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An Analysis of Conversational Implicature in

Tess of the D’Urbervilles

from the Perspective of the Cooperative Principle 合作原则视阈下《德伯家的苔丝》中的会话含义分析


Pragmatics, as an important component of linguistics has been increasingly paid attention to. It is made up of a lot of theories, of whic h Grice’s Cooperative Principle (CP) and conversational implicature theory play a very important role in language research. Many a scholar has engaged in studying related theories in order to make communication more clear and smooth. In the 1970s, the combination of pragmatics and literature was introduced by some linguists. Gradually, these scholars attempt to appreciate literary works from the perspective of pragmatics. This thesis as an interdisciplinary study of pragmatics and literature, intends to analyze the conversational implicature in detail in Thomas Hardy’s novel—Tess of the D’Urbervilles from the perspective of pragmatics.

Hardy is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century. The background of Hardy’s novels is set almost always in Wessex. The author’s characters are for the most part of the poorer rural classes. He displays his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s working-classes, particularly for rural women. There are almost 20 long novels in his life. Undoubtedly, the most popular novel is Tess of the D’Urbervilles, which is generally considered as his finest novel.

As one of his masterpieces, Tess of the D'Urbervilles was studied and commented on by scholars in various ways, such as from the perspectives of feminism, fatalism, symbolism and so on. Tess of the D'Urbervilles, to some extent, has great impact on English literature. The criticisms and reviews on the well-known novel have been numerous in number and various in approaches. These reviews are mainly surveyed with the emphasis on the subject matters and approach. Moreover, the majority of readers prefer to analyze this classic work from the view of literature—the character’s reaso ns for death and her tragic destiny. But people seldom approach this novel from the angle of pragmatics. And this thesis tries to ap ply Grice’s CP to the analysis of the conversational implicature in Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

Grice’s CP is used to explain how the implicature (implied meaning) is produced

and interpreted. When the speaker would not follow CP but violates the maxims, the listener should realize the difference between what the speaker says and what he means. At this moment, conversational implicature is generated. CP is to clarify why people use indirect expressions to convey their real intention.

The main body of this thesis is a detailed analysis of the conversational implicature produced by the selected examples from Tess of the D'Urbervilles. The illustrations are classified into different types in conformity with their violation of each maxim of CP. The present paper is aimed at analyzing the application of Conversational i mplicature in the novel in detail to reveal the characters’ inner w orld and contribute to a better understanding of this world classic work.

Key words: Cooperative Principle; conversational implicature; maxims; fictional dialogue; Tess of the D'Urbervilles


作为语言学的重要组成部分,语用学已引起了语言学家的广泛关注。学者们也越来越重视对这门学科的研究,特别是其核心理论Grice 的合作原则及会话含义更是人们关注的焦点。他们致力于其相关理论的研究,从而达到交际能顺利并有效进行的目的。随着语用学相关理论的快速发展,它不再局限于语言学领域,在其他领域也发挥着一定的作用。因此,在20世纪70年代,一些语言学家将语用学带入到文学领域,提出了融合语用学和文学的方法来研究文学作品。本文就采用了这种方法,尝试从语用学角度详细分析小说《德伯家的苔丝》中的会话含义。

哈代是19世纪末20世纪初英国批判现实主义的代表人物之一。他的小说基本上都以威塞克斯地区为背景。作者刻画的主人公大多来自于农村的贫困阶层。在小说中作者也充分表现出了对英国工人阶级,特别是农村妇女的深切同情。哈代一生中创作了20多部长篇小说, 但最受欢迎的还是《德伯维尔家的苔丝》,被认为是他最优秀的小说。《德伯维尔家的苔丝》作为哈代的代表作被许多学者分别从女性主义,宿命论,和象征等不同的角度进行分析研究和评论。本文回顾了19世纪和现当代对苔丝的文学研究和批评, 其中绝大多数都是从文学的角度分析这部小说,而本文将文学与语用学理论结合运用分析小说中的会话含义。

本文使用的语用学理论是Grice 的合作原则和会话含义理论, 并对这两个理论进行了详细的阐述,解释了它们的产生过程及相互之间的关系。本文从《德伯家的苔丝》中选取了大量经典地使用间接表达的对话,运用上述两种理论对其产生的会话含义进行了详细的剖析,以达到更深入地探索小说人物的内心世界,为更好的理解这部经典小说做出一些尝试。



Chapter One Introduction (1)

1.1 Research Background (1)

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis (2)

1.3 Main Structure of the Thesis (2)

Chapter Two Literature Review (4)

2.1 Brief Introduction to Hardy (4)

2.2 Brief Introduction to Tess of the D’Urbervilles (5)

2.3 The Combination of Pragmatics and Literature (6)

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework (7)

3.1 Grice’s Cooperative Principle (7)

3.1.1 Cooperative Principle (7)

3.1.2 The Details of CP (8)

3.1.3 Violation of Maxims of CP (9) Violation of the Maxim of Quantity (9) Violation of the Maxim of Quality (10) Violation of the Maxim of Relation (11) Violation of the Maxim of Manner (12)

3.2 Conversational Implicature Theory (12)

3.2.1 Conversational Implicature (12)

3.2.2 Characteristics of Conversational Implicature Theory (12)

Chapter Four Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Tess of the D’Urbervilles (16)

4.1 Violation of the Quantity Maxim (16)

4.1.1 Overstatement (16)

4.1.2 Understatement (17)

4.1.3 Repetition (17)

4.2 Violation of the Quality Maxim (18)

4.2.1 Being Ironic (18)

4.2.2 Rhetorical Questions (19)

4.3 Violation of the Relevance Maxim (19)

4.3.1 Giving Hints (20)

4.3.2 Giving Associative Clues (20)

4.4 Violation of the Manner Maxim (21)

4.4.1 Being Vague or Ambiguous (21)

4.4.2 Being Incomplete and Using Ellipsis (22)

Chapter Five Conclusion (23)

5.1 Summary (23)

5.2 Limitation and Suggestions for Future Research (24)

Bibliography (25)

Chapter One Introduction

1.1Research Background

Tess of the D'Urbervilles as a literary classic has been surveyed by many Chinese and overseas scholars and translated into many languages. But in the 19th century, the novel encountered brutally hostile reviews. As the industrial movement swept England in that time, many farmers and agriculture workers found themselves in devastation. People lost their homes, their jobs, and the simple lifestyles they cherished. Thomas Hardy was very concerned with the loss of beautiful rural land during the industrial development. Tess of the D'Urbervilles is one of Thomas Hardy’s most famous novels. The heroine Tess is created as an attractive and warm-hearted pure woman, who has the quality of endurance and self-sacrifice. Tess has long been regarded as the most exceptional woman character in English literary history. And the novel makes great contribution to English literature.

This paper is an interdisciplinary study of linguistics and literature, which analyzes in detail the conversational implicature of fictional dialogues in Tess of the D’Urbervilles from the perspective of pragmatics.

CP is first put forward by Grice in Logic and Conversation in 1976. Grice’s CP plays an important role in Pragmatics which is significant in guiding verbal communication in the living world, and verbal communication includes oral communication and written communication. In communication, people should abide by a series of rules to accomplish the conversation. However, speakers do not always observe these rules strictly and violate the maxims for various reasons, which will produce conversational implicature. To understand the speaker’s real intention of his utterances the hearer has to make a series of inferences from both the literal meaning of the utterances and the context. Such kind of inference is mainly based on contextual knowledge. CP is a very common phenomenon in daily speech.

The present paper analyzes the conversational implicature of fictional dialogues in Tess of the D’Urbervilles in order to explore how characters convey their implied meanings and express their feelings. In the novel, many dialogues are suitable for the

purpose of the study. These conversations are classified into different categories and are examined in detail. The thesis attempts to exploit a new perspective to appreciate the novel.

1.2Purpose and Significance of the Thesis

Hardy, as one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century, influences a large number of writers’ writing styles. As his classic and influential novel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles makes a great contribution to the development of British literature. Many scholars appreciate this novel in their own ways. But most of them analyze it from the perspective of literature. With the development of pragmatics, its correlation theories are introduced to the study of literary works. Some scholars integrate linguistic theories with literary theories to comment on and appreciate some famous novels. For example, some scholars use CP, Politeness Theory to analyze Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. But few people appreciate Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles from the perspective of the pragmatics.

This thesis attempts to apply CP to analyze the conversational implicature in Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Through studying the implied meaning of the novel from the perspective of pragmatics, we can have more in-depth understanding of the main characters in this novel. Moreover, the new approach plays a vital role in understanding the characters’ conflicts, pushing the story ahead and revealing their inner world. It also has a far-reaching effect on the appreciation of other famous works with pragmatic analysis.

1.3Main Structure of the Thesis

There are five chapters in this paper. Chapter one is a brief introduction to the thesis. The introduction includes research background, purpose and significance of the thesis and the thesis organization.

Chapter two mainly discusses literature review about Tess of the D'Urbervilles. This chapter reveals some previous views about this classic novel and introduces the pragmatic theories to the literature. Studies on Hardy and Tess of the D'Urbervilles are firstly described in this chapter, including reviews of the novel. And then the

combination of pragmatics and literature is the foundation of further analysis in the following chapters.

Chapter three presents the theoretical framework of the thesis: CP and Conversational Implicature Theory. They are very important theories to analyze conversational implicature in the novel. What is CP, how does conversational implicature produce and the description of Conversational Implicature Theory are explained in detail in this chapter.

Chapter four incorporates the actual process of analyzing the conversational implicature in the novel, integrating pragmatic theories and methods with rhetorical devices. Conversational implicature produced by violation of the four maxims is analyzed in detail in the novel.

The last chapter is the conclusion and a general summary. The limitation of CP and Conversational Implicature Theory to appreciate the novel is put forward in the chapter. In addition, some suggestions are given for further research on Tess of the D'Urbervilles.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Brief Introduction to Hardy

Thomas Hardy was one of the representatives of British critical realistic novelist at the end of the 19th century. During that period, Englishmen witnessed the appearance of a number of talented critics, realistic novelists and poets, but undoubtedly one of the most famous figures was Thomas Hardy. He was not only one of the greatest novelists in Victorian age, but also the last important novelist. His birthplace was a rural region of southwestern England. This natural environment became the focus of his fiction. In 1856, Hardy was apprenticed to John Hicks, an architect who lived in the city of Dorchester. The location would later serve as the model for Hardy’s fictional Casterbridge. At the age of sixteen, he took advanced courses for language in London University and began creative writing. His first long novel was published in 1871 and the celebrated work was his fourth novel Far From the Madding Crowd in 1874. From then on, he dropped construction industry and devoted to the novel creation. There are 15 long novels in Hardy’s life. The famous novels are Tess of the D’Urbervilles (1891), Jude the Obscure (1895), and The Mayor of Casterbridge (1901). Hardy's creation period includes carrying out the transition to the stage of imperialism from non-monopoly capitalism. Therefore, Hardy is often regarded as a transitional writer.

His worldwide reputation took second place compared with that of Shakespeare. As a critical realistic novelist, Hardy paid much attention to human destiny and soul. Meanwhile, Hardy expressed his dissatisfaction to this reality in his works, and he observed the society with the critical realistic eyes.

As the last Victorian writer, on the one hand, Hardy showed his sharp criticism and even revolted the irrational, hypocritical and unfair institutions, conventions and morals in his novel. On the other hand, he believed that people’s misfo rtune resulted from some kind of mysterious forces beyond the individual’s command. Man proved to be impotent before fate, and he seldom escaped his destiny. That is, he thought what controlled people’s destiny was a kind of “fill the will of the universe"—a view

of fatalism. Hardy’s works reflected the change of social economy, politics, morals and tradition, and exposed women’s tragic life and hypocrisy of bourgeois morals, law and religion, especially, showing his pessimism and sympathy for human miseries. The pessimistic view of life dominated most works of Hardy, which earned him the name of a naturalistic writer. In addition, Hardy’s works not only inherited the great tradition of British realism, but also pioneered the way for 20th-century British literature.

2.2 Brief Introduction to Tess of the D’Urbervilles

Tess of the D’Urbervilles can be regarded as one of Hardy’s most influential works. It is also one of the most representatives of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realistic writer. The novel depicts the miserable experience of a rural girl. She relies on herself to work, moving people wi th her own sincerity. She is a “pure” woman. Finally she ends up with the tragedy. She fights against the society and the hypocritical religion. All she does is to abandon the old society and to pursue a happy marriage. She has shown her courage, which indicates a resisting power ful woman’s images, especially a young rural woman. Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the essential reflection of Hardy’s style and th e society that he wanted to show.

In the novel, Hardy demonstrated his deep sense of moral sympathy for English lower classes, particularly for rural women. He also exposed the sexual hypocrisy of English society. Female beauty was not only regarded as the “troubles” but also became an excuse for men to shirk their crime. These views caused widespread public controversy. Some people thought that as a Victorian male novelist writing about women, Thomas Hardy was regar ded as “an irresistible paradox”. Indeed, Hardy’s expressions about the problems of women have been widely eulogized.

He vitalizes Tess of the D’Urbervilles with a far-sighted eye, remarkable conception of art, noble quality and realistic writing skills. In the world literature, Tess of the D’U rbervilles has its important position. Elaine Showalter, a famous American critic, said: “Hardy’s remarkable heroines, even in the earlier novels, evoked comparisons with Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, and George Elliot.” In a word, the classic novel makes a great contribution to British literature.

2.3 The Combination of Pragmatics and Literature

In the linguistic field, the history of pragmatics is much shorter than other subjects. But with the development of pragmatics, the research of it is not merely involved in the linguistic field, and its correlation theories are introduced to the study of literary works. Many scholars integrate linguistic theories with literary theories.

In the 1970s, some scholars took the combination of pragmatics and literature as a new interdisciplinary subject—Literary Pragmatics (LP). This term was first put forward in 1976 by Van Dijk in his Pragmatics of Language and Literature.In the 1980s, LP got great development. Especially, the International Literary Pragmatics Conference was first held at Abo Akademi University of Finland in 1988, and LP which was edited by R.Sell was published in 1991. The two events make LP possible to become an independent discipline. LP focuses on social significance of literary language system and application of literary language. Many Chinese and overseas scholars have their own understandings for Literary Pragmatics. Verdonk (1991) believes that LP is based on the principles and methods of pragmatics to explain the language of literary texts, especially, the communication between authors and readers. Mary Louise Pratt (1977) makes the statement for Literary Pragmatics, “there is no valid reason to assume that language stops being itself when it enters a literary works…it is both possible and ne cessary to develop a unified theory of discourse which allows us to talk about literature in the same term we use to talk about all the other things people do with language.” “Literary Pragmatics is to explain how the readers choose a corresponding context to comprehend the discourse after reading it.”(Tu Jing, 2004:24)

In a word, literary pragmatics is the application of pragmatic theory to literature. Pragmatics is a theory of dynamic analysis to literary works. When the pragmatic approach probes into the literary appreciation, a new modern research has been established. As is known to all, literature can not stand totally alone in its writing and reading, its discourse analysis according to pragmatic principles may serve for LP. Therefore, it is essential and significant to make some study on literary works from the perspective of pragmatics for the development of literature and linguistics.

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3.1 Grice’s Cooperative Principle

3.1.1 Cooperative Principle

Cooperative principle was first proposed by the U.S. linguist and philosopher H.P. Grice in his William James lectures at Harvard University in 1967. Logic and Conversation points out that our conversation is subject to certain restricted conditions. Grice said, in order to achieve the specific destination, there is a tacit agreement between the speaker and hearer, an agreement that both sides are expected to observe. Grice outlined an approach to what he termed conversational implicature—how hearers manage to work out the complete message when speakers mean more than what they say. Grice suggests that there is an accepted way of speaking: “Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.” (Grice 1975:45-46)

To accomplish the communication efficiently and successfully, people usually follow some certain principle in conversation. Grice named this principle as Cooperative Principle. This CP has been considered as one of the most important interpersonal principles for effective communication. If an utterance does not appear to conform to this model, we assume that an appropriate meaning is there to be inferred.

Grice’s CP is one of the core ideas in pragmatics which is significant in guiding verbal communication in the living world. “In fact, Cooperative Principle is very common not only in verbal communication but also in almost all human interaction” (He Ziran, 2003: 63). However, since the CP is followed reasonably instead of forcibly, the use of the principle does not mean that it will be followed by everybody all the time. Sometimes people violate the CP for special purpose which will generate conversational implicature. In order to explain further CP, Grice borrows four categories from German philosopher Immanuel Kant: quality, quantity, relation and manner. Therefore, CP is specified from these four aspects: maxim of quantity, maxim

of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner

3.1.2 The Details of CP

Grice’s CP tries to explain how a speaker can mean more than what he says and how a hearer perceives what the speaker really means. He thinks there is a set of assumptions governing the conduct of conversation. People should follow this cooperative principle and its maxims in order to arrive at meaningful verbal exchanges in their communication in an effective way and to ensure that the conversation can go smoothly.

The CP contains four maxims:

1. The Maxim of Quantity

(1) Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of

the exchange).

(2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

2. The Maxim of Quality

Supermaxim: try to make your contribution one that is true.

(1) Do not say what you believe to be false.

(2) Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.

3. The Maxim of relation

Be relevant.

4. The Maxim of manner

Supermaxim: be perspicuous

(1) Avoid obscurity of expression.

(2) Avoid ambiguity.

(3) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity).

(4) Be orderly.

Just as Levinson states, “People are supposed to obey these maxims to converse in a maximally efficient, rational and cooperative way. They should speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient informati on.” (Levinson, 1983:102) If all the maxims are observed, the conversation will generate no implicature. In the ideal state, Grice assumed that speakers and listeners involved in conversation are

generally cooperating with each other. The participants in the conversation should obey the CP. This is the starting point for making sense of the conversation. Otherwise, the conversation won’t be successful. A speaker says directly what he means, and then fails to obtain implied meaning. But actually people often fail to abide by these maxims in order to achieve their conversational goals and implication occurs.

3.1.3 Violation of Maxims of CP

From what mentioned above, we may know that CP enables one participant in a conversation to communicate on the assumption that the other participant is being cooperative. These four maxims form a necessary part of the description of linguistic meaning in that they explain how it is that the speakers often “mean more than they say” in their communications. People are suppose d to speak sincerely, relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient information. It is assumed that speakers are normally following these maxims. But they often violate these maxims for various reasons. When any of maxims is violated, the hearer may make inferences from what the speaker has said (the literal meaning of the utterance) concerning what he has not said (the implications of the utterance). Such inferences are often referred to as conversational implicatures. Violation of the Maxim of Quantity

The maxim of quantity includes two aspects: the interlocutors should make their contributions as informative as is required (for the current purpose of the exchange) and should not make their contributions more or less informative than is required. Otherwise, violation of quantity maxim is by providing non-informative information or by either providing less or more information than actually needed. In our conversations, we often violate them in order to describe things vividly or funnily.

Example one:

A: How did Jimmy do his history examination?

B: Oh, not at all well, but there, it was not his faults. They asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born.

In this conversation, “not at all well” is as enough as required, which mean s the result of the examination is not satisfactory. It seems that the adding is needless. But


会话含义与语言选择顺应性下合作原则对礼貌原则的背离 语用学的研究离不开语境,而语境藏于会话之中。从语用学的定义出发,它是研究话语的使用,在使用中注意它的语境意义,以及在话语交际中选择和使用恰当的形式的学科。而实际应用当中,“恰当”这一准则却被使用者经常违背。会话含义,简称含义有四个主要特征,语境依赖性,可取消性,不可分离性以及可推导性,在一定情况下,对合作原则和礼貌原则是一种违背,而这种违背在话语的实际应用当中都有所体现。本论文将结合语境,会话含义主要特征以及语言选择顺应性的观点,对合作原则违背礼貌原则的原因加以阐述。 标签:语境;会话含义;合作原则;礼貌原则;语用照应选择 合作原则和礼貌原则是语用学研究的两个很重要的原则。合作原则是美国著名语言学家格莱斯于1976年提出,而礼貌原则是杰弗里·里奇于1983年提出。礼貌原则是对合作原则的补充,因为合作原则无法解释清楚人们为什么习惯用间接的方式表达自己所说的话,而这正是礼貌原则的作用,而里奇认为这正是礼貌原则促进了它的形成。 里奇认为反讽原则是说人们说话时为了避免对听话者的直接批评,而采用说反话的方式,而逗乐原则为了表示与对方的亲密关系,说一些明显不真实和不礼貌的话语。至于逗趣原则与乐观原则则是与它们自身的名字直接相关的,在此对其解释不做赘述。 可是在现实生活中有很多例子违背了以上任何标准,要注意的是这些标准虽然能找到符合的例子,但有很多情况下是违反的,也就是说无论格莱斯还是里奇提出的这些原则都是建立在一定的假设的基础之上的,并且提出这些理论的目的是为了让人们的交际朝着更有效的方向发展。可如果违背了这两者其中的任何一点,交际是否无法发展,或者说人际关系会不会因此破裂,这些问题都值得思考。研究这样的问题不得不谈到会话含义,这个定义的四个特征里就有一条是说明话语含义离开不了语境。而以上疑虑产生的话语效果的原因就应该从认知语用学的一些理论加以探讨。 一、格莱斯的会话含义与合作原则 格莱斯的合作原则当中的关联最大化是一条“无穷尽”条款,也是语用学研究者的众矢之的,对于合作原则的违反叫做flouting,这个词的原本意思就是藐视,是对于最大原则的藐视。 在Gillian Brown和George Yule编写的Discourse Analysis一书中对会话含义有这样的定义: “我们应该注意到这个事实,会话含义指的是语用中的语义,并且有着特定的自身特点。它们有一部分来自于约定俗成的或者话语的直接表达,在语境中由


会话含义-读书笔记 在第四章《会话含义》中,主要讲的是美国语言哲学家格赖斯提出的合作原则以及会话含义理论。 首先,格莱斯认为,在人的交往过程中,彼此的交谈并非杂乱无章的,是有条理的连贯的对话,对话参与者在某种程度上都意识到一个或一组共同的目的,或者至少有彼此都接受的方向,因此,在对话过程中,参与者会“默契”的朝着一个对话方向进行,使交谈得以顺利进行。而这种维护对话的进行地“默契”,像是参与者共同遵守的一般原则:合作原则,即在参与交谈时,要使你说的话符合你所参与的交谈的公认目的或方向。 合作原则具体表现有四点准则:1.数量准则:指所提供的信息量。所说的话应包含为当前交谈目的所需要的信息;所说的话不应包含多于需要的信息。2.质量准则:所说的话力求真实。不要说自知是虚假的话;不要说缺乏足够证据的话。3.关系准则:所说的话是相关的。4.方式准则:清楚明白地说出要说的话。要简短;要有序;避免含混不清;避免歧义。 格赖斯指出,这些准则各自具有重要性,在遵守各准则上,不同的说话人,不同的场合,会有不同的侧重。 但是这四种准则并非强制性的,而是一种自然的反应。在日常生活中,我们常常会不可避免的出现违反“合作原则”的情况。比如说,撒谎。这就破坏了“质量准则”,不加声色的以“自知是虚假的话”来误导旁人。也有这种情况,说话人拒绝回答问题,“够了”“无可奉告”,这种情况也违反了“数量准则”。回答者出于各种考虑,如隐私,政治关系等,选择拒绝问题。还有一种情况,说话人为了维护一条原则,而不得不违反另一条准则的,比如说:A:你爸爸什么时候生日?B: 6月的某一天。这段对话中,如果B知道A要送父亲生日礼物的,那么B的回答没有提供足够的信息,违反了“数量准则”。但也有可能B不想说谎,却又苦于不知道准确的生日日期,为了确保“质量准则”的执行,B只能用这种含糊的方式回答。 以上三种方式都是说话人偏离了交谈的方向,中断了交谈,但也有另外一种情况,说话人违反了某一准则,并且使听话人也知道这种情况,但依旧能够传递新的信息——会话含义。


会话含义彭飞 语用学定义: Pragmatics is the systematic study of meaning by virtue of, or dependent on, the use of language. The central topics of inquiry of pragmatics include implicature, presupposition, speech acts, and deixis. 1 格赖斯的会话含义理论 格赖斯非自然意义理论(a theory of meaning nn)(nn-non natural) S meaning nn p by “uttering” U to A if and only S intends:当且仅当 (ⅰ)说话人S意图听话人A想到p, (ⅱ)说话人S意图听话人A识别其意图(ⅰ), (ⅲ)说话人S意图听话人A对其意图(ⅰ)的识别是听话人A想到p的首要原因, 此时就认为“说话人S通过对听话人A发出话语U来表达一种非自然意义p”。 “非自然意义”也可叫做“说话人意义”(speaker meaning),实际上就是表达和意识意图(交际效果),也就是我们说的语用意义。 1.1 合作原则和会话准则 (1)合作原则(cooperative principle):在参与交谈时,要根据场合和需求,使你说的话符合你所参与的交谈的公认目的或方向。 (2)会话准则(the maxins of conversation): ①质的准则:话语真实。(ⅰ)不说错误的话(ⅱ)不说缺乏证据的话 ②量的准则:(ⅰ)不要比交谈需要说的少(ⅱ)不要比交谈需要说的多 ③相关准则:所说的话要具有相关性。 ④方式准则:清晰明白地表达。(ⅰ)避免晦涩(ⅱ)避免歧义(ⅲ)简洁(ⅳ)有条理 1.2 说话者和会话准则的关系 (1)说话者遵守会话准则 (2)说话者违背会话准则:如说谎 (3)说话者选择不遵守某一准则(opt out of a maxim):“冲突”状况,遵循一条违背另一条 (4)说话者故意违反或利用一条准则(flout or exploit a maxim) 1.3 Conversational implicature O和Conversational implicature F (1)Conversational implicature O :直接遵守会话准则产生的会话含义。 ①质:Tim在1989年发明了万维网。 +> 说话者相信Tim在1989年发明了万维网,并有足够的证据证明他说的 ②量:John有六张信用卡。+> John最多有六张信用卡。 ③相关:John:现在几点?Mary:博物馆还没开门。+> 现在的时间至少比博物馆开门要早。 ④方式:John去麦当劳买了两个汉堡。+> John先去了麦当劳,然后买了两个汉堡。 (2)Conversational implicature F :说话者故意违背会话准则产生的会话含义。 ①质:乔姆斯基是一位伟大的社会语言学家。+> 乔姆斯基根本不是社会语言学家。 ②量:(ⅰ)War is war. +> (ⅱ)Terrible things always happen in war.that’s nature,and it’s no use lamenting that particular tragedy. ③相关:John:Susan can be such a cow sometimes! Mary:Oh,waht a lovely day! +> One shouldn’t speak ill of people behind their back.


合作原则、会话含义及礼貌原则 摘要:“合作原则”(cooperative principle)是美国哲学家Grice 提出的一套假想的原则,合作原则这条根本原则可以具体体现为四条准则,即数量准则,质量准则,关联准则和方式准则。但是在实际的日常生活中人们并不总是遵循这四条准则,其实也就是因为对合作原则下的这四条准则的违反才产生了“会话含义”(conversational implicature)。但是Grice 并没有解释人们为什么要违反“合作原则” (cooperative principle)。在此之后,Leech 又提出了“礼貌原则”(politeness principle),作为对合作原则的补充。Leech 认为在日常会话中,人们往往因为遵守礼貌原则而违反了合作原则。但是实际上,人们并不总是因为礼貌才违反合作原则的。 关键词:合作原则;会话含义;礼貌原则 一.合作原则和它的四个准则 合作原则(cooperative principle)是Grice1967年在哈佛大学的一次演讲中提出的,他认为,合作原则是一切成功的语言交际活动的基础,所以我们可以这样认为,所有参加交谈的人在他们进行交谈活动时采取的是合作的态度。 首先让我们来搞清楚什么是合作原则。它是一套设想的准则,如果在交谈过程中交谈双方都希望更好的理解对方的话语意思,就得遵循合作原则,Grice把它具体化为四条准则。 质量准则(quality maxim)——也就是说要尽量说真话 (1)不要说自己认为是不真实的话; (2)不要说缺乏足够证据的话 例1: A:你认为他适合做这个工作吗? B:当然了,完全适合。 数量准则(quantity maxim) A:使自己所说的话达到现时的交际目的所要求的详尽程度; B:不能使自己所说的话比要求的更详尽。


会话含义的产生要有下列条件:会话含义的产生要有下列条件:说话者S的话语要有会话含义q,就必须:(1)假定S遵守合作原则;(2)为了使上述假定成立,就要推测出S认为q;(3)S了解,自己和听话者H都知道,H能推导出需要q来使“S遵守合作原则”这一假定成立。而为了推导出会话含义q,听话者必须知晓:(1)S的话语的内容;(2)合作原则及其所属准则;(3)话语的上下文;(4)某些有关背景信息;(5)上述各条为S和H所共知Grice归纳出推导会话含义的下列步骤:归纳出推导会话含义的下列步骤:归纳出推导会话含义的下列步骤(1)他(S)说了话语P;(2)没有理由假定他不遵守合作原则;(3)他说了P,又确实在尽力合作(遵守合作原则),那么,他肯定认为q;(4)他肯定了解,我和他都懂得,要认为他遵守合作原则,就必须假定q;(5)他丝毫没有阻止我认为q;(6)那么,他就是要我认为q,故此,你的含义就是q。 4.5 Conversational Implicature Unlike conventional implicatures, conversational implicatures are produced by relating to the conversational context. To know what people mean, we have to interpret what they say. But interpretation is a tricky affair, and misunderstandings are always possible. As Leech remarks, …interpreting an utterance is u ltimately a matter of guesswork?. e.g. A: When is Tom?s birthday? B: It?s sometime in October. B?s implicature: the only thing he remembered about Tom?s birthday was the month in which it occurs, and that he honestly didn?t know whether it was at the begin ning, the middle or the end of that month. How does a conversational implicature come about? In analyzing an utterance, depending on strict semantic or logical criteria will not help. The …guesswork? that Leech talks about will have to be of a somewhat qualified nature. The qualified guessing must depend on the context, that is, the circumstances of this particular question, the person involved in the situation, these persons? background, etc. The more we know about this context, the more wellgrounded our …guesswork? is going to be. e.g. A: I could eat the whole of that cake. B: Oh, thanks. A?s literal meaning: a statement of a fact. The context: an exchange between a guest and a host. A?s implicature: I compliment you on the cake, it is so delicious that I want to eat the


试论会话中合作原则与礼貌原则之间的关系 一.会话中的合作原则 会话含义理论是理解自然语言的一种学识,它是由格莱斯于1967年在哈佛大学的讲座中提出。这个理论提出,谈话的参与者都必须有把谈话进行下去的愿望。所谓成功的言语交际需要会话双方互相合作互相配合,要求每一个交谈参与者在整个交谈过程中,所说的话符合这一次交谈的目标或方向。正是交谈者的这种配合,使得他们能够持续地进行有意义的语言交际。交谈者在交际中所遵循的那些原则和准则就是所谓的“合作原则”,即Cooperative Principle,简称CP。 合作原则又可以具体体现为四条准则 1)质量准则( The Maxim of Quality): A.不要说自已认为是不真实的话。 B.不要说自己缺乏足够证据的话。 2)量的准则( The Maxim of Quantity): A.使自己所说的话达到(交谈的现实目的)所要求的详尽程度。 B.不能使自己所说的话比所要求的更详尽。 3)关联准则( The Maxim of Relation): 说话要贴切。 4)方式准则(The Maxim of Manner) 表达要清楚 A.避免晦涩的词语 B.避免歧义

C.说话要简要(避免赘述) D.说话要有条理 但是,后来人们发现,在实际交往中,人们不可能时时刻刻都遵循这四条准则,甚至有时是故意违反这些准则。那么我们就可以从人们故意违反这些准则中来,探究隐含在语言之下的那些言外之意,有时会达到幽默的效果,有时却会引起听者的误解,以至于有时说话者不得不额外的注以解释。例如在(1)对话中: 女孩:我漂亮吗? 男孩:你带眼镜的时候很漂亮。 在这个对话中女孩所期待的回答是:是的,你很漂亮。这样也遵守了合作原则。但偏偏男孩没这样回答,也就是说他违反了合作原则,所以令女孩产生了误解,她完全有理由这样想:“那就是说我不带眼镜的时候很丑了”。而男孩为了不让女孩误解,赶紧接着说“你不带眼镜的时候更漂亮。”以此来消除前句话有可能带来的负面的效果。 例(2)He is a machine. (3) Tom has wooden ears. 上面这两句话都违背了质量准则里的第一条,因为人不可能是机器,人的耳朵也不可能是木制的。但是我们却可以从中推导出特殊的会话含义。比方说,说他是个机器,可能是想描述“他工作努力”,“他只知道干活”,“他不理解女孩的心”等,视具体情景而定。而(3)则可能说他对音乐,或其他的能用耳朵来听的东西没有鉴赏能力等等。 (4)A: Where does John live?


《风声》台词的会话含义分析 [摘要]2009年上映的谍战题材影片《风声》,号称“华语第一谍战巨制”。该片除了拥有强大的演员阵容和扣人心弦的故事情节外,生动贴切、发人深省的人物语言更是其制胜的重要法宝。利用会话含义理论对该影片中的语言进行分析,可以更加深入地了解各个人物角色的特点和影片的真实内涵。 [关键词]《风声》会话含义理论合作原则 一、引言 号称“华语第一谍战巨制”的《风声》,讲述了抗战时期,汪伪政府一高官被暗杀,引起日军高度重视,日军头领怀疑伪军情报机关内五名官员有一个是与抗日组

织关系密切的内奸“老鬼”。为了找出“老鬼”,日军和伪军对行政收发专员顾晓梦、译电组组长李宁玉、伪军剿匪大队长吴志国、剿匪司令的侍从官白小年以及军机处处长金生火五人进行了审问,这五人分别经历了从心理战到酷刑的严峻考验。 影片始终围绕“谁是老鬼”展开,而作为整个故事最大的谜团,聪明的导演不仅借助了演员们的神态表情和肢体动作,更充分利用了语言的强大功能,层层设悬,令观众摸不着头脑,吸引他们对“老鬼”产生种种猜测。可见,在具备了电影化的视听享受的同时,《风声》也为我们制造了一场语言学的“盛宴”。 本文就将从语用学的视角,运用会话含义理论,结合影片中的一些语言实例,来进一步透析《风声》各人物角色的性格及心理活动。

二、会话含义理论 会话含义理论是由美国语言哲学家格赖斯于1967年在哈佛大学的威廉?詹姆斯讲座上提出的。这其中,他提出的“合作原则”和“会话含义”两个重要概念,主要是为了说明人们在交际过程中怎样相互合作以及如何理解表达者的话语意图。 合作原则要求每一个交谈参加者在整个交谈过程中所说的话都符合这一交谈的目的或方向,就是这些原则使得他们能够继续进行有意义的语言交际。合作原则具体内容包括:1.数量准则:指所提供的信息的量,所说的话应该包含当前交谈目的所需要的信息,而且尽量不要包含多于需要的信息。2.质量准则:指的是我们所说的话应该力求真实尤其是不要说那些自知虚假的和缺乏足够证据的话。3.关系准则:即我们所说的话


会话含义与合作原则 来源:英语专业论文 介绍了格赖斯地合作原则和会话含义学说,并通过汉英两种语言中地实例,探讨了合作原则在话含义解读中地作用.b5E2R。 语用学;合作原则;会话含义 引言首先把人们地交际行为系统地归结为规律地是美国伯克利加州大学地哲学教授格赖斯().他于年在哈佛大学地一次讲演中,论述了“合作原则”()地具体内容,及其制约“会话含义”()产生地过程.这篇演讲所提出地会话含义学说,在语言学界引起了巨大反响.此后,对这一学说地研究经久不衰,研究成果纷至沓来.p1Ean。 年,英国语言学者及分别在其新作《语用学》与《语用学原则》中,把格赖斯地会话含义学说誉为语用学地一个重要理论.DXDiT。 我国学者程雨民、陈融较为详细地介绍了格赖斯地合作原则和会话含义学说. 其后,钱冠连对格赖斯地合作原则和下属各条会话准则提出不同地看法,表现出我国学者在理论探索方面地勇气.另外,刘福长、钱冠连分别从不同地角度,使用合作原则下不同地会话准则,解释一、二个实际问题,起到了理论和实际相结合地示范作用.笔者试图从汉语和英语两个方面、从实证地角度,进一步探讨合作原则在会话含义解读中地作用.二、合作原则和会话含义格赖斯指出,会话是受到一定条件制约地.人们交谈之所以能够顺利进行,是以为双方都遵循一定地目地,相互配合默契.他把说话者和听话者在会话中应该共同遵守地原则称为合作原则.RTCrp。 合作原则包含以下个准则: .量地准则( )()所说地话应包含当前交谈地目地所需要地信息;()所说地话不应包含超出需要地信息. .质地准则( ):要说真话()不要说自知是虚假地话;()不要说缺乏证据地话. .关系准则( ):要有关联,要切题


2008年第43 期周刊摘要:“合作原则”(cooperative principle )是美国哲学家Grice 提出的一套假想的原则,合作原则这条根本原则可以具体体现为四条准则,其实也就是因为对合作原则下的这四条准则的违反才产生了“会话含义”(conversational implicature)。但是Grice 并没有解释人们为什么要违反“合作原则”(coop -erative principle )。在此之后,Leech 又提出了“礼貌原则”(po -liteness principle),作为对合作原则的补充。但实际上,人们并不总是因为礼貌才违反合作原则的。 关键词:合作原则会话含义礼貌原则一、合作原则和它的四个准则 合作原则(cooperative principle )是Grice1967年在哈佛大学的一次演讲中提出的,他认为,合作原则是一切成功的语言交际活动的基础,所以我们可以这样认为,所有参加交谈的人在他们进行交谈活动时采取的是合作的态度。 合作原则是一套设想的准则,如果在交谈过程中交谈双方都希望更好地理解对方的话语意思,就得遵循合作原则,Grice 把它具体化为四条准则。 1.质量准则(quality maxim )—— —也就是说要尽量说真话(1)不要说自己认为不真实的话。(2)不要说缺乏足够证据的话。2.数量准则(quantity maxim ) (1)不能使自己所说的话比要求的更详尽。 (2)使自己所说的话达到现时的交际目的所要求的详尽程度。 3.关联准则(relation maxim) 要保证你说的每一句都和所进行的谈话是关联的,你所说的话和你们正在讨论的话题有紧密的联系,如果对方问你一些中国的事情,你就不应该告诉对方美国的事。 4.方式准则(避免赘述)(manner maxim)(1)说话要清晰明了,有所指。 (2)不要使自己的谈话含糊不清,模棱两可,从而难于理解。在这四个准则中,前三个是规定说话的内容的,最后一个是规定说话的方式的,质量准则规定说话的真实性,数量原则要求在交谈中所传递的信息的适中性,关联原则要求说话要切题,而方式准则要求说话要简洁和有条理。在这四个准则中,关联准则是最基本的也是最重要的,合作原则就要求每一个说话人的话语都应该是切题的,同时也是和对方所说的话相关联的。只有这样语言交际才能进行下去。 二、对合作原则的违反以及会话含义的产生 但是在实际的语言交际中,人们并不总是遵循合作原则的四个准则,甚至在有些情况下,人们还会故意违反这些准则,比如说故意说谎,拐弯抹角的说话,把本来简单的事说得很复杂,等等。那么,人们故意违反这些原则肯定有其他的意图,也就是说,在字面意义下,肯定还有更深的隐含的意义,这就是“会话含义”(conversational implicature),在这些情形下,交谈双方都应该从对方的话语的字面含义中推导出他的真实意图,也就是要明确对方的“会话含义”,只有这样语言交际才能顺利地进行下去。对合作原则的四个准则的违反的具体情形。 1.对质量准则的违反 人们违反质量准则总是采取说谎的方式,有时候说话者也利用暗喻、反语、夸张等修辞手法来表达他们的真实意图,所以在语言交际中,字面意义和隐含意义经常是完全不同的,有时甚至是完全相反的。 例5:(1)有人背叛了你,你对他的行为非常气愤,当你谈起他时,你会说,“我还从来没见过这么好的朋友”,在这里你用的就是“反语”修辞格。 (2)“你去哪里了?我等了你几个世纪了”,“几个世纪”用的就是夸张的修辞格。 2.对质量准则的违反 例6:A :约翰什么时候到?B :明天某个时间到。 这里A 并没有给B 提供约翰到达的准确时间,这个说法隐含着或者B 并不清楚约翰到底什么时候到,或者B 不想告诉A 约翰到达的准确时间。 3.对关联准则的违反 例7:A :你知道这个词的意思吗?B :你不是有词典吗? A 的意思是,你能告诉我这个词的意思吗?但是 B 并没有用一个陈述句来回答B 的问题,相反,B 用了另外一个问句拒绝了A 的请求。 4.对方式准则的违反 例8:A :我们给孩子们搞点东西吃吧? B :好的,但是我反对给孩子们吃 C —H —O —C —O —L —A —T —E 这是夫妻之间的谈话,B 本来应该直接把“chocolate ”这个词整个直接读出来,但是他没有这样做,而是故意地把这么长的一个单词一个一个字母读出来,他采用这种说话方式是为了避免孩子们听出来他们是在谈论“chocolate ”。 三、对合作原则的违反和对礼貌原则的遵守 从以上分析,我们可以推导出另外一个问题,那就是:“为什么人们总是用间接的方式来表达自己的真实意图呢?”Grice 提出了合作原则并指出对合作原则的违反就产生了会话含义,但是Grice 并没有解释清楚为什么人们要违反合作原则。后来Leech 从修辞和语义的角度提出了“礼貌原则”,作为对Grice 合作原则的补充,Leech 认为,在语言交际中,人们为了礼貌才违反了合作原则,Leech 的礼貌原则有以下六条: 1.得体准则,又叫圆通准则(tact maxim )①尽量使他人受损最小。②尽量使他人受惠最多。 2.慷慨准则,又叫大方准则(generosity maxim )①尽量使自己受惠最少。②尽量使自己受损最大。 3.赞誉准则,又叫赞许准则。(approbation maxim)①尽量缩小对别人的贬损。②尽量夸大对别人的赞扬。 4.谦虚准则,又叫谦逊准则。(modesty maxim)①尽量缩小对自己的赞扬。②尽量对夸大对自身的贬损。 (皖西学院外语系,安徽六安 237012) 从合作原则到礼貌原则 田灵枝 ○外语教学与研究 111



合作原则、会话含义及礼貌原则在语言学中的应用 摘要:“合作原则”(cooperative principle)是美国哲学家Grice 提出的一套假想的原则,合作原则这条根本原则可以具体体现为四条准则,即数量准则,质量准则,关联准则和方式准则。但是在实际的日常生活中人们并不总是遵循这四条准则,其实也就是因为对合作原则下的这四条准则的违反才产生了“会话含义”(conversational implicature)。但是Grice 并没有解释人们为什么要违反“合作原则”(cooperative principle)。在此之后,Leech 又提出了“礼貌原则”(politeness principle),作为对合作原则的补充。Leech 认为在日常会话中,人们往往因为遵守礼貌原则而违反了合作原则。但是实际上,人们并不总是因为礼貌才违反合作原则的。 关键词:合作原则;会话含义;礼貌原则 一.合作原则和它的四个准则 合作原则(cooperative principle)是Grice1967年在哈佛大学的一次演讲中提出的,他认为,合作原则是一切成功的语言交际活动的基础,所以我们可以这样认为,所有参加交谈的人在他们进行交谈活动时采取的是合作的态度。 首先让我们来搞清楚什么是合作原则。它是一套设想的准则,如果在交谈过程中交谈双方都希望更好的理解对方的话语意思,就得遵循合作原则,Grice把它具体化为四条准则。 质量准则(quality maxim)——也就是说要尽量说真话 (1)不要说自己认为是不真实的话; (2)不要说缺乏足够证据的话 例1: A:你认为他适合做这个工作吗? B:当然了,完全适合。 数量准则(quantity maxim) A:使自己所说的话达到现时的交际目的所要求的详尽程度; B:不能使自己所说的话比要求的更详尽。 也就是说,数量准则规定,我们向对方传递的信息只能是对方想得到的,不能多也不能少,不要说对方不想听到的。 例2:


会话含义与交际意图 Abstract 会话含义理论是语用学界关注的重点之一。Grice归纳的会话含义的基本特征具有较强的概括性,很有说服力。后继学者虽然对此多有质疑,但并未有实质性的突破。跨文化交际的成功与否同交际意图的表达和识别密切相关.本文就交际意图与会话含义之间的紧密联系做了较为深入的研究,本文从会话含义的产生及推导机制出发,对会话含义的基本特征做出了进一步解释说明。 【关键词】会话含义;合作原则;规约意义交际意图 一、会话含意 人们用言语交际是为了传达某种交际意图,即用话语表达一定的意义。语言学理论认为,为了保证语言交际的顺利进行,交际双方必须共同遵守一些交际原则。“间接言语行为理论”,也有人把话语表达的意义分为“自然意义”和“非自然意义”。话语的自然意义指人们能按常规通过字面意义而获得的话语意义;话语的非自然意义指在特定的场合下人们意欲表达某种交际意图的语用隐含意义。话语的非自然意义涉及到交际和交际意图的语用隐含意义,在此基础上Grice提出了著名的会话含意理论。为了配合会话含意理论,Grice首先提出了“合作原则”,认为言语交际双方都有相互合作、求得交际成功的愿望。为此,人们需要遵守一些诸如真实、充分、关联、清楚等原则和准则,“合作原则”包括: (1)量的准则:所说的话应包含交际对象所需要的信息;所说的话不应少于或超出交际对象所需要的信息;(2)质的准则:不说自知虚假的话,不说缺乏足够证据的话;(3)关系准则所说的话应切题,对对方提出的问题不能避而不答或答非所问;(4)方式准则:为了表达清楚明白,必须做到显豁、避免晦涩;要明确、避免歧义;要简洁、避免罗嗦;要井井有条、避免杂乱。 不过,Grice还认为,会话过程中说话人并不是不能违反准则,有时说话人会不讲究表面上是否遵守准则,甚至有时为了表达自己意欲表达的言下之意,说话人会故意在表面上违反这些准则。如果在言语交际中说话人一方的话语在表面上违反了合作原则,那么,他可能是故意这样做的,听话人一方就要根据当时的语境,推断出说话人表面违反合作原则的隐含意义。Grice把这种在言语交际中推导出来的隐含意义称作“会话含意”。会话含意的推导是在听话人认定说话人遵守合作原则的情况下,结合语境,对违反准则的话语进行推理,弄清说话人在会话中赖以保持合作的言下之意,也就是弄清所说的话语足以使会话得以继续下去的“特殊含意”。如:A:Would you like to go to the cinema with me?B:I have to finish my homework.例中B没有直接回答A的问题,而是说了一句表面上同A的问话毫无关系的话作为回应。这里B故意违反了关系准则,只说他要做作业,从而让A明白,他不能去。 请再看下例对话:A:Is there any shopping to do?B:We'll be away for most of the weekend.对话中B想通过“周末不在家”的信息来回应A的问题,这又是一个违反关系准则的例子,他可能想通过这句话向A传达他的意图:不用到商店买东西了。但A是不是一定能推断出B的这一意图呢?即使A以“周末不在家”作为前提进行推理,他也不能确定B是否想到商店买东西,因为B的话语中存在以下种种隐含意义:a.If we are away for the weekend,we won't need food.b.If we are away for the weekend,we won't be able to go shopping.c.If we don't go shopping,we won't have food on our return.那么这里的会话含意到底是什么呢?根据会话含意理论,我们似乎不能得到满意的答案。 以上分析可以看出,会话含意理论只能说明“会话含意”的“可推导性”,并不能说明它是怎样被推导出来的,为什么听话人只能做一种推导,而不能做别的推导。


会话含义与合作原则 来源:英语专业论文 https://www.doczj.com/doc/755277382.html,/ 介绍了格赖斯的合作原则和会话含义学说,并通过汉英两种语言中的实例,探讨了合作原则在话含义解读中的作用。 语用学;合作原则;会话含义 引言首先把人们的交际行为系统地归结为规律的是美国伯克利加州大学的哲学教授格赖斯(H.P.Grice)。他于1967年在哈佛大学的一次讲演中,论述了“合作原则” (cooperativeprinciple)的具体内容,及其制约“会话含义” (conversationalimplicature)产生的过程。这篇演讲所提出的会话含义学说,在语言学界引起了巨大反响。此后,对这一学说的研究经久不衰,研究成果纷至沓来。 1983年,英国语言学者StephenC.Levinson及Geoffrey N.Leech分别在其新作《语用学》与《语用学原则》中,把格赖斯的会话含义学说誉为语用学的一个重要理论。 我国学者程雨民、陈融较为详细的介绍了格赖斯的合作原则和会话含义学说。 其后,钱冠连对格赖斯的合作原则和下属各条会话准则提出不同的看法,表现出我国学者在理论探索方面的勇气。 另外,刘福长、钱冠连分别从不同的角度,使用合作原则下不同的会话准则,解释一、二个实际问题,起到了理论和实际相结合的示范作用。笔者试图从汉语和英语两个方面、从实证的角度,进一步探讨合作原则在会话含义解读中的作用。二、

合作原则和会话含义格赖斯指出,会话是受到一定条件制约的。人们交谈之所以能够顺利进行,是以为双方都遵循一定的目的,相互配合默契。他把说话者和听话者在会话中应该共同遵守的原则称为合作原则。 合作原则包含以下4个准则: 1.量的准则(quantity maxim)(1)所说的话应包含当前 交谈的目的所需要的信息;(2)所说的话不应包含超出需要的信息。 2.质的准则(quality maxim):要说真话(1)不要说自知 是虚假的话;(2)不要说缺乏证据的话。 3.关系准则(relation maxim):要有关联,要切题 4.方式准则(manner maxim):要明白清楚 (1)避免晦涩; (2)避免歧义; (3)简明扼要; (4)井井有条。如果在交际中说话人的话语在表面上违反 了合作原则,那么,他可能是故意这样做的,听话人就要根据当时的语境,推断出说话人表面违反合作原则的目的,也就是要明白他违反合作原则的隐含意义。格赖斯把这种在言语交际中推出来的隐含意义称作“会话含义”。 会话含义的产生和推导在交际中,如果说话者要直截了当表示出自己的意思,那就必须遵守上述4条准则。但这并不意味着人们在交际中就一定要恪守这些准则,恰恰相反,有时出于某种目的或某种需要,人们会有意或无意地违反这些准则。这时会话含义就产生了。 一方面,听话者感到说话者没有遵守某一准则,另一方面,听话者没有理由认为说话者故意违反该准则,最起码听话者认为说话者是在遵守总的合作原则,与自己尽力合作。



合作原则下的《雷雨》会话含义解读 在1975年发表的论文《逻辑与会话》中,格莱斯提出著名的会话含义理论。格莱斯指出,生活中为了使谈话得以顺利进行,人们之间的交谈总是不知不觉地遵循着某种原则,这种原则被格莱斯定义为合作原则。 从合作原则提出至今,语言学派的诸多学者都对该理论及其相关进行了深入的研究和探讨。合作原则被认为是日常会话中最重要的原则之一。合作原则及其四条准则(数量准则,质量准则,关系准则及方式准则)被广泛应用于人们的日常对话分析,并能很好的解释这些对话。大多的会话含义产生于对合作原则中某些准则的违反。通常在某一对话中,相比于说话者表达的语义含义,会话含义才是听者领悟和研究者分析的重点。 近年来,一些研究者将语用学的合作原则及会话含义理论与文学研究结合起来,并将这些理论广泛应用于文学作品的分析和解读。相比于传统的文学研究注重文学作品的写作手法、题材、情节、主题等的分析,将语用学理论用于文学作品解读,从作品的措辞和话语结构上对作品进行分析,可以超越某些局限,从而更加深刻客观的对作品思想进行解读。虽然语用学理论用来分析文学作品并不新鲜,但在文学作品研究中,用语用学理论分析戏剧作品,尤其是中国戏剧作品的外文研究文本却较少。 本文就此选取我国现代著名戏剧作家曹禺先生的代表作《雷雨》为研究对象,运用语用学合作原则及会话含义理论对该戏剧文本进行深入分析,在合作原则的指导下深入探讨戏剧人物对白,重点解读文本的会话含义理论。

把握话剧对白的言外之意是读者解读戏剧思想的关键所在。《雷雨》人物对白有着丰富的会话含义,蕴含深厚复杂的人物情感。这些会话含义的产生大多源于剧中人物说话时对合作原则准则的违反。下面就合作原则的四条准则详解该戏剧文本的会话含义,从而更好地理解戏剧人物的思想及情感。 1.数量准则的违背 数量准则指出话语内容表达应当符合要求的信息量。 以第三幕中鲁贵和四凤之间的对话为例: 贵:你怎么还不睡? 四:(望望他)嗯。 贵:(看她还拿着酒瓶)谁叫你喝酒啦?(拿起酒瓶同酒菜,笑着)快睡吧。 四:(失望地)嗯。 从该段对话可看出,四凤的回答明显违反了数量准则。面对父亲的提问,四凤一概用“嗯”字作答,而不是正面明确回答父亲的提问。四凤心不在焉,用简单的“嗯”字敷衍着与父亲的对话,充分表现出自己因悲伤烦闷而无心应答的情绪。 2.质量准则的违背


谈英语四级考题会话中的礼貌原则和合作原则如何更加有效地改革听力教学,提高考生听力理解力,是摆在每位英语教师和专家面前的研究课题。鲍继平从心理学的角度,注意力集中的时间,精听和泛听相结合的方法等方面进行了探讨;任丽卿认为语言是人们进行交流的手段,社会生活的变化,科技的普及发展,一国的历史与文化传统,生活方式,地理气候环境以及人们的思维方式都要反映到语言中,因此,具备一定的文化背景知识对所听的对话和短文会有更深刻的理解,甚至能弥补语言上的一些不足(任丽卿,2013)。有的教师认为考生必须熟练的掌握英语语法特征,英语句子的不同结构,再经过大量的对比练习,就可以解决单句易懂,长句难听的问题。在实践教学中,一些考生反馈最多的信息是:仿佛每个单词都听懂了,也抓住了一些关键词,但整个会话含义都似懂非懂,缺乏一定的推理判断能力,文章将重点探析这一困扰着考生的问题。为避免纯理论研究的空洞和纯方法研究的单薄,从大学英语四级历年真题中选出一些经典例证,结合合作原则和礼貌原则,从中探索出一些规律的东西,以馈读者。(本篇“英语论文”由学术堂提供,转载注明) 一、Grice 提出的合作原则概念 Grice 于 1967 年提出了会话的合作原则。 Grice 认为,人们的正常语言交流不是一系列毫无联系之话语的组合,说话人是互相合作的。对话的双方(或各方)有着共同的目的,最起码有着互相接受方向。为了达此目的,对话的各方就要共同遵守一个原则,使自己的话语符合各方共同目的之需要。Grice 称这一原则为“合作原则”(CooperativePrinciple)。他指出言语交际双方为了使交际能顺利进行,在交际中会遵循合作原则。如果说话人故意违反了合作原则,听话人应该根据当时的语境推断出说话人的隐含意义 , 即会话含意 . (Conversational Implicature)。Grice 归纳了四条准则: 1、数量准则(Maxim of Quantity )。规定说话者所说的话应该包含交谈目的所需要的信息,信息量应该与交谈目的相吻合。 2、质量准则(Maxim of Quality )。规定说话者所说的话应该是真实可信的。不应该说自知是虚假的话,也不应该说缺乏充足证据的话。 3、关联准则(Maxim of Relation )。规定说话者所说的话应该与交流的目的有明确的关系。 4、方式准则(Maxim of Manner )。规定说话者所说的话应该清楚明白,尤其应该避免晦涩,避免歧义。应该简练通达,井井有条。 格莱斯的会话准则描述的是一种会话的理想状态。在实际生活中,人们谁也不会像遵守法律或交通规则那样去严格遵守以上准则。人们在言语交际中常常会


An Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Tess of the D’Urbervilles from the Perspective of the Cooperative Principle 合作原则视阈下《德伯家的苔丝》中的会话含义分析

Abstract Pragmatics, as an important component of linguistics has been increasingly paid attention to. It is made up of a lot of theories, of whic h Grice’s Cooperative Principle (CP) and conversational implicature theory play a very important role in language research. Many a scholar has engaged in studying related theories in order to make communication more clear and smooth. In the 1970s, the combination of pragmatics and literature was introduced by some linguists. Gradually, these scholars attempt to appreciate literary works from the perspective of pragmatics. This thesis as an interdisciplinary study of pragmatics and literature, intends to analyze the conversational implicature in detail in Thomas Hardy’s novel—Tess of the D’Urbervilles from the perspective of pragmatics. Hardy is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century. The background of Hardy’s novels is set almost always in Wessex. The author’s characters are for the most part of the poorer rural classes. He displays his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s working-classes, particularly for rural women. There are almost 20 long novels in his life. Undoubtedly, the most popular novel is Tess of the D’Urbervilles, which is generally considered as his finest novel. As one of his masterpieces, Tess of the D'Urbervilles was studied and commented on by scholars in various ways, such as from the perspectives of feminism, fatalism, symbolism and so on. Tess of the D'Urbervilles, to some extent, has great impact on English literature. The criticisms and reviews on the well-known novel have been numerous in number and various in approaches. These reviews are mainly surveyed with the emphasis on the subject matters and approach. Moreover, the majority of readers prefer to analyze this classic work from the view of literature—the character’s reaso ns for death and her tragic destiny. But people seldom approach this novel from the angle of pragmatics. And this thesis tries to ap ply Grice’s CP to the analysis of the conversational implicature in Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Grice’s CP is used to explain how the implicature (implied meaning) is produced

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