuts, beans, mushrooms, peaches and lemons. You ought to combine the two menus and provide a balanced diet.”

Before long, Wang Peng won his customers back.

13.Sailing Home 划船回家

This novel was about an unbelievable but genuine adventure. Its author was a black businessman who was brought up in America. In 1956, he visited Africa, his birthplace. One day, when he was wandering on the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea scenes, he lost his money and passport that he kept in an envelope. So he went to the embassy to seek help, but the ambassador with rude manners didn’t permit his staff to help though he bowed to him. Staring at his impatient face, he understood that it was the fault of his skin colour

that accounted for their refection. So he decided to take a chance to sail on a small boat home.

He met a large amount of difficulty but was never stopped. On the contrary, difficulty pushed him to go ahead harder. Three months later, he was spotted by a ship by accident. He was in rags indeed. A maid even screamed when bringing him a steak and pineapple dessert. Aboard, he earned his passage by working as a barber and got home finally. As for the name of his novel, he couldn’t think of a better one than the phrase “Go Ahead”.

14.Explore MKII 探测MKII行星

MKII, a planet billions of kilometers away, is the origin of life in many religions. Physicists have proved the theory that its gentle climate and the pull of its gravity are similar to the earth’s. And astronomers have found that oxygen atoms and carbon dioxide, which are fundamental to life, exist in its atmosphere through satellites. Cheered up by this news,biologists, in their turn, began to do some research to remove people’s puzzles—Now that there are some suitable conditions, does life really exist on this globe? Do they multiply by laying eggs or giving birth to babies?

Last month, a spaceship was sent there. It’s a pity that this mission failed. Unlike the earth, MKII is a much younger planet. Thus, masses of harmful acid clouds float everywhere causing violent chain reactions to break out. These clouds not only blocked out the pilots’ sight but also damaged the engine system. Luckily, the pilots watched out carefully and prevented the spaceship from crashing in time.

15.A Journey across Canada 横穿加拿大的旅行

After a quiz last autumn, Kuang crossed the continent eastward to Toronto to visit his schoolmate, the distance measuring approximately 5,000 kilometers,

His train started from Vancouver, a city surrounded by mountains. After confirming his baggage was aboard the train, Kuang settled down in his seat. Having a gift for communication, he started chatting with another passenger within 5 minutes. Their topics included the Canadian traditions, the Prime Minister, the mixture of races, and the terrifying Great Fall. After a nice buffet at noon, he was pleased to find that the scenery was impressive. He saw beautiful harbour in the distance, wealthy urban areas and maple forest that covered thousands of acres. He even managed to catch sight of an eagle flying upward over bushes.

Kuang reached Toronto which lies slightly near the border at a misty dawn. There was frost and the broad downtown streets were very quiet. Though it was early, Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a booth nearby at once rather than waiting for him to come. They had a good time together

16 A Woman Doctor-Lina 女医生丽娜

Born in a pigs’ nest, Lina led a poor life in her childhood. She was looked down upon by the children of her generation. But she intended to become a doctor after she came across Lin Qiao zhi by chance, who was delivering medical courses to an audience crowding around her. Before moving off, Lin inspired her to carry on her study. With Lin’s support, Lina entered an institute and studied hard sparing no time for entertainment. Her being outspoken and modest won respect for her. Her excellent arguing skills and observation ability put others into the shade.

Now, Lina has become a specialist in human beings’emergency sickness. Her kindness and considerate behavior to the poor were well known. The organization she founded carried out campaigns and welfare projects to help cut the death rate for the poor. Her job was hard but worthwhile. She often refers to the connection between her achievement and Lin Qiaozhi, and says that her poor childhood is the bond between her and the poor.

17.A New Farming Way 新的耕种方式

Tuan was a farmer in Vietnam. For decades, he had been struggling to rid his family of hunger. However, it always confused him how to expand the output of his crops. This disturbing problem led to his regretting being a farmer. He would rather have chosen another job.

One day, when skimming through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment on Yuan Longping. He underlined Yuan’s nationality and occupation, and then focused on his discovery and the statistics of his research. He found the knowledge Yuan circulated very practical. Therefore, he made a summary and began to build up a new farming method. He planted super grain of rich nutrition and equipped himself to keep his crops roots free from bacteria and pests. He also enriched minerals in the soil while reducing chemical fertilizers. Though it cost him more time and freedom, he was full of hope.

The next year, Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with his production very much. Thanks to Yuan Longping, he not only won the battle against hunger, but he could also export his crops abroad.

18.Chaplin-A Great Master of Humour 幽默大师卓别林

Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who starred in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored watching his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when chased by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering his own failures to nobody, he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now.

In a small budget film, he played a badly-off and homeless person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. On one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. Though he overcame many difficulties, he

wasn’t fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut off the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so convincing and amusing that everybody couldn’t help bursting into laughter.

19.A Misunderstanding 一场误会

In general, spoken statements are the major way of communication, but body language and facial expressions also have such kinds of function. For example, yawning means being not interested and turning one’s back to someone or swinging your fist shows your anger. But what those gestures really mean is subjective in different cultures. Thus,misunderstandings happen now and then in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

Once, representing the Adults’ Education Association, I went to the airport to meet an official of high rank from Columbia and take him to his dormitory and then to the canteen. After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking around curiously. So I approached to greet him. He suddenly dashed to hug me and kissed me on both cheeks. As a young girl, I felt truly embarrassed and put up my hands to defend myself. His false smile told me that he had lost face.

Later, I received a cassette from him, in which he recorded his apology. On hearing that Colombian were more likely to kiss others, I soon felt at ease.

20.A Unique Theme Park 独一无二的主题公园

As soon as our shuttle got close to the theme park by the freeway, everyone came to life and put on cloth sneakers in advance for an outing. Our translator paid for the admission, and we started enjoying the various attractions in the sunlight. According to the travel brochure, this unique park is famous for its well preserved minority culture. We experienced many deeds of the early settlers, such as swinging across rivers, hunting creatures in the jungle, or taking part in swords fighting tournaments.

This park is also famous for its wooden souvenirs.Whichever we bought in the central shop was made of wood, and wherever we went we could see minority carpenters working. They made wooden tools, wooden cartoon figures, wooden athletic products and so on. They even built a huge wooden engine with a length of 20 meters which was modeled after a real one.

This theme park is really a fantasy amusement park. No wonder it has become the brand of local tourism


精心整理适合小学二年级阅读的经典英语短文 TheEagleprotestedthatitwasidleforhimtotry,asnaturehadnotpro videdhimwithwings;buttheTortoisepressedhimwithentreatiesand promisesoftreasure,insistingthatitcouldonlybeaquestionoflea rningthecraftoftheair.

老鹰劝她,这是他的一个白日梦,因为大自然并没有赋予他可以飞翔的翅膀。可是乌龟再三恳求,还用珍宝利诱老鹰,一再坚持这只是一个了解如何在空中飞翔的问题。 骨。 鹰与捕鹰者TheEagleandhisCaptor AManoncecaughtanEagle,andafterclippinghiswingsturnedhimloos eamongthefowlsinhishen-house,wherehemopedinacorner,lookingv

erydejectedandforlorn.AfterawhilehisCaptorwasgladenoughtose llhimtoaneighbour,whotookhimhomeandlethiswingsgrowagain.Ass oonashehadrecoveredtheuseofthem,theEagleflewoutandcaughtaha re,whichhebroughthomeandpresentedtohisbenefactor.Afoxobserv edthis,andsaidtotheEagle,“Don’twasteyourgiftsonhim!Goandg 【篇三】 小女孩的梦想AlittleGirl’sDream


经典英语美文短篇:爱母亲甚于爱自己 说明和注解:丁克威 这是一篇动情之作,读完后掩卷而思:母亲的胸怀是博大的,母亲的心灵是至纯的,母亲的爱是无私的。然而我们对于母亲的报答又有多少? 文章语言朴素简单,相信作为中学生的你能轻松地读下来。读到佳句妙语处,真希望你能把它记下来、背下来。 Those Childhood Days When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. ?hold somebody in one’s arms: 把某人抱在怀中 You thanked her by weeping your eyes out. ?weep one’s eyes out: 痛 哭;大哭 When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. ?注意bathe在此处用作及物动词,意为“给……洗澡”。 You thanked her by crying all night long. ?all night long:整夜;如 说“整天”则是all day long。 When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. ?可说teach somebody to do something(教某人做 某事) You thanked her by running away when she called. When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. ?do something with love: 带着爱意/心做某事。 You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor. ?toss: 抛投。When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons. ? crayon: 蜡笔。 You thanked her by coloring the dining room table. ?color在此句中用作动 词,表示“着色”。When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. ? dress: 给……穿衣。 You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud. ?plop: 扑通一声地掉下去。 When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. ?注意walk在此处用作及物动词,意为“陪……一起走”。


关于经典英语故事短文阅读 “Why were you so rude to your brother?” Gladys asked. “He drove all the way over here to deliver that package to you. But you didn’t invite him inside your apartment. You didn’t offer him anything to drink or eat. Then, when he was talking to me, you kept telling him to speak faster. He was speaking slowly because he knows my English isn’t that good—he was just being polite. Finally, when he and I sat down in the living room, you just went to your computer and started typing away.” William tried to explain to Gladys that what she saw between him and his brother was their normal interaction. Roland was simply delivering a package; there was nothing for the two of them to chat about. Further, Roland felt that William's apartment had an odor; he usually didn’t even come inside the apartment when he visited. In addition, Roland was very picky about what he drank and ate—he wasn’t interested in eating William’s “junk food.” Finally, William argued, he had told Roland many times not to “talk down” to Gladys. “He talks to you like you’re a two-year-old,” William said. She said she didn’t mind; Roland was just trying to communicate. She just wished that William woul d be more polite to him. “When my sister visits me,” she said, “I hug her, I invite her inside, we eat and drink and talk, and we just have a good time with each other.” Well, William told her, he and his brother were different. “No,” she correct ed him, “maybe you and I are different.” It was the first day of class. Two of her new ESL classmates wanted to know where Tara was from. They were both from Iraq. Because Tara looked Iraqi, one of the women asked Tara, in English, if she was fro m Iraq. Tara replied, “No, I’m not.” Then the women took turns asking Tara if she was from Iran, or Syria, or Jordan. To each question, Tara responded with a simple no. Laughing, one woman said to the other, “She's not from anywhere!” The two went to their desks, talking to each other in Arabic.


Fall in Love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and disliked joining in English classes because he thought his teacher ignored him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never added up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffering from, but entirely disagreed with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swapped a series of learning tips with him. The items she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with English. 2 Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore, Malaysia and some African countries. All based on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accents, spellings, expressions and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and take some gas for my trucks and cabs”, instead of requesting, “Please come to my flat by lift and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”, you can recognize his American identity, while the latter suggests that he is British .3.A Hard Trip一次辛苦的旅行 My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she had been determined to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not caring about the disadvantages. Her stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in as usual though we preferred to take a train. After we prepared everything, including the schedule, reliable weather forecast and

《经典英语美文阅读 论阅读和书籍》英文翻译

《经典英语美文阅读论阅读和书籍》英文翻译 导读:Any important book should immediately be read twice. 每一本重要的书籍都必须被一气呵成连续读上两遍。 partly because one grasps the matter in its entirety1 only the second time, and only really understands the beginning when one knows the end; and partly because one’s temper and mood inevitably change, so that one gets a different impression the second time, and sees the matter in another light. 原因之一在于一个人在阅读第二遍时,会更好地理解书中内容的整体关联,而只有知道了书的结尾才会明白书的开头;原因之二在于一个人的心境和情绪在第二次阅读时不可避免地与第一次有所不同,这样一来,第二次阅读获得的印象也会不同,能够从另一角度看待书中内容。 Works are the quintessence of a mind, and are therefore always of far greater value than conversation, even conversation with the greatest of minds. A man’s works far surpass his conversation. Even the writings of an ordinary man may be worth reading, both instructive and entertaining, for the simple reason that they are the quintessence — that is to say, the result and fruit of his whole thought and study; while


经典英语短文背诵 第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses [p?'zes] considerable value. Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political [p?'litik?l] situation of the world. If we form. the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstance['s?:k?mst?ns]. Though students have to do the homework everyday, they should spare at least one or two hours to read newspaper. In this way, they can not only increase knowledge, but also keep up with the times. In a word, reading newspaper is of great benefit to students. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生很有益处。 第二天:MY DAIL Y LIFE 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous[m?'n?t?n?s], I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render['rend?]报答service to my country. I get up at six o’cl ock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock. After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock. Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed. 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学。 放学后,我就回家了。我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望在睡觉前把它做完。 第三天:A MODEL STUDENT 模范学生 Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not.So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. Firstly, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him. 你介意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。 然而,做模范学生却不容易。第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知)。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的。 第四天:HOW TO GET HAPPINESS 如何获得快乐 There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

【关于孝的英语美文欣赏】 经典英语美文欣赏50篇

【关于孝的英语美文欣赏】经典英语美文欣赏50篇 对父母亲的感恩就是对老人孝顺,孝敬有多种形式。吃好穿暖心情爽,精心照顾不添烦。自由生活无拘束,玩牌购物遂心愿。小编整理了关于孝的英语美文,欢迎阅读! 关于孝的英语美文篇一 “Enough! Enough!”I said when Father and Mother were still giving me more fish ad meat. My bowl was piled up like a little hill. “Don’t study too late into the night. Do be careful of your health. Have you had any examinations recently?”Father asked me in great concern. My face turned red. I didn’t dare to give Father an answer. I hadn’t made any progress in my studies. I did badly in all subjects. I only got 60 for maths and failed in physics. “It doesn’t matter. Try to find better study methods and to work harder. I am sure you can enter a college!”Hearing these words, I bent my head down. What a kind father! He didn’t scold me, but encouraged me instead. “Have you used up the money I gave you last night?”With these words, Father was taking his wallet out.“Mother has just given me 10 yuan.”“Buy something to eat when you are hungry.”Father passed me another ten-yuan note. Sho uld I accept it? Father and Mother love me deeply. Why couldn’t I get god marks in exams? Tears came into my eyes. “Don’t cry. Now I will take you to the bus stop.”As usual, Father carried that heavy bag and went to his dirty old bike.关于孝的英语美文篇二 Be obedient to parents. As children grow up, parents begin to mold their disciplinary and emotional qualities by setting rules and requiring chores. Children can honor their parents by following the set rules in the household and completing chores on import ant dates in the parent’s life. All parents have birthdays, anniversaries and holidays that are important to them. Children can honor their parents by remembering these days and doing something special. For birthdays and holidays, give personable gifts, within your budget, that show appreciation. Even homemade cards, clothing and other crafts will mean the world to your affectionate towards your parents. Exhibiting affectionate behavior tells your parents you love and appreciate them for all they’ve done. Say ;I Love You; during phone calls and other opportune moments. Give your parents hugs when greeting them, and say ;thank you; occasionally. A parent will feel loved and honored upon being showered with sincere affection.关于孝的英语美文篇三 Filial is dotes on, the filial piety is the blessing, is filial piety is helps the parents under the hasty housework to go to the kitchen. In the melon the pear peach buys to the parents tastes fresh, subscribes the share evening news often to read for the parents. Is filial piety the parents, is filial piety the parents, when likes treating as to children’s gift. A parents’ heart, gathers round the children to transfer, is filial piety the parents to let the old person remember the children to satisfy. Filial is dotes on, the filial piety is the blessing, is filial pietyis accompanies the parents discusses the daily family activity to takea walk. Catches up with the long vacation, the multi- belts parentstravel, the week week often lives with the parents. Is filial pietythe parents, is filial piety the parents, when likes treating as tochildren’s gift. Parents this for a lifetime, ate many painstakingly,was filial piety the parents to let the old person old age Heng theHenry peaceful life.


经典英文美文 >01 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become a performer as a medical student needs to become a doctor. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right arm -- two entirely different movements. Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner's responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties: the hammers that hit the strings have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sounds with fanatical but selfless authority. Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century. 01 音乐的语言 画家将已完成的作品挂在墙上,每个人都可以观赏到。作曲家写完了一部作品,得由 演奏者将其演奏出来,其他人才能得以欣赏。因为作曲家是如此完全地依赖于职业歌手和职业演奏者,所以职业歌手和职业演奏者肩上的担子可谓不轻。 一名学音乐的学生要想成为一名演奏者,需要经受长期的、严格的训练,就象一名医科的学生要成为一名医生一样。绝大多数的训练是技巧性的。 音乐家们控制肌肉的熟练程度,必须达到与运动员或巴蕾舞演员相当的水平。歌手们每天都练习吊嗓子,因为如果不能有效地控制肌肉的话,他们的声 带将不能满足演唱的要求。弦乐器的演奏者练习的则是在左手的手指上下滑动的同时,用 右手前后拉动琴弓--两个截然不同的动作。歌手和乐器演奏者必须使所有的音符完全相同协调。钢琴家们则不用操这份心,因为每个音符都已在那里等待着他们了。 给钢琴调音是调音师的职责。但调音师们也有他们的难处:他们必须耐心地调理敲击琴弦的音锤,不能让


第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value. Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form. the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstance. Though students have to do the homework everyday, they should spare at least one or two hours to read newspaper. In this way, they can not only increase knowledge, but also keep up with the times. In a word, reading newspaper is of great benefit to students. 现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。它每天提供我们各种类类的消息。它告诉我们世界政治局势。如果我们养成看报的习惯,我们就能得到足够的知识来因应我们的环境。 学生虽然每天须做功课,但他们至少应该匀出一两个小时来看报。哪些,他们不但能增加知识而且也能赶上时代。总而言之,看报对学生


The Importance of Keeping Optimistic 保持乐观的重要性 Honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen, 尊敬的评委、女士们、先生们: Good afternoon! Today I would like to talk about the importance of keeping optimistic. When we encounter difficulties in life, we notice that some of us choose to bury their heads in the sand. Unfortunately, however, this attitude will do you no good, because if you will have no courage even to face them, how can you conquer them? Thus, be optimistic, ladies and gentlemen, as it can give you confidence and help you see yourself through the hard times, just as Winston Churchill once said, “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.”下午好!今天我想谈一谈保持乐观的重要性。 我们注意到,当在生活中遇到困难时,我们中的有些人选择逃避它们。但令人遗憾的是,这样的态度对你没有任何好处,因为如果你连面对它们的勇气都没有的话,你怎么去征服它们呢?因此,乐观起来吧,女士们、先生们,因为它会带给你信心,帮助你渡过难关。正如温斯顿·丘吉尔所说,“乐观者在每次灾难中都看到机遇;悲观者在每次机遇中都看到灾难”。 Ladies and Gentlemen, keeping optimistic, you will be able to realize, in spite of some hardship, there’s always hope waiting for you, which will lead you to the ultimate success. Historically as well as currently, there are too many optimists of this kind to enumerate. You see, Thomas Edison is optimistic; if not, the light of hope in his heart could not illuminate the whole world. Alfred Nobel is optimistic; if not, the explosives and the prestigious Nobel Prize would not have come into being. And Lance Armstrong is also optimistic; if not, the world would not see a 5-time winner of the Tour De France. 女士们,先生们,困难是存在的,但如果你保持乐观,你就会意识到永远有希望在等着你,它会把你领向最终的成功。不管是历史上还是现实中,这样的乐观者总是不胜枚举。你看,托马斯·爱迪生是乐观的,如果不是的话,他心中那希望的明灯就不能照亮整个世界;阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔是乐观的,如果不是的话,那炸药和享有很高声望的诺贝尔奖就不会诞生;兰斯·阿姆斯特朗也是乐观的,如果不是的话,这个世界就会少了一位五届环法自行车赛冠军得主. A rose may be beautiful, or maybe not; that depends on your attitude only, and so does success, so does life. Hindrances and difficulties do exist, but if you are optimistic, then they are only episodes on your long way to the throne of success; they are more bridges than obstacles! Now I prefer to end my speech with t he great British poet Shelley’s lines: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Thank you! 玫瑰花可能很美,也可能不美,这,仅仅取决于你的态度;而成功也如此,人生也如此。困难和阻碍的确存在,但是如果你很乐观的话,那它们就仅仅是我们通向胜利之冠的漫长


超级经典的英语短文优美段落阅读分享 对于大部分的中国学生来说,由于语言环境的缺乏,阅读是他们接触英语的主要途径。为此,今天小编整理了优美英语段落,欢迎大家好好阅读! 优美英语段落篇一 Letting go is the answer. Too often we spend our time keeping score of what isn't working, what's not manifesting, and what's just going wrong in our lives and that only keeps us stuck. When you let go of the outcome, the struggle, and the constant worry about when, how, or if your desires will manifest and trust the process, you make room for the magic of the Universe to bring in your every desire. As Queen Elsa said "Let it go!" 放手就是答案。我们总是花太很多时间去在意那些没有意义、鸡毛蒜皮的事和那些在我们生活中完全出错、让我们痛苦不堪的事。 当你不再在意结果,不再挣扎,不再日夜担忧你的愿望什么时候会实现、怎样实现、是否会实现,相信过程,你就腾出了空间,宇宙的魔法就能把你想要的都带来。 就像爱莎女王说的那样:“随它吧!” 优美英语段落篇二 Inspired) Action is everything. As logical thinkers and problem solvers, we've been taught that the best way to achieve our desires is to set a goal, create a plan and take massive action. In my experience that is certainly one way to do it, but it's not the best way. The best way is to listen to your heart, be open to the possibilities, and take action on the inspired ideas that you are given each and every day. You'll find when you do that, you will reach your goals faster than ever before. 有想法的行动就是一切。 我们懂得逻辑思考,懂得如何解决问题。我们学过,要获得自己想要的东西,最好的方法是设立一个目标、制定一个计划,然后积极地行动起来。 在我的经验里,这确实是个方法,但不是最好的方法。 最好的方法是听从自己的内心,迎接各种可能性,每天一有想法就马上行动。 当你这么做的时候,你会发现你会比过去更快达到自己的目标。 优美英语段落篇三

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