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关于国家公派出国留学英语培训报名的通知 各有关单位: 根据国家留学基金委有关规定,公派留学人员出国前必须达到外语合格标准方可派出,为了帮助教师能够顺利申请到国家留学基金资助并出国留学,为其进一步的出国深造和开展国际合作研究奠定基础,以提高我校师资队伍整体的外语水平和国际交流能力,学校将于2010年与北京外国语大学联合举办公派出国人员英语培训班,现将有关事宜通知如下: 一、报名范围 1、通过国家公派留学选拔,获得“国家留学基金全额资助”或“青年骨干教师出国研修项目1:1配套项目”资助,外语成绩未达标的专任教师; 2、近两年拟申报国家公派留学项目,未通过PETS5考试并达到合格标准的专任教师。 二、培训时间及具体安排 1、入学测试: 2010年1月10日上午9:00,地点:届时另行通知; 凡报名参加培训的学员均须参加入学测试,成绩合格者方可参加培训。(入学水平应达到PETS-4级)

(免试入学条件:两年内,即2007年12月至今,PETS-5总成绩48分、听力15分以上者可免试入学。报到时请提供成绩单原件) 2、报到时间: 2010年1月10日下午13:30,地点:北京外国语大学西院培训学院楼一层报名大厅。 3、培训时间: 2009年1月中旬至7月上旬, 三、培训模式 1、培训模式:面授+网络 (1)面授课程:在校参加与教师面对面的传统课堂教学; (2)网络课程:学员自学,地点不限,时间不限。

2、课时分配:学习分为三个阶段 (1)学期初面授阶段:30课时 (2)学期中自学阶段(网络课程):252—315课时 (3)学期末面授答疑阶段:36课时 四、相关要求 1、培训结束后参加全国培训部统一结业考试,统考成绩作为办理公派留学手续的依据,成绩有效期2年。统考未通过者根据国家留学基金管理委员会的要求,可再次参加全国培训部的统一考试(安排下一期的统考)。 2、本班开课后不允许插班。开课3天后不允许退学。 五、报名方式 各单位统一组织报名,报名表(见附件)纸质版须主管领导签字并加盖学院公章后统一报送至人事处,同时将电子版发送至neujdf@https://www.doczj.com/doc/457768957.html,。 报名时间:2009年12月8日-2009年12月18日。 报名地点:综合楼1308;联系电话:81236,联系人:贾老师。


内蒙古广播电视大学2010-2011学年度 第二学期《英语国家概况1》期末试题 ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 1.The following were the founding fathers of the AmericanRepublic except _____. A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C William Penn D Benjamin Franklin 2.Which of the following statement was NOT correct? When the War of Independence was over, _____. A each new state had its own government B each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs C the national government was called the Congress with little power D the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined 3.Service industry does not include ____. A banking B management consultation C airline D steelmaking 4.Three of the following authors were Nobel Prize winner except _____. A Ernest Hemingway B Eugene O’Neill C William Faulkner D F. Scott Fitzgerald 5. ____ invented the telephone. A Samuel R.B. Morse B Alexander Graham Bell C Thomas Alva Edison D Reginald Fessenden 6.The main mountain range in the west of US stretching from the Canadian border to New Mexico is ____. A The Appalachian Mountains B The Rocky Mountains C The Green Mountains D TheBlue Ridge Mountains 7.Both public and private universities in the U.S. depend on the following sources of income except____. A investment B student tuition C endowments D government funding 8.____ was NOT written by Hemingway? A Light in August B The Sun Also Rises C A farewell to Arms D For Whom the Bell Tolls 9.In the United States school system, which of the following divisions is true? A Elementary school, grammar school B Elementary school, junior high school C Elementary school, secondary school D junior high school, senior high school 10.Which of the following does NOT belong to the white-collar crime? A bribery B tax evasion C false advertising D robbery 11.Which of the following was written by Thoreau? A Nature B Walden C The Scarlet Letter D The Fall of the House Usher 密 封 线 内 不 要 写 参 考 内 容 《英语国家概况1》第1页 共6页 《英语国家概况1》第2页 共6页


国家公派出国教师生活待遇管理规定 第一章总则 第一条为促进中外教师交流,加强国际汉语教学和教育援外工作,充分调动公派出国教师(以下简称出国教师)的积极性,进一步完善出国教师的管理,特制订本规定。 第二条本规定适用于履行我国政府对外文化、教育交流协议和双边协议,执行出国任教任务且在国外连续任教半年以上(含半年),并由中国政府提供资助的出国教师。 第二章工资及津贴补贴 第三条出国教师在国外任教期间,根据出国教师国内职称,按以下标准计发国外工资: 单位:美元/月 第四条孔子学院中方院长享受岗位津贴,标准为每人每月400美元,用于开展工作必需的对外交往和通讯等支出。 第五条为体现对艰苦地区的倾斜,鼓励到艰苦地区任教,在艰苦地区任教的出国教师享受艰苦地区津贴。按艰苦程度不同,艰苦地区分为五类,由低到高依次为一、二、三、四、五类。各类艰苦地区名单详见附件。 各类艰苦地区津贴标准为: 一类地区:每人每月180美元; 二类地区:每人每月500美元; 三类地区:每人每月820美元;

四类地区:每人每月1150美元; 五类地区:每人每月1500美元。 第六条出国教师国外任教期间,如聘请方不提供交通工具和相关费用的,国家按以下标准提供交通补贴: 非艰苦及一类艰苦地区:每人每月400美元; 二类及以上艰苦地区:每人每月600美元。 第七条经外交部、财政部批准,我国驻外非外交人员享受战乱补贴的,在同一地区任教的出国教师也同时享受。发放标准和办法参照财政部、外交部有关规定和通知执行。 出国教师任教城市或国家发生严重战乱(严重骚乱、武装冲突、内战或国家间交战),对出国教师工作生活造成严重影响的,经批准后,出国教师可停止任教活动,撤离回国。需要继续执行的,应报国内有关部门批准。 第八条国家为出国教师提供一次性安置费3000美元,用于办理居留、注册等各种手续,购置必要的家具家电、教学设备及其他安置开支等。 出国教师使用安置费在国外购置的一切物品归出国教师个人所有,并由出国教师按照任教国的法律和规定自行处置。 第九条出国教师在同一地点连任,国家从第二任期开始,每任期提供安置费400美元,用于家具家电及教学设备的维修。 第十条出国教师赴任前可领取一次性出国补贴3000元人民币,用于支付公证、护照签证、体检等费用及赴离任、休假、探亲期间的国内旅费。 第十一条出国教师配偶享受配偶补贴。随任配偶补贴标准每月500美元,不随任配偶补贴标准每月200美元。艰苦地区随任配偶,同时享受出国教师艰苦地区津贴标准1/3的艰苦地区津贴。无配偶或配偶在境外公费留学、进修或有工资收入的,不享受配偶补贴。配偶随任期间,所在单位应保留其公职。 第十二条对年度考核为称职(合格)及以上的出国教师发放年终一次性奖金,奖金标准为本人全年月平均国外工资。 第三章国外开支与收入


国家留学基金资助出国留学外语条件 一、高级研究学者、访问学者及博士后类别申请人,外语水平需达到以下条件之一: 1.参加“全国外语水平考试(WSK)”并达到合格标准。各语种要求如下: - 英语(PETS5):笔试总分55分(含)以上,其中听力部分18分(含)以上,口试总分3分(含)以上; - 德语(NTD):笔试总分65分(含)以上; - 法语(TNF):笔试总分60分(含)以上; - 日语(NNS)/俄语(ТЛРЯ):笔试总分60分(含)以上,其中口试总分3分(含)以上。 2.外语专业本科(含)以上毕业(专业语种应与留学目的国使用的语种一致)。 3.近十年内曾在同一语种国家或地区连续留学8个月(含)以上,或连续工作12个月(含)以上,或曾以国家公派高级研究学者身份留学3个月(含)以上。 4.曾在教育部指定出国留学人员培训部参加相应语种培训并获结业证书。各语种要求如下: - 英语:高级班结业证书; - 德语、法语、日语、俄语、西班牙语、意大利语:中级班结业证书。 5.参加雅思、托福、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、日语、韩语水平考试,成绩达到以下标准: 雅思(学术类)6.5分、托福网考95分; 德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语达到欧洲统一语言参考框架(CECRL)B2级; 日语达到日本语能力测试(JLPT)三级(N3); 韩语达到TOPIK3级。 6.赴英语、德语、法语、日语、俄语、西班牙语、意大利语以外其他语种国家留学者,通过国外拟留学单位组织的对该语种的面试或考试等方式达到其语言要求(应在外方邀请信中注明或单独出具证明)。 二、关于外语合格条件的说明 1.上述外语合格条件系留学人员申请和派出的统一标准,申请时合格且外语成绩证明在有效期内,派出时即可视为外语合格。全国外语水平考试(WSK)、教育部出国留学人员培训部结业证书、雅思、托福、欧洲统一语言参考框架(CECRL)、韩语(TOPIK)、日语(JLPT)成绩有效期均为两年。 2.全国外语水平考试(WSK)的证明材料为全国外语水平考试(WSK)成绩通知单。


??????????????????????精品自学考料推荐?????????????????? 全国 2018 年 4 月高等教育自学考试 英语国家概况试题 课程代码: 00522 全部题目用英文作答,并将答案写在答题纸的相应位置上,否则不计分。 Ⅰ. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (40 points, 1 point for each) 1.Traditional British farming involved(), which dated back to the 5th century. A. the open field system B. the system of crop rotation C. the use of artificial fertilizer D. the use of new agricultural machinery 2.In Britain, the First Civil War was fought between the Roundheads who were the parliamentary soldiers led by () , and the Cavaliers who were King Charles ’ s supporters. A. John Lilburne B. Oliver Cromwell C. Prince Rupert D. William Joyce 3.() radically changed the face of London for the first time since the Great Fire nearly three centuries earlier. A. The Black Death B. The Civil War C. The First World War D. The Blitz 4.The objective of the Chartist Movement was democratic rights for all men, and it took its name form “()” . A. The Bill of Rights B. The Agreement of the People C. the People ’ s Charter D. the Great Charter 5.Today, the Domesday Book is kept in the Public Records Office in () . A. Cambridge B. Oxford C. London D. York 6.In Britain, thanks to the militant feminist movement of the suffragettes before the First World War, votes were granted to women over () in 1918. A. 20 B.25 C. 30 D. 35 7.By () Britain had built up a big empire, “ on which the sun never set” . A. 1900 B. 1910 C. 1920 D. 1930 1


公派出国留学条件|申请公派出国留 学需要具备的条件 【--出国祝福语】 在出国留学途径中,一部分人选择自费留学,更多人期望的方式是公派留学,这样即可满足求学需求又可节省不少开支,何乐而不为呢! 公派留学,是国家给一些人才的“特别优待”,是我国人才强国战略的重大举措,是根据我国现代化建设发展需要选拔优秀人才出国深造的一条重要途径,一般派往科技教育发达的国家和地区的知名院校。 公派留学如何选拔公派出国留学生是经过高校和政府部门层层选拔竞争后出炉的, 要经过了严格考核。申请国家留学基金管理委员会开设的项目,由省教育厅向基金委递交申报材料,由国家基金委组织录取工作。 1、采取“个人申请,单位推荐、专家评审、择优录取”的方式进行选拔。凡符合申请条件的中国公民,均可按规定的程序申请。 2、申请时间:一般为每年2月20日—3月20日。

3、申请办法:采用网上报名的方式。申请人登录国家留学基金管理委员会网上报名系统进行报名,并按规定提交申请材料。 4、具体选拔办法按《国家留学基金资助出国留学选拔简章》的规定执行。博士研究生申请时年龄不超过35岁具有硕士学位,硕士研究生申请时年龄不超过30岁,访问学者(含博士后研究)申请时年龄不超过50岁,申请人应为高等学校、企业事业单位、行政机关、科研机构的正式工作人员和在校优秀学生。 国家公派留学人员需交存保证金根据资助情况和方式不同,留学人员出国前要与基 金委签定《资助出国留学协议书》,协议规定留学期限3个月以内(含)的留学人员免交保证金,留学期限3个月以上的留学人员,需交一定量的保证金。去往一类国家如美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国的在校研究生、本科生,交保证金2万元(须出示有效学生证明)。去往二类国家如俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、乌克兰等国的在校研究生,交保证金2万元;在校本科生,交保证金1万元(须出示有效学生证明)。 公派出国留学名额毕竟有限,自己DIY自费留学也不错,各国对留学生的打工政策不同,但学习之余还是有不少贴补家用的方法。


附件二: 国家留学基金资助出国留学外语条件 一、国家留学基金资助出国留学外语合格条件 (一达到以下条件之一者, 可申请国家留学基金资助出国留学项目,并在录取后直接派出。 1. 国家公派研究生项目:申请者应符合国外接受院校对外语水平的要求。 2. 国家公派研究生项目以外项目: (1 参加“全国外语水平考试” (WSK并达到合格标准, 成绩有效期为两年。各语种合格标准如下: 英语(PETS5 :笔试总分 55分(含以上,其中听力部分 18分(含以上;口试总分 3分(含以上; 日语(NNS /俄语(ТЛРЯ :笔试总分 60分(含以上;口试总分 3分(含以上; 德语 (NTD:笔试总分 65分 (含以上; 法语 (TNF:笔试总分 60分 (含以上。 (2外语专业本科 (含以上毕业(专业语种应与留学目的国使用的语种一致。 (3近十年内曾在同一语种国家留学一学年(8— 12个月或连续工作一年(含以上。 (4曾在教育部指定出国留学人员培训部参加相应语种培训并获结业证书 (结业证书两年内有效。具体要求为: 英语:高级班结业证书

法语、日语、西班牙语、意大利语、俄语:中级班结业证书 真的不掉线 吗??、???????????? 德 /英语:德语初级班结业证书、英语高级班结业证书 (针对拟赴德语国家从事理工专业研究人员 德语:中级班结业证书 (针对拟赴德语国家从事社科专业研究人员 (二对申请者外语水平有特殊要求的项目, 按项目具体要求办理, 详见《 2009年国家留学基金资助出国留学项目指南》。 二、申请时外语水平未达到合格标准的国家公派研究生项目以外项目申请者, 如系所在单位重点推荐, 原则上也可以申报, 但须提供可以反映其外语水平的专门的外语考试成绩证明,如 WSK/TOEFL/IELTS考试有效成绩单复印件等。 此部分人员被录取后, 需参加教育部指定出国留学人员培训部相关语种培训或自行参加“全国外语水平考试” (WSK ,获得相关培训结业证 书或考试成绩达到合格标准后方可派出。 被录取后希望参加外语培训者, 应在申请表中注明意向培训地点。未注明意向培训地点者将视为自行参加“全国外语水平考试” (WSK 。 “全国外语水平考试” (WSK 考试时间请于每年一月查询教育部考试中 心 https://www.doczj.com/doc/457768957.html, 。 三、关于国家公派研究生项目以外项目录取人员外语培训的说明 1. 参加培训的人员入学前需参加有关培训部组织的水平测试, 并根据测试结果安排相应级别的培训。参加英语高级班培训的人员, 须参加全国统一结业考试。


英语国家概况(1)模拟试题一 ⅠThere are 20 questions in this part. Each question is followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the correct answer to each of the questions and write your answer at the corresponding place on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points) 1. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England? A the Anglo-Saxons B the Normans C the Vikings D the Romans 2.Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quite well-known in the world for: A its m ost famous landmark, the “Giant’s Causeway” B its rich cultural life C its low living standards D its endless political problems 3. Where is the best agricultural land in Britain? A in the southeast of England B in the northeast of England C in the southeast of Scotland D in the northeast of Scotland 4.Which of the following was the most famous Scottish novelist? A D.H Lawrence B Robert L. Stevenson C Charles Dickens D Walter Scott 5. The first European settlement on the continent Australia began in ___ A 1902 B 1788 C 1770 D 1787 6. Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain? A football B tennis C archery D cricket 7. On which day is Halloween celebrated? A 5 November B 31 October C 17 March D 25 December 8.Which of the following is NOT true about lie peers? A They are not from the aristocratic families. B They cannot sit in the House of Lords. C They earned their titles through their outstanding achievement. D The titles cannot be inherited by their children. 9. Which of the following countries does NOT have nuclear weapons capabilities? A Britain B Russia C Italy D United Sates 10. Which of the following phrases cannot be used to describe the continent of Australia? A The smallest continent B the largest island C the highest continent D the driest continent 11.Australia’s three most important field crops are ____. A Cotton, barley, and sugar-cane B Grain legume, wheat, and sugar-cane C wheat, barley, and sugar-cane D wheat, sugar-cane and cotton 12.TAFE is a form of:



绝密★考试结束前 全国2015年4月高等教育自学考试 英语国家概况试题 课程代码:00522 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I.MULTIPLE CHOICE Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question, Blacken the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding

space on the answer sheet. (50 points,1 point for each) 1. There are three dicisions on the island of Great Britain:Englan,Scotland and Wales. A.social B.cultural C.religious D.political 2. , among the British monarchs,was regarded as “the father of the British navy.” A.Henry Ⅱ B.Henry Ⅷ C.Alfred the Great C.William the Conqueror 3. The Celtic tribes are NOT ancestors of the . A.Irish B.Welsh C.English D.Highland Scots 4. The Romans remained in control of Britain for about years. A.100 B.200 C.300 D.400 5. One particular feafure of the feudal system of


国家公派研究生项目英文介绍(CSC brief)如下 China Scholarship Council launched a scholarship program in 2007 to financially sponsor Chinese students to study abroad. This program, which has been committed to last the next five years, will support 6,000 students annually. With this scholarship, student can either pursue his/her Ph. D. degree from a foreign university for 36-48 months or perform a research plan under the guidance of a foreign supervisor for 6-24 months. For students who are registered first-year, second-year and third-year Ph.D. students in Chinese (home) universities, the home and foreign supervisors work together to make research plan for each student. After their international study, the students are required to return to their home universities to complete their Ph. D. degrees. This is the so-called "co-supervised model" for Ph.D. candidates. Under this program, fourth-year bachelor students, first-year, second-year and third year master students and first year Ph.D.students can pursue their Ph.D. degrees abroad, provided they are admitted under foreign universities’ Ph.D. program with tuition waiver or tuition scholarship. Under this program, students are entitled to receive financial support to cover their living expense and international travel expense. For more detailed information on this scholarship program, please refer to https://www.doczj.com/doc/457768957.html,.


《英语国家概况》复习题及参考答案 一Multiple choice ( 30’) ( ) 1 As a result of the Black Death, much land was left untended and there was a terrible shortage of ___ in England. A grain B farm tools C houses D labor ( ) 2 In the late 17th century, two of most famous literary works were Pilgrim’s Progress and _________ . A the Jew of Malta B the School of Archery C Novum Organum D Paradise Lost ( ) 3. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and _____ formed the London Working Men’s Association. A householders B tenants C small shopkeepers D office workers ( ) 4. In the Industrial Revolution, changes occurred earliest and quickest in the industry of ______. A. pottery B hardware C textiles D chemicals ( ) 5. In Britain police officers are not allowed to join ________ or to go on strike. A a choir B a political party C a trade union D a club ( ) 6 The Great Carter of 1215 is also known as _________. A People’s Charter B Magna Carta C King’s Charter D the Declaration of human rights ( ) 7 Henry Ⅱwas the first king of the ________ dynasty. A Malcolm B Plantagenet C Windsor D Tudor ( ) 8. __________ is the most typically English of sports A Cricket B Golf C Tennis D Horse-racing ( ) 9. By the Treaty of ______ of 1842, China ceded _______ to Britain. A Nanjing, Hong Kong B Tianjing, Hong Kong C Nanjing, Macau D Tianjing, Macau ( ) 10. In _______, the name Great Britain came into being. A 1689 B 1702 C 1701 D 1707 ( ) 11. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and the beginning of 1930s was first brought about by ___. A the farm failure B the bank failures C the stock market crash D the high unemployment ( ) 12.What are the problems that the U.S. economy has faced from time to time? A Inflation B Depressions C Recessions D all of the above ( ) 13.The real American literature began________. A after the war of Independence B after the Westward Movement C after the Civil War D after the Civil Rights Movement ( ) 14. In 1900, the United States ranked first in the production of ____ . A coal B electricity C oil D wheat ( ) 15. In the United States, if the parents don’t send their children to school at certain age, ________ . A the state government will be responsible for it B they will educate the children themselves C they can save a lot of money D they are breaking the law ( ) 16. The U.S. and China established their diplomatic relations in _____. A 1974 B 1972 C 1978 D 1979 ( ) 17 In his inaugural speech, ______ said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” A Woodrow Wilson B Theodore Roosevelt


广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育 《英语国家概况》第二套复习题 I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False . ( 1.5 points each , 30 points in total ) 1.The British economy experienced a relative decline during the postwar period. 2.Thatcher’s revolution turned out to be a great success in dealing with all the British economic and social problems. 3.The economic approach adopted by Tony Blair is different from that of the Labour party and the Conservative Party. 4.Britain is the world’s leading exporter of poultry and dairy products. 5.The fishing industry provides more than 50% of Britain’s demand for fish. 6.Britain is an important oil exporter since its oil industry has a long history. 7.Nuclear power is one of the major energy sources in Britain. 8.The British government has been responsible for education since the early 1800s. https://www.doczj.com/doc/457768957.html,cation in Britain is compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 15. 10.The National Curriculum in Britain is compulsory in both the state system and the independent system. 11.When children finish their schooling at 16, they are required to take a national GCSE examination. 12.Graduates from state schools in Britain have a less favourable chance to enter famous universities than those from independent schools. 13.In the 1960s, a large number of new universities were founded in Britain. 14.Most British people begin their day with reading the morning newspaper and end it watching television in the evening. 15.The Times is the world’s oldest national newspaper. 16.The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world. 17.Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christian calendar, the others are related to local customs and traditions. 18.The climate in the United States can be classified as temperate, with some mild subtropical and tropical zones. 19.The Blacks brought from Africa to America usually worked on plantations or farms in the North. 20.The British monarchy has never been interrupted throught the history. Answer keys: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. F 9.F 10. F 11. T 12. T 13. T 14. T 15. F 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. F II. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. (2 points each, 40 points in total) 1. In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every ___C______ years.

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