当前位置:文档之家› 学好英语口语需系统学一套口语教材





首先,需要选一本好的口语教材。大家不要小看教材的作用。我所居住的大学已为该校教师开办多期口语班,均由外教授课,但几乎没有一期是成功的。原因就在于高估了该校教师的口语水平,从来没有采用基础的口语教材系统教授。可怜这些硕士博士,包括gre高分者,到现在还不会开口说英语。外教就更不幸,每次问“any volunteer?”大家都低头沈默是金,可怜这位白胡子老头竟然要抛球决定由谁回答!

与沈默是金相反,有人非常敢说,随便逮个人就乱说一气。我有个朋友就是这样,经常会问我“do you want to talk to me tomorrow?”(他以为他是周润发?) 时间他是花了不少,英语沙龙更是每晚必到,说得也很流利了(语速够快),但他的口语怎么听怎么别扭。为什么? 就因为他只愿意与人聊天,而从不肯好好背一下他买的那一大堆口语书中的句型。(他嫌太简单!---却一句也背不出!)


怎么才算“系统”呢? 它应该是按情景分类,告诉你在什么样的场合说什么样的话。象李阳的教材就不宜作为入门教材,句型是够丰富了,但没说清楚该怎么使用。



a: you are making me very disappointed!

b: what makes you say so?


在学习过程中,要特别注意那些与中式思维不同的表达方式。比如说,“would you mind giving me a push?”很多人会不假思索地答“yes,of course”。其实回答应该是“not at all.”

我曾亲耳听到北大外语学院院长在out look 节目里,当主持人问他是否认为《甜蜜的事业》与《小字辈》里男女主人公表达感情方式太含蓄时,他说:”i think they are not traditional.”


口语教材选定以后,就要反复跟磁带模仿直至能完全背诵。如何检验自己对教材的掌握程度呢? 李阳介绍的方法还是不错的,即把句型的英文遮住,对着中文说英文,再把中文遮住,对着英文说中文。能流利做到这两点,就算过了背诵这一关了。


八年级英语口语课程教学设计方案 一、教学目的 本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力,同时帮助学生了解主要英语国家的文化背景和生活习俗。通过本课程的学习,学生应能运用简单的日常英语进行对话;能就所听、读的材料回答问题及复述,做到语音、语调、语法基本正确; 能就熟悉的话题经一定的准备后,作2分钟左右的连贯的发言。 二、教学对象 本课程的教学对象是孟坝初中2013级学生。 三、教学内容 英语口语课是实践性很强的课程,教学时应重视面授与自主学习的有机结合,面授重点为每单元的口语技能训练部分。教学内容主要包括: 1.表达模式 通过四个简短的对话展示一至二种功能项目的不同表达方式。 2.口语技能训练 通过大量的口语技能训练和语言实践活动,巩固和扩展所学语言功能的常用句型,强化交际技能。 3.话题讨论 通过对不同话题的讨论加深对英、美等主要英语国家文化背景和生活习俗的了解,学会在具体语境中进行正确得体的交际。 4.趣味英语 通过内容生动、形式多样、文体不同的素材进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,并巩固综合语言技能。 七、教学组织计划 1.面授辅导 学习英语口语不能一蹴而就,需要下工夫勤学苦练。建议教学时应从技能学习、技能运用两个方面引导学生养成良好的学习习惯、掌握正确的学习方法。 (1)技能学习 在面授过程中应着重语言基本功的训练、重视语感的培养。扎实的语言基本功是指语音、语调正确,词法、句法规范,表达得体。引导学生练好基本功,应从朗读、连读、分辨语调、反应、提问等微技能着手。教学生多模仿、多朗读、多背诵,通过朗读、背诵来学习比较纯正的语音语调,培养英语语感;通过句型操练、朗读、背诵和复述等半机械性练习方式熟记语言结构和形式。


1. I see .我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too .我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on .来吧( 赶快) 8. Hold on .等一等。 9. I agree 。我同意。 10. Not bad .还不错。 11. Not yet .还没。 12. See you .再见。 13. Shut up! 闭嘴! 14. So long .再见。 15. Why not? 好呀! ( 为什么不呢?) 16. Allow me .让我来。 17. Be quiet! 安静点! 18. Cheer up! 振作起来! 19. Good job! 做得好! 20. Have fun! 玩得开心! 21. How much? 多少钱? 22. I'm full .我饱了。 23. I'm home .我回来了。 24. I'm lost .我迷路了。 25. My treat .我请客。 26. So do I .我也一样。 27. This way 。这边请。 28. After you .您先。 29. Bless you! 祝福你! 30. Follow me .跟我来。 31. Forget it! 休想! ( 算了!) 32. Good luck! 祝好运! 33. I decline! 我拒绝! 34. I promise .我保证。 35. Of course! 当然了! 36. Slow down! 慢点! 37. Take care! 保重! 38. They hurt .( 伤口) 疼。 39. Try again .再试试。 40. Watch out! 当心。 41. What's up? 有什么事吗? 42. Be careful! 注意! 43. Bottoms up! 干杯( 见底)! 44. Don't move! 不许动! 45. Guess what? 猜猜看?


《英语口语训练》课程标准 学分:8 参考学时:120 一、课程概述 本课程是高职学院应用英语专业的一门必修课程。通过学习本课程,能使学生在掌握一定词汇量的基础上,学习口语表达的一些基本技巧和方法,循序渐进地学会口语交流。使学生能在一般社交场合能使用英语本族人普遍接受的语言与英语国家人士交谈,做到正确表达思想,语音语调自然,无重大语法错误。依据学生掌握英语口语交际能力的需要,该标准把学生的口语交际能力细分为六大能力,以提高、培养学生的五大能力教学任务,并根据任务设计教学活动,设定教学课时、考核方案。 二、课程目标 《英语口语训练》课的最终目标是提高学生的口语能力,使其能够使用英语进行日常交流、表达思想,依据这一纵向目标,本课程标准把课程总体目标分为六个能力目标:词汇能力、流利程度、语音语调的标准性、功能句型的使用、基本语法的正确性及文化意识的强弱。六大能力相互关联,缺一不可,应贯穿于口语教学的始终,并穿插进行,单独或同时存在于课堂教学的各个环节。 三、课程内容

2.主要内容与要求 任务一:任务重点为日常交流中所需基本词汇,主要包括: 1 个人信息 2 性格特点 3 兴趣爱好 4 健康问题 5 交通 6 食物 7 服装服饰 8 家庭设施 9 家庭成员 10 公共设施 11 常见动植物 12 旅游 13 天气 14 时间日期 15 中西方节日 要求学生掌握并熟练使用日常交流各方面的基本词汇,能够以足够的词汇量就某一话题,或为达到某一日常生活目的用英语进行交流。 任务二:此任务旨在提高学生口语表达的流利程度,在用英语表达自己时不再结结巴巴,能够以句子为单位进行交流。达到这一任务过程中,学生的语言输入和输出相结合,通过句子、文章的背诵、复述等手段提高流利程度。语言输入材料应来自教材和补充课外内容,如


生活日常英语口语大全 1、I won’t let her go without a fight!我不会轻易放过她的 2、It could happen to anyone./It happens to anybody./That happens.谁都可能会遇到这种情况 3、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活) 4、I hear you.我知道你要说什么。/我懂你的意思了 5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看! 6、Hello?Were we at the same table?有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”) 7、You are so sweet/that’s so sweet.你真好。 8、I think it works for me.(work为口语中极其重要的小词) 9、Rachel,you are out of my league(等级,范畴).你跟我不是同一类人 10、You are so cute.你真好/真可爱 11、Given your situation,the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy.(given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用) 12、Let’s get the exam rolling.现在开始考试了(get……rolling的用法) 13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢 14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思) 15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵) 16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配) 17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在 18、(If)he shows up,we stick with him.他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略) 19、My life flashes before my eyes.我的过往在我眼前浮现。 20、I have no idea what you have said不知道你在说什么(I don’t have the slightest idea……)“我不知道”不要总说I don’t know,太土了,可以说I have no idea或者I don’t have a clue…… 21、Just follow my lead.听我指挥好了。 22、Good for you!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬、表扬句型) 23、Let me put it this way,we’re having sex whether you’re here or not.(主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法) 24、The more I worried about it,the more I couldn’t sleep.(the more……the more……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助) 25、We’re more than happy to give you recommendations. (more han happy等于非常高兴) 26、Rachel,Can you pass me the TV guide?能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,


李阳疯狂英语口语速成教材1.发音口诀表(IPA:代表国际音标 K.K.:代表美国音标)

[[ [[[[ [[i[[[u [[ [[ [ [ 一.前元音/i:/疯狂外号:穿针引线长衣音,简称“长衣音”(抒情音)发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 e:Chinese 中国人 extremely 极其地 ee:feeling 感情 agree 同意 ei:receive 接到 conceive 设想 ea:please 请 dream 梦;梦想 ie:achieve 达到 believe 相信 实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟 2.. Please feel free to call me.请随时给我打电话。 3.I'm glad to meet you.我很高兴见到你/见到你很高兴 4.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 额外奉献:这是一个非常好用的句型:Please feel free to ...(请尽管.../请随时...) 1. Please feel free to visit anytime.请尽管随时采访。 2 . Please feel free to ask for any help anytime. 二.前元音美语音标/i/疯狂外号:经典收小腹减肥短衣音,简称“短衣音”发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 i: visit 参观 limit 限制 e: english英语 ticket车票 u: busy忙 ee: been曾经是 y: pretty漂亮的 difficulty困难 ui: build建造 实用操练:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。 2. I'm pretty busy.我很忙。 3. A good beginning makes for a good ending.好的开始导致好的结尾。 三. 前元音美语音标/ε/ ([ e ]) 疯狂外号:“小开口45度”音,简称为“45度”音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 e: remember记得 question 问题 ea:weather天气, pleasant 令人愉快的 实用操练:1. Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好 2. East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。 3. Let's get together when the weather is better.等天气好一点我们再相聚。


英语口语(2)学习与考核要求 为指导国家开放大学英语专业专科英语口语(2)”课程的教学,特根据课程教学大纲和课程考核说明等教学管理文件,制定本课程教学实施方案,供地方分部在具体教学实践过程中参考。 一、课程的性质与目的 本课程是一门英语口语技能训练课,口语技能的训练包含听、说、读、写多种技能的综合训练。本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力。通过本课程的学习,学生应能经一定准备后, 就一般日常生活话题作3-5分钟的连贯性发言和交谈,做到语音、语调、语法基本正确。 二、教学对象 本课程的教学对象是国家开放大学专科英语专业的学生。 三、教材说明 本课程的教学媒体包括文字教材(含MP3)和IP 课件。 文字主教材:《英语口语教程1》(学生用书)(含MP3) 文字辅教材:《英语口语教程1》(教师用书) IP课件:8讲,内容包括专家讲座、课程学习重点辅导、终结性考试辅导。 四、教材内容 “英语口语(2)”共开设36学时,每周2学时,教学内容为《英语口语教程1》第8-15单元。 英语口语课是实践性很强的课程,建议教学时应重视面授与自主学习的有机结合,面授重点为每单元的口语技能训练部分。教学内容主要包括: 1.表达模式 通过四个简短的对话展示一至二种功能项目的不同表达方式。 2.口语技能训练 通过大量的口语技能训练和语言实践活动,巩固和扩展所学语言功能的常用句型,强化交际技能。 3.话题讨论 通过对不同话题的讨论加深对英、美等主要英语国家文化背景和生活习俗的了解,学会在具体语境中进行正确得体的交际。

4.趣味英语 通过内容生动、形式多样、文体不同的素材进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,并巩固综合语言技能。 详细教学内容见附表。 五、教学组织计划及教学方法建议 应按照“以学生为中心”的原则组织面授辅导和课外学习,注重培养学生自主学习的意识。 1.面授辅导 根据远程开放教育的特点,面授辅导除针对教学中的重难点适量讲解与答疑外,主要应为学生提供运用英语进行口头交流的机会。辅导课要以学生为中心(learner-centered),教师的辅导要围绕学生的活动展开,可采取答疑、组织两人对话、角色扮演、小组讨论、分组表演、集体讨论等灵活多样的形式,以激发学生用英语进行交流、表达思想情感的兴趣,同时也给学员提供相互学习,相互交流学习方法的机会。 建议在面授辅导时从技能学习、技能运用两个方面引导学生养成良好的学习习惯、掌握正确的学习方法。 (1)技能学习 在面授过程中应注重语言基本功的训练、重视语感的培养。扎实的语言基本功是指语音、语调正确,词法、句法规范,表达得体。引导学生练好基本功,应从朗读、连读、分辨语调、反应、提问等微技能着手。引导学生多模仿、多朗读、多背诵,通过朗读、背诵来学习比较纯正的语音语调,培养英语语感;通过句型操练、朗读、背诵和复述等半机械性练习方式熟记语言结构和形式。 在自然的语言交际活动中,听和说是相辅相成的,在教学中应引导学生从一开始就自觉地接触大量的视听材料,增加语音信息的输入。要恰如其分地贯彻听说领先的教学原则,改变学生眼睛盯着书本的错误学习习惯。 针对语言功能项目中的常用句型应进行严格的训练,引导学生通过大量的视听材料及文字材料的输入,熟记一些基本句式、常用句型,以达到熟练地掌握常见语言功能项目中的重点句型的目的。 (2)技能运用 口语能力的提高需要大量、反复的实践,当学生熟记了一些基本句式以后,应创造条件引导学生活用已学过的句型。在面授课堂上要充分利用时间,创造每个学生都能参与的学习环境,充分利用教程中每个单元Part C,Topic to Discuss提供的素材,组织学生讨论,可采用多种方式调动学生参与学习,如进行两人讨论、小组发言、辩论等,尽量避免千篇一律的教师提问、学生回答的模式。 面授课堂上应突出口语课教学的特点,创造轻松愉快的学习氛围。教师在面授课堂上应多诱导、多鼓励,适当纠正错误,以激发学生的上进心。 2.课外活动


值得收藏!生活交际常用英语口语,60句常用的生活 交际口语! 想练好常用英语口语,不能只在课堂上,还要把英语口语交际用语放在日常生活中,让自 己长期处于口语练习的氛围。沟通时,也可以用上生活交际常用英语口语,让英语更加生 活化,才能慢慢提高对英语的兴趣。下面,我就来说说有哪些常用的生活交际常用英语口语? 一、对话常用到的英语口语交际用语 1.That’s ridiculous. 那太荒唐了。 3.You are still the same. 你一点都没变。 4.What a terrible thing to do. 这种事真令人发指。 5.I guess not. 当然不是。 6.We should definitely play together some time. 我们一定要找个时间一起打球。 7.So, do you like the course? 对了,你喜欢这个球场吗? 8.What do you do in your free time? 你空闲时都在做什么? https://www.doczj.com/doc/7212017665.html,e and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。 10.Do you know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗? 11.A funny thing happened to me the other day. 几天前我碰到了一件很有趣的事。 12.I have no idea why I was thinking about him. 我也不知道为什么会想起他。 13.She's a great networker. 她的人面很广。 14.Why is she so insecure? 她为什么这么局促不安? 15.Someone told me that it's a really boring book. 有人告诉我说,这本书很无聊。 16.What makes you say that? 你这么说的理由是什么? 17.You really have bad luck, don't you? 你真的很不走运,对吧? 18.What's he like normally? 他平常为人怎么样?


雅思英语口语模拟话题之你最喜欢的书什么 雅思口语考试话题中对于书的提及率很高,和小编一起来看看关于书的话题如何展开吧!下面是小编为您收集整理的雅思英语口语模拟话题之你最喜欢的书什么?,供大家参考! 雅思英语口语模拟话题之你最喜欢的书什么 Q: What's your favourite book? A: My favourite book is My Life Story, which was created by an American writer, Helen Keller in 1902. She was blind, deaf, and dumb. This book describes her own experience and her hard struggle to become a well-known writer and educator of the world. It shows us a universal truth that "Where there's a will, there's a way." 与读书有关的格言也有很多,在口语考试中可以适当运用。 to be fond of learning is akin to knowledge. to practice with vigor is akin to benevolence. to possess the feeling of shame is akin to courage. –confucius 好学近乎知,力行近乎仁,知耻近乎勇。 -孔子 traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. -chinese proverb 行万里路,胜读万卷书。 -中国谚语 it is more valuable to seek truth than to own it. –einstein 对真理的追求比对真理的占有更为可贵。 -爱因斯坦 that we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of child. -bernard shaw 我们希望看到孩子们追求知识,而不是知识追求孩子们。 -肖伯纳 口语考试不会答,现场freestyle?小心翻车 今天跟大家讨论一个关于雅思口语的点,叫做Should I really tell the truth in the speaking text? 我们真的要在雅思口语考试当中,给出实情吗? 举一个例子,如果考官问了你一个问题叫做What’s your favourite color? 肯定有很多烤鸭会想,我最喜欢的颜色是什么,是红色吗?是蓝色吗?这种情况,肯定是有自己的 Actual favourite color. 但是那些没有真正喜欢的颜色的烤鸭们,怎么办呢?可能他会想Should I really need to make up a story?我们真的要来编造一个故事吗?



1. Topic: foreigner living in China Situation: A Chinese reporter is interviewing with an American who has lived in China for more than a year. They are talking about the cultural differences between China and America as well as the positive and negative aspects of living in China. Cues: positive; negative; responsible; cheap; friendly; travel; lack of privacy; too much curiosity; overcrowded; pollution; food safety C : You live in China for a long time . Can you tell me what do you think about China? T : Well, china , in my opinion ,has many positive sides but also have many negative sides. C : OK, can you tell me some advantages about china? T : Chinese always are friendly and responsible . The goods in store are very cheap and there are many good places to travel. C : What about the negative sides ? T : Some roads in China are too busy , and it is always overcrowded when the car accdient happened. Apart from that pollution in china is more and more serious. And there still have some problem in food safety. 2. Topic: favourite movie stars Situation: Two friends are talking about their favourite movie stars. Cues: a big fan; Kong Fu movie; favourite character; movie series; acting; be skilled in; play the hero/ heroine


英语口语句子——拒绝 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不 应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 英语口语句子——赞美 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】


关于学好英语听力和口语的八大方法技巧分享 第一要诀:收听英语气象报告 英语气象报告的速度虽快但词汇简单固定内容单纯重复的可能性大而且在生活中随时都可以印证是听力入门的好教材。 第二要诀:收听中国国际广播之声的英语广播 中国国际广播之声(China Radio International)每天早上7:00-8:00中午11:00-12:00各有一小时的英语节目。 英语标准流利内容广泛但词汇较简单语速亦适中。 第三要诀:善用录音带或听力材料的MP3锻炼听说能力 不好的习惯:一边看书一边听磁带。 选材:与自己能力相适应的听力材料不要急于求成以免产生受挫心理。 先反复聆听内容起先只要抓住梗概多听几次后对细节的了解便越来越多。 听力较差的人可先阅读课文然后再集中精力领会每段每句的意思。 这样练习有助于培养倾听时注意力的集中使您的听力迅速进步。 第四要诀:听正常语速的英语才能加速听力的进步 听惯了语速放慢的英语在与外国人的实际交往中就很难适应甚至听不懂他们用正常语速讲的英语。

故意放慢语速时通常会把一句中每个词都清楚的读出来但在正常的会话中会出现很多同化(assimilation)减弱(reduction)连音(liaison)的现象。所以听语速正常的英语对于听力和会话极为重要。 第五要诀:从电视电影中学习英语 看英文电视电影不仅能了解西方人的文化和生活而且也是学习地道英语和提高英语听力的好机会。 选取的影片最好是以现代生活为背景的文艺片或喜剧片。如果您的听力不错要养成不看字幕的习惯。 程度稍差的就不要勉强自己否则英语没学成反倒破坏了欣赏电影的好心情。 这种情况下您可以先看字幕了解剧情(如果是电视节目那就要先录下来)再重新看一至数遍您的听力就可在轻松的心情下随着您对剧情了解的增多而迅速提高。 第六要诀:和朋友讨论影片情节 在英语学习中我们经常会与朋友或同学相约用英语交谈来提高英语会话能力但经常感到自己的语言贫乏所谈内容有限。 现在不妨试试新东方的影片情节演绎方法:配合前节所讲的从电视电影中学习英语先依据电影情节节选一个或多个片段个人选定一个角色然后在影片看熟之后试着把台词誊录成文字并背下来最后进行排练。


英语口语软件,外国人教你如何记单词 Love words. You have to really want to learn new vocabulary if you're going to succeed. 首先,要爱上“单词”这个东东。 Look up words you don't know whenever you encounter them. After encountering and looking up a word several times, you should eventually be able to remember its definition. 记忆学家统计过,一个单词你遇见6次,就会永生不忘。 Use a Thesaurus. A thesaurus is a great resource which enables you to know the more advanced equivalent of basic english words. 词典是法宝! Read. Read all genres of books. When you come across a word you don't know, read the sentences around the word and try to figure out what it means from the context. Check your guess with a dictionary. This doesn't mean you should start reading medical textbooks or other books with lots of new words on every page. Set aside time each day to sit down with your book. Enjoy yourself! 阅读永远是提高词汇量的必经之路。 Play word games with friends. Try Boggle, Scrabble, or Catch-Phrase. There are so many great games out there to teach you new words. If a friend comes up with a word that you don't know, ask them what it means. 玩游戏也有大帮助哦!


EF Level 09 Unit 1 SALLY: So, what did you think of the movie, Jen? We can also say, "Did you enjoy the movie?" JEN: I thought it was all right. I'm not a big fan of war movies, but this one seemed realistic and interesting. How about you? What'd you think? This means that the person doesn't really like war movies. SALLY: I thought it was brilliant. To me it was more than just a war movie, it was complex and profound. The opposite of complex is simple. JEN: Really? I agree that it was interesting, but profound? I don't know about that. I mean, it was OK, but still it's a war movie. I'd rather see a movie that has more of a story. I’d rather: We could also say, "I'd prefer to see..." SALLY: But I think this movie did have a very good story, about human nature, not just about war. JEN: Really? Human nature? Really: We can use this kind of question to express surprise, doubt or disagreement. SALLY: So many of the characters in the movie thought that the war was terrible and they kept trying to avoid fighting. I thought the way that they talked about it was so poetic. It was brilliant, and moving. JEN: Huh. I guess so, but there were so many sad scenes, where so many people died. I think I was in the mood for (more of ) an exciting movie today. I'm in the mood for is another way of saying I feel like... OR I want to... SALLY: I see what you mean. I thought the movie was outstanding, but it was heavy. Let's go. heavy: This means that the movie was very emotional and serious. Unit 2 KIRSTEN: Hey, Jen. What's up? JEN: Nothing much. How about you? KIRSTEN: Well, I'm pretty nervous. We can also say, "I'm a little anxious," OR "I'm a little worried about..." JEN: Nervous? What about? KIRSTEN: I have to give a presentation tomorrow in front of fifty people. 您以前做过口头报告吗?您是一个很好的公众演说家吗? JEN: Oh, at your company? KIRSTEN: Uh huh. This is a common way to agree with someone. JEN: Cool. You must be excited. KIRSTEN: No way! I'm not good at public speaking. No way means not at all. JEN: Really? Why? There's nothing to be afraid of. Actually, I like speaking in front of people, I think it's exciting. Are you more like Jen or Kirsten? KIRSTEN: Are you kidding? You're not scared of speaking in front of a big group? What's the largest group you've spoken in front of? JEN: No, I think it's a piece of cake, as long as I have something interesting to talk about. If something is a piece of cake, it is very easy to do. KIRSTEN: Well, I don't think the topic is boring, I just get nervous about being in the spotlight like that. This is an expression used to describe a situation when everyone is paying attention to you. JEN: Hmm. Well, when I'm scared of something I just try to relax and take it easy. Just remember that your colleagues are interested in what you have to say.


英语口语8000句听力:日常生活五短句 1. After you.你先请。 这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都能够表现一下。(好象现在女士不愿意你这么做,特别是那些女权主义者,我还记得这么一段话:一个女士对一个让她先行的男士说:you do this because i am a woman?那个男士回答说:i do this not because you are a woman but because i am a man! 2. I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。 想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn't help it. (我深深地被电影打动了,一直在哭,我就是忍不住。) 3. Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。 生活实例:This test isn't that important. Don't take it to heart. (这个考试并不重要,别往心里去。) 4. We'd better be off.我们该走了。 It's getting late. We'd better be off . (已经越来越晚了,我们该走了) 5. Let's face it.面对现实吧。 常表明说话人不愿意面对现实,逃避困难的现状。

参考例句:I know it's a difficult situation. Let's face it, OK? (我知道情况非常困难,我们一起来面对吧。) 年轻人犯错误,上帝都会原谅。但是犯了错误,你必须面对他, let's face it,或者是:let's face the music. 6. Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。 劝导别人做某事时说: Don't just talk. Let's get started. let's get started. let's start. let's do it right now. let's hit sth. let's rock&roll. let's put our hands on sth. 7. I'm really dead.我真要累死了。 坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I’m really dead. (在经历这些工作后,我真要累死了。) 8. I've done my best.我已尽力了。 这句话,很有用,失败有时难免,但是你要是能够说,i've done my best.or i spare no efforts.(我已经做到了。)就不必遗憾, 毕竟,man supposes,god disposes.


EF Level 12 Unit 1 GEORGE: Hi Ally. We just got the new design in for the magazine ad we are placing next month. Have you seen it? ALLY: No, not yet. Do you have a copy? GEORGE: Yes, here's the first draft. Check it out. What do you think? draft:版本 ALLY: Hmmm. Well I don't know. We are trying to target an older audience. Maybe we should have a picture of older people? traget: 到达,找到 GEORGE: Yes, I agree. I have stock photos of some older people on hand. I'll try putting those in. How do you feel about the text? on hand: 附近,能接触到 ALLY: It's ok, but we should make the company logo bigger and put it in the center. logo:主题,标志 GEORGE: OK. What about the colors? Do you think it's too dark? ALLY: No, I think the colors capture the mood. We want the ad to make people feel like this is a sophisticated drink for sophisticated people, and I think this does that. When will the ad be published? GEORGE: Next month. Right before the holidays. ALLY: Good, that should stimulate our holiday sales. Are we running any other promotions? promotions: 增加 GEORGE: Yes, we are sponsoring a play next month and will have a sampling booth in the theater. And we are also shooting a TV ad next month. booth: 免费试吃摊位 ALLY: Great. I really hope these ads pay off . Sales have been down for the last few months. pay off:值得做这次研究 GEORGE: Me, too. Well, I'll have the changes on this magazine ad ready for you by Friday and then we can send in the final proof . Is that OK? final proof:最后一个要编辑的版本 ALLY: Sounds good George. Thanks for your help. Unti 2 MICHELLE:Where are you taking your students on their field trip? field trip:learning trip usually done for research or school JUANA: If it's possible, we are going to the national forest. MICHELLE: Why do you say if possible? JUANA: Look at the sky! It's been nothing but rainy and bitter cold. I hope it doesn’t rain. MICHELLE: And if it does? JUANA: If it rains, we'll either get soaking wet or reschedule. repeats 'if it rains' to emphasize her point 'soaking wet' is very wet MICHELLE: But . . . thinking about it, are you sure you want to take them there? used this way, it is an expression of reconsideration JUANA: Why wouldn't I want to take an ecology class to a national forest? national forest: special forest lands protected by many nations. MICHELLE: When I hiked there last year, I saw lots of logging. There were still trees along the river. But up the hillside and clear onto the plateau, the trees were gone. JUANA: That's exactly what I wanted my students to see. MICHELLE:You plan to show your class mass deforestation?

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