当前位置:文档之家› 英语口语段子



Picture 1 (girl friend)

A: This picture depicts a very popular phenomenon on our campus. A guy will spend a lot more when he makes a girlfriend, and his parents have to pay all the costs.

B: Yes, there is a boy in my class did exactly the same thing. Since he made the girlfriend, he often buys her gifts, and they also eat outside a lot. So now he spends two times more than he did before he has girlfriend, and all the money comes from his parents.

A: I can’t agree with his behavior. I mean, our parents have been supporting us for the last more than twenty years. There is no reason to ask more.

B: Exactly. Lots of people live all by themselves at our age. Besides, it is easy to fall into a bad habit if we always blow money away by eating outside, buy clothes of famous brand…….

A: Yes. It is time for that kind of students to develop the sense of self-control.After all, we came here to study, not to enjoy.

B: I couldn’t agree more. I also think the parents shouldn’t spoil him. They should cut him off the extra amount of money. Let him know, it is not easy to make money.

A: Yeah, maybe in that way, he will learn to spend money rationally.

Picture 3,7,10, (pollution) Genetically Modified sperm

A: Look at the picture. It describes a very serious problem in our society. Some merchants feed animals with poisonous feeds, in order to make more money.

B: I don’t understand why they can make more money by doing that?

A: Because that kind of feed is cheaper. At the same time, the animals could grow faster. Of course, people who eat that meat may become ill, but they don’t care.

B: Oh, I know. Some people use a lot pesticide and other agricultural chemicals to the vegetables. Sometimes we are afraid of eating them.

A: I think it is time for our government to take measures. The government should strengthen its supervision, only in that way, the merchants will obey the law.

B: Yes. Those criminals should make compensation for what they did. Because lots of precious lives were taken away for poisonous food, they should pay for it.

A: I agree. I still remember the issue of Sanlu powdered milk. Lots of innocent kids became victim, so unfair.

B: Those merchants should also develop their sense of social responsibility.They should make contribution not damage to the society.

A: That is also a very urgent issue. Hope we can work that out earlier.

Picture 11 (embezzlement)

A: This picture tells us a very popular phenomenon. Managers of some enterprises, especially those state owned enterprises, they usually become rich very quickly, but the company’s performance gets worse at the same time.

B: Yes, this is because managers have the power to make decisions for the company. And when you have the power, other people will come to bribe you into making wrong decisions.

A: There’s more besides corruption. Some of them even embezzle money from the company so that they can live their lives in luxurious way.

B: Yes. But all of these actions will result in bad performance of the company, and eventually, they could be arrested for what they did.

A: So what do you think we can do to stop this?

B:I think it is time for our government to take measures. The government should strengthen its supervision, only in that way, the managers will act according to the law.

A: Those managers should also develop their sense of social responsibility. They should make contribution not damage to the society.

B: That is also a very urgent issue. Hope we can work that out sooner.

Picture 12 (internet bar)

A: This picture is about a very serious problem among the middle school students, that they spend plenty of time on playing computer games or chatting online in the internet bar while they are supposed to be studying at school.

B: Yes, every time when I go to the bar, I would run into many teenagers. Some of them even spend their whole night there.

A: Parents are all very busy with their work; don’t have enough time to supervise them.

B: The supervision department doesn’t play their role effectively either. They use their power as a method to collect money from those internet bars, after that, they won’t do anything.

A: But the students may get addict to internet, it is bad for their school work and personal development.

B: So what do you think we should do to stop that?

A: I think it is time for our government to take measures. People under 18 shouldn’t be allowed to go to the bar without their parents’company. The government should strengthen its supervision, only in that way, the owners of the internet bar would obey the rules.

B: Teachers should also tell the teenagers that they should take their school work priority.

A: You are right. Hope we can work that out sooner.

Picture 8 (pollution)

A:This picture is a very vivid description of our life, especially in some modern cities. Our living environment has been polluted by chemical factory.

B: Yes, look at the waste gas and water. If the factories keep doing this, I think we won’t have clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe in the future.

A: I agree. Managers of those factories only think about their profit. T hey don’t care the money was made at the cost of destruction of the environment.


A: So what do you think we can do to stop this?

B: I think it is time for our government to take measures. The government should strengthen its supervision, only in that way, the managers will act according to the law.

A: Those managers should also develop their sense of social responsibility. They should make contribution not damage to the society.

B: That is also a very urgent issue. Hope we can work that out sooner.


1.Do you think China offers foreign business people great opportunities to fulfill their dreams? Why? 你认为中国为外国商人提供了实现梦想的巨大机会吗?为什么? 2.If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your company at a foreign headquarters as long as required? 如果提供海外派遣,您愿意在国外总部工作吗? 3.What factors do you think contribute to the fulfillment of overseas assignments? 你认为哪些因素有助于完成海外任务? 4.What is the difference between E-commerce and the traditional business? 电子商务和传统商务有什么区别? 5.What are the benefits and limitations of E-commerce? 电子商务的好处和局限是什么? 6.Do you take it for granted that copyright should be protected by law? 你认为版权受法律保护是理所当然的吗? 7.Do you think it is criminal to adapt other's ideas in your own way and share them with your friends? 你认为以你自己的方式改变别人的想法并与你的朋友分享这些想法是犯罪吗? 8.What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we do business? 什么是企业文化?文化如何影响我们做生意的方式? 9.What are the advantages of online-communication? 在线交流的优点是什么? 10.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 11.The factors requisite for success may differ from one profession to another, what kind of elements may contribute to success in your opinion? 成功所需的因素可能因职业不同而有所不同,你认为哪种因素有助于成功? 12.Are you big fans of certain celebrities? Why or why not? 你是某些名人的忠实粉丝吗?为什么或为什么不呢? 13.What are the disadvantages of online-communication? 在线交流的缺点是什么? 14.Which way of communication do you prefer talking face-to-face or chatting online? Why? 你喜欢哪种交流方式面对面交谈或网上聊天?为什么? 15.As job hunters, what preparations should we make beforehand? 作为求职者,我们应该事先做些什么准备? 16.What is corporate culture? How do you get to know a company’s corporate culture? 什么是企业文化?你如何了解公司的企业文化? 17.Which do you think should receive priority in China, economic growth or environmental protection? Give your reasons. 你认为在中国,经济增长或环境保护应该优先考虑哪些问题?给出你的理由。 18.What do you think of love and marriage? 你觉得爱情和婚姻怎么样? 19.What should be considered when you decide to accept or decline a job offer? 当你决定接受或拒绝工作邀请时,应该考虑什么? 20.What is your plan for the future after graduation? Do you want to start a business or become an employee with a high salary? Why? 你毕业后的未来打算是什么?你想创业还是想成为高薪员工?为什么? 21.When hunting for a job, what do you choose, a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? Why? 在找工作的时候,你会选择什么,小池塘里的大鱼还是大池塘里的小鱼?为什么? 22.List some hazards in our life that are related to the development of technology. Try to figure out some ways to avoid these hazards. 列出我们生活中与技术发展有关的一些危险。试着找出一些避免这些危险的方法。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/4a7542864.html,pare planes and rail (road) transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.


I Explanation(10) 1,Table service餐桌服务.客人坐在餐桌旁,有服务员为其提供服务的一种服务形式. 2,Cuisine:菜系.取自于法语,在英语中用来指某一特定的烹饪体系.如中国菜为Chinese Cuisine. ⅡWords 15分 餐饮部经理:Food and Beverage Manager,酒精炉Chafing Dish 特色烹调Regional Cooking中国白酒Spirit葡萄汽酒Sparkling Wine ⅢTranslate the fowling sentences into Chinese or English. (一)汉译英25分 1,您愿意坐在哪儿 Where would you like to sit 2,我想要柠檬茶. 1 would like tea with a slice of lemon,please. 3,我们各付各的 Let's go Dutch. 4,请问您对用餐还满意吗 Is everything all right with your meal 5,对不起,女士,您能告诉我您的房号并出示您的房卡吗 Excuse me.madam.May l have your room card (二)英译汉10分 1,Thank you very much.Have a nice evening. 非常感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚. 2,I'm sorry,sir,We do not have a table free now.Would you like to have a drink in the bar We shall call you as soon as possible 对不起,先生.我们现在没有空餐桌,请您在酒吧稍等一下,好吗一有空 桌子我们就马上通知您. ⅣAnswer the following question in English.(20分) 中国的八大菜系是什么 Shandong Cuisine;Sichuan Cuisine;Guangdong Cuisine;Fujian Cuisine;Jiangsu Cuisine;Zhejiang Cuisine;Hunan cuisine;Anhui Cuisine 2,中餐的烹调方法有哪些 烘焙bake 煮boil 闷炖braise 炸deep fry 煎fry 炒fry 烟熏smoke 清蒸steam 烩stew 烘烤roast V please introduce your Chinese restaurant to your guest.(10分) 餐厅服务英语口语竞赛试题(B) I Explanation(10) Banquet--宴会.宴会为多人准备的正式用餐形式.通常伴有致词和一定的 仪式. Self-service自助服务.有客人们自己从食品台上取事物的一种餐厅服务. ⅡTranslate the follwing Words into English(15分) 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant 筷子Chopsticks 芹菜Celery 鲈鱼Perch 免税商店Duty Free Shop ⅢTranslate he following sentences into Chinese or English. i汉译英(25分)


英语口语考试技巧 43167

第一节考试注意事项 一、保持平常心态 尽量放松自己,自然面对考官及同组考生。考试时保持神态自若和眼神的直接接触通常被视作是具有良好交流能力和自信的重要标志。如果你的心理始终不能释然,不妨做一下深呼吸,如果你与考官或同组考生进行眼神接触时会产生紧张感,那你不妨在回答问题时看着对方的鼻子。这样从第三者的观察角度来看,与眼神交流的效果无大差别。 二、抓住时机,熟悉自己考试小组中其他成员的语音和表达习惯 当考务人员宣布完随机组编的考试小组后,考生应抓紧时间与考试小组的成员进行会话练习,以便熟悉对方的发音特点和表达习惯,为口试的顺利合作打下基础。 三、与考官打招呼和道别 之所以要求考生在考试结束后与考官以恰当的形式道别是因为“道别”就像是为考试画了个句号。 四、保持良好的仪态和坐姿 考生应尽量保持一个良好的坐姿,如坐直身体,双手自然地放在膝盖上或桌面上。 五、把握谈话的内容分寸 把握谈话内容分寸指的是在不改变考试所限定的话题的前提下,把握谈话内容的方向,即尽量把话题的内容限制在自己力所能及的范围内。如果对某个话题不甚了解,最好不要涉及。坚持“不懂的、无话可说的内容不谈,词汇不丰富的内容不涉及”等原则。总之,尽可能地扬长避短。

六、注意表达时语用、语法和句子结构的准确性和多样性 考生在口头表述时应尽可能做到语用准确,保证词汇的丰富性和语法结构的“较为复杂”,使整个语言的表达显得“丰富多彩”。 七、争取主动,先入为主 谁先发言谁就能有更多的机会表现自己的语言能力,并能争取主动,控制问题讨论的局面,扬自己所长,避自己之短,从而给考官留下深刻的印象。同时要注意,在小组自由讨论时,一定要保证谈话双方间的communication.切不可只顾谈论自己的观点,而不顾对方谈话的内容是什么。 八、先总括后展开 在表达自己的观点时往往很难恰当地把握好发言的长度。有时因时间把握不当,没等表达完自己的观点就被考官打断了。在某种程度上这仍会影响考生的情绪。如果采用先总括、后展开的陈述方法来表达自己的观点,将有助于保证观点表达的完整性。 第二节表达技巧 在口语考试中,恰当地使用一些语言表达技巧将十分有助于考试的成功。 常用的口语表达技巧有:语句启转、客气插语、列举事实、图片描写和观点陈述、改换表达方式、修正口误、恰当地使用关联词和特征词、适当地使用告别语等。 一、使用启转语句 人们在发表个人的观点或讲述某一事实或情况时,总要根据自己的意图先说出一些让对方有思想准备的话,然后才切入正题。在口语考试中,启转语句除了上述作用外,还有助于把握专题讨论内容的方向,形成具体讨论内容的定

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语 - 制度大全

西餐厅服务员常用英语口语-制度大全 西餐厅服务员常用英语口语之相关制度和职责,colddish凉菜vegetabledish素菜meatdish荤菜mainfood主食hotpot火锅spicyhotpot麻辣火锅coldnoodles冷面boileddumpling水饺steamedbun包子smallsteamedbun小... cold dish 凉菜vegetable dish 素菜meat dish 荤菜main food 主食hot pot 火锅 spicy hot pot麻辣火锅cold noodles 冷面boiled dumpling 水饺steamed bun 包子small steamed bun 小笼包 instant-boiled mutton 涮羊肉meat braised in soy sauce 红烧肉tofu / bean curd豆腐fried bread stick 油条 fried dumpling 锅贴steamed bread 馒头noodles served with fried bean sauce 炸酱面sliced noodles 刀削面 porridge 粥soup 汤meat ball soup 丸子汤seaweed soup 紫菜汤lean meat 瘦肉fatty meat 肥肉 麦当劳食物介绍: 1 套餐:combo 通常看着图片就知道几号是什么套餐,点套餐时只要说combo number one 或number one 就好了。有时店员会问, Do you want to go large ? 如果你需要,他会给你大的薯条和可乐。 2 汉堡:hamburger 美国人说汉堡通常说burger 或cheese burger.和国内不同的是,在美国单点汉堡时店员会问你goes with cheese ? 所以也可以在点的时候就说without cheese ,他就不会再问你。 3 薯条:fries 4 饮料:drinks ①可乐:coke ② 减肥可乐: diet coke ( diet ) ③雪碧: sprite ④橘子汽水:Hi-C ( or orange soda )⑤冰茶:iced tea 顾客: 1 A BigMac , 2 orders of fries and a milkshake . . 一个牛肉汉堡,2份薯条和一份奶昔。 2 I’d like a BigMac Combo and a six-piece chicken nuggets . 我要一份麦香鸡套餐和一份6块的鸡块。 3 I’ll have a large / small Coke with no ice and a pineapple pie . 我要一杯不加冰的大/小可乐和一个菠萝派。 4 I’d like a small Coke , a hamburger , an order of fries as well as an apple pie . 我要一杯小可乐,一个汉堡,一份薯条和一个苹果派。 5 I’d like a cup of coffee, a share of fried chicken legs, a hamburger and a strawberry sundae. 我要一杯咖啡, 一份炸鸡腿,一个汉堡和一个草莓圣代。 6 Where are the napkins ? 餐巾在哪儿 7 Where are the straws ? / Do you have straws ? 吸管在哪儿/ 有吸管吗 8 Can I have some napkins ? 可以给我一些餐巾纸吗 9 Could I have extra ketchup ? 我可以多要些番茄酱吗 10 Where are the restrooms ? 洗手间在哪里


广东高考英语听说考前训练及技巧 2017.11.6 广东高考英语人机对话口语考试分三部分:(共60分,折算15分) 第一部分:Reading Aloud 根据视频大声朗读文章,要求流利通顺,文章中有一定的新词汇。 (20分) 第二部分:Role Play 要求扮演角色,与电脑互问互答,先根据提示问三个问题,再回答五个问题。(16分) 第三部分:Oral Competition 口头作文,听一篇文章,然后根据故事梗概和关键词,复述该故 事。(24分) 听说合考总的答题策略: 1、调整话筒,让话筒靠近嘴巴,保证录音质量。 2、养成作好笔记的习惯。 3、录音答题时保持镇定,确保自己的发挥。 Part A 答题技巧 应试技巧:第一遍看视频听录音时,注意力应放在说话者的发音、语调和意群停顿上,同时尽可能地记下一些关键词语。自我演练时,考生首先要熟悉画外音所叙述的内容,记住需要换气和停顿的地方。第二遍边听录音边看视频上文字时,最为关键的是要注意说话者的语频,并对个别较难发音的词语加以关注。录音时,考生是看着相同的视频片段进行录音。这时最为关键的是语频要与视频上显示的保持一致。一定要读出来,碰到不懂的单词,按字母规律发音,不要不读。 Part B答题技巧 1).听前抢读和预测: 预测可能出现的词汇(尤其是关键词),和出题方向。 如:情景介绍:女士和男士谈论即将来临的面试

预测:关键词interview 可能出题方向When will you have the interview? How will you go there? Are you prepared for /nervous about it? 2)做笔记,抓关键信息 前面的英文短片部分和三问部分是所有听力信息的输入部分,这两部分要做好听力笔记。在三问环节,计算机会回答两遍.计算机回答问题的内容往往是下一部分回答的答案或提示。 观看英文短片时要在听懂大意的同时留意涉及的人物、事物、时间、行为等相关信息(5w1h),并适当做笔记,在短时间内强记细节信息,如年代,单价,折扣价,门牌号等。 练习快速记笔记,用最简洁的符号记录信息。如字母/箭头/数字/汉字/图形等。 如:考生用英语提问:新图书馆周末开放吗? (Is the library open on weekends?) 计算机回答 (Y es. It‘s open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends and it opens one hour earlier from Monday to Friday. 播放2遍) 计算机提问 (When does the new library open from Monday to Friday? 播放2遍) 考生回答计算机提问(It opens at 8:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday.) 3)准确获取信息后,考生不需要再关注画面,应更留心使用规范的英语进行问答。 4)时间上的把握,注意力高度集中(整个过程) 5)放弃过去的信息。 Part B 答题注意事项 1).提问部分


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


餐厅常用英语口语练习【四篇】 【篇一】餐厅常用英语口语练习 1、欢迎光临我们的餐厅 Welcometo our restaurant. 2、见到您很高兴,先生/女士,我叫……请问有什么能够帮您的? Niceto meet you , sir/madam ,My name is…,May I help you? 3、先生/女士,再见。感谢您的光临,欢迎下次光临。 Good-byesir/madam, Thank you for coming, Please come again. 4、祝您过个愉快的夜晚。 Havea good evening. 5、先生/女士,请问我能为您做点什么? Whatcan I do for you? sir/madam 6、对不起,让您久等了,谢谢您的等候,先生/女士。 Sorryto have kept you waiting so long, Thank you for waiting, sir/madam. 7、不用谢,这是我应该做的。 Thatis all right. It is my duty. 8、听您这样说真的很抱歉,我将会调查这件事情的。 Iam really sorry to hear that, I will look into it. 9、先生/女士,对不起,请您重复一遍好吗?

Sorrysir/madam, please beg your pardon? 10、先生/女士,我们好久没见面了,您最近好吗? Wehave not seen you for along time. How are you getting along? 11、先生/女士,请您用餐(自助),您还有别的事情要我帮忙吗? Helpyourself to dinner, please. Is there anything else that I can do for you? 12、谢谢您的提醒,我们将立即采取措施使您满意。 Thankyou your reminding. We will try our best to take some measures so that you canbe isfied. 13、先生/女士,照顾不周,请指正,这是我们的过错,请多多原谅。 Ifme have any shortcoming, please point it out, I am sorry, it is our fault. 14、先生/女士,您的桌子已经准备好了,谢谢您久等了。 Yourtable is ready now, sir/madam, Thank you for waiting. 15、请先看看菜单,您想尝尝本月的特色菜吗? Pleaselook at the menu first. Would you like to try the special cuisine of thismonth? 16、先生/女士,您现在点菜吗? Areyou ready to order now , sir/madam. 17、用餐前您是否想用点饮料? Wouldyou like something to drink before your meal?


英语口语学习的几点建议不少人认为发音好就代表口语好,口语好就代表英语好。实际上,如果只是工作需要,发音真的有那么重要吗?所谓的英语的口语,其实包含四方面的内容,其中重要性排行:流利度>表达准确度>发音>腔调。 流利度 方法建议就是自己和自己说英语,每天头脑里总会要想些问题,你试着把自己想的东西一句一句翻译成英语,你和别人说话的时候,说完那些话之后,你心里默默的想一想这些话我用英语应该怎么说,遇到不会的马上可以用手机查字典。不出三个月你心里想的每一句话或者日常的沟通,都可以熟练的用英语说出来。 还有一个办法,就是每天用英语写几百字。每天人的英文写作其实是代表他的英语口语的最高水平,不要说自己英语口语不好,归根到底,其实是写作不行。你能够说出来的东西,你一定能够立马知道怎么写,但是你写的东西你不一定立马能够说出来,但是为什么还要练习写作呢?因为大部分时候你说不出来是因为你写都不知道怎么写。写作实际上能够根本改善你遣词造句的能力,当你写作都很熟练了,你脱口而出自然不会是问题。 表达准确度 只要是两个人面对面沟通,只要你不结巴、保持流利,始终能够把话说清楚的,老外如果听不懂他会继续问你,直到听懂为止。所以刚练习英语口语的朋友,可以把这部分顾虑暂时先打消,等你流利了再来改也没问题的。所有表达的准确度问题,都不是口语问题,都是

你英语基础问题。 发音准确度 这方面的重要程度远远没有流利度那么高,但练习要花费相当的苦工。如果仅仅只是为了应付工作,建议不要花费太多时间在发音上面,因为中国人的发音哪怕再烂其实外国人还是能理解的。外企HR似乎更加看重流利程度一点。大部分在外企工作的中国人发音简直是弱爆,但是丝毫不影响工作沟通。所以英语基础不好的人,拼命去练发音,无异于舍本逐末。 如果你一定要知道发音怎么练习,可以简单说一两点。 中国人被拼音误导很深,认为和拼音长得差不多就是和拼音一样的发音,结果才导致了浓浓的中国风发音。不要把音标当拼音。你把所有的长元音全部拆开成两个元音来发音,比如like 的i(ai), 坚决不要发成中文的"爱“,要先发a 后发i, 中间过渡平滑,听起来像"拉一可”。经常有人说这个单词明明按照音标读了,但是怎么读都有一股浓浓的中国风,就是找不出原因,原因就在这里。 如果你对这些区别只是停留在了解的阶段,那是帮助不了你改善发音的,必须要重复练习(一个发音反复练习几百次就有效了)。


高考英语听说考前训练及技巧 2013.2.10 高考英语人机对话口语考试分三部分:(共60分,折算15分) 第一部分:Reading Aloud 根据视频大声朗读文章,要求流利通顺,文章中有一定的新词汇。(20分)第二部分:Role Play 要求扮演角色,与电脑互问互答,先根据提示问三个问题,再回答五个问题。 (16分) 第三部分:Oral Competition 口头作文,听一篇文章,然后根据故事梗概和关键词,复述该故事。(24 分) 听说合考总的答题策略: 1、调整话筒,让话筒靠近嘴巴,保证录音质量。 2、养成作好笔记的习惯。 3、录音答题时保持镇定,确保自己的发挥。 Part A 答题技巧 应试技巧:第一遍看视频听录音时,注意力应放在说话者的发音、语调和意群停顿上,同时尽可能地记下一些关键词语。自我演练时,考生首先要熟悉画外音所叙述的容,记住需要换气和停顿的地方。第二遍边听录音边看视频上文字时,最为关键的是要注意说话者的语频,并对个别较难发音的词语加以关注。录音时,考生是看着相同的视频片段进行录音。这时最为关键的是语频要与视频上显示的保持一致。一定要读出来,碰到不懂的单词,按字母规律发音,不要不读。 Part B答题技巧 1).听前抢读和预测: 预测可能出现的词汇(尤其是关键词),和出题方向。 如:情景介绍:女士和男士谈论即将来临的面试 预测:关键词interview 可能出题方向When will you have the interview? How will you go there? Are you prepared for /nervous about it? 2)做笔记,抓关键信息 前面的英文短片部分和三问部分是所有听力信息的输入部分,这两部分要做好听力笔记。在三问环节,计算机会回答两遍.计算机回答问题的容往往是下一部分回答的答案或提示。 观看英文短片时要在听懂大意的同时留意涉及的人物、事物、时间、行为等相关信息(5w1h),并适当做笔记,在短时间强记细节信息,如年代,单价,折扣价,门牌号等。 练习快速记笔记,用最简洁的符号记录信息。如字母/箭头/数字/汉字/图形等。 如:考生用英语提问:新图书馆周末开放吗? (Is the library open on weekends?) 计算机回答 (Y es. It‘s open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends and it opens one hour earlier from Monday to Friday. 播放2遍) 计算机提问


1.How can we keep friendship alive. Friendship is absolutely crucial for us. We have to do hard work to build up and sustain friendship. Here are some important ways to keep friendship alive .First of all,let your friends know that you care about them. If you can't be there at the given moment, say something like, "I wish I could be with you. May I call you tomorrow? "Be sure your friend knows she's cared about.Second, try to be with your friends when they are in trouble. Remember troubled people are most in need of their friends to stay around. The last but not the least, keeping friendship alive is to say to your friends "I miss you and I love you ". Remember? 2.Is it right for college students to have tattoos? Nowadays many college students like to highlight their personalities, to be their own. They have taken special ways to show their personalities. For example, some college students who are tattooed think tattooing is cool and shows great personality. But teachers and parents do not think tattooing is right for students. They believe to be a student you should dress like a student--no tattoos, of cause. Some people even believe that those who are tattooed are not good students. As far as I am concerned, although many people can not accept students’ tattooing, nothing is wrong with tattooing. College students are grown-ups. They can tell right from wrong. If they want to be tattooed, just remember to tell them to select clean places, preferably with parental consents. 3.What do cultural difference mean ? Can you give some examples? Cultural differences mean differences among people in ways of thinking, life, aesthetic concepts, social practices, diet and etc. Let’s talk about, for example, eating habits in different areas. In China, people prefer vegetables and fruits, for the Chinese believe that such things are rich in vc, which are good to health. However, western people are more likely to eat meat. Known as having a good tradition of hospitality , Chinese people always greet their guests with warm hand. Chinese meal table normally is filled with delicious food, yet the host is used to saying " I am sorry. I don’t think the food is good enough today" and other courtesies. Host or hostess sometimes use their chopsticks to take food to the guest’s bowl, which is considered as a way to show hospitality in China. However, in western countries, people emphasize respect to individuality. At dinner, people eat whatever they like or we say they eat at their own will. 4.Do you consider your 18th birthday is one of the most important days in your life? Give reasons. Yes, 18th birthday is considered the most important. Each birthday means a new year. I am most concerned about my 18th birthday as it is a sign of adulthood, indicating that I am no longer a child, but one who can try to do things independently and should be reliable for his or her own actions as an adult. Since my eighteenth birthday, I am entitled to go shopping alone, to travel alone and to live independently. I still remembered my 18th birthday. After my birthday celebration, I suddenly felt grown up, both physically and mentally. Birthday to me is an important turning point, enabling me to learn and think independently. So far as I am concerned about each birthday, I usually feel better.

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