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loving and hating new york课后练习答案

loving and hating new york课后练习答案
loving and hating new york课后练习答案

Loving and Hating New York 练习题答案/answer


1. Olmsted : Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. ( 1870 -- 1975 ), American landscape architect. A Harvard graduate (1894),he studied under his father, Fredcrick Law Olmsted, and began practice as landscape architect in 1895. He was landscape architect for the Metropolitan Park System of Boston,

1898--1920; Baltimore Park and Park Commission, 1902--1917; member of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission in 1929, and again from 1945. He acted in consulting capacity for and designed portions of the parks or other public improvements of many towns and cities and numerous instiutions, land subdivisions, and private properties. Among his designs in Washington D.C. were those for Rock Creek and Ana-costia Parks, the Mall, and the White House grounds. He wrote numerous articles and reports on professional subjects.

2. Bach. John Sebastian Bach (1685--1750),German composer and organist, one of the greatest and most influential composers of the Western World. He brought poly- phonic baroque music to its culmination, creating masterful and vigorous works in almost every musical form known in his period. Born into a gifted family, Bach was devoted to music from childhood; he was taught by his father and later by his brother Johann cristoph. His education was acquired largely through independent studies.

Since few of Bach's many works were published in his lifetime, exact dates cannot be fixed for all of them, but most can be placed with some certainty in the periods of his life. At Arnstadt and Miihlhausen he began a series of organ compositions that culminated in the great works of the Weimar period; the Passacaglia and Fugue in C Mi-nor. At Cothen he concentrated on instrumental compositions, especially keyboard works: the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue; the English Suites; and Book I of the celebrated 7"he

Well-Tempered-Clavier. He also wrote several un- accompainied violin

Sonatas and cellosuites, and the Brandenburg Concertos, recognised as the best concertigrossiever composed. As musical director of St Thomas atLeipzig, he composed many of his superb religious compositions, the Christmas Oratorio, the St. ]~lat hew Passion, etc. The principal keyboard works of this period were Book Ⅱof The Well-Tempered Clavier and the four books of clavier pieces in the Clavier Cibung, which includes: six partitas (1726--1731)~ the Italian Concerto and the Partita in B minor (1735)~ and the Goldberg Variations.

The bulk of his work is religious. In addition, he composed an astonising number of instrumental works, many of them designed for the instruction of his numerous pupils. In his instrumental and choral works he perfected the art of polyphony, displaying an unmatched combination of inventiveness and control in his great, striding fugues. During his lifetime, Bach was better known as an organist than as a composer. For decades after his death his works were neglected, but in the 19th century his genius came to be recognized, particularly by romantic composers such as Mendelssohn and Schumann. Since that time his reputation has grown steadily.


1. N0, his hometown is Seattle, a seaport in west central Washington State on Puget Sound. See paragragh 4.

2. These signs show that New York is no longer the leading city in the United States.

3. New York no longer begets the styles and sets the trends.It is no longer a paeesetter.

4. Other cities have buildings more inspired architecturally. The center of music and sports have also shifted to other cities. As a tourist attraction it is inferior to New Orlcans, San Francisco, Washington or Disneyland. Finally, there are many beter cities to live in than New York.

5. The Europeans call New York their favorite city because they like its cosmopolitan complexities, its surviving European standards and its alien mixtures. Perhaps some of these are reassured by the international names of jewelers, shoe stores and designer shops. But what most excites Europeans is

the city's charged, nervous atmosphere, its vulgar dynamism.

6. Tim writer went to New York because he likes to live there and he could practice the kind of journalism he wanted in that city.

7. The young people go to New York to test themselves and to avoid giving in to the most banal and marketable of their talents. In New York they also find the company of many other young people similarly fleeing from the constricting atmosphere of smaller cities.

8. New York is still the banking and communications head- quarters for America. The networks' news centres, the largest book publishers, the biggest magazines, the ad agencies are all here, appraising and ratifying the films, the plays, the music, the books that others have created.

9. Newcomers can find or form their little groups and, though these groups lie close to each other, there is no contact or intercourse between groups. This gives the city its sense of freedom.

10. Despite all the faults of the city, a New Yorker still prefers to live in New York because he prefers the unhealthy hassle and vitany of urban life. What he finds attractive about New York is its rawness, tension, urgency; its bracing competitiveness the rigor of its judgements; and the congested, democratic presence of so many other New Yorkers, encased in their own worlds.

11. It is in fact the first truly international metropolits because here one finds

a much wider mixture of nationalities Asians, Africans, Latins and all varieties of Europeans.


1.This article is a piece of expository writing. The main theme or thesis is stated by the title "Loving and Hating New York", or more specifically, by the first sent ence of the last paragraph: “Loving and hating New York becomes a matter of alternating moods, often in the same day. "

2. Griffith develops his main thesis by both objective and emotional description of New York and the life and struggle of New Yorkers. It is very effective. (See the answer to 4.)

3. This article is full of American English terms, phrases and constructions. Such as T-shirt, hassle, plush, holdout, comeback, putdown, measure up,

expense-account, etc.

4. The writer states that he both loves and hates New York, but the reader fails to see where or why he hates New York. It is clear that Griffith loves New York and feels exhilarated living there. He may sometimes feel exasperated but this feeling is never strong enough to turn to hate. The writer shows his love for New York with the words such as energy, contention striving, etc.

5. The first five paragraphs act as a general introduction, set- ting forth the present status of New York city in the Unit- ed States and in the eyes of foreigners. The last sentence of paragraph 5 also acts as a transition to the "actual de- scriptions of New York city itself: "the charged, nervous atmosphere, its vulgar dynamism" of the last line of paragraph 5 leads to the "energy, contention, and striving" in the first line of paragraph


6. The topic sentence of paragraph 8 is the first sentence. "Nature~ s pleasures are much qualified in New York. " The writer uses many examples to develop this paragraph and to back up the statement made in the topic sentence.

7. In New York, a shrewd understanding or ability to appraise things is appreciated and paid for, and skill and learning by themselves are not considered valuable. 8. Free. Student’s choice.


1. Nowadays New York cannot understand nor follow the taste of the American people.

2. New York boasts that it is a city that resists the prevailing trends (styles, fashion)of America.

3. Situation comedies made in Hollywood and the actual performance of Johnny Carson now replace the scheduled radio

and TV programs for California.

4. New York is regaining somewhat its status as a city that attracts tourists.

5. A person who wins in New York is constantly disturbed by fear and anxiety (because he is afraid of losing what he has won in the fierce competition).

6. The chance to enjoy the pleasures of nature is very limited.

7. At night the city of New York is aglow with lights and seems proudly and haughtily to darken the night sky.

8. But a pure and wholehearted devotion to a Bohemian life style can be exaggerated.

9. In both these roles of banking and communications head- quarters, New York starts or originates very few things but gives its stamp of approval to many things created by people in other parts of the country.

10. The television generation was constantly and strongly influenced by extravagant promotional advertising.

11. Authors writing long serious novels earn their living in the meantime by also writing articles for popular magazines.

12. Broadway, which seemed unable to resist the cheap, gaudy shows put on in the surrounding areas, is once again busy and active.

13. (If you tell a New Yorker about the vigor of outdoor pleasures, he will reply that) he prefers the unhealthy turmoil and animated life of a city.

14. Those who failed in the struggle of life, the down-and-outs, are not hidden away in slums or ghettoes where other people can't see them.

15. New York constantly irritates and annoys very much but at times it also invigorates and stimulates.

Ⅴ. See the translation of the text.


1. holdout: (Americanism) a place that holds out; hold out= continue resistance; stand firm; not yield

2. live: transmitted during the actual performance

3. charged : tense ; intense

4. put-down: (American slang) a belittling remark or crushing retort

5. foothold: a secure position from which it is difficult to be dislodged

6. measure up: (Americanism) prove to be competent or qualified

7. jingle: a verse that jingles; jingling arrangement of words or syllables

8. expense-account. (Americanism) an arrangement whereby certain expenses of an employee in connection with his work are paid for by his


9. illustration= a picture, design, diagram, etc. used to decorate or explain something

10. commercial: (radio and TV) a paid advertisement

11. distancing: be reserved or cool toward; treat aloofly

12. democratic: treating persons of all classes in the same way; not snobbish

13, jealous : very watchful or careful in guarding or keeping

14. high-rise: (Americanism) designating or of a tall apartment house, office buil ding, etc., of many stories /(noun) a high-rise building

15. mean: poor in appearance; shabby.


1. skyline: noun+ noun=noun Examples: bookcase; teacup; skyrocket; sealskin; sea port ; pigsty

2. pacesetter : noun + verb + er = noun Examples : shareholder ; leaseholder ; pathfinder ; painstaker ;watchmaker

3. trash-strewn : noun + past participle = adjective Examples: homespun; bloodstained; landlocked; henpecked ; homemade

4. international: a combining form+ adjective=adjective Examples: inter American; interchangeable; interdepartmental ; interplanetary ; intersectional

5. anti-septically : prefix 4-adverb = adverb Examples : preemptively; preeminently; predominantly; prefiguratively ; prehistorically

6. juxtaposition: a combining form+ noun=noun Examples: photochemistry; photocopy; phonograph; telephone ; television

7. NBC: composed of initials N+B+C from National Broadcasting Company Examples: BBC -- British Broadcasting Corporation; NCO -- noncommissioned officer; UN -- United Nations; MIA -- missing in action; PFLI -- Peking Foreign Languages Institute

8. Wasp: an acronym from white Anglo-Saxon protestant Examples: Awacs -- airborne warning and control system (a sophisticated surveillance plane); UFO -- unidentified flying object; Nato -- North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Asean -- Association of South-east Asian Nations; Anzac -- (a soldier in the)

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

9.ad:a shortening of “advertisement” Examples:auto(automobile);

kilo(kilogram);exam(examination);gent(gentleman);pram(perambulator) 1 0.Cabana:a loan word from Spanish Examples:blitz (German);judo (Japanese);discontheque (French);kolkhoz (Russian);solo (Italian) 11.sitcom:a blend word from “sit(uation)+corn(edy)” Examples:smog—sm(oke)+(f)og;smaze—sm (oke)+(h)aze;

brunch—br(eakfast)+(1)unch;moped…mo(tor)+ped(a1);motel-mo(tor)+ (ho)tel

12.Buick:a trade name for a car Examples:Omega(a watch);Kodak(a camera):Boeing(an airplane);Fiat(a car);Biro(a ball point pen)


1.assert指带着极大的信心,但却没有经客观证实的一种明确的陈述。如:He asserted that man’s nature would never change.declare指公开地或者正式地断言,通常是针对反面而言。如:They declared their independence.affirm指在一个人的陈述中隐含着一种极深的说服力,而且不可能为他人所否定。如:I cannot a.所Fill that he was there.

2.fragile隐含着一种结构上的精密,以致于很容易打碎。如a fragile china teacup。brittle隐含着一种僵硬性、无弹性,以致于在重压和打击之下很容易破碎。如:The bones of the body become brittle with age.

3.mix隐含着一种多种事物相}昆合,以致于在其形成的新事物中,不管单个的元素组成部分能否互相区别开来,它们都协调地结合在一起。如to mix paints。mingle通常隐含着在这种结合中,各个单个的元素组成部分能互相区别开来。如mingled feelings of joy and sorrow。merge强调在这种结合过程中单个元素组成部分的差别消失,或者指一种事物完全为另一事物所吸收。如:The companies merged to form a large corporation.

4.common用来形容在一个组织或者在一个机构等单位中,为所有的人或者大多数人所能共享的、或者是人们经常碰见的事物,而且还隐含着一种通常性、广泛性,或者一种贬义,一种劣质性。如a common belief,a common car。general隐含着一个类别、一个种类、一个组织中的所有的或者大多数的事物的相互连接,强调一种广泛性。如general unrest among the people。popular隐含着在通常公众的场合或者在人民大众之中的一种广泛流行的时尚,为人所接受

和喜爱。如a popular song。

Ⅸ.Formal Informal

1.pathetic pitiful

2.beget bring into being

3.pristine unspoiled

4.exasperate make angry;irritate

5.congenial agreeable

6.regard with great respect look up to

7.malleable capable 0f being molded

8.proximity closeness

9.exhilarate makecheerful

10.precariously unsafely;uncertainly;unstably 11.tumultuous wild and noisy

12.congested overcrowded

13.metropolis a large city

14.frivolous silly;light—hearted

15.diversity variety


1.Hollywood:U.S.motion picture industry or its life

2.Tin Pan Alley:the publishers,writers,and promoters of popular music:center of popular music

3.Madison Avenue:the advertising industry,its practices,influence,etc.

4.Fifth Avenue:fashionable shopping center

5. Broadway: the New York commercial theatre or entertainment industry

6. Greenwich Village: center for artists, writers, etc. , in New York

7. Disneyland : (after an amusement center near Los Angeles, created by Walt Disney) a place or condition of unreality, fantasy, incongruity, etc.

8. Wall street: the U. S. money market or the U. S. financiers and their power, influence, policies, etc


1. alliteration, metaphor

2. metonymy

3. metaphor, metonymy

4. personification

5. metaphor, synecdoche

6. irony

7. euphemism

8. personification


1. This paragraph is taken from Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell. In this paragraph he paints the difference between "the filthy little scullery" and the dining room of a Parisian restaunant. He develops his paragraph by a lot of descriptive details and the use of concrete words.

2. This paragraph is taken from 2"he Crisis in Man' s Destiny by Sir Julian Huxley. The main idea is expressed in his topic sentence "Science is exploding even more violently than population." He combines facts, judgements, and semifactual statements to develop his main idea. He sup- ports his semifactual topic sentence by statistical evidence (physical fact) in sentences 2,3 and 4. In sentence 5 he makes three judgements based on the factual evidence in the paragraph.

3. This paragraph is taken from 7"he Age of Fable by Thomas Bulfinch. The main idea is expressed in the opening topic sentence : "Without a knowledge of mythology much of the elegant literature of our own language cannot be understood and appreciated. " The writer uses multiple examples to develop and illustrate this view.

ⅩⅢ. Omitted.


The City I Came From

I came from Wenjiang, a town near Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province.

My hometown is not big, but it is clean and beautiful. She has a nickname, "Willow Town". It deserves the name, I think, as there are many willows on both sides of the streets. I really enjoy them. In spring, you can see the yellowish green shoots. In summer, the leaves grow into bright green, which

gives you a cool sense in the hot days. When fall comes, the leaves dry and disappear, and you can see only slim branches, which represent a unique beauty. I regard the willow as the symbol of my hometown. Each time I see it, I will be warmly reminded of my dear hometown.

Now I'd like to mention the food of my hometown, since it is part of Sichuan, which is famous for its food, among other things. Wenjiang people love eating and are good at cooking. Go along the streets, and you will find many snack bars. I'd like to recommend some of the most popular snacks. Sour vicious vermicelli, I think, is the most delicious. Eating it will help you to get rid of the tiredness after a strenuous day. ()nce you have it, your mouth is certain to water whenever you hear its name again. Then, you'd better drink a bowl of beef soup. It is hot indeed. You can see the mixture of oil and pepper floating on the soup. It's the best soup in winter. After you finish it, you will feel warm all through.

In a word, my hometown is worth visiting. There, you can have a good meal while enjoying the beautiful view. Have a try, if you do not believe.


New York Climate Climate is very important message we can know what kind of clothes we should prepare. The New York climate is Temperate continental. Cold and dry in winter. Dry and hot in summer. In spring and autumn you can feel four season in one day. Building Central Park Central Park plays an essential role for everyday lives of New Yorkers by providing 843 acres of paths. lakes and open spaces for escaping the din and chaos of the surrounding city. Visitors to New York City are often impressed with Central Park's beauty and size, making it a wonderful place for visitors to New York City to enjoy a bit of relaxation and get a better sense of what it's like to live in New York City. Metropolitan Museum of Art One of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes over 5 million visitors a year. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection and special exhibits offer something for everyone -- from Ancient Egyptian Vases and Roman Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass and Rembrandt Paintings there is something for nearly everyone. If you're overwhelmed by the sheer size and breadth of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection, take a Highlights Tour The Statue of Liberty The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States in honor of the friendship established during the French Revolution. The Statue of Liberty has become an American symbol of freedom and welcome to the immigrants who come to the USA looking for a better life. Broadway It is a long street which is 25 km long. Many famous theatres has gathered there, so Broadway has become the symbol of the operas of world. Grand Central Terminal Grand Central Terminal is a beautiful Beaux3-arts building in midtown Manhattan. First opened in 1913, Grand Central Terminal underwent a massive restoration to restore it to its former glory, and is now both a transportation hub, as well as a destination in itself for visitors to New York City. The Rockefeller Center The Rockefeller Center complex was conceived by John D. Rockefeller Jr. in early 1929 in the hopes of revitalizing恢复活力the area. Despite the stock market crash, construction continued, providing much needed employment during the Great Depression. This commercial complex of 19 buildings is worth visiting to experience the architecture and art, as well as to enjoy the area's shopping and dining. American Museum of Natural History Since opening to the public in 1869, the American Museum of Natural History has evolved and grown. In addition to the Rose Center planetarium and regular exhibits, the American Museum of Natural History hosts a revolving series of new exhibits, so there is always something new to see


介绍美国纽约英语作文 在纽约市和出纽约市要通过两个隧道:林肯隧道和荷兰隧道。林肯隧道是一条位于纽约市的隧道,跨越哈德逊河以连接新泽西州。现在是小编为您整理的介绍美国纽约英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 介绍美国纽约英语作文1 In 1869, the draft of the statue of Liberty was completed, and Bartholdy began to throw himself into the work of sculpture. He has traveled to the United States to win American support for the statue scheme, but Americans have been slow to realize the value of the gift. Until 1876, Bartholdy held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary independent exposition, in order to attract public attention of , the statue of liberty he held the torch hand on display at the fair, just a sensation. Placed in front of people in this hand only index finger on the length of 2.44 meters, more than 1 meters in diameter, nail thickness of 25 cm, 12 people can stand on the edge of the torch. So this a few days ago also little-known sculpture suddenly worth a hundred times, become the everyone to appreciate art treasures. We boarded the cruise ship and went up to the two floor. The river wind is very cool, put the hair on my forehead to the back, behind the hair along the wind, blown into the "fluttering" hairstyle. I saw a wide river, suffused with blue waves, along the river, or ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


介绍美国纽约英语精选作文 在纽约市和出纽约市要通过两个隧道:林肯隧道和荷兰隧道。林肯隧道是一条位于纽约市的隧道,逾越哈德逊河以连接新泽西州。现在是小编为您整理的介绍美国纽约英语精选作文,希望对您有所帮助。 介绍美国纽约英语精选作文1 In 1869, the draft of the statue of Liberty was completed, and Bartholdy began to throw himself into the work of sculpture. He has traveled to the United States to win American support for the statue scheme, but Americans have been slow to realize the value of the gift. Until 1876, Bartholdy held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary independent exposition, in order to attract public attention of , the statue of liberty he held the torch hand on display at the fair, just a sensation. Placed in front of people in this hand only index finger on the length of 2.44 meters, more than 1 meters in diameter, nail thickness of 25 cm, 12 people can stand on the edge of the torch. So this a few days ago also little-known sculpture suddenly worth a hundred times, become the everyone to appreciate art treasures. We boarded the cruise ship and went up to the two floor. The river wind is very cool, put the hair on my forehead to the back, behind the hair along the wind, blown into the


美国纽约市英语简介 纽约(New York),是纽约都会区的核心,也是美国最大城市,同时也是世界最大的城市之一。纽约位于美国东海岸的东北部,是美国人口最多的城市,也是个多族裔聚居的多元化城市,拥有来自97个国家和地区的移民,在此使用的语言达到800种。截至2014年,纽约大约有849万人,居住在789平方千米的土地上。纽约市是一座世界级国际化大都市,直接影响着全球的经济、金融、媒体、政治、教育、娱乐与时尚界。纽约GDP于2013年超越东京,位居世界第一。下面为大家带来旅游英语美国纽约市英语简介,欢迎大家阅读! 纽约市英语简介: New York City is the most beguiling place there is. You may not think so at first - for the city is admittedly mad, the epitome in many ways of all that is wrong in modern America. But spend even a week here and it happens - the pace, the adrenaline take hold, and the shock gives way to myth. Walking through the city streets is an experience, the buildings like icons to the modern age, and above all to the power of money. Despite all the hype, the movie-image sentimentalism, Manhattan - the central island and the city's real core - has massive romance: whether it's the flickering lights of


纽约的城市介绍 New York is the most popular city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most popular metropolitan areas in the world. New York has a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. The city is also known as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, of which it is a part. 第五大道 Fifth Avenue which is the center of Manhattan, is one of the most world famous business the Rockefeller Center to the 58th Street,there are many luxury avenue’s most illustrious name is still Tiffany, the jeweller brought to fame by the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’this movie,every day morning ,Audrey Hepburn came to New York's fifth avenue of Tiffany window, eating her bread and dreaming that she could have breakfast in the jewelry shop one day. the Metropolitan Museum大都会艺术博物馆 One of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes over 5 million visitors a year. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection and special exhibits offer something for everyone -- from Ancient Egyptian Vases and Roman Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass

纽约简介 中英文对照

. 纽约建立于1624年。 New York was established in 1624. 纽约是整个美国的金融经济中心、最大城市、港口和人口最多的城市,是美国最大城市及最大大港,也是世界第一大城市,位于纽约州东南部。 New York is the American financial and economic center, the largest port city, and the most populous city, the largest city and largest port is the United States, is also the world's first big city, located in southeastern New York. 美国最大的金融、商业、贸易和文化中心。 The United States of America 's largest financial, commercial, trade and cultural center. 纽约由曼哈顿、布朗克斯、布鲁克林、昆斯和里士满5个区组成。 New York from Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, queens and Richmond 5 regions.土地面积785平方公里,水域面积428平方公里;市区面积8,683平方公里;纽约大都会面积17,405平方公里。 The land area of 785 square kilometers, water area area 428 square kilometers; urban area of 8683 square kilometers; the New York metropolitan area is 17405 square kilometers. 纽约是美国少数民族最为集中的地区。黑人有100万以上,著名的唐人街现有23万华人。New York is the United States the highest concentration of ethnic minority regions. Black has 1000000 above, the famous Chinatown has 230000 chinese. 还有众多的意大利人和犹太人。城市标志:自由女神像。由于联合国总部设于该市,因此被世人誉为“世界之都”。 There are many Italians and jews. City landmarks: Statue of Liberty. Because United Nations Headquarters is arranged in the city, it was known as" capital of the world". 哥伦比亚大学位于美国纽约市曼哈顿,于1754年建立,三位美国总统是该校的毕业生。 Columbia University is located in American New York city Manhattan, established in 1754, the three president of the United States is the school's graduates. 其新闻学院颁发的普利策奖是美国新闻界的最高荣誉。 The news of Pulitzer award is the highest honor the United States press. .


The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established on 24 October 1945 t o promote international co-operation. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations,(国际联盟) the organization was created following the Second World War to prevent another such conflict. At its founding, the UN had 51 member states; there are now 193. The UN Headquarters (总部)is situated in Manhattan, New York City and enjoys extraterritoriality. Further main offices are situated in Geneva, Nairobi and Vienna. The organization is financed by assessed and voluntary contributions from its member states. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict. 1.On 25 April 1945, the UN Conference on International Organization began in San Francisco, attended by 50 governments and a number of non-governmental organizations involved in drafting the United Nations Charter. The UN officially came into existence on 24 October 1945 upon ratification of the Charter by the five then-permanent members of the Security Council—France, the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the UK and the US—and by a majority of the other 46 signatories. The first meetings of the General Assembly, with 51 nations represented, and the Security Council took place in Methodist Central Hall Westminster in London beginning 6 January 1946. The General Assembly selected New York City as the site for United Nations Headquarters, and the facility was completed in 1952. Its site—like UN headquarters buildings in Geneva, Vienna, and Nairobi—is designated as international territory.The Norwegian Foreign Minister, Trygve Lie, was elected as the first UN Secretary-General. 1945年4月25日,联合国国际组织会议在旧金山召开,50国政府及诸多非政府机构参与并起草了《联合国宪章》。1945年10月24日,当时的安理会五大常任理事国(法国、中华民国、苏联、英国和美国)及多数其他签署国(46国)共同批准了宪章,联合国正式宣告成立。 1946年1月6日,联合国大会第一次会议(51个国家代表出席)以及安理会在英国伦敦的卫理公会中央礼堂举行。大会选定纽约作为联合国总部,其设施于1952年完工。联合国总部同联合国在日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕的总部一样,被指定为国际领土。同时,大会还选举了挪威外相特吕格韦·赖伊为第一任联合国秘书长。 2.The United Nations' system is based on five principal organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice.[42] A sixth principal organ, the Trusteeship Council, suspended operations in 1994, upon the independence of Palau, the last remaining UN trustee territory. 2.1 The General Assembly is the main deliberative assembly of the United Nations. Composed of all United Nations member states, the assembly meets in regular yearly sessions, but emergency sessions can also be called.The assembly is led by a president, elected from among the member states on a rotating regional basis, and 21 vice-presidents.The first session was convened on 10 January 1946 in the Methodist Central Hall Westminster in London and included representatives of 51 nations. When the General Assembly votes on important questions, a two-thirds majority of those present and voting is required. Examples of important questions include recommendations on peace and security; election of members to organs; admission, suspension, and expulsion of members; and budgetary matters. All other questions are decided by a majority vote. Each member country has one vote. Apart from approval of budgetary matters, resolutions are not


纽约的唐人街英文介绍 On the surface, Chinatown is prosperous - a “model slum,” some have called it - with the lowest crime rate, highest employment and least juvenile delinquency of any city district. Walk through its crowded streets at any time of day, and every shop is doing a brisk and businesslike trade: restaurant after restaurant is booming; there are storefront displays of shiny squids, clawing crabs and clambering lobster; and street markets offer overflowing piles of exotic green vegetables, garlic and ginger root. Chinatown has the feel of a land of plenty, and the reason why lies with the Chinese themselves: even here, in the very core of downtown Manhattan, they have been careful to preserve their own way of dealing with things, preferring to keep affairs close to the bond of the family and allowing few intrusions into a still-insular culture. There have been several concessions to Westerners - storefront signs now offer English


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