当前位置:文档之家› 中元节(中国的鬼节)的英文介绍




Much like Western culture's Halloween, some Eastern cultures celebrate a Fall festival where they believe the gates of hell are thrown open, releasing hungry ghosts to wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge upon those who wronged them in life. This month-long festival is known as the Hungry Ghost Festival and takes place during the 7th lunar month. 农历正月

Unlike other celebrations of the dead in Eastern cultures that seek to honor dead ancestors, the Hungry Ghost Festival seeks to pacify 安慰the hungry ghosts, the ghosts of strangers and the un-cared-for dead. These are the ghosts of those who died by their own hands, by accidents, by drowning or hanging who have been denied entry into heaven. Angry because they are forced to dwell in hell without food or comfort, when released, they search for souls to take their place in misery.

To Taoists(道教徒)and Buddhists(佛教徒), these evil spirits are not to be taken lightly. They are most active at night and can take many forms including: snakes, moths(蛾), birds, foxes, wolves, and tigers. They can even appear as beautiful men or women to seduce the living. When they possess an individual by entering the body they cause illness and mental disorders.

Throughout this month, to keep the angry spirits amused, people stage street operas and other forms of public entertainment. In the past, people did not view the street operas as they were performed only for ghosts. Other rituals(典礼,仪式)are performed to help souls enter into heaven. Taoists do their best to avoid late nights away from these amusements and rituals to steer clear of the evil spirits. To appease these wandering spirits, Buddhists and Taoists burn bundles of joss sticks, paper hell money, food, and other offerings by the roadside. Communities along rivers or near the sea float lanterns in the shape of the lotus or carved from fruit or gourds in the water to guide them away from their homes. They follow the lanterns from the river bank or sea shore till they can no longer be seen. This is done to redeem the soul of those who died by drowning.

The most important days of this month are the 14th and 15th, the days of the great feasts. On the 14th, a great feast would be held to honor family ancestors. Prayers and offerings would be made at family altars. On the following night, the 15th, they would feast for the hungry ghosts. Held outside under the full moon, these feasts feed the evil spirits so that they will leave the living alone and bribe(贿赂)the ancestors for luck with money and the harvest.


In Chinese tradition, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the sev enth month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in wh ich ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased anc estors, come out from the lower realm。

原来,整个七月都被称作“鬼月”。七月初一是“鬼门关”大开的日子,从七月初一鬼门关开启起,到三十日鬼门关关闭这段日子里,阴间的无主孤魂都会涌到阳间,徘徊于任何人迹可到的地方找东西吃。因此,“鬼节”不仅可以被叫做“Ghost Day”,也常被称为“H ungry Ghost Festival”。

而每年农历的七月十五日(南方为十四日)便是民间常说的“鬼节”了。这其实也是道家所说的“中元节”(Zhong Yuan Festival),以及佛教中的“盂兰盆节”(Yulan Pot Festival)。



这一天的主要活动就是放河灯(Floating River Lanterns)了。

As a rule, there is a Yulan Pot Fair on the day of the Zhong Yuan Festival. People put on performances such as the yang ge dance, the lion dance and other acrobatic shows. W hen evening comes, people float lit lanterns along the rive rs. This practice is called "floating river lanterns"。





而盂兰盆节,讲的是目莲在阴间看到去世的母亲受饿鬼纠缠,无法进食,便向佛祖求救,佛祖感其孝心,授予《盂兰盆经》,许其每年七月十五日设素筵供母享用,以后传承开来,遂成“盂兰盆节”的传统。因此,盂兰盆节强调的其实是“孝道”(filial piety)。

Bon Festival (July 15), the Japanese festival of dead ancestors used to hold a memorial ceremony, their activities continued for several days.

盂兰盆节(7月15 日),日本人用来祭奠祖先亡灵的节日,其活动持续多日。

The jar orchid basin saves

For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in menmory of their ancestors

Festivals of the dead, like obon in japan and qing ming in china, are hold to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors、

Tomb-sweeping day


用英语介绍中国传统节日——清明节 ORIGIN 起源 Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Tui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord's life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit's life with his mother in the mountains. 谈到清明节,有点历史知识的人,都会联想到历史人物介子推。据历 史记载,在两千多年以前的春秋时代,晋国公子重耳逃亡在外,生活 艰苦,跟随他的介子椎不惜从自己的腿上割下一块肉让他充饥。后来,重耳回到晋国,作了国君(即晋文公,春秋五霸之一),大事封赏所 有跟随他*在外的随从,惟独介子椎拒绝接受封赏,他带了母亲隐居绵山。 Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie's death. Thus began the "cold food feast", a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit. 晋文公无计可施,只好放火烧山,他想,介子椎孝顺母亲,一定会带 着老母出来。谁知这场大火却把介子椎母子烧死了。为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这个天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物, 这就是寒食节的来源。


中国著名旅游景点英文介绍 1. The Great wall The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7th century to 14th century AD. The wall has b ecome a symbol of both China’s proud history and its present strength. 2. The Palace Museum The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there. 3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago,


清明节英文介绍 A well-known poem by Tang Dynasty writer Du Mu tells of a sad scene in early April: "rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go." Qingming Day, the traditional tomb-sweeping day, falls on April 4-6 each year. It is a time for remembering loved ones who have departed. People visit their ancestors' graves to sweep away the dirt. 唐朝著名诗人杜牧有一首著名的诗,描述了四月初令人伤感的一幕场景:“清 明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。”每年4月4-6日左右的清明节是传统的扫 墓的日子。在这一天,人们祭吊去世的亲人,到先人的坟头上扫墓。 Its origin dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period. Jin prince Chong'er ran away from the country with his supporters due to persecution. They were homeless for 19 years and things got so bad that Chong'er began to starve to death. One of the prince's faithful followers, Jie Zitui, cut a piece of muscle from his own leg and served it to his master. Chong'er was saved and, in 636 BC, he took back the throne. 清明节可以追溯 到春秋时代。晋国公子重耳因受到迫害,率其支持者出逃。19年间,他们居无 定所,漂泊四方。一次,他们的处境相当窘迫,重耳饿得快不行了。这时,忠 心耿耿的介子推从自己的腿上割下一块肉献给了重耳,公子重耳得救了。公元 前636年,他夺回了王位。 He rewarded the officials who had stayed loyal to him but he forgot about Jie Zitui. By the time Chong'er remembered him, a heartbroken Jie Zitui had traveled deep into the mountains. Chong'er wanted to persuade Jie to come home, so he had the hills set on fire. But Jie was later found beside a large tree, with his old mother on his back. Both were dead. 即位之后,重耳对支持者大加封赏,却忘记了介子退。等到想起这位忠臣时, 伤心的介子推早已遁入山林深处。重耳想逼他回来,所以就大火焚山。后来, 在一棵大树旁边发现了背着老母的介子推。两人都被烧死了。 Saddened by the tragedy, Chong'er ordered that fires could not be lit on the day of Jie Zitui's death. From this comes Hanshi Day, or Cold Food Day. People visited Jie Zitui's tomb the next day to pay their respects. Over time, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day. 重耳悲 痛欲绝。他下令,在介子推的忌日不准生火。寒食节即来源于此。寒食节的次 日,人们到介子推的坟头上致敬。随着时间的推移,寒食


清明节的英文翻译 celebrated two weeks after the vernal equinox, tomb sweeping day is one of the few traditional chinese holidays that follows the solar calendar-- typically falling on april 4, 5, or 6. its chinese name "qing ming" literally means "clear brightness," hinting at its importance as a celebration of spring. similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, tomb sweeping day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities. qing ming jie in ancient times in ancient times, people celebrated qing ming jie with dancing, singing, pi the tomb sweeping day as celebrated today with the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. following folk religion, the chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children. today, chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. unlike the sacrifices at a familys home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. one theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers. honoring ancestors honoring ancestors begins with proper positioning of a gravesite and coffin. experts in feng shui, or geomancy, determine the quality of land by the surrounding


英文如何向老外介绍清明节 The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves.清明节是扫墓拜祭先人的日子。 清明节有种扫墓的习俗叫“前三后四”,也就是说百姓扫墓应该选择清明节当天的前三天或者后四天去实行扫墓、祭拜逝去的亲人。为了倡导低碳祭拜,近几年,百姓们衍生出了很多低碳环保的祭拜方式,“纸钱”祭拜将逐渐淡去。 说到“纸钱”,英语中是怎么表述的呢?大家可能第一时间想到的就是paper money,不过字面上的确是“纸钱”的意思,实际上paper money的意思是“纸质货币”,与“金属货币”metal money相对应,是“人世”的钱,不是烧给死者的纸钱哦:例:The Song dynasty was the first government in world history to issue paper money. 宋朝是世界上第一个发行纸币的政府。 那么,烧给死者的纸钱是什么呢?一起来看看有哪些说法:By overloading the path with spiritual money, hopefully all troubled souls on the way will be too occupied with the money and leave the traveling-soul alone.在路上洒满纸钱,亡魂就会忙于捡钱,不会骚扰过路者。 Yan Wang is normally depicted wearing a Chinese judge's cap and sometimes appears onChinese Hell Bank Notes.阎王通常穿着一身古代官服,纸钱上也会有他的形象。 以上两种说法,spiritual money和hell bank notes都比较形象地说明了“纸钱”的本质,一是象征意义上的钱(spiritual),二是烧给阴间(hell)的人使用的钞票(bank notes)所以,纸钱我们能够说spiritual money或者 hell bank notes。


关于清明节的英文简短介绍 清明节英文简介关于清明节的英文介绍简短一 The qingming festival is also called the qingming festival, in the middle spring and the late spring, which is the 108 days after the winter solstice. It is one of the most important festivals in China. It is a time for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. The traditional qingming festival of the Chinese nation began around the zhou dynasty, which has a history of more than 2,500 years. 翻译:清明节又叫踏青节,在仲春与暮春之交,也就是冬至后的 第108天。是中国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日之一,是祭祖和 扫墓的日子。中华民族传统的清明节大约始于周代,距今已有二千五 百多年的历史。 清明节英文简介关于清明节的英文介绍简短二 Tomb-sweeping day is one of the important "age of 8" in China, usually in the Gregorian calendar before and after April 5, the feast is very long, there are 10 8 and 10 10 two versions in the future in the future, the nearly 20 days are tomb-sweeping day. The qingming festival was originally defined as 15 days after the spring equinox. In 1935, the government of the republic of China decided to set April 5 as the national holiday qingming festival, also known as the national tomb-sweeping day. 翻译:清明节是中国重要的“时年八节”之一,一般是在公历4 月5号前后,节期很长,有10日前8日后及10日前10日后两种说法,


周:In China,there are so many delicious foods.Here we just talk about the four great traditions of Chinese cuisine.do you know where did they come from? 张: Iknow it. They came from Sichuan, Guangdong, jiangsu, shangdong provinces. 周: good. What is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing? 高: oh, it is Hot pot. Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty, which is noted for its peppery and hot taste.Hotpot can be found wherever there are street vendors or small restaurants, chongqing Hot pot has the greatest variety and is known for its delicious soup base and dipping sauce. do you likespicy?周: yes, I like spicy, and I like Sichuan cuisine.it is famous for its spicy and hot food. It's hotter than other food. it is based on a wide range of seasonings and varied, diverse cuisine, refreshing taste醇浓both to take advantage of that hot, 汪: yes. sichuan cuisine really very good.What is really special about Sichuan cuisine is the use of Chinese prickly ash seeds,the taste of which leaves a feeling of numbness on your tongue and mouth. 高: what’s your favourite dish? 汪:oh, I like spicy tofu. It is one of the most famous dishes from Sichuan cuisine. The dish features the trademark “hot”spiciness along with the charateristicially tongue-numbing nature of Sichuan’s flavourful food. 高:how about you,B? 周:I like gongbao chicken.The famous chicken-with-peanuts dish from Sichuan, now loved all over China. I think it is my favorite Chinese dish! Still, not easy to get those flavours right - it should be spicy, hot, numbing, garlicky , gingery and sweet, all at the same time! 王: oh ,sichuan cuisine is too spicy for me. I like a little light food. Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite, and is typical of food form along the lower Yangtze river. One famous dish is west lake vinegar fish, which looks pretty and has the delicate refreshing flavors of nature. 刘: I know another famous dish in zhengjiang cuisine. It is called dongpo meat. This dish of streaky pork is prepared over a slow fire where the big chunks of pork are braised with green onion, ginger, cooking wine, soy sauce, and suger. Thefinished dish is bright red in color and the meat is tender and juicy. 王, you are form Shandong province. Cloud you give us an introduction of Shandong cuisine?


三一文库(https://www.doczj.com/doc/894032952.html,)/节日庆典/清明 清明节英语 清明节(tomb-sweepingday) 1、qingmingjie(allsouls'day) qingmingisatimetorememberthedeadandthedearlydeparted.morei mportant,itisaperiodtohonourandtopayrespecttoone'sdeceasedanc estorsandfamilymembers.becauseitreinforcestheethicoffilialpiety,qi ngmingisamajorchinesefestival. literallymeaning"clear"(qing)and"bright"(ming),thischinesefestivalfa llsinearlyspring,onthe106thdayafterthewintersolstice.itisa"spring"fe stival,anditisanoccasionforthewholefamilytoleavethehomeandtosw eepthegravesoftheirforebears.chinesebeingpracticalpeoplethisswee pingofthegravesisgivenanextendedperiod,thatis,10daysbeforeandaf terqingmingday.amongsomedialectgroupsawholemonthisallocated.

清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。主要的纪念仪式是扫墓,扫墓是慎终追远、郭亲睦邻及行孝的具体表现;基于上述意义,清明节因此成为华人的重要节日。清明节是在仲春和暮春之交,也就是冬至后的106天。扫墓活动通常是在清明节的前十天或后十天。有些地域的人士的扫墓活动长达一个月。 origin(起源) qingmingispopularlyassociatedwithjiezizhui,wholivedinshanxiprovin cein600b.c.legendhasitthatjiesavedhisstarvinglord'slifebyservingapi eceofhisownleg.whenthelordsucceededinbecomingtherulerofasmall principality,heinvitedhisfaithfulfollowertojoinhim.however,jiedeclin edhisinvitation,preferringtoleadahermit'slifewithhismotherinthemo untains. believingthathecouldforcejieoutbyburningthemountain,thelordorde redhismentosettheforestonfire.tohisconsternation,jiechosetoremai nwherehewasandwasburnttodeath.tocommemoratejie,thelordorde redallfiresineveryhometobeputoutontheanniversaryofjie'sdeath.thu sbeganthe"coldfoodfeast",adaywhennofoodcouldbecookedsincenof irecouldbelit.


清明节英文介绍 the qingming (pure brightness) festival is one of the 24 seasonal division points in china, falling on april 4-6 each year. after the festival, the temperature will rise up and rainfall increases. it is the high time for spring plowing and sowing. but the qingming festival is not only a seasonal point to guide farm work, it is more a festival of commemoration. the qingming festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness. this is the most important day of sacrifice. both the han and minority ethnic groups at this time offer sacrifices to their ancestors and sweep the tombs of the diseased. also, they will not cook on this day and only cold food is served. the hanshi (cold food) festival was usually one day before the qingming festival. as our ancestors often extended the day to the qingming, they were later combined. on each qingming festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 清明节的活动英文 篇一:清明节文化中英对照 1、QingmingJie(AllsoulsDay) Qingmingisatimetorememberthedeadandthedearlydeparte d.moreimportant,itisaperiodtohonourandtopayrespectt oonesdeceasedancestorsandfamilymembers.becauseitrei nforcestheethicoffilialpiety,Qingmingisamajorchines efestival. Literallymeaning"clear"(Qing)and"bright"(ming),this chinesefestivalfallsinearlyspring,onthe106thdayafte rthewintersolstice.Itisa"spring"festival,anditisano ccasionforthewholefamilytoleavethehomeandtosweepthe gravesoftheirforebears.chinesebeingpracticalpeoplet hissweepingofthegravesisgivenanextendedperiod,thati s,10daysbeforeandafterQingmingday.Amongsomedialectg

roupsawholemonthisallocated. 清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。主要的纪念仪式是扫墓,扫墓是慎终追远、郭亲睦邻及行孝的具体表现;基于上述意义,清明节因此成为华人的重要节日。清明节是在仲春和暮春之交,也就是冬至后的106天。扫墓活动通常是在清明节的前十天或后十天。有些地域的人士的扫墓活动长达一个月。 oRIgIn(起源) QingmingispopularlyassociatedwithJieZiZhui,wholived inshanxiprovincein600b.c.LegendhasitthatJiesavedhis starvinglordslifebyservingapieceofhisownleg.whenthe lordsucceededinbecomingtherulerofasmallprincipality ,heinvitedhisfaithfulfollowertojoinhim.however,Jied eclinedhisinvitation,preferringtoleadahermitslifewi thhismotherinthemountains. believingthathecouldforceJieoutbyburningthemountain ,thelordorderedhismentosettheforestonfire.Tohiscons ternation,Jiechosetoremainwherehewasandwasburnttode ath.TocommemorateJie,thelordorderedallfiresineveryh ometobeputoutontheanniversaryofJiesdeath.Thusbegant he"coldfoodfeast",adaywhennofoodcouldbecookedsincen


Cantonese Food: Background In China, folk has a saying: “People take food as their first need.” Cantonese (Yue) cuisine comes from Canton in southern China. Of all the regional varieties of Chinese cuisine, Cantonese is renowned both inside and outside China. Its prominence outside China is due to the great numbers of early emigrants from Guangdong. In China, too, it enjoys great prestige among the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine, and Cantonese chefs are highly sought after throughout the country. Cantonese cuisine draws upon a great diversity of ingredients, as Canton has been a trading port since the days of the Thirteen Factories, bringing with it many imported foods and ingredients. Besides pork, beef, and chicken, Cantonese cuisine incorporates almost all edible meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck tongue, snakes, and snails. However, lamb and goat is rarely eaten, unlike in cuisines of Northern or Western China. Many cooking methods are used—steaming and stir-frying being the most favoured. Cantonese cuisine is one of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine .With it's own climate and customs, Cantonese has formed a complete system of cooking skills and unique cooking characteristics, Guangzhou is the paradise of dainty food. 粤菜是中国八大菜系之一。根据自身的气候和习俗,广东形成一个完整的系统的烹调技艺和独 特的烹饪特点,广州是美味食物的天堂。 Be famous for the taste of light、fresh、crispy、tender、smooth which stand for south china’s character. ——讲究清、鲜、爽、嫩、滑,体现浓厚的岭南特色。 Cantonese cuisine features light and fresh with a clear and fragrant smell.light foods are served in summer and autumn,and strong foods in winter and spring. ——粤菜注重质和味,口味比较清淡,力求清中有鲜、淡中求美。夏秋偏重清淡,冬春偏重滋补。 Cantonese originated in Han dynasty ---粤菜起源于汉朝 Cooking skill matured in Song dynasty andTang dynasty as Canton has been a trading port. ---由于广州是当时的一个贸易港口,粤菜的烹调技艺在宋朝和唐朝成熟。 Due to the Ming and Qing thriving economies, the Cantonese had a great promotion. ---由于明清繁荣的经济,粤菜得到很大的推广。 三个分支:广府菜、福建菜、江东菜(客家菜) Interestingly, the Cantonese will eat anything that swims, except the submarine. Everything that flies, expect the plane, and everything that has legs, except the table. The Cantonese cuisine has more than 20 cooking methods, and is good at stir-fry, fry, Deep-fry, bake, braise, steew, ect... The Condiment of cantonese cuisine has Spring onion, ginger, peppers sugar, salt, soy sauce, rice wine, vinegar, scallion oil and sesame oil Boiled white chicken is common to the cultures of Southern China, including Guangdong, Fujian, and Hong Kong. As such, it is present in Chinatowns around the world or wherever Chinese populations reside.


清明节英语口语怎么说 清明节的英文释义: Tomb-Sweeping Day QingMing Festival 清明节的英文例句: 假如您是中国人,您也许会庆祝清明节。 If you were Chinese, you might celebrate Ching Ming. 为甚麽我们在清明节要扫墓啊?。 Why must we go and sweep the tomb on Tomb Sweeping Day?清明节的时候,我们去为忠烈扫墓。 In early April, we went to sweep the martyrs' graves.清明节英语怎么说 清明节英语怎么说 后天清明节。 The day after tomorrow is the Clear and Bright Day. 你清明节有放假吗? Do you have holidays on Tomb Sweeping Festival? 清明节对中国人来说是一个很重要日子。 Tomb-sweeping day is an important day for chinese. 写出了清明节的特殊气氛。

Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere. 清明节我们放假三天。 We have three days free on Tomb-sweeping Day. 清明节在中国大陆地区是法定节假日。 The Qingming Festival is a statutory public holiday in mainland China. 随着时间的推移,寒食也为清明节所替代。 Over time, Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day. 四月份的清明节期间,对原该县百姓开放。 It reopened to former residents during Qingming, or tomb-sweeping day, in April. 在这个追思逝者的清明节,人们却更多地感受到了生命的力量、 生命的顽强,他们表达着来自同胞的关爱与对国家救援的赞赏。 In this Tomb Sweeping Day for memorizing the deceased, people neverthelesssensed more of the power of life and showed great concern to their compatriotsand great compliment to our state’s rescue. 清明节是扫墓拜祭先人的日子。 The Qingming Festival in spring is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves. 据中国传统习俗,人们通常在清明节放风筝。 According to our traditions and customs, flying kites usually happen at the QingMing Festival.


清明节的英语介绍 【篇一:清明节及其起源英文介绍 qing ming festival and its origin】 origin(起源)qing ming is popularly associated with jie zi zhui, who lived in shanxi province in 600 b.c. legend has it that jie saved his starving lords life by serving a piece of his own leg. when the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. however, jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermits life with his mother in the mountains.谈到清明节,有点历史知识的人,都 会联想到历史人物介子椎。据历史记载,在两千多年以前的春秋时代,晋国公子重耳逃亡在外,生活艰苦,跟随他的介子椎不惜从自 己的腿上割下一块肉让他充饥。后来,重耳回到晋国,作了国君 (即晋文公,春秋五霸之一),大事封赏所有跟随他流亡在外的随从,惟独介子椎拒绝接受封赏,他带了母亲隐居绵山。believing that he could force jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. to his consternation, jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. to commemorate jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of jies death. thus began the cold food feast, a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.晋文公无计可施,只好放火烧山,他想,介子椎孝顺母亲,一定会带着老母出来。谁知这场大火却把介子椎母子烧死了。 为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户 只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。 the cold food festival occurs on the eve of qing ming and is often considered as part of the qing ming festival. as time passes, the qing ming festival replaced the cold food festival. whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of qing ming is to remember ones elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets. to make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of jie zi zhui who choose death over capitulation. 寒食节是在清明节的前一天,古人常把寒食节的活动延续到清明,久而 久之,清明取代了寒食节。拜介子椎的习俗也变成了清明扫墓的习

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