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Performance management - how to appraise employee



Performance appraisal is an important content of human resource management in modern enterprises. According to the problems existing at

the present stage Chinese enterprise performance evaluation, put forward the improvement measures to improve the performance appraisal. Performance management is the responsibility between managers and employees and improve the communication performance of the ongoing. The partners should understand why they become partners, thereby supporting the work. Performance evaluation is a part of performance management, do not confuse the two


Challenges of performance management

Reasons to avoid performance management: Manager: reports and program has no meaning; no time; afraid of conflict; feedback and observation. (performance management, prevent problems in investment in time, ensure the managers have the time to do the thing you should do staff: bad experience; what was about to happen no bottom; do not understand the significance of performance management; don't like received criticism. Criterion two, performance management, organizational success: 1 Factors: coordination among units means, towards a common goal; problem, find the problems, find problems or prevent problems; obey the law, be protected by the law; make major decisions, a way of getting information; improve the quality of staff, to make the organization more competitive., performance management of organization,must be useful to managers, the only reason of performance

management is to help employees to success. to understand better how to design and what made him act. , the performance management challenge is how to find practical,meaningful ways to finish it, which need thought and wisdom.

Performance management is a system

The performance plan -- starting point of performance management:employees and managers to work together, as employees do what, do what degree of problem identification, understanding.Continuous performance communication: both tracking progress, find the obstacles that affect performance and process so that the two sides success required information. Communication methods: (1) around were observed; (2)employees; (3) allow employees to work review;

Performance diagnosis: to identify individuals, departments and organizational performance by the real reason for the problem of communication and problem solving process.

Performance management is a small system in the large system. If you want to get the maximum profit, must complete the performance management process,and not a part of.

Performance management and strategic planning, budget, staff ,employee salary incentive system, improve the quality of plans are related. Do the performance management process to do the preparation of

1, there are two key points: with the staff to collect meaningful, to establish the information needed to measurable goals; to do some basic work, so that in the whole process of performance management and employee can fully cooperation. In part, access to information and data of performance management effect is it can help organizations, units and employees towards a direction some "target"information each employee's job description; (2) employee last performance review data and related documents.

The performance plan three steps: preparation, meeting, finalize plans. your job, you should do what, how to measure your success, sets threat mosphere and seize the key; to review the relevant information, ask more,talk less; the job duties and specific goal; determine the success criteria; discuss what are the difficulties and need what help; discuss the importance level and authorized to ask problem; 4, note: in the performance management process, should pay attention to communication with staff thought is the action guide, to carry out effective performance communication, we must pay attention to in the thought. All aspects of the performance communication throughout the performance cycle, plays an important role in any one link in the chain, leaving the performance communication, any unilateral decisions managers will affect the enthusiasm of the staff, performance management. No performance communication there is no performance

management. In order to make the performance management on the right track, truly play its role,enterprises must put the supervisor and employee performance communication as a priority among priorities to research and development, through the system specification, performance management become competent habit, the habit of employees, to solve the performance problem employees work for dialogue and exchanges, the performance management into effect.

Three methods of performance evaluation: Predicament 1, individual performance evaluation --: the best opera actor and amateur orchestra concert.The opera actors play the extreme, but the effect is very bad. No one is isolated,only focus on the individual, can not solve the problem. We call on an individual basis on employee performance evaluation, but if we emphasize individual performance but not the antecedents and consequences and conditions of performance, we do not progress, because we did not find the real reason -- may be because employees can not control things and punish employees, may also be because of the wrong reason 2, regardless of the what way to assess performance, avoid two traps are important: 1) don't do performance problems or"always the fault of employees" this hypothesis; 2) without any assessment can give the "why" and "what is happening in the picture". Evaluation is just the beginning, is a further discussion as well as the starting point of diagnosis. Three methods of performance evaluation: 3, 1) rating method:: features,

to and behavior project; identify each project performance level gauge and other ways. Advantages: easy to finish the work of assessment. Disadvantages:forget why do this work; too vague, in the performance plan, prevention,protection and development staff and so did not what role in improving methods:with employees regularly write brief conversation; evaluation; interpretation and evaluation project meaning; together with the staff rating 2) ranking method:forcing staff to compete with each other, have stimulation can be short term, long term may cause internal malicious competition. 3) target and standard evaluation method: Standard: according to the prior and employees a series of established criteria to measure the performance of employees. Advantages: the personal goals and work together to reduce the possibility of target; both sides disagree;defect: need more time; text work more; more energy. Communication method and communication technology

Way of thinking: the process of performance management is the process of communication.Relationship with the staff is not only reflected in the behavior on performance management, but also should reflect the daily and how successful way of thinking: A, the process of performance management is a complete process together with the staff, not a for staff B, except for some unilateral disciplinary action, performance plan, communication and assessment should adopt a cooperative mode; C, most of the staff, once you understand what they are asked to do things,

will try the method can meet the requirements D,performance management is not the purpose of staring past mistakes, clear posibility, but in the problem solving problems and possible e, performance deficit to be clear, the cause of the deficit, whether for personal reasons or the system reason; F, in most cases, if the manager will support staff as their work,so that each employee 2, must set some skills communication skills: Manager here guide employees to participate in the discussion process and understand the process of responsibility. Purpose: don't most probably it did not actually happen. Be prepared to establish a common responsibility and each stage all contribute to the relationship, the target. Clear the common responsibility: to improve the performance is not only the responsibility of the staff. Clear procedures: prevent conflict resolution skills: clear individual responsibility, invites employees to take advice. For the people of the criticism and comments: avoid if you don't listen, you don't know what you talking about,could you be quiet for a while, you read the report in the past did not remarks:avoid such as how many years, you always can't finish the job on time, we have ried that, there is no with the need need making guide guilty intent: to avoid if you really care about the team, you should work harder; I guess you don't care about this project not appropriate advice and sure: avoid as I know the project is late, but I'm sure you'll catch up; you will do well. You will understand the need,need to unsolicited advice and sure: avoid you must

do it; this is the only way; to finish this today, and put it on my desk. A provocative question: Why did you say those who avoid. What you think; is the need to need; what is you get this conclusion? Don't trust to avoid language: are you sure you can finish on time?I've heard you need to exaggerate these need: avoid you never finish the work on time; you always try to reject my proposal. The cooling technique of fierce debate. The performance of a, discuss the process of dispute, we should pay attention to two goals: must make suggestions on conflict; avoid damage relations, cause new problems in the future performance. B, give employees a vent frustration and anger for feeling, not very fast counter attack. C, remember the people when they do appear conflict. D, the way of handling conflicts: conflicts through persuasion, won the right to try to understand the means; staff positions, find a solution. E, conflict is the most effective treatment technology is active listening.F, and be confused in mind or angry employees dealing, the basic principle is the first concern of his emotional. G, disputes arise, request the dispute settle ment measures, but never from the subject. H, too excited, communication should be suspended.

The performance of communication is the core of performance management, is refers to between the employers and employees performance evaluation reflects the problems and evaluation mechanism itself to conduct substantive interviews,and tries to seek countermeasures,

a management method for service in the later stage of enterprise and employee performance, improve and enhance the.A process of performance management is on the lower level on the performance target setting and implementation and ongoing two-way communication.








英文文献及翻译 文献题目An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology 文献作者Nagle ,Wiegley 题目翻译Servlet和JSP技术简述 参考人 院 (系) 专业班级 学号

1 A Servlet's Job Servlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Their job is to perform the following tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1Web middleware role 1.1 Read the explicit data sent by the client. The end user normally enters this data in an HTML form on a Web page. However, the data could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program. 1.2 Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the browser. Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the client to the Web server (the layer where servlets and JSP execute), but there are really two varieties of data: the explicit data that the end user enters in a form and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Both varieties are critical. The HTTP information includes cookies, information about media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so on. 1.3 Generate the results. This process may require talking to a database, executing an RMI or EJB call, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. Your real data may be in a relational database. Fine. But your database probably doesn't speak HTTP or return results in HTML, so the Web browser can't talk directly to the database. Even if it could, for security reasons, you probably would not want it to. The same argument applies to most other applications.You need the Web middle layer to extract the results inside a document.

大型企业绩效考核参考文献(doc 102页)

绩效考核制度 一、绩效管理制度 二、高层绩效考核表 三、中层绩效考核表 四、主管绩效考核表 五、基层绩效考核表

目录 第一章总则 第二章考核方法 第三章月度考核 第四章年度考核 第五章考核组织与申诉处理 第六章附则

第一章总则 第一条为提高珠联公司基础管理水平,建立科学的现代管理制度,充分调动员工的积极性和创造性,使员工紧紧围绕公司的发展目标,高效地完成工作任务,根据公司目前的实际情况,特制定本管理办法。 第二条适用范围 本办法适用于珠联公司全体员工。 第三条考核目的 1.通过目标逐级分解和考核,促进公司经营目标的实现; 2.通过考核合理计酬,提高员工的主观能动性; 3.通过绩效考核促进上下级沟通和各部门间的相互协作; 4.通过考核规范工作流程,提高公司的整体管理水平; 5.通过评价员工的工作绩效、态度、能力和素质,帮助员工提升自身工作水平和综合素质水平,从而有效提升公司的整体绩效和整体员工素质。 第四条考核原则 1.以提高员工绩效为导向; 2.定性考核与定量考核相结合; 3.多角度考核; 4.公平、公正、公开原则。 第五条考核用途 考核结果的用途主要体现在以下几个方面: 1、月度绩效奖金的发放; 2、年度绩效奖金的发放;

3、薪酬等级的调整; 4、岗位晋升及调整; 5、员工培训安排; 6、先进评比 具体实施方法参照《珠联公司薪资管理制度》 第二章考核方法 第六条考核周期 考核分为月度考核和年度考核。月度考核于每月的1-10日内完成上月的考核,年度考核于次年元月25日前完成。 第七条月度绩效考核 (一)绩效是指被考核人员所取得的工作成果,考核员工本职工作任务完成的情况,包括每个岗位的岗位职责指标和公司年度任务分解到部门及岗位的指标。 (二)月度考核的考核工具为绩效考核表格,各岗位均有岗位相对应的绩效考核表格。 第八条考核维度(即所占比例) 考核维度是考核对象考核的不同角度和不同方面,包括业绩维度、行为维度。 (一)业绩维度:业绩指被考核人员所取得的工作成果,考核范围包括每个岗位的岗位职责指标、任务目标完成情况、对下属的管理和工作指导的绩效。 (二)行为维度:即品行考核,对被考核人员的品行考核,考核范围为对岗位任职者在工作过程中表现出来的行为情况的考核。


绩效考核标准Performance assessment standard 序号S/N 项目 ITEM 内容 CONTENT 权重 weight 1 工作态度 Working attitude 1,品德端正,遵纪守法,每月无违反公司的各项管理规定和制度(3); Possess virtue, following regulations, no violation of company regulations within one month(3). 2,工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,服从安排(3);Reliable and active to work, capable of doing hard job, obedience to work arrangement(3) 3,为公司利益不计个人得失,扎根本职工作,锐意进取,为公司员工树立 良好形象并起到带头作用(3)Take company interest as first priority, make more progress based on your win duty to set an good example to other staff in company(3). 4,热爱公司,维护公司形象,认同公司企业文化,爱岗敬业,乐于助人, 与同事相处融洽,有团队精神和集体荣誉感(3);Trust company from inside your heart, protect company culture and image, be loyal to company, possess sense of team spirit and collective honor(3). 5,良好的个人形象和素养(3)suitable personnel appearance and cadibre(3),个人(工序)岗位7S工作做得好(10)do well at implementation of 7S working standard(10); 6,每月内无任何被投诉记录(经查实的);受到领导、员工或雇主普遍好 评的(3)No compliance received within one month, get high praise from boss, master and other working staff(3). 28% 2 工作能力 Working capability 8,生产的重点就是平衡产量和质量,不能要求产量忽视了质量,也不能 因质量忽视了产量,达到并超过专业技能或业务水平优秀,完全胜任本职 工作,把质量放到首位;The most important point of production is to keep balance between product quality and quantity. (考核办法:按返工、修复频次和数量核算,找不到责任人,班组长承担 所有罚款,每个罚款?10,再每个扣1分,扣完为止,如果已外发客户因质 量问题退回返工,每个罚款?20 Assessment rules: for each unqualified product, the person who is responsible will be fined 10 NAIRAS and lose 1 point, until all available points are gone. For each unqualified product which is detected by customer, the fine would be 20 NAIRAS. Squad leader will be responsible for the fine if the direct responsible cannot be found ) 20% DISCOVERY INTERNATIONAL FZE 拓展国际自贸区公司


参考文献 国有企业人才流失原因及策略参考文献 前言 随着全球化和科技不断发展的影响,以及经济市场的多元化,使市场的竞争的实质成为人才竞争,又由于国内就业环境及人才的需求变化,使人才流动速度加快。员工流动是员工从一种工作状态到另一种工作状态的变化。1员工流动是实现人力资源合理配置的必要环节,同时也可能给企业带来人才流失。现今,国有企业中人才的流动为10%左右。在1998年,胡健生《国有企业人才流失的利弊分析》2中已对国有企业部分人才流失的合理性、必然性情况及其正反两方面的作用进行分析,发现国有企业在员工流动管理上有许多漏洞,使得人才在企业的发展中流失。如何管理员工的流动,为防止企业中人才流失,合理降低人员流动率已成为国企员工流动管理中的主要的工作重心。国有企业人才流失的原因及解决方案早已成为重要的研究问题。 关键字: 国有企业人才流失 1、国企中人才流失的原因 2005年,汪锋认为国有企业员工离职特点主要是以下几点:(1)企业、员工的价值理念相对不很超前企业的制度约束

对员工离职意向有着重要的影响。(2)国企对员工的各种约束相对较多,一定程度上限制了部分员工离职念头的产生但正是存在过多的约束, (3)员工会有更多的选择机会。(4)员工离职的主动性相对较低。(5)离职原因复杂。(6)人事关系紧张。3这些原因也使得人才的流失率增加。 孙英浩在2000对国有企业人才流失的原因及对策中将国有企业人才流失的主要原因概括为三方面。首先,人才流动的原因是领导者素质不高,企业缺乏活性,在选取管理者的方式方法上难以体现公平、平等、竞争和择优的原则,这样没有发挥组织的作用合格领导以全体员工的积极性和创造性,只是有些企业效益不好,却获利,是有些人看不到企业的发展和希望。其次,缺乏良好的工作环境,人才得不到发挥。最后是工资低,生活待遇差,使员工不堪忍受生活的艰辛。4 林萍在她的《论国有企业人才流失》中将国有企业人才流失原因分为:个人原因、社会原因和组织原因。影响人才流动的个人因素主要指和个人要求有关的因素:(1) 收入低。收入低有2 种情况: 一是由于收入低而影响正常的家庭生活; 第二指与他人相比较, 自己觉得目前收入少, 为得到更高的收入而离开企业。(2) 认为企业不能满足实现自我价值的需要而离开。(3) 出国或到发达地区。(4) 因亲戚或朋友同学的吸引而离开。(5) 其他因素。主要指婚姻、家庭、住房、


产品部门绩效考核表 考核项目考核标准自我 评价 主管 评价 备注 各类文档质量出色完成,内容充实完善,有新意有亮点10 按要求完成,符合撰写要求,基本不需修改8 基本完成,内容框架大致完成,需润色 6 部分完成,内容需要经过多次的补充与完善 4 未完成,不能按时按量完成所需文档的撰写工作0 市场调查研究充实、合理、针对性强,为产品规划决策具有强有力的支持10 有针对性,为产品规划决策提供应有的支持8 提出分析,为产品规划决策提供部分支持 6 提出分析,但内容偏离,不能为产品规划决策提供支持 4 没有进行市场调查研究,不能为产品规划决策提供支持0 针对用户需求所做的产品优 化能够全方位地感受用户需求,对产品的功能和内容提出切实可行的 优化意见,且事后被证实合理 10 基本能够感受用户需求,对产品的功能和内容提出较为可行优化意 见,且事后被证实合理 8 大致能够感受用户需求,对产品的功能和内容提出较为可行优化意 见,且事后被证实部分合理 6 能够部分感受用户需求,对产品的功能和内容提出的优化意见有待 商榷 4 对用户需求感受不深,对产品的功能和内容所提出优化意见有待商 榷,且事后被证实不合理 项目间规划与 协调不同产品线的发展战略、具体策略和实施步骤能及时有效地兼顾市 场变化和公司战略,有一定的前瞻性 10 不同产品线的发展战略、具体策略和实施步骤基本能兼顾市场变化 和公司战略 8 不同产品线的发展战略、具体策略和实施步骤勉强兼顾市场变化和 公司战略,反应略微滞后 6 不同产品线的发展战略、具体策略和实施步骤不能有效兼顾市场变 化和公司战略 4 不同产品线的发展战略、具体策略和实施步骤存在严重冲突、有重 大缺陷 单个产品周期内工作的规划与协调准确及时地平衡市场、运营、产品的策略关系,产品的滚动计划和 年度规划合理有效,明显减少研发相关费用,对公司获得利润方面 贡献显著(相对往年同期) 10 能及时平衡市场、运营、产品的策略关系,产品的滚动计划和年度 规划合理,能够减少研发相关费用(相对往年同期) 8 能及时平衡市场、运营、产品的策略关系,产品的滚动计划和年度 规划合理 6 能及时平衡市场、运营、产品的策略关系,产品的滚动计划和年度 规划欠佳 4 不能平衡市场、运营、产品的策略关系,产品的滚动计划和年度规 划很差


1. 原则之一:激励要因人而异 由于不同员工的需求不同,所以,相同的激励政策起到的激励效果也会不尽相同。即便是同一位员工,在不同的时间或环境下,也会有不同的需求。由于激 励取决于内因,是员工的主观感受,所以,激励要因人而异。 在制定和实施激励政策时,首先要调查清楚每个员工真正需要的是什么。将这 些需要整理、归类,然后来制定相应的激励政策帮助员工满足这些需求。 2. 原则之二:奖励适度 奖励和惩罚不适度都会影响激励效果,同时增加激励成本。奖励过重会使员工 产生骄傲和满足的情绪,失去进一步提高自己的欲望;奖励过轻会起不到激励 效果,或者使员工产生不被重视的感觉。惩罚过重会让员工感到不公,或者失 去对公司的认同,甚至产生怠工或破坏的情绪;惩罚过轻会让员工轻视错误的 严重性,从而可能还会犯同样的错误。 3. 原则之三:公平性 公平性是员工管理中一个很重要的原则,员工感到的任何不公的待遇都会影响 他的工作效率和工作情绪,并且影响激励效果。取得同等成绩的员工,一定要 获得同等层次的奖励;同理,犯同等错误的员工,也应受到同等层次的处罚。 如果做不到这一点,管理者宁可不奖励或者不处罚。 管理者在处理员工问题时,一定要有一种公平的心态,不应有任何的偏见和喜好。虽然某些员工可能让你喜欢,有些你不太喜欢,但在工作中,一定要一视 同仁,不能有任何不公的言语和行为。 1. 激励员工从结果均等转移到机会均等,并努力创造公平竞争环境。 举例来说,吴士宏在IBM从一个打扫卫生的人做起,一步一步到销售业务员, 到地区负责人,到中国区总经理,是什么原因呢?除了个人努力,还应该说 IBM良好的企业文化给了一个发展的舞台,那就是每一个人都有无限的发展机会,只要有能力就会有发展的空间,实现自我,这在很多企业是做不到的,这 种体制无疑会给员工莫大的激励作用。 2. 激励要把握最佳时机。 ——需在目标任务下达前激励的,要提前激励。 ——员工遇到困难,有强烈要求愿望时,给予关怀,及时激励。 3. 激励要公平准确、奖罚分明 ——健全、完善绩效考核制度,做到考核尺度相宜、公平合理。 ——克服有亲有疏的人情风。 ——在提薪、晋级、评奖、评优等涉及员工切身利益热点问题上务求做到公平。 4. 推行职工持股计划。


职能部门员工绩效考核方案 一、考核目的 1.1为提高公司的经营管理水平,有效实施公司运营战略规则,客观、准确地评价公司各管理岗位和各职能部门员工的工作绩效,使企业对员工的管理、奖惩、异动、教育培训及员工的职业生涯规划有所依据。 1.2为公司制定相应的政策提供客观依据,同时促进公司各项管理工作的开展,确保公司总体目标的实现. 二、考核范围 2.1公司各职能部门管理人员及员工。 2.2另有下列情况人员不在考核范围内: 2.2.1、试用期内,尚未转正员工。 2.2.2、连续出勤不满六个月或考核前休假、停职六个月以上。 2.2.3、兼职、特约人员。 三、考核原则 3.1、以公司对员工的经营业绩指标及相关的管理指标,和员工实际工作中的客观事实为基本依据。 3.2、以员工考核制度规定的内容、程序和方法为操作准则。 3.3、以全面、客观、公正、公开、规范为核心考核理念。 四、考核程序 4.1、员工自评:按照“考核权限表”,员工选择适当的考核量

表进行自我评估。 4.2、直接主管复评:直接主管对员工的表现进行复评。 4.3、间接主管复核:间接主管(高于员工二级)对考核结果评估,并最后认定。 五、考评依据 5.1部门绩效分数:《部门负责人本月工作计划完成情况得分统计表》(总裁助理提供) 5.2 员工考核分数:《部门员工月度绩效考核评分表》(各部门提供) 六、考核时限 6.1每月12日前,总裁办综合评定集团各职能部门各项工作完成的质量与效率,给出公司当月各职能部门的《部门负责人本月工作计划完成情况得分统计表》。 6.2每月15日前,各部门负责人提报本部门内所有人员《月度绩效考核评分表》。自评、复评部分均需进行评分并签字确认后,报至人力资源部绩效考核处。 6.3每月20日前,绩效考核部处理员工申诉事宜,并汇总对公司职能部门全员的《月度绩效考核评分表》进行统计整理。 6.4每月22日前,绩效考核部将统计汇总后的《月度绩效考核评分表》进行报批。 6.5每月24日前,将报批签字后的《月度绩效考核评分表》发至人力资源部薪资专员处。


摘要:很多企业都经历或正在经历这样的现象:优秀员工不顾我们的挽留,翩然而去;潜力员工不顾我们的期待,悄然远去;甚至重点培养的员工,也不顾我们的重托,撒手而去,留给企业无尽的懊恼和叹息。更让企业百思不得其解的是,似乎总是该走的没有走,不该走的却走了;平凡的没有走,优秀的却走了。于是,也总能听到HR管理人员一遍又一遍无奈的歌谣:我拿什么来留住你?我的员工! 在快速多变与充满竞争的社会里,如何吸引、激励、奖励、发展和留住优秀员工的面临着巨大挑战。其中最关键的因素就是企业的岗位分析、绩效考核与薪酬体系。 关键词:效绩考核,存在问题,对策,现状

Summary:Many enterprises have experienced or are undergoing the same kind of phenomenon: excellent employee despite our detain, fly away; Potential employees despite our expectations, quietly so far away; Even the key develops employees, also regardless of our great trust, give them away, for enterprise endless annoyed and sigh. More let enterprise scratching their heads, always seems to be the go has not gone, shouldn't go but walked; Ordinary no go, good but go. So, always hear HR management personnel again and again but song: I take what to keep you? My staff! In the fast changing and competitive society, how to attract, motivation, and rewards, development and retaining qualified employees face enormous challenges. One of the most essential factor is enterprise of position analysis, performance appraisal and compensation system. Keywords:the effect achievement assessment, existing problems and countermeasures, the status quo


绩效考核外文文献及翻译 外文文献 1.Performance appraisals - purpose and how to make it easier Performance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance, and feed into business planning. Formal performance appraisals are generally conducted annually for all staff in the organization. His or her line manager appraises each staff member. Directors are appraised by the CEO, who is appraised by the chairman or company owners, depending on the size and structure of the organization. Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards, agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks. Staff performance appraisals also establish individual training needs and enable organizational training needs analysis and planning. Performance appraisals also typically feed into organizational annual pay and grading reviews, which commonly also coincide with the business planning for the next trading year. Performance appraisals generally review each individual's performance against objectives and standards for the trading year, agreed at the previous appraisal meeting. Performance appraisals are also essential for career and succession planning - for individuals, crucial jobs, and for the organization as a whole. Performance appraisals are important for staff motivation, attitude and behavior development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims, and fostering positive relationships between management and staff. Performance appraisals provide a formal, recorded, regular review of an individual's performance, and a plan for future development. Job performance appraisals - in whatever form they take - are therefore vital for managing the performance of people and organizations. Managers and appraises commonly dislike appraisals and try to avoid them. To these people the appraisal is daunting and time-consuming. The process is seen as a difficult administrative chore and emotionally challenging. The annual appraisal is maybe the only time since last year that the two people have sat down together for a meaningful one-to-one discussion. No wonder then that appraisals are stressful - which then defeats the whole purpose. Appraisals are much easier, and especially more relaxed, if the boss meets each of the team members individually and regularly for one-to-one discussion throughout the year. Meaningful regular discussion about work, career, aims, progress, development, hopes and dreams, life, the universe, the TV, common interests, etc., whatever, makes appraisals so much easier because people then know and trust each other - which reduces all the stress and the uncertainty. Put off discussions and of course they loom very large. So don't wait for the annual appraisal to sit down and talk. The boss or the appraises can instigate this. If you are an employee with a shy boss, then take the lead. If you are a boss who rarely sits down and talks with people - or whose people are not used to talking with their boss - then set about relaxing the atmosphere and improving relationships. Appraisals (and work) all tend to be easier when people communicate well and know each other. So sit down together and talk as often as you can, and then when the actual formal appraisals are due everyone will find the whole process to be far more natural, quick, and easy - and a lot more productive too. 2.Appraisals, social responsibility and whole-person development There is increasingly a need for performance appraisals of staff and especially managers, directors and CEO's, to include accountabilities relating to corporate responsibility, represented by various converging corporate responsibility concepts including: the “Triple Bottom Line”; c orporate social responsibility (CSR); Sustainability; corporate integrity and ethics; Fair Trade, etc. The organization must decide the extent to which these accountabilities are reflected in job responsibilities, which would then


文献综述 国内外研究动态: (一)国外研究动态 莱文森(1976)指出多数正在运用的绩效管理系统都存在着不足之处。 尼科尔斯(1991)认为绩效考核到绩效管理依赖于一下四个原则:必须设定目标、目标必须为管理者和员工双方所认同、测量员工是否成功达到目标的吃点必须被清晰地表述出来、目标本身应该能灵活反应经济和工作场所环境的变化。员工应该把管理者不仅当作评价者,更应当成指导者,来帮助他们获得成功。 詹思金(1991)提出从绩效考核到绩效管理应该是组织整体文化的变化,包括指导、反馈、薪酬和晋升决定以及法律上的阐述。这其实已经包括了当代绩效管理系统理论的大部分内容。 施潘根贝格(1992)认为传统的绩效考核是一个相对独立的系统,通常与组织中的其他背景因素相脱离,如组织目标和战略、组织文化、管理者的承诺和支持等。而这些背景因素对于成功地实施绩效考核起着非常重要的作用。正因为传统的绩效考核对于提高员工满意度和绩效的作用非常有限,对完成组织目标的作用也不大,所以导致了绩效管理系统的发展。 帕门特(2000)指出应该把传统的绩效考核的目的转移到提高员工效率上来。传统的绩效考核存在着严重的不足,由于考核的主观性,考核没有得到很好的执行,许多管理者当面对员工评价甚高,但私下里却想解雇他们。太过注重考核的过程和形式,不注重考核的价值,对组织和员工的作用不大等等。 范德瑞(2001)之处应该用绩效管理系统代替每年的绩效考核。考核的废止仅仅只是绩效管理的开端。所以我们可以得知,绩效考核是绩效管理的一个重要的部分,但绩效管理决不等于绩效考核。 (二)国内研究动态 国内已有很多学者和咨询公司在研究绩效管理,并且不少专家和咨询公司也在为企业提供绩效管理建设的咨询服务,但总体上看,国内绩效管理理论绝大多数都是沿用的西方绩效管理理论。为加强管理,提高业绩,有些企业已经建立了自己的绩效考评体系,员工和企业的绩效也有了一定的改善,但总的来看,运转良好的绩效管理体系并不多,大多只和目标及薪酬挂钩,却与晋升和员工发展脱节,员工职业生涯发展更无从谈及。不少企业正在尝试建立绩效考评体系,但是由于缺乏经验和系统的知识,不知从何处着手。 岳玲(2010)认为管理控制是绩效管理的理论基础,绩效管理是企业实施管理控制的一种手段,以管理控制的角度分析绩效管理的设计思想和方法在研究上是一种创新,也将给实际工作带来一定的借鉴意义。随着组织工作方式以及对人性假设认识的变化,管理控制的基本思想经历了从简单控制、结构控制到协和控制的演变,绩效管理体系的设计也随之发生了重大变化。 李桂英(2011)认为绩效管理作为人力资源管理的核心,对于提升企业的竞争力具有巨大的促进作用。但在我国具体的的企业绩效管理实践中,却存在了诸多问题,导致绩效管理往往只存在于形式。她指出我国企业要实现有效的绩效管理,应该抓住几个关键:转变观念,打好基础,抓住轴心,完善考核制度,构建高绩效的企业文化氛围。 黄蓉(2010)认为职工的绩效评价结果的好坏直接关系到其绩效工资的高低,进而影响其工作积极性。要做出公正合理的绩效评价,管理者必须与职工进行有效的绩效沟通,掌握绩效沟通的方法,以此来提高用人单位的绩效管理水平。 梁新波(2010)认为绩效管理包括四个环节:绩效计划、绩效反馈与辅导改进、绩效评价、绩效结果应用等。这四个环节组成了一个循环系统,要想建立一个完善的绩效管理体系,这


绩效考核,翻译 篇一:翻译工作绩效考核 项目部工作考核制度,由项目领导班子执行考核、评定。项目部全体成员均进行考核,考核总分低于85分为工作业绩欠佳人员,将受到批评教育或处分,与绩效工资挂钩;连续2个月评定总分为倒数第1、2名(低于85分)的给予经济处罚,连续三个月被评为倒数1、2名(低于85分)的全劝其辞职回国,按问题人员处理。 长岩利比亚分公司walid项目部20XX年1月10日 1 篇二:翻译组绩效考核暂行办法 翻译组绩效考核暂行办法 1.目的 为了建立科学、规范的业绩评价体系,明确月度业绩考核程序,使翻译组员工的工作得到客观公正的评价,进而能够建立富有激励和竞争力的人员考核和晋升系统,将绩效与报酬相结合,充分调动员工的工作能动性,提高工作绩效。2.适用范围 本办法适用于公司翻译组全体员工业绩考核与评价(试用期员工除外)。 3.翻译人员构成和业务流程3.1翻译人员构成 翻译部门人员由审译、排版、小组长和译员构成;3.2翻译业务流程

(1)原文通过J北京软件自动翻译全文,由各小组内部分工修改;(2)小组内部应组织互审,组长负责组内审译,然后将译文交给审译人员审译; (3)排版组负责修改图表,创建FmBooK,图表由各组长负责审译;(4)每周五停止翻译,组织讨论本周翻译内容,有新词或分歧进行列表汇总,对翻译进度和存在的问题予以说明并形成报告,提交翻译组负责人、公司领导和日本瑞萨相关人员。(5)翻译过程中所有词句均以瑞萨词典为标准。 4.翻译质量跟踪评估 4.1根据审译人员对译员所翻译文章的错误类型和数量,对译文进行质量跟踪评估; 4.2翻译的错误类型有以下8种(具体的描述见附件1):(1)翻译内容错误;(2)技术术语应用不准确;(3)技术术语应用前后不一致;(4)翻译内容遗漏;(5)语法错误;(6)词句不通畅;(7)表达不当;(8)其他方面。4.3错误率的计算 赋予每种错误类型一定的系数,各种类型错误数量乘以对应系数后相加,再除以被审核译文字数,即为该译文的错误率,具体公式如下:译员错误率=∑(错误数量*系数)/被审字数审译错误率=(漏审数量+错审数量)/被审字数 4.4审译人员对译文审核完毕,填写翻译水平整体评估表(见附件2),并将审译稿交回各组组长,由组长负责统计并填写翻译质量评估表(见附件3),并安排译员根据审核结果对译文进行修改后提交。5.考



成都理工大学 学生毕业设计(论文)文献综述报告

核的方法,根据考核结果的优劣,实施奖励与升降。考核制度的实行,充分地调动了英国文官的积极性,从而大大提高了政府行政管理的科学性,增强了政府的廉洁与效能。英国文官考核制度的成功实行为其他国家提供了经验和榜样。此后,其他国家纷纷借鉴与效仿,形成各种各样的文官考核制度。文官制度的成功实施,使得有些企业开始借鉴这种做法,在企业内部实行绩效考核,试图通过考核对员工的表现和实绩进行实事求是的评价,同时也要了解组织成员的能力和工作适应性等方面的情况,并作为奖惩、培训、辞退、职务任用与升降等实施的基础与依据。 三绩效考核的原则和作用 (三)绩效考核的原则 1.公平原则;公平即要求本着实事求是的精神,客观、全面、真实的考察和评价被考评者。 2.严格原则;要有明确的考核标准、严肃认真的考核态度、严格地考核制度、科学的考核程序与方法。 3.单头考评原则;对各级员工的考评,必须由直接上司进行。 4.结果公开原则;一方面使被考核者了解自己的优缺点,利于改进绩效;另一方面有助于防止绩效中出现的偏差。 5.结合奖惩原则;根据考核结果,奖罚分明,达到激励的作用。 6.客观考评原则;考评一定要建立在客观事实的基础上,其次是要把被考评者与既定标准进行比较,保证考评的客观性; 7.反馈的原则;考评的结果一定要反馈给被考评者本人。 8.差别的原则;考核的等级之间应当有鲜明的差别界限,使考评带有刺激性,鼓励员工上进心。 (二) 绩效考核的作用 在《如何面对绩效考核》一书中提到,绩效考核的作用有三方面:改进绩效、管理薪酬和总结自我。刘大卫也强调了绩效考核与员工薪酬的联系,以及绩效考核对于确定员工对于企业战略目标的完成量、自我评估以及未来的计划都具有实际的意义。在郝红和姜洋注编的《绩效管理》一书中,对绩效考核在人力资源管理方面的应用有如下总结:1.为员工薪酬调整和绩效工资分配提供依据;2.为员工的职业生涯规划提供依据;3.让员工了解企业对自己的工作效果的评价;4.为上级和员工之间提供沟通的有效渠道;5.让员工知道企业对自己的工作的标准和要求;6.管理者及时获取员工的工作信息。在《绩效考核与管理》中,作者将绩效考核的用途概述为如下八个方面:1.任用员工;2.知晓期望;3.报酬的依据;4.晋升的依据;5.知晓差距;6.发掘潜力;7.增加沟通;8.为HRP(人力资源规划)提供依据。 四绩效考核的流程及绩效考核的误区 (一)常见的绩效考核的程序 1.领导要求考核; 2.人力资源部制定考核方案; 3.员工个人总结 4.上级主管给下级员工打分; 5.兑现红包;



论独立董事制度的建设 [关键词] 独立董事直接薪酬间接薪酬激励与约束 [摘要] 本文拟从薪酬制度对独立董事的激励与约束效应的视角,就独立董事人员选任、薪酬制定、绩效考核、薪酬兑现、监督机制和保障机制等几个方面对直接薪酬制度与间接薪酬制度进行比较,以期更好地完善独立董事薪酬制度,强化对独立董事的激励。 目前国内外上市公司在实务中对独立董事薪酬都是采取直接薪酬制度,但是直接薪酬制度在我国的实践效果却不尽如人意,在解决内部人控制问题、维护中小股东权益方面没有发挥应有的职能。随着直接薪酬制度的弊端日益显露,有学者建议实施间接薪酬制度。本文将通过对两者的比较,特别是从激励与约束的角度来分析独立董事薪酬制度的完善方向。 一、直接薪酬制度与间接薪酬制度概述 直接薪酬制度,指独立董事以外部人身份介人公司事务,却同公司内部人一起从公司直接领取薪酬。而间接薪酬制度下独立董事虽以外部人身份介人公司事务,履行监督内部人的经营决策、提高决策的科学性、保护中小股东权益和其他利益相关者利益等职责,其劳动报

酬却不从公司直接领取,而由非营利性的自律性行业组织根据一定的规章发放。 间接薪酬制度的设计者认为,间接薪酬制度下独立董事真正成为公司的“外部董事”,其不直接从公司领取报酬。这种制度割断了独立董事对上市公司心理上的依附感和与之过于密切的经济联系,从而能切实保障独立董事的独立性,对独立董事开展工作也是一种很好的支持。 二、两种薪酬制度在激励与约束效应上的比较 1.独立黄事人员选任方面。直接薪酬制度下,独立董事从提名到选任一般由公司内部人决定,各家公司各选各的,没有一个统一的规定,致使独立董事素质参差不齐。间接薪酬制度下,行业组织的引人使独立董事的人员选任不仅有统一的进入门槛,而且选任条件更加严格,行业组织负责独立董事职业资格的认定、后续的职业培训和向上市公司推荐独立董事候选人,改变了直接薪酬制度下由公司自行决定独立董事人选的做法,这也能够推动独立董事市场的形成,加速独立董事市场的完善。相比之下,间接薪酬制度下独立董事的选任程序公开、透明,独立董事进人公司后可以安心开展正常工作,没有后顾之忧。而直接薪酬制度下的独立董事则可能在工作中碍于公司大股东的情面而瞻前顾后,被束缚了手脚。 2.薪酬的制定方面。 (1)薪酬制定方的比较。间接薪酬制度下,由行业组织根据上市公司的具体情况负责制定上市公司独立董事的薪酬标准,指标统一又不乏弹性,不会再像直接薪酬制度下独立董事薪酬由公司内部人随意决


部门人员绩效考核方案 绩效考核是企业绩效管理中的一个环节,下面是本人整理的关于部门人员绩效考核方案,欢迎阅读参考。 部门人员绩效考核方案篇一:企业行政部绩效考核方案通过考核,对行政部工作人员在一定时期内担当的职务工作中所表现出来的能力、工作努力程度及工作业绩进行分析,全面评价员工的工作表现,一方面为薪酬调整、职务变更、人员培训等人事决策提供依据,另一方面促使各个岗位的工作业绩达到预期 目标,提高企业的工作效率,以保证企业经营目标得到实现。 (一)考核频率 行政部的考核分为季度考核与年度综合考核两种,季度考核由行政部经理负责落实并实施,人力资源部给予指导与配合,年度综合考核由人力资源部统一组织实施。 (二)使用范围 企业行政部工作人员,行政部经理除外。 (三)考核内容 1、工作态度 即积极主动地对待工作,遇到责任范围内的问题应及时报告,并提出相关解决办法。其主要包括如下五个方面: (1)出勤率

(2)工作主动性 (3)工作积极性 (4)合作性 (5)工作责任感 2、工作任务 (1)工作计划完成率。 (2)业务协作,主要考核其配合他人完成工作的态度及结果,如服务响应时间、服务质量等。 (3)公文处理的及时率。 (4)文稿起草的及时率。 (5)公文处理的差错率。 (6)企业内部信息通报的完成率、及时率和准确率。 (7)文件管理的规范性。 (8)按时参加企业及部门的相关会议,不得无故迟到、缺席。 (9)积极主动地接收领导交办的工作并按时保质保量地完成。 3、工作能力 (1)专业技能 (2)组织协调能力 (3)沟通能力 (一)考核结果反馈

考核者应向被考核者反馈考核结果。如果被考核者不同意考核结果,应先行沟通,也可按下列规定进行逐级申诉。 (二)绩效考核申诉 1、被考核者如对考核结果存有异议,应首先通过沟通方式解决。解决不了时,被考核者有权向直接上级主管申诉;如果被考核者对直接上级主管的处理结果仍有异议,可以向人力资源部提出申诉。 2、人力资源部接到被考核者的申诉后,通过调查和协调,在XX日内告知申诉处理结果。 3、员工如对处理结果仍不满意,可向总经理申诉。 行政部门的绩效考核结果,于考核下月XX日前由人力资源部汇总存档,年度述职考核结果由人力资源部在次年1月XX日前汇总归档。 我国企业在员工绩效考核方面的缺失 1、操作层面的业务流程缺乏 企业的文字性业务流程要么没有,即使个别企业建立了流程,也多是基于理念层面的,真正能用于指导员工日常工作的业务流程极为少见。我们认为,基于操作层面的业务流程体现的是一个企业真正的核心竞争力(Prahalad&Hamel,20XX),是一个企业真正区别于其他企业的地方,也是一个企业管理水平的体现,它也将成为员工融入这个企业最重要的指南。同时,操作层面的业务流程也是一个公司发展过程

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