当前位置:文档之家› 疯狂原始人部分英文台词



With every sun comes a new day. A new beginning. A hope that things will be better

today than they were yesterday. But no t for me. My name's Eep. And this is my family. The Croods. If you weren't clued already, by animal skin, and sloping forehead, we are cavemen. Most days we sp end in our cave. In the dark. Night after night, day after day. Yep. Home sweet home. When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile world. And I struggled to survive my family. We were the last ones around. There us ed to be neighbors. The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. The Erfs, mosquito bite. The Throgs, common cold.

And the Croods.. That's us. The Croods made it, beca us e of my dad. He was strong, and he followed the rules. The ones painted on our cave walls: Anything new is bad. Curiosity is bad. Going out at night is bad. Basically, anything fun is bad.

Welcome to my world! But this is a story about how all that changed in an instant.

Because what we didn't k no w, was that our world was about to come to an end.

And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that.

Grug: You’re supposed to wait for my signal, Eep.

Eep: We’ve been in that cave forever.

Grug: Three days is not forever.

Eep: It is with this family.

Grug: Eep, will you come down here? You?re being so...so dramatic. No,no,no,Sandy, com e back here! Remember the signal. Good girls wait for the signal. Ugga!

Ugga: As soon as I get Sandy, I’ll go back in, and you can give the signal.

Grug: No. But you’re already out now.

Thunk: I am waiting for the signal, Dad!

Grug: Never mind, Thunk. Just come out.

Thunk: But if you don?t give me the signal, how do I know you?re my dad?

Grug: The signal isn?t so, you know it?s me. It?s so you know I wasn?t eaten by an animal.

Thunk: Then why is the signal an animal noise? I mean, doesn’t that just confuse things? I’m still waiting for the signal.

Ugga: Mom, we?re ready to leave! Mom?

Gran: Still alive! I?m still alive!

Grug: It?s still early.

Gran: And you?re still fat.

Grug: Breakfast formation! I want to see some real caveman action out there! We do this fas t. We do this loud. We do this as a family, and never not be afraid!

Thunk: Yay...breakfast...

Grug: Okay, who?s up? We?ll flip for it. Call her in the air.

Eep: Heads!

Grug: Tails. Thunk?s in. Positions! Okay. Thunk, go! Come on, Thunk.

Grug: Way to go! Take it to the cave!

Grug: Release the baby!

Ugga: Get?em, Sandy, go!

Ugga: Get them, Mom!

Gran: Old lady down! Eep, avenge me!

Eep: Thanks.

Grug: Eep!

Eep: Heads up!

Thunk: Hey, Dad,can we eat now?

Grug: Just wait till we get home. Eep, put on the brakes! Eep!Grug: Who?s hungry?

Thunk: Good one, Dad.

Grug: Here you go, Thunk. Drink up!

Thunk: Sorry, dad.

Ugga: Looks like fast food tonight.

Grug: That?s all right. I ate last week.

Gran: Two knuckle warning!

Go, go ,go.

Grug: Come on, come on. Darkness brings death! We know this. Ugga: The moon is full. Bath night.

Gran: Run for your life!

Ugga: You to, Mom.

Gran: I don?t want to lose my protective layer.

Ugga: Mom, you?ve got ants. See? Sandy doesn?t fuss.

Grug: Is she still out there?

Ugga:You know she hates the cave, Grug.

Eep: Please come back tomorrow!

Grug: How can she not like the cave? It?s so cozy.

Ugga: It is a littile dark, right?

Grug: It?s not that dark. Eep! Eep! Come on, I gotta close the cave. Eep! Eep: Okay! Okay!

Grug: Eep! Come down!

Grug: That was too close!

Eep: I was watching. I was fine.

Grug: What were you doing up there, Eep?

Eep: I don?t know

Grug: What were you looking for?

Eep: Nothing.

Grug: Well then, why did you go up there?

Eep: I don?t know!

Grug: Why don?t you know? Stop looking for things! Fear keeps us alive, Eep. Never not b e afraid.

Eep: What?s the point of all this?!

Grug: What was that?

Eep:I mean, why are we here? What are we doing this for?

Grug: No one said survival is fun.

Eep: Nothing is fun.

Grug: Would you come down here?

Ugga: Grug? Off!

Grug: Yes. Okay...I just...

Ugga: Off!

Grug: I just don?t see why she needs her own ledge. That?s all. That?s all. That?s what this is about.

Ugga: She?s working through some things and needs some space.

Grug: What things? How long is this going to take? Really? She already doesn?t listen to m e. Hey!

Ugga: See? She?s listening.

Grug: If she wants to survive,she has to follow our rules.

Ugga: How about a story? Eep loves those.

Grug: That?s a good idea. How about a story,huh?

Yeah,tell us a story.

Grug: Okay. Can I borrow that? Thank you. Eep! Your old favourite!

Eep: I haven?t played with that thing in years.

Grug: Tonight we?ll hear the story of Krispy Bear——A long time ago,this little bear

was alive. She was alive because she listened to her father and lived her life in routine

and darkness and terror. So she was happy. But Krispy had one terrible problem. She

was filled with...curiosity.

Ugga: Grug!

Grug: Yes,yes. And one day, while she was in a tree, the curious little bear wanted to

climb to the top.


Grug: And no sooner had she climbed to the top she saw something new and died. Thunk: Just like that?

Grug: Yes! Her last moments of terror still frozen on her face.

Thunk: Same ending as every day.I get it,Dad.I will never do anything new or different.

Eep: Same ending as every day.

Thunk: I get it,Dad. I will never do anything new or different.

Grug: Good man, Thunk.

Ugga: All right, everyone sharpen your teeth and let?s pile up.

Guy: Air...

Eep: You talk?!

Guy: I?m person, like you. Sort of...like you.

Guy: Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey. Could you... Could you mind not... That tickles. Hey, hey, hey. Hey!

Eep: Quiet! I am not supposed to be out here.

Grug: Eep?s gone!

Ugga: What? Grug!

Grug: Stay in the cave!

Guy: Wow, you?re really strong!

Eep: No! It?s mine!

Guy: Please... No! No! But it is dying! I can fix it. Please... please. I hate the dark. Come on, come on...

Eep: It does what you tell it?!

Guy: Well, yeah, sort of...

Eep: Sun?

Guy: No, no. Fire.

Eep: Hi, Fire.

Guy: Huh~huh. It?s not alive.

Eep: But you said it was dying.

Guy: Sorry.

Eep: It comes from where you came from?

Guy: No, I made it.

Eep: Make some for me.

Guy: Okay! It doesn?t come out of me.

Eep: Make. Make. Make it!

Guy: You do this a lot.

Eep: Are you dead? Can I have your fire if you?re dead?

Guy: Hey, those are cold! You think? Listening shells, activate. I concur. Tiger girl, we nee d to leave immediately.

Eep: I don?t even know you.

Guy: I?m Guy.

Eep: Guy?

Guy: And this is Belt. Cook, conversationalist, navigator, also keeps my pants up.

Eep: What are ?pants up??

Guy: who are you?

Eep: who are you?

Guy: let me clarify, Eep. The world is ending.

Eep: What?

Guy: I’m calling it...”The end.”

Eep: How do you know?

Guy: I’ve seen it. It’s coming this way. First, the ground is gonna shake. Then it breaks ope n. Everything falls in. Fire,Lava. I don’t mean to sound too dramatic, but... Believe me, everythin

g we’re standing on, all this right here, will be gone. We’ve got to get to high ground. I know a mountain, that way. It’s our only chance. Come with me!

Eep: I can?t.

Guy: Okay. Here. If you survive, call me.

Eep: Thank you. Hello?

Grug: Hey!

Eep: Dad!

Grug: Are you hurt? What took you?

Eep: Nothing. I left on my own.

Grug: You...what?

Eep: Dad, let me explain. You never let me talk.

Grug: You?re grounded.

Ugga: Eep!

Eep: Mom!

Ugga: Grug! What happened?

Grug: You know what, I am so mad right now that I can?t talk to her.

Ugga: Eep?

Eep: You?ll never believe it. I found something new.

New? New is a big problem.

Eep: No. Wait, wait.

Grug: Eep, stay inside the family kill circle.

Eep: But it wasn?t bad.

Grug: New is always bad.

Eep: No. He was nice.

Grug: What? Excuse me? He?

Eep: Well, I thought he was a warthog, but then he turned into a boy. Gran: Strange. Usually it?s the reverse.

Thunk: Eep?s got a boy hog! Eep?s got a boy...

Eep: There was a boy. Watch,okay? I?m gonna call him.

Eep: What is wrong with you?

Grug: It was dangerous.

Eep: It was beautiful. You want to see dangerous? Here.

Thunk: Ow! My sniffer!

Grug: Okay, Eep, that?s it. We?re going back to the cave and you?re going to stay in there u ntil you?re older than... her!


With every sun comes a new day. 每每旭日东升 A new beginning. 都是崭新的开始 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 总是期冀今日之美远胜昨日But not for me. My name's Eep. 但不属于我我叫小伊 And this is my family. The Croods. 这是我的家人克鲁德一家 If you weren't clued already, by animal skin 如果你看到我们的兽皮和倾斜的额头 and sloping forehead, we are cavemen. 还不明白我们是原始人 Most days we spend in our cave, 我们整日在洞穴中度日 in the dark. 藏于黑暗 Night after night, day after day. 日复一日年复一年 Yep. Home sweet home. 真是甜蜜的家啊 When we did go out, we struggled to find food 难得出洞还得在残酷的大自然里 in a harsh and hostile world. 拼命找食物 And I struggled to survive my family. 我还得拼命保护家人 We were the last ones around. 我们是仅存的一家了 There used to be neighbors. 曾经有很多邻居 The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. 高茨一家被猛犸象踩扁了 The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. 霍克一家被沙蛇吞了 The Erfs, mosquito bite. 厄夫一家被蚊子叮死了 The Throgs, common cold. 斯洛格一家感个冒就挂了 And the Croods... That's us. 还有克鲁德一家就是我们 The Croods made it, because of my dad. 我们活下来了全靠我老爸 He was strong, and he followed the rules, 他不但强壮而且遵守规则 the ones painted on our cave walls: 规矩都刻在洞穴的墙上了 Anything new is bad. Curiosity is bad. 新鲜事物都很危险好奇心也很危险 Going out at night is bad. 夜晚出门更是危险


天天猜电影所有答案欧美电影欧美偶像答案为各位玩家带来 ,希望对各位玩家有所帮助。 天天猜电影欧美电影偶像答案 阿诺德施瓦辛格 克拉克盖博 莱昂纳多 玛丽莲梦露 莫妮卡贝鲁奇 娜塔莉波特曼 汤姆汉克斯 汤姆克鲁斯 威尔史密斯 小罗伯特唐尼 休杰克曼 安吉丽娜朱莉 约翰尼德普

奥黛丽赫本 奥兰多布鲁姆布拉德皮特 费雯丽 凯瑟琳泽塔琼斯凯特温丝莱特剪刀手爱德华穿普拉达的女王七宗罪 老雷斯的故事怪兽大战外星人绿野仙踪 机器人与弗兰克摩登时代 后天 幸福终点站 小飞侠 地狱男爵 泰迪熊 蓝精灵 穿靴子的猫 波普先生的企鹅罪恶之城 飞跃疯人院 霍顿与无名氏公民凯恩 海洋

沉默的羔羊 怪兽电力公司 换子疑云 辛普森一家 天生一对 兵临城下 落水狗 致命ID 超人 绿灯侠 好家伙 夺宝奇兵 国王的演讲 超级无敌掌门狗 速度与激情 云图 X战警 环形使者 饥饿游戏 楚门的世界 恋恋笔记本 拯救大兵瑞恩 美食总动员 金刚 了不起的狐狸爸爸达芬奇密码 独立日

禁闭岛 穆赫兰道 蝴蝶效应 恐怖游轮 万能钥匙 这个杀手不太冷 两小无猜 他其实没那么喜欢你初恋次 爱在黄昏破晓前 猫鼠游戏 ET 午夜巴塞罗那 迷失东京 英国病人 天生杀人狂 V字仇杀队 朱诺 重返岁 初恋这件小事 敢死队 死寂 人工智能 猜火车 林中小屋 第六感

暖暖内含光 跳出我天地 海盗电台 真爱至上 青春 公主日记 闻香识女人 爱丽丝梦游仙境无敌破坏王 疯狂原始人 海底总动员 蓝莓之夜 当幸福来敲门放牛班的春天诺丁山 迫在眉睫 心灵捕手 卡萨布兰卡 兰戈 发胶 八月迷情 飞屋环游记 星球大战 银翼杀手 两杆大烟枪 玩具总动员

疯狂原始人经典台词 中英文对照

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 《疯狂原始人》讲述的是在史前一场地震过后,山洞人部落失去了自己的家园,族长Crug带领着族人在危险的野外跋涉,寻找新的家园。路上他们遇到了一个游牧部落落单的族人,后者凭借自己超前的思维和前卫的行为受到了山洞人的追捧并和Crug的长女暗生情愫。以下是谜语网小编为大家整理的有关疯狂原始人的经典台词,让我们一起在欢乐、诙谐、有寓意的对白中一起重温电影吧! Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go. T h u n k:D a d,I d o n't h a v e a b r a i n. 小盖:这是大脑,我想的很多点子都来自这里。(傻蛋)坦克:老爸!我没有大脑! G r u g:A c a v e!E v e r y o n e i n s i d e! G r a n:I t l o o k s t h e c a v e h a v e a t o n g u e!V e r y m a g i c a l! 爸爸:是洞穴!大家快进去! 奶奶:这洞穴还有舌头,真神奇! E a p:W h a t i s t h a t G u y:f i r e T h u n k: F i r e i s b i t t i n g m e! 小伊:这是什么? 小盖:是火。(傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦! G u y:I c a l l t h e m s h o e s.


Eep(白): With every sun comes new day. A new beginning. A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me. My name is Eep. And this is my family. The Groods. If you weren’t clued already, by animal skin, and sloping forehead, we are cave man. Most days we spend in our cave. In the dark. Night after night, day after day. Yep, home sweet home. When we did go out, we struggled to find food. In a harsh and hostile world. And I struggled to survise my family. We are the last ones around. The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. The Erfs, mosquito bite. The Throgs, common cold. And the Groods……That’s us. The Groods made it, because of my dad. He was strong, and he followed the rules. The ones painted on our cave walls: Anything new is bad, curiosity is bad, going out at night is bad……Basically, anything fun is bad. Welcome to my world! But this is a story about how all that changed in a instant. Because what we didn’t know, was that our world was about to come to an end. And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that. Grug: You’re supposed to wait for my signal, Eep. Eep? Eep: We’ve been in that cave forever. Grug: Three days is not forever. Eep: It is with this family. Grug: Eep, will you come down here? You been so ……so dramatic. Grug: No, no, no, Sandy, come back here! Remember the signal, good girls wait for the signal. Ugga…… Ugga: As soon as I getSandy, I’ll go back in, and you can give the signal. Grug: No, but you’re already out now. Thunk: I’m waiting for the signal, dad! Grug: Never mind, Thunk. Just come out. Thunk: Yep……But if you don’t give me the signal, how do I know you’re my dad? Grug: The signal isn’t so you know it’s me. It’s so you know I wasn’t eaten by an animal. Thunk: Wait, then why is the signal an animal noise? I mean, doesn’t that just confuse things? I……I’m still waiting for the signal. Ugga: Mum, we’re ready to leave! Mum? Ugga’s mum: Still alive! Grug: It’s still early. Ugga’s mum: And you’re still fat! Grug: Breakfast formation! I want to see some real caveman action out here! We do this fast, we do this loud, we do this as a family! And never! not! be! afraid! Thunk: Yay! Breakfast…… Grug: Who’s up? We’ll flip for it. Call her in the air. Eep: Heads! (Ugga’s mum: Ah!!!!!!) Grug: Tails. Thunk’s in. Positions! Ok, Thunk, go! Come on, Thunk. Way to go! Take it to the cave! (Thunk was fallen on the ground.) Oh. Release the baby! Ugga: Get’em, Sandy, go! Ugga: Get them, mum! Ugga’s mum: Old lady down! Eep, avenge me! Eep: Thanks!


英语社团课外活动计划 一、指导思想: 兴趣是学生的内驱力,引发学生浓厚的情感是学好英语的关键。农村中学英语学习缺乏语言环境,学生遗忘现象比较比较严重,出现学时会、用时忘的现象。长此以来,会导致一部分学生成绩偏差,慢慢对英语学习失去兴趣,影响老师的正常教学。初中英语教学的活动立足于现实,着眼于学生的未来的学习和发展,仅靠纯课堂内教学远不能满足学生学习英语的需要,我们应树立大课堂的教学观,重视课外活动。课外活动是课堂教学的辅助形式,是课堂教学的补充和延伸,为培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们学习积极性,为了丰富中学生的课余生活,我们开设初中英语课外活动小组。 二、活动目的: 1、通过有效的课外活动,从小培养学生对英语及英语学习的兴趣。 2、授人以渔,培养学生英语学习能力。 3、培养学生良好的行为习惯,形成健康的个性心理。 4、提高学生的整体素质,为日后学习英语打好基础。 三、活动时间与内容: 1. 第二周:观看希望之星英语风采大赛 1. 第三周:学生自我介绍 2. 第四周:讲小红帽的故事The little red riding hood 3. 第五周:排演英语童话剧《小红帽》 4. 第六周:欣赏电影《疯狂原始人》 5. 第七周:继续欣赏电影《疯狂原始人》 6. 第八周:给《疯狂原始人》片段配音 (第九周国庆,第十周期中考试) 7. 第十一周:学唱英文歌Yesterday once more My love 8. 第十二周:探讨西方音乐、电影,了解西方文化 9. 第十三周:学生介绍他们自己喜欢的英文电影 10. 第十四周:开启美食之旅,第一站——中国 11.第十五周:美食之旅第二站:英国 13.第十六周:美食之旅第三站:日本 14. 第十六周:话题演讲:My dream 15. 第十七周:了解辩论赛,观看比赛视频 16. 第十八周:玩转辩论赛,实际演练 活动方法与顺序: 一基本训练,创设语言氛围。(三分钟) 背景一


Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go. Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain. 小盖:这是大脑,我想的很多点子都来自这里。 (傻蛋)坦克:老爸!我没有大脑! Grug:A cave!Everyone inside! Gran:It looks the cave have a tongue!Very magical! 爸爸:是洞穴!大家快进去! 奶奶:这洞穴还有舌头,真神奇! Eap:What is that Guy: fire Thunk:Fire is bitting me ! 小伊:这是什么? 小盖:是火。 (傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦! Guy: I call them shoes. Eap:I'm love it.But where my feet? 盖:我叫它们为鞋子 小伊:我好喜欢,那我的脚呢? Sandy:Release the baby! 小珊:放孩子咬它! Now we don't call it alive, it's just not to die 我们现在这不叫活着,这只是没有死去 Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark,follow the lights,then you can find tomorrow! 不要躲避,不要害怕黑暗,向着太阳,你就能找到明天! 哥:你在那干吗呢?多危险啊?小伊 Melon brother: Xiao Yi, what are you doing over there? It's too dangerous! 小伊:我不知道 Xiao Yi: I don't know 瓜哥:你为什么不知道?停止寻找吧,恐惧能让我们活着,别不害怕。


疯狂原始人中英对照字幕1 太阳升起又是新的一天 With every sun comes a new day. 2 一个崭新的开始 A new beginning. 3 人们总是希望今天比昨天强 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 4 对我来说无所谓我是伊普 But not for me. My name's Eep. 5 这是我的家族克鲁德一家 And this is my family. The Croods. 6 注意到没? 从我们穿的兽皮 If you weren't clued already, by animal skin 7 和倾斜的前额就能猜出我们是原始人。 and sloping forehead, we are cavemen.

8 大多时候我们呆在 Most days we spend in our cave, 9 黑暗的洞穴里 in the dark. 10 日复一日夜复一夜 Night after night, day after day. 11 多可爱的家啊 Yep. Home sweet home. 12 我们出去的时候为了寻找食物而奔波在 When we did go out, we struggled to find food 13 这个严酷而又冷漠的世界上。 in a harsh and hostile world. 14 而我还得拼命忍受我的家人。 And I struggled to survive my family. 15 我们是周围最后的遗民


三年级看疯狂原始人观后感 《疯狂原始人》是一部十分好看的电影,看完后,我明白了,现实中的梦想和动漫中主人公所追随的太阳是一样的,只要坚持,只要努力,就能成功。下面我们一起来看看疯狂原始人观后感! 疯狂原始人的观后感 周末终于做完了所有的作业。于是,爸爸便答应陪我看《疯狂原始人》喜剧动画片。 故事讲了克鲁德一家六口是洞居原始人,每天早晨拿恐鸟蛋当早餐,晚上听着同一个故事,过着一成不变的生活。只是他的大女儿小伊有强烈的好奇心,她讨厌黑暗,总想追寻光明。 直到有一天,世界末日来了,一家人只好开始逃亡之旅。展现在他们面前的是一个崭新而又充满危险的世界:热带雨林中凶猛的剑齿虎,平原上残忍的恐鸟……各种危险的事件接踵而至。还好克鲁德一家遇到了救星――游牧族人“盖”,他有着超凡的创造力,发明了很多“高科技”产品,帮助克鲁德一家躲过了重重困难,并让他们知道了生活需要“用脑子”,走路需要“穿鞋子”等等。最后在地震发生时,克鲁德也受到了“盖”的影响,依靠自己的智慧,最终与一家人团聚。 看完《疯狂原始人》,我不禁想到了我的爸爸:每次到快餐店吃饭,爸爸都是等我和妈妈吃完后,来当“垃圾桶”,清理我们吃剩下的饭菜。爸爸就像克鲁德一样,如同我和妈妈头顶上的一把大伞,撑起了整个家。其实我们每个人心中都有一座巍峨的山,那便是父爱。

同时,这部电影还告诉我们,爱不需要隐藏,要大声地说出自己的爱;面对困难时,更不能逃避,不能老想着躲进山洞,要勇敢地面对困难,迎接挑战! 观疯狂原始人的感想【杨令臻】 幽默搞笑诙谐的我怎能放过这部精彩的幽默大片――《疯狂原始人》。这好像是一部老少皆宜的电影,电影院里坐满了不同年龄段的人。因为我不是专业观众我只要在故事方面和大家分享。 影片一开始就讲述叫小易的女孩厌倦了日落就回到黑暗的山洞,在黑暗和恐惧的山洞里,听父亲单调乏味的故事,她在逃出山洞追寻光明的途中,遇到一个叫盖的青年。盖让小易知道世界上有一种叫火的东西,这火让小易那么欣喜。盖还有一个形影不离的小伙伴皮带猴,无论什么时候,只要盖需要智慧,皮带猴总会帮助盖想出办法来。小易的父亲瓜哥,是一个力大无穷的巨人,他全心全意地保护着他的家人,妻子儿女,以及孩子们的老外婆。他只要他的家人能安全地活下去,哪怕一直活在黑暗和恐惧的世界里,他不让家人接触任何新事物,他认为所有的新事物都是危险的。然而,盖的出现,正是一个新事物的出现。 一次大地震,小易一家赖以生存的黑暗山洞彻底被摧毁了,他们没有了可以回去的黑暗山洞,恐怖如影随形,一直追逐着他们。他们在逃避各种新事物的追逐中,小易用海螺呼唤盖,盖用火打败了一瞬间让一只巨型动物变成白骨的红鸟群,从此,盖与小易一家,开始了走向远方高山的旅程。这里的远方高山,我想是象征美好未来。

电影英语 疯狂原始人单词

Struggle 奋斗努力 Hostile 敌方的敌对 Harsh 严厉的 Basically 基本上 Instant 立即的紧急的 Dramatic 引人注目的 Dream magic Avenge 报仇 Vent 通风口发泄Position 位置职位 Avenge 为报仇Vindication 为辩护 Convince 使信任 Victor 胜利者 Win Knock 敲 Knuckle 关节指节 Fuss 小题大做忙乱焦急啰嗦 Fess Cozy 保温罩蒙骗抚慰 Ledge 壁架暗礁矿层Ridge 山脊山脉 Edge 边缘 Routine 程序 Sharpen 削尖尖锐 Teeth 牙齿 Pile 推大量 Clarify 澄清阐明Practical 实际的实用的Actually 实际的 slope 斜坡斜面slippery 滑的

primary 最初的主要的基本的prime 首要的第一流的primitive 原始的粗糙的简单的 Pretend 伪装假装 Protend 伸出延长 Mission 使命任务 Hope 希望 Hunch 预感 Blame 责任 Stomach 胃 Hunt 打猎亨特 Ton 大量 Skinny 瘦小的 Flavor 风味 despair 绝望失望desperate 不顾一切的绝望的Spire 呼吸 Lead Lean 倾斜倚靠倾向 Laugh 笑 Loud 大声 Split 分离分开 Gatherer 采集者 Count 计算 Quant - 计算 quite 十分完整 Spire 呼吸 Desperate 不顾绝望的 collapse 倒塌崩溃破产lapse 失误流逝丧失 slipper 便鞋拖鞋 slip


疯狂原始人 每一轮太阳的升起都会开启新的一天一个全新的开端With every sun comes a new day. A new beginning. 一份希望相信今天会比昨天更美好 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 但对我来说不是这样我叫小伊But not for me. My name is Eep. 这是我的家人咕噜一家And this is my family, the Croods. 要是你看到我们身上披的动物皮毛和我们倾斜的额头If you weren't clued in already by the animal skins 还是一头雾水的话我就直说了我们是山洞人and sloping foreheads, we're cavemen. 我们大多时间都住在山洞里一片漆黑NMost days we spend in our cave, in the dark. 夜复一夜日复一日Night after night, day after day. 再怎么样也是家嘛Yep, home sweet home. 实在不得已外出时我们要在这个残酷的敌对世界中拼命觅食When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile world. 而我负责拼命保护我的家人And I struggled to survive my family. 我们是这里最后剩下来的原始人了本来是有邻居的NWe were the last ones around. There used to be neighbors. 高特一家惨死在一只猛犸脚下NThe Gorts, smashed by a


疯狂原始人 影片时长:97分钟 教课授时:3课时 第一课时(11月13日) 教学目标: 1.让学生感知家庭和睦相处的重要性。 2.主场学生学会接受新鲜物质,反对封建主义,鼓励学生动脑子思 考,遇到事情不要轻易放弃,培养学生的刻苦困难的毅力。 教学内容: 《疯狂原始人》(英语:The Croods)是2013年美国一部3D电脑动画电影。该影片由美国梦工厂动画公司制作,二十一世纪福克斯公司发行。[1]电影由科克·德·米科和克里斯·桑德斯编剧并导演,由尼古拉斯·凯奇、艾玛·斯通、瑞恩·雷诺兹以及凯瑟琳·基纳配音。[2]影片时间设定在史前时代,讲述了一个居住在山洞中的原始人家庭离开山洞的冒险旅行经历。影片在上映后得到了观众的好评,共取得了5.8亿美元的票房收入。 教学过程: 1,师:5分钟进行电影介绍,剧情介绍,让学生对整个电影有个全局的认识。2,生:35分钟观看影片 剧情介绍:电影《疯狂原始人》是讲述一个原始人家庭冒险旅行

的3D喜剧动画片。原始人咕噜一家六口在老爸瓜哥的庇护下生活。每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,躲避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一个故事,在山洞里过着一成不变的生活。大女儿小伊是一个和老爸性格截然相反的充满好奇心的女孩,她不满足一辈子留在这个小山洞里,一心想要追逐山洞外面的新奇世界。 没想到世界末日突然降临,山洞被毁,一家人被迫离开家园,展开一场全新的旅程。离开了居住了“一辈子”的山洞,展现在他们眼前的是一个崭新绚丽却又充满危险的新世界,到处都是食人的花草和叫不出名字的奇异鸟兽,一家人遇到了前所未有的危机。在旅途中,他们还遇到了游牧部落族人“盖”,他有着超凡的创造力和革新思想,帮助咕噜一家躲过了重重困难,途中他还发明了很多“高科技”产品,并让他们知道了原来生活需要“用脑子”,走路需要“鞋子”等等。一行人在影片中展开了一场闹腾而又惊险的旅程。


疯狂原始人经典语句疯狂原始人经典台词 Guy: This is called a pain. I think that"s where ideas go. Thunk: Dad, I don"t have a pain. 小盖:这是大脑,我想的很多点子都这里。 (傻蛋)坦克:老爸! __大脑! Grug:A cave!Everyone inside! Gran:It looks the cave have a tongue!Very magical! 爸爸:是洞穴!大家快进去! 奶奶:这洞穴还有舌头,真神奇! Eap:What is that Guy: fire Thunk:Fire is bitting me !

小伊:这是什么? 小盖:是火。 (傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦! Guy: I call them shoes. Eap:I"m love it.But where my feet? 盖:我叫它们为鞋子 小伊:我好喜欢,那我的脚呢? Sandy:Release the baby! 小珊:放孩子咬它! Now we don"t call it alive, it"s just not to die 我们现在这不叫活着,这只是没有死去

Don"t hide, don"t be afraid of the dark,follow the lights,then you can find tomorrow! 不要躲避,不要害怕黑暗,向着太阳,你就能找到明天! 哥:你在那干吗呢?多危险啊?小伊 Melon pother: Xiao Yi, what are you doing over there? It"s too dangerous! 小伊:我不知道 Xiao Yi: I don"t know 瓜哥:你为什么不知道?停止寻找吧,恐惧能让我们活着,别不害怕。 Melon pother: Why don"t you know? Stop searching. Fear can keep us alive, don"t stop being scared. 瓜哥:我们得活着


疯狂原始人观后感200字 篇一:疯狂原始人观后感 我看了一部电影,叫《疯狂原始人》。下面就让我来给大伙儿介绍一下吧! 瓜哥是一具爱护家人的好爸爸,他有一具热爱探险寻觅光明的小少女,她算是小伊。萧山是家里最小的妹妹,也很搞笑。坦克是一具小孩子,偷东西他最拿手了。盖和小伊是朋友,他是一具有现代思想的人,有点子,很聪慧. 小伊一家人跟着盖一起探险,就如此成为了朋友。瓜哥学盖,想了点子。我知道了想方法要多动动脑子,别要用拳头来解决咨询题,我们要记住,干什么事一定要多动脑子。 如何样,《疯狂原始人》的电影好看吧!快来看吧! 篇二:《疯狂原始人》观后感秦聪敏 同学们,你们是别是都写过观后感,今天我来写电影《疯狂原始人》的观后感。 瓜哥是一具很保守的人,小伊是一具追求新东西的人,小珊是一具小少女鼻子很灵便,坦克是一具小男孩他是小伊的弟弟,盖是一具爱创新,有点子"主意"想法,就连瓜哥都被盖给吸引了! 小伊一家人在一起,齐心合力,一起寻食物,他们一起追随太阳,追随改日。 他们和盖成为了好朋友,因为末日快到了,是盖让小伊一家人安全了。 从中我知道了,做什么情况都要动脑子,合理。别要用蛮力。 篇三:《疯狂原始人》观后感 我今天看了老师推举的一部电影《疯狂原始人》,电影开始了:有五个原始家庭,第一具家庭的成员是被蚊子叮死了,第二个家庭在捕猎时被野兽踢死了,第三个家庭很别幸被野兽吃了,第四个家庭更加别幸山洞塌陷被砸死了。第五个家庭很幸运的活了下来,因为它们有很强壮的爸爸做后盾,日子的很幸福! 过了几天它们遇到了一具原始人:名字叫盖,它别仅教会了原始家庭用火,还告诉它们日子的地点要塌陷了。就如此原始家庭开始了艰苦的逃亡日子。经过它们的坚持别懈的努力,而生存了下来。 篇四:《疯狂原始人》观后感 今天,我看了一名叫《疯狂原始人》的电影,它说述了原始人咕噜一家在循规蹈矩的老爸的庇护下过着一成别变日子。而他大女儿对洞外的世界充满了好奇,别愿呆在山洞里。她的这种想法总是被家人反对,因为他们认为别处的世界是可怕且惊险的。 没想到有一天世界末日忽然落临,一家人被迫离开山洞,而展如今他们眼前的是一具崭新绚丽却又充满惊险的新世界,一家人遇到了全所未有的危机,危难关头,老爸靠自己强大的体力把家人送到了安全地方,自己却留在了即将山崩的山头。后来他想方设法也脱离惊险,与家人团聚,女儿和爸爸紧紧拥抱,那一刻让我特别感动。这部电影也让我知道得别管遇到什么困难,都要学会动脑子,惟独善于动脑筋,再大的困难也能够解决。 篇五:《疯狂原始人》观后感 昨天爸爸和妈妈带我去看了《疯狂原始人》的电影。电影说的是原始人一家六口人住在山洞里,他们都很听爸爸的话,惟独小伊别喜欢黑暗,别喜欢呆在山洞里。有一天大地开始裂口,他们的山洞塌了,他们没有山洞住了,只能去寻新的家。 在旅途中他们遇到了一具叫盖的男孩,他聪慧有头脑,他想出了许多方法帮助原始人一家,另他们躲过重重困难,最后寻到了新的家园。 篇六:《疯狂原始人》观后感 今天我在我家的电脑上看了一具电影,那个电影的名字就叫《疯狂原始人》。那个电影的内容是如此的:原始人咕噜一家六口在老爸Grug(尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage 配音)的庇护下日子。每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,逃避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一具故事,在山洞


本科毕业论文 ( 2014届 ) 题目:论《疯狂原始人》中的女儿形象学院:文学院 专业:汉语言文学 学生姓名: X X 学号: XXXXXXXXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:讲师 完成时间:2014年5月18日 成绩: 黄山学院教务处制

学位论文原创性声明 兹呈交的学位论文,是本人在指导老师指导下独立完成的研究成果。本人在论文写作中参考的其他个人或集体的研究成果,均在文中以明确方式标明。本人依法享有和承担由此论文而产生的权利和责任。 声明人(签名): 年月日

目录 中文摘要 (2) 英文摘要 (3) 引言 (4) 一小伊的独特形象 (4) (一)小伊的外在形象 (4) (二)小伊本身的内在性格特点 (5) 1 亲情对小伊性格的影响 (5) 2 爱情对小伊性格的影响 (6) 二小伊的独特形象产生的背景 (6) (一)原始家庭观念对小伊性格的冲击 (6) (二)父亲对女儿的过度保护 (7) 三小伊形象的意义 (8) (一)不同于传统女性形象:原始粗犷之美 (8) (二)小伊形象创作与欧美其他动画女性形象对比看大众审美倾向 (9) 结束语 (10) 参考文献 (11)

论《疯狂原始人》中的女儿形象 XX 指导老师:XX (XX学院文学院,XX,安徽 XXXXX) 摘要:《疯狂原始人》是一部讲述一个原始人家庭冒险旅行的3D喜剧动画片。原始人咕噜一家六口在老爸瓜哥的庇护下生活,每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,躲避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一个故事,在山洞里过着一成不变的生活。影片塑造了性格各异的形象,其中以大女儿小伊的形象最为鲜明。她是一个和老爸性格截然相反的对未知事物充满好奇的女孩,她勇于突破传统、追求自我;她不满足一辈子留在这个小山洞里,一心想要了解山洞外面的新奇世界;她追逐光明,被充满新奇想法的盖所吸引,带领家人寻找新的家园,与家人一起试图改变父亲瓜哥的思想。这其中不乏艰辛与磨难,但也充满温暖与欢笑,这部影片融合了喜剧与冒险等元素,从各个方面向我们展示了亲情、爱情的意义所在。 关键词:《疯狂原始人》;小伊;女性形象;突破传统;追求自我


电影《疯狂原始人》的观后感范文5篇 《疯狂原始人》,顾名思义,它讲述的是原始人的故事,然而在原始人的身上, 却看到了我们现代人的影子。这部电影反映的实际上是我们现在人的社会生活。下面 是学习啦的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 电影《疯狂原始人》的观后感 星期三,我和妈妈一起看了电影《疯狂原始人》,里面的情节超级搞笑,我座在 椅子上笑的前俯后仰,妈妈说我看的太入神了,哈哈哈。 电影里情节讲的是,原始人克鲁德一家六口人在爸爸“瓜哥”的保护下生活,每天 都和动物们抢夺鸵鸟蛋为生。一到太阳下山,全家人就急忙躲进黑黑地山洞里,爸爸 晚上睡觉前给他们讲着同样道理的故事,听的都烦了,可是爸爸“瓜哥”还是每天坚持讲。他有个充满好奇心的大女儿叫小伊,每天晚上等大家都睡着了,她就会偷偷地爬 到岩石顶上看外面的世界。世界末日快要到的那一天,突然,大地裂缝了,住的山洞 被毁了,一家人只好离开了家,去寻找新的山洞。 他们在野兽的追赶下,闯进了一个彩色的世界,五颜六色的花花草草,里面有会 拳击的猴子·会飞的红色食人鸟·食人花·彩色巨猫。一路上还认识了一个男孩叫盖,很 聪明,每当遇到困难时准会想出好办法,他有个宠物朋友叫皮带猴,调皮又可爱。他 们第一次认识了火,好奇心坦克和外婆差点把森林给烧毁了,美美的吃了一顿大餐-烤 大鸭。 在男孩盖的带领下,大家用智慧战胜了种种困难,最后终于找到了一个美丽的家 园!他们在那里过上了幸福和平的生活! 这让我想到了我们不能一直都在黑暗的角落里生活,要不然就不知道外面的世界 多么美好多么阳光!因为光明让世界充满希望! 带来欢乐! 疯狂原始人电影观后感600字 这部电影反映了我们现在的家庭问题。在电影中,有一位父亲的角色,也有一位 女儿的角色;女儿喜欢追逐光明,不愿永远待在那个黑漆漆的洞穴里,而她的父亲,是 一个比较死板,遵守祖训的父亲,他不愿去尝试新的事物。正因为这位父亲有着这样 的性格,才不能明白女儿为什么去追逐光明,也正因为如此,这对父女之间有了矛盾,他们都不理解对方。

疯狂原始人 中 英文字幕

1 太阳升起,又是新的一天 With every sun comes a new day. 2 一个崭新的开始 A new beginning. 3 人们总是希望今天比昨天强 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 4 对我来说无所谓,我是伊普 But not for me. My name's Eep. 5 这是我的家族:克鲁德一家 And this is my family. The Croods. 6 注意到没? 从我们穿的兽皮 If you weren't clued already, by animal skin 7 和倾斜的前额,就能猜出我们是原始人。and sloping forehead, we are cavemen. 8 大多时候,我们呆在 Most days we spend in our cave, 9 黑暗的洞穴里 in the dark. 10 日复一日,夜复一夜 Night after night, day after day. 11 多可爱的家啊 Yep. Home sweet home. 12 我们出去的时候,为了寻找食物而奔波在When we did go out, we struggled to find food 13 这个严酷而又冷漠的世界上。 in a harsh and hostile world. 14 而我,还得拼命忍受我的家人。 And I struggled to survive my family. 15 我们是周围最后的遗民 We were the last ones around. 16 之前是有邻居的 There used to be neighbors. 17 格拉家族,长毛象踩死了 The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. 18 霍克家族,沙蛇吞吃了 The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. 19 尔夫家族,蚊子叮死了 The Erfs, mosquito bite. 20 施洛克家族,得感冒死了 The Throgs, common cold. 21 克鲁德家族...就是我们啦! And the Croods... That's us. 22 克鲁德家族能够生存下来,多亏我父亲


疯狂原始人观后感200 字 篇一:疯狂原始人观后感 我看了一部电影,叫《疯狂原始人》。下面就让我来给大伙儿介绍一下吧! 瓜哥是一具爱护家人的好爸爸,他有一具热爱探险寻觅光明的小少女,她算是小伊。萧山是家里最小的妹妹,也很搞笑。坦克是一具小孩子,偷东西他最拿手了。盖和小伊是朋友,他是一具有现代思想的人,有点子,很聪慧. 小伊一家人跟着盖一起探险,就如此成为了朋友。瓜哥学盖,想了点子。我知道了想 方法要多动动脑子,别要用拳头来解决咨询题,我们要记住,干什么事一定要多动脑子。 如何样,《疯狂原始人》的电影好看吧!快来看吧! 篇二:《疯狂原始人》观后感秦聪敏 同学们,你们是别是都写过观后感,今天我来写电影《疯狂原始人》的观后感。 瓜哥是一具很保守的人,小伊是一具追求新东西的人,小珊是一具小少女鼻子很灵便, 坦克是一具小男孩他是小伊的弟弟,盖是一具爱创新,有点子" 主意 " 想法,就连瓜哥都被盖给吸引了! 小伊一家人在一起,齐心合力,一起寻食物,他们一起追随太阳,追随改日。 他们和盖成为了好朋友,因为末日快到了,是盖让小伊一家人安全了。 从中我知道了,做什么情况都要动脑子,合理。别要用蛮力。 篇三:《疯狂原始人》观后感 我今天看了老师推举的一部电影《疯狂原始人》,电影开始了:有五个原始家庭,第一具家庭的成员是被蚊子叮死了,第二个家庭在捕猎时被野兽踢死了,第三个家庭很别幸被野 兽吃了,第四个家庭更加别幸山洞塌陷被砸死了。第五个家庭很幸运的活了下来,因为它们有很强壮的爸爸做后盾,日子的很幸福! 过了几天它们遇到了一具原始人:名字叫盖,它别仅教会了原始家庭用火,还告诉它 们日子的地点要塌陷了。就如此原始家庭开始了艰苦的逃亡日子。经过它们的坚持别懈的努力,而生存了下来。 篇四:《疯狂原始人》观后感 今天,我看了一名叫《疯狂原始人》的电影,它说述了原始人咕噜一家在循规蹈矩的 老爸的庇护下过着一成别变日子。而他大女儿对洞外的世界充满了好奇,别愿呆在山洞里。 她的这种想法总是被家人反对,因为他们认为别处的世界是可怕且惊险的。 没想到有一天世界末日忽然落临,一家人被迫离开山洞,而展如今他们眼前的是一具 崭新绚丽却又充满惊险的新世界,一家人遇到了全所未有的危机,危难关头,老爸靠自己强大的体力把家人送到了安全地方,自己却留在了即将山崩的山头。后来他想方设法也脱离惊险,与家人团聚,女儿和爸爸紧紧拥抱,那一刻让我特别感动。这部电影也让我知道得别管 遇到什么困难,都要学会动脑子,惟独善于动脑筋,再大的困难也能够解决。 篇五:《疯狂原始人》观后感 昨天爸爸和妈妈带我去看了《疯狂原始人》的电影。电影说的是原始人一家六口人住 在山洞里,他们都很听爸爸的话,惟独小伊别喜欢黑暗,别喜欢呆在山洞里。有一天大地开 始裂口,他们的山洞塌了,他们没有山洞住了,只能去寻新的家。 在旅途中他们遇到了一具叫盖的男孩,他聪慧有头脑,他想出了许多方法帮助原始人 一家,另他们躲过重重困难,最后寻到了新的家园。 篇六:《疯狂原始人》观后感 今天我在我家的电脑上看了一具电影,那个电影的名字就叫《疯狂原始人》。那个电影的内容是如此的:原始人咕噜一家六口在老爸Grug(尼古拉斯·凯奇Nicolas Cage 配音)的庇护下日子。每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,逃避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一具故事,在山洞


【疯狂原始人】完整版英文台词 【Character】 Grug: dad Ugga: mom Eep: daughter Sandy: daughter Thunk: son Gran: grandmother Guy: a new friend 【narratage】 With every sun comes a new day, a new beginning. A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me. My name?s Eep. And this is my family. The Croods. If you weren?t clued already, by animal skin and sloping forehead, we are cavemen. Most days we spend in our cave in the dark. Night after night, day after day. Yep. Home sweet home. When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile world, and I struggled to survive my family. We were the last ones around. There used to be Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake. The Erfs, mosquito bite. The Throgs, common cold. And the Croods......That?s us. The Croods made it, because of my dad. He was strong, and he followed the rules, the ones painted on our cave walls: Anything new is bad.

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