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Listening & Speaking

Unit 6:

Listening Task

Dialogue 1:

A: Hey, Andrew! You’re back from Australia. B: Yeah, just got back yesterday.

A: Well, g’day, mate! How did you like my homeland?

B: Oh, man, it was great! The people were so friendly. The weather was great. And some of the Australian slang you taught me really came in handy.

A: Oh, yeah. I bet you picked up some more while you were there.

B: Yep. Mm, lemme see. I know “mozzies” are “mosquitoes,” and “tucker” means “food.” And, of course, Australian English is called “Strine.”

A: Not bad, mate! A few more trips down under and you’ll be an expert in Strine!

Dialogue 2:

A: So, how did you like Professor Lee’s class?

B: Man, I don’t know.

A: What do you mean? B: I mean, it’s hard to pick up what she’s

saying. Her English is so hard to


A: You think so?

B: Yeah. She has a strong accent, you


A: Well, yeah, but everyone has an accent.

Even you have an accent! Hers is just

different from yours, that’s all.

B: Sure is.

A: Don’t worry about it, though. You’ll get

used to how she talks.

B: Maybe, but I’m having a really hard time

understanding her right now.

A: Well, maybe you should just pay

attention to what she writes on the board.

She writes on the board a lot. I think she

knows that some people need to get used

to her.

Dialogue 3:

A: OK. Places everyone! “Gone with the

Wind,” scene 25, take 2. And action!

B: Rhett, I only know that I love …

A: Cut! Cut! Cut! Julia, you’ve got to work

on your southern accent. You just don’t

sound like Scarlet.

B: I know, I know. I’m just not getting it for



A: OK. It’s not that hard. Now, listen. In the

southern dialect of American English, the

pronoun “I” sounds like “Ah.” I love you,


B: OK. Lemme try this again. Aaaah. I only

know that I love you.

A: Better. Now another thing. “R” sounds at

the end of words are often dropped. So, for

example, you say “suga’,” not “sugar.”

B: OK. Don’t botha me anymo’. And don’t

call me suga’!

A: Much better! All right, places everyone!

We’re going to try thi s again. Lights,

camera, action!

Real World Listening

Part 1

Jennifer: Tell me how your background and

experience have prepared you to be a

manager in our travel company.

Sumi: Well, as my resume shows, I have a

bachelor’s degree in travel industry

management from an American university, and I worked for five years in one of the top travel companies in Japan. After two years I was promoted to a management position that was very similar to the job you are offering here.

Jennifer: I see. So you have supervised people in your previous position?

Sumi: Yes. Actually, I supervised a staff of about twenty people.

Part 2

Sumi: Hello?

Jennifer: I’m calling for Sumi Wilson. Sumi: This is Sumi.

Jennifer: Hi! This is Jennifer Bates of World Trek travel agency. I’m calling with what I hope will be good news.

Sumi: Yes?

Jennifer: We’d like to offer you a position as a customer service representative.

Sumi: Sorry, but did you just say customer service? I was applying for the management position.

Jennifer: Yes, I know. Actually, we’ve hired someone else for the management position, but we really liked you, so we’d like to hire

you in customer service.

Sumi: I see. Well, since I was hoping to get

the management position, I think I’ll need to

think about this. Could I call you back


Part 3

Rick: Hello?

Sumi: It’s me. World Trek called.

Rick: So, did you get the job?

Sumi: No, but they offered me a job as a

customer service representative, selling

and leading tours to various places in Asia.

Rick: That’s not fair! You were perfect for

the management job!

Sumi: That’s what I thought, too. But I

honestly think they were worried about my

English. I’m sure they want a native speaker

to be the manager.

Rick: But that’s ridiculous! Your English is

great. Yo u know, if that’s their attitude, I’m

glad you’re not going to be working there.

Sumi: Actually, I’ve been thinking about it a

lot, and I really want to accept the job as a

customer service rep.

Rick: What? Why?

Sumi: Well, it’s a good chance to show

them how much I know, what I can do. And

they can see for themselves how good my

English is, too! Then, whenever the next

management position comes up, they’ll

know I’m the perfect choice!

Rick: Well, in that case, go for it! And let’s

go out for dinner tonight to celebrate!

Unit 7:

Listening Task


Hi! I’m Michael. I’m a 32-year-old white male.

I’m divorced, and I want to try again with

the right lady. I like rock music, dancing,

and surfing. I’m looking for an attractive

woman who likes to party as much as I do.

Surfing experience is a plus, but not

necessary. If you’re willing to learn, I’m

willing to teach you!


I’m Anita and I’m a 34-year-old

African-American woman. I’m single and I

work for a major corporation. I’m also very

involved with the environmental

organization Greenpeace, so respect for nature is a must. I’m looking for a single professional man, 35 to 40, who already has his own life but wants to share quality time. He has to be honest above all else.


Hi, my name is Jack. I’m a sens itive 28-year-old guy. I’m ready for someone who wants a lifetime of commitment. I’m into bodybuilding, movies, and golf. I have a great job with a good income, so you don’t have to be rich, just fun to be with. But I’m hopeless in the kitchen, so you have to be able to cook. Let’s get to know each other and enjoy life together!

Real World Listening

Part 1:

Amy: I know I have a picture of Luis around here somewhere. Oh, here it is.

Becky: Wow, he’s so handsome! He looks like a Greek statue.

Amy: Yeah, h e is very attractive. But I didn’t think so when I first met him.

Becky: You didn’t?

Amy: No. You know what I noticed when I first met him? He has really hairy hands.

Becky: What?

Amy: Yeah. His hands are just really hairy.

Plus, his clothes were way more

fashionable than I usually like. He just

wasn’t my type. And on top of all that, he

was shorter than me.

Becky: So how come you went out with


Amy: Well, he was just really sweet and

funny, and I was so comfortable just

hanging out with him. And the first time we

went out he just swept me away with his


Becky: Really? How?

Amy: He was just really easy to talk to.

Becky: But still, if all those things bothered

you, about his hands and all.

Amy: Well, you know, none of that was

important once I got to know him more. His

personality and the way we got along just

made it clear to me that he is “the one.”

Becky: So, when’s the big day?

Part 2:

Bob: Luis, I’m so happy for you and Amy.

Luis: Thanks. She’s a great girl. And she’s

perfect for me. We just “click,” you know?

Bob: So then I guess you just always knew

she was the person for you?

Luis: Well, not exactly.

Bob: It wasn’t love at first sight?

Luis: No. But don’t tell Amy that. She’s such

a romantic. She’d probably like it if I said I

fell for her immediately

Bob: But you didn’t?

Luis: No. It took me a while to warm up to

Amy. She just wasn’t my type.

Bob: Really? Why? Didn’t you think she

was attractive?

Luis: Well, she was so thin and athletic. I

usually like a girl with a few curves.

Bob: Then what made you decide to ask her


Luis: I didn’t. She asked me out!

Bob: She did? And how did you feel about


Luis: I wasn’t sure at first. But you know, I

ended up really liking that part of her

personality. She’s independent and she

goes after what she wants. And once I

started looking at her more, I really liked her


Bob: Well, you two sure make a great couple!

Unit 8:

Listening Task:

Dialogue 1:

A: You wouldn’t believe what happened to me.

B: What?

A: Well, I got my credit card bill yesterday, and I was looking it over, and there were all these charges for things I didn’t buy. There was a fur coat from some expensive website, and, like, fifty phone calls to Paris. B: Oh, no. Did someone steal your credit card?

A: No, I still have the card, but someone must have gotten the number. Sometimes that’s all you need to buy something over the phone or on the Internet.

B: Wow, that’s scary.

A: Yeah, but I called the credit card company. They have identity theft insurance, so they’re goin g to give me a new card, a new number, and I don’t have to pay for any of that stuff.

Dialogue 2:

A: How’s that new computer working out,


B: Well, hard to say. It’s definitely a cool

machine, top of the line. It’s got way more

memory than my old comp uter, and it’s way

faster. The thing is, none of my old software

works with it.

A: Really?

B: Yeah, it’s a new operating system, so

nothing is compatible.

A: Wow.

B: So now I have to buy all the upgrades for

all my programs, all the new versions of


A: That’s gonna be expensive.

B: Yep. It’s really lame.

Dialogue 3:

A: Hey, did you get the e-mail I sent you


B: I think so. It was one of those joke

forwards, right? One of the kind that are

supposed to be funny.

A: Yeah, it was a picture of an elephant

playing baseball. Man, that was hilarious.

B: Yeah, um, actually, I kind of wish you

wouldn’t send me all those forwards. I end

up just deleting them anyhow.

A: Oh, OK. I didn’t realize.

B: Sorry, but it’s just that I get, like, fifty

forwards a day, from you, my mom, my

sisters, my coworkers. My inbox is always

so clogged up with forwards that

sometimes I don’t even get to read my real

e-mails, important e-mails, you know.

Dialogue 4:

A: John, you’ve been playing that video

game for hours.

B: I know, I know. It’s just that I have to get

to level five before I can take a break.

A: Well, you’ve been playing nonstop every

day like this for the past week.

B: Yeah. This game is really addictive. But I

promise I’ll stop just as soon as I get into

the secret room.

A: The secret room?

B: Yeah, but first I’ve got to get a hold of the

golden key.

A: John, just listen to yourself! I think this game is messing with your head.

Real World Listening

Greg: Hello, this is “Tech Trek,” and I’m your host, Greg Mc Fee. Today we’re going to review three new video games that everyone’s talking about. First, there’s “The Butcher.” The player is an undercover cop who used to be a butcher. Imagine that. Super violent, super fast game.

Greg: Hello, this is “Tech Trek,” and I’m your host, Greg McFee. Today we’re going to review three new video games that everyone’s talking about. First, there’s “The Butcher.” The player is an undercover cop who used to be a butcher. Imagine that. Super violent, super fast game.

Jeff: My pleasure, Greg.

Greg: So, Jeff. “The Butcher.” A lot of people are talking about your game, and most of them are saying it might be too violent.

Jeff: Well, it is violent. I mean, it’s about a cop, who was once a butcher, who hunts down criminals. A lot of people think that video games like “The Butcher” actually

cause violence, that they’re a bad influence

on children.

Jeff: Yeah, I hear that a lot. But I don’t know.

To me, video games are just entertainment.

I think people can tell the difference

between a video game and real life.

Greg: Even kids?

Jeff: Even kids. I don’t think anyone is

going to play “The Butcher” and then go

out and make criminals into hamburger.

You’re not going to become more violent if

you play “The Butcher.”

Greg: Maybe so, but …

Jeff: In fact, I was reading the newspaper,

and there are some scientists who think

that playing violent video games can

actually make you less violent.

Greg: Hmm. That’s interesting.

Jeff: Yeah, they say that if you get all your

anger and frustration out in a video game,

you’ll be a lot more relaxed in your regular


Greg: So if you were a really angry person,

it might be a good idea to play “The

Butcher,” right? You could hack up

criminals for an hour, and then go on with

the rest of your day in a peaceful, happy


Jeff: Exactly. Playing a video game might be

better than meditating or seeing a

psychiatrist, or anything like that.

Greg: Anyway, thanks for joining us on

“Tech Trek,” Jeff.

Jeff: Any time.

Unit 9:

Listening Task

Dialogue 1:

A: Hi, little sister. How’s your first week

away at school?

B: Well, I have to say that dormitory living

has some major negatives.

A: Like what? You don’t have a curfew, do


B: No, and that’s the one thing I do like. But

it’s kind of disgusting to hav e to share a

bathroom and showers with thirty other

people. And some of my neighbors party on

school nights. The other night, I had my

first exam, and I was trying to get a good

night’s sleep, but it was impossible, they

were so noisy.

A: Yeah, that sure sounds like dorm life! That’s why I moved out my sophomore year.

B: I think I will, too.

Dialogue 2:

A: My parents can be so annoying. They don’t give me any space. Last night my mom barged into my room while I was on the Internet and wanted to see what I was doing.

B: Wow! That’s so different from my mom. She always respects my privacy. She always knocks before she comes into my room.

A: Wow. My mom and my dad are always snooping around my room, trying to figure out what I’m doing, and they look through my cell phone bill to see who I’m calling. My mom even called one of the phone numbers she found!

B: Oh, my mom never does that. If she wants to know who my friends are, she just asks me.

A: Man, you’re lucky. You’ve got it good. Got a spare bedroom for me?

Dialogue 3:

A: Anthony! Kim! How are you two

lovebirds? Have

you adjusted to married life yet?

B: Well, we’re still working on it!

C: Yeah, right. We’re working on it.

A: I guess it takes a while to get used to

each other’s habits, huh?

C: Yeah, well, you know, I’m a bit of a neat


A: Yeah, I know.

C: And Anthony, well, let’s just say he’s a

little on the messy side.

B: Yeah, different styles, I guess. And then

there’s the little problem of sleeping at

night. She talks in her sleep.

C: Or so he says.

B: It’s true. You do!

C: And he snores! Between the two of us,

we can’t seem to get much rest.

A: Looks like you two still have a lot to get

used to.

Dialogue 4:

A: Harry, have you been using my iPod


B: Alice! Don’t get so uptight.

A: And my new headphones, too? You


B: Well, OK, I was going to put them back.

Anyway, what’s the big deal?

A: The big deal is that it is so disrespectful

to take things without asking.

B: Well, how about you? You’re always

borrowing my sweaters, and jerseys, and


A: Yeah, well, that’s different.

B: I don’t think so.

Real World Listening

Kara: Steve, remember the older couple

that I rent my apartment from?

Steve: Yeah?

Kara: Well, the woman has been coming up

to see how I’m doing. At first, I was really

appreciative, you know. It’s nice to feel that

people are concerned when you live alone.

Steve: Yeah, it’s nice.

Kara: Now, though, she comes every day,

sometimes more than once! She always

brings me homemade soup.

Steve: Homemade soup! That’s so great! I wish someone cooked fro me.

Kara: Well, sure, having some home-cooked food is a treat, but she sits and watches me to make sure I eat it! Last time, I had just eaten dinner when she came over and insisted that I finish a whole bowl! She wouldn’t leave until I did!

Steve: Oh, c’mon. You could have it much worse.

Kara: And every time I go out she leans out the door to ask where I’m going. It’s like I’m 17 again!

Steve: Would you rather have loud neighbors who kept you up all night? Kara: Well, it’s not only her. It’s the old man, too. He’s such a flirt, and I’ve always thought it was cute. You know, an old man, 80 years old, still flirting.

Steve: Uh huh.

Kara: So, today when I got home, he came up to me , gave me a hug.

Steve: Yeah, so what?

Kara: And then, he kissed me on the cheek! Steve: Oh, no. Well, maybe you remind him of his grand-daughter.

Kara: Well, yeah, but do n’t you think it’s

kind of weird for him to kiss me?

Unit 10:

Listening Task


Yeah, I had an experience in a disaster once.

It was a real life-changing experience. I was

in the Alaska Range climbing Mount

Foraker with a couple of friends. Near the

end of our trip, a storm moved in. The

mountain just went crazy! It was

unbelievable. The rocks and snow started

falling, and we were knocked 800 feet down

the side of the mountain. I don’t know what

happened after that because I passed out.

Six hours later, I woke up. My shoulder was

broken, and I was separated from my

friends and was just in a kind of daze. It

took me three days to get to the bottom of

the mountain. I had to keep my eyes open

and just ignore the pain. But I finally made it

to safety.


Once, I really thought it was all over for me.

It was a Sunday morning, May eighteenth to

be exact. I was camping with Marty, a friend,

and we were about fifteen miles north of Mt.

St. Helens, and we were packing up our tent

when boom, when it erupted. Within minutes, nearly every tree around us had been ripped out of the ground. I was blown into a deep hole left by one of the trees.

I pulled myself out of the hole, but then ice chunks started falling from the sky! Marty had been hurt pretty badly by a falling tree, so I had to get help. I made him a little shelter and then walked the rest of the day to find help. It was really painful because I was knee-deep in ashes almost the whole way. That night, an emergency helicopter finally saw me. I was never so thankful in my life.


I’ll never forget the big earthquake in Turkey. It was the middle of the night, and I was sleeping, when I felt a sharp jolt. I sat up in bed like a bolt of lightning. The next thing I knew, I had fallen through the floor into a hole and things were hitting my head and body. It wasn’t long before I realized that the building had collapsed, on top of me.

Real World Listening

I opened my eyes and looked down. Black filthy water covered the lower half of my

body. I couldn’t even see my legs. My arms,

bare, scratched, bleeding, and aching, were

wrapped around a palm tree. I was holding

on, leaning against the trunk. Black,

oil-slicked, muddied water choked with

debris was everywhere. I looked up. I

looked up. The sky was blue, clear,

untroubled. The sun was shining. Where

was I? Where was Simon? What had

happened? I remembered.

Simon and I were in the bungalow when a

rush of water rose up so suddenly there

was not even a second to think, a rush of

water that came from all directions, hurtling

us out into the furious current. For one split

second, before the water separated us, I

saw Simon’s face. “Petra!” he sc reamed.

“Petra! What’s happening?” I couldn’t

answer. I didn’t know. Then I lost sight of

him. Seconds later, I saw him again,

whirling in the tumbling waters. He was a

few yards ahead of me. Behind him a

rooftop was sticking out of the water.

“Catch the roof! Catch the roof!” I shouted.

Then he was gone. I don’t know whether he

heard me or not.

I prayed that he would catch hold. I was

sure he would. He was a strong swimmer.

He had to be OK. It was impossible to tell in

which direction the waters were streaming.

I needed to grab onto something or be

swept away. I saw another rooftop. I

reached out my arms, and sending out

every bit of energy I had, I grabbed the

edges and held on. Instantly, my legs were

sucked underneath, and everything

accumulated by the raging water, the wood

and metal objects, all the trash, began

slamming against my hips and legs.

For the first time, I thought of dying.

Miraculously, the pressure of the water

began to lessen. I pulled myself up onto the

roof. My clothes had been torn from my

body. I was naked. Then, as quickly as the

first, another tremendous wave rose up and

poured over the rooftop. I lost my grip and

was drawn down beneath the water. I hung

on, screaming with pain and fear. I would be

crushed into nothing. Frantically, I flailed

my arms, trying to get out from under the

thick layer of filth between me and the


Desperately, I fought to get some air until I had no breath left. I stopped fighting, stopped struggling, and began swallowing the inky water. A great feeling of peacefulness came over me. I surrendered to the calmness. Whatever was meant to be, whatever God will decide, it’s OK. At that moment, without any effort on my part, I was thrust through the barrier of debris to the surface. I threw my head back and gasped for air. Above me was the blue, blue sky. I was never so happy in my life to see the sky.


新标准大学英语视听说 教程听力原文U n i t+ Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

Unit 1-Conversation 1**(1)Janet: So this is the Cherwell Boathouse — it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy. Mark: I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved. Janet: Raising money for charity Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that. Mark: Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet: Sponsored punting! What's that Kate: Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something — like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you! Mark: That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do. Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here. Kate: That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ...


新视野大学英语视听说教程三――听力原文及答案新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册 听力练习录音文本和答案 完整版 Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script W: Ok. It‘s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time. M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card fail ed; so I ended up paying! It‘s definitely your turn. Q: What is true according to the conversation? 2. Script M: I‘m having real trouble reviewing for this French exam. I just can‘t memorize all the vocabulary. W: Me too. I hate having to learn things by heart. I guess we just have to keep reading the texts over and over. Q: What does the woman prefer? 3. Script W: Oh look! There‘s that guy we saw last week, playing football in the park! He

looked great in his kit, remember? M: Him? I don‘t remember him. I‘ve got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard time even recording people I‘ve been introduced to. Q: According to the conversation, what is the man‘s problem? 4. Script M: Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says ―keys‖? W: It‘s to remind me to take my keys when I go out because I‘m always locking myself out by accident! It doesn‘t help enough. Now I just forget to read the sign. Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door? 5. Script M: That history exam was really hard. The essay question was terrible! W: I know, I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. How useful that would be! Q: What is true of David? Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.C III. Listening In Script M: Tell me your secret. You‘re suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject, and


Unit 14 It’s so cold! V ocabulary Task Answers/Script In Honolulu, it’s sunny, warm, and comfortable. In Manila, it is cloudy today. There is some drizzle, but it is not very rainy. In Aspen, Colorado, it’s snowy. The sky is clear. There are no clouds. It looks cold. In Sao Paulo, there is a storm. It is rainy and windy. There is thunder and lightning. In Jakarta, it’s hot. The temperature on the thermometer is 34℃ Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1.wind,thunder, lightning 2.weather,warm, jacket 3.snow,night,skiing 4.raining,wet,clouds, sunny 2 Second Listening Answers 1.T 2.F.The thermom- eter says 28℃. It’s warm out. 3.T 4.F The weather forecast said it would. (Note: weather forecasts can be wrong, but the forecast said it would rain.) Script 1.A:Wow! Can you hear the wind?


Unit 6-Conversation 1 Janet: What are you reading, Kate Kate:Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Do you know it Janet: I've heard of it, yes, but I've never read it. It's a 19th century children's story, isn't it K a te: That's right. It's very famous. It's set in Oxford. It starts with this young girl sitting on a river bank. The interesting thing is, the author, Lewis Carroll, he was an Oxford professor and he used to have tea with the girl's family on this river bank. Ja net: Oh, that's fascinating! I'll put it into my diary. Kate: Is that what you're writing I know you've been keeping a diary all the year. Janet: It's been a great year. I've had such a good time — so lucky to have Mark and Kate as friends. Feel I've been doing well with work. Much happier about asking questions in tutorials. Janet: My screen's gone dark. Mark: You're using the battery, remember. It's run out, obviously. Janet: It can't be the battery. It's still charged. Oh no it's still black. Oh dear, I hope it's nothing serious. I haven't backed anything up recently. Kate: That's not like you, Janet. Janet:I know, but I lost my memory stick. I really should have backed things up. How stupid of me not to do that! Supposing I've lost everything! Mark: Let me take a look. The power is still on. And also the operating system still seems to be working ... I think it has to be the graphics card ... But maybe that's not the problem ... Janet: If only I'd backed things up! Kate: Relax, Janet! We'll take it to the computer shop this afternoon. I'm sure it'll be OK. Janet: I hope so. Unit 6-Conversation 2 Janet: Tell me about Alice in Wonderland. Kate: I tell you what, I'll read it to you. Kate: Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and having nothing to do: Once or twice, she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation" So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid) ... Janet: Kate, Mark, where are you going You've got my laptop! Kate: It's all right, Janet, we're taking it to the computer shop. We'll be back soon. Mark: It's not like Janet to forget to back up her work. Kate: She should have been more careful. Janet: It was stupid of me, I know! Stupid, stupid! Janet: Oh! It was a dream! What a relief! Kate: You were talking in your sleep. Janet: What was I saying Kate: "Stupid, stupid." M ark: I've sorted out your computer. Janet: Have you Oh, thank goodness! What was the problem Mark:It was the graphics card, as I predicted ... Janet: Is that what it was! I'm so relieved! Thanks, Mark. Kate: He's great, isn't he Janet: Yes. So are you, Kate. Kate: You're such a good friend. Unit 6-Outside view Computers are a very important part of our lives. They tell us about delays to transport. They drive trains, analyze evidence and control buildings. Did you know that 60 per cent of homes in Britain have got a PC (a personal computer) For many young people, playing computer games is their favorite way of spending spare time. Computers are a very important part of most areas of life in Britain-libraries, the police and in school. But they are becoming more important in our homes as well. They’ll even control the way we live-in “smart homes” or computer-controlled houses. The smart home is now a real possibility. It will become very common. A central computer will adjust the temperature, act as a burglar alarm and switch on lights, ready for you to come back home. And of course you will be able to give new instructions to the computer from your mobile phone. So if your plans change, your home will react to match. Many homes have got lots of televisions and several computers. The smart home will provide TV and Internet sockets in every room, so you’ll be able to do what you want whenever you want. If the temperature outside changes, the smart home will adjust the temperature levels inside. The computer will also close the blinds when it gets dark or to stop so much sun from entering a room. And if you want to eat when you get home, the computer will turn the oven on for you! Are computers taking over our lives In a survey, 44 per cent of young people between 11 and 16 said their PC was a trusted friend. Twenty per cent said they were happier at their computer than spending time with family or friends. Another survey found that people in Britain spend so much time on the phone, texting and reading emails that they no longer have time for conversation. What do you think about that Unit 6-Listening in


Unit 1 You’ll really like him V ocabulary Task Answers 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. d 6. f Script 1. A: Hello, my name is Elizabeth. B: Hi, Elizabeth. I’m Jason. 2. A: This is my friend Taka. B: Hey, Taka. How’s it going? 3. A: I’d like to introduce our new direc tor, Andrea Williams. B: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Williams. 4. A: Have you met Jane? B: Oh, yeah, we have met. How are you? 5. A: I’d like you to meet Sheila Howard. B: It’s nice to meet you. 6. A: Dad, this is my roommate, Lee. B: Good to meet you. Listening Task 1 First Listening Answers 1. This is … 2. I’d like you to meet… 3. Have you met… 4. Hello, my name is … 2 Second Listening Answers 1. It’s a pleasure to meet you. 2. Pleased to meet you. 3. Oh, yeah, we’ve met. 4. Hi, Kathy. Script 1. Businessman: Good afternoon, Ms. Watson. This is Jim Bauman from Hyundai. Ms. Watson: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bauman. Mr. Bauman: Good to meet you, Ms. Watson. 2. Student: Mom, I’d like you to meet John Lee. He’s a classmate of mine. Mr. Lee: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Gray. Ms. Gray: Oh, please call me Norma. 3. Sherry: Kiri, have you met my good friend James? Kiri: Oh, yeah, we’ve met. James: We have? Kiri: Yeah, at the New Year’s party! James: Oh, right. How are you? 4. Kathy: Hello, my name is Kathy! I’ll be your server tonight. Customer: Hi, Kathy. What are the specials?


Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. A: How are you getting along, Julie B: After the vacation Much refreshed. A.It is interesting. B.It is tiring. C.It is exciting. D.It is refreshing. A: Why are you so cheerful while I'm so stressed all day B: Well, you should work off your stress. A.work not so hard B.work on easier problems C.eat healthy D.get rid of her stress I see you laughing all the time. B: Oh Eric. I'm ... reading a comic book. A: Comic book I didn't know you are interested in it. B: Well, it's a recent interest. When I was low in spirit three months ago, a friend gave me a comic book to read. And I became instantly addicted to such books. You know ... the pictures are so funny ... now I feel much better. A: I didn't know that. No wonder you are always in good spirits these days. B: Yes, and maybe you should read them, too, Eric. A: I ... I don't know. I'm just too busy with my thesis. It's for my master's degree and time is running out ... Ah, pretty much stress on me. B: Now you see Eric That's why you need to give yourself a break to read something amusing. It helps, I promise. A: Really Can reading comic books reduce your stress B: Of course. I'm a living example. Actually I'm having stress too ... you know, the tests, the job, things like that. But when reading the fun stuff, I just forgot all my worries. Later I find myself more powerful to deal with the issues in my life. A: That sounds magical. I'd like to try. Er ... what are you reading now B: Garfields, the cat. It's good. There's another one and you can borrow it. A: Oh, thank you, Penny. You're very helpful. Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. months ago, a friend gave Penny _____ when she was in low spirits. (岭师分享群4发布) A.a flower B.a comic book C.a comic DVD


Read and complete 4 1 They should be for planning and carrying out the inancial policies of the company 2 No final decision has been taken, but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near future 3 The girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee out of the new carpet 4 They said that they would innovate with persistence to the product in the coming year 5 April sunlight over the water, dancing across snow-covered fields 6 I got a free of eye shadow. Could you show me how to use it? 7 It is generally accepted that giving advice at the right time has to a great deal of intelligence 8 Have you found the small symbols on this map which denote places and museums? 9 The freshmen were recommended to read the book which was illed with insights 10 It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair by her children and grandchildren Answer: , Read and complete 5 1.Under the inluence of the drug his mind various strange images 2.Some freshmen said that they by that concert. 3.3. finance, the old company has a great advantage. 4.He that he would never talk with that guy any more. 5.If you the controversy (争论), you may burn your fingers. Answer: filled with 2. were blown away 3. In terms of 4. thought to himself involved in Read and complete 6 There are some places in this area, which attract tourists every day. (historic They trusted Stephen to behave while they were abroad.(responsible That’s the most coincidence (巧合) I’ve ever heard of! (incredible diversity deinite responsibly 3. incredible 4. diversity nition 7 1. 你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb) Answer:Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 2. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。(be proud of) Answer:If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you.

全新版大学英语听说教程3 听力原文

全新版大学英语听说教程3 听力原文Unit 1 Parents [00:04.58]Part B Listening Tasks [00:11.63]Passage 1 [00:14.25]Dating with My Mother (Part One) [00:17.81]Exercise 1 [00:20.81]Listen to the recording [00:22.55]and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. [00:26.00]After 22 years of marriage, [00:30.70]I have discovered the secret [00:32.83]to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. [00:36.99]I started dating with another woman. [00:40.18]It was Peggy's idea. [00:42.76]One day she said to me, [00:44.75]"Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. [00:49.67]You probably won't believe me, [00:51.84]but I know you love her [00:53.46]and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, [00:56.60]it will make us closer." [00:58.71]The "other" woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, [01:04.27]a 72-year-old widow [01:06.55]who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. [01:10.59]Right after his death,


Experiencing English Listening &Speaking Level 04 Unit 1 Introductions“You’ll really like him.” Alice: Look, there he is. Jean: Who? Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about. Jean: Oh. The guy you’re going out with? Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with. Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him. Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him. Hi, Robert. Robert: Oh, hi. Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean? Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we’ve met before. Jean: We have? Where? Robert: Last December, at Sam’s party. Jean: Oh, Sam. Robert: Oh? Aren’t you going out with him anymore? Jean: No, we broke up a couple of mouths ago. Robert: Oh—Oh, really?


Unit12 Hey, Tony! What's up? Hey, Rob. Check this out. I got a package from my Mom. Oh, yes! Cookies, I hope. Nah, it's a cookbook. Twenty-Minute Meals. It's perfect for us, don't you think? Yeah, I guess. But I wish she would've sent you cookies instead. Think about it, though. No more instant ramen, no more fast-food burgers Twenty minutes in the kitchen, and voila! We have a well-balanced meal. Are you in? Whatever you say, Chef Tony. Let's have a look. How about this? Super Nachos. Now that's my kind of food. All right! Let's get started. What do we need? What we really need is for you to find a girlfriend who can cook. Yeah, right. And then you'll find one, too, and they can take turns cooking for us. So what are the ingredients? Hmm... Chips, salsa, can of chili, and shredded cheese. That sounds easy enough. Well, we've got half a bag of nacho chips. Think that's enough? It'll have to be. Let's see what's in the fridge. We've got lots of soda... Half a submarine sandwich... Cheese! We've got that... Oh, it's kind of moldy, though. Kind of? It's green! Do we have any chili? Sorry, man, I think I ate it the other night. That wasn't yours.


全新版大学英语第二版听说教程第三册听力原文及答案 Unit 1 Text 1 Dating with My Mother (Part One) After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman. It was Peggy's idea. One day she said to me, 'Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer.' The 'other' woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. 'What's wrong?' she asked. 'I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you,' I said. 'Just the two of us.' 'I would like that a lot,' she said. When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she was smiling. 'I told my lady friends I was going out with my son, and they were all impressed. They can't wait to hear about our evening,' Mother said. Exercise 1: 1. c 2. a 3.b Questions: 1. What would make the speaker closer to his wife, Peggy? 2. What do you know about the speaker's mother? 3. Which of the following adjectives best describes Peggy? Exercise 2: 1. She suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. She said to her husband, "Life is too short, but you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer." 2. 1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled. 2) She had told her lady friends about this. Text 2 Dating with My Mother (Part Two) We didn't go anywhere fancy, just a neighborhood place where we could talk. Since her eyes now see only large shapes and shadows, I had to read the menu for both of us. 'I used to be the reader when you were little,' she said.

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