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Understanding meaning

The associative meaning of colors Abstract: Conceptual meaning and associative meaning are the two main kinds of meaning, in which the former refers to the central part concerning the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes while the second one refers to the mental connections to explain its use. It’s very hard to understand the associative meaning because it is affected by many factors like, cultural, social, ideological etc. take color as an example, in different culture it has different meaning.

Key words: associative meaning, factors affecting meaning, color

1 types of meaning

G.. Leech(1985: 13-26) divided “meaning”into two categories: conceptual meaning and associative meaning . The conceptual meaning is also called logical meaning, which is the central part,concerning the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes. The associative meaning includes connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, which plays an important role in daily communication. Only have a better understanding of it can we have a better communication with other people.

2 characteristics of associative meaning

2.1 instability:associative meaning is not the central part of the meaning. Rather, it is something attached to it. it will be different for different people in different occasion. it is also affected by a lot of factors like, nationality, race, ethnic, religion, class, occupation, aesthetic point of view even personal experience. for example, home, for many people, means “ comfort, quietness and freedom”. As the saying goes: “east or west, home is best.”. However, for some couples who have unhappy marriages or children who are always scolded by parents, home means “quarrel, confinement like a prison”. Also for the same New York, it has different associative meaning. Some people worship it as a heaven while others will hate it as if it’s a heal. Like the journalist Caskie Stinnett wrote in his essay Farewell, My unlovely:

“The sad aspect of my departure was that there was so little sadness connected with it (New York), and after ten years it seemed to me that I should have looked back with some slight mistiness in my eyes. A lot of

literature has been written on this subject---- the disenchanted New York—and I have read much of it, but none of the cases seems to fit precisely my feeling about the city………..it is city of indifference, and that is the problem. I found I could give indifference in return”( college English)

For the author, New York, where he had been in for more than ten years, didn’t bring him any special feeling but indifference. Thus, here New York is an cold and indifferent city .the associative meaning is from the writer’s own experience.

2.2 Cultural—related: culture can be said the way people live .it’s a mixture of the material life and the spiritual life. Languages are deep rooted in culture and greatly influenced by culture. Thus language will reflect the culture of the society. Colors and animals always have different associative meaning in Chinese and western cultures. for example, dragon, dog and red.

2.3 Inequalities between the east and the west. As we know, every speech community has its own way of thinking, custom, and religion and so on, which constitutes the cultural difference. But the difference doesn’t only lie in the meaning but also in ideas or value system. Lado (1957.71) said: “there are such cases that you can find the meaning in one language but can’t in another.” Speakers of each language, under the influence of its culture , has his own system of associative meaning, making it difficult to find equivalents of the same meaning in two languages.

3 functions of associative meaning

The conceptual meaning of words is the foundation on which other meanings stand. However, as we know, words still have other meanings which have a lot of functions to make our conversation vivid except informative. The functions of the associative meaning are

3.1 supplement: By using the associative meaning, the fact can be reflected more clearly and objectively. For example, both “green power”and “the power of money” are negative expressions about money. But “green power”(the U S dollar is green) can indicate the attitude of satire and making fun .

3.2 adjustment. Through associative meaning, the writer can imply what he wants to say rather than speak it out directly. In English, we can hear “developing countries”instead of “backward countries”, in which “developing has a positive attitude”although the two expressions refer to the same.

3.3 covering. Associative meaning can hide the negative aspect of words. “tap phone”and “bug”will give us a bad impression. So later we have the word “sutech”--- a compound of “technical” and “surveillance”, which sounds nobler.

3.4 alteration. In some cases, speakers use one expression to mean another. In the white house, for example, security men will ask: “Where is the package?”to ask where the president is for security reason. Here, president is altered by package. Another example, lucky dog in western country means lucky guy while in Chinese dog means something totally different.

4. Understanding “color” in different cultures

In human being’s languages, “color” is the carrier of their value system, tradition, and culture. Each community has its own understanding of the meaning of “color”. in different cultures, the same color will have different meaning.

4.1 Red. In Chinese, red color is related to happiness, excitement, you can see red lanterns and red coat on festivals. And also red means prosperity and success, people usually say someone “ zou hong” and “ hong li” which means profit or bonus. “red”also mean “progress and revolution”such as “red army”---the communist troops in 1930s and “red flag” and “red guard”. However in western countries, red mostly has negative meaning. It is associated with “blood, cruelty, violence, warning”. So there are such expressions like: “red hand” which means hands with blood, “ red revenge” , “ red light district” and “ red alert”. Red in Chinese culture also means shy while in western culture it means angry

4.2 White Both in Chinese tradition and western tradition, white shares the meaning of “purity”and “innocence”. However, in China, white mostly is associated with death and bad omen .people wear white coat on funerals. And it also means witty foolish and failure. we can hear “ white flag”, “bai mang huo” which means in vain. In western countries, it means purity, like: white spirit and white hand. the bride wear white dress on wedding ceremony.

4.3Yellow In Chinese culture, yellow is the monopoly of the emperor .everything related to the emperor is yellow. His costume, announcement and the palace in which he lived we panted into yellow. Like “ huang pao” which means yellow coat. In the west, yellow means betray and coward like yellow—levered, yellow dog. Moreover in modern Chinese yellow indicates pornographic, trash, filthy or vulgar. We often hear the terms as “ huang se shu ”“huangse video”. which means unhealthy filthy books.

4.4 Green In English ,green of reminds people of envy while in Chinese we use red . there are such expressions like, green with envy, green—eyed. Green in English also means lack of experience, a green hand, a green horn. Rather in Chinese green stands for vigorous and energetic. For example, “a green old age” is to refer to an old but strong man. “ to remain green forever” means stay young forever. And now with the

development of science technology, green means environment---friendly and not contaminated like “green eggs”, “green pork” and “green grocer”.

4.5 Other colors: blue in English means depression like “in a blue mood”but Chinese doesn’t have such meaning. Purple both means noble like “be born in the purple” or “marrying the purple”

From the examples above, we can see there are great differences in the associative meaning of colors between Chinese culture and western culture. Thus, it’s of tremendous importance to master them and use them skillfully in the right circumstances.

5 approaches to improve understanding associative meaning

5.1 know more about the cultures of English—speaking countries when learning English, including its history, custom, tradition etc.

5.2 read more. Through reading, we can accumulate enough experience about the differences of some words. And it can foster the “feeling” of language.

5.3 listen to the authentic materials from the native speakers, through which readers can detect the tiny difference between two different cultures.

6 Conclusion

The associative meaning is one of the obstacles in language learning. As Zhu Guangqian put it: “the first and foremost difficulty in translation is the associative meaning……..you can’t find the answer from the dictionary but it matters a lot for literature.”So for language learners, it’s of paramountl importance to have a better understanding of the foreign culture and its background knowledge.


1.Hach, E and Brown V ocabulary, semantics, and language education.

Cambridge University. ( 1995)






从认知语言学的角度看一词多义现象 摘要:一词多义指一个词项具有多个相关义项的语言现象。新义项的产生不是随机的, 也不是盲目的, 而是人类认知参与下语言历时变化的结果, 因此认知角度的一词多义研究能够比较清楚地揭示一词多义的根源与本质。新义项以基本义项为核心, 按照辐射型或链接型方式排列, 构成一个词项意义的原型范畴。人们总是从基本义项出发, 主要利用隐喻和转喻思维等方式, 将新义项赋予现有词项, 从而使一词多义现象表现出明显的认知理据性。 关键词: 认知; 一词多义; 范畴化; 隐喻; 转喻 Abstract:Polysemy is the linguistic phenomenon in which a lexical item has more than one related meaning. It is the diachronic result of language development facilitated by human cognition. New meanings, centering on the basic meaning and arranged in a radiant or linear manner, form the prototypical category of a w ord. People tend to attach new meanings to a lexical item by w ay of categorization, metaphor and metonymy, which results in the striking motivational features of polysemy. Key words: cognition, polysemy, categorization, metonymy, metaphor 几乎所有的语言中都存在一个普遍现象, 即一个词可能会承载二种以上的意义, 语言学家将此语言现象称为一词多义现象。通过赋予同一词形以更多的词义来减少词的数量, 它极大地丰富了我们的语言,减轻了人们词汇记忆的负担,是人们进一步认知世界的简便、有效的途径,是优于造词、构词和借词的语言手段。因而,一词多义现象一直成为了语义学研究的热点。传统的理论对于一词多义现象做过众多的研究, 其中主要有: K atz 和Fo rdo r( 1963) 基于组词间的类似性提出的语义成分分析法(semantic feature analysis); 由德国学者J. Trier 提出的词在语义上是互相联系的完整的词汇系统语义场理论以及传统的真值语义分析。传统的语义学理论更多地将它归于历史的、社会的因素。这些固然是词义变化的重要因素, 但它们只是外部因素, 传统的语义学理论终究没有看清词义变化和一词多义的关系, 也未能充分地解释一词多义现象形成的缘由。本文试图从认知语义学的角度运用范畴化的型理论对一词多义现象的形成方式,发展模式以及认知手段进行研究。 1.认知语言学的语义观 认知语言观承认客观世界的现实性及对语言形成的本源作用, 但更强调人的认知的参与作用, 认为语言不能直接反映客观世界, 而是由人对客观世界的认知作用之。所谓“心生而言立” , 其认知模式是: 客观世界—认知加工一概念生成一语言符号(赵艳芳,20 0 1 : 3 5 )。Lakof与Jo h n s o n (1 9 8 0 : 1 9 5 : 1 9 9 9 ) 以及L a k o f (19 8 7 )根据他们提出的体验哲学认为: 人类的认知、概念、意义、推理和语言等均源于对客观外界的感知和经验, “体验哲学和C L (cognitive linguistics ) 认为认知来源于实践, 语言是体验和认知的结果” (王寅, 2 0 0 5 : 1 6 )。认知是和语言不可分的, 认知是语言的基础和发端。语言是由客观世界, 人的认知体验, 社会、文化历时与共时价值观及其语用因素促动形成的、具有动态演绎、延异性质和形态的象征符号系统和精


第一章作为语言学一个分支的语义学 语义学的建立以法国学者米歇尔·布勒阿尔1897年7月出版《语义学探索》为标记。 该书1900年翻译为英文“语义学:意义科学的研究(Semantics:Studies in the Science of Meaning)”。 这本专著材料丰富,生动有趣,重点在词义的历史发展方面,兼顾词汇意义和语法意义。 全书共三编:1,讲词义变化的定律,介绍变异、扩散、类推等概念;2,讲如何确定词义,介绍释义、比喻、多义、命名等;3,讲词类、词序、组合规则等,涉及语法意义。 除了语言学的语义学,还有逻辑学的语义学,哲学的语义学,还有心理学家对语义的研究。 a,逻辑学的语义学是对逻辑形式系统中符号解释的研究,又称“纯语义学”,对象并非自然语言的语义。 b,哲学的语义学围绕语义的本质展开涉及世界观的讨论。“语义学”或“语义哲学”又是本世纪前半叶盛行于西方的至今仍有影响的一个哲学流派的名称。 c,心理学家研究语义,主要是想了解人们在信息的发出和接收中的心理过程。 d,语言学的语义学把语义作为语言(乃至言语)的一个组成部分、一个方面进行研究,研究它的性质,内部结构及其变异和发展,语义间的关系等等。 布勒阿尔的书给语义的发展以重要地位,声称研究语义的变化构成了语义学。同时它把语义限制在“词语”的意义上,主要是词义上。这两个特点一直贯穿在他以后半个多世纪的若干代表性著作里。 继布勒阿尔之后,一部有世界影响的语义学专著是两位英国学者奥格登和理查兹合写,1923年出版的《意义的意义》(The Meaning of Meaning)。这两位学者还曾共同创制了后来遭到各种非议的“基本英语”(Basic English).


语义学概论教学设计 (一)教学目标:了解汉语语义学的起源、发展和现状。 (二)教学内容:汉语语义学与其他学科的关系、作用。 1.一次课学习一章,掌握1~2个主要观点;1~2个知识点。 2.完成一次课堂训练;一次作业。 3.评讲一次课外作业。 第一章语义研究的发展与现状 一、语文学时期我国的训诂学 (一)训诂学起源 1.为了注释古代典籍 古人的古人所撰写的典籍,时间久远由于语言的变化而难于理解,所以解释工作就显得十分必要。为古代的典籍进行注解就是《传》,例如春秋战国时代的典籍,《春秋》,儒家经典之一,相传孔子(-552~-479)依据鲁国史官所编《春秋》加以整理修订而成。(-772~-481)计242年。《春秋》文字简短,相传寓有褒贬之意,后世称为“春秋笔法”。[辞海缩印本1979年版P1611]解释《春秋》的有《春秋左氏传》(亦称《春秋左氏传》儒家经典之一,旧传春秋时左丘明[与孔子同时或曰在前]所撰,请代经今文学家认为系刘歆改编。近人认为是战国初年人据各国史料编成。多用事实解释《春秋》,同《公羊传》、《榖梁传》完全用义理解释的有异。起于鲁隐公元年(-722),终于鲁悼公四年(-464),比《春秋》多出十七年,其叙事更止于鲁悼公十四年(-454)为止。书中保存了大量古代史料,文字优美,记事详明,实为中国古代一部史学和文学名著。P156)、《公羊传》(旧题:战国时,公羊高传初时仅口头流传,汉初才成书。据唐徐彦《公羊传疏》引戴宏序,说是由景帝时公羊寿和胡母生(子都)“著于竹帛”[辞海缩印本1979年版P280])、《榖梁传》等三传。 又如《诗经》成书于春秋时代[-770周平王元年~-476周敬王四十四年]《尚书》[尚即上,由中国上古历史文件和部分追述古代事迹著作的汇编,相传由孔子编选而成。P1116]《周礼》《仪礼》《礼记》等等均成于春秋时期。到了汉代,著名经学家郑玄(127~200)为诸多古代典籍作注,如《十三经注》。到了唐代,汉代的注又看不懂了,于是又有人出现给注作注。孔颖达(574~648)奉唐太宗命主编《五经正义》就是对注释的注释。这表明:训诂学就是解释学,是重在对意义的解释。语言研究重在解释古代典籍、风俗、习惯、制度等的工具。 语文学时期及我国的训诂学时期 主要是为了注释古代经典。如: 有朋自远方来不亦说乎? 朋:朋友;说:悦,高兴;乎:吗? 二传统语义学 19世纪语言学成为一门独立的,有自己理论与方法的科学;发展步伐加快,领域扩大了。语义学则成为语言学的一个分支——词汇学的重要内容。 最后由词义研究独立建立一门科学:语义学。 1838年德国人提出建立一门独立的语义学。1893年法国人首先使用语义学这一专门术语。 传统语义学研究:词义、语音、客观事物三者的关系;词义与概念的关系;词义的色彩;多义词、同学出版社2004 三、现代语义学的兴起和现状 作为语言学的一个分支词汇学的重要内容。以具体的语言的语义研究为基础。


分支。小学主要由音韵学、文字学、训诂学组成。训诂学实际上就是研究语言意义变化的学科。中国历史上被称为“训诂学的鼻祖”的著作是《尔雅》,它实际上也是世界上最早的一部分类词典。它由叙篇(已亡)、释诂、释言、释训、释宫、释亲、释官、释器、释乐、释天、释地、释丘、释山、释水、释草、释虫、释鱼、释鸟、释兽、释畜等十九篇组成。《尔雅》对古代词语变迁的轨迹记载和解释得特别清楚。例如《尔雅·释天》在对几个与“年”有关的同义词的解释时指出:夏曰岁,商曰祀,周曰年,唐虞曰载。 训诂学的另一部重要著作是东汉许慎的《说文解字》。其重要贡献包括:(1)据部首将文字的形体分为540部;(2)用六书(象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借)的法则来解释字形;(3)用以形说义的方法来解释字的本义,用”读若”和形声声旁来说明字音等。(陆宗达,2002) 在欧洲,现代语义学的发展一方面与修辞学、语文学有关,另一方面与19世纪后半期兴起的历史比较语言学密切相关。早期的语义学就主要研究语义变化的类型、方式和原因。1883年,法国语文学家Breal发表的一篇论文把语义学这一新学科的目标明确规定为研究意义的变化及其原因,并根据逻辑学和语文学等标准对意义变化的方式和变化的原因进行了分类。 20世纪的前30年间,语义学逐渐摆脱了传统修辞学中X畴概念的束缚,从哲学、心理学、社会学和人类文明史等邻近学科吸取营养,对语义变化过程和变化的原因进行了研究。 20世纪上半叶,现代语义学受到了结构主义语言学的深刻影响。结构主义的一个重要理论基础是,语言的共时状态是一种有组织的结构系统,其中的成分互相依赖,个体的意义取决于它与系统中其它个体的关系。语义学家们把这一原理应用到了意义变化的研究中。其中杰出的代表是德国的Jost Trier。他通过对德语中有关“知识”词语的


《产品语义学》教学大纲 一、课程的的性质、任务及适用专业 (一)课程性质 《产品语义学》是工业设计专业的一门必修课。课程从设计符号的基本理论出发,对意义、传达、语境、修辞等概念进行了阐述,使学生通过学习了解并掌握新的设计思考的角度和敏锐的观察能力,使学生从感性认识提升到理性认识,并且引导以产品语义学在设计中广泛扩展思路,帮助学生提高设计的创新能力。 (二)教学任务 本课程的主要任务是:使学生通过符号的关联性和语言学中的修辞方法展开发散思维与联想,以期觅得产品预定概念和意义的最佳传达途径,并对后续的专业课程学习起辅助作用。 (三)适用专业 适用于工业设计本科专业。 二、课程教学基本内容、基本要求及学时分配 (一)基本内容(含章节的重点、难点等) 第一章设计符号理论概 述 基本要求:了解设计符号的理论意义、符号理论发展简史、设计符号的特性以及文化与符号之间的关系。 重点:设计符号的特点。 难点:文化与符号之间的联系。 第二章产品语义学概述 基本要求:了解产品语义学的概念、产品语义学的缘起与发展、影响产品语义理论的诸多新观念以及产品语义学对我国设计发展的价值。 重点:产品语义学的缘起与发展。 难点:产品语义学与现代主义及后现代主义的关系。 第三章产品的语义 基本要求:了解产品语义的外延意义与内涵意义,以及两者之间的关系,从而掌握产品语义的诉求层面。 重点:外延意义与内涵意义。 难点:产品语义的诉求层面。 第四章产品语义的传达 基本要求:了解意义的来源,学习人的要素、环境的要素和生活方式的约定。进而对产品语义有一个更高层次上的理解,使学生以使用者的角度认知产品、以及了解使用者心理模型和产品语义实现的条件。 重点:传达的概念与过程、语义传达的类型。 难点:使用者心理模型和产品语义实现的条件、产品语言的局限性。 第五章产品语义学在设计中的运用 基本要求:了解产品使用情景语境,产理解产品的合理性说服、情感性说服以及产品语义设计程序,了解修辞在产品语义表达中的应用及价值。 重点:产品说服功能与语义设计程序、产品语义传达的有效思维方法。


我为何倡导研究“历史文化语义学” 2012年12月10日 02:32 来源:北京日报 分享到:更多 0人参与00条评论0原标题:我为何倡导研究“历史文化语义学” 近代以降,以汉字承载的中华文化遭遇了一场古今转换、中西互动相交织的大变局;近代新概念、新名词、新术语的生成与演变则是这一大变局的产物与表征。 新概念、新名词、新术语的语义学研究与历史学、文化学研究的融合,仍显不足 科学认识的成果,有待形成各种概念和术语来加以总结与概括,故各概念群的形成是诸学科建立的前提,有了“价值、资本、利润、劳动”等概念的厘定,现代经济学方得以运行;当“历史、古代、近代、现代”等概念的内涵与外延明晰起来,新史学才获得确切的表述。总之,人们思维的深度拓展,诸学科的建立,皆仰赖概念的锐意精进,反之,人们的思维发生逻辑错误,学科系统散漫无章,往往由概念被偷换、被滥用所导致的体系紊乱所致。故探讨概念的古今演绎与中外对接,寻觅厘定概念的正途,是诸学科健康成长的题中应有之义,也是思想史、文化史研究的一项基础性工作。 关于近代新名词、新术语生成的研究,长期受到多国学者的关注,迄今成果丰硕。其中,术语的语义学研究与历史学、文化学研究的融合,虽已为部分学者所注意,但深度结合仍显不足。鉴于此,我们提出并尝试一种新的研究范式——“历史文化语义学”。其主旨是:在古今转换、东西交会的时空坐标上展开研究,不仅对诸多汉字新语的生成、演变寻流讨源,而且透过语义的窗口,观照语义变迁中所蕴藏的历史文化意涵,展现中国近代异彩纷呈、后浪逐前浪的历史文化状貌。 “历史文化语义学”透过运动着的语言文字这扇窗口,展现的是历史文化的壮阔场景


概念: 语言符号的任意性、 任意性:也叫绝对任意性 理据性:也叫相对任意性、可论证性、象似性 从语言发展阶段看:原生阶段具有任意性、派生、合成阶段具有理据性,句法组合具有象似性。从语言系统看:单纯词具有任意性。合成词和句子具有任意性。任意性和理据性都是语言符号的特点。 本义、 一般指词的原始意义或较早的意义,从字面上讲,也就是本来的意思。 引申、 引申大体上可以分成隐喻和换喻两种方式。 引申义 词语由本义引申而成的新义。 语义特征(义素)义素 对义位(义项)进行分解得到的语义区别性特征。 语义场、 语义场实际是以一个共同的意义成分为核心聚集起来的词义的聚合。这些词义相互联系、相互制约,在意义上形成一个“场”。 语义场类型 (1)联想语义场: 上下位义场:同属于一个上位概念的下位概念构成联想语义场。颜色词和亲属词。 部分整体义场 顺序义场 2)反义义场 极性对立义场:非A一定B:大小 互补反义义场:非A即B类:死活 关系反义义场:夫妻 (3)同义义场 生日/诞辰父亲/爸爸 (4)多义义场 语义范畴、 语法范畴: 把同一性质的语法意义综合和概括所形成的语法意义的类别 论元(语义角色、语义格)、题元 跟动词发生语义关系的名词(代词)是题元(theme),根据名词和动词具体的语义关系,每一个题元便获得了一个题元角色(thematic role)。乔姆斯基提到的题元角色主要有以下一些:(1)施事(Agent)

(2)受事(Patient) (3)主事(Theme) (4)经事(Experiencer) (5)与事(Beneficiary) (6)工具(Instrument) (7)处所(Location) (8)目标(Goal) (9)来源(Source) 范畴、 大脑对客观世界进行认知加工,经过加工后的世界是主客观相结合的产物。这种主客观相互作用的认知加工过程就是对事物的分类过程即范畴化过程,结果形成认知范畴。 家族相似性 通常认为某一词类的全体成员一定共有某一分布特征,那么全体成员具有家族相似性。1.以运动会为例,各种比赛项目交叉相似。称为家族相似性。 二、原型 .原型是某类范畴中最好、最典型的成员。跟它最接近的成员最具原型性,反之为边缘成员有以下特点: ①决定范畴内涵的属性机器数目是不确定的。 ②范畴的边界是模糊的③成员的地位成员不平等④原型性更高的成员最大限度地区别于其他范畴的原型成员⑤原型是由完形感知形成的。 原型施事、 原型施事范畴中最好、最典型的成员。有5个特征,分别是:自主性、感知性、使动性、位移性和自立性。 原型受事、 原型受事范畴中最好、最典型的成员。有6个特征,分别是:受动、变化、自立、渐成、关涉、类属。 隐喻 借助具体事物谈较为抽象的事物。基本表达公式:A是B。 转喻 根据两个事物的相关性,以一个代替另一个的现象。也是人类普遍的思维方式。 框架: 为了理解语言中词的意义,首先要有一个概念结构,这个概念结构为词在语言及言语中的存在和使用提供背景和动因。这个概念结构就是语义框架。理解其中一个概念就要激活整个框架和框架内所有元素。 意象图式、


认知语义学的六个基本特征 摘要:本文综述概括了认知语义学的六个基本特征,以期更好地了解认知语言学的理论内涵与理论效力,并运用到实际的语言与认知研究中。它们是:意义即概念化、意义的主要基础是感知、语义成分基于空间和拓扑物体、基本认知模型是意象图式模型、语义是句法的基础并且部分地决定句法、概念具有原型特征。 关键词:认知语义学;基本特征;理论效力 Abstract: The paper reviews the six basic tenets of cognitive semantics in order to better understand what cognitive semantics is and what it can do in the research of language and cognition. The six tenets are: semantics is conceptualization, meaning is perceptively grounded, semantic elements are spatial or topological elements, cognitive models are primarily image-schematic, semantics is the basis for syntax which is at least determined by semantics, concepts show prototypical effects. Key words: cognitive semantics; basic tenets; theoretical power Title: The six basic tenets of cognitive semantics 1. 引言 语义学研究大体可以分为两个传统:客观途径和认知途径。客观途径认为,语言表达式的意义是客观外部世界中的某物,即句法结构向客观世界(包括可能世界)物体的映射,因而常用真值条件来定义。那么,语言的意义与语言使用者没有关系。而认知途径认为,语言表达式的意义即心理实体,是语言构成成分向认知结构的映射。语义与外部世界的关系是次要的,而且只有在认知结构确定下来以后才能确定下来。那么,意义独立于真值。外部世界的作用只有在考察认知结构与它的关系时才被考虑进来。 根据Talmy(2000:5)的论述,认知语义学研究概念内容及其在语言中的组织方式。概念内容不但包括意念(ideational)内容,还包括情感、感知等体验内容。认知语义学作为认知语言学的最重要部分,它的一些基本主张也就是认知语言学的基本主张,可以概括为六个基本特征。下文将分别讨论。 2. 意义即(认知模型中的)概念化 这一命题标志着认知语义学同传统语义学的根本分歧。传统语义学的基本取向是客观主义。客观主义的认知观和语言观可以表述为(Lakoff 1987;163): 客观认知:思想是抽象符号的操作。符号的意义对应于外在世界的实体和范畴。因此,大脑可以表征外部世界,折射(mirror)自然。 客观概念:概念是表达下面两种关系的符号:1)符号与概念系统中的其他概念有关联;2)与客观现实世界或可能世界的实体和范畴相对应。 传统语义学认为,语言的意义总是与可能世界相联系,如命题是可能世界与真值的函数。 认知语义学认为,意义存在于脑海中,即语言的意义是语言表达式向认知或心理实体的映射。这一观点否定了真值条件在确定语言的意义中的首要地位。相反,由于真值是认知结构与世界的关系,那么,语言表达式的真值就是次要的了。 但是,意义即概念化的观点不同于Fodor的思维语理论,虽然他也是用心理实体来表征语言的信息。Fodor的思维语理论指的是,说话人根据一组内在的规则计算语言的推理并形成语言回应。构成思维语的心理实体形成语言,语言的句法结构由一组组递归性规则管辖。事


作者简介:蒋勇(1966— ),讲师,语言学博士,研究方向:认知语言学,神经语言学,文学收稿日期:2000103126(修改稿) 2000年第7期 总第135期 外语与外语教学 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching 2000,№7Serial №135 分解语义学与认知语义学的对比分析 蒋 勇 (复旦大学外文系,上海 200433) 提 要:本文对比分析了两种主要的语义学流派。分解语义学认为语义就在言语容器之中,语义与认知者的百科知识 和理解过程无关。认知语义学吸收分解语义学认为概念可以解析的观点,提出语义与认知者的概念结构和解读策略有关。依据这种认知论,本文提出言语信号在与认知者的相互作用过程中发挥借代的功能。 关键词:分解语义学;认知语义学;框架理论;言语的借代功能 Abstract :This paper offers contrastive analyses of two main schools of semantics.Decompositional Semantics proposes that meaning is objectively right there in the linguistic container and that meaning has nothing to do with the cognizants πencyclopedic knowledge and their understanding.Cognitive Semantics incorporates the idea of Decompositional Semantics that concepts can be dismantled ,and argues that meaning is relative to cognizants πconceptual structures and processing strategies.Based on this cogni 2tive point of view ,this paper finally draws a conclusion that language plays a metonymic function in its interaction with cognizants πconceptual systems. K ey words :decompositional semantics ,cognitive semantics ,frame theory ,metonymic function of language 中图分类号:H030 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6038(2000)07-0002-04 1.Katz 的语义分解理论简介 较早在生成语法框架内进行语义分析的的方法是成分分析法(Componential Analysis )。(Katz &Fodor ,1963;Katz &Postal ,1964;Katz ,1972)我们将以Katz 的分解语义学(Decompositional Semantics )为主要评述对象。该理论的两个最主要的观点是: 语义规则的生成性:语义规则如句法规则的原理一样,是循环规则。如同用有限的句法规则解释无限多样的句子结构的思路一样,分解理论也是用有限的语义规则通过循环反复使用,可以生成无限多样的语义结构。 语义的构建性:句子的语义是通过语法和语义规则从词、词组到句子层层累建起来的。 Katz 的分解理论从这两个观点出发,建构复合句子的语法成分和语义词典的规则。Katz 的理论有三大目标: (1)确定词项的语义; (2)给出由词语的意义到词组的意义,再由词组的意义到句子的意义的建构规则; (3)用一种分析所有语言都适用的元语言(metalan 2 guage )来进行语义分析。上述的第一个目标通过给词项建 立语义词典得到实现。第二个目标通过投射规则和选择限制将词语的语义组合成句子的语义而得到实现。第三个目标试图使用一种分析各种语言时通用的语义成分(semantic components )或语义原初元素(semantic primitives )得以部分实现。这三大目标的具体实现方法如下: 1.1 Katz 的语义词典让我们用“bachelor ”来观察Katz 的语义词典。(Katz &Fodor ,1963;Katz &Postal ,1964)“Bachelor ”的词典信息包括如下: bachelor {N} a.(human )(male )[one who has never been married ](单身汉) b.(human )(male )[young knight serving under the stan 2dard of another knight ](青年侍从骑士) c.(human )[one who has the first or lowest academic de 2gree](学士)


一、Antonymy(反义词):(书本P70) 1.Gradable antonyms(分程度反义词):a matter of degree. eg. Old—middle-aged—younghot-warm-cold https://www.doczj.com/doc/529852455.html,plementary antonyms(互补关系):a matter of degree between two extremes. eg. Alive—dead; male—female 3.relational opposites(关系反义词):pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship between the two items. eg. father-son; teacher-pupil; doctor-patient;buy-sell;above-below 二、Paul Grice(保罗·格莱斯)提出的两个概念(书本P86) 1.conventional implicature(规约含意,约定俗成的):is based on the conventional meaning of certain words in the language. eg. He is rich but he is not greedy. 2.particularized conversational implicature(特殊规约隐涵):is inferred by the hearer with reference to the context of communication. eg. A:Where is the steak? B:The dog looks very happy. 三、Charles Hockett(霍凯特)提出的人类语言的识别特征之一(书本P8) Arbitrariness(随意性):There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. eg. Rumble, crash, cackle, bang 四、Free morpheme(可独立存在的):a morpheme which can be a word by itself. eg. boy(书本P33) 五、新构词(书本P99) 1.blending(拼缀,紧缩法):a blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words. eg. Smog --- smoke+fog; motel---- motor+hotel 2.acronyms(首字母缩写,词首字母缩略法):are words derived from the initials of several words eg.IT-----information technology; CPI---- consumer price index 六、Languageaptitude(语言能力倾向,语言学能):the natural ability for learning a second language.(书本P164) 七、Semantic Changes(语意变化):(书本P102) 1.semantic broadening(扩展,意思越来越广,语义扩大化) 2.semantic narrowing(意思变小) 3.semantic shift(转换) 八、indirect speech act(间接言语行动):which aimed to explain indirect language in the light of the speech act theory.(书本P84-85) 1.The primary speech act is the speaker’s goal of communication while the secondary


反事实条件句语义学理论的发展分析 在自然语言中,我们把形如如果p,那么q 的语句称为条件句。而条件句涉及逻辑学的核心问题推理,或者从更宽泛的意义上说,全部逻辑,至少是旨在刻画推理的逻辑,都建立在澄清和研究若 A 则 B的真值和涉及此类条件句的推理的形式有效性之上。①因而具有重要的意义。一般来说,条件句分为直陈条件句和反事实条件句,条件句关注最多的就是后者,不仅因为它在日常生活中大量存在,还由于它有不同于一般条件句的自身特点。通常人们认为前件为假的条件句为反事实条件句,但前件为假有两种情况,一种是客观事实上是假的,另一种是主观认定是假的 ( 而客观事实是真的) 。客观事实上为假的反事实条件句,例如,我为昨天开会迟到而感叹地说如果我没有迟到,我就不会被批评了。主观认定是假的反事实条件句,举个例子,我们学校举行元旦晚会,张三很有表演才华,他的节目是压轴戏,最后我没看完提前回家,第二天见到张三的时候说了这么一句话要是你参加了昨天的晚会,节目会更精彩。在这种情况下,对于我而言,我表达的是一个反事实条件句,尽管我所说的与客观事实是一致的。本文中我们用□表示反事实条件句的逻辑符号,用 p□q 表示反事实条件句如果 p,那么 q。 历史上人们尝试用各种不同的方法来刻画它,这些方法大致来自三个方面的: 语形的、语义的和语用的,而从语用学角度刻画反事实条件句起步较晚,文献较少,本文主要从语义学的角度综述了反事实条件句理论的发展。反事实条件句语义学理论的发展经历了从传统的静态语义学向现代的动态语义学的发展。 一、用传统的静态语义学理论刻画反事实条件句 我们知道,传统逻辑语义学对意义的理解就是它的成真条件,这种意义理论描述的是语言与客观事物之间的静态关系,因此是静态语义学。实质蕴含理论、严格蕴含理论、可共存性理论和 Stal-nakerLewis 可能世界语义学理论都属于传统的静态语义学理论。 ( 一) 实质蕴含理论 实质蕴含源于古希腊斯多葛学派,有着悠久的研究历史,其核心思想是: 不考虑前后件之间的联系,条件句的真值由它的肢命题的真值决定。它的逻辑特征是: 如果有 p,就必然有 q,而没有 p 是否有 q 不能确定。根据特征,我们知道,条件句在三种情况下是真的,即 p 真 q 真,p 假 q 真,p 假q 假。这条进路除了会出现违反人们直觉的怪论( 假命题蕴含任何命题,真命题为任一命题所蕴含) 外,还会与自然语言的使用不符。问题就出在后两行,因为根据真值表,如果前件假,而不管后件为真还是为假,整个条件句都是真的,而这与反事实条件句不符合。这样一来,所有的反事实条件句都是真的,因为反事实条件句前件假。如: ( 1) 如果我念了博士,我就可以找到更好的工作。 ( 2) 如果我念了博士,我也不可以找到更好的工作。 人们通常会认为 ( 1) 是真的, ( 2) 是假的,而不会根据实质蕴含的真值表认为两句都是真的,因为这样做太违反直观了。除此之外,运用实质蕴含理论刻画反事实条件句,导


浅谈词的感情色彩 导言: 人类之间为唤起同类的行为而从喉咙里发出声音,听到的人则为了解说者的心意而对于这种声音加以意会,正因为心与心不能直接传情达意,这样才形成了语言,所以语言的功用一方面在于表示说话人的思想感情。语言是音义结合的符号系统,语言单位的意义常常由各种要素结合在一起组成,本文侧重谈词义中的感情色彩。 关键词: 固定感情色彩临时感情色彩褒义词贬义词中性词 正文: 词义可分为理性义、伴随义、感情色彩、形象色彩、时间地域色彩、言语社团色彩等。色彩义中最主要的就是感情色彩,用来表明说话人的思想感情和主观评论。例如:“见义勇为”一词蕴含着敬佩、赞美的色彩意义;“偷鸡摸狗”一词则带有鄙视、厌恶的色彩意义。我们熟知的三种感情色彩分类为褒义词、贬义词、中性词。褒义词表明说话人对该词所表明的事物持赞许的态度;贬义词表示说话的人对该词所表示的事物持贬斥的态度;中性词则不特别表示说话人的感情。 人们运用语言进行交际,主要是交流思想达到互相了解。理性义是语言单位所指对象的特征的反映。它是稳定的,得到社会成员的一致公认,不会轻易改变,所以是封闭的。而语言单位所传达的感情色彩都是建立在原有的理性义基础之上,并以体会作者话语的理性义为归宿的。因此不管词的色彩义如何强烈,总是要人们理解它的真正的理性义所在,才能让人们达到能使用词语交际的目的。 正如上段所言,同作为意义的下位概念,同作为意义的一个组成部分,色彩义与理性义是不可分割的,并且会出现相互组合的关系。一种是词的理性意义本身就蕴含着感情色彩,二者是结合关系。像上文提到的“高尚”,词本身就充满了赞美之情。还有“愤怒”,词本身就好像包裹着一层火一样。这两个词的理性意义和感情色彩已然不能分开来谈,二者显然是你中有我、我中有你的关系。我们还可以归纳出很多此类词语,像“勾搭”、“能干”、“阴险”、“贤惠”等。另一种是词的理性意义附带着感情色彩,二者是附着关系。比如:“老不死的”是指年迈的老人家,却附带着厌恶的感情色彩,“小孩儿”是指幼小的孩童,却让人能感觉到流露出的疼爱之情。这两个词的感情色彩都附着在理性意义上,形成了一个意义粘合体。我们同样可以归纳出其他此类词语,像“亲爱的”、“小鬼头”、“老婆子”等。 由上段可见,词语的感情色彩是与词义紧紧联系在一块的。而这种不借助语境就能被理解的色彩义称之为固定感情色彩。我们根据形成的基础和它与理性意义的关系分成固定感情色彩和临时感情色彩。固定感情色彩即是在静态状况下,像上文完全可以不借助语境而被理解的色彩,它有包括两种。一种取决于人们对同所概念反映的客观对象本身的评价,即在理性意义之内,也就是上文提到的结合关系。举个例子:“抚爱”一词表示喜爱的意思,同时本身就带着亲切的情态。另一种取决于人们对同这些客观对象相联系的人或物的态度,即在理性意义之外,也就是上文提到的附着关系。举个例子:“嘴脸”一词表示坏人的模样,同时附着贬斥的意味。临时感情色彩则是在动态情况下,需要借助上下文理解的色彩义。它也包括两种,有的词本身有特别色彩,却在一定的上下文中消失了特色,或获得了与原表情色彩相矛盾对立的色彩。而有的词并无特别色彩,却在一定的


Understanding meaning The associative meaning of colors Abstract: Conceptual meaning and associative meaning are the two main kinds of meaning, in which the former refers to the central part concerning the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes while the second one refers to the mental connections to explain its use. It’s very hard to understand the associative meaning because it is affected by many factors like, cultural, social, ideological etc. take color as an example, in different culture it has different meaning. Key words: associative meaning, factors affecting meaning, color 1 types of meaning G.. Leech(1985: 13-26) divided “meaning”into two categories: conceptual meaning and associative meaning . The conceptual meaning is also called logical meaning, which is the central part,concerning the relationship between a word and the thing it denotes. The associative meaning includes connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, which plays an important role in daily communication. Only have a better understanding of it can we have a better communication with other people. 2 characteristics of associative meaning 2.1 instability:associative meaning is not the central part of the meaning. Rather, it is something attached to it. it will be different for different people in different occasion. it is also affected by a lot of factors like, nationality, race, ethnic, religion, class, occupation, aesthetic point of view even personal experience. for example, home, for many people, means “ comfort, quietness and freedom”. As the saying goes: “east or west, home is best.”. However, for some couples who have unhappy marriages or children who are always scolded by parents, home means “quarrel, confinement like a prison”. Also for the same New York, it has different associative meaning. Some people worship it as a heaven while others will hate it as if it’s a heal. Like the journalist Caskie Stinnett wrote in his essay Farewell, My unlovely: “The sad aspect of my departure was that there was so little sadness connected with it (New York), and after ten years it seemed to me that I should have looked back with some slight mistiness in my eyes. A lot of


Chapter 1 Introduction 1. What is linguistics? Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.The scope of linguistics: (1 ). phonetics 语音学;phonology 音位学;morphology 形态学;syntax 句法学; pragmatics 语用学 (2). sociolinguistics 社会语言学;psycholinguistics 心理语言学; applied linguistics应用语言学 3.Some important distinction in linguistics (1)Descriptive vs. prescriptive 描述性与规定性 ①If a linguistics study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive; ②If the linguistics study aims to lay down rules for” correct and standard” behavior in using language, i.e. to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive. (2)Synchronic vs. diachronic 共时性与历时性 ①A synchronic description takes a fixed instant (usually, but not necessarily, the present) as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind. ②Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history. (2)Langue & parole 语言与会话 ①Language refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. ②Parole refers to the realization of language in actual use. (4)Competence and performance 语言能力与语言运用 ①A language user's unconscious knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic competence. ②Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations. (5)speech and writing 语言与文字 Speech and writing are the two major media of communication. (6)traditional grammar and modern linguistic 传统语法与现代语言学 4.Definition of language: Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Language is a system, i.e., elements of language are combined according to rules. Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistics symbol and what the symbol stands. Language is vocal because the primary medium for all languages is sound. The term “human” in the definition is meant to specify that language is human-specific. 5.Design features of language 6.(1) Arbitrariness 任意性refers to the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. (sounds and meanings) (2) Productivity(creativity)能产性Language is productive in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users. (3) duality双重性The property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the

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