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Topics of Task 2 (2008~2009.11.21)


1. In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (08.01.26)


中学教育是一个重要的德育阶段,如果在这个时候中断,带来的不仅仅是失业这样的问题,还有青少年犯罪等社会问题vital stage for moral education. If it was interrupted, numerous of social problem/headaches may create as juvenile delinquency. (正如马克吐温说:你每关闭一所学校,你就必须开设一座监狱。Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail )

教育能够帮助培养个人素质;提高劳动力的素质,从而提高生产效率,推动社会发展,从根本上解决失业的问题。do a favor to/be beneficial(advantageous, preferable) to personal quality, enhance/boost/promote the quality of the labor force, thereby increase production efficiency, social development, solve the problem of unemployment

从长远来看,如果受过更高的教育,则有更多的机会找到好的工作。In a long run/term, if pupils could receive better education, they may have far more opportunities to find better jobs.

教育的作用不仅仅应当局限在找工作,而是为了将来更好的发展。The function of education should be not only focused on \limited in job hunting, but also for a better development.

**失业的原因是综合的comprehensive/complicated,例如经济原因:经济衰退或者不景气economy recession/depression,就业岗位剧减,导致市场对于劳动力的需求整体下降 a fall in the overall demand for labor;社会原因,个人原因等

2. Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion which subject is the most important for young people and which one is the least important?

Subjects: Literature Sports Mathematics Economy Physics History Music Geography (08.03.01)




E.g.: What does sports benefits your academic? Any sport will have a positive effect on academic performance simply because exercise is good for the brain, and teamwork and strategy that are focal to most sports are applicable as well to many academic areas.



3. Schoolteachers used to be the source of information, however, some people argue that teachers are not as important as before as the increasing variety of information resources. What is your opinion? (08.0



学校教育更加有利于学生的道德培养,尤其对于年龄较小的学生。老师可以帮助学生建立自信心,培养能力,塑造良好的性格最终成为一个有利于社会的人。Teachers could help the students to build up confidence, shape upright character and ultimately grow a full man beneficial to the society.

通过老师的讲解,能够更加容易接受知识。By lectures, students are more easily to receive knowledge.可以根据学生的需要而改变teach students in accordance with their own characteristics and differences


学校教育给了学生一个交流、沟通、合作的机会,有利于团队精神team spirit、合作精神cooperation、创新能力innovation的培养foster/cultivation。


提供了一种更为新颖有效的教育形式an original and effective educational model;增加人们接受教育的机会increase the opportunities of being educated;提高参与者的科技能力develop technology competencies、拓展技术面broaden skill set,从而提高就业机会job opportunity。

为地处偏远和行动不便的人、工作时间不稳定的人提供了受教育的机会those with restricted mobility, such as elderly, disabled, injured, irregular work schedule.

可以同时和全国各地甚至全世界各地的人进行交流和学communicate and interact with students all over the country or even the world

文档和资料容易储存、易提取、打印和阅读documents and materials are easily recorded, retrieved, printed and read


缺乏和老师面对面的交流lack of in-person contact with faculty members很难及时接受到老师的反馈wait for a long time before receiving feedback about assignments

不能像传统教育那样和同学之间更多地接触,没有机会提高口头交流能力和合作能力等have no chance to enhance oral communication skills and cooperation skills

精力和注意力会被很多东西分散many distractions at home

并不是所有的行业都承认网络教育的学历,缺乏就业认可。not all work industries acknowledge online degrees

4.Schools should teach children some academic subjects, which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (08.0



5.University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition to their own subject. To what

extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (08.06.05)


目前很多大学都倾向于专业学习(specialized or vocational education),很多专业都是以就业为本(career-oriented or vocation-oriented)而最近的潮流是重新注重全面教育(general education),注重学生的技能,在不同学科上的应用。

很多学科是交叉的interrelated,学习多种科目有利于了解更多的知识widen scope of knowledge,加深对于专业科目的理解be beneficial/advantageous/preferable to the understanding/comprehension of specialist subjects

毕业之后有更多的工作选择increase employment opportunity,增加竞争力competiveness

当求职市场竞争日趋激烈的时候,在不同专业领域涉猎、对于跨学科学习具备经验的学生有望占据一个主导地位。As the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, students who dabble in different specialized areas and have experience in interdisciplinary study are expected to be in a preponderant position

深造的时候有更多的学科选择there are more choices when seeking for a further education.


学生将更有时间把精力放在专业课的学习上devote one’s time and energy to specific subjects节约时间

提高专业技能increase specialized knowledge

提高职业竞争力improve competitiveness

6.Some people think that children should obey the rules or do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Other people think that children controlled too much cannot deal with problem alone. Discuss both views and state your own opinion. (08.06.21)

父母的教育方式parenting分为:专断型authoritarian, 管教型authoritative,纵容型permissive和漠不关心型uninvolved。大多数的专家认同和推荐管教型authoritative这一教育模式,即父母会制定基本的规则establish basic guidelines让小孩去遵循,但是同时考虑到小孩的特点和要求,惩罚的时候同时注意开导孩子。


孩子缺乏自制力和判断力the children are lack of self-control and judging ability/capability

父母和老师能够根据自己的经验帮助孩子找到正确的发展方向take the right path to success

有助于孩子形成良好的行为习惯form appropriate behavior patterns,改正其不好的行为习惯等stop their misbehaviors

孩子可以吸取前人的失败教训,避免走弯路can draw experience from the preceding failures and avoid committing the same mistakes. 父母和老师制定规则,控制孩子的行为的坏处:

导致叛逆的行为result in rebellion,甚至对父母产生憎恨hate their parents, who apply strict rules and impose punishment

导致孩子产生逆来顺受的性格docile obedience,不敢尝试和面对失败afraid to try and fail,表现出不足够的自制fail to demonstrate considerable self-regulation 抑制孩子的想像力,不利于孩子充分表现自我deny children the opportunity to express individuality

缺乏独立性lack of independence low self-esteem;不能独自面对和解决困难conquer difficulties and handle different situations

孩子的兴趣和决定应当受到尊重receive respect for their hobbies and decisions

给父母和老师减轻负担lighten\reduce the burden of …

7.Nowadays, more university students choose to study some practical subjects (such as marketing, computer programming, etc.) instead of theoretical subjects (such as economy, math, chemistry). Some people suggest that universities should focus on practical subjects, but not theoretical subjects. What is your opinion?



增加学生适应社会的能力:increase the capability of adapting the society

找工作的时候更加有竞争力have more competitiveness in job hunting\seeking

更快的适应新的工作:suit to the new position \career more rapidly

实践性科目往往更加有趣,容易坚持和学习。也可以通过学习增加合作能力和交流能力,some social skills as cooperation ability


为实践科目提供理论基础和技术支持provide\supply theoretical foundation for practice

增加知识量increase knowledge capacity

培养逻辑和思维的能力cultivate critical thinking

更加有利于学生的深造be beneficial to further study

8.Some teachers think it is effective for students to study in-group while others think it is better to study alone. What are the benefits of each way? Which one do you think is more effective? (08.08.30) 分组学习的好处:

增加沟通face to face interaction与交流能力communication skills

提高团队精神team spirit, cooperation in groups;培养学生的责任感individual accountability

提高学生解决问题的能力problem-solving ability,他们可以从各种各样的观点和经验中获益benefit from a diversity of perspectives and experiences.

学习氛围更好: better atmosphere

监督性、竞争性: monitor and compete

适合较低阶段和较低年龄的学习:group study suits primary stage


节约时间time-saving, 更有效率more efficient、突出学生的个人目标personal distinctions,而分组学习过分强调步调一致concerted effort个别学生可能失去对于学习的兴趣lose learning enjoyment,没有动力lack motivation

培养独立思考能力: self-independent

安静、可以集中精力: quiet, be beneficial to concentration

适合高级阶段的学习suits senior study

9.Once children start school, teachers have more influence than parents on their intellectual and social development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (08.09.06)

浅析:教育类的新题。目前题库中没有任何题目与之相近。然而,如果考生聪明一点,完全可以将“老师”引申为“学校”或者“教育”,这样的思路就比较宽。首先看看两个概念。一是什么是intellectual development?Intellectual development refers to the development of one’s ability to think, to understand ideas and to acquire knowledge.

二是什么是social development?Social development refers to the acquisition and improvement of skills that are essential to social life or activities that have relevance to one’s functioning in society.



老师可以制定教学方法(devise teaching methods),练习(drills),设计功课(design assignments),甚至可以调整课程(revise the curriculum),来提高小孩的学习能力。譬如说,绘画可以提高小孩的想象能力(ability to visualize different subjects),精读(critical reading)可以提高小孩的归纳能力(abilities to summarize key messages of a reading passage) ,实验课(lab experiments)可以提高小孩的观察能力(abilities to observe and detect differences);家长一般是不可能有那么全面的知识,全方面的开发小孩的智力(foster children’s intellectual development in different aspects)

老师可以通过课程和功课的安排,来提高小孩的社会能力。譬如说,体育可以增加小孩的团队精神(inject a strong sense of team spirit),小组作业(group assignments)可以让小孩习惯于相互帮助(join efforts/make joint-effects to deal with problems),参加社区活动(community activities)可以提高小孩对社区的理解(have a strong sense of community)


家长可以指导小孩完成作业(provide instruction),从而确保教育延续到家里(consistency of education between school and home environments);家长可以通过一些课外活动来帮助小孩提高技能,譬如说gardening, 提高小孩的动手能力和解决问题能力(hands-on skills and problem-solving abilities)

家长在小孩的社会生活中起着重要的作用;家长决定了小孩和什么人接触,参加什么社会活动(social activities),决定了社会学习的效果(outcomes of social learning),掌握礼仪(etiquettes)

10.Students from poor background such as rural areas often find it difficult to access to university education, so people think universities should make it especially easy for them to study at. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (08.09.27)


对个人来讲:农村学生和贫困学生(students from rural or deprived areas)虽然受教育的机会很低,但是不代表着他们没有天赋(aptitudes),知识和态度去适合大学的要求(meet entry requirements),为贫穷学生上大学提供便利可以保证受教育机会的均等,同时,对于贫困生来说,教育意味着改变一生的机会life-changing opportunity大学提供的经济支持和学术支持,可以帮助学生适应城市生活和大学生活adapt to urban life and university life对于贫困地区来说:可以有助于脱贫致富In the long run, only more students attend universities, can this poor area shake off/get rid of poverty. 对于国家和社会来说:仅仅因为经济条件而不能入学,社会就会失去一些优秀的人才(young talent);与此同时,因为受教育机会的不平衡(equal access to education is not guaranteed),贫困学生在就业方面会处于劣势(at a disadvantage),贫富的差距会维持。另外,文化普及率的提升可以提高国民素质,和一个国家的竞争力the improvement of educational level could greatly enhance the quality of the nation basically. Therefore, it may lead to\contribute to the nation's competitiveness in the world.

11.Many people use distance-learning programs (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (08.10.23) 12.Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education systems. Do the advantages of this method of learning outweigh its disadvantages? (08.12.06)


容易掌握,easy handle

普遍应用:widely use; basic way to memorize



效率低、浪费时间low efficiency

局限创造力limit creativity;枯燥boring

不能灵活应用could not be used vividly

容易遗忘easy to forget,印象不深刻could not leave a deep impression


13.Some people believe that a country benefits greatly with a high percentage of young people who go to university, while others argue that it only leads to graduate unemployment. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (08.12.13)

Excessive enrollment


更多人接受教育,提高文化普及率the enhancement of cultural penetration, enhance the literacy rate,增强国家的竞争力,促进社会的发展to strengthen the country's competitiveness, promote social development


解决了一部分的就业问题 solve part of the employment problem

产生了跟高等教育有关的新的经济增长点和产业Produce new industries and economic growth point related to higher education


教育资源有限的情况下扩招会导致毕业生学习不到充足的知识,缺乏就业竞争力when the educational resources are limited, excessive enrollment may create a terrible phenomenon that the students could not learn enough/adequate knowledge and are lack of competitiveness

降低高等教育的含金量devalue the higher education

导致教育行业的不良竞争lead to/contribute to deteriorate competition


失业的原因是综合的Comprehensive reasons,例如经济衰退或者不景气recession/depression,就业岗位剧减,导致市场对于劳动力的需求整体下降a fall in the overall demand for labor

还可能社会原因:劳动法制约着雇主labor/job market regulations,使其对员工的招聘特别谨慎;雇主对年轻人抱有偏见和不信任。Prejudice to young inexperienced workers

还可能有个人原因:教育不够inadequate education,没有工作经验,缺乏培训lack of appropriate training缺乏对于劳动力市场的清晰理解a clear understanding of the job market对工资和职业的期望值过高exceedingly high occupational and wage aspirations/expectation,缺乏对于工作的耐性和雇主的忠诚度lack of loyalty to employers 14.Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers than from others sources (such as the Internet, television). To what extent do you agree or disagree? (09.01.15) 15.More and more students choose to go to another country for their higher education. Do you think the benefits outweigh the problems associated with it? (09.03.14)


学习不同的文化,开阔视野learn diversified cultures and expand vision

有助于语言的学习be beneficial to language study

增强竞争力,拥有国际化的就业机会enhance competiveness, have international job opportunity

独立性,生存能力independence, survival skills

利用先进的教学设备和教育资源take advantage of advanced teaching equipments and recourses


想家,孤独感,无助感homesick, feel lonely, helpless

巨大的经济压力economic pressure

人才流失talent drain

因为缺乏监督,可能会沾染到不好的习惯may addict to bad habits 16.Some people think that computers and the Internet are more important for a child's education than going to school. But others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn effectively. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


17.Some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. But, others believe that teenagers should focus on the subject that they are best at or that they find the most interest. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (09.05.09)


主体不同: unversity students VS teenagers

18. Some children do not appear to have language talent, so schools should not require then learning a foreign language. What is your opinion? (09.06.20)


这是一道教育类的新题. 外语学习的作文题在最近两年有所增加, 是个可以注意的趋势.


全球化让外语学习成为必须完成的学习任务.Language acquisition has evolved from a need to a must in a globalised world.


语言学习涉及到学生未来的交流技能,甚至需要对语言非常熟练achieve superior proficiency.


强制教育可能会导致学生对语言学习的厌恶Demanding language tasks might engender frustration among students, causing their resentment against language acquisition.


学生应当全面发展,过分强调一科可能会占用学生大部分的精力。很多科目的学习是不需要以外语为基础的,学生未必能够学以致用apply what one has learned to practice

结论:学校应该要求学生学习外语,但是应该给予更多的灵活度.Schools should require students to learn a foreign language, but should be given more flexibility

A concluding remark is that schools should not be held back by some students’ apparent lack of capacity for language learning. Instead, flexibility should be given in learning task design so as to boost students' interest in language acquisition. In a world where nobody is exempt from communication in a second language, learning a foreign language has its justifications.

19. Students are now sent to boarding schools and even other countries (away from home, to study and live on their own). This has become more and more common in many countries. What are the reasons for this? Is it a positive development? (09.07.25)


学生现在被送到了寄宿学校, 甚至是国外(远离家人, 独力学习和生活). 在很多国家, 这已经变得很普遍. 原因是什么? 是否这代表着一个积极的变化?



因为父母工作的原因,有些家庭总是居无定所have to cope with geographic displacement frequently而寄宿学校可以确保教育的延续性educational continuity

学生的情况可以一直被监督regular supervised study periods成绩会提高更快high achievement standards

集体生活communal life可以培养学生和其他人,比如教职员工和同学的关系the community atmosphere fosters relationship between students and others, as faculty and classmates,增加与人交往的机会培养集体意识



导致学生和社会隔离to cause to be in a detached or isolated position. 导致孩子和父母的关系疏远alienate children from parents无法满足其情感需要emotional needs从而加大与父母之间的代沟

学生自由掌握的时间减少less free time大部分时候要遵从学校的安排

受同年龄群体的不良影响的机会增加receive negative influence from peer group

Those who study at a boarding school or go overseas for educational purposes have appeared to account for a growing proportion of students in many countries. There are a number of motivators behind parents' decisions to send students to boarding schools or foreign countries. These motivators might be reasonable, but this trend should not be welcomed.

Today, parents are interested in putting their children in an institution remote from the neighborhood, so as to protect their children from the risk of drug use, joining gangs and teen sex. Under the supervision of staff in school, children are required and expected to discipline themselves and concentrate on their schoolwork. In addition, parents are motivated by the idea that their children might improve their abilities to cope with daily problems independently in a boarding school, where they cannot turn to parents for help, even in handling seemingly trivial tasks, such as laundry. Such challenges prepare them well for adulthood, in which they are overwhelmed with various problems.

Parents' initiatives should be appreciated, but it turns out that boarding schools do not offer an answer to their worries. Children might not have those behavior problems commonly found among those from day schools, but the cost of this benefit is children's zero social life. Many students, especially those in early teens, suffer homesickness and depression because of their protracted family detachment. These problems can be even more devastating among those who have to stay overseas all year long. The mundane campus life might nurture the misconception of what the real world is like among students. They might graduate from schools with confusion when they experience problems in making an adjustment from school to society.

Even a shallow review of the problems associated with boarding schools or overseas study can propel us to reassess these two brand-new preferences. Although the boarding school acts as a vacuum and cuts students' potential exposure to social evils, it might meanwhile compromise students' social skills and make them feeble in adults' world.

20.The authorities such as the government decide the subjects and course contents. Some people argue that teachers should make the decision. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (09.08.13) 21. Some people think that students should go to college for further education. However, others state that students should learn the skills of fixing cars or take jobs in industries such as construction, which are more valuable to society. What is your opinion?



有助于学习技能,提高思考问题critical thinking skills、分析问题analytical skills、解决问题的能力problem solving ability

为未来的实践工作提供理论基础lay a solid foundation for practice

学生在大学这样一个环境中得到的是综合素养Comprehensive quality的提高,例如主流社会的价值观念,道德观The values and moral concepts of mainstream society


对于收入较低的家庭更为经济more realistic

for lower-income families

弥补大学教育的不足,例如,很多人经过大学教育后并不能很好的就业,再如很多人因为入学要求entry requirements 等条件而被大学拒之门外


22. Caring for children is probably the most important thing to the society. All parents should therefore take the childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?


Model Answer:

Children represent both the present and the future. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in transforming childcare into a formal subject of academic studies. Traditional childcare skills, which are passed on from one generation to another through oral and informal instruction, are not sufficient to guarantee quality care, so parents' participation in care training is advisable.

Many parents might be accustomed to the idea that childcare is all about love, but this notion is misleading. While it is easy to admit that parents are responsible to attend to children's needs, it is also important to note that children are too often insatiable. Unlike adults, they have no idea of what their behaviors lead to. For example, children are candy lovers without knowledge that candy can cause obesity and tooth damage. Parents should not respond to children's needs for candy permanently. Parents who give whatever children want, known as indulgent parents, can be blamed for their children's behavior problems and unhealthy habits. Childcare training teaches parents how to take a holistic approach to care for their children and prevents them from answering children's inappropriate needs.

Another misconceived idea of childcare is that it is a simple process of feeding children and making them to sleep regularly. Contemporary childcare is not limited to this. Equally important for this science are emotional and mental wellbeing. For example, some children's first step comes earlier than other children's not necessarily because these

children have intake of more nutrition but simply because they are more intelligent and curious about the physical environment. Childcare is a complex science that goes beyond nutrition. Whether parents have helped children improve motor skills and cognitive skills accounts for children's overall wellbeing.

The points put forward above, I believe, offer some insights into childcare. Successful childcare does not lie only in love but also in skills. Children's healthy development is measured not only by physical wellbeing but also by growth in other dimensions. With these borne in mind, parents might now be compelled to join childcare training.

23.In some countries, some school leavers choose to work or travel for a period of time between finishing high school and attending university. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of this decision.


24. Once children start school, the teachers would have more influence in their intellectual and social development than parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (09.10.08)

25.Some people think that a university should prepare students for employment, while others disagree and believe it has other functions. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. (09.10.24) 大学教育的作用



26.The older generations have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generation to prepare for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (08.01.19)



Different individuals hold different perceptions; it is hard to receive influence from others. Especially for the young people, for they are more independent.

老年人的传统思维和生活方式有助于年轻人形成良好的道德观念和生活习惯。The traditional way of thinking\thoughts and lifestyle are advantageous \beneficial to the young people to form good virtue and habits. As a case in point, the old people tend to do exercise in the morning, which may do a favor to health.

老年人的生活经验能够提高我们对于现代社会的了解、避免走弯路。The experience of the older can provide us a better understanding of modern society. For instance, the rich experience of the old people may pave a way \lay a foundation for the young people, help them avoid\escape from the same mistake, promote\improve\enhance the work efficiency.

27.People living in big cities face many problems today. What are the problems? Should the government encourage people to live in regional towns? (08.02.14)


Traffic jams


Housing shortage (housing price; real estate price)

High pressure


High consumption(most of income has to spend on daily necessities) Be occupied everyday (owning to the fast development of science and technology, people have to receive further education and on-the-job training)


Be in close contact with nature, living in peace and quiet.

Go without the trouble of pollution, traffic problems

Less pressure, slow pace of life


Medical care

Educational resources



Job opportunity


28.“Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. ” - US movie actor & director John Wayne. Why is it important for individuals and countries to think about the future rather than focusing on the present? (08.02.16)


Tomorrow is another day. Although living in the current society keeps us away from the shadows of the past, it is more important for individuals and countries to think about the future than focusing on the present. Three episodes from history serve as compelling examples of this fact.


Where there is future, there is hope. Even after the Supreme Court struck down segregation in 1954, human-rights offenses were both law and custom in much of America. Before Martin Luther King and his movement, a tired and respectable Negro seamstress like Rosa Parks could be thrown into jail and fined simply because she refused to give up her seat on an Alabama bus so a white man can sit down. A six-year-old black girl like Emmett Till could be hunted down and murdered by a Mississippi gang simply because he wanted to go to the same school as white children. For hundreds of years, African Americans had been tired of the that America claimed to be the leader of the ‘free world' withou t inviting smirks of segregation upon the land of itself. Martin Luther King, however, had not lost his hope; his belief in nonviolence never swerved. From the time he assumed leadership of the Montgomery bus boycott, he foretold a future America where children would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Subsequent mass demonstrations culminated in the March on Washington in which he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. On that day, he saw tomorrow; upon da nger, he saw hope. That is why he succeeded.

有未来的地方就有希望,即使是在1954年最高法院废除种族隔离之后,对于人权在法律和习俗方面的进攻仍然充斥在美国的很多地方。在马丁路德金和他的运动之前,一个勤劳而受人尊敬的女裁缝Rosa Parks被扔进监狱仅仅是因为简单的她没有在阿拉巴马州的一辆公交车上给一个白人让座位;一个6岁的黑人小丫头被一个密西西比流氓枪杀仅仅是因为她想要和白人上同样的学校。几百年来,美国人已经厌倦了这种美国人所宣称的自由世界的伪善。然而马丁路德金却没有丧失他的希望,他坚信非暴力永远不能扭转局势,从他开始宣布蒙哥马利公车联合抵制,他就预言了一个未来的美国,孩子们将不会被根据肤色来决定学校。紧接着,大量的人在3月的华盛顿云集在那里呢,他发表了著名的我有一个梦想的演说,在那一天他看到了明天,在危险之上他看到了希望,这就是他成功之所在.

The fact that the future deserves more attention than the present also stands true for a country. During the Great Depression, ideologues in America believed that the economic downturn had imposed the country a either choice: if you abandon laissez-faire you are condemned to a total betrayal of capitalism and democracy. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, however, stood firmly in America's ability to regain control over its future. His New Deal swiftly introduced measures for social protection, regulation and control. His actions succeeded in protecting the nation from major economic crisis for nearly 80 years.

未来比现在更加重要对于一个国家来说同样是事实。在大萧条时期,美国的理论家认为这种经济的低迷时期给了美国另一种选择: 如果你放弃自由主义,你将会被宣告为一个彻底背叛资本主义和民主主义的人。然而,富兰克林,却坚决的站在这样的立场上—美国有能力重新获得控制未来的能力。他的新政迅速地为社会保护、调整和控制提供了方法,他的行为成功的保护了一个国家在长达80年的时间里免受巨大经济危机的侵袭。Had the prejudice of hundreds of years disbelieved Martin Luther King of a free world, he would die in vain. Had the failure of capitalism blinded America from looking forward, no changes would be made to better its administration. All in all, the future always weighs heavier than the present.


29.People should look after their health as a duty to the society they live in rather than personal benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (08.03.13)



公民的健康状况直接关系到学习和工作的效率,从而决定整个社会的发展进度The health condition of the citizens has a direct relationship with the learning and working efficiency, thereby decides the progressing rate of the whole society.

良好的社会健康状况可以让政府减少对于公共医疗事业的投资,从而把更多的精力放在一些关键项目上,例如教育和公共交通 A high-quality health condition may decrease the government’s investment on medical care; therefore the government can attract more attention from medical expense to education and public transportation. 认真关注国民的健康状况是政府的一大职责。只有提高公民的整体健康状况才能树立政府的良好形象。Being the critical obligation of the government, only improves the whole healthy condition of the nation can the authorities build up a good image.

30.Some people think it is the responsibility for government to ensure that people have healthy lifestyles. Others think people should be free for their own lifestyles decisions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (08.03.29)

31.Many people are busy with work and do not have enough time to spend with families and friends. Why does this happen? What are the effects to the whole family and society?

“许多人忙于工作,没有太多的时间用来陪伴家人和朋友,为什么会产生这样的状况? 这种状况对于家庭生活和整个社会的影响是什么?”这道题就很好的体现这类考题的一个考点:人们生活方式的改变对于社会和家人的影响。这种改变不仅体现在工作和生活的调节和冲突上,而且体现在生活的各个方面,衣---人们对现代服饰的要求不仅仅是遮体和保暖,而是更加注重社会因素,比如时尚,我们的最后一个考题考察的就是这个点。食—随着全球化的进程,快餐的流行已经不再新鲜,各国特色的美食随处可见,进口食品也成为最大的时尚。


现代生活让人们压力增大,就业的压力、升学的压力、生存的压力等Modern life increases people’s pressure, including employment, attending schools and survival problems.

人们为了适应竞争,需要不断接受教育和培训to adapt to

competition, people have to receive education and on-the-job training.

人与人之间的亲情友情感减弱是现代社会的一个趋势the alienation between people is an irreversible trend

现代社会人更加关注自身的发展people tend to pay more attention to their self-development.


好的影响:提高了生活水平living standard和个人的素质personal quality;促进了社会的发展contribute to the development of the society

坏的影响:人们之间的感情变淡,冷漠indifference,可能会感觉孤独,无助helpless;影响家庭的稳定stability of the family;家庭和个人是社会的细胞the cell of the society,如果出现不稳定,会影响社会的发展

32.Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always success in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinions. (08.05.31)

支持心态(mental attitude)更重要的观点:

好的心态可以让运动员能够接受恶劣的条件(accept the agonizing conditions),坦然面对逆境(stay calm in the face of adversity),克服障碍(overcome obstacles),影响着他们的表现(dictate their performance),让他们在压力下也能保持注意力集中和全力以赴(their persistence and their ability to focus under pressure)

好的心态会让运动员去构想他们成功的表现(visualize their winning performance),激发他们的斗志(stimulate their competitive spirit),运动员自己觉得自己能够赢(Capable to win);反之,如果没有好的心态,运动员对自己的期望就有局限(limit expectations),一个斗志昂扬的运动员(at his/her mental peak)可以发挥到自己的最佳状态(perform at his/her best)

如果两个具备同等天赋的运动员放在一起,意志坚强的总能在大部分时候胜出If two equally talented professional athletes are put together, the mentally stronger of the two will win most of the time.

在专业体育中,大部分的运动员身体状态都是出色的,真正导致不同的是他们的心理忍受能力In professional sports, a majority of athletes are at the same physical excellence, so what separates them from each other is mental capacity.

反对心态(mental attitude)更重要的观点:

过分强调心态让运动员高估自己(overrate his/her own capabilities),只会在失败后更加沮丧(feel a stronger sense of frustration)


33. In modern society, fashion is becoming more and more popular in people's choice of clothes. Why? Do you think it is a positive development or negative development? (08.11.08)


经济发展的产物:收入增加,让人们可以购买不同的衣服(expand the range of clothes worn)

现在的人们越来越个人化(individualistic),时装是一种表现自我的方式(a form of self-expression),可以展现人的性格、心情和审美观(personality, mood and aesthetic appreciation)。

全球化的产物:全球化促进了各种文化的融合(mixture of different cultures),时装设计师可以从不同文化中获得灵感(draw up the inspiration from different costumes),人们接触不同文化的机会增加(exposure to different cultures),因此他们接受时装就更加大胆(become bold fashion wearers)


创造新的经济增长点和就业机会Stimulate consumption. Make contribution to the development of economy

新时代的时尚fashion in the new era不一定意味着高消费,也并非一定穿着某种款式的衣服,充分考虑了消费者的需求consider the consumer demand fully,不象人们想的那样肤浅not as superficial as some people think

时装是自我表达的一种体现 a means of self-expression,表现人的性格和喜好reflect one’s personality or likes让人们在生活中体验不同的角色allow people to try on many roles in life,同时使得世界更加多样化make world diversified


潮流变化太快,盲目追求时尚可能造成过度消费follow fashion blindly/slavishly/Sequaciously may cause excessive consumption,从而导致浪费,成为购物狂shopaholic或者fashion victims,忽略质量neglect the quality等

失去自己的判断和喜好dwell too much on what others think

鼓励人们将衣服和地位、社会阶层还有财富联系在一起associate clothing with status, social class and wealth,造成歧视。

可能导致产业内的恶性竞争deteriorate competition

34. Some people believe that improve public health should increase the number of sports facilities; others believe that it has little effects and need other measures to improve it. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (09.02.28)

35.Some people think music plays an important role in society. Others think it is simply a form of entertainment. Discuss both sides of this argument and give your own opinion. (09.03.07)

36.Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (09.03.21)

37.Nowadays,people live in the society where consumer goods are cheaper to buy. Do you think its advantages outweigh disadvantages? (09.04.04)


为消费者带来了更大的实惠和利益bring more benefits to the consumers, in particular for the low-income groups,尤其对于低消费人群

促进消费promote consumption,尤其in particular/particularly 是在经济低迷的时候economy depression/recession

可能为商家带来更多的利润bring more profits to the sellers

从实质上缩小了贫富差距reduce/narrow the gap between poor and rich essentially


低价的原因可能是降低成本或者数量,从而商品的质量得不到保障,或者过时out of fashion



38.Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people. But others think the purpose of museums is to educate, not to entertain. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (09.04.30)


适应社会的发展需要,吸引更多的年轻人be beneficial/advantageous to

喻乐于教,instill enjoyment into education可以激发年轻人的兴趣spark/trigger interests,生动的形式更加有利于年轻人对知识的记忆和理解vivid ways can benefit the comprehension

如果博物馆具有了娱乐性,可以成为年轻人的娱乐放松场所,来释放压力If the museum was enjoyable, it could be a new entertainment to release pressure.




年轻人可能会忽略教育和知识本身,只关注娱乐young people could neglect the knowledge and only focus their attention on entertainment. 娱乐性可能让博物馆变得商业化,从而导致恶性的竞争.

39.A hundred years ago, people think that human race is steadily improving in every area of life. Now it seems this is not certain in that situation. In which areas do you think we have made important progress nowadays? In which areas do you think we still need to make progress? (09.05.21)





医疗:产生了很多新的流行疾病epidemic diseases,但却没有良好的对应措施counter measures;对于一些落后地区undeveloped areas,医疗条件很差;医疗设备不够先进advanced ,医疗资源不充足medical resource is inadequate

环境:新型的污染物、科技发展的同时产生了不可解决的环境问题40.Professional workers (e.g., nurses, doctors and teachers) should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. Do you agree or disagree? (09.11.14)

Sports stars, film stars and musicians are widely known as high-income earners in many societies. One issue that has survived in past decades is whether these people deserve what they are earning, compared to those working in other professions, such as nursing, medical care and teaching. There are arguments that make it impossible to give any conclusive remark about this issue.

The fact that entertainment and sports are industries offering better-paid jobs finds its answers in some social trends. These industries are expanding rapidly from an economic perspective, because of their growing importance in people's leisure life. People watch television operas, go to the cinema and have their favorite sports players. The economic value of sportsmen and movie stars is matchless. Their personal charm is a powerful weapon for advertisers to stimulate the sales of given products and services. There is no denying that those in other professions can hardly perform a similar task.

While it is evident that these high-profile figures' salaries are justified, it is also true that their income is too often excessively high. People are guided to think that famous stars make multi-million dollars simply by having a brief appearance on a TV commercial, while nurses and teachers struggle with more satisfactory incomes by devoting much of their daily life to their careers. This can be harmful to the fabric of society. Young people daydream about the day when they rise to prominence overnight, rather than focusing on the development of specializations, such as nursing, which are more realistic objectives. With all these facts taken into account, we might find it difficult to justify the income of people in one industry by citing standards in other industries. Reputed athletes and distinguished actors and actresses have derived more wealth from their careers than people from industries, a fact revealing their prominent role in advertising. However, the negative impact of this trend, especially the impact on the younger generation, is worrying.




电脑和自动化automation设备equipment使得生产效率更高the production efficiency is enhanced greatly by the popularity of computerization and automation equipment


给人们的日常生活带来极大的便利,提高了人们的生活水平…could bring great convenience to our daily lives and promote the standard of living.

通过网络可以做很多事情,比如购物和处理个人财务,不用浪费时间在交通上People can do numerous of affairs via\by\through network/Internet, as a case in point, shopping and dealing with the financial affairs. Namely, people could spend less time on commuting. 联系方便easy contact

获得信息更加容易the science and technology make it easier to obtain information.



压力增大,和家人朋友相聚的时间减少Because of the fierce competition, people have to receive on-the-job training and further education. Along with the fast pace of modern life and the increase of pressure, it is hard for the mass to take family reunion.

网络交流让人们不愿意外出inactive\immobile lifestyle (在家宅着),和外界的联系减少,性格变得孤僻Internet communication make a large amount\tremendous of people live an inactive life (keep a …lifestyle ). Owning to \By reason of the decrease of outside touch\connection, their personalities may become isolated\solitary

人们在享受着网络娱乐和其他媒体所带来的娱乐时容易忽视和家人的交流Along with the leisure lives have been enriched which brought by the Internet amusement\entertainment and other media, people are tending to neglect\overlook the communications with family members.

生产效率提高,工业化程度的加强,导致劳动力的需求减少,许多企业不得不裁员Along with the enhancement\boost\elevation\improvement of efficiency and the reinforcement of industrialization, the requirement of labor force is decreasing, thereby many corporations have to reduce the staff.

快节奏的生活会引起疾病The fast pace life can increase the possibility of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity, stroke, diabetes, heart disease and so forth.


41.Mobile phones and the Internet are very useful. However, it is rare for old people to use them. What ways could mobile phone and the Internet are useful to old people? How does the old people to be encouraged using this new technology? (08.06.28)


老年人常有小恙(suffer ill health),如果有突发事件,可以联系急救(make an emergency call in the event of trouble);也方便医务人员(health professionals)和家庭医生(family doctors)联系;


因特网有娱乐价值(entertainment value);通过在网络上和人聊天,在留言版(discussion board)上参与讨论,老年人不会感到被社会排挤(a sense of exclusion );

因特网甚至可以让老年人在家里每天花点时间工作,为社区或者企业提供服务,譬如说咨询(provide consultancy);不仅可以补贴养老金(complement pension),对老年人的心理健康也有帮助(contribute to psychological wellbeing)


减低费用(reduce service fees)免费试用,让老年人感受电脑和手机所带来的好处could send the products to the old people for free. (Tryout for free)

个人化服务(personalised service)可以让电脑和手机的设置更加简单,例如,一些复杂的程序可以删减,例如蓝牙和录像。It is better to make the computer and mobile phone simple- equipped .As a case in point; some complicated\sophisticated programs could be deleted\canceled, just as Bluetooth and video.相关机构可以开发一些特殊的产品来满足老年人的特殊需要。例如可以把屏幕设计的更大、声音更响亮、手写。related organizations could explore special goods \products that may satisfy the needs of the old people. For instance, the screen can be designed to be larger and clearer.

商家和志愿者可以采取一些措施,教给老年人如何使用一些功能,例如拍照built-in cameras、发邮件、语音留言voice calls、下载铃声ring tones、浏览网页Internet browsing 。帮助老年人学会使用,譬如说发一些简明的手册user-friendly pamphlets

42.Some people support the developments in agriculture such as factory farming and creations of new types of fruits and vegetables, while others oppose this view. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (08.07.12)


农业技术改良农作物的基因(modify the gene of crops),从而提高产量(raise productivity),譬如说减少虫害的影响(pest-resistant or disease-resistant),加速成长(hasten the growth of crops);减少某些地区的饥荒问题(relieve famine)

农业技术可以让农作物大批量生产(achieve economies of scale),把农作物放在温室里培植可以保证种植不受季节影响(reduce the impact of seasonality)

对于某些地区,基因食物的产生可以增加食品的多样性(improve the richness of food varieties),让人们吸收更多的营养(increase the intake of nutrition)

机械化农业可以提高生产效率production efficiency,节约劳动力save the labor force,增加产量increase output/production

研发新型农作物可以丰富人们的生活enrich our daily life,提高生活质量enhance living quality;创造新的经济增长点create new industries,给农民带来更大的利益


有一些技术改变了农作物的基因,伤害农作物的营养价值(reduce the nutrition value of crops);很多时候,基因食物对人体的影响还有很多未知因素(the effect of genetically modified foods on human bodies is unknown or untested)




因为工厂种植,很多食物的品种慢慢被我们放弃了(abandon plant varieties),我们的农业种植集中在少数几种农作物,我们的饮食越来越单调(monotonous diet)

43.There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home. This is because the computer technology is more and more easily accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? (08.11.15)


增加工作和学习的灵活性increase the flexibility dramatically

减少上下班以及上下学的时间reduce interruptions and commuting


Listening 1.开头——复习+主旨 例外:①课堂复习——不考标志过去时态 开始标志:now,today,OK,while ②教师道歉 ③归纳法开头,先给出例子,再给出结论--记例子主体&论点 2.结尾——推断+细节 3.注意重复细节与观点 4.举例——记例子主体,注意提示词 5.定义解释——其中关系 6.注意可以停顿 7.注意课堂引导词——remember now OK while imagine today 8.授课中问答 9.因果关系 10.听清层次——firstly secondly... 11.注意转折 12.Listen again 专业术语不变避免原词重复 Speaking notes Q1&Q2 To start with I believe most of people would choose... However i would like to choose... today i have two arguments to supports to support my idea. Today i mainly have one important argument to back up my idea Take me for example... For instance... For example Furthermore what's more

To summarize to conclude all in all Based on the two points i have already mentioned ...will always be my choice... Q3 1.The school wants/plans to do The school policy is... The school wants to carry out a policy which is... 2.sb suggests/advises that the university should (stop) do... 3.In the conversation,the man disagrees,and he has two points In the listening material,the man agree with the policy because of the following reasons... 4.First,the school think,however the man think... Second... Based on the two points the man disagree. Q4 In this set of material,the reading passage introduce a theory/principle/definition...which means(suggests) that... In the lecture,the professor uses/gives us/provides us/offers us one/two examples to explain/illustrate/demonstrate/clarify this theory. The first is about... The second is ... Q5 1.time conflict ①to find sb else to replace/take place of you to find sb to help him


一.雅思大作文的15大考察内容 考察频率最高专题: ? 1. 教育:儿童,中学,大学教育体制和方法 ? 2. 科技发展对生活的影响 ? 3.文化的组成因素和保护 ? 4.生活方式的转变和社会观念 ? 5. 全球化及其影响 ? 6. 环境问题和环境保护 ?7. 政府投资 考察次重点专题: ? 1. 艺术的价值 ? 2.媒体的作用 ? 3.广告的影响 ? 4.动物的保护和动物实验 ? 5.城乡差距和城市化 ? 6.犯罪 ?7.弱势群体:妇女的权利,妇女参军 ?8.体育 雅思写作错误检查表(10条) 1.使用了正确的语法结构:时态语态,主谓一致,从句,用词准确(名词,动词,形容 词的形式),介词,冠词 2.句式有变化 3.使用了一定量的词汇 4. 拼写没有错误 5. 观点明确,语意精准不模糊 6. 每段主题句都表明了该段中心思想,所有拓展句支持句都紧扣主题 7. 大量的过渡性词语(逻辑连接词),使句子间和段落间都具有逻辑性和条理性 8. 提供了足够的细节,例子或论据 9. 每一段话都得到充分展开 10. 每一段话都紧扣文章主题 如何应用: a.1347当做检查项目,其他当做考前提醒 b.时间紧,就改第一段和每段的前两句话 三.大作文首段基本写作策略---三步走 1.转述背景,扩展题目(setting/ background information ):把题目所提供的背景再用自 己的话拓展转述同义替换一下 题目:It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to be a good sports person or musician. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 考官写的开头段: The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sports, art or music. 2. 说明意图(statement of purposes):


10月25日托福口语真题及答案解析(新东方版) Task 1 A lot of experienced and inexperienced climb mountains every year, which one of the following adjectives would you use to describe this experience? Adventurous, frightening or foolish? I would say mountain climbing can be a very adventurous experience to everyone, including experienced and inexperienced climbers. I’ve got two reasons. First of all, it’s an opportunity to get ourselves out of our repetitive life. Take my cousin as an example, from Monday to Friday, he’s an ordinary bank teller doing everyday work just like every other guy in this city, but every weekend, he gets together with a bunch of friends and they go hiking in the mountains in the suburb of Beijing. It’s a chance to get away from the city, and add a little spice to his ordinary life. Plus, it’s a way to challenge ourselves and it brings out the best in us. I’m not a big fan of climbing mountains, but I did rock-climbing once and it was fascinating, at first I was really nervous and I thought there was no way I could make it to the top, but then I started climbing and I did it one step at a time but I eventually made it. So I guess it’s similar when we climb a mountain, the sense of achievement we get from the experience is irreplaceable. Task 2 Some people believe technology has brought people closer and others believe that technology actually isolate people, which one do you agree with? Explain why. I think modern technology has brought people closer than ever for the following reasons. Firstly, it completely changed the way people communicate. Take my family as an example, 20 years ago my aunt went to Japan to further her education and even


abreast: a.齐头并进的,并肩的,不落后于...的 acclaimed: a.深受赞誉和欢迎的 acclaim: v.喝彩,欢呼 address: v.对付,处理,着手解决,满足(需要) adhere: v.1.粘附 2.坚持固守 3.追随,拥护 adherence: n.1.坚持,遵守 2.依附,信奉 3.粘附 adjunct: n.1.附属物,辅助物 2.助手,副手 adversity: n.1、厄运,逆境,困境 2、痛苦,不幸,灾难 affect: v.模仿,喜欢采用,(故作姿态地)修习,培养 air: n.1.外观,神态 2.故作的姿态,架子 $$$all but(后接形容词或副词): adv.几乎(即等于almost) all but: 只是 $$$$all the more: adv.更加,越发,格外,愈发,尤其 allusion: n.1、暗指,间接提到 2、引用典故,典故 ambush: v.埋伏;n.伏兵,埋伏 ameliorate: v.改善,使变好 annexation: n.1.附加,并吞 2.附加物,合并物 anything more than: adv.不只是(即等于not merely) apparition: n.1.鬼怪,幽灵,幻影 2.(特异景象的)显现 appeal to: v.1.有感染力,有吸引力 2.求助于,诉诸于 apprehension: n.忧虑,担心,恐惧,疑惧;逮捕;理解 approach: v.(着手)处理,(开始)对付,对待,(着手)探讨;方法,策略appropriation: n.1.拨款,拨付 2.挪用,占用 3.合适 arbitrary: a.1.随心所欲的,个人武断的 2.反复无常的 3.专制的,任意的 archaic: a.1.古代的,古风的 2.古体的,陈旧的 architects: 建筑师 argument : n. 争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, ~ (for,against), 意见 arid: a.1.干旱的,干燥的 2.不毛的,贫瘠的 article: n.1.文章,论文,报道 2.条款,规定 3.(物品的)一件,物件 artlessness: n.单纯,天真,自然,不矫揉造作 as + 形容词(或副词)+ as + 句子:此乃让步状语句式,表示“虽然” 或“尽管”之意,而两个“as”中的第一个亦可以省略as yet: adv.迄今为止 aspiration: n.强烈的愿望,志向,抱负 assassination: n.暗杀 assiduous: a.刻苦勤奋的 2.经常的,坚持不懈的 at a moment′s notice: prep.一俟通知马上就…


09.02.01 翻译 专八真题+散文佳作108篇 听力特快 普特听力网 互相英语 特点: 1.较正式的文体 2.只翻译划线部分(汉译英不用看,英译汉最好看完整) 3.人生哲理,道德教育 注意: 1.时间分配 2.书写工整 3.难点应对相对难点绝对难点 英语与汉语对比: 1.英语重结果, 汉译英要还原逻辑关系,还原结构 2.英语重直线,汉语重螺旋 English meat with Chinese bones. 3.语重分析,汉语重综合 还原逻辑词(重点) 4.英语多长句,汉语多短句 5.英语多被动,汉语多主动 6.英语多省略,汉语多补充 E.g. Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. 野心不仅是罪恶的根源,同时也是毁灭的根源。

7.英语多前重心,汉语多后重心重心前置 8.英语多写实,汉语多联想 9.英语多引申,汉语多推理 “但是”的区别意义: 让步:对推论的否定 转折:直接否定 虚度年华:spend life in vain 翻译时,加插入语处理是一个很好用的方法。实践注意点: 1.理解清晰 字面→实质 例如:冷若冰霜→icy manners to their fans 词语的逻辑关系: 1)偏正 2)动宾 3)并列 2.表达困难 1)拼写 2)时态 3)虚拟域去 4)表达突破 例如:若有所失→a vague sense of loss

如果考试中遇到难点,要灵活处理 上下义改写+同义词替换 2009.02.02写作 教育的目的: Adequate expertise fd Professional commitment Upright conduct Competent mental condition 经典写作模式 Agree or disagree? Introductory paragraph(不写题目) 1. general statement →背景交代 开头先写一个与主题思想相反的观点(以第三人称的方式) ◆多用大词(3个或3个音节以上) 大词含量10%*400=40 Some /many /a number of people who think this view that……claim that…… Large /great /huge /certain/ considerable /infinite/tremendous /enormous /astronomical Hold /believe / insist / propose / assert/ maintain Idea /standpoint ◆实词要多样化variety


常用万能句型: 1、Nothing has received more praise and abuse than something 译文:没有什么能像…这样毁誉参半。 2、There is no doubt that 译文:毫无疑问 3、The reason why + 句子~~~ is that + 句子 译文:之所以…主要在于 4 、So + 形容词+ be + 主词+ that + 句子(如此…以至于…) 译文:如此…因此 5、It is conceivable that + 句子 译文:可想而知 6 、Leave much to be desired 译文:…远不能令人满意 7、The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that 译文:造成该现象的最主要原因在于 8 、A is to B what C is to D 译文:A 对于B 就恰如C对于D 9 、There are probably many reasons contributing to this phenomenon 译文:造成该现象的原因有许多。 10、When it comes to ……, 译文:一谈到… 11、No one can deny the fact that…

译文:没有人能否认 12、To be sure, the topic concerning ……can always attract our eyes 译文:无疑,有关…话题总是能够引起人们的关注 13、Never has …failed to fascinate us in modern society 译文:在当代社会…总是能够引起人们的关注 14、Simply put,… 译文:简而言之, 15、It is no overstatement to say that 译文:可以毫不夸张地说 16、…is a good case in point 译文:…就是一个绝佳的例子 17、People assume different attitudes towards this issue 译文:人们对该问题的观点不一而同。 18、As is widely-accepted,… 译文:众所周知, 19、To conclude,… 译文:总之, 20、Nothing is further from the truth than this opinion 译文:没有任罕菊净种说法比这种观点更加荒唐了。 21、There is an element of truth in both opinions 译文:这两种观点都有其可取之处。 22、Another consideration in this case is that…


2020托福口语备考能不能用模板 托福口语备考能不能用模板?取决于你的期望分值,今天给大家带来了托福口语备考能不能用模板,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福口语备考能不能用模板?取决于你的期望分值 一.托福口语备考要不要用模板 1. 用不用托福口语模板,看你对分数的要求。模版的分数大概在18-20左右。如果你的分数要求是在23+,需要在模板之外加入更多不一样的内容。 2. 自己的模板。可以参考各种大牛总结的模板,但是一定要自己改一下。但是模板不要占用到总内容的30%以上。 3. 练习。这个练习不是我们喊口号,一定要把你自己的模板读书背会,并且用一个一个真题来套模板,每次回答都对模板做一些小的变动,看看好不好用。一边用一边磨合修改。 二.托福口语考试时间和练习方法 1. iBT对时间卡得有点死。一方面1.2题的准备时间只有15秒,是没有办法现场造句子的,所以反映到内容的准备上,就必须自己会用一些基本的表达,比如表达你的偏好,原因,引出原

因细节和例子等句子。一定要张口就来。再有就是内容上面,可以利用机经和官方真题Official的题目进行练习和准备。能够涉猎的范围越广,考场上大脑一片空白的题目就越少,还有很多题目是换汤不换药的。 2. 回答的时间有限,把倒计时当朋友。倒计时越看越紧张的话,是因为你对时间没有概念。到底45秒钟,1分钟,你能说多少?要对内容进行时间安排,比如我答第一道题,直接回答问题,用8秒左右,第9秒到30秒左右要说完第一个分观点,如果我的计时条现在只剩15秒了,我应该迅速结束第一个观点进入第二个观点。 3. 一定开口练习,可以写稿子,但是稿子的最后一步是张口说熟练的。有些发音组合长时间不用的话,肌肉会僵硬掉的说。所以一定逼迫自己开口。 4. 关于口音,如果你的追求是24以下,只要说了A不让别人误听成其他的什么的,口音就不是短期目标。OG上对口音的要求是doesnt cause listeners effort.所以如果是短期,需要的只是调整,不是从音标开始。 关于托福口语备考是否要使用模板就为大家介绍到这里,其实托福口语想要拿高分必须要摆脱模板的束缚,建议大家把握好答题时间,做好备考工作。


托福写作圣经: 1.写作的第一要务是把观点表达清楚;(就是解释) 2.习作考试不基于考试的真实身份;(可以作假,真情实感没有任何意义) 3.写作考试只考察语言水平,不考察思想水平(unique, critical ideas mean nothing) 4.写作考试不测试考生的真实想法; 5.写作是基于表达,而不是基于翻译; 6.写作考试不同于平时写作; 7.写作内容和语言同等重要; 8.观点的层次比观点的数目更重要; 9.逻辑错误比语法错误更严重; 10.跑题就完蛋(finish egg). “T he longer, the better.”------黄金规则 Use best structure and sentence Sentence: “我认为…………….” I feel/think/hold/claim/believe/deem/maintain/reckon/argue/assume that…………. In my opinion From my point of view From my perspective/angle As far as I am concerned I hold/share the opinion/belief/position/standpoint/idea that My viewpoint/belief/opinion is that……… As I see/view/perceive/ the problem/question/issue/case/discussion/argument/controversy……. 托福作文不需要标题 段落格式:缩行式,空行式 教材推荐: 俞敏洪:《托福词根》 张洪伟,戴云《托福词汇10000》 张道真,《实用英语语法》 戴云,《托福语法精要》 张洪伟,戴云《新托福写作词汇小伴侣》 句子训练方法 1.多种方法表达同一句意 e.g A 对B很重要 1) A is important to B


雅思写作完全攻略Total Solution of IELTS Writing 俞伟国 -2009- 雅思考试作文部分题型 课时安排: Marking System Essay Writing Introduction Body Conclusion Structure Report Writing

(From Mat Clark) 近年雅思考试中国大陆考区作文部分得分情况Band4 or below: 15%-20% Band5: 60% Band6: 15%-20% Band7: <5% Band8 or above: Rare Key Language Features in Marking System Task Response: 1. No evidence of digression/irrelevant content 2. Adequate Words 3. Position + Supporting Ideas + Development Coherence and Cohesion 1.Logical overall structure 2.Topic Sentence 3.Cohesive devices Lexical Resource 1.Accurateness 2.Authentic Vocabulary (Less-common Vocabulary) 3.Variety Grammatical Range and Accuracy 1.Accurateness https://www.doczj.com/doc/3f9793987.html,plex Sentence 3.Variety

欢迎光临俞老师的BLOG: Chapter One-Essay Writing 第一章. 议论文完全攻略 _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Part One-Introduction -闪亮开篇- -Version 5.7- Structure of Introduction 1. Background Information (1). Lead-in Sentence (Introduce the subject of the topic) (2). Public Opinion (State your position) 2. Statement1.主体背景(Background Information) (1) In the last century, the first man walking on the moon said: “It is a big step for mankind”. However, some people think it made ______________________________, when _______________________________________________________________ _ he time, the first for


内容简介 新托福口语考试有难度吗? 是的,很有挑战性! 能迅速提高新托福口语考试分数吗? 是的,本书给你致胜妙法! 书中每个章节对于考生备考新托福口语都是必不可少的: “新托福的变化”——全面剖析ETS新托福口语考查能力和口语评分标准,帮助考生全面、综合认识新托福考试。 “中国考生应对新托福口语遇到的问题”——考生可以跟随书中所附MP3对元音、辅音以及中国考生最为头疼的连读进行逐一练习。同时,本章对考生在口语表达中常犯的语法错误及表达时的逻辑错误进行了详细的解析。 “如何在新托福口语中做笔记”——做笔记在口语考试中具有十分重要的作用,笔记做的好坏在某种程度上直接决定了是否能够得到高分,通过本章考生可以学会如何正确且快速做好笔记。为了凸显本书实战性,本章从阅读和听力角度对做笔记的方法进行了系统的讲解。 “模板式回答策略”——六大实用TST口语模板、“40大黄金句型”、“极速造句法”、新托福考试口语真题实战演练,以及模拟试题使考生真正突破口语瓶颈,高效备考。

“英语口语之平时训练”——笔者颇有心得的“模仿”及“口头复述”方法帮助考生提高日常口语训练的效率,为口语考试打下坚实的基础。 作者简介 翟少成:北京新东方学校国外考试部TOEFL,、GRE、GMAT主讲教师。长期的口语教学经验帮助众多TOEFL 考生在考试中获得了口语高分。曾获“新东方优秀教师”及“新东方优秀培训师”称号。 目录 Chapter 1 新托福的变化 UNIT 1 新托福综述 UNIT 2 新托福的五大特点 UNIT 3 新托福口语的特点 UNIT 4 综合任务的特点及意义 UNIT 5 题型介绍及评分标准 UNIT 6 新托福口语对中国考生的影响 Chapter 2 中国考生应对新托福口语遇到的问题 UNIT 1 发音篇 UNIT 2 语法篇 UNIT 3 表达篇 Chapter 3 如何在新托福口语中做笔记 UNIT 1 信号词 UNIT 2 如何在独立任务中做笔记 UNIT 3 如何在综合任务中做笔记 Chapter 4 “模板式”回答策略 UNIT 1 英语中常用的句型 UNIT 2 自由问答


【具体谈谈技巧——语言技巧】 以下主要针对看图作文! 1,建议文中,要有多种语法现象,不能简单地只有简单句和定语状语从句。要明确一点的是,即使您的语法不是很过关,也不要紧,只要您能够会用套话就可以啦,呵呵~建议文中有感叹句,反问句,强调据,倒装句,状语从句,排比句,和强调结构。比如: 看图作文,what a *** picture! 反问句,在论述现象的段尾加上一句,can‘t we improve the situattion? 在用于否定句的时候,可以将don’t写为do not,当然,不能每处都这样用,否则就没有意义了。 倒装,only in this way或者only by doing this 排比,make sth adj,adj and adj,用三个相近的形容词。 2,词汇和词组要多变! 我认为,主要是在两方面, a,同义词的替换,比如,picture和cartoon等,如果这种词第二次出现就用cartoon替换掉,第三次出现就用drawing替换掉 b,同义词组,比如a number of n等于 n.+in growning number(不太确定啦!) 3,对于意思的表达要尽量的简单,否则是给自己带来难度。也就是说谈一些大家都明白的道理,而不要过分的谈一些逻辑很清晰的话,我所说就是大道理,比如老人不被儿女赡养,这些儿女就得不到社会和朋友的尊重,是非常简单描述的,而不要说其他难于表述的话。 总之,我是在抛砖引玉,希望各位多谈一些这样的话题和经典的套句,哪怕是增加字数也好,还有就是我们并不推荐那些对作文写作有较好把握的网友写这种模版作文,所以这个帖子只是针对部分网友。但是即使您不认可,我相信您也会从其中找出适合自己的增加字数的好句子,呵呵~~ 【具体谈谈技巧——英语的作文必需要强加联系,建议在作文中多加强以下内容】 1,段落安排(最新的2010年考研的作文体例,土纸并不太清楚,如果不对,请各位朋友见谅,希望能够汲取有价值的信息,土纸就不枉发这么多的新内容了) 无论大作文还是小作文,一般采取3-4段,总字数除以10或者12、13,一般是需要写的所有句子总数。对于重点写作的第二段(3段制)或者第三段(4段制),需要写的句子自然要多一些。对于第一段,建议不超过2句,最多不要超过三句,如果一句话那就更好了。例如,大作文,看图,第一段可以是一个感叹句,what a ◎◎ picture! 第二段,表达自己的观点和看法;……等等,我就不赘述了。 2,句子安排 建议重点段落,长段落,利用长短句来构造段落结构,更直白点讲,长句式和短句式交错,长句式一般是从句,短句式可以是简单的主谓宾结构。 3,语法在作文中的重要作用 建议作文中,多利用语法现象体现英语写作的文采。一般来讲,语法是与句子结合使用的。对于长句式,多采用从句,这里可以利用虚拟语气,形式主语,倒装等。 对于短句式,建议使用强调句,双重否定居,插入语等。对于强调句,土纸强烈推荐一种强调句,对于实意动词做谓语的句子,如果想要强调,表达强烈的主观意愿,肯定句使用do +V动词,否定居采用do +not+V动词,进行这种助动词强调。 插入语,一般比较常用的是,主语 +,+ I think + ,+谓语等。 建议句子中利用不同的简单句,尤其建议使用疑问句,这个要多多练习,其实也不难使用。疑问句可以在一段之末,作为起承转合之用,下一段利用一个回答,起到承接。 其实语法现象很多,只要善于使用从句(建议状语从句一次,定语从句不超过三次,条件从


新东方内容整理 7.11: Writing: A.托福写作主要是注重daily affairs,而不是political issues. 注重的是examples,而不是critical thinking and reasoning. 是低级写作,而不是高级写作。 注重vocabulary和sentence structure. B. score5: a.Effectively address the topic and task. b. well organized: Structure: Introduction Body1 Body2 Body3 Conclusion C. unity(切题),progression(层次),coherence(连贯,承接词) Firstly, . Theoretically speaking, . For instance, . Moreover, . Briefly, . d.Word choice, syntactic variety 词汇的转换: E.g. 好:good better best nice(低级) Excellent, perfect, (中级) Outstanding, brilliant, fantastic, awesome, remarkable, impressive, extraordinary, fabulous (高级)词组的转换:由低级结构向高级结构转化。 陈强调了由adj.+n.向n.+of+n.的转化。 E.g. A man of wisdom An individual of intelligence A man of respect A book of deep philosophy A magazine of good sales A flower of beauty Patriotism is the tree of liberty refreshed from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots. Thomas Jefferson It was the best of time, it was the worst of time; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. We have everything before us, we have nothing before us; we are all going direct to the heaven, we are all going direct to the other way.

雅思 全套新东方ielts笔记 最新新东方听力笔记 ★【汉魅】

最新新东方听力笔记 概述: 一.雅思听力基本情况 可做任何标记。 分数段:12-18:4分19-24:5分25-30:6分 31-35:7分 36-38:8分39-40:9分根据难易要乘系数 二.两个误区 听懂核心词汇,掌握拼写。 极少考理解,多考记录信息点,所听即所得。 三.两个基本范围 1. survival english (社会生活,人际交往等) 2. academic english (学术类,教育类,热点话题) 四.问题 1.利用停顿时间抢读后面题目 2.直接书写答案 3.区分考试安排者声音,根据指导做题 4.手眼耳并用,听看写一体 五.雅思听力四大特点 1. 国际口音:(英、美、澳)(英音50%,澳20%,美20%,其他10%) 不利:习惯美音,不习惯英音,必须熟悉英音; 有利:新口音(大西洋口音,适于中国人);动词短语不是考试重点(掌握一般程度:第一个意思即可),去掉了很多地域性的方言。 2. 四段叙述:1、3section是对话,2、4section是陈述,一般来说难度递增。 不利:a.不知道听力磁带和题目间如何建立关系——采用顺序原则(85%):答案顺序和问题顺序一致。 b.无法集中注意力(听力中不包含问题,无法对大脑产生刺激)——改变听力学习习惯,练习时应聚精会神,忌跑神和恐慌。 有利:不是每句话都要听懂,应试图听懂每一句包含答案的句子(先看题,再猜答案,然后做题) 3. 边听边做: 不利:a.阅读量大——要求快速阅读(技巧+能力)——速读 b.写量大——要求手眼耳并用(加强听写能力,掌握四级单词听写) 有利:a.不考推理、总结、归纳题,主要考查细节,所听即所得。 4. 题型多样:10种题型 不利:不熟悉题型 有利:难度较低 六、听力应试策略 短期目标:1.紧扣9套题,十种题型,十种场景。 2.记补充的单词和地名。四级词汇(大学英语四级速听速记)。 3.精听六盘磁带。 中期目标:1.短期任务。 2.再做一点题。听力强化最新指南,雅思听力课外强化教程,英语中级听力(关于hotel/resta urant,news不听)。 3.背单词。 长期目标:1.加强发音以及听音的训练。 2.再做一些题目。


新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解 析 新东方版:2020年8月22日托福口语真题及答案解析 s1: what should we do to help the elder in our community? Sample I like to help the old to do the following stuff. First, give them a hand with house chores. Some of them have trouble moving around, if I assist them with housework, they would be really grateful. Take my neighbor as an example, she has been lying on bed for years, I always help her cook and sweep the floor. Second, reading to the elder is a good way to help them get rid of loneliness. Some of the old people live far away from their sons and daughters, and they feel isolated. If I read stories to them, they will feel released and happy, and they rebuild their confidence in life. s2: which do you prefer? watch a movie silently or chatting with others? Sample I prefer to watch a movie silently for the following reasons. First, I'm a movie buff. Sometimes I go to the movie theatre by myself. That way, I can enjoy the movie and relate the story to my life. If I were accompanied by someone else, I would be disturbed while watching the movie. Last time, I went to the cinema with my classmates, they actually annoyed me. They kept talking during the movie, having popcorns and even taking photos during the movie. I was ashamed of staying


一、概括: 1.写作考试介绍: Time: 60mins 20mins TASK1 150words 40mins TASK2 250words 2.考试题型: TASK1 Process 和Introduction 题目罕见出现。 TASK2 I. Discuss Eg: 2005年7月9日 Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people do not think it the government’s responsibility. Discuss both and give your opinion. II. Advantages and Disadvantages Eg: 2005年5月14日 Some school leavers go to travel or work for a period of time instead of going directly to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages for their studies? III. Agree or Disagree Eg: 2005年6月25日 People think that the news media has influenced people’s lives nowadays, and it is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IV. Your Opinion Eg: 2005年3月5日 Some academic subjects are useful for children’s future career while others such as music and sports are not so useful. What is your opinion. Give your reasons. V. Problem, Reasons and Solutions Eg: 2005年1月22日 Statistics suggest that nowadays an increasing number of crimes are committed by the young people. Explain the reasons for this and give solutions. 二、小作文解析(T ASK 1): 1.通用格式: ⑴OPENING—1SENTENCE--- A. Paraphrase 5W & B. Overall trend Ⅰ.Line phases Ⅱ.Pie classification Ⅲ.Bar the gap between A&B e.g. The graphs and charts tell us a clear overview of the characteristics and trends of…… It can be seen from the table that….. 详细见白书P6/下,“Referable IELTS Writing opening &writing” ●RULE 1: A.不可以抄题目 B.不可以写“According to ….”,只能写“In that figure….” C.不可以写“below/following” D.不可以写“that/this” E.第一段不出现数据

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