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教习过好几门课程,深感写作这一课是最难教的,"危乎高哉!'写作'之难难于上青天。……一夫当关,万夫莫开。"学生学习英语写作多时,大多不能迥脱蹊径之外,工而入逸者更是寥寥。于是我悲观起来,认定"文不可以'教'而能"。虽说文字和技法可以也应当教一些,俾学生邯郸学步,渐次入门,但就本质特征而论,写作远不只是一个章法和技巧的问题,而是"气之所行",是皮相之下许多深层主观因素的综合,是一个厚积薄发的养成过程。这些主观因素,在我看来,体现在国内的英语写作考试当中只局限于素心烂读的积累。Reading makes a full man.这是英国学者的传世之言,我们的祖先说"读书破万卷,下笔如有神"。我们赞叹一篇文章,往往是因为我们被文章中的语言所吸引、所征服:语汇丰富、句式整齐、语言或精练或华丽,句式安排熟练自如,自然流畅;而这只能来自于 reading。但是我们已没有那么多的时间去"读"了,于是乎,语言的总结就变得极其必要!


模仿和学用漂亮和地道的英语表达法或句型并不是可耻的事。地道的英语不应是你用学过的词汇和语法规则按某个意思苦苦思索造出来的,地道的英语应是你把英美人对这个意思的习惯说法用到你自己的文章上来的。该讲义收集了论说文常用的一些句型,与六级考试的一些文章结构模式;希望同学们能以此为依据,Practice makes perfect,达到熟能生巧的境界,从而在六级考试作文部分获得理想的分数!






万能理由 (Omnipotence):



3、节省和浪费:save time/money/space; economical, thrift

waste time/money/space; costly, lavish

4:人的心理健康:independent, cooperative, competitive,

considerate, confident, creative, sociable,

perseverance; selfish, isolated, conservative

5、人的身体健康:health, disease, strong, strength, energetic

6、娱乐:colorful, pleasure, joy, recreation, entertainment, relax

tired, boring, lonely

7、环境:environment, pollute, poisonous, dirty

8、安全和危险:safe, danger, risk

9:经验:experience, social experience, enter the society

10、人际:humane, fair, unfair, help, assist, freedom, freely

基本表达(Basic Elements of English Writing):

越来越:be increasingly + adj., be on the rise, the growing number of

人们认为:it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that

许多问题:a host of/a number of problems

引起人们注意:claim call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.

意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that, awaken sb. to the fact/danger 适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change

接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems

接触社会:come into frequent/close contact with the world/society

获得成功:achieve/accomplish success

提出观点/建议:advance / put forward / come up with the arguments/ideas/suggestions

作出努力:make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to do(with work/study)

影响学习/工作:interfere with studies/work

产生影响:have/exert a profound influence on life/personality, have a dramatic/undesirable effect on

较好地驾驭生活:be a better pilot of one's life

剥夺机会/权力:deprive oneself of the chance/right/opportunity

取代就的方式:substitute for/take the place of the old way

采取措施:take effective steps/measures to

控制我们的环境:take/gain increasing control over our own environment

躲避危险/挑战:shy/run away from the dangers/challenge

满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of

补偿损失:compensate for/make up for the loss/damage

解释某现象:account for/explain the phenomenon

对……很好的了解:have a better understanding/appreciation of, have a new perspective on. provide/gain an insight into

把某因素考虑进去:take sth. Into account(consideration), give much thought to

品位人生/自由/青春:savor the life/freedom/youth

培养对……的信心:develop/foster one's interest/confidence in

经历变化/困难/艰险:undergo/experience great changes/hardships/experience

表现出自信心等:project one's confidence/feeling/image

生活充满不公正的地方:life is full of minor irritation/injustice

追求学习/职业:pursue one's academic interest/professional career

学习知识/技术:pursue/acquire knowledge/technology/skill

被看作学习的……榜样:be held up as a good example

交流经验/知识:share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge

发挥/起到重要作用:play an (important/active/great) role/part

逃学/缺课:skip school/a class/a meeting/a lecture

知识/经验丰富:rich in knowledge/experience

确立/追求目标:set/pursue a goal/higher standard

到达目标:achieve/accomplish/stain the goal/aim/objective

克服困难:overcome obstacles/difficulty

面临危险/困难:be confronted/faced with/in the face of danger/difficulty

阻碍了成功:stand in the way of success, be an obstacle/barrier to success/growth 阻碍了发展:hamper/impede/stunt the development of

持传统的看法:hold conventional wisdom

发表看法:voice/express one's opinion

持相反/合理的观点:take the opposite/fresh view

揭穿某种一贯的说法:shatter the myth of

求得帮助:enlist one's support/help

缩小差别:bridge/narrow/fill the gap/gulf (between city and country)

把成功/错误归咎于:attribute/own the success/failure to

对……重要:be indispensable/important/vital to

施加压力:put/exert a academic pressure on

重视:assign/attach much importance/significance to

强调:place/put much emphasis/stress/value on

把注意力集中在:focus/concentrate one's attention/efforts/thoughts upon

提供机会/信息:provide/offer/furnish an opportunity/information for sb.

抓住机会:grab/seize/take the opportunity

得到机会:enjoy/gain access to a opportunity/information

有可能:there is (little/much) possibility/likelihood that, chances/the odds are that

展开竞争:compete against/with sb. for the prize/position/control/the mastery of

开展运动:conduct(carryon/undertake/initiate/launch/wage) a

(vigorous/nation-wide/publicity/advertising) campaign (for/against)

对我很有/没有什么意义:make much/little sense to me

带来无穷的幸福/满足:be a source of happiness satisfaction/contentment/pride/complaint

献身于:devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career

大不(没什么)两样:make much(little/no) difference

真正重要的是:what really matters/accounts is …

改变生活旅程:change/alter the course of life

建立在大量的学习/实践上:built on tremendous amount of study/practice

进行调查/执行任务:conduct/carry out an study/task/experiment

辞去工作/学习:leave/quit one's job/work/school

参加考试/竞赛等:enter (for) the examination/contest, race

参加活动/讨论:take part/participate/be engaged in sports/activities/discussion

影响思想/态度/事件的形成:shape one's thinking/attitude

进入大学/社会/家庭/劳力市场/职业:enter a school/college/society/the work force/professionals 实现自己的理想/愿望:realize/fulfill/achieve one's dream(hops/wish/desire)

减轻压力/紧张:reduce/alleviate/relieve the stress/pressure/tension

提高社会地位:enhance/improve/upgrade social status/position/standing rise to the position of leadership

提高技术/能力:sharpen (increase/improve/enhance/boost) one's skill/ability

加快/促进发展:accelerate/facilitate/advance/enhance/boost the development of

随着生活节奏的加快:with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life/society

开阔眼界/兴趣:broaden one's interest/outlook, expand(broaden/enlarge) one's mental horizons

有助于了解/发展/宣传/解决:contribute much/little/greatly/to a better understanding of/the popularity of/the growth of/the solution of

有助于解决问题:go a long way to(towards) solving the problem

迷恋名利/分数:be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/fame/fortune

把时间花/浪费在:spend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth.

利用机会/技术:make (full/better) use of/take advantage of opportunity/time, tap/harness technology potential/skills/talent

把知识/经验运用到…:apply/put the theory/knowledge/experience… to practice/daily life/good use 取得进步:make much progress/strides/gains in

充分发挥潜力/能力:develop one's ability/potential to the full, give full play to one's ability 充满激情/渴望:have a burning desire/a great passion for

实例二 99年6月真题

Reading Selectively Or Extensively?

Outline: 1.有人认为读书要有选择




When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is better.

Those people, who think that reading selectively is better, believe that good books are as many as bad books. Those good books can give us pleasure and knowledge, while those bad books can only lead

us to the wrong way. So, they suggest that we should only choose the good books to read and never touch the bad books.

But, the other people, who hold that reading extensively is better, think that one kind of books can only give us one aspect of knowledge. Even the best book only contains one field of information. So, they can easily come to the conclusion that "to know more, to read more". So they believe that reading extensively is better.

To my point, we should choose good books to read and read good books as many as possible. By this way, we can increase the quality and quantity of reading.


I think reading not only selectively but also extensively. Because the two sides are not contradict. Our time is limited. So we can not read every book in the world. However, we will not be interested in every book. We should read those books may be useful to ours, read those books which we like. But those books which we choose must be extensively so it can give ours all kinds of knowledge, news and so on, it also make ours become a wise man. On the one hand reading selectively let ours not waste our time which it is limited. Moreover it can emphasis among all books that we can read. On the other hand reading extensively can deal with all kinds of need in our life. They are all useful to ours.



Most people thought that read books should have been selective. But others believed reading extensively was correction.

Selective books or reading extensively?

Sure, you can choice one from previous ideas,

on one hand, There are too book to read for us. We should choose those which we interested, and it would be helpful for us.

On another hand. Someone's interesting was wide. Each book could bring you specific contain we couldn't reading at only one level.

I confirmed all of these ideas were good but weren't wise.

As a reader, the main task is to discover more and more books the second task is to held some which wonderful and helpful for us. Don't treat these books with reckless abandon.

The best technology of reading is connect.



How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.

Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published. It is impossible for us to read all the books. What's more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn't read them. Since we can't read all the books and we shouldn't read bad books, we must read selectively.

But others may not agree, they emphasize that today's society is not what it was. If one man has many kinds of knowledge, he will have more chances to succeed. If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be useless. Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.

Who's right? I think both of them have something right. But I think we should read extensively first. We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field.


Some people think reading shall be chosen. Because some books are good to human beings and some books are harmful to people.

Some people think that men should read books widely. Because wide reading can help man get much knowledge. And man can use it to change the world.

It is my point that reading must be selectively. Because reading is important to man. Some books can help man but some books can lead some people to crime. It can be seen in the newspapers and watched on TV. We can make full use of some good books and gain more useful knowledge. It can make our life more beautiful. We must give up those unhelpful books. They are not good to us. Reading them is wasting time and money. So reading selectively is an important part in reading.



(启)Paragraph I:(1)引出将要评论的事物或者是观点;可以用问句开头How should people ……


(承)Paragraph II:(1)提出一种观点或优点;



(转)Paragraph III:(1)承上启下的过渡句;




(合)Paragraph IV:(1)平衡两种看法;



How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.(启)


Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published. It is impossible for us to read all the books. What's more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn't read them. Since we can't read all the books and we shouldn't read bad books, we must read selectively.(承)


2.they argue that = they think that

3.with the development of...

4.what's more 递进关系,moreover

But others may not agree, they emphasize that today's society is not what it was. If one man has many kinds of knowledge, he will have more chances to succeed. If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be useless. Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.(转)

注:1.But 转折词

2.they emphasize that = they think that

3.today's society is not what it was 现代社会今昔非比

4.许多知识 a wide range of/a large scope of/much;获取知识 acquire/get knowledge

5.knows nothing→little;he may be useless→he may not be of great use to the society 后者比前者更委婉

Who's right? I think both of them have something right. But I think we should read extensively first. We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field.(合)

There is a lot to be said for both sides on the argument. But I hold the opinion that……


When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is better.

Those people, who think that reading selectively is better, believe that good books are as many as bad books. Those good books can give us pleasure and knowledge, while those bad books can only lead us to the wrong way. So, they suggest that we should only choose the good books to read and never touch the bad books.

注:1."people, who"应去掉逗号,改为非限制定语从句。

2.they suggest that = they think that

3.touch 碰,闪光点词汇,如教材P7:shoulder the responsibility of doing sth. 肩负起责任

But, the other people, who hold that reading extensively is better, think that one kind of books can only give us one aspect of knowledge. Even the best book only contains one field of information. So, they can easily come to the conclusion that "to know more, to read more". So they believe that reading extensively is better.

To my point, we should choose good books to read and read good books as many as possible. By this way, we can increase the quality and quantity of reading.



Directions: Write a composition about 120/150 words based on the following outline:

1) 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象

2) 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实


Topic: Student Use of Computers (at least150 words)

Average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week





Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:

A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:


January 12th, 2002

Dear Mr. President,

Li Ming


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter.

Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write at least 120 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.




A Letter to a Schoolmate

June 23,2001

Dear Xiao Wang


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Succeed in a Job Interview? You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 面试在求职过程中的作用。

2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是……


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?

The first sentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 120 words, and bas your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 很多认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是……

2. 也有人持不同意见,……

3. 我的看法和打算


Direction: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance My College Education. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.

1. 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决

2. 哪种途径适合于我(说明理由)


Direction: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write at least 120 words, and base you composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有人认为读书要有选择。

2. 有人认为应当博览群书。

3. 我的看法。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic. Don't Hesitate to Say "No"

You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:





Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Do "Lucky Numbers" Really Bring Good Luck?

You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运。

2. 我认为数字和运气无关,……


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Fake Commodities.

You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given on Chinese) below:

1. 假冒伪劣商品的危害。

2. 怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品。


Directions: For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Job-Hopping

You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为…

2. 有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为…

3. 我的看法。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Haste Makes Waste. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 为什么说"欲速则不达"。

2. 试举例说明。



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the grouphs below.

Heaalth Gains in Developing Countries

Life Expectancy Infant Mortality



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: Why I Take the College English Test Band 6, You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese).



You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write in readable handwriting.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: Should Firecrackers Be Banned? You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese).




You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write in readable handwriting.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements. You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese).




You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write in readable handwriting.



For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: The Career I Pursue.

You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write in readable handwriting.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge.

You should write no less than 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 科学技术是社会发展所不可缺少的

2. 社会科学和自然科学相互渗透

3. 现代大学生需要广博的知识



For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View On Opportunity. You must base your composition on the following instructions (give in Chinese):



Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write it neatly.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: Motorcycles And City Traffic. You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese).




You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write in readable handwriting.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Looking Forward to the Twenty-First Century. Your composition should be based on your answer to the following question written in Chinese:





Your composition should be no less 120 words.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following graph which shows the change in the number of film - goers and TV - watchers in a certain city. The title of the composition is: Film Is Giving Way to TV. You should write no less than 120 words for your composition and it must include the following ideas (given in Chinese):




Quote as few figures as possible. Remember to write your composition in readable handwriting.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the graph below.

The suggested Title is: Car Accidents Declining in Walton City. Remember that your composition

must be written according to the following outline:

1.Rise and fall of the rate of car accidents as indicated by the graph;

2.Possible reason(s) for the decline of car accidents in the city;

3.Your predictions of what will happen this year.

Your composition should be no less than 120 words and you should quote as few figures as




For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about Man Is to Survive. You should base your composition on the following outline:




Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Be sure to write your composition in readable handwriting.



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities. Four suggested solutions to this problem are listed below. You are supposed to write in favour of one suggestion (ONE only) and against another (ONE only). You should give your reasons in both cases. You should write no less than 120 words. Remember to give a short introduction and a brief conclusion. Write your composition clearly.







Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic according to the following OUTLINE. Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember that the contents of the OUTLINE should ALL be included in your composition. But you are not supposed to translate the OUTLINE word for word.




1.建造(lay down)更多道路

优点:(1) 降低街道拥挤程度

(2) 加速车流(flow of traffic)


2.开辟(open up)更多公共汽车线路




题型分类 (Classification of every essay):

一、第一种题型(对比观点选择题;Essay I):




(二) 历年真题:

2000.6; 1999.6; 1998.6; 1997.6; 1996.1;1995.6;1993.6; 1993.1

二、第二种题型(社会热点话题;Essay II):






2002.12; 2000.12; 2000.1; 1999.1; 1997.12; 1995.1;

三、第三种题型(图标题;Report; Essay III):





2003.6; 2000.6; 1996.6; 1992.1; 1991.6

四、第四种题型(书信题; Essay IV):

(一) 题型特点:



2001.6; 2002.1;

五、第五种题型(谚语格言题; Essay V):

(一) 题型特点:



(二) 历年真题:




例:There are probably +[many\several\three]+[reasons\causes]+ for this

+[dramatic\marked]+[increase\decline\change]+ in...


例:[There is no doubt that\Obviously,]+ it has [its\both]+[drawbacks\disadvantages\negative effects]+[as well as\and]+[merits\advantages\positive effects]...


例:We may +[cite\quote\mention\take\point out]+[a single\a common\another]+ example of...



英语六级作文万能模板和常用句型 段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。

Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。 Man is now facing a big problem ______ which is becoming more and more serious. 8. ……已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。 ______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young


原文分为:passage ,paragraph ,sentence ,word 四个部分 题干:在阅读中充当路标的作用 选项分为:正确选项与错误选项。其中,错误选项又可分为干扰选项与SB选项 杯弓蛇影——偷梁换柱、移花接木、以偏概全——消减方法: 将选项中的概念及其最大的概念组合,与原文一一对应。 解释:分析选项的主谓宾,或找选项中的动作,找出发出动作的主体与作用的对象。然后回到原文中一一对应,千万不要关注文章中与选项中出现的一两个一样的单词,避免出现连连看的错误。不要过多注意sentence,而要注意the sense that the sentence make。 阅读做题方法: 1.阅读题干,合理推测文章大意 2.重点阅读第一题,回原文重点阅读首段,定位第一题 3.依次定位各题目,根据不同类型进入各题型解题方式 文章体裁与题材 体裁:议论,说明,记叙 题材:商业经济,文化教育,社会伦理,科学普及 Word 考点: 1.一词多意——词汇同义替换 e.g. https://www.doczj.com/doc/765396474.html,te 与fallen 在某些语境中介可表示“已故的” 2.remove 与extranet在某些语境中介可表示“提取” 3.mobiel phone 与terminal在某些语境中介可表示“终端机” 2.词性活用 e.g. 1. A profit. A赚钱了。此处profit名词做动词用,译作“赚钱” 2.prower ,名词作动词用,表示“给……充电”,如:A powers B. A给B 充电。 Sentence考点: 七种句子结构:主干隔离、并列句、定语从句、非谓语动词和独立主格、强调和倒装、虚拟语气、同位语和插入语 定语从句 作用: 1.修饰和限定名词,多由分词和非谓语动词替代。 e.g. The method developed for the oil and gas industry. 2.连接两个具有共同名词的句子 e.g. I have three books of which the red is my favorite. 3.表示因果关系 e.g. The A and the B is fighting on the bridge of which they both falling into the river. 可拆分为:They both falling into river off the bridge. ※处理定语从句时,多用拆分的方法,拆分时在介词或关联词处 主干隔离: ※主干:主+谓、主+谓+宾、主+谓+宾+宾、主+谓+宾+宾补、主+系+表 主干隔离:主语和谓语之间以及谓语与宾语之间加入东西,所形成的语法现象 消解主干隔离的方法: ○1句子开头第一个独立名词为句子主语,应该与和其匹配的动词在一起,中间部分跳过 独立名词:前面没有介词或关系词 E.g. That Kevin is a good man is a truth.因为Kevin前有that 的存在,故不是句子的主语,主语是that引导的定语从句。


Recently, ____What amazes us most is_____.It is true that _____.There are many reasons explaining ______.The main reason is_____ ,What is more, _____,Thirdly, _____.As a result, _____. Considering all these, _____.For one thing, ____For another, ____.In conclusion, ____. 说明利弊型 这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1. 说明事物现状 2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面) 3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First ----------------(A的优点之一). Besides -------------------(A 的优点之二). But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点). Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法). (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ---------------(对前景的预测).) 对比选择型 When it comes to____ ,different people hold different views . Some contend that____. For one thing,____ .For another,___ . In spite of all these claims, others maintain that ____,They point out that____ .Another instance often cited is that____ . It’s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue.As for me, there’s some truth to both arguments .It’s advisable to ______. 解决问题 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1. 问题现状 2. 怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二). Finally, --------------(解决方法三). Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because --------------(带来的好处).


2015年6月英语六级作文答案:知识与实践 (新东方版) 2015年6月英语六级作文答案:知识与实践(新东方版) 引语作文: Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.练习才有进步。 参考范文: There is a famous saying goes like that “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” This saying shows the relationship between knowledge and practice vividly. As far as we know, if we don’t have corresponding knowledge of some fields, we cannot do well in the fields. There are innumerable examples to illustrate this point. For instance, a singer can sing well only if he or she possesses musical knowledge; a dancer can dance well only if he or she knows how to dance; a worker can get the job well-done only if he or she is familiar with the basic principles of the job, and so on. But in turn, if we do not apply what we have known to practice, knowledge cannot play its role. For example, if we have learned different methods of cooking vegetables, but we do not cook, then the


英语6级作文模板: 模板(2个模板) 1 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。中间段:措施结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结 开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more…..are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段First ly….Secondly…https://www.doczj.com/doc/765396474.html,stly but in no means least…… 结尾段To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点) 结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点) 开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary. 中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….. On the other hand, a great many people insist that…. 结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的)


听力原文及答案 Part I Writing With the development of the society, people now are more likely to assert their own rights. If their interests are harmed, they will get angry and violent. Is it wise to do this? No doubt, it is not. Admittedly, everyone has his right to defend his own interests. However, it is not wise to show your anger when someone does something wrong to you. There are numerous examples to illustrate this point. For instance, dormmates in college are supposed to share the responsibility of cleaning the dormitory. You shouldn’t get angry at your dormmate who occasionally doesn’t do his part in cleaning the dorm. Once or twice, you have to do the cleaning in his place. You may feel angry inside, but it’s wise not to pour your anger to him. It’s more sensible for you to talk it out with him and know reasons why he failed to do his duty. Maybe the reasons are understandable. Then you two can negotiate the best schedule to clean the dorm. All in all, it’s not wise to get mad at someone even if he seemingly harms you in some sense. It’s more desirable for you to know the reasons behind his behavior, and thus maintain a healthy friendship with him. Part II Listening Comprehension 听力原文 Section A 1. W: Some employers are protesting against being sacked by their employer. M: Yeah, the news is all over the Internet. But I think they deserve it for their inefficiency at work. Q: What does the man mean? 2. W: Sue will turn 19 this Friday. It seems that she hasn’t found herself in handling her life in college. M: You said it. She tends to act in an irresponsible way, playing online games nonstop, absent in class meetings, and failing to hand in homework on time. Q: What does the man say about Sue? 3. M: Hi, I’m Louis. I come to give back Susan’s school bag. I found it in the library. I take the liberty to find her address in her notebook in her bag. W: That’s very kind of you, Louis. Susan is out, and I’ll give it to her. Thanks again. Q: What do we learn about Susan from the conversation? 4. M: Too many ways of learning oral English are proposed by educators. I’m at a loss about which is the best method to perfect my spoken English. W: Forget those theoretical arguments. Just open your mouth and practice as much as possible. You will benefit from this. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 5. M: How many more words should I write for the term paper. The word count says it’s almost 4,000 words.


英语六级作文高级句子及万能模板句式 1.随着经济的快速发展 with the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard 3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人…

Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点 argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in…18.对…必不可少be indispensable to … 19.正如谚语所说As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外…be no exceptio n 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive/ negative effects on…22.利远远大于弊the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. 23.导致,引起lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon 25.责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement 26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation 27. 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision 28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills 29.经济/心理负担


这是一个前所未有的个性强烈的公司。一般四平八稳的公司,人是隐在公司背后的,而在新东方,这批人却时刻处于前台,他们照亮了新东方。新东方的核心竞争力就是一批“牛”人。 在中国的教育培训业,新东方教育科技集团如同一个巨无霸。目前,新东方教育科技集团的业务由几块积木搭成,但几块业务的大小轻重悬殊巨大。据统计,截至2006年5月31日财年,新东方总营业收入为9610万美元,其中语言和考试培训收入占89.2%,余下的部分则由在线教育、出版物、软件等其他业务收入构成。与新东方英语教育和考试培训相比,其它业务的表现,则是或发展缓慢,或停滞不前。 从破陋的培训班起步,新东方及早占据了市场制高点。 在新东方发展历史上曾经有过的危机时期,是依靠学校良好的财务状况,新东方才撑过了风暴,避免了崩溃。新东方的成功,事实上有理由视为主要是新东方语言教育和考试培训的成功,新东方的继续前进,也将以此为依托。 新东方神话的造就,是集天时、地利、人和之功于一身的结果。天时,抓住了九十年代的留学出国狂潮;地利,市场中从未出现过如此高水准而具有煽动性的英语教学方式,而此种环境下的学生消费心理也相对简单;人和,以理想主义的一代天才狂人为核心,集中了一批同样极具个性魅力的英才教师。 占山为王

新东方快速膨胀的最大前提,在于及早占据了英语考试培训这座金山的山头。 美国神话和开放初期导致的人们开阔眼界的渴望,直接点燃了20世纪八九十年代中国学子的留美热潮,90年代中期以后,加拿大又成为留学热门。托福、GRE考试成了另一个层面的高考。它们与高考的不同在于,参加高考的学生基本被束缚在班级,并且科目繁多、学习被动,犹如考试困兽;而考托、考G 的人群恰恰相反,他们有着强烈的学习冲动和明确的奋斗目标,背后是众多家庭积攒下的财力支持。此外,四级、六级、考研英语,也具有类似的性质。这一开始就是座金矿,而且是绝对的富矿。这是新东方日后能够迅速窜升为“神话”的第一条件。 东方聚义 十余年间,新东方以无比的品牌力量凌驾于整个语言教育和培训市场的同时,在很多方面也成了其它教育与培训机构的导师。其一,生动甚至煽动性的教学方法,使学生忘记痛苦的学习氛围;其二,内容以直接、实用、一击破敌为要;其三,以人才为核心,企业文化亦极其重要,企业文化以人才为核心营造。 1993年俞敏洪注册“新东方学校”,同期北京已有上百家各种考试学校,大小山头林立,彼此实力半斤八两,竞争激烈。但只有新东方迅速蹿红并一家独大。 开学校、做培训,最重要的是名声,学生口耳相传,名声出去了,一切就都有了。做生意靠本钱,开学校靠老师。面对考试培训这块客户自由流动、自主选择、目的性极强的市场,除了实力雄厚的老师,讲其他条件没有任何意义。但是,没有金刚钻不敢揽瓷器活儿,一百多家考试学校,敢在这块地盘上比拼斗法,若论老师的英语水平,必然个个不凡。做出名声并不难,难的是名声如燎原般迅速扩散。神话的诞生,仅靠白水温汤的考试辅导水平是不够的,必须有独特的、能发光的东西,或者用眼下时髦的词汇来说是“核心竞争力”。 新东方的核心竞争力是一批“牛”人,所谓艺高胆大之人。包括管理层和教师,新东方的代表是俞敏洪、徐小平、杜子华、宋昊、王强等几位元老。这里的“牛”,指极具个性魅力,甚至可称为“狂”。他们的英语技能,他们的激情教授,他们的发散式思维,他们的西式幽默,在当时的中国可谓“稀缺资源”,立时使新东方在众多考试学校中迅速崛起。一批“牛”人甚至狂人,扇着嘴皮的同时也扇着翅膀,带着新东方一飞冲天,后面追随着大批慕名而至的学生。 为新东方挣得第一波美名的是俞敏洪自己,或者说是他的煽情能力,使新东方从夫妻店阶段平地起飞。《中国青年报》记者卢跃刚在《东方马车》里将他的风格归为“激励派”: “激励派讲究课堂气氛,讲究调动学生高昂的学习状态,在枯燥的英语学习中注入幽默、笑话、知识、人生激励,把苦行僧般的生活变成追求人生目标的一个有趣过程,把新东方营造成为努力、奋斗、成功的精神象征。”换言之,就是想办法将备考的苦药调和在油盐酱醋、酸甘辛咸里,让学生美滋滋地一起吃下去,不觉其苦,反觉其美,精神亢奋,并进而上瘾。俞敏洪在搜狐接受访谈时说: “为什么新东方成功?因为我们形成了新东方文化氛围”,这里的所谓“文化氛围”,表现在课堂上,实际与俞敏洪如今一直在怀念的当初那批老教师的“势气”一样,就是这种五味调和的能力与效果。俞敏洪早期凭友谊和高薪笼入其麾下的那批王牌教师,都是个中高手。而新东方早期的高管层,个个都是“牛”中之“牛”。 可以说,新东方的发家史,就是这批“牛”人上演的一部活聚义。新东方校训: “艰苦奋斗,奋发进取,从绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌”,就分明弥散着一股鲜活的烈气(后被改为四平八稳一些的“追求卓越,挑战极限,在绝望中寻找希望,人生终将辉煌“)。能在一批内外皆狂的人手下做成神话的公司,恐怕也只有在类似教育培训或软件开发这样的领域内才有可能出现。


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理- 英语六级考试作文题目及范文(新东方版) ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

The digital age 1. 如今,数字化产品越来越多,如… 2. 使用数字化产品对于人们学习工作和生活的影响。 Living in the digital age, we are unavoidably exposed to all kinds of digital products, such as digital camera, digital computer, digital television, and so on, which seem to grow in an increasing categories and quantities. Believe it or not, look around yourself and you can, I bet, easily find one or two of these stuffs. Here is a question what kind of influence the digital products play on people’s life. Frankly speaking, these modern digital products offer us a more convenient life than that of before. For example, the digital camera makes it never an impossible thing to delete or correct the “unsuccessful” photo of ours, which was highly unlikely with the traditional camera. While, unfortunately, these fashionable digital things are unnoticeably pregnant with a generation more isolated from the real life. It is hard to imagine a man so accustomed to the digital mobile on-line chatting can also have a good ability in the practical communication with others. Finally, too much dependent on the



1.大学英语六级作文模板大全 优点5:举例证明优点二6:说明XX优点三影响相应作文: The importance...写作模板——提纲式作文1. 对立观点式 A. 有人认为X 是好事,赞成... I)说明原因型模块 Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With

reference to my standpoint, I think (7). 注释:1:XX第一个优点2:支持XX做法3:不支持XX做法4:XX第二个优点5:举例证明优点二6:说明XX优点三影响 相应作文: The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence. It is clear that (self-confidence means trust in one's abilities). If you (are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would


词汇1 1. The Space Age ______ in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union. A) initiated C) embarked B) originated D) commenced 2. John said that he didn't quite ______ and asked me to repeat what I had said. A) snatch up C) catch on B) summon up D) watch out 3. When he tried to make a ______, he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention. A) complaint C) reservation B) claim D) decision 4. A budget of five dollars a day is totally ______ for a trip round Europe. A) inadequate C) incompatible B) incapable D) invalid 5. In our highly technological society, the number of jobs for unskilled workers is ______. A) shrinking C) altering B) obscuring D) constraining 6. The fire has caused great losses, but the factory tried to ______ the consequences by saying that the damage was not as serious as reported. A) decrease C) minimize B) subtract D) degrade 答案:DCCAA C 词汇2 1. If the world is to remain peaceful the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local _____________. (A)collisions (C)contradictions (B)combats (D)conflicts 2. Satellite communication are so up-to-date that even when___________ in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as


新东方在线英语六级频道考后发布2018年12月英语六级作文真题及范文(新东方),同时新东方实力师资团队将对英语六级真题答案做权威解析,免费领取【大学英语六级真题解析】课程。更多2018年12月英语六级听力真题答案、英语六级作文真题范文、英语六级阅读真题答案、英语六级翻译真题答案,请查看【2018年12月英语六级真题答案解析】专题。预祝大家高分通过大学英语六级考试! 2018年12月英语六级真题及答案大汇总题型英语六级作文真题范文英语六级翻译真题答案英语六级听力真题答案英语六级阅读真题答案英语六级真题解析汇总英语六级真题答案下载 第三篇范文: 平衡工作和休闲娱乐 People often say, “All works and no playing makes Jack a dull boy.”In other words, excessive works are harmful to us both physically and mentally. Therefore, how to balance work and leisure is of significance in our daily life. There are several measures which can make us achieve a balance between work and leisure. To begin with, it is advisable to make strategic decisions ahead of time. One should think of realistic goals to achieve at work or in the spare time, which can ensure the proper arrangement of one's time. Secondly, making efficient use of time is crucial in balancing work and leisure. After devoting enough energy in completing work assignments, one can get the difficult or important tasks done early. This helps guarantee oneself certain blocks of time to have fun. Life is shorter than what you expected. We should bear in mind that balancing work and leisure is necessary for our health. Only in this way can we enjoy our life.


大学英语六级作文万能模板(精华版) 写作能较全面地反映一个人的语言水平,故在四、六级英语考试中占有重要的地位。英语六级写作部分一直是考试中的得分难点,背诵名师总结的万能模板,能为广大考生在短时间内提高写作文采,增加考试分数。下面为大家提供大学英语六级作文万能模板(精华版) ,希望对广大考生有所帮助。 说明原因型模板 六级作文万能模板1: Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With reference to my st andpoint, I think (7). 注释: (1) XX的第一个优点(2) 支持XX的做法(3) 不支持XX的做法(4) XX 的第二个优点(5) 举例证明优点二(6) 说明XX优点三的影响 相应作文:The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence. It is clear that (self-confidence means trust in one's abilities). If you (are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything ). Failure will be following with

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