当前位置:文档之家› 长沙导游词英文3篇






篇1:长沙导游词英语Good morning! Welcome to the beautiful star city - changsha, first of all, please allow me, on behalf of all the staff of travel agencies was the warmest welcome the arrival of you, welcome to the "red sun" tour of the organization, is the red line, because we go. Shaoshan is the rising sun, so this journey we call red sun.To introduce myself, I am the red sun tour guide, my name is zhao, in order to facilitate you can call me xiao zhao, on xiao zhao left, that is our director of master, master X X master drive technology is good, the rich, treats people the enthusiasm, so we all can be at ease in his car, you have what problem can carry out on the road, xiao zhao and X teacher will try our best to service for you, ok, let's have a great journey together!Our journey began, and that is now under our feet with a "openning the first all the way" of the famous wuyi avenue and no.3, it represents the changsha tomorrow, changsha boom radiates away from here, is founded in 1951 on May 1, so hence the name, was the first asphalt road, the road only 9 meters wide, but along with the development of The Times, traffic developed, 9 meters wide far cannot satisfy the shuttle vehicles. Until 2000, spent five months time to repair, that is what we see now, with all my heartOf 51 avenue,

east railway station, west check the xiangjiang river bridge, a total length of 4138 meters, up to 60 meters in length, road for double tenth lanes, no.3 traffic is orderly, but most of the drivers don't want to go this way, is this why? On the road there are 3 sets of original and 6 digital television monitoring equipment, carelessly is easy to copy brand, so drivers is have a love-hate relationship!Where the source of the wuyi avenue? She is behind the changsha railway station, she construction in 1975, completed in 1977, with the Shanghai railway station ` Beijing railway station called China's three largest train station, that in the middle of the railway station there is a clock tower, tower 63.7 meters high, the clock tower at the top of the hour will be played best young's "east is red" LeDian, as if to tell you that you have come to the generation of a great man of chairman MAO's hometown - hunan. In the clock tower above, there is a building that xiao zhao excuse me everybody, think what is she like? Yes, she is the red torch. Maybe someone will ask, now that is the torch, why not be waving? But go straight into the blue sky? Xiao zhao to the problem have to explain for everybody, because before railway station built, comes at a time - leather, stylist designed to float to the left her, said there will be left; In the designed to the right, say again afraid will have the right, then, designer simply put her into a straight at the torch of the above. In fact, she is very like a specialty: let's hunan capsicum frutescens var, she is our chairman

MAO's favorite kind of food, she also is a symbol of our people of hunan hot and enthusiasm, not to have such a saying: people are not afraid of spicy sichuan, guizhou people is afraid of hot, hunan people are afraid of not hot.Ok, now let's Yuan Guling overpass, why called Yuan Guling overpass? And not called Li Guling ` the wangjialing overpass? Because it is said that in the large pieces of the earth that is inhabited by a certain family. So in the construction of the bridge was named after had to. It is built down, in addition to the beautiful and also have the effect of ease the earthquake. Can anyone who has both advantages and disadvantages, hunan is a rainy provinces, if encounter rainy weather, the bridge will be accumulated rainwater, formation water bring pedestrians through the troubles and inconvenience caused. I'm afraid this is hou only white water rafting and line!That is on the right-hand side of the xiao zhao shaoshanlu, because was not to shaoshan road, then built the road; Shaoshan.Good, that you pay attention to have a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus, it is in the city of changsha were: camphor trees, camphor leaves small but, under the big camphor tree is a good place to enjoy cool air, using camphor tree of camphor ball can drive midge catch ants, took a few pieces of camphor tree chew Ye Qing washed into the mouth, can also be sober refreshing. About the camphor tree,In changsha, there is such a local custom, it is the parents to marry the daughter of a set of

camphorwood furniture is very decent. On the left hand side, xiao zhao is welcome road, 1972, President Nixon's visit to welcome the President of the United States and to build a road. Across the welcome road is a red and white building, she is 2 hospital of hunan province the government.Were made, xiao zhao mentioned that we're here to learn about the tree of hunan province, it is the magnolia tree, it is from guangzhou introduced a tree. Suiting the city of changsha, azaleas, see the cuckoo that can want to went to the countryside, three in April, when the brilliant red cuckoo open full of hills, not to mention how beautiful. Fancy suiting of hunan province, is a hibiscus, since ancient times, hunan is known as lotus countries. Chairman MAO's poem says, "the kingdom of the lotus from zhaohui". Lotus, also can be divided into water and cotton rose hibiscus. Then xiao zhao, please everyone: "what is water lotus? Cotton rose?" Ha ha! Cotton rose is magnolia, water lotus is lotus.Ok, now let's to lotus road, beside the lotus road, changsha is the new lotus square, you can see in the middle of a sculpture, that is the daughter of liuyang river, you must be attracted by her long hair? The daughter of liuyang river nine curved hair, a symbol of the liuyang river nine bending. It reminds us of the beautiful sounds of "liuyang river", the product comforms to the drawing that xiao zhao here, give you sing a song "liuyang river", we hope you enjoy it.Okay, now we see the underlying white doves building is the

famous peace hall business building. Peace in Japanese is the meaning of peace, meaning and harmonic development. There is a sino-japanese joint venture of shopping malls, Japan accounted for 60% of the company, shareholders shareholder China accounted for 40%. Before peace hall was built, the unearthed here most of the country's bamboo slips, which records the chu the history of The Three Kingdoms period, now the peace of the sixth floor display, also has people in shopping may wish to visit.In front of the hall of peace is the wuyi square, square in the middle there is a huge music fountain, at eight o 'clock every night, music fountain will dance with music. Now please look the top of the wuyi square, you can see a small house, like the eyes there is big eyes "- the voice of the golden eagle.


关于长沙英文导游词五篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。下面是搜集的关于长沙英文导游词五篇,希望对你有所帮助。 关于长沙英文导游词(一) Welcome to! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you. Changsha, the ancient called "tam states", is a famous chu city, surrounded by city and happiness. Changsha as the first batch of historical and cultural cities in China, has three thousand years of splendid ancient civilization, is the ancestor of the chu culture and hunan culture, the archaeological wonders of the world "mawangdui han tomb unearthed here. Hunan changsha now the capital of hunan province, is the political, economic, cultural, transportation and science and education center, is also the ring


( 导游词范文) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-027559 长城导游词英语作文English composition of tour guide words of the Great Wall

长城导游词英语作文 长城导游词英语作文一: China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering. It located at China's capital Beijing. He is China is most famous, greatest construction. The Great Wall is the miracle which our country ancient times the working people created. Starts from the Warring States time, constructs Great Wall has been a big project. It has 6700 kilometers. Our country ancient times millions of working people have contributed the wisdom for it, has drained away the blood and sweat, causes it to become a world big miracle. Therefore said that the Great Wall is China's symbol To the northwest and north of Beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags it's way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. This is the Great Wall, which is said to be visible from the moon. Construction of the Great Wall started in the 7th century B.C. The vassal states under the Zhou Dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defence purposes. After the state of Qin unified China in 221


长沙旅游导游词3篇 长沙旅游导游词3篇 长沙,简称长,别称星城、楚汉名城,国家首批历史文化名城,国家级综合配套改革试验区之一,国家级两化融合试验区之一,国家十二五规划确定的重点开发区域,南中国综合性交通枢纽。下面是为大家带来的长沙旅游导游词,希望大家喜欢。 篇1: 长沙旅游导游词 欢迎大家来到长沙!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下长沙名字的由来。 长沙之名最早见于3000多年以前的西周。此后历朝历代,长沙均为湖湘首邑和南方重镇,新中国成立后,长沙作为湖南省省会,成为国务院首批颁布的24座历史文化名城之一。 长沙一名是怎么得来的,历来众说纷纭,史籍记载各异,概括起来主要有以下几说: 一,得名于长沙星 《史记天官书》云: 天则有列宿,地则有州域。二十八宿中轸宿有一附星名为长沙,古人按星象分野的理论,将长沙之地以应长沙星,认为长沙地名源于星名,故长沙又有星沙之称。 二,得名于万里沙祠 万里沙祠一说最早见于晋阚马因所著《十三州志》:

汉有万里沙祠,而西自湘州,至东莱万里,故曰长沙。此后,唐代李吉甫的《元和郡县志》援引《东方朔记》云: 南郡有万里沙祠,自湘州至东莱可万里,故曰长沙。唐杜佑《通典》中潭洲秦为长沙郡的自注亦云: 有万里沙祠,故曰长沙。于是以后的各代地方志,多引此说作长沙得名之源,并加以阐发考释,认为长沙在古代有祭礼沙土之神的活动。 三,得名于沙土之地 长沙的地质结构为以石英砂岩、砂砾岩、粉砂岩及页岩等为基础,经过长年的外力作用,地层崩塌的岩石,经风化和水流的冲刷,使大量的砂、石都聚积于地表,特别是现长沙市区所在的湘江河谷地带,分布着大片的沙滩,沙洲等,每当枯水时节,这些洲、滩露出,向人们展现出成片的砂土,尤其是沙粒长大,白沙如霜雪,这种景象很是引人注目,故古籍中多有称长沙为沙乡或沙土之地。如唐大历间长沙太守张谓著《长沙土风碑铭》引《遁甲记》云: 沙土之地,云阳之墟。又《路史》曰: 沙,为长沙;云阳,为茶陵。又《元和郡县志》云: 《禹贡》荆州之域,春秋为黔中地,楚之南境。秦并天下,分黔中以南之沙乡为长沙郡,以统湘川。 四,得名于长形的沙洲 长沙湘江中的水陆洲,长约5000米,宽约100米,是一较有特色的地理景观。 五,得名于蛮越语祭礼女神的地方


长沙旅游导游词 我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 百果园观光休闲基地位于长沙市西郊雷锋大道7公里处,占地面积1100亩,投入资金6500万元。先后从美国、法国、埃及、日本及国内10多个省市科研育种单位引进优质果茶品种资源25类158个,建成果茶母本园250亩,优质高产示范园300亩,采穗圃200亩,良种苗木繁殖圃150亩。 基地内视野开阔,布局合理,果茶林木成行成列,大棚设施规模宏大。宽广的葡萄架下果实累累,此起彼伏的山丘上葱绿满眼、果茶满坡。从以色列引进的电脑自控滴喷灌系统喷射着甘露,数百亩果茶园的灌溉全由电脑操控,是省城第一座以赏果、品茶、垂钓为主题的农业观光休闲园。 这里空气清新,景色怡人,神似世外桃源。春有草莓、樱桃、“明前”茶;夏有枇杷、苹果、葡萄、桃、李、杨梅与瓜类;秋有板栗、柿、枣、梨类、猕猴桃;冬有柑桔、橙类等。一年四季,百果飘香,是个名符其实的“百果园”。镶嵌在青山果园之间面积近80 亩的人工湖,湖水波光粼粼、跳跃闪烁。 入园游览或羡鱼垂钓或观赏休憩,既大饱了口福,又品味了亲手采撷的乐趣。使人在畅游了绿的海洋,品尝了甜美的果实,呼吸了清新的空气后,若还意犹未尽的话,还可挑选几样碧翠鲜嫩的无公害蔬菜带回家,与家人或亲朋好友共享这大自然的惠赠。

百果园度假酒店可为农业高科技培训和旅游观光团队及各类会议、商务客人提供更周到更舒适的服务。酒店建筑面积5000㎡,共有客房50间(套),综合楼按三星级硬件标准修建、贵宾楼按四星级标准配套;各类餐厅、包厢等共500余餐位;各类商务会议室、接待室多间。另有水果(蔬菜)自采、高尔夫球、骑马、垂钓、农家乐、拓展、、球类、健身、烧烤、KTV等十余种室内外娱乐项目供选择。 作为湖南省首批“科普基地”之一,百果园每年接待游客约30万人以上,与各大旅行社合作开展的学生春秋季“科技游”活动,取得较好的社会效益,使百果园品牌逐渐深入人心。自建园以来获得“全省绿化先进集体”、“长沙市生态休闲观光农业协会团体会员单位”、“湖南省科普基地”、“市民喜爱的长沙十佳乡村旅游点”、“长沙市‘五星级休闲农业庄园’”等荣誉。另,湖南省五星级农庄、长沙市食品安全信用体系试点企业的申报工作也正进行。 长沙旅游导游词2 欢迎大家来到!我是你们的导游,我姓x,大家可以叫我小x。为了便于大家参观游玩,下面我首先大家介绍一下。 百果园始建于1998年,占地面积1100亩,隶属湖南省农业厅,是国家农业部和共同投资建设的国家级种苗龙头,又是我省规模大、科技含量高、生态环境美、观光休闲配套全的现代农业高科技生态观光园。自建园以来获得“国家种苗龙头基地”、“国家农业旅游示范点”、“湖南省五星级休闲农庄”、“湖南省休闲农业示范点”、“湖南省科普教育基地”、“全省绿化先进集体”、“长沙市十佳乡村旅游点”、“长


长沙导游词的作文精选 长沙的旅游胜地也有很多,比如:太平街,小西门,天心阁,白沙古井,岳麓书院等等一些名胜古迹。下面是为大家带来的长沙导游词作文,希望大家喜欢。 长沙的导游词 早上好!欢迎大家来到美丽星城——长沙,首先请允许我代表旅行社的全体员工对大家的到来表示最热烈的欢迎,欢迎参加本次组织的“红太阳之旅”,因为我们走的是红色路线,。韶山又是太阳升起的地方,所以我们这次旅程就叫红太阳之旅。 自我介绍一下吧,我是本次红太阳之旅的导游,我姓赵,为了方便大家可以叫我小赵,那在小赵的左手边,是咱们的司长师傅X师傅,X师傅开车技术好,经丰富,待人热情,所以我们坐他的车尽可以放心,大家在旅途中有什么问题尽可以提出来,小赵和X师傅会尽全力为各位服务,好了,让我们共同拥有一个美好的旅程! 我们的旅程开始了,那现在在我们脚下是有着“三湘第一路”的著名的五一大道又叫五一路,它代表着长沙的明天,长沙的繁荣地带就是从这里辐射开来的,始建于1951年5月1日,所以因此而得名,是当时第一条柏油马路,路幅只有9米宽,可随着时代的发展,交通的发达,9米宽远远满足不了往来穿梭的车辆。直到20xx年花费了5个月的时间进行整修,也就是我们现在看到的全心 1/ 7

界的五一大道,她东起火车站,西止湘江一桥,全长4138米, 路幅宽达60米,为双十车道,五一路的交通算是井然有序,可司机们大多不愿走这条路,这是为什么呢?原来在这条道上有3套电视监控设备和6个电子眼,一不小心很容易被抄牌,所以司机们是有又爱又恨了! 那五一大道的源头在哪里呢?她就是大家身后的长沙火车站,她于1975年施工,1977年竣工,与上海火车站`北京火车站合称中国三大火车站,那在火车站的中间有个钟楼,钟楼高63.7米,钟楼在整点会奏响优扬的《东方红》乐典,仿佛在告诉大家,您已经来到了一代伟人毛主席的故乡——湖南。而在钟楼上方有一个建筑,那小赵就请问大家,觉得她像什么呢?对,她就是红红的火炬。或许会有人问,既然是火炬,为什么不随风飘扬呢?而是笔直冲向蓝天呢?对于这个问题小赵得给大家解释解释了,因为在火车站建成之前,正值文-革时期,设计师把她设计成向左飘,就会有左倾之说;那在设计成往右倾呢,又怕会有右派之说,于是,设计师干脆把她设计成一把直冲上空的火炬了。其实,她也很像咱们湖南的一种特产:朝天椒,她可是咱们毛主席特别喜爱的一种食物,她也象征着咱们湖南人火辣辣的热情,不是有这样一句俗话吗:四川人是不怕辣,贵州人是辣不怕,湖南人是怕不辣。 好了,现在咱们上袁家岭立交桥了,那为什么叫做袁家岭立交桥?而不叫做李家岭`张家岭立交桥呢?因为据说在这一大块地上居住着 一户姓袁的家族。所以在修建这座桥是就以袁氏来命名。它是向下修2/ 7


旅游英语景区英文介绍-万里长城 In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture. Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. Those that happened during construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu's story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu's story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu's bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu's husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners. Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic. He calculated that it would


2020 湖南导游词长沙一日游导游词3 篇_089文档 EDUCATION WORD

湖南导游词长沙一日游导游词3篇_089文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,教育,就是实现上述社会功能的最重要的一个独立出来的过程。其目的,就是把之前无数个人有价值的观察、体验、思考中的精华,以浓缩、 系统化、易于理解记忆掌握的方式,传递给当下的无数个人,让个人从中获益,丰 富自己的人生体验,也支撑整个社会的运作和发展。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 一个星期五的早上,天蒙蒙亮,我就起床了。因为今天东方红学校组织所有小记者去长沙酷贝拉举行活动。我早已整装待发,带好干粮,便向学校进军了! 到了学校,国旗台前早已座无虚席。只见小记者们早已穿好校服,带好红领巾,在那里静静地等候着。国旗台旁有几辆双层观光巴士,整齐的停放在那里,只等老师一声令下,就带我们奔向心仪已久的酷贝拉!车子徐徐开动,同学们激动万分,一路上的活动有声有色令我们应接不暇......特别是李校长的一曲《高粱红》技压全场,博得了同学们的阵阵掌声! 到了酷贝拉,我发现和我们一起搞活动的,还有阳湖博才小学的同学们,我找到了一个小伙伴,我们约定,看谁挣的酷币多!首先,我根据学校的安排参加了三个规定的项目:在消防署,我冒着浓烟冲过了烟道逃生;在押运公司,我身负重任,保证了资金

的安全运输;在联通公司,我学会了几种通讯工具的使用…… 终于到了自由活动的时间。我迫不及待地来到了人寿保险公司。通过人寿公司姐姐的耐心讲解,我明白了:保险是父母为儿女做准备;生前为死后做准备;现在为将来做准备;也就是花少量的钱,为以后的生活买个保障。我还懂得了保险分为商业保险和社会保险。社会保险又分为养老、生育、失业、意外、工伤保险这五类。商业保险分为人身保险和财产保险两类。学到了保险知识,我便兴冲冲地拿了调查表要进行调查问卷了。我把目标锁定在一个阿姨。首先,我自报家门,然后我向她宣传了有关保险的知识,最后我请求她帮我填写调查表。整个过程,我们都是在愉快中度过的。阿姨夸我是一个优秀的保险员。哈哈,我一下子就挣到了15个酷币! 离开了保险公司,我立马来到了警察署。我的警员编号为酷007。当对讲机响起,有人抢劫银行,我们便出发去捉拿小偷。小偷东逃西窜,我们在后面狂追。跑过了大街小巷,小偷终于体力不支,落入了警网,束手就擒!小偷招认,偷了1081万的酷币,我们便带他搜查窝点,找到了赃款。这次抓小偷,虽然消耗了我大量的体力,但是我真的很开心,能够为民除害,我感到无比荣耀! 接下来我应聘了航空公司,加油站,蛋糕屋。通过我的努力,我一共挣了100个酷币! 欢乐的时光总是过得很快,到了下午两点,我们就要班师回朝了。同学们意犹未尽,和身边的小伙伴分享着自己的战果与心


湖南凤凰古城中英文导游词 凤凰古城国家历史文化名城,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城。这里与吉首的德夯苗寨,永顺的猛洞河,贵州的梵净山相毗邻,是怀化、吉首、贵州铜仁三地之间的必经之路。 209国道和湘黔省道从县境穿叉过,铜仁大兴机场距县城仅27公里,交通实为便利。 各位朋友,大家好–吗?(声音洪亮)今天小导和大家一起去闯闯美丽的龙潭虎穴–—湘西,解放初期湘西就一直有中国的盲肠之称。闭塞的交通、恶劣的环境、一种诡异的鬼神文化、一群忠厚血性的蛮人,构成了原始神秘又不失美艳的大湘西,等候大家千年之久的凤凰古城就坐落在这样的环境之中。 不远千里,花钱若干,再加上四个半小时的车程,我们就能身临其境的感受中国最美丽的小城的绝世风貌了。漫漫的征程一点都不会让我们寂寞,一小时后我们将闻到刘晓庆米豆腐的清香、茶叶飘香的古丈今天还留有宋祖英的嘹亮歌声、高度自治的州政府吉首会让你感受土司自治的遗风、209国道的按摩路定会一扫旅途的疲劳,凤凰古城就在200多公里的那头静静的等着我们。 五代十国,天下割据,各国之间的门户之争非常激烈,楚王马殷与湘西部落的战争就发生在湘西门户永顺县的酉水之畔。江西人士彭士愁定居在永顺后凭借其厚重的德性竟然被推举为土家部落首领,马殷之子马希范(第二代楚王)为了征服湘西的山民,便与彭在酉水(猛洞河)发生了大规模的战争,结果双方僵持不下,被迫签订了有名的溪州停战协议,并将协议内容可在国家二级文物溪州铜柱上。按照协议,湘西各部落开始进入了自治管理的阶段,这就是在湘西延续了800多年的土司制度的诞生,当年酉水旁边的一个小村落也成 了历史上第一个土司王府所在地,这个村庄到现在还被称为王村,如果不是因为上世纪80年代的一次大事情,我想王村之名还不会落寞下去。 1986年,一群扛着古怪仪器的人来到了这里,一番折腾之后竟然成就了第七界中国电影金鸡奖的传世佳作芙蓉镇。姜文饰演的右派分子秦书田和刘晓庆饰演的豆腐西施胡玉英在 四清五反的运动中不顾环境的艰辛,依然决定将爱情进行到底,在当时感动了多少性情中人啊,这部影片也成了大导演谢晋的扛鼎之作。导演走了,米豆腐的香味却留了下来,昔日胡玉英的113号豆腐店生意还是那么火爆,电影看过了,芙蓉镇的名字也随之留了下来,现在很多人只知道有芙蓉镇,而不知王村在何处。 (进入古丈) 影后的豆腐我们也吃了,芙蓉镇的美艳也见识过了,过了身后不远的芙蓉镇大桥我们就到了湘西的金凤凰宋祖英的家乡了,同时也是著名歌唱家何继光的家乡。 2003年,宋祖英 在世界的音乐殿堂维也纳金色大厅进行了首个华人演唱会,吸引了全世界的眼光。婉转动听的山歌让人如痴如醉;全身上下光芒四射的苗家盛装更是人人叹为观止。苗家人为什么 那么喜欢唱歌和苗家人为什么那么崇拜银饰就成了耐人寻味的问题。


长城的英语导游词 这首诗写得很好,还有许多有关描写万里长城的诗词,我推荐大家有时间去读一读。万里长城是在我国北方辽阔土地上,东西横亘着一道绵绵起伏、气势雄伟,长达一万多里的长墙,这真是人间的美景啊! 东峰,又称朝阳峰,峰顶有朝阳台,在此是观日出的最佳地方。山不在高,有仙则名。华山据传是众多神仙聚居的地方。道家仙境。传说宋太祖赵匡胤与华山隐士陈抟老祖在一个孤峰,上有棋台,那就是他们下棋的地方。陈抟又叫希夷先生,是一个有道行的仙人,二人经过商议,越匡胤以华山来打赌。结果输给了陈抟,按事先订立的条件,华山自此成为道家的道场且永有纳粮。在东东峰的东崖上,有一天然图案。大家看到了吧,像不像一只巨掌?这只巨掌20余丈,五指参差不齐,中指直贯顶峰,每当日光照射,五指跃然如悬图上。这就是所谓的“关中八景”之首的“华岳仙掌”。据说在很久以前,华山和中条山相连,右足登开中条山,给黄河开出一条通道,现在我们看到的就是河神的手指在托华山时留下的指印。 关于长城,还有一个动人的民间传说。有一个普通农家女叫孟姜女,丈夫新婚当天被衙役抓去充当修长城的民夫。孟姜女风餐露宿来到长城后,知道丈夫早已累死了,她就伤心地大哭起来,哭到哪里哪里的长城就“轰隆”“轰隆”倒了,长城不一会就被哭倒了八百里。

长城总长约6700千米,最有名的八达岭长城随山势起伏,南北两边都有高峰耸立着。大家请跟我来。看,长城主要由关隘、城墙和烽火台三部分组成的。城墙是长城的主要工程,特别坚固,是用巨砖、石条等材料砌成的。关隘就是长城沿线的重要驻兵据点。大家请看看旁边,城顶上有一个垛口,每个垛口上都有一个小口,那就是嘹望口。垛口下面都有一个枪击口。至于烽火台,是有军情时点燃烽火来传递信息的建筑。现在,大家站在长城上远眺,是不是前看不到头,后见不着尾呢? China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering. It located at China's capital Beijing. He is China is most famous, greatest construction. The Great Wall is the miracle which our country ancient times the working people created. Starts from the Warring States time, constructs Great Wall has been a big project. It has 6700 kilometers. Our country ancient times millions of working people have contributed the wisdom for it, has drained away the blood and sweat, causes it to become a world big miracle. Therefore said that the Great Wall is China's symbol To the northwest and north of Beijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags it's way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. This is the Great Wall, which is said to be visible


湖南长沙导游词5篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。下面是小编收集整理的湖南长沙导游词5篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 早上好!欢迎大家来到美丽星城——长沙,首先请允许我代表旅行社的全体员工对大家的到来表示最热烈的欢迎,欢迎参加本次组织的“红太阳之旅”,因为我们走的是红色路线,。韶山又是太阳升起的地方,所以我们这次旅程就叫红太阳之旅。 自我介绍一下吧,我是本次红太阳之旅的导游,我姓赵,为了方便大家可以叫我小赵,那在小赵的左手边,是咱们的司长师傅X师傅,X师傅开车技术好,经丰富,待人热情,所以我们坐他的车尽可以放心,大家在旅途中有什么问题尽可以提出来,小赵和X师傅会尽全力为各位服务,好了,让我们共同拥有一个美好的旅程! 我们的旅程开始了,那现在在我们脚下是有着“三湘第一路”的著名的五一大道又叫五一路,它代表着长沙的明天,长沙的繁荣地带就是从这里辐射开来的,始建于1951年5月1日,所以因此而得名,是当时第一条柏油马路,路幅只有9米宽,可随着时代的发展,交通的发达,9米宽远远满足不了往来穿梭的车辆。直到2000年花费了5个月的时间进行整修,也就是我们现在看到的全心 界的五一大道,她东起火车站,西止湘江一桥,全长4138米,

路幅宽达60米,为双十车道,五一路的交通算是井然有序,可司机们大多不愿走这条路,这是为什么呢?原来在这条道上有3套电视监控设备和6个电子眼,一不小心很容易被抄牌,所以司机们是有又爱又恨了! 那五一大道的源头在哪里呢?她就是大家身后的长沙火车站,她于1975年施工,1977年竣工,与上海火车站`北京火车站合称中国三大火车站,那在火车站的中间有个钟楼,钟楼高米,钟楼在整点会奏响优扬的《东方红》乐典,仿佛在告诉大家,您已经来到了一代伟人毛主席的故乡——湖南。而在钟楼上方有一个建筑,那小赵就请问大家,觉得她像什么呢?对,她就是红红的火炬。或许会有人问,既然是火炬,为什么不随风飘扬呢?而是笔直冲向蓝天呢?对于这个问题小赵得给大家解释解释了,因为在火车站建成之前,正值文革时期,设计师把她设计成向左飘,就会有左倾之说;那在设计成往右倾呢,又怕会有右派之说,于是,设计师干脆把她设计成一把直冲上空的火炬了。其实,她也很像咱们湖南的一种特产:朝天椒,她可是咱们毛主席特别喜爱的一种食物,她也象征着咱们湖南人火辣辣的热情,不是有这样一句俗话吗:四川人是不怕辣,贵州人是辣不怕,湖南人是怕不辣。 好了,现在咱们上袁家岭立交桥了,那为什么叫做袁家岭立交桥?而不叫做李家岭`张家岭立交桥呢?因为据说在这一大块地上居住着一户姓袁的家族。所以在修建这座桥是就以袁氏来命名。它是向下修建的,除了美观还起到缓解地震的作用。可凡是有利也有弊,湖南是


长城的导游词-万里长城英文(英语)导游词 In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture. Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. Those that happened during construction are abundant,such as Meng Jiangnu‘s story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu‘s story is the most famous and widely spread of all the l egends about the Great Wall. The story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu‘s bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu‘s husband Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her husband had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese commoners. Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic. He calculated that it would need 99,999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass. The supervisor did not believe him and said if they miscalculated by even one brick, then all the workmen would be punished to do hard work for three years. After the completion of the project, one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate.


长沙烈士公园导游词3篇 长沙烈士公园导游词3篇 篇1: 长沙烈士公园导游词 大家好,我叫姚丹,是烈士公园旅游社的导游。今天,我将陪同大家一起来游玩烈士公园。祝大家在这里玩的愉快。 现在,我们来到烈士公园的南门口,进了南门口,向上仰望,一座八角宝塔形的建筑物耸立在高处,灰色的琉璃瓦闪闪发光。那就是纪念塔。走进纪念塔,首先看到的是许多烈士用过的东西用过的东西。向左走,里面就是许多烈士的照片,和他们的一些资料,这里没有的事卫国打仗而死的,有的是落水救人而死的,说也说不尽,都是中国的好儿女。 从纪念塔里出来,绕过纪念塔,走过一条方砖铺成的小路就来到了游乐场。游乐场里有过山车,有飞椅;有旋转木马等等游乐项目,从每个游乐项目里都会传来孩子们欢乐的笑声,这里真是孩子们快乐的乐园啊! 从游乐场下来,我们来到咸嘉湖。湖面静得像一面镜子,绿得像一块碧玉,游艇,画舫在湖面上慢慢的滑过,突然,一艘游艇飞快地开过来,打破了这份安静,慢慢地湖面上变得热闹极了。 好了,今天烈士公园就要结束了,烈士陵园还有很多很多美丽的地方,希望你有机会再来细细游赏。 篇2: 长沙烈士公园导游词

各位朋友,大家好!今天我们参观的这座公园原名满洲里公园,始建于二十世纪初,原为市民休息、娱乐的场所。1945年8月9日,苏联红军解放了满洲里,满洲里人民为了纪念在战斗中牺牲的苏联红军战士,在公园内修建了苏联红军烈士纪念塔和红军烈士公墓,将公园命名为苏联红军烈士公园。它见证了从中共创立及早期发展到抗日战争胜利期间中苏人民之间的深情厚谊。 首先我们参观的是苏联红军烈士纪念塔,它位于公园正中,高1 7.19米,顶端装饰着一个巨大的铜制五角星。整个塔身由凿磨平整的花岗岩筑成,底座三面簇堆着铁青色碎石,更增添了几分肃穆的气氛。塔身正中一块方石上用俄文刻着光荣永远属于为苏联荣誉与胜利而牺牲的英雄们。在其上端镶嵌着一面高擎旗帜前进的红军形象的浮雕。塔身后面刻着此处埋葬着为苏联的荣誉而英勇牺牲的烈士。 塔身左右两侧镶嵌着苏联红军英勇作战的浮雕和以少校托洛波夫为首的56名各级军官和战士的名字。现在我们看到的是烈士公墓,它位于公园西南侧,公墓内立有两米高的墓碑和四组铜板覆盖的烈士墓。墓碑正面镌刻着此处安葬着对日本帝国主义作战中牺牲的英雄,祖国永远不忘你们的功勋。 碑后刻着于1945年8月9日至19日红军与日军作战阵殁勇士纪念碑。四组烈士墓的铜板上分别刻有烈士的名字。现在每到重大节日和世界反法西斯胜利纪念日,除了当地的居民外,还有许多苏联老红军和在反法西斯战争中牺牲的烈士的亲人们来到这里,献上一束束鲜花和一个个花环,寄托自己的哀思,表达对为世界和平而牺牲的烈士的敬意。 篇3:


四川英文导游词 【篇一:四川英语导游词杜甫草堂】 du fu thatched cottage good morning,ladies and gentlemen: today we will visit the poet-historian du fu’s former residence, du fu thatched cottage. people regard him as china’s shakespear. it is located in the west of chengdu. our touring line will trace along the central axis: the front gate, lobby, hall of poem history, gong bu shrine, the thatched cottage. after 2hours’ visit we will meet at the front gate at 11:30. please stay with our group, be carful, and take good care of your personnel belongings and note down my phone number134******** and the car plate chuana4566 in the winter of the year of 759, du fu fled from gan su into sichuan province to be away from an- shi rebellion. he set up a straw-roofed house named cao tang nearby huanhua brook , where he lived for about four years and composed more than 240 poems. wei zhuang, a poet in five dynasties reconstructed the straw-roofed house. in the following dynasties the site has been undergone with several renovations. the most extensive two being carried out in the 13th ye ar of emperor hong zhi’s reign in the ming dynasty and the 16th year of emperor jia qing’s reign in the qing dynasty .from then on, the lay out of the thatched cottage took on the shape .the cottage is well known as a famous cultural sanctum, featuring the perfect combination of memorial architecture and traditional gardens my friend, we have visited the lobby, hall of poem history. now we are standing in front of the gong bu shrine. gong bu is named after du fu’s official title. on the west side is qia s hou hang xuan pavilion while on the east side is the shui zhu pavilion; both pavilions deriving their names from du fu’s poems please look at the ancient couplet hangs on the top of the front door. it reads: you enjoy the spring breeze over the brocade river, i come back to visit your cottage on the seventh day of new year. it was written by he shao ji on his way home, chengdu, a scholar and calligrapher of qing dynasty, after taking charge of the imperial examination in nan chong. the couplet means that du fu owned the jinjiang river and the


北京长城英文版导游词 The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces-Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together. Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were

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