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第一部分是考生和CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。时间约5 分钟。

第二部分包括1.5 分钟的考生个人发言和4.5 分钟的小组讨论。时间共约10 分钟。第三部分由主考再次提问以进一步确定考生的口头交际能力。时间约5 分钟。


英语六级口语考试介绍 引言:为推动我国大学英语教学,使大学生获得更强的交际能力,国家教育部开始实施口语。下面给大家做个口语考试介绍。 大学英语六级(CET-SET)口语考试介绍 一、能力范围及评分标准 CET-SET主要考核学生英语口头表达能力,其中包括:就一般性话题进行比较流利的会话能力;表达个人意见、情感、观点等的能力;陈述事实、理由和描述事件的能力。评分依据以下标准: 1.准确性:指考生语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度; 2.语言范围:指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围; 3.话语的长短:指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少; 4.连贯性:指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言; 5.灵活性:指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力; 6.适切性:指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力。 二、考试内容及流程 大学英语六级口语考试(CET-SET6)内容及流程 部分内容考试过程答题时间 1 自我介绍和问答先由考生自我介绍,然后回答考官提问。考试时间约2分钟。自我介绍:每位考生20秒(两位考生依次进行)回答问题:每位考生30秒(两位考生同步进行) 2 陈述和讨论考生准备1分钟后,根据所给提示作个人陈述;两位考生就指定的话题讨论。考试时间约8分钟。个人陈述:每位考生1分30秒(两位考生依次进行)两人讨论:3分钟 3 问答考生回答考官的一个问题。考试时间约1分钟。每位考生45秒(两位考生同步进行) 三、考试时间 2017年大学英语四六级考试时间

日期考试名称 5月20日-21日上半年全国大学英语四六级考试(口语) 6月17日上半年全国大学英语四六级考试(笔试) 11月18日-19日下半年全国大学英语四六级考试(口语) 12月16日下半年全国大学英语四六级考试(笔试)


Part I Cloze Test Directions: This part, numbered 1 to 15, is to test your grammar and vocabulary ability. Each of the blanks (N0.1 to No.15) is followed by four choices of suggested choices marked A), B), C) and D). Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. A "dark horse "is one that shows unexpected racing speed and comes in first, 1 the experts said he had little chance of winning. In politics, an 2 candidate (候选人) for office who 3 a nomination(提名)or election is called a "dark horse". British Prime Minister Benjamin Disrael is believed to 4 the first to use the phrase. In his novel, "The Young Duke ", published in 1831, Disrael described a horse race and told how the two top choices fell 5 ,while "a dark horse "which had never been thought of rushing past the grandstand (看台)in a sweeping triumph. From racing to politics was a short step. As a political phrase, “dark horse ” 6 for the first time in the national Democratic Party congress of 1844. The "dark horse" was James Knox Polk who became the llth President of the United States. Polk had been the leader of the House of Representatives from 1835 to 1839. He had 7 been Governor of the state of Tennessee. But as a national leader, he was considered a political 8 . Nevertheless, he 9 won the Democratic nomination and was elected 10 .Martin Van Buren of New York, A former President, seemed sure of getting the nomination. But he opposed making the territory of Texas part of the United States as mother state. He was 11 it because there was slavery in Texas. Van Buren did not want another slave state in the Union. As a result, he 12 support among those Democrats who supported slavery. At the 1884 congress, Van Buren could not get enough votes to win the nomination. The congress got into 13 . Therefore, the Democratic leaders decided that the only wise thing would be to run a "dark horse ", 14 who could unite the party. And so, one of the party leaders, George Bancroft, proposed the name of James Knox Polk. He won, and the party 15 behind him, And he defeated his opponent , Henry Clay of the Whig Party. After the 1844 congress, the "dark horse "candidates became an established fact of national political life. One historian said, "The invention of the dark horse was in itself a remarkable product of our professional politics. "This made it possible for party leaders to choose candidates who were not tied to certain ideas. Therefore, they represented nothing and had developed few enemies. 1. A. so B. even though C. so that D. as if 2. A. unknown B. famous C. popular D. known 3. A. accepts B. looks forward to C. refuses D. wins 4. A. be B. being C. been D. have been


高等学校英语应用能力考试说明 高等学校英语应用能力考试 (简称PRETCO)是由教育部批准成立的高等学校英语应用能力考试委员会设计、供高职高专院校和成人高专院校学生自愿参加的标准化考试。也是由教育部高等教育司委托全国高职高专英语课程教学指导委员会和全国高等学校英语应用能力考试委员组织进行的国家级考试。本门考试主要考核考生实际应用英语进行日常和业务涉外交际的能力,旨在促进高职高专英语教学向培养高等应用技术型人才的方向进行改革;同时为用人单位提供对高职高专毕业生英语水平的评价标准,以提高其进入人才市场的竞争力。 高等学校英语应用能力考试于1998年经高教司批准向部分省、市、自治区推荐试行,2000年正式实施。发展至今,本门考试己为20余省、市、自治区采用,起到了推动高职高专英语课程以“实用为主,应用为目的”的教学改革的目的,并逐渐为人才市场所认可。 考试时间: 笔试:每年举行两次,即6月份和12月份/1月份。 口试(试行):每年暂定一次,即10月份。 考试形式:笔试和听力测试120分钟;口语考试15分钟。 考试对象:高职高专学校修完公共英语课程的在校学生。 考点设置:各高职高专学校。 报名 1)报名资格 (1)高职高专和成人高专院校修完英语课程《基本要求》A级或B

级规定内容的学生均可自愿报名。 (2)考生可根据本校规定报考A级或B级。 (3)毕业生离校后不能再参加考试。 (4)凡己取得A级或B级考试合格证书者,不得再报名参加同一级考试。 2)报名方法 (1)以考点(即考生所在院校)为单位自愿参加,集体报名。考点不接受非考点所在院校的考生报名。 考试报名地点:各高职高专学校。 考试合格证书:由国家考委会统一发给 A、B级合格证书或口语合格证书。 考试报名费标准:笔试16元,口语考试35元。(此报名费仅做参考,具体参照具体考点而定。) 考试参考资料: 一、教育部公布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》; 二、教育部公布的《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》; 三、国家考委会公布的《高等学校英语应用能力口语考试大纲》; 四、全国高职高专英语课程教学指导委员会组织编写的《新编实用英语》教材等。


6级英语口语 6级英语口语考试技巧1. 要有充分的心理准备。 四六级能考优秀,未必口语能拿到B等甚至C等。这很正常,四六级是个综合测试,并不说明你英语学习中的每一部分都尽善尽美了,而口语尤有可能与其拉开距离。总觉得一个大学生到了外面就是代表其所在的大学,应该有个良好的风貌,所以要表现的超脱一点,潇洒一点,哪怕作不到荣辱不惊,至少也得是泰然自若。 6级英语口语考试技巧2. 口语考试之前要热身。 口语考试之前,会对所有考生进行随机分组,通常三个人一组,会给一定时间让你们交流,这就是所谓热身。你的对手来自全省各地,有各种不同的学习经历,即使作为一般朋友聊天也会有所收获。大家都是英语爱好者,都是英语学习的佼佼者,应该有不少的共同语言。我当时的伙伴一个是有工作经验的研究生,一个是低我一级的小女孩。我们无论从性格、阅历、人生目标等都截然不同,虽然他们两个口语一般,我们还是聊的很开心,因为了解到的是两个与自己完全不同的人,也是两个完全不同的世界。 每个人的口语都有自己的特色,很少考生是完全标准的发音,于是要在给定的时间内尽可能的熟悉伙伴的发音特点,基本了解他们的性格,对他们针对话题可能作出的反应最好心中有点数。因为最后一个部分有可能是你平时考虑不到的问题,或者准备时没有预演过的,但你不能表现的吃惊,更不能对别人的论点表示吃惊。所以你对他们的了解就很重要了。 6级英语口语考试技巧3. 关于主考老师。 由两名老师主考,老师们以女的居多,如果近几年跻身英语教育的男老师仍然为数不多的话,你的两位主考老师有可能都是女的。老师们不会很冷漠,你会觉得他们有一种类似体现职业道德的微笑,我当时就是这么感觉的,不管如何,会在一定程


最新英语应用能力考试(A级)模拟试题(1)listening comprehension(15minutes) 请根据以下内容回答1-36题 1、 A.At a bank. B.At a restaurant. C.At a friend' s house. D.At a hotel. 2、 A.Get some changes fromJane. B.Go to look for a payphone. C.Use the woman' sphone, D.Pay for the phone call. 3、 A.Five. B.Four. C.Six. D.Seven. 4、 A.10: 30,B.10: 00. C.10: 50. D.10: 40. 5、 A.Because Henry has no time. B.Because someone else decorated the house.C.Because there was no instruments in thehouse.D.Because Henry decorated the house himself.6、 A.Classical group. B.Pop group. C.Jazz group. D.Rock group. 7、 A.The man will goalone. B.The woman will go alone. C.They will go together. D.They won' t go together. 8、 A.She has caught acold. B.She has a headache.


大学英语四六级口试 CET口试 CET口试每年开考两次,分别于5月和11月举行,具体考试时间中国教育考试中心将会在每年年初另行通知。目前仅有英语开考对应级别的口试科目,即英语四级口语考试(CET-SET6)和英语六级口语考试(CET-SET6)。口语考试采用机考形式,凡已经报考笔试科目的考生均可报考对应级别的口试科目。 1.CET-SET4:

2.CET-SET6: 【评分标准】 CET-SET主考在评分时使用以下标准: a. 准确性指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度 b. 语言范围指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围 c. 话语的长短指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少 d. 连贯性指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言 e. 灵活性指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力 f. 适切性指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力

【语言功能】 CET-SET考试要求考生参与不同形式的口头交际,其语言能力将根据其在考试中的表现予以测量。考生需要掌握的语言功能和意念在《大学英语教学大纲》中已明确列出。以下仅列举其中部分的语言功能和意念。 友好往来 问候,介绍,告别和告辞,祝愿和祝贺,感谢和应答,道歉和应答,提议、邀请和应答。 相互交流 开始交谈,继续交谈,改变话题,停止交谈。 态度 愿意,希望,意向,决心,责任,能力,允许,禁止,同意和不同意,否定,喜欢和不喜欢,偏爱,责怪和抱怨,判断、决定和意见。 劝说 命令,劝告和建议,承诺,提醒。 感情 焦虑,惊奇,兴趣,加重感情色彩。 存在 存在和不存在,有和没有。 空间描述 位置,方向,运动,距离。


英语应用能力等级考试B级模拟试卷1 Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions .There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) I’m not sure. B) You’re right. C) Yes, certainly. D) That’s interesting From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to message. Therefore, C) Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin. 1. A) Yes, world you please help me with the bag? B) Help me find my key, please. C) Yes, give me a hand please. D) I’m looking for the Children Park. 2. A) He is old now B) He is very well now. C) He is tall. D) No, you should. 3. A) Yes, of course you may. B) Yes, you should. C) No, my bicycle is a new one. D) No, you shouldn’t. 4. A) You must stay here. B) Go and see a doctor please. C) Take it easy. D) You’d better have a rest. 5. A) It’s me. B) I’m Mr. Wang. C) Do you know me? D) May I come in? Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions .There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6. A) Monday. B) Tuesday. C) Wednesday. D) Thursday.


英语四六级口语考试 大学英语四、六级考试口语考试( CET Spoken English Test ,简称CET-SET )用于测量我国大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。 考试对象 CET-SET 报考对象为获得全国大学英语四、六级证书且成绩达到一定分数线的在校大学生。 试行阶段的报考对象根据教育部有关文件决定,具体报名规定见考试委员会通知。 考试时间 一年两次,分别在 5 月和 11 月。 考试形式 CET-SET 考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由 2 名主考和 3 (或 4 )名考生组成: CET-SET 考试分三部分: 第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的形式。时间约 5 分钟。 第二部分包括分钟的考生个人发言和分钟的小组讨论。时间共约10 分钟。 第三部分由主考再次提问以进一步确定考生的口头交际能力。时间约 5 分钟。 试题构成 Part 1 5 分钟 问答 “热身”题,包括考生自我介绍、回答问题。 Part 2 10 分钟 发言和讨论 考生准备 1 分钟后,根据所给提示作一个分钟的发言;小组就指定的话题讨论(约分钟)。 Part 3

5 分钟 问答 由主考进一步提问。 考试成绩 考试总分为 15 分,分为 A 、 B 、 C 和 D 四个等级。C 等以上者将获得由教育部高教司颁发的注有 CET Spoken English Test 成绩等级的CET 证书 能力等级标准 A+ 分 A 分 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难。 B+ 分 B 分 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际。 C+ 分 C 分 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际。 分以下 尚不具有英语口头交际能力。 5 分 ? 语法和词汇基本正确 ? 表达过程中词汇丰富、语法结构较为复杂 ? 发音较好,但允许有一些不影响理解的母语口音 ? 在讨论有关话题时能进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言,但允许由于无法找到合适的词语而造成的偶尔停顿 ? 能够自然、积极地参与讨论 ? 语言的使用总体上能与语境、功能和目的相适应 4 分 ? 语法和词汇有一些错误,但未严重影响交际 ? 表达过程中词汇较丰富 ? 发音尚可 ? 能进行较连贯的发言,但多数发言较简短 ? 组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现停顿,有时会影响交际


高等学校英语应用能力考试(口)-sample-test-for-student 试. 高等学校英语应用能力考试(口试)样题PRACTICAL ENGLISH TEST FOR COLLEGES

ORAL Candidate's Test Paper One

National Board of Practical English Test for Colleges (1.5 minutes) Warm-up Questions to the Please read your name and your registration number microphone loudly when you see or hear the prompt. [Prompt from the system] ---------------- [For your registration -- 10 seconds] ----------------

Now, here are some warm-up questions. Task: After you hear each question, there will be a pause. During the pause you should give your answer. thewhenhearingshouldbegintoanswerthequestionYou signalendingandstoponhearingthesoundbeginningsignal sound. Now please listen to the questions. ] Question 1: Please listen![Timing begins] ---------------- [Your answer please -- 10 seconds] ---------------- [Timing ends] ] Please listen!Question 2: [[Timing begins] ---------------- [Your answer please -- 10 seconds] ---------------- [Timing ends] ] Please listen!Question 3: [[Timing begins] ---------------- [Your answer please -- 10 seconds] ---------------- [Timing ends] This is the end of Warm-up questions. (2.5 minutes) Aloud Reading Part I In this part, there is a short text shown on the computer screen (as is shown below). Task: -- You are required to read aloud the text. -- You'll have 1 minute for preparation. -- Then, you are required to read aloud the text when hearing the beginning signal sound and stop on hearing the ending signal sound. Your voice will be recorded into the system. Now you have 1 minute to prepare. PLEASE READ SILENTLY! [Timing begins] ---------------- [Please read through silently-- 1-minute pause] ----------------


高等学校英语应用能力考试(A级) (2015年12月) Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: You will read: A. New York City. B. An evening party. C. An air trip. D. The man’s job. From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C. An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D] Now the test will begin. 1.A) The price of the product. C) The delivery of his order. B)The charge of the service. D) The packing of the goods. 2.A) Giving a lecture. C) Preparing a party. B)Taking an interview. D) Having an exam. 3.A) Its food is delicious. C) It is close to his office. B)Its price is reasonable. D) It provides good service. 4.A) By sea. B) By air . C) By train. D) By truck. 5.A) Asking the way. C) Buying air tickets. B) Renting a car. D) Booking hotel rooms. Section B Direction:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions .Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6.A) Open a new shoe store. C) Invite the woman to his company. B) Participate in a trade fair. D) Pace an order with the woman. 7.A) An advertising brochure. C) An invitation letter. B) A price list. D) A few samples. Conversation 2 8.A) At a hotel. C) In a restaurant. B) At the airport. D) In a bank. 9. A) To buy a ticket. C) To place an order.


历年英语四六级口语考试话题 May 2004 II Questions about Sense of Responsibility 1. What kind of people would you like to work with? 2. What do you think about people who don’t keep their promises? 3. How wo you feel about students who are often late for class? 4. What kind of people would you like to employ if you were the boss? Discussion Whether the younger generation today has a strong sense of responsibility? More Questions 1. Do adult children have the responsibility to care for their elderly parents? Why or why not? 2. Do you think it’s important for students to have a strong responsibility? Reasons? 3. Could you suggest some ways to enhance one’s sense of responsibility? 4. What could you do with an irresponsible employee? 5. During the discussion, why did you say that ...? III Questions about Social Behavior 1. Do you get along with your roommates? 2. Do you think people are less honest today than they used to be? 3. Do you think it’s always wrong to tell a lie?


全国高等学校英语应用能力考试试题(A级) PRACTICAL ENGLISH TEST FOR COLLEGES PRETCO (Level A) ............................ 2006年12月............................ Time Limit: 120 Min. Part ⅠListening Comprehension ( 15 minutes) Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) He does not have a phone. C) The woman can use his phone. B) He will make the call for her. D) The phone is out of order. 2. A) It was boring. C) It was interesting. B) It was quite long. D) It was easy to understand. 3. A) It is seriously polluted. C) There are few cars and factories. B) The air is very clear. D) It remains what it was ten years ago. 4. A) It will be revised. C) It has been canceled. B) It will be approved. D) It is under discussion. 5. A) Having a race in the snow. C) Visiting a friend in the Northeast. B) Traveling in the Northeast. D) Booking tickets for the winter holiday. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 6. A) Its size. C) Its delivery. B) Its price. D) Its code number. 7. A) The goods were lost. C) The delivery will be delayed. B) They have been sent. D) They will soon be returned. Conversation 2 8. A) Interviewer and interviewee. C) Manager and secretary. B) Employer and employee. D) Seller and buyer. 9. A) He has got the required knowledge. B) He is satisfied with the salary offered. C) He thought he could be hired by the company. D) He wanted to have better chances for development. 10. A) Because he has no work experience. B) Because it's the easiest way to get the job. C) Because he doesn't meet the job requirement. D) Because every newcomer starts with a trainee salary. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When


大学英语四六级考试试卷各科目分数配比 四级考试成绩单。 成绩单上报道考试总分和单项分: 单项分的报道分为四个部分,这四个部分以及各部分所占的分值比例分别为:听力(35%)、阅读(35%)、综合(15%)、作文(15%)。 各单项报道分的满分分别为:听力142分;阅读284分;综合178分;作文106分。各单项报道分相加之和等于报道总分。 1.作文分数占总分的15%,也就是106.5分,在这部分你要达到63.9分为及格。答题时间为30分钟。 2.快速阅读占总分的10%,即71分,在这部分你要达到42.6分为及格分。题号为1-10题,答题时间为15分钟。 3.听力部分占总分的35%,即248.5分,在这部分的及格分为149.1分。题号为11-35题,答题时间为35分钟。 4.是一篇篇章词汇理解和两篇传统的阅读理解,总分数为177.5分。在这部分你要达到106.5分为及格分。题好为36-66。答题时间为25分钟。 5.是完形填空(极大可能考这个),占总分的10%,即71分,在这部分你要达到42.6分及格。题号67-86,答题时间为15分钟。 6.翻译,汉译英并且需译部分只是一般的短句翻译。占总分的5%,即35.5分,在这部分你要达到21.3分为及格,题号为87-91,答题时间是15分钟。 同学们考试结束后可以根据以上进行估分。 四级分数标准: 考过425才可以参加六级考试。另外四级要550分以上(包含550)可以考四级口语。 四级考试的考试流程: 8:50---9:00试音时间 9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 作文(9:10- 9:40) 四级考试先是考作文,规定时间是30分钟,应该相当充足审题很重要,根据题目“要求”写看清楚了是要求,可不能光看个作文题目就写,那样很容易偏题的,切记不要少字数,字数少分数绝对不高的,注意文章结构比例,一般是分三段,背几篇范文,了解文章的大致的框架结构。 快速阅读(9:40- 9:55 ) 规定时间是15分钟 快速阅读在几篇阅读理解中是文章简单,题目好做,分数好得,但是时间不好把握,很多人都没时间把是到题目在15分钟内完成,首先花20秒时间读全文的主标题,副标题和段落标题。这时候你就能了解全文大意了。 (切记哦!~~快速阅读不需要读懂全文的意思)这时候你就可以看后面的题目 找出题目中的关键词,然后对应在文章中找,很容易就能找到答案。 9:55-10:00 收答题卡一 10:00-11:20 所有题目在答题卡二上作答 听力(10:00-10:35) 规定时间是30分钟 前面8个段对话就相当容易了,不用多说什么了,中间的长对话和短文理解难度稍稍大点,但题目还算好做。有些文章你没听懂,但考题可以说就是一些常识,凭自己主观意识去

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