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1、The Pleasures and Pains of Childhood童年的快乐和痛苦

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed , looked after and loved, whatever he may do . It is improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return . In addition , life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well—known .A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain , or in the snow . His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure.

But a child has his pains : he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are :he is continually being told not to do things , or being punished for what he has done wrong . His life is therefore not perfectly happy.

2、How to Behave in an Interview如何应付面试

In order to make a good impression during a job interview , you need to prepare yourself for it . You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview , so that you give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins.

The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important . Try to find out if the company or organization has rules about dress . Then try to dress according to their regulations .

You also need to plan what you are going to say . In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking , and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience . You need to have answers ready about yourself , your schoolwork , your strong points , your reasons for applying for the job , and the salary you expect .

You will also be allowed to ask some questions . The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position . You can ask questions like these: What duties will I have to do in the job ? Does the company provide health insurance? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?

4、Should College Students do Part-time Jobs? 大学生应当做业余兼职吗

Most students think that doing part-time jobs when studying at college can provide them with an opportunity to get in touch with the society . Also , some students do part-time jobs to support themselves. They are said to work through college.

However , it’s not easy to find jobs which are suitable for students . Some jobs requiring long hours of tedious work under tough conditions may do harm to their health . Besides , some jobs may expose them to the negative aspects of society—dishonesty and corruption.

Therefore, students should take a second thought in deciding whether they should do part-time jobs or what kind of jobs they should choose. If they are lucky enough to take a good job , it will benefit them enormously . Otherwise , it may waste their time and their energy.

5、A Reply to a Birthday Party 对参加生日聚会的回复

Dear Henry,

Happy birthday to you !

I got the invitation to your birthday party yesterday morning . Thanks so much for inviting me to join in your party . I tried hard to reschedule my activities, but I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to join you .My boss and I have to leave for shanghai next week for an international trade affair . There is not any possibility of canceling it .

I will go to see you as soon I am back I am sure you will have a great fun at the party!

Sincerely yours,

Jane 6、My View on E-mail我对电子邮件的看法

Electronic mail , or E-mail for short , is a new way of communication by means of computers . Fast , cheap and convenient, E-mail is so popular that it has become an indispensable means of communication. Millions of computers all over the word have been connected to form a global network, namely the Internet, You can send and receive by E-mail documents , letters and papers to anyone in other countries in no time . By using E-mail you can also store ,delete, compile information. In a word, E-mail helps you overcome spatial and time limitations in communication.

With the rapidly growing popularity of computers and the expansion of information highway , E-mail is expected to play a more and more important role in our lives.

8、Career Hopping跳槽

Today , growing numbers of men and women are changing careers or getting second starts in careers that have greater appeal to them . Many of those who find that their work is unsatisfactory retrain themselves for a different occupation.

Job changes and careers shifts occur at all ages. It is estimated that as many as one out of four male workers between the ages of twenty and twenty-five change their lines of work. About half that number do so between the ages of twenty-five and forty-for . Some married women combine child-rearing responsibilities with new career lines.

Motives for changing careers vary widely , but many people move because they feel bored with the dull routine. For some , a second start grows out of the realization that what they want out of life is not what they are doing , and they decide to do what they enjoy. Most go back to school to get the training they need to make the shifts.



(江苏省) 成人本科学士学位英语水平统一考试 2015年11月21日 下午14∶00-16-00 1. A. agent B. ahead C. alive D. along 2. A. measure B. feather C. eastern D. peasant 3. A. fool B. tool C. boot D. foot 4. A. fork B. work C. port D. sort 5. A. tough B. rough C. enough D. though 6. A. window B. know C. flower D. flow 7. A. silence B. island C. rescue D. roast 8. A. there B. theory C. thought D. thorough 9. A. super B. supply C. suppose D. surround 10. A. furniture B. purpose C. nurse D. surprise

Part II 词汇与语法知识(共30小题:每题0.5分,共15分) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项,并在答题卡相应的 题号后填涂选项。 11. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is expected to ______ interest rates on Tuesday. A. raise B. lift C. charge D. vary


网络 How Will Our Life Go on without Internet? 1. 网络提供给了人们丰富多彩和便捷的生活 2.很多人开始感觉离开网络寸步难行 3.你对网络依赖症的看法 【范文】 As a primary source of information as well as an efficient means of communication, the Internet offers people a colourful and convenient life. Just by clicking the mouse, we can enjoy a brilliant and easy life that could not be achieved ever before: shopping, making friends, contacting relatives, looking for jobs, downloading music and movies, conducting business deals, and freely airing our opinions. For its convenience, the Internet has attracted people like magnets and some people even claim that it is indispensable. To them, life can’t go on without it. Every day millions of people spend hours on end surfing the Internet. They are obsessed with it so much that they forget many other important matters. As for me, I don’t approve of unrestrained Internet reliance. Although the Internet is a gift of the technological revolution and a blessing of this information age, we should never let it control our lif e. The Internet absolutely doesn’t mean the whole world to us. Instead, we should guard against its negative effects. To those Internet addicts, I would add: Self-control can make or break your life. With proper use, the Internet serves you; otherwise, it kills you. 保护环境 Protection of Environment 1. 目前环保还存在着许多问题。 2. 为了保护环境,各国政府做了大量的工作。 3. 我的看法。 Protecting the Environment Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence. The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better. 节约用水 Directions: A. Title:Globle Shortage of Fresh Water B. Word Limit: about 200 words C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese below: 1. 人们认为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水,河水,井水) 2. 实际上淡水是短缺的(提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染严重) 3. 我们应当怎么办(提示:节约用水,开发新水源) 例文:Global Shortage of Fresh Water People often think that water will never be used up. There is plenty of water, such as rain, water from the rivers and wells. It seems as if water is always available around us and we never have to worry about water shortage. In fact water is rather limited on the earth. With the rapid increase of population and fast development of industries, water is more needed than before. At the same time, a large amount of water has been polluted and wasted every day. Some big cities in China are facing the problem of water shorage already. There, water supply is controlled and industry has been restrained. What should we do about the water shorage? I


成人学位英语考试模拟试题 Part I Dialogue Completion(15 points) Directions:There are 15 Short incomplete dialogues in this part,each followed by 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and.mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 第1题单选Tommy:Mommy,when will we have dinner?I’m starvin9. Mother:__________.We have to wait for Daddy. A.Soon,honey B.Quickly,honey C.OK,honey D.All right,honey 参考答案:A

第2题单选narta:I like the red shirt than the black one. Allen:Really?__________? Malta:The red one is longer and a little looser SO it will be more comfortable. A.How come B.Why not C.How much D.So what 参考答案:A 第3题单选Jiang:Which do you__________,wine or spirits? Green:I’d like to have a little wine first.


翻译:练习一 1要想了解真实的自我,必须深入、广泛的探索前人 说过的话,做过的事。 2数百年来,地震的不可知性给地震蒙上极大的恐惧 和惊慌,然而近几次的地 震发生前已显露一些迹 象。 3科学观察和计算的精确度常取决于科学家的计时方 法。 4在弗雷德里克地区,学生家长们出资购买教室用 品,并主动为学校第一年 的教师和校长们支付所需 的各类杂货及水电费,以 此来留住他们继续工作下 去。 5一位学生说:“关于这个地区的流言正以闪电般的速 度传播着,我们想知道真 相,并传播真相。 练习二 6然而,不管水波多大、多猛,只对海面造成影响。7在美国,这个数字要比英国高得多,美国人将他们 收入的10%花费在分期付 款上。 8鱼产生的电流能点亮电灯—或者甚至能带动小型电 动马达—是多么不可思 议,但有些鱼确实可以。9工科学生往往被看成是实际和理性的榜样,但就我 的大学教育而言,我是一 个理想主义者和傻瓜。 10摆在我面前阻碍我成为一名成功学生的现实就在于 工科与文科并不像我在高 中时认为的那样,两者并 非简单地合在一起。 练习三 11光到达另一端后,首先转化成电流信号,随后再转 为声音信息。 12多数情况下,这些人正梦想着的是财富和名望,而 不是在打字机前长时间地 工作。 13因为我们生活在一个民主的国家,由公民制定国家 的政策,我们中的许多人 必须接受教育,学会理解、 支持,必要时还要判断专 家的工作。 14在很多地区,相当多的人曾因一些悲剧事件而失去 他们珍贵的资料,如1921 年内战期间爱尔兰法庭失 火这样的悲剧,又如美国 奴隶,对于他们来说最初 就有很多珍贵资料未能保 留下来。 15理论上,有一天任何人都 能通过这个资料库查出他 或她家族的起源。 练习四 16相反,为避免天线导航, 没轮子的汽车将在离地面 不超过3英寸的距离行 驶。 17我请求你阐明这个问题, 这样我们这个城市里贫穷 的老人就可以了解到他们 有资格享有住房的津贴。 18人们认为生病是遭受恶魔 的攻击。 19我们关心的是全面充分地 发展我们每位学生的能 力,而不仅仅是他们的学 习能力。 20我们期望学生们能够不遗 余力尽其所能,为达到此 目标我们也将给予我们充 分的鼓励。 练习五 21轮子是最简单的发明,或 许也是最伟大的发明,因 为自然界原本没轮子—没 有任何生物是轮子创造 的。 22女孩在语言能力上胜过男 孩,且这种早期就显露的 语言方面偏向常影响终 生。 23摩西奶奶小的时候画过些 画,之后绘制刺绣图案成 了她的爱好。老了以后, 她的手指变得僵硬不能缝 纫,而她还希望保持忙碌 打发时间,就转向油画。 24这个方案给印度和国外的 研究者提供了机会,使他 们可以在保护区内研究老 虎,收集以前难以获得的 有关老虎习性的资料。 25土地问题变得越来越严重 了,令很多农民感到痛心 的是,一些肥沃的森林地 区被圈起来,建成了老虎 保护区。 练习六 26学习语言最好从语言的非 言语方面、手势和声势语 入门。 27最初白宫是灰的,并且被 叫做总统府。 28这种新的活动包括原先狩 猎的一系列行为,而目的 已不再是避免饥饿。 29一些科学家认为可用16 面直径为半英里的镜子将 反射光照射到地球面积约 为6万平方英里的区域。 30目前,人们还不知道这种 人造白天对植物、动物和 人会有什么影响。 练习七 31然而,事实上女性如今可 以自由选择所喜爱的职 业;情况改善了,这一潮 流不可能逆转。 32福特意识到他可以用这种 装配线的方法来生产他的 汽车。 33在初试阶段海底电缆没能 安装成功,当研究人员将 电缆运出海面对其进行检 修时发现电缆表面长满了 瘤状物,这个事实表明海 洋深处并不存在生命,这 与现代科学见解相左。 34由21个成员国组成的欧 洲委员会的一项研究显 示,45%的爬行物种及 24%的蝴蝶濒临灭绝。 35鲍姆博士继续说道,“没有 工业产品我们一样能活下 去,但脱离了自然我们就 无法生存。” 练习八 36一些批评家声称没有任何 理由让实验对象在不了解 实验性质,没有机会选择 拒绝的情况下参与实验。 37他去加州南部旅行,在那 里他恰好发现了要完成他 的电影所需的天气和风 景。 38中小学几乎全额依靠中央 和地方税收拨款。 39目前的看法似乎是这样 的:这必须包括一种关于 计算机本身定义的基本知 识,还需具备一些计算机 的发展历史及操作知识。 40我们能够有效地使用各种 电子设备,而不需要知道 它们的历史或者它们是如 何工作的。 练习九 41有时他们甚至在自己的篷 车里,而不是在旅馆里睡 觉,只是为了省钱。 42这些区域释放的能量和光 线较弱,因而从地球上看, 表面几乎形成不规则的暗 区。 43电脑技术让研究者能准确 地测量大脑前部和侧面的 容量,它们的智力、情感 有关,决定着人的性格。 44面试是求职过程中一件重 要的事,因为你和面试人 一起度过的那二三十分钟 可能决定你是否能得到你 想要的那个工作。 45如果有可能的话,你应在 得到一份工作,并且在你 做好准备完成日常文书工 作后再与雇佣方协商工资 问题。 练习十 46他即使今天都是勇气和历 险的象征。 47亨宁研究了把英语作为外 语学习的学生是如何记忆 词汇的。 48迁徙成为一种习惯,现在 尽管冰川已经消失,这种 习惯仍然继续。 49当积雪的任何一部分太 厚,并且与下面的部分不 相粘结的话,问题就出现 了。过去几星期下的雪在 高于十二月到一月上旬的 温度下开始融化。 50对于度假的滑雪者来说, 令人欣慰的是,雪崩事故 很少发生在有足迹的滑雪 坡上。 练习十一 51减肥是件苦差事,大多数 人都想找到一条又快又简 单的减肥方法。 52他受到尊重部分源自其自 身,他友好、判断力强、 文雅、开朗、正直,新、 旧世界他都热爱。 53用这种简单的方法,肾脏 可以保存24到48小时而 不会变质,在此段时间里 能被转移到很远的地方。 54很多顾客采用的一个简单 又常用的方法是直接向商 店经理投诉。 55他或她会将卖方告上法 庭,或者他们会向保护消 费者权益的私人或公共机 构进行举报。 练习十二 56这样,性价比高的商品可 以不断地提供给不同收入 层次的人们。 57牢记翻译者工作的性质, 即对书面语进行操作,严 格地说,并不要求翻译者 一定能够讲他正在翻译的 语言。 58学生也可能在学习期间在 两所大学交叉学习,尽管 这样做并不常见。 59洗钱是将非法途径得来的 钱,在合法收入的掩盖下 使之进入流通领域的过 程。 60市场的自由及对汇率控制 的撤销成为过去十年来洗 钱活动迅速发展的两大主 要原因。 练习十三 61诺贝尔宁愿自己不是作为 甘油炸药的发明者而被人 们记住,因此,他在1895 年去世的两个星期创立了 一项基金,奖励对人类做 出有价值贡献的人们。 62死记硬背是日本学校采用 的一种重要的学习方法, 然而很多学生反映考试过 后他们就忘记了背过的大 部分内容。


山东省成人高等教育学士学位英语考试大纲(试行) 一、总则 为了客观地评价我省成人高等教育(非英语专业)学员的英语水平,有效地调动学生学习英语的积极性,提高学生的英语水平,从而保证成人教育本科毕业生学士学位的授予质量,根据教育部《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》的要求、结合我省英语教学的现状和成人高等教育的特点以及社会对学生英语能力的实际要求,制定本考试大纲。 本考试的难度界定在大学英语三级的水平,是一种标准化考试。为保证试卷的信度,除短文写作部分是主观性试题外,其余试题全部客观性的多项选择题形式。短文写作部分的目的是考核考生运用语言的能力,从而提高试卷的效度。 二、评价目标 本考试采用水平测试的方法,指在考察学生的基本的英语综合应用能力,包括一定的听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语比较有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力、提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要,并为进一步提高英语水平打下较好的基础。具体要求如下: (一)词汇 应掌握3500个左右的英语单词,正确熟练使用由这些单词构成的常用搭配,并具备用构词法知识识别生词的能力。 (二)语法知识 掌握主谓一致关系,表语从句、宾语从句、定语从句和状语从句等句型,直接引语和间接引语的用法,动词不定式和分词的用法,各种时态、主动语态、被动语态等基本的语法知识,并注重在语篇层面上运用语法知识的能力。 (三)阅读能力 考生应该能够综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能理解书面英语,能以每分钟60词的速度阅读各种题材(包括社会生活、人物传记、科普、史地、政治、经济等)和体裁(包括议论文、记叙文、说明文、应用文等)的文字材料。阅读材料的生词量不超过3%,对于超出全日制教学大纲词汇表一至三级词汇表范围的词,用汉语注明词义。应试人员能够: 1.掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2.了解用以阐述主旨的事实和有关细节; 3.根据上下文判断某些生词或短语的意义; 4.理解单词的意义和上下句之间的逻辑关系; 5.根据所读的材料进行一定的判断、推理; 6.领会作者的观点和态度。 (四)写作能力


成人本科学士学位英语考试_附答案 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: Is that 6 a.m. workout getting in the way of good sleep? Don ' t think your fat cells won't notice. A new study published in The Annals of Internal Medicine (a medical journal) finds that inadequate shut-eye has a harmful effect on fat calls, reducing their ability to respond to insulin ( 胰岛素) by about 30 percent. Over the long-term ,this decreased response could set-the stage for type-2 diabetes (a medical condition in which someone has too much sugar in his or her blood), f atty liver disease and weight gain . The study adds to a growing body of evidence that there 's“ an intimate relationship between the amount of sleep we get and our ability to maintain a good ,healthy body weight ” says sleep expert Helene Emsellem ,director of the Center for Sleep and Wake Disorders in Chevy Chase ,Maryland. (76) But Americans don ' t seem to be getting the message that we need seven to nine hours per night. More than 1 in 5 of us ,according to a report form the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,is getting six or fewer hours of sleep per night ,on average. So how did researchers study fat cells in the Annals paper? Matthew Brady of the University of Chicago and a group of colleagues selected and persuaded seven volunteers to take part in the research project. They were all young ,thin and healthy and agreed to sleep for eight nights in a sleep lab. “ For four nights they were allowed to stay in bed for 8.5 hours a night ,” says Brady. Then ,a month later ,they came back for four additional nights —but this time they were allowed just 4.5 hours of sleep per night. And after each visit ,researchers got a sample of their fat.(77) Brady explains that the fat cells responded significantly to the loss of sleep. “ I was very surprised to be honest ,” he says. Bad things can happen when fat cells become less responsive to insulin. “ Fat cells are actually your friend ,”he says. “They 're there to store lipids( 血脂).” When lipids stay inside the cells ,your body can utilize the fat when you ' re exercising or sleeping or going about your day. “ However ,when fat cells start to become insulin resistant ,the lipids start to leach out of the fat cells and rise in the bloodstream ,” Brady says. 1.According to the passage ,lack of the sleep for a long while can probably lead to all of the following EXCEPT ______ . 第一段最后一句 A.heart disease B. weight gain C. diabetes D. liver disease 2.The main idea of the third paragraph is . 第一句 A.how to write a medical research paper B. how to avoid sleep loss C. how the research was conducted D. how to conduct a medical experiment 3.What does the word “ leach ” in the last paragraph probably mean? A.Leap B. Lead. C. Lead. D. Leak . 泄露


学位英语作文模板 一、必背句型 1. as is known /as it is known to all …众所周知 2. with the pace of modern life increasing….随着现代生活步伐的加快 3. with the development of modern society…随着现代社会的 4. personally I’m in favor of the former/latter view…我个人偏向于前/ 后一种观点 5. there is no doubt that…勿容质疑 6. however everything has two sides…任何事物都具有两方面 7. as a Chinese saying goes…正如中国的一句谚语所说 8. the same is the case with sth…也不例外 9. in the appraisal of …在。。。的评价中 11. according to …there are at least three good reasons…firstly secondly… thirdly….列举的用法 12. In my opinion, in the appraisal of …it is one-sided to affirm everything or to negate everything. We should appreciate the great contribution made by them, and at the same time pay enough attention to the problems caused by them。 我认为,在对….的评价中,完全的肯定任何事情和否认任何事情都是片面的。我 们在欣赏到他们做出的巨大的贡献的同时也要更加注意他们带来的问题。 二、学位英语作文速成模板 1)要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。


成人学位英语考试内容 成人学位英语考试内容 试卷五个部分的题目数、记分及考试时间列表如下: 考试内容包括五个部分:分别是阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、挑错、完形填空和英汉互译。全部题目按顺序统一编号,共85题。 第一部分 阅读理解(PartIReadingComprehension),共15题,考试时间 40分钟。 要求考生阅读三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。每篇文章后有五个问题,考生应根据文章内容从 每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。短文选材的原则是: 1、题材广泛包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、热门话题 及科普常识等。但所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解 2、体裁多样包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等。 3、文章的语言为中等难度无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,如 超出全日制文理科教学大纲中词汇 表一至三级的范围,则用汉语注明词义。 阅读理解部分主要测试考生的下述能力 1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2、了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3、既理解字面的意思,又能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;

4、既理解个别句子的意义,又能在一定程度上理解上下文的逻辑关系。 阅读理解部分主要考核学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的速度。 第二部分 词语用法和语法结构(PartIIVocabularyandStructure),共30题,考试时间25分钟。题目中50%为词和短语的用法,50%为语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 词语用法和语法结构部分主要考核学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括全日制文理科本科教学大纲中词汇表及语法结构表一至三级的`主要内容。 第三部分 挑错(PartIIIIdentification),共10题,考试时间10分钟。挑错题由10个单句组成。每个句子含有标着A、B、C、D的四个划线部分,其中有一处是错误的,要求考生从四个划线部分中挑出其错误的部分。挑错部分是词语用法和语法结构部分的延伸,目的是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,其重点是固定搭配和句型。考试范围与第二部分相同。 第四部分 完形填空(PartIVCloze),共20题,考试时间15分钟。完形填空题是在一篇题材熟悉,难度适中的短文(约200词)中留有20个空白。每个空白为一题,每题有四个选项。要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选出一个最佳答案,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整。填空的选项包括结构词和实义词,有些选项会涉及到一些重要的语法内容。完形填空部分主要考核学生综合运用语言的能力。 第五部分 翻译(PartVTranslation),共10题,考试时间30分钟。翻译试题由两部分组成。第一部分为英译汉,要求考生把前面阅读理解文


2007年江苏省成人学士学位英语考试真题及答案ENGLISH QUALIFICATION TEST FOR A BACHELOR’S DEGREE Nov.2007 Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension(15minutes,15%) Section A(10%) Directions:In this section you will hear ten short conversations.At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.A.En the cafeteria.B.In the library. C.In the dormitory. D.In the classroom building. 2.A.5:00.B.5:15.C.5:30.D.5:45. 3.A.Skating.B.Swimming. C.Boating and swimming D.Boating and skating. 4.A.An engineer.B.A driver.C.A librarian.D.A typist. 5.A.His article has been changed B.He is very glad to hear the woman. C.He is proud of his article. D.He can’t believe the woman. 6.A.A toy bear is not lovely at all. B.A toy bear is just what she needs. C.She should have bought more toy bears. D.She shouldn’t buy the toy bear. 7.A.A sweater.B.A blouse.C.A coat.D.A skirt. 8.A.It’s easy to make friends. B.It’s difficult to make friends. C.To make friends one has to be quite frank. D.To make friends one has to be friendly. 9.A.He doesn’t’like it.B.He’s indifferent to it. C.He enjoys it. D.He cares about all the overtime. 10.A.They are having breakfast.B.They are eating some fruits. C.They are preparing a hot soup. D.They are drinking cold milk. Section B(5%) Directions:In this section,you will hear one dialogue and one short passage.Ar the end of the dialogue and the passage,you will hear some questions.The dialogue and passage as well as the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions11-12are based on the following dialogue. 11.A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five. 12.A.Because she worked for a long time yesterday. B.Because she went shopping yesterday. C.Because the twins were sick all night.


河北成人学位英语考试考前预测卷01 Paper One (65minutes, 70points) Part I Dialogue Completion (10minutes, 10 points) Directions: In this part, there are 3 dialogues with 3 or 4 blanks, each .followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete. With Dialogue One, all the choices will have to be used. With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three, one choice will be left unused. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single bar through the centre of the letter that indicates your choice. Dialogue One Speaker A: Good evening, sir and madam. Speaker B: Good evening. _____1_____ Speaker A: Let me check the list. Yes, we do have a reservation under Mr. Stephen. Speaker B: _____2_____There are six of us. Four of my friends are coming soon. Speaker A: It doesn't matter. Follow me, please. What do you think of the table in the centre of the dining room? Speaker B: But _____3_____ Speaker A: I'm sorry, but you see, all the tables by the window are small, with up to four seats. Speaker B: Oh, I see. We'll have to make up with the centre one. Speaker A: Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Stephen. Speaker B: If a Mr. Sun comes to look for me, _____4_____ Speaker A: Yes, I will. A. it's a window table that we've booked. B. just usher him here. C. We've a reservation for a table for two under the name of Stephen. D. But there is a change in the number of people. Dialogue Two Speaker A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Speaker B: Yes, I'm leaving today. Can I have my bill settled? Speaker A: Of course, sir. May I have your name? Speaker B: My name is Peter Brown and my room number is 556. Speaker A: Just a second, please. Mr. Brown, _____5_____ Please cbeek. Speaker B: I'm sorry. I suppose there is a mistake indeed. I only stayed here for three nights, not four. Speaker A: Just a second, please. I'll check it...I am sorry, Mr. Brown, _____6 _____So the fee in total should be $155.


2017成人学位英语考试作文范文6篇 为帮助考生们更好地复习备考成人英语作文,以下是搜索整理的关于2017成人学位英语作文范文6篇,供参考复习,希望对大家有所帮助!想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们! 范文一 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "The lmpor-tang of Self-confidence". You should write in no less than 100 words, and base your composition onthe outline given in Chinese below: 1. 凡事均应有信心; 2.自信心的重要性; 3.有了正确的态度,建立信心是可能的。 The Importance of Self-confidence Self-confidence is very important to our life.As a wise man once said,“If you have no confidence in yourself,you are twice defeated in the race of life.With confidence,you have won even befo re you have started.” If you are full of self-confidence,your creativeness,your enthusiasm will all be aroused,and you will overcome difficulties.As a result,your dreams will come true.On the contrary,if you have no confidence in yourself,there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything.Failure will be following you.But self-confidence comes only when you know yourself.You should know both your weaknesses and strengths.Only after this can you be well in doing great things. Try something you’ve never done before.Just taking on a challenge,whether you succeed or not,can increase your confidence.In a word,self-confidence is greatly important to our success. 范文二 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "Good Study Habits". You should write in no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1.应当培养良好的学习习惯; 2.一些最基本的学习方法;

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