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二、1. 两篇选择型的阅读,一篇是将城市化以及乡村生活的,一篇是讲富士康。这两篇超


2. 两片回答问题的。一篇讲怎样给博客起名字,一篇讲一个美国女议员的事,也都不


三、作文:team spirit为主题,400字。


Team Spirit

We are living in a globalized world and the cross-cultural communications are increasing nowadays. In other words, we have never been so closely connected with each other in the human histories. As a philosopher has pointed out, nobody is an isolated island. If we want to have a bright future, we need more cooperation for the development. Therefore, team spirit is very important. It is an ability that people can understand each other and cooperate with each other for the successful completion of some important tasks. We need such kind of ability in particular during the globalization for several reasons.

First of all, team spirit offers us a platform where we can operate our collective talent to work out the best. Only when we work effectively together can we have the best chance to get the success. Taking the 2008 Beijing Olympics for example, I think the success of the event first goes to the superb team spirit of the organizers and millions of volunteers. So many people work hard and cooperate well for the single aim and the solitary goal: an exceptional Olympics for the whole world. A lot of student volunteers in Beijing are committed and work tirelessly during the hot summer. History has witnessed their brilliant teamwork and valuable contributions. What is more, team spirit is quite useful for personal career.

As young students, we must learn the core and sharpen our skills in the team. If you work in a company, most of the time you have to finish or design a huge project with your colleagues. Each person can contribute their wisdom to the completion of the task. You cannot do it so well single-handedly. When we watch the Olympic Games on TV, we are so amazed by the excellent performances of the players. If they want to win the gold medals, they must compete as one person and exercise their own part well for the whole success. So we can say the team spirit is the secret of success.

Finally, team spirit is the symbol of national power and strength. As we all know, the Chinese delegation has won the most medals during the 2008 Olympics and all Chinese people are so proud of our country. Another example is the touching power of the team spirit in the Sichuan earthquake. We were moved by the perseverance and persistence of the rescue workers, who were eager to help their compatriots.

In conclusion, team spirit is an important ability and skill in the 21th century because we are all faced with the globalization and the question of how to live better. Therefore, we must learn to work well in the team and let the team spirit guide us to success.




1. UN Security Council 联合国安理会

2. OPEC 石油输出国组织

3. CPI 消费者价格指数

4. International Herald Tribute《国际先驱论坛报》

5. CFO 首席财务官

6. Assosiate Press 联合通讯社

7. Common Law system 英美法系

8. FIBA 国际篮球联合会

9. Appeal Court 上诉法院

10. Phrase Translation 短语翻译

11. Liaision interpretation 联络口译

12. For Whom the Bell Tolls 《丧钟为谁而鸣》

13. capital venture 风险投资


1. 海关总署General Administration of Customs

2. 司法部Ministry of Justice

3. 中国红十字会Red Cross Society of China

4. 中国译协TAC

5. 大运会Universiade

6. 海基会即海峡交流基金会SEF:Straits Exchange Fundation

7. 经济适用房houses for low-income families

8. 国际惯例international practice

9. 民事诉讼civil action/civil proceedings/ civil procedure

10. 易经the Book of Changes

11. 儒林外史the scholars

12. 中美联合公报Sino-USA Joint Communique









1. 梁漱溟

2. 春秋战国

3. 青铜器文化

4. 经学(西汉的哦)

5. G20

6. 经济全球化

7. 新兴市场

8. 福特汽车公司

9. 低碳经济

10. 节能减排

11. 宪法

12. 法制

13. 法律适用

14. 司法公正


1. 梁漱溟:著名的思想家、哲学家、教育家、社会活动家、爱国民主人士,著名学者、国学大师,主要研究人生问题和社会问题,现代新儒家的早期代表人物之一,有“中国最后一位儒家”之称。梁漱溟受泰州学派的影响,在中国发起过乡村建设运动,并取得可以借鉴的经验。著有《乡村建设理论》、《人心与人生》等。

2. 春秋战国:春秋战国时期(公元前770年-公元前221年)又称东周时期。西周时期,周天子保持着天下共主的威权。平王东迁以后,东周开始,周室开始衰微,只保有天下共主的名义,而无实际的控制能力。同时,一些被称为蛮夷戎狄的民族在中原文化的影响或民族融合的基础上很快赶了上来。中原各国也因社会经济条件不同,大国间争夺霸主的局面出现了,各国的兼并与争霸促成了各个地区的统一。因此,东周时期的社会大动荡,为全国性的统一准备了条件。

3. 青铜器文化:青铜器是以青铜为材料,采用一种非常特殊的工艺(今人称之为青铜铸造工艺)制作出来的器物,它是古代灿烂文明的载体之一。青铜时代创造的物质文化与精神文化。大约从夏代开始,中国进入青铜时代。到了商代,青铜器的应用几乎涉及社会生活的各个方面。由于青铜工具的锐利远胜于石器,加以当时的铸造技术可以制作出适合于不同用途的各种手工工具和农具,有力地推动了社会生产的发展。

4. 经学:原本是泛指各家学说要义的学问,但在中国汉代独尊儒术后为特指研究儒家经典,解释其字面意义、阐明其蕴含义理的学问。经学是中国古代学术的主体,仅《四库全书》经部就收录了经学著作一千七百七十三部、二万零四百二十七卷。经学中蕴藏了丰富而深刻的思想,保存了大量珍贵的史料,是儒家学说的核心组成部分。

5. 20国集团(G20):是一个国际经济合作论坛,于1999年9月25日由八国集团的财长在华盛顿宣布成立,属于布雷顿森林体系框架内非正式对话的一种机制,由原八国集团以及其余十二个重要经济体组成。该组织的宗旨是为推动已工业化的发达国家和新兴市场国家之间就实质性问题进行开放及有建设性的讨论和研究,以寻求合作并促进国际金融稳定和经济的持续增长。按照以往惯例,国际货币基金组织与世界银行列席该组织的会议。20国集团成


6. 经济全球化:是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体。(简单的说也就是世界经济日益成为紧密联系的一个整体)。经济全球化是当代世界经济的重要特征之一,也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。

7. 新兴市场:是一个相对概念,泛指相对成熟或发达市场而言目前正处于发展中的国家、地区或某一经济体,如被称为“金砖四国”的中国、印度、俄罗斯、巴西以及后来兴起的南非、越南、土耳其等等。新兴市场通常具有劳动力成本低,天然资源丰富的特征。一方面,发达国家和地区一般都会将生产线移至新兴市场,凭借低廉劳动力成本增强竞争力。另一方面,发达国家和地区也会向天然资源丰富的新兴市场国家和地区买入廉价原材料。新兴市场亦可籍此获得先进生产技术,改善收入,提高消费能力,并带动经济发展。

8. 福特汽车公司:是世界最大的汽车企业之一。1903年由亨利·福特先生创立创办于美国底特律市。现在的福特汽车公司是世界上超级跨国公司,总部设在美国密执安州迪尔伯恩市。福特汽车的标志是采用福特英文Ford字样,蓝底白字。由于创建人亨利·福特喜欢小动物,所以标志设计者把福特的英文画成一只小白兔样子的图案。

9. 低碳经济:所谓低碳经济,是指在可持续发展理念指导下,通过技术创新、制度创新、产业转型、新能源开发等多种手段,尽可能地减少煤炭石油等高碳能源消耗,减少温室气体排放,达到经济社会发展与生态环境保护双赢的一种经济发展形态。2010年8月,发改委确定在5省8市开展低碳产业建设试点工作。

10. 节能减排:节能减排有广义和狭义定义之分,广义而言,节能减排是指节约物质资源和能量资源,减少废弃物和环境有害物(包括三废和噪声等)排放;狭义而言,节能减排是指节约能源和减少环境有害物排放。

11. 宪法:是国家的根本大法,是特定社会政治经济和思想文化条件综合作用的产物,它集中反映各种政治力量的实际对比关系,确认革命胜利成果和现实的民主政治,规定国家的根本任务和根本制度,即社会制度、国家制度的原则和国家政权的组织以及公民的基本权利义务等内容。国家内部政治力量的对比关系的变化对宪法的发展变化起着直接作用,同时国际关系也对宪法发展趋势有所影响。

12. “法制”:我国古已有之。然而,直到现代,人们对于法制概念的理解和使用还是各有不同。其一,广义的法制,认为法制即法律制度。详细来说,是指掌握政权的社会集团按照自己的意志、通过国家政权建立起来的法律和制度。其二,狭义的法制,是指一切社会关系的参加者严格地、平等地执行和遵守法律,依法办事的原则和制度。其三,法制是一个多层次的概念,它不仅包括法律制度,而且包括法律实施和法律监督等一系列活动和过程。

13. 法律适用:就是指在具体的法律事实出现后,通过将其归入相应的抽象法律事实,然后根据该法律规范关于抽象法律关系之规定,进而形成具体的法律关系和法律秩序。

14. 司法公正:是指司法权运作过程中各种因素达到的理想状态,是现代社会政治民主、进步的重要标志,也是现代国家经济发展和社会稳定的重要保证。它是法律的自身要求,也是依法治国的要求,其基本内涵是要在司法活动的过程和结果中体现公平、平等、正当、正义的精神。其主体是以法官为主的司法人员。司法公正的对象包括各类案件的当本人及其他诉讼参与人。司法公正包括实体公正和程序公正,前者是司法公正的根本目标,后者是司法公正的重要保障。整体公正与个体公正的关系反映了司法公正的价值定位和取向。


















1.统计表基本结构:标题,纵横标目,线条,数字和备注 2.实验设计的基本原则:随机化,重复,设置对照 3.抽样调查中,抽样误差的大小关系:整群抽样大于单纯抽样大于系统抽样大于分层抽样 4.按1岁为一个年龄组编制而成的寿命表称为完全寿命表 5.哪种病人死亡后尸体立即消毒,就进火化 6.我国法定传染病 7.可呼吸性粉尘的粒子直径:小于5微米 8.CO中毒患者皮肤和粘膜呈现樱桃红色 9.当外界环境中气温高于皮肤温度时人体散热主要依靠蒸发 10.男性性发育,最先发育的是睾丸 11.性早熟:定义 12.我国学校卫生工作的第一部正式法规《学校卫生工作条例》 13.成熟定义 14.生长发育指标,哪些是功能指标 15.生活技能教育 16甲乙两集体冠心病组死亡率均为0.4%,经年龄构成标准化后,甲集体冠心病死亡率为0.5%,乙为0.3,我们可得出结论认为,甲集体人口较乙年轻 17.有毒有害气体及粉尘为主的工业企业应建在当地夏季最小频风向的上风侧并远离居住区,(废水可排,这题有争议,我认为不可排,但是我同事她是搞职业卫生的,说可以通过管道排放,复习的时候看书吧,找找答案) 18.随机误差定义 19.贝塔射线如何屏蔽 20.胚胎在哪一时期受到照射,可造成器官畸形 21.尸检时间:死亡后48H内 22.化妆品生产人员体检频率 23.餐饮具化学消毒程序:除渣-洗涤-消毒-清洗-保洁 24.革水密风查(看职业卫生) 25.历史上人类社会经历了那些医学模式 26.多媒体(给了几类,让选择哪些属于多媒体) 27.无偿献血年龄18-55 28.预防性卫生监督工作要求新,改,扩建项目的卫生防护设施必须与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时验收投产 29.儿童铅中毒:(题干忘了,答案3.9 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9) 30.VA缺乏 31.儿童少年贫血主要原因铁摄入不足 32.窒息性气体 33.学龄期是口头语言发展关键期 34.铁 成人体内含铁3-5克,以特定生理功能的形式存在于血红蛋白和肌红蛋白中,占60-70%。 35.鱼类含丰富多不饱和脂肪酸,主要是EPA和DHA 36.膳食宝塔,谷类为主,多吃蔬菜水果。。。 37.每天烹调油不超过25g 38.锌盐稳定剂在许多国家均允许使用 39.GMP是适用于所有相同类型产品的食品生产企业的原则,而HACCP则依据食品生产厂及其生产过程


每年4月份考,只有两次考试机会 (6 parts) 2011年专业英语四级真题 TIME LIMIT: 135 MIN PART ⅠDICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONL Y Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 1. Which of the statements about the auto show is INCORRECT? A. The show will have more stands this year. B. The show will have more visitors this year. C. The number of overseas visitors will be the same this year. D. The number of exhibition days will be the same this year. 2. According to the conversation, the price for a stand would include _____. A. a catalogue B. a poster C. two desks D. four chairs 3. During the conversation, the man seems to be more interested in _____. A. the size of the show B. the cost of the stand C. the basic furniture D. the visitor number Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 4. What is Jim interested in? A. Investing in the company's product. B. Buying a new educational computer. C. Joining the computer company. D. Reading the campaign plan.


1999年英语专业四级考试全真试卷及答案 一、听力 Part ⅡDICTATION[15 MIN.] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage w ill be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seco nds. The last reading will he read at normal speed again and during this time yo u should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on Answer Sheet Two. Part ⅢLISTENING COMPREHENSION[20 MIN.] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet. SECTION A STATEMENT In this section you will hear eight statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following eight questions.


广外贸大MTI考研真题回忆 感谢凯程郑老师对本文做出的重要贡献 2015考研初试已经结束,小编在考后整理了2015年广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士(MTI)考研真题(网友回忆版),请参考! MTI初试考试流程: 星期六上午8:30-11:30考研政治星期六下午2:00-5:00翻译硕士英语 星期天上午8:30-11:30英语翻译基础星期天下午2:00-5:00汉语写作与百科知识 一、101考研政治 政治网上的经验资料很多,大家可以去参考,我就推荐考前冲刺卷用肖秀荣4套卷,今年押对了几个选择题和大题,而且选择题网上有详解,任4我也买了,有一些错题,而且选择题答案没有详解,为节约大家经费,可以不用买任4。2015的政治比往年更加灵活,选择题覆盖面广,中国近代史考的内容很细,大家可以去看真题。 二、211翻译硕士英语 1、选择题:好像没几个语法题,考的都很简单,有个either or和neither nor的区别。其他题目就记得几个词组了:gear up to, set off to, carve up。有几个选择题都是跟埃博拉疫情相关的。 2、阅读:前面两篇忘了,不过不是很难。第三篇:很多外来移民涌入英国,有的人认为好,可以带来年轻的劳动力,没怎么减少英国人的福利,其他人认为不好,使得就业竞争激烈,当地人的福利下降等。两个问答题分别针对这两个方面的。第四篇:西班牙的什么地方想要独立出来成为一个国家,民众对此意见不一,有的人投票支持独立,其他人不支持独立。 3、作文:关于高等教育改革,有的人认为现在的教育体系已经实行了改革,有的人认为需要进行彻底的改革,阐述你的观点。 三、357英语翻译基础 1、词组翻译:十八届四中全会,民族凝聚力,廉租房,洲际弹道导弹,综合国力,零和博弈,货物吞吐量,农田水利化,一站式服务,剩余劳动力,暂住证,镇馆之宝。merger and acquisition, royalty rate, light literature, income tax return, export tax refund, collegiate tribunal, civic responsibilities, Financial Times, inflation-proof banking savings, public service


2011年硕士研究生入学统一考试(西医综合) 一.A型题:1-90小题,每小题1.5分;91-120题,每题2分:共195分。在每小题给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中请选出一项最符合题目要求的。 1.下列生理活动中,存在负反馈控制的是: A.动作电位的产生B.血糖浓度的调节 C.排便反射的过程D.兴奋的突触传播 2.神经-肌接头的终板膜上,实现跨膜信号转导的方式是: A.受体-G蛋白-AC途径B.受体-G蛋白-LC途径 C.离子通道受体途径D.酪氨酸酶受体途径 3.与Nernst公式计算所得相比,实际测得的神经细胞静息电位值: A.恰等于K+平衡电位 B.恰等于Na+平衡电位 C.多近于Na+平衡电位D.接近于K+平衡电位 4.可导致红细胞沉降速率增快的影响因素是: A.血细胞比容增大B.血浆球蛋白含量增多 C.红细胞脆性增大D.血浆白蛋白量增多 5.Rh阴性的母亲生下Rh阳性子女,有可能: A.巨幼红细胞性贫血B.血友病 C.新生儿溶血性贫血D.红细胞增多症 6.一个心动周期中,心室内容积最大的时期是: A.心房收缩期末B.减慢充盈期末 C.减慢射血期末D.快速充盈期末 7.生理情况下,人的中心静脉压升高时见于: A.心脏射血能力加强B.体位由直立变为平卧 C.从卧位改为站立D.由吸气相改为呼气相 8.体内CO2分压最高的部位是: A.组织液B.细胞内液C.毛细血管血液D.静脉血液 9.中枢化学感受器的生理性刺激是: A.动脉血液中CO2分压B.动脉血液中的O2分压 C.外周血液中的H+浓度D.脑脊液和细胞外的H+浓度 10.下列选项中,减慢胃排空的是: A.迷走-迷走反射B.肠-胃反射C.胃酸D.促胰液素 11.下列选项中,能缓解Ca2+在小肠吸收的是: A.葡萄糖B.植酸C.草酸盐D.磷酸盐 12.临床上测定能量代谢时,为了简洁,只需测定: A.一定时间内的CO2产生量B.非蛋白氧热价 C.非蛋白呼吸商D.一定时间内的氧耗量 13.当环境温度低于皮肤温度时,人体散热的主要方式是: A.辐射B.传导C.对流D.不感蒸发 14.下列选项中,能使肾小球过滤率升高的是: A.肾血流量增多B.肾小球囊内压增高 C.血浆晶体渗透压降低D.血浆胶体渗透压降低 15.肾小管稀释尿液的部位主要是: A.近端小管B.集合管C.髓袢升支粗段D.远曲小管


PART Ⅰ DICTATION 1. Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE. In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable for the average family in the UK, and more people started travelling abroad for their summer holidays. After all, the British weather wasn’t ver y good, even in summer, so a lot of people left the country for a vacation. In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became wealthier on average. As a result, they started to go abroad in groups to places such as Spain and Greece. Once they arrived at their destination, they met with other groups of young people and had one long party. British holidaying habits have begun to change, however. Climate change means that the UK now has a hotter climate, so people do not need to go overseas to find good weather. Also, going abroad is more expensive. As a result, more British people are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the UK. PART Ⅱ LISTENING COMPREHENSION In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 1. Which of the statements about the auto show is INCORRECT? A The show will have more stands this year. B The show will have more visitors this year. C The number of overseas visitors will be the same this year. D The number of exhibition days will be the same this year. 2. According to the conversation, the price for a stand would include A a catalogue B a poster C two desks D four chairs.


TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2011) GRADE EIGHT TIME LIMIT: 195 MIN PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONL Y. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture. Classifications of Cultures According to Edward Hall, different cultures result in different ideas about the world. Hall is an anthropologist. He is interested in relations between cultures. I. High-context culture A. feature - context: more important than the message - meaning: (1)__________ i.e. more attention paid to (2) ___________ than to the message itself B. examples - personal space - preference for (3)__________ - less respect for privacy / personal space - attention to (4)___________ - concept of time - belief in (5)____________ interpretation of time - no concern for punctuality - no control over time II. Low-context culture A. feature - message: separate from context - meaning: (6)___________ B. examples - personal space - desire / respect for individuality / privacy - less attention to body language


2011英语专四听力真题及答案 --后附答案PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation. 1. Which of the statements about the auto show is INCORRECT? A. The show will have more stands this year. B. The show will have more visitors this year. C. The number of overseas visitors will be the same this year. D. The number of exhibition days will be the same this year. 2. According to the conversation, the price for a stand would include _____. A. a catalogue B. a poster C. two desks D. four chairs 3. During the conversation, the man seems to be more interested in _____. A. the size of the show B. the cost of the stand C. the basic furniture D. the visitor number Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the


2018年广东外语外贸大学翻译硕士考研真题回忆及分析 翻译硕士考研结束后,勤思教研室老师结合学员的真题回忆,做了部分院校的真题分析,今天老师给大家带来的是18年广东外语外贸大学的翻硕真题,有计划在19年考广外的宝宝们,要擦亮双眼喽~ 211翻硕英语: 单选很难,题干句子结构复杂,每个选项也比较长。tips:需要合理安排时间,单选部分不能耽误太长时间,否则后边阅读写不完; 阅读理解40分,前两篇是选择,难度系数不大,后两篇是问答(任务型阅读),难度一般。 作文题目:有人说机器翻译越来越完美,你认为能否取代pure human work? What’s your view? Write an essay not less than 400words with an elaborate title…… 【分析】结合211真题回忆我们不难看出,广外的211焦点基本上都在单选部分,单选较难,阅读考察单选和问答两种形式,难度一般。同时要说的是今年广外的作文,考察的是机器翻译能否取代人类的问题,也就是机器和人的问题,这个问题是今年考的比较多,也比较热的,因此在19年备考的时候,方向要侧重社会热点问题。 357英语翻译基础: Part one 短语汉译英 新时代中国特色社会主义 人力资源部和社会保障部 中国科学院 十九大 国家旅游局 贸易自由化 非政府组织 全面战略伙伴关系 和平共处 全球治理 中国(上海)自由贸易区 零和游戏 外商直接投资 香港特别行政区 千家发展目标 Part two短语英译汉 Greater Mekong Sub-region Digital divide Demographic dividend World Economic Forum Stem cell research Natural reserve The Latin America and the Caribbe Gulf Cooperation Council Economic deleveraging Nuclear non-proliferation


2000 年 41.Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people___. A. do B. hear C. do them D. hearing it 答案: A【参考译文】敏锐的听觉使多数动物能远在人之前感觉到雷雨的来临。 【试题分析】本题为语法题,考句子成份的省略与替代。【详细解答】“ Acute hearing helps”是主句和before 引导的从句具有相同的主语和谓语,从句中省略了该相同部分, 用助动词do 代替了与主句重复的信息“sense the approach of thunderstorms .”故答案为选项 A。 42.This is an illness that can result in total blindness ___ left untreated. A. after B. if C. since D. unless 答案: B【参考译文】这种病如果不加以治疗,患者会完全失明。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查连词的用法。【详细解答】after 和 since 都是引导时间 状语从句, since 还可作“因为”讲,引导原因状语从句。if“如果”和unless“除非”都可以引导条件状语从句。但if 后接过去分词短语,省略的成分为主语+系动词,该主语只有与主句的主语相同才可省略。根据句意和句子结构,选项 B 为正确答案。43.The central provinces have floods in some years, and ___. A. drought in others B. droughts are others C. while other droughts D. others in drought 答案: A【参考译文】中部省份在有些年份会遭水灾,在另一些年份会遭旱 灾。【试题分析】本题为语法结构题。【详细解答】这是一个并列句,句中and 是并列连词,它后面连接的内容与前面的“floods in some years ”是并列成份,要求结构相同。 drought in others 中 others 指代 years。故选项 A 为正确答案。 44. Do help yourself to some fruit,___ you?


2019 年813 经济学真题回忆 (注:广外2018 年将往年814 改为813.分开出题,金融学日后 考的是813) 一、名词解释(30 分) 1.吉芬商品 2.生产者剩余 3.帕累托最优 4.货币幻觉 5.流动性偏好 6.摩擦性失业 二、简答题(40 分) 1.完全垄断市场条件 2.厂商使用生产要素的利润最大化原则 3.自动稳定器的作用是怎么发挥的 4.通货膨胀的对社会和经济的影响 三、计算题(30 分) 各种成本计算 总供给总需求曲线平移计算 四、论述题(50 分) 1.如何理解看不见的手和市场失灵的现象 2.你认为目前阻碍我国经济发展的原因是什么,未来经济发展的动力是什么? 2018年813经济学真题回忆(注:广外2018年将往年814改为813. 分开出题,金融学日后考的是813) 一、名词解释 1.需求的价格弹性 2.消费者剩余 3.经济租金 4.货币创造乘数 5.财政政策 6.结构性失业 二、简答 7.简述生产的规模经济递增、生产的规模经济递减、生产的规模经济不变。 8.简述完全竞争市场具备的条件 9.简述投资的决定因素

10.简述凯恩斯总供给曲线的特征 三、计算 11.给出TC(Q)=Q3+5Q2-15Q+66,(1)可变成本部分和不可变成本部分 (2)求TVC,AC,TFC,AFC,MC 12.给c=30-0.8yd,i=60,g=50,tn=50,nx=50-0.05yd (1)均衡收入 (2)净出口余额 (3)投资乘数 (4)当投资变为70,求均衡收入和净出口余额 (5)当nx=40-0.05yd,求均衡收入和净出口余额 四、论述 13.论述外部影响的存在对资源配置的影响,对建设美丽中国的启示 14.论述经济增长的源泉,我国供给侧改革 2017年814经济学真题回忆 一、名词解释 1、纳什均衡 2、市场失灵 3、菲利普斯曲线 4、自助稳定器 5、流动性陷阱 6、生产者剩余 二、简答题 1、画图说明垄断厂商的短期均衡和长期均衡的形成以及条件。 2、画图说明正常物品的替代效应和收入效应。 3、画图说明乘数的“加速数”作用机制。 4、什么是通货膨胀及其分类和成因? 三、计算题(都是肥肠简单的题) 1、关于IS-LM方程,(类似2010年第二题) (1)求均衡收入、利率和投资; (2)在IS变动后,求新的均衡收入、利率和投资; (3)问比较(1)和(2)是否存在挤出效应。 2、关于生产成本,给出一个生产成本函数, (1)求出AP和MP; (2)问此厂商是否在生产合理区间。 四、论述题 1、什么是边际报酬递减,什么是规模报酬递减,试比较两者主要区别。 2、凯恩斯如何从三大心理规律,消费倾向、资本边际效率、货币需求偏好,发展他的“有效需求不足”理论? 2016年814经济学真题回忆 一、名词解释 1、潜在GDP 2、外部经济 3、平衡预算乘数 4、投资 5、帕累托最优 6、遗忘


827英美文学与翻译2011年真题回忆版 Part one literature 第一题:someone say that “a good literary work is a combination of pleasure and disquietness”what do you think of it? Select a work and point out where u can find pleasure and disquietness. 第二题:someone say that “a good literary work is a question minus answer”,what do you think of it? Select a work or play and point out how the writer pose the question and what extent he answers the question. 第三题:this is a short passage taken from the preface of the《leaves of grass》from Walt Whitman The Americans of all nations at any time upon the earth have probably the fullest poetical nature. The United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem. In the history of the earth hitherto the largest and most stirring appear tame and orderly to their ampler largeness and stir. Here at last is something in the doings of man that corresponds with the broadcast doings of the day and night. Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations. Here is action untied from strings necessarily blind to particulars and details magnificently moving in vast masses. Here is the hospitality which forever indicates heroes . . . . Here are the roughs and beards and space and ruggedness and nonchalance that the soul loves. Here the performance disdaining the trivial unapproached in the tremendous audacity of its crowds and groupings and the push of its perspective spreads with crampless and flowing breadth and showers its prolific and splendid extravagance. One sees it must indeed own the riches of the summer and winter, and need never be bankrupt while corn grows from the ground or the orchards drop apples or the bays contain fish or men beget children upon women. Other states indicate themselves in their deputies . . . . but the genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures, nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges or churches or parlors, nor even in its newspapers or inventors . . . but always most in the common


一、选择题1*30分 难度较高,跟我们平时做的专四词汇不一样,感觉像是从外刊上直接摘抄下来的句子,有几句是从同一篇摘抄出来的。考点语法点并不是很明晰,做这30道题我用了半个多小时……感觉广外这两年风格越来越偏向务实了。 二、阅读题4篇文章,共40分 材料生词较多,内容也比较新颖,感觉还是从外刊上摘出来的文章。但是题不难。 三、写作30分 题目大概是“some people believe that if a couple have a regular job, they will have a more harmonious family relationship, while others have totally different opinion.”让你针对此观点写一篇400词的作文,这里的a regular job个人感觉不好理解,考场上我内心那个纠结的呀…… 一、词汇翻译(抄在准考证上带出来的=。=) 【汉译英】1*15 1 大众创业 2 中澳自贸协定 3 一带一路 4 城镇化 5 世界反法西斯战争 6 新常态 7 命运共同体 8 经济发展快车道 9 产能过剩 10 多边贸易体系 11 千年发展目标 12 生态足迹 13 董事总经理 14 商务部部长助理 15 区域经济一体化 【英译汉】1*15 1 United Nations Economic and Social Council 2 pro vice chancellor 3 the ASEAN Community 4 mutural but distinctive responsibility 5 corrupt fugitive repatriation


“Congratulations, Mr. Cooper. It?s a girl.” Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and (31) a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel (32) when they receive the news, (33) others worry, wondering whether they will be good father. (34) there are some men who like children and may have had (35) experience with them, others do not particularly (36) children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. (37) other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have (38) willingly or unwillingly. Whatever the (39) to the birth of a child, it is obvious the shift from the role of husband to (40) of a father is a difficult task. (41) , unfortunately, few attempts have been made to (42) fathers in this resocialization (43) . Although numerous books have been written about mothers, (44) recently has literature focused on the (45) of a father. It is argued that the transition to the father's role, although difficult, is not (46) as great as the transition the wife must (47) to the mother's role. The mother's role seems to require a complete (48) in daily routine. (49) , the father?s role is less demanding and (50) . 31. A. bring down B. bring forth C. bring off D. bring in 32. A. emotional B. sentimental C. bewildered D. proud 33. A. while B. when C. if D. as 34. A. When B. If C. Although D. Yet 35. A. considerate B. considerable C. considering D. considered 36. A. care about B. care of C. care with D. care for 37. A. For B. Of C. From D. Upon 38. A. received B. taken C. accepted D. obtained 39. A. reply B. reaction C. readiness D. reality 40. A. what B. this C. one D. that 41. A. As a result B. For example C. Yet D. Also 42. A. educate B. cultivate C. inform D. convert 43. A. step B. process C. point D. time 44. A. / B. just C. quite D. only 45. A. role B. work C. career D. position 46. A. a little B. just C. nearly D. almost 47. A. take B. make C. carry D. accept 48. A. transformation B. realization C. socialization D. reception 49. A. In addition B. Above all C. Generally D. However 50. A. current B. immediate C. present D. quick TEXT A We have a crisis on our hands. You mean global warning? The world economy? No, the decline of reading. People are just not doing it anymore, especially the young. Who?s responsible? Actually, it?s more like, What is responsible? The Internet, of course, and everything that comes with it —Facebook, Twitter (微博). You can write your own list. There?s been a warning about the imminent death of literate civilization for a long time. In the 20th century, first it was the movies, then radio, then television that seemed to spell doom for the written world. None did. Reading survived; in fact it not only survived, it has flourished. The world is more literate than ever before —there are more and more readers, and more and more books. The fact that we often get our reading material online today is not something we should worry over. The electronic and digital revolution of the last two decades has arguably shown the way forward for reading and for writing. Take the arrival of e-book readers as an example. Devices like Kindle make reading more convenient and are a lot more environmentally friendly than the traditional paper book.

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