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人教版英语unit7 课件

人教版英语unit7 课件
人教版英语unit7 课件


人教版英语七下Unit7课件 Unit 7单词(音标) rain [re?n] n.雨;雨水v.下雨;(雨点般)落下windy ['w?ndi] adj.有风的;多风的cloudy ['kla?di] adj.多云的;阴天的sunny ['s?ni] adj.阳光充足的;睛朗的snow [sn??] n.雪 weather ['wee?(r)] n.天气 cook [k?k] v.烹调;烧煮 bad [b?d] adj.坏的;不好的;差的 park [pɑ?k] n.公园 message ['mes?d?] n.消息;信息 him [h?m] pron.他(he的宾格) could [k?d aux.可以;能;可能; can的过去式 back [b?k] n.后面adj.向后的;后面的problem ['pr?bl?m] n.问题;难题 again [?'ɡen] adv.再;又 dry [dra?] adj.干的;干燥的 cold [k??ld] adj.冷的;寒冷的 hot [h?t] adj.热的;辣的 warm [w??m] adj.温暖的;暖和的

visit ['v?z?t] v.拜访;参观 Canada ['k?n?d?] n.加拿大 summer ['s?m?(r)] n.夏天;夏季 sit [s?t] v.坐juice [d?u?s] n.果汁 soon [su?n] adv.不久;很快 vacation [v?'ke??n] n.假期;休假 hard [hɑ?d] adj.硬的;困难的 Europe ['j??r?p] n.欧洲;欧盟 mountain ['ma?nt?n] n..山;山脉;高山 country ['k?ntri] n.国家;乡村 skate [ske?t] v.溜冰;滑冰 snowy ['sn??i] adj.多雪的 winter ['w?nt?(r)] n.冬季;冬天 Russian ['r??n] adj.俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的 snowman ['sn??m?n] n.雪人 rainy ['re?ni] adj.多雨的;下雨的 Unit7 知识梳理 【重点短语】 1.How is the weather...?=What’s the weather like...? 天气怎么样? 2.in the rainy weather 在雨天 3.talk about the weather with friends 和朋友谈论天气


九年级英语unit7课件 在九年级的英语教学时应该如何准备好关于unit7的课件呢?下面是小编分享给大家的九年级英语unit7课件,希望对大家有帮助。 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 教学目标: 1语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2 技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事; 熟练运用“be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。 3 情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4文化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同文明准则。

教学重点: 重点语法:被动语态 重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift, awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit, educate, professional, enter, support talk about, keep away from, make one’s own decision, get in the way of 重点句型: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I agree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 教学难点:含情态动词 should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to” 课时划分: Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c) Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c) Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e)

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