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Company Overview

Sector: Manufacturing (food and beverage) Number of Employees: 274,000 Headquarters: Purchase, NY Revenues: $66.415 billion

Initiative Overview #1: Food for Good

Department: Food for Good (FFG) is a social enterprise program within PepsiCo Time Frame: 2009-present

Funding: Program revenues cover the costs of the meals and operations, which run at break-even. PepsiCo’s R&D team funds innovation of new products and technologies. Geography: Dallas/Fort Worth (TX), Austin (TX), Houston (TX), Waco (TX), Little Rock (AK), Detroit (MI), Oklahoma City (OK), Denver (CO)


Food for Good (FFG) creates scalable, break-even, business-driven solutions that make nutrition and employment more accessible for low-income families, and incubates low-cost innovation to accelerate PepsiCo’s commitment to “Performance with Purpose.”

Executive Leadership

CEO Indra Nooyi advocates strongly on behalf of FFG both externally and internally, and Mehmood Khan, Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Of ficer, is FFG’s executive sponsor.


Develop and deliver pre-packed meals to children that meet U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards, and support non-profit partners running retail farm stands stocked with affordably priced produce in underserved communities. Long term, Food for Good supports PepsiCo’s new product development.

Shared Value for PepsiCo and Communities

FFG delivers meals to children 18 and younger as well as to persons with disabilities over 18 in qualifying low-income areas through the USDA Summer Food Service Program. FFG generates revenue by selling food, which is then re-invested into the program. Employees from PepsiCo’s research and development (R&D) team engage with the program to improve food delivery logistics and develop cooling technology for food delivery, and FFG program staff build partnerships with non-profits and local governments. PepsiCo benefits from new relationships with non-profit partners and opportunities to develop new products and technologies, while also expanding access to healthy food in underserved communities.

Community Choice is Driven By:

?Partnerships: PepsiCo chooses FFG communities based on the invitation of local non-profit partners and local governments looking to engage the company on cross-sector collaboration.

?Community Need: FFG prioritizes cities in which to implement the program based on the magnitude of need, or by relative unmet need.

?Customer Retention & Attraction: In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, the meals PepsiCo delivers include PepsiCo products that are USDA approved for the summer food service program. FFG thereby enables PepsiCo to reach a broader consumer base.

?Community Risk/Disease Burden Assessment: See below.

Assessing Community Risk & Disease Burden

?The company used USDA data to identify the number of Americans that live in food deserts (29M), Children that receive free and reduced lunch (22M), and Children that do not access healthy meals during the summer (19M).

?Community consultations revealed that largely due to logistical challenges, children on free or reduced lunch programs were not getting appropriate nutrition during summer months. The transportation and physical access barrier to delivering meals during summer months has also been documented by the USDA and No Kid Hungry.

Program Reach

?Employees: Employees from the R&D team engage with the program to improve food delivery logistics, develop cooling technology, and build partnerships with non-profits and local governments. PepsiCo employees volunteer every year with FFG, helping with things such as playing games with the kids at summer feeding sites to serving on the program’s Steering Committee.

?Communities: FFG is present in 8 cities (Denver, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Austin, Houston, Waco, Little Rock, and Detroit). Children 18 and younger in qualifying low-income areas may receive free meals and snacks through the Summer Food Service Program. Meals and snacks are also available to persons with disabilities, over age 18, who participate in school programs for people who are mentally or physically disabled.

Data Collection

Program Results & Impact

Community Results

?Local Support: FFG supports 10 local non-profit organizations with in-kind food contributions that promote nutrition education and health lifestyles. Examples include the donation of a Frito-Lay route van to be converted into a mobile nutrition education classroom and a PepsiCo Foundation gift to United Way (one of 7 organizations that received PepsiCo Foundation support) to create a nutrition/activities “toolkit” for summer meal programs.

?Job Creation: More than 100 jobs were created to manage warehouses, drive delivery trucks, package food, and supervise field staff; hiring was from the same communities FFG serves. Local non-profit partners create another 100+ summer jobs each year to provide physical activities and nutrition education for the children. Many FFG summer employees later received full-time positions within PepsiCo. With year-round after school programs in Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin and Little Rock, FFG employs a full-time field staff of 20+ people.

?Urban Farming: FFG partnered with Paul Quinn College, a Historically Black College/University (HBCU), in southern Dallas to convert their football field into an organically maintained urban farm. The farm produces fresh fruits and vegetables and has become a part of the College’s curriculum as a social entrepreneurship course led by the FFG team and executives from PepsiCo/Frito-Lay.

?Community and Pop-Up Markets: A pilot with five fresh community markets and pop-up farm stands began in 2010; they have sold over 400,000 servings of produce.

?Weekend Backpack Meal Bundles: FFG packaged and delivered bundles of nutritious meals for children to take home over the weekend. This pilot that began in Austin expanded to Fort Worth and Little Rock. FFG projects to deliver 1 million “backpack” servings in 2015.

?Meals Served: FFG delivered 16 servings to low-income children since 2009. In 2014, FFG delivered 1.4M meals, with 6.1M servings of grains, dairy, fruits, and vegetables in the following communities:

Meals and Children Served by Food for Good in 2014

City Number of

Meals Served

Number of

Children Served


Dallas/Fort Worth 700,000 15,000 173

Austin 450,000 6,000 152

Houston 90,000 2,000 35

Waco 15,000 400 11

Little Rock 115,000 2,000 72

Detroit 40,000 1,200 31

Oklahoma City 10,000 300 12

Denver 15,000 400 21

Business Impact

?Government relations: FFG engaged local leaders from the non-profit and government sectors and opened up channels of communication and opportunities for cross-sector collaboration that were previously unavailable.

?Innovation: FFG serves as a learning laboratory for new technologies and business models, such as a low-cost, long-lasting cooling technology that opens new distribution options for FFG and PepsiCo.

?Market Research: PepsiCo served meals across 8 markets. The company shares insights from serving these communities to find opportunities to deliver products to new consumer bases.

?Product Development: PepsiCo developed and launched the Quaker Maple Brown Sugar Chewy Bar specifically for school breakfasts.

?Talent Acquisition: Over 100 front-line employees are hired each summer and after the term, some are offered full time positions within Frito-Lay. Some of the FFG “alumni” have gone on to win awards like Route Sales Representative of the year with Frito-Lay.


Initiative Overview #2: Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation

Department:PepsiCo's Chairman and CEO Indra K. Nooyi is currently the chair of the HWCF

Time Frame:2009-present

Funding: Since 2009, PepsiCo and the PepsiCo Foundation contributed $4.5 million to HWCF

Geography: National


The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWFC) a is coalition that brings together more than 275 retailers, food and beverage manufacturers, restaurants, sporting goods and insurance companies, trade associations, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and professional sports organizations. One of its main initiatives is a calorie reduction pledge made by 16 HWCF food and beverage companies to the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative. PepsiCo was one of the 16 founding companies, and its participation aligns with its company strategy, “Performance with a Purpose.“

Vision & Goals

?Reducing calories in the marketplace by 1 trillion by 2012 and 1.5 trillion by 2015

?Growing and introducing lower calorie options in product portfolio of businesses that make the pledge by changing product recipes where possible, reducing portion sizes of existing single serve products to reduce calorie intake and introducing new lower-calorie options

Shared Value: Cutting Calories Boosts Business Growth

Businesses changed product recipes where possible, introduced portion controlled or single serve products, and introduced new lower calorie products. Many companies used all three mechanisms to make their changes. An evaluation of HWCF companies found that lower calorie foods and beverages drove companies’ sales growth.

Engaging Stakeholders

?Pledges: HWCF brought together more than 275 retailers, food and beverage manufacturers, restaurants, sporting goods and insurance companies, trade associations, NGOs, and professional sports organizations to make a significant commitment in the marketplace and promote active healthy living.

?Corporate Membership: 35 corporations provide funding and support for programs and activities and help set the direction of the HWCF.

?Associate Membership: Over 250 associate members support the concept of energy balance in their marketing campaigns and communications.

Program Reach

Businesses: The coalition includes 275 retailers, food and beverage manufacturers, restaurants, sporting goods and insurance companies, trade associations, NGOs, and professional sports organizations.

Evaluation and Impact

Calorie Reduction and Product Reformulations on Business Sales & Product Availability

Funded by the HWCF, the Hudson Institute analyzed sales data from the 16 major food and beverage companies among the Foundation’s members to determine both trends in sales and product availability over 5 years.

Community Impact

Calorie Reduction

An evaluation published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that the HWCF companies removed 6.4 trillion calories from the marketplace from 2007-2012, exceeding their goal by 400 percent. This represents a 78 calorie reduction per person —three years ahead of schedule. Availability of Healthier Options in Stores

?Over the course of 5 years, the number of new lower-calorie products on shelves grew 14.1 percent, twice the rate of growth of higher-calorie products.

?While slightly fewer lower-calorie products were introduced compared to higher-calorie versions, the number of lower-calorie products that remained on the market after 5 years was double that of higher-calorie items indicating a higher ‘stick’ rate for lower cal orie items.

?Increase in lower-calorie retail availability mirrored sharp sales gains: lower calorie growth in total points of All Commodity Volume (ACV) distribution increased by 2.9%, whereas distribution of higher calorie products remained flat (+ .1%)

Business Impact: Sales

?99% of sales growth came from low- or no- calorie products; these products, accounted for 52.5% of sales.

?Lower-calorie product sales were up significantly by $485 million while higher-calorie items remained flat, increasing by only $2 million.

?Companies that grew their lower-calorie products increased total sales by $1.8 billion, while companies with flat or declining sales of lower-calorie items suffered declines in total sales of $1.3 billion.

?In-store promoted sales of lower-calorie products grew +9.0%, more than 1.5 times the rate of higher-calorie products.

This case study was adopted from a semi-structured qualitative interview and publicly available information. To learn more about the link between workforce and community health and the strategies businesses are implementing to invest in community health, read the Vitality Institute’s report “Beyond the Four Walls: Why Community is Critical to Workforce Health”.

To access the report and additional case studies, visit https://www.doczj.com/doc/452164760.html,/communityhealth or look us up on social media @VitalityInst #Beyond4Walls.


百事可乐营销案例分析 曹文文 064 医药营销2班 百事公司是世界上最成功的消费品公司之一,在全球200多个国家和地区拥有14万雇员,2004年销售收入293亿美元,是全球第四大食品和饮料公司。并在2004年公布的《财富》杂志全球500强排名中,百事公司位列第166位,并于最近连续两年被评为《财富》“全球最受赞赏的饮料公司”第一名。在2004年《福布斯》杂志“全美最有价值公司品牌”中百事公司名列在前十名。2003年8月《商业周刊》评选的全球最有价值品牌的排名中,百事公司旗下的百事可乐品牌排名是在第二十三位。百事公司的前身百事可乐公司是创建于1898年。百事可乐公司于1965年与世界休闲食品最大的制造与销售商菲多利(Frito-lay)公司一起合并,组成了百事公司。它为了更好的发挥产品结构优势,将市场经营重点在核心品牌方面,百事公司曾于1997年10月作出重大战略调整,将拥有必胜客(Pizza Hut)、肯德基(KFC)和Taco Bell的餐厅从公司分离出去,使之成为一家独立的上市公司,即百胜全球公司这也以便集中精力进行品牌建设和品牌营销。 营销环境分析 一品牌定位

与众不同、锋芒、张扬。广义目标消费群为15-30岁的男生和女生。年轻人是最有活力、最有潮流触觉,内心充满对梦想的渴望,渴望挑战现实、展现自我,对时尚潮流紧跟不舍,百事正是紧紧抓住年轻人的心理状态,以最潮设计理念带给年轻人与众不同的体验。其品牌理念为CROSSOVER(跨界)+MLX AND MATCH(混搭)。 二购买决策 购买决策在很多情况下都是一种群体决策的过程。一般而言,分为五种角色:发起者,影响者,决策者,购买者,使用者。这五种角色相辅相成,共同促成购买行为。因此,正确识别不同角色才能找准营销对象,提高药效活动的效果。而百事可乐产品一般而言都是由使用者来决定的。但是饮料的好喝程度,对健康的影响程度等等都对其是否购买产品产生影响。 三市场细分 (一)地理自然环境。一个国家或地区的地形地貌和气候,是企业开展市场营销所必须考虑的地理因素。例如城市的人比较富裕,所以在城市的百事可乐的销量就会较好,而在农村这样比较贫穷的地方,那么其就难以有生存的空间。再比如,从经营成本上考虑,平原地区道路平坦,运输费用比较低;而山区丘陵地带道路崎岖,运费自然就高。


百事可乐营销案例分析 百事公司(Pepsico.,Inc.)是世界上最成功的消费品公司之一,在全球200多个国家和地区拥有14万雇员,2004年销售收入293亿美元,是全球第四大食品和饮料公司。并在2004年公布的《财富》杂志全球500强排名中,百事公司位列第166位,并于最近连续两年被评为《财富》“全球最受赞赏的饮料公司”第一名。在2004年《福布斯》杂志“全美最有价值公司品牌”中百事公司名列在前十名。2003年8月《商业周刊》评选的全球最有价值品牌的排名中,百事公司旗下的百事可乐品牌排名是在第二十三位。百事公司的前身百事可乐公司是创建于1898年。百事可乐公司于1965年与世界休闲食品最大的制造与销售商菲多利(Frito-lay)公司一起合并,组成了百事公司。它为了更好的发挥产品结构优势,将市场经营重点在核心品牌方面,百事公司曾于1997年10月作出重大战略调整,将拥有必胜客(Pizza Hut)、肯德基(KFC)和Taco Bell的餐厅从公司分离出去,使之成为一家独立的上市公司,即百胜全球公司(Tricon Global,现公司名为YUM!),这也以便集中精力进行品牌建设和品牌营销。 营销环境分析 一品牌定位 与众不同、锋芒、张扬。广义目标消费群为15-30岁的男生和女生。年轻人是最有活力、最有潮流触觉,内心充满对梦想的渴望,渴望挑战现实、展现自我,对时尚潮流紧跟不舍,百事正是紧紧抓住年轻人的心理状态,以最潮设计理念带给年轻人与众不同的体验。其品牌理念为CROSSOVER(跨界)+MLX AND MATCH(混搭)。 二购买决策 购买决策在很多情况下都是一种群体决策的过程。一般而言,分为五种角色:发起者,影响者,决策者,购买者,使用者。这五种角色相辅相成,共同促成购买行为。因此,正确识别不同角色才能找准营销对象,提高药效活动的效果。而百事可乐产品一般而言都是由使用者来决定的。但是饮料的好喝程度,对健康的影响程度等等都对其是否购买产品产生影响。 三市场细分 (一)地理自然环境。一个国家或地区的地形地貌和气候,是企业开展市场营销所必须考虑的地理因素。例如城市的人比较富裕,所以在城市的百事可乐的销量就会较好,而在农村这样比较贫穷的地方,那么其就难以有生存的空间。再比如,从经营成本上考虑,平原地区道路平坦,运输费用比较低;而山区丘陵地带道路崎岖,运费自然就高。 (二)人口环境。不同的年龄的消费者对产品的需求不一样。因此百事公司的产品主要针对的是年轻人。人的性别不同,其消费需求结构和需求方式必然会有明显的差异。据调查显示,我国现阶段男女比例为1.17:1,男性明显多于女性,这应该注意。消费者的收入水平是影响市场营销的最活跃的因素。而消费者的购买意愿则更为重要等等。 四竞争性质 目前,百事可乐最大的竞争对手是可口可乐。在全球的可乐市场中,可口可乐均占上风。但在加拿大的魁北克省,该处的百事可乐的销量却比可口可乐高,是少数能超越可口可乐的地方。在那里,不少说法语的跟均惯饮百事,透过法语明星做代言人,百事在当地的市场地位得以把持。可口可乐的营销策略:1.出售优质产品2.运用企业科技力量及规模经济,


百事可乐并购魁克的谈判案例分析书 一、谈判四方公司背景 百事可乐公司背景: 百事可乐公司(Pepsi CO.,Inc.),原名为洛夫特公司,总部位于美国威斯特彻斯特郡,是美国最大的软性饮料知名公司之一,最初以生产碳酸饮料为主。1965年,与世界最大休闲食品制造与销售商菲多利(Frito-lay)合并而成,正式更名为百事公司,从此将休闲食品业务纳入公司核心业务。从1977年开始,百事公司进军快餐业,先后并购必胜客、塔可钟餐厅和肯德基,进入多元化经营的高峰。百事可乐公司资产总额约 151亿美元,居世界大企业第75名,职工万人。公司附属机构近百个,主要有百事可乐饮料公司、弗利托-莱公司(快餐馆)、披萨餐馆(供应意大利式烘馅饼等)、北美运输公司和威尔逊体育用品公司等。该公司子公司分布很广,国内涉及48个州,国外涉及100多个国家和地区。 魁克公司背景: 魁克公司迄今有百年的历史。1901年,美国碾磨加工燕麦的开拓者们走到一起,组成了魁克公司(Quaker Oats)。经过几代人的努力,魁克公司的营养麦片系列产品是美国人早餐中必不可少的营养补品。魁克燕麦(quacker),是一只饮料业梦之队们争夺的篮球。自从1960年它被一个苦于佛罗里达州闷热天气多年的大学足球队教练发明之后,如今已成为美国运动饮料的领导者。80%的市场占有率,每年7%的增长速度,对于碳酸饮品趋于饱和的饮料市场而言,它是一匹身价最高的黑马。 可口可乐公司背景: 可口可乐公司(The Coca-Cola Company),成立于1886年5月8日,总部设在美国佐治亚州(Georgia, 简称GA)的亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司。可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果


百事可乐广告策略分析 “新一代的选择”是百事可乐的广告语,从这则广告语中我们就能体会到它的市场定位。定位的基本方法,不是去创作某种新奇或与众不同的事项,而是去操作已经存在于心中的东西,去重新结合已存在的联结关系。 定位的基点并不是产品,而是着重于产品与消费者心理位置的统一。定位的目的是为了在消费者心目中确立本产品与众不同的优势。定位所宣称的并非同类产品所没有的,而应该是竞争对手没有说明的,或者是尚未引起注意的,但却确确实实对消费者具有吸引力的那部分特征。因此,定位是从消费者的心理需求空间出发,对产品优势的一种创造,既创造功能更创造形象。 百事可乐从4P和消费群体的心理特征的角度把市场定位于年轻人。百事 公司作了一次市场调查。调查人员发现:当消费者在挑选软饮料时,他们实际上做出了三项选择,第一他们拿定主意喝软饮料,而不是果汁、水或者牛奶;接着他们选择了可乐,而不是雪碧,七喜或者其他软饮料。只有在这时,他们才开始从百事可乐和可口可乐及其它可乐中挑选。同时,调查结果还表明,消费者认为百事可乐公司是一家年轻的企业,具备新的思想,富有朝气和创新精神,是一个发展很快、赶超第一的企业,不足之处是鲁莽,甚至有点盛气凌人。而可口可乐得到的积极评价是:美国的化身,可口可乐是“真正的”正牌可乐,具备明显的保守传统;不足之处是老成迟钝、自命不凡,还有点社团组织的味道。所以百事可乐选择青少年作为自己的形象,年轻人充满情趣,令人振奋,富有创新精神。例如:1994年,百事可乐又投入500万美元聘请了流行乐坛巨星麦克尔·杰克逊拍摄广告片。此举被誉为有史以来最大手笔的广告运动。而且调查表明,这也是有史以来最成功的广告片,这部广告片开播不到30天, 百事可乐的销售量就开始上升。在中国大陆,继邀请张国荣和刘德华做其代言人之后,百事可乐又力邀郭富城、王菲、珍妮·杰克逊和瑞奇·马丁四大歌星做它的形象代表。 我们认为百事可乐以新生代喜欢的超级巨星做形象代言人是它广告策略最成功的一点。百事可乐的广告的创意都源于它的市场定位。 从广告的投放来说,百事可乐的广告铺天盖地加上定位准确,促进了它的


百事可乐广告案例分析 “新一代的选择”是百事可乐的广告语,从这则广告语中我们就能体会到它的市场定位。 “定位的基本方法,不是去创作某种新奇或与众不同的事项,而是去操作已经存在于心中的东西,去重新结合已存在的联结关系。” 定位的基点并不是产品,而是着重于产品与消费者心理位置的统一。定位的目的是为了在消费者心目中确立本产品与众不同的优势。定位所宣称的并非同类产品所没有的,而应该是竞争对手没有说明的,或者是尚未引起注意的,但却确确实实对消费者具有吸引力的那部分特征。因此,定位是从消费者的心理需求空间出发,对产品优势的一种创造,既创造功能更创造形象。 百事可乐从4P和消费群体的心理特征的角度把市场定位于年轻人。 百事公司作了一次市场调查。调查人员发现:当消费者在挑选软饮料时,他们实际上做出了三项选择,第一他们拿定主意喝软饮料,而不是果汁、水或者牛奶;接着他们选择了可乐,而不是雪碧,七喜或者其他软饮料。只有在这时,他们才开始从百事可乐和可口可乐及其它可乐中挑选。同时,调查结果还表明,消费者认为百事可乐公司是一家年轻的企业,具备新的思想,富有朝气和创新精神,是一个发展很快、赶超第一的企业,不足之处是鲁莽,甚至有点盛气凌人。而可口可乐得到的积极评价是:美国的化身,可口可乐是“真正的”正牌可乐,具备明显的保守传统;不足之处是老成迟钝、自命不凡,还有点社团组织的味道。所以百事可乐选择青少年作为自己的形象,年轻人充满情趣,令人振奋,富有创新精神。例如:1994年,百事可乐又投入500万美元聘请了流行乐坛巨星麦克尔·杰克逊拍摄广告片。此举被誉为有史以来最大手笔的广告运动。而且调查表明,这也是有史以来最成功的广告片,这部广告片开播不到30天,百事可乐的销售量就开始上升。在中国大陆,继邀请张国荣和刘德华做其代言人之后,百事可乐又力邀郭富城、王菲、珍妮·杰克逊和瑞奇·马丁四大歌星做它的形象代表。 我们认为百事可乐以新生代喜欢的超级巨星做形象代言人是它广告策略最成功的一点。百事可乐的广告的创意都源于它的市场定位。 从广告的投放来说,百事可乐的广告铺天盖地加上定位准确,促进了它的销售上升。消费者对广告的态度1 对广告的总体态度2 对电视广告的态度:在广告发展史上,相对印刷和广播广告来说,电视广告是后起之秀,但在各媒体广告中,它最具有影响力,也是最受消费者关注各最有争议的。 因为电视屏幕上的百事可乐的广告重复播出,使消费者对这个产品产生了注意。 首先分析它的广告怎么引起的受众的注意的。它利用了广告信息的新异性;利用对比性——它的许多平面广告中经常出现的手法;利用活动变化性;选择恰当的时空位置;提高重复率——百事可乐的广告铺天盖,在电视屏幕上重复出现;增加趣味性——广告中充满趣味;增强艺术性——影视广告做的非常有艺术性,


百事可乐营销案例分析 曹文文20101807064 医药营销2班 百事公司是世界上最成功的消费品公司之一,在全球200多个国家和地区拥有14万雇员,2004年销售收入293亿美元,是全球第四大食品和饮料公司。并在2004年公布的《财富》杂志全球500强排名中,百事公司位列第166位,并于最近连续两年被评为《财富》“全球最受赞赏的饮料公司”第一名。在2004年《福布斯》杂志“全美最有价值公司品牌”中百事公司名列在前十名。2003年8月《商业周刊》评选的全球最有价值品牌的排名中,百事公司旗下的百事可乐品牌排名是在第二十三位。百事公司的前身百事可乐公司是创建于1898年。百事可乐公司于1965年与世界休闲食品最大的制造与销售商菲多利(Frito-lay)公司一起合并,组成了百事公司。它为了更好的发挥产品结构优势,将市场经营重点在核心品牌方面,百事公司曾于1997年10月作出重大战略调整,将拥有必胜客(Pizza Hut)、肯德基(KFC)和Taco Bell的餐厅从公司分离出去,使之成为一家独立的上市公司,即百胜全球公司这也以便集中精力进行品牌建设和品牌营销。 营销环境分析 一品牌定位

与众不同、锋芒、张扬。广义目标消费群为15-30岁的男生和女生。年轻人是最有活力、最有潮流触觉,内心充满对梦想的渴望,渴望挑战现实、展现自我,对时尚潮流紧跟不舍,百事正是紧紧抓住年轻人的心理状态,以最潮设计理念带给年轻人与众不同的体验。其品牌理念为CROSSOVER(跨界)+MLX AND MATCH(混搭)。 二购买决策 购买决策在很多情况下都是一种群体决策的过程。一般而言,分为五种角色:发起者,影响者,决策者,购买者,使用者。这五种角色相辅相成,共同促成购买行为。因此,正确识别不同角色才能找准营销对象,提高药效活动的效果。而百事可乐产品一般而言都是由使用者来决定的。但是饮料的好喝程度,对健康的影响程度等等都对其是否购买产品产生影响。 三市场细分 (一)地理自然环境。一个国家或地区的地形地貌和气候,是企业开展市场营销所必须考虑的地理因素。例如城市的人比较富裕,所以在城市的百事可乐的销量就会较好,而在农村这样比较贫穷的地方,那么其就难以有生存的空间。再比如,从经营成本上考虑,平原地区道路平坦,运输费用比较低;而山区丘陵地带道路崎岖,运费自然就高。


2、世界上第一瓶可口可乐于1886年诞生于美国,距今已有126年的历史。这种神奇的饮料以它不可抗拒的魅力征服了全世界数以亿计的消费者,成为“世界饮料之王”,甚至享有“饮料日不落帝国”的赞誉。 3、但是,就在可口可乐如日中天之时,竟然有另外一家同样高举“可乐”大旗,敢于向其挑战的企业,它宣称要成为“全世界顾客最喜欢的公司”,并且在与可口可乐的交锋中越战越强,最终形成分庭抗礼之势,这就是百事可乐公司。 4、世界上第一瓶可口可乐诞生于1886年 5、而第一瓶百事可乐却诞生于1898年,比可口可乐的问世晚了12年,它的味道同配方绝密的可口可乐相近,于是便借可口可乐之势取名为百事可乐。 6、由于可口可乐早在10多年前就已经开始大力开拓市场,到这时早已声名远扬,控制了绝大部分碳酸饮料市场,在人们心目中形成了定势,一提起可乐,就非可口可乐莫属,百事可乐在第二次世界大战以前一直不见起色,曾两度处于破产边缘,饮料市场仍然是可口可乐一统天下。百事可乐为了生存,不惜将价格降至5美分/镑,是可口可乐价格的一半,以致于差不多每个美国人都知道“5分镍币可以多买1倍的百事可乐”的口头禅,百事可乐仍然未能摆脱困境。 7、百事可乐就像打不死的蟑螂小强一样,坚挺到了五十年代,在恩瑞克的主持下,百事可乐改变了原来的经营方式,进行了5方面的重大改革: 第一:改良口味,使其好不逊色于可口可乐 第二:重新设计玻璃瓶包装和公司的各种标识,并力求统一 第三:重新策划广告,增加广告投入,提升企业形象。 第四:集中力量攻占可口可乐所忽视的市场,尤其是带回家饮用的市场。 第五:选定美国的25个州和境外的25个地区作为重点攻占目标,集中精力攻占市场据点。 8、1959年,美国展览会在莫斯科召开,肯特利用他与当时的美国副总统尼克松之间的特殊关系,要求尼克松“想办法让苏联领导人喝一杯百事可乐”。尼克松显然同赫鲁晓夫通过气,于是在各国记者的镜头前,赫鲁晓夫手举百事可乐,露出一脸心满意足的表情。这是最特殊的广告,百事可乐从此在前苏联站稳了脚跟,这对百事可乐打入前苏联国家和地区也起了很大的推动作用。 9、1960年百事可乐把它的广告业务交给BBDO(巴腾-巴顿-德斯廷和奥斯本)广告公司。BBDO 公司分析了消费者构成和消费心理的变化,将火力对准了可口可乐“传统”的形象,做出种种努力来把百事可乐描绘成年轻人的饮料。经过4年的酝酿,“百事可乐新一代”的口号正式面市。 10、当时,可口可乐还是以5∶1的绝对优势压倒百事可乐的。


广告的作用 就日常消费品而言广告营销应当成为一种长期行为,同时,针对不同的 淡、旺季还要住重点集中投放;设法利用一切可以利用的广告营销方式吸引目标 消费群体,增大收众群体消费意识;保持广告营销的连续性与一致性;四、注意 媒体宣传的多样性;各抓期广告营销在活动内的连续性及与主体广告内容的一致 性;自身营销广告的独特性,与对手形成鲜明反比及不同。 广告使可能的顾客先知道这个品牌或公司的存在。使他们知道这个产品是什么以及有什么用,使他们在心态上倾向于买这个产品。最后,促成他们的购买行动广告的目标是改变消费者脑中的印象,使其倾向于购买某个产品。单凭一个广告就能使一位对产品完全无知的潜在顾客,转变为购买行动,这样的例子非常少见。对于广告成效的测量,可以只检测广告是否能使消费者从一个阶段前进到另一个阶段,而使购买商品的概率随之增加 一、传递信息,沟通产需 广告的最基本功能就是认识功能。通过广告,能帮助消费者认识和了解各种商品的商标、性能、用途、使用和保养方法、购买地点和购买方法、价格等项内容,从而起到传递信息,沟通产销的作用。 俗话说,货好还得宣传巧。但在现实生活中,还有一些企业对广告的作用不十分明了,认为做广告花费大,得不偿失。因此,他们宁可天南海北、火车轮船、辛辛苦苦到处推销,也不愿做广告。实践证明,广告在传递经济信息方面,是最迅速、最节省、最有效的手段之一。好的产品借助于现代化科学手段的广告,其所发挥的作用不知比人力要高多少倍。 二、激发需求,增加销售 一则好的广告,能起到诱导消费者的兴趣和感情,引起消费者购买该商品的欲望,直至促进消费者的购买行动。曾有这样一个事例:某国烟草公司派了一名推销员去海湾旅游区推销该公司的“皇冠牌”香烟,但该地区香烟市场已被其他公司的牌子所占领,该推销员苦思无计,在偶然间受到了“禁止吸烟”牌子的启发,他就别出心裁地制作了多幅大型广告牌,广告牌上写上“禁止吸烟”的大字,并在其下方加上一行字:“‘皇冠牌’也不例外”。结果大大引起了游客的兴趣,竞相购买“皇冠牌”香烟,为公司打开了销路。 三、促进竞争,开拓市场 大规模的广告是企业的一项重要竞争策略。当一种新商品上市后,如果消费


BUSINESS CASE STUDY: PepsiCo Company Overview Sector: Manufacturing (food and beverage) Number of Employees: 274,000 Headquarters: Purchase, NY Revenues: $66.415 billion Initiative Overview #1: Food for Good Department: Food for Good (FFG) is a social enterprise program within PepsiCo Time Frame: 2009-present Funding: Program revenues cover the costs of the meals and operations, which run at break-even. PepsiCo’s R&D team funds innovation of new products and technologies. Geography: Dallas/Fort Worth (TX), Austin (TX), Houston (TX), Waco (TX), Little Rock (AK), Detroit (MI), Oklahoma City (OK), Denver (CO)

Background Food for Good (FFG) creates scalable, break-even, business-driven solutions that make nutrition and employment more accessible for low-income families, and incubates low-cost innovation to accelerate PepsiCo’s commitment to “Performance with Purpose.” Executive Leadership CEO Indra Nooyi advocates strongly on behalf of FFG both externally and internally, and Mehmood Khan, Vice Chairman and Chief Scientific Of ficer, is FFG’s executive sponsor. Goals Develop and deliver pre-packed meals to children that meet U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards, and support non-profit partners running retail farm stands stocked with affordably priced produce in underserved communities. Long term, Food for Good supports PepsiCo’s new product development. Shared Value for PepsiCo and Communities FFG delivers meals to children 18 and younger as well as to persons with disabilities over 18 in qualifying low-income areas through the USDA Summer Food Service Program. FFG generates revenue by selling food, which is then re-invested into the program. Employees from PepsiCo’s research and development (R&D) team engage with the program to improve food delivery logistics and develop cooling technology for food delivery, and FFG program staff build partnerships with non-profits and local governments. PepsiCo benefits from new relationships with non-profit partners and opportunities to develop new products and technologies, while also expanding access to healthy food in underserved communities. Community Choice is Driven By: ?Partnerships: PepsiCo chooses FFG communities based on the invitation of local non-profit partners and local governments looking to engage the company on cross-sector collaboration. ?Community Need: FFG prioritizes cities in which to implement the program based on the magnitude of need, or by relative unmet need. ?Customer Retention & Attraction: In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, the meals PepsiCo delivers include PepsiCo products that are USDA approved for the summer food service program. FFG thereby enables PepsiCo to reach a broader consumer base. ?Community Risk/Disease Burden Assessment: See below. Assessing Community Risk & Disease Burden ?The company used USDA data to identify the number of Americans that live in food deserts (29M), Children that receive free and reduced lunch (22M), and Children that do not access healthy meals during the summer (19M). ?Community consultations revealed that largely due to logistical challenges, children on free or reduced lunch programs were not getting appropriate nutrition during summer months. The transportation and physical access barrier to delivering meals during summer months has also been documented by the USDA and No Kid Hungry.


百事可乐广告案例分析 可乐要丰富.可口可乐公司的经营非常单纯,仅仅从事饮料业.而百事公司除了软饮料外,还涉足运动用品,快餐以及食品等.非凡要指出的是,2001年8月百事公司公布并购贵格公司.与贵格的联姻使百事可乐得到了含金量颇高的Gatorade品牌,并大幅提高了百事公司在非碳酸饮料市场的份额.尽管就市场规模而言,非碳酸饮料与碳酸饮料相比不可同日而语,但其成长速度却是后者的3倍.百事并购贵格后,在中国的销售战略并没有改变,但业务范围扩大了,品牌资源扩大了.百事在原来碳酸饮料的基础上将会很好地整合果汁和运动饮料,在时机成熟的时候,还会陆续推出其他消费者喜爱的饮料,如茶饮料,纯净水等,让中国的消费者有更多的选择.传播策略整合营销传播(IMC)的中心思想是在与消费者的沟通中,统一运用和协调各种不同的传播手段,使不同的传播工具在每一阶段发挥出最佳的,统一的,集中的作用,其目的是协助品牌建立起与消费者之间的长期关系.百事可乐的整合营销传播就是把公共关系,广告宣传,人员推销,营业推广等促销策略集于一身,在整合营销传播中,各种宣传媒介和信息载体相辅相成,相互配合,相得益彰.名人广告众所周知,百事可乐的广告策略往往别出心裁.在与老对手可口可乐的百年交锋中,百事可乐广告常有好戏出台,使可口可乐备感压力.其中,百事可乐运用的名人广告,是它的一个重要传播手段.1983年,百事可乐与美国最红火的流行音乐巨星迈克尔.杰克逊签订了一个合约,以500万美元的惊人价格聘请这位明星为"百事巨星",并连续制作了以迈克尔.杰克逊的流行歌曲为配曲的广告片."百事可乐,新生代的选择"这一宣传计划获得了巨大的成功.百事可乐从美国市场上名人广告的巨大成功中尝到了甜头,于是在世界各地如法炮制,寻找当地的名人明星,拍制受当地欢迎的名人广告.在香港,百事可乐推出张国荣为香港的"百事巨星",展开了一个中西合璧的音乐营销攻势.不久以后,百事可乐更是聘得美国的世界级走红女歌星麦当娜为世界"百事巨星",轰动全球."每一次选歌和出唱片,我都有自己的选择.追风,那不是我的性格.……每一个人都有自己的选择,我选择百事."中国大陆的不少消费者,也许都听过这段出自刘德华之口的广告语.作为走红于大陆和港台的影,视,歌星,刘德华的号召力是巨大的.这是百事可乐为开辟中国饮料市场而做的广告.郭富城与百事的合作始于1998年,其"雨中飞奔为邻家女孩买百事可乐","百事蓝罐包装上市","与国际巨星珍妮.杰克逊合作","与王菲合唱百事主题曲","为百事可乐中国足球联赛主唱首支主题曲","森林中智取可爱猩猩"等版本广告,成为百事广告的扛鼎之作.在全国各地百事饮料的销售点上,我们永远无法回避的是郭天王执着,坚定,热情的渴望眼神.郭天王高人一筹的号召力和感染力获得了百事的一致认可,并升格成为亚洲区品牌形象代言人.大手笔公关长期以来,百事可乐始终致力于建立以"百事可乐基金"为切入点的良好公共关系体系,热心赞助体育赛事以及其他公益事业.例如,赞助"八运会",赞助中国甲A足球联赛,支持中国申奥成功等等.百事可乐不惜巨资赞助"八运会",取得了八运会饮料的指定产品的称号,大张旗鼓地掀起了一场沟通高潮,出尽了风头,造成了一个虽在总体上不及,但在特定时期和特定环境中气势大大超过可口可乐公司的局面,不但在当时取得了明显的效益,而且还为其在中国的进一步发展打下了坚实基础.百事可乐为庆祝中国申奥成功,把申办前的"渴望无限"和成功后的"终于解渴了"整合在一起,做成全屏广告的形式,具有很大的冲击力,与当时的气氛同频共振,不如此难表激情万丈,不如此不够愉快淋漓.相信在那一时刻,每个看到此广告的人都会心跳!短短四个小时,全屏广告点击数高达67877人.百事可乐此时与他们共同支持申奥,心灵相映,情感相通,收到了良好的社会效果,品牌的社会形象得以大大提高.2001年12月,由百事(中国)投资有限公司捐赠,中国妇女发展基金会设立的专项基金――"百事可乐基金",向内蒙古的准格尔旗捐款.这笔资金将主要用于当地缺水家庭修建"母亲水窖"及贫困失学儿童复学等项目.此类活动大大增加了百事可乐的美誉度.网络营销百事可乐建立了与其公司形象和定位完全统一的中


Something’s bubbling at PepsiCo. Harish Bhayani of PRM Diversity Consultants investigates. SUPPLIER DIVERSITY CASE STUDY PEPSICO.INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND Start delving at PepsiCo UK and a clear message emerges –they really seem to ‘get’supplier diversity.Now in my experience,progress on supplier diversity in UK organisations is still quite patchy,so when Mayank Shah at MSDUK suggested we write a case study on their successes,I was a little sceptical to be honest.But having spoken to lots of people at PepsiCo,some of their new Ethnic Minority Business suppliers and MSDUK,I’m delighted to report some great success stories.Here’s what I found and some top tips for other corporate buyers and EMB suppliers… RECENT CONTRACT AWARDS PepsiCo have awarded four sizeable contracts to EMB’s in the last 12months,as a result of their initiatives with MSDUK.Each contract is worth a six figure sum (in one case pushing seven figures).So we’re talking about significant business opportunities which went to EMB’s,that may otherwise not have. NOW LET’S DISPEL A COUPLE OF MYTHS 1.Everyone I spoke to had this same message to share.This is not about favouring EMB’s.It’s about levelling the playing field for all suppliers,to open up access to and for more diverse suppliers. 2.Another popular misconception is that large contracts can be won quickly.The typical reality is that it takes time to win a major contract with a new large client.The reasons for this are discussed below,but in essence:significant decisions in large organisations are made by people who need to have faith in a supplier’s ability to deliver,and in the absence of prior demonstrable experience or a recognised brand,that faith takes time to develop. FINDING EMB SUPPLIERS In all of the cases we reviewed,the initial introduction was made through MSDUK.In most cases this was through one of their very popular Meet the Buyer events.In one case,the eventual contract came about as a result of a mentoring relationship between a PepsiCo UK Procurement Manager and an EMB business. WHAT MADE PEPSICO SUCCESSFUL WITH THEIR SUPPLIER DIVERSITY EFFORTS Embedding into business as usual The diversity concept aligns well with PepsiCo’s core values,referred to as “Performance with Purpose”,which incorporates sustainability into their mission to drive shareholder value.Their UK board and a senior level Diversity &Inclusion Steering Committee drive strategy.Garry Clancy,as head of the procurement function,oversees supplier diversity as a member of the steering committee.Ian Brennan,Procurement Manager,champions ongoing supplier diversity activity in procurement.The commitment continues through all tiers in the procurement function.Formal mentoring roles have been created to assist EMB’s new to PepsiCo or large buying organisations.The mentors help suppliers to understand PepsiCo’s expectations,decision making processes and standards.In fact,this mentoring even led,by chance,to identification and selection of a new EMB supplier for a large contract for the supply of apples for the Copella juice brand.Ian Brennan summarises their experience thus “top down commitment was most important initially,to get the subject on the radar.Now it’s got legs and momentum,all purchasers believe in and run with it”. Performance in supplier diversity is monitored through their overarching Business Results T argets and People Results T argets frameworks,however PepsiCo do not work to quotas.T o quote Davina Adams “it’s part of what we are paid to do”. Where competing tenders are assessed to be of equal value,decision making can be escalated to a Diversity Council to determine the final outcome.This mechanism helps to embed diversity by sending a clear message about the importance placed on it in the organisation.


百事可乐市场定位成功案例分析 1998年,百事可樂百年之際,百事推出了一系列的營銷舉措。1998年1月,郭富城成爲百事國際巨星,他與百事合作的第一部廣告片,是音樂“唱這歌”的MTV情節的一部分。身著藍色禮服的郭富城以其活力無邊的外型和矯健的舞姿,把百事一貫的主題發揮得淋漓盡致。此片在亞洲地區推出後,引起了年輕一代的普遍歡迎。1998年9月,百事可樂在全球範圍推出其最新的藍色包裝。配合新包裝的亮相,郭富城拍攝了廣告片“一變傾城”,音樂“一變傾城”也是郭富城新專輯的同名主打歌曲。換了藍色“新酷裝”的百事可樂,借助郭富城“一變傾城”的廣告和大量的宣傳活動,以“askformore”爲主題,隨著珍妮。傑克遜、瑞奇。馬订王菲和郭富城的聯袂出擊,掀起了“渴望無限”的藍色風暴。 由郭富城和珍妮。傑克遜聯袂演出的主題廣告片“渴望無限”投資巨大,場面恢弘,是百事近年力推的作品。歌曲“渴望無限”由珍妮。傑克遜作曲,音樂從慢節奏過渡到藍色節奏,最後變成20世紀60年代的House音樂,曲風華麗。郭富城美倫美奐的表演和性感的造型,珍妮。傑克遜大氣的唱功,使整個廣告片充滿了浪漫色彩,尤其由來自不同地區、不同膚色的兩位巨星共同演繹,更加引人注目。 王菲的歌曲在亞洲樂壇獨樹一幟,她爲百事拍的廣告片同樣以“渴望無限”爲主題,由她創作的音樂《存在》表現了王菲對音樂的執著追求和堅定信念。“渴望無限”的理念得到了很好的詮釋和體現。 2002年1月,樂壇天之嬌女——鄭秀文小姐正式加盟百事家族,成爲新一代中國區百事巨星。2002年,F4的“百事可樂”廣告成爲備受中國消費者歡迎的廣告。 音樂的傳播與流行得益於聽衆的傳唱,百事的音樂營銷成功正在於它感悟到了音樂的溝通魅力,這是一種互動式的溝通。好聽的歌曲旋律,打動人心的歌詞,都是與消費者溝通的最好語言。有了這樣的訊息,品牌的理念也就自然而然深入人心了。 大手筆公關 長期以來,百事可樂始終致力於建立以“百事可樂基金”爲切入點的良好公共關係體系,熱心贊助體育賽事以及其他公益事業。例如,贊助“八運會”、贊助中國甲A足球聯賽、支援中國申奧成功等等。 百事可樂不惜鉅資贊助“八運會”,取得了八運會飲料的指定産品的稱號,大張旗鼓地掀起了一場溝通高潮,出盡了風頭,造成了一個雖在總體上不及、但在特定時期和特定環境中氣勢大大超過可口可樂公司的局面,不但在當時取得了明顯的效益,而且還爲其在中國的進一步發展打下了堅實基礎。 百事可樂爲慶祝中國申奧成功,把申辦前的“渴望無限”和成功後的“終於解渴了”整合在一起,做成全屏廣告的形式,具有很大的衝擊力,與當時的氣氛同頻共振,不如此難表激情萬丈,不如此不夠痛快淋漓。相信在那一時刻,每個看到此廣告的人都會心跳!短短四個小時,全屏廣告點擊數高達67877人。百事可樂此時與他們共同支援申奧,心靈相映,情感相通,收到了良好的社會效果,品牌的社會形象得以大大提高。

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