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北京理工大学材料学院2019 年博士研究生招生实行“申请―审核”制,符合《北京理工大学2019年博士研究生招生简章》中报考条件的申请人提交相关材料,依据考生申请材料的综合评价结果确定差额综合考核名单,经综合考核后择优推荐拟录取。强军计划、少数民族骨干计划、论文博士等采取相同的办法同时进行。


北京理工大学材料学院培养从事金属、无机非金属、高分子材料的制备与加工和电子封装技术领域的高级研究和工程技术人才。材料学院设有材料科学与工程、高分子材料与工程、材料化学、材料成型及控制工程、电子封装技术五个本科专业,设有材料科学与工程博士后流动站,具有材料学、材料加工工程、材料物理与化学学科博士及硕士学位授予权,具有高分子化学与物理、有色冶金硕士学位授予权。学院每年招收本科生约210人,招收硕士、博士研究生150多人。学院重视教学科研队伍建设,拥有包括1名中国工程院院士、2名长江学者特聘教授、1名杰出青年基金获得者、26名教授、23名博士生导师、36名副教授在内的高水平教学、科研师资队伍,其中具有博士学位的教师占79%。学院建有国家级专业实验室,拥有由众多大型、先进仪器设备组成的大规模本科生、研究生教学及科研实验基地,可为学生提供良好的教学实践条件。 [1] 学院重视学科发展,学院领衔的材料科学与工程学科为北京理工大学实施的国家“211”和“985”工程重点建设学科,众多学科方向每年承担许多国家重大和重要科研项目,取得了不少具有国际先进水平的理论研究和工程应用科研成果,并获国家级和部级科技奖,学术水平居国内前列。材料科学与工程学院在教学中注重人才培养与社会发展需求的衔接,强调理论学习与实践训练、掌握知识与培养创新意识相结合,学生在校期间可通过直接参加各种实践创新教学环节和学院组织的各种科研活动,得到较全面的专业素质和各种能力培养。
































Test One(听力播放) Section A Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. You will hear the question only once. When you have heard the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. A. He’s worried. B. It’s getting late. C. He heard a noise outside. D. He can’t see out of the window. 2. A. Soon B. In 20 minutes. C. They don’t care. D. They don’t know. 3. A. Here. B. A pass. C. An official. D.A letter of introduction. 4. A. Home. B. To town. C. To his friends. D. To a restaurant. 5. A. She uses coffee. B. She hates coffee. C. She never liked coffee. D. She liked coffee before. 6. A. The pay isn’t important. B. They don’t need the money. C. He wants to save the money. D. He doesn’t like waiting in line for his pay. 7. A. He wants to go to sleep. B. Doctors always tell him lies. C. He doesn’t believe in medicine. D. He needs a rest without being bothered. 8. A. He eats too much. B. He kills chickens. C. He only eats chickens. D. He married a greedy person. 9. A. Buying trees. B. Who owns the tree. C. Their family trees. D. How old the tree is. 10. A. A stranger. B. A ticket seller. C. A train attendant. D. Another passenger. Section B Directions: In this section of the test you will hear three brief talks. You will hear them only once. After each one you will hear some questions. You will hear each question only once. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to choose the best answer from the four choices given. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet by blackening the corresponding letter with a pencil.


学术英语口语测试技巧 Tips for Oral English Examination Powered by 翟一星 The whole process may be divided into three parts: 1.Lead-in(引入) 2.discussion(讨论) 3.couclution(总结) Tip 1: Talk About Your Hobby or the Weather First Okay you may start your topic with the weather or your hobby which related to the issue. Say: Words to describe the weather 1.sunny ,mild, nice, amazing, great, awesome, wonderful, Adorable… 2.Overcast, dull, gloomy, broken, not settled… 3.PM2.5, smog, haze 4.cold, chilly, freezing, piercing, biting, Hobby 1.I am interested in… 2.I am crazy about… 3.I enjoy doing… 4.… is my favorite 5.I prefer… to… 6.I would go for this one because… 7.I hate… 8.It?s annoying to do… 9.I can?t stand… Tip 2:Ways to Put Forward Your Own Idea (Are you still claiming your idea beginning like: I think blablabla… Try the following ways to start your topic.) 1.Personally, I think/feel/believe/suppose… 2.In my opinion/ in my eyes… 3.My view on…is that… 4.I?d like to point out that 5.As far as I?m concerned 6.To begin with, we may say that 7.In the first place, I want to say that Tip 3: Ask for your partner’s idea when you have nothing to say to avoid silence and continue the discussion.


武汉大学 2017年攻读博士学位研究生外语综合水平考试试题 (满分值100分) 科目名称:英语科目代码:1101 注意:所有的答题内容必须写在答案纸上,凡写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效。 Part I Reading Comprehension (2’×20 = 40 points) Directions:In this part of the test, there will be 5 passages for you to read. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements, and each question or unfinished statement is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are to decide on the best choice by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. Passage One Mr Gordon is right that the second industrial revolution involved never-to-be-repeated changes. But that does not mean that driverless cars count for nothing. Messrs Erixon and Weigel are also right to worry about the West’s dismal recent record in producing new companies. But many old firms are not run by bureaucrats and have reinvented themselves many times over: General Electric must be on at least its ninth life. And the impact of giant new firms born in the past 20 years such as Uber, Google and Facebook should not be underestimated: they have all the Schumpeterian characteristics the authors admire. On the pessimists’ side the strongest argument relies not on closely watching corporate and investor behavior but rather on macro-level statistics on productivity. The figures from recent years are truly dismal. Karim Foda, of the Brookings Institution, calculates that labor productivity in the rich world is growing at its slowest rate since 1950. Total factor productivity (which tries to measure innovation) has grown at just 0.1% in advanced economies since 2004, well below its historical average. Optimists have two retorts. The first is that there must be something wrong with the figures. One possibility is that they fail to count the huge consumer surplus given away free of charge on the internet. But this is unconvincing. The official figures may well be understating the impact of the internet revolution, just as they downplayed the impact of electricity and cars in the past, but they are not understating it enough to explain the recent decline in productivity growth. Another, second line of argument that the productivity revolution has only just begun is more persuasive. Over the past decade many IT companies may have focused on things that were more “fun than fundamental” in Paul Krugman’s phrase.But Silicon Valley’s best companies are certainly focusing on things that change the material world.


1.你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗? Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? 2.你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。 If your father were still alive,he would be very proud of you. 3.她开车转弯上了自家的车道(driveway),不料发现路已被堵塞(block)。 She turned up the driveway,only to find her way blocked. 4.他没有告诉任何人就走了,因为他不想卷入那件事He went away without telling anyone,because he didn’t want to get involved in that matter. 5.最终,产品的成功还是取决于高明的销售手段Ultimately,the success of the product depends on good marketing. 1.我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。 I found myself having great interest in spoken English. 2.驱车行驶在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发生了巨大的变化。 Driving on the expressway,I realized that enormous changes had taken place in China's highway system in recent years. 3.我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机。 I can hardly believe that he has learned how to work a computer so quickly/in such a short time. 4.三年的时光已经过去,这一刻终于来临了:不到两周我就要回国了。 Three years have passed by and the final moment has come./After three years,the time has come. In less than two weeks,I will return home/go back to my country. 5.许多我认识的人都迫不及待地想要出国,而我却宁愿和家人一起呆在国内。 I know a lot of people who can't wait to go abroad, but I prefer to stay with my family in my own country. 1.我们急匆匆地赶到火车站,结果发现火车刚刚开走。We hurried to the railway station,only to find the train had just left. 2.你和你哥哥都不是细心的人,你们两个都不能做这件需要细心和技巧的工作。 You are no more careful than your brother.You two can’t do the work that needs care and skill. 3.多一个人参会对会议安排不会有什么影响。 One more person wouldn’t make any difference to the meeting arrangements. 4.他一直工作到昨天深夜,或者更确切地说,是到今天凌晨。 He worked till late last night,or rather,early in the morning. 5.“还有其他一两本书也值得一提,”教授给我们列了一个长长的参考书目后补充说。 “A couple of other books are also worthy of mention,”added the professor after giving us a long list of reference books. 1.并不是我不喜欢那个工作,而是我没有时间去做。Not that I dislike that job,but that I have no time to do it. 2.成功不是没有惧怕,而逆境也不是没有希望。Success is not without fear,and adversity is not without hope. 3.如果你就想要一份工作,我可以给你提供。 I could get you a job here if that’s what you want. 4.他们的钱花完了,不得不放弃这个项目。 They ran out of money and had to abandon the project. 5.直到1972年这个建设项目才最终结束。 It was not until1972that the construction project finally came to an end. 1.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚。Something is wrong with the piano,but I can't put my finger on what it is. 2.这条裤子不但太大,而且也与我的夹克不相配。Apart from being too large,the trousers don't match my jacket,either. 3.不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐。 I love pop music,for whatever reasons. 4.他对外国文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。 He has great interest in foreign cultures,often browsing through piles of books to look for any useful information. 5.在是否要创办一个新社团的问题上,我们意见很不一致。 Opinions on whether we should open up a new society vary a great deal.


北理工考博辅导班:2019北京理工大学工商管理考博难度解析及经 验分享 根据教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心最新公布的第四轮学科评估结果可知,全国共有170所开设工商管理专业的大学参与了排名,其中排名第一的是中国人民大学,排名第二的是清华大学,排名第三的是上海交通大学。 作为北京理工大学实施国家“211工程”和“985工程”的重点学科,管理与经济学院的工商管理一级学科在历次全国学科评估中均名列第25。 下面是启道考博整理的关于北京理工大学工商管理考博相关内容。 一、专业介绍 工商管理专业(英文:Industry & Business Administration)是研究工商企业经济管理基本理论和一般方法的学科,主要包括企业的经营战略制定和内部行为管理两个方面。 工商管理专业的应用性很强,它的目标是依据管理学、经济学的基本理论,通过运用现代管理的方法和手段来进行有效的企业管理和经营决策,保证企业的生存和发展。 北京理工大学管理与经济学院的工商管理专业在博士招生方面,划分为6个研究方向:工商管理(120200) 研究方向:01.军民融合与组织创新02.技术经济及管理03.创新管理与可持续发展04.组织行为与人力资源管理05.市场营销06.会计与财务管理 此专业实行申请考核制。 二、选拔时间 管理与经济学院将在2019年1月7日—2019年2月26日期间进行博士研究生招生工作。 三、考核内容 报考非定向就业博士生采取英语考试+业务课面试+综合复试的形式招考; 报考定向就业博士生采取英语考试+业务课笔试+综合复试的形式招考; 报考硕博连读博士生采取英语考试+综合复试的形式招考。 1、普通招考(招考对象:非定向就业考生) 外国语测试 所有申请攻读博士学位研究生考生(不包括本直博、工程博士)均需参加学校组织的英


太原理工大学考博英语大纲 太原理工大学 博士研究生入学考试英语考试大纲 ,总则, 本大纲的各项规定作为太原理工大学博士研究生入学考试英语,第一外语,考试考题编写参考以及质量检查的依据。一、考试对象 报考太原理工大学相关专业拟攻读博士学位,并把英语作为第一外语的考生。 二、考试目的 博士研究生入学英语考试是为了考察考生的英语应用能力是否达到非英语专业研究生英语教学大纲中《硕士研究生英语教学与考试》规定的要求。考试成绩用于博士研究生的入学选拔。三、考试类型、考试内容及考试结构 本考试共分三个部分:阅读理解,40%,、英汉互译,20,,,英语写作,40,,。 一、阅读理解,40%, 本部分测试考生是否具备博士研究生英语学习要求的词汇量,以及在规定时间内通过阅读获取信息的能力,即对阅读材料的细节、事实、要点、作者观点和态度的理解,并进行相关的判断和 1 推理能力。文章题材包括社会、文化、史地、科普及人物传记等内容,体裁涉及叙事、议论、描述、说明和应用文等。 阅读理解共有4篇文章,包括4篇400词至700词左右的英文短文。每篇文章后面附5个问题,每个问题设四个备选答案。要求考生根据文章内容每题选出一个最佳选项。 二、英汉互译,10%,10%,

部分测试考生在语篇层次上的理解能力以及对词汇表达本 方式和结构掌握的程度,考察考生是否能正确理解原文的意思,并从语篇的角度出发,用准确、达意的词语进行语言转换。 翻译分为A,B两部分。A部分考试形式为英译汉,要求考生阅读一篇400词左右的英语短文,并将文章中的5个句子翻译成汉语。B部分考试形式为汉译英,要求考生将一段150字左右的中文短文翻译成英语。两部分原文内容涉及社会、文化、史地和科普等相关领域知识。 三、英语写作,15%,25%, 本部分测试考生用英语表达思想或传递信息的能力及英语写作基础知识的实际运用能力。 英语写作分为“写作一”和“写作二”两部分。“写作一”为应用文写作,要求考生根据题目要求用英语完成文章摘要、图表描述、数据分析、学术信函等有关内容的写作,字数为150词左右。“写作二”为议论文写作,要求考生根据提纲,用 2 英语完成一篇300词左右的文章。作文应切题、意义连贯、文字通顺,并符合英文表达习惯。 四、考试时间及计分 考试时间总计为180分钟,试卷采取百分制记分,卷面总分为100分。 3


浙大考博辅导班:2019浙大光华法学院考博难度解析及经验分享浙江大学前身求是书院成立于1897年,是中国人自己最早创办的新式高等学府之一。经过一百多年的建设和发展,学校已成为一所基础坚实、实力雄厚,特色鲜明,居于国内一流水平,在国际上有较大影响的研究型、综合型大学,是首批进入国家“211工程”、“985工程”和“双一流”建设的若干所重点大学之一,可在哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学和艺术学等12个学科门类授予学术性学位,并有可授予博士专业学位类别4个,可授予硕士专业学位类别27个,是全国重要的研究生培养基地。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于浙江大学光华法学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 浙江大学光华法学院的前身是创建于1945年的浙江大学法学院,著名法学家李浩培教授出任首任院长。当时海内外许多著名法学大家前来任教或讲学,哈佛大学法学院院长、社会法学派的代表罗斯科?庞德教授就曾在法学院授业传道。 1952年院系调整时,原国立浙江大学成为单一的理工科大学。1980年,原杭州大学重建法律系,原浙江大学在1995年设立国际经济法系。1998年,经国务院批准,由四所同根同源的浙江大学、杭州大学、浙江医科大学与浙江农业大学合并组建新的浙江大学。随即组建成立了新的浙江大学法学院。 2006年9月,香港光华教育基金会向浙江大学捐赠,支持建设“浙江大学光华法学院”。经国家教育部批准,浙江大学光华法学院于2007年4月20日成立,是年秋天,迁址于百年老校园----浙江大学之江校区。 光华法学院秉承“求是厚德,明法致公”的院训,坚持“专业典范,社会公义”的法科教育理想,守候“返回法的形而下”的学术旨趣,营造“以学生为本,师生互动”的学院氛围。围绕浙江大学2020年基本建设世界一流大学的总体发展目标,努力与学校2020年左右基本建成世界一流大学同步跻身世界一流法学院行列。 二、招生信息 浙江大学光华法学院博士招生专业有9个: 法学理论030101 研究方向:法理学、法哲学、法律社会学、人权法、法本体论、法律方法、地方法制原理、比较法律史、法律文化、法律社会学、法律方法论、司法理论


1 Holidays A:Good morning, B. B:Morning, A. Have you got a train ticket? A:Yes. I will go home on January 2. How about you? B:Oh, four days earlier than you. I can’t wait to go home. Do you like the Spring Festival? A:of course, I like it very much. It’s a precious time for all family members to get together. And my mother will prepare so many delicious food for the new year's eve. Besides,the fireworks on this night are really wonderful. Are there any traditions in your hometown? B:Yes. According to the tradition, we will play new year visits to out eldership and eat different kinds of dumplings at different time. A:Really? Different kinds of dumplings? B:Yeah. During supper time, we eat meat dumplings, while at 0:00, we eat dumplings without meat. I don’t know why. A:Sounds interesting. The Valentine’s Day is just two weeks after the Spring Festival this year, will you celebrate it? B:Maybe not. Though the Western Holidays are becoming more and more popular in China. What’s your opinion? A:To be frank, I prefer Chinese traditional holidays. I love the beautiful legends behind them. As for the western holidays, I think that the commercial benefits are the greatest motivation. B:I agree with you. Businessmen are trying their best to make a fortune from those Western Holidays. But some western holidays are really meaningful, such as Thanks giving day, giving us an opportunity to express our gratitude to the person who have helped us. A: yes, you are right. As we all know, Every coin has two sides 2 Travel A:Good morning, B. B:Morning, A. Have you got a train ticket? A:yeah, I will go home on January 24. How about you? B: four days earlier than you. I can’t wait to go home! A:What’s your plan of this vacation? B:Yeah, As I like travel, I will go to Yunnan A: wow, that’s wonderful! I have heard that there are many amazing sceneries you can never find in other places, it’s beauty is out of words. But it is really far away from your home, How will you go there? B:by train. It will be safe and cheaper. A:I agree with you. To by air is faster, but too more expensive. Who will you go with? B: I`ll go with my sister. We have been longing for this travel for a long time. A: sounds great! I wish I could have a chance to go to yunnan too.


北理工考博辅导班:2019北京理工大学法学院考博难度解析及经验 分享 北京理工大学法学院2019 年博士研究生招生实行“申请―审核”制,符合《北京理工大学2019年博士研究生招生简章》中报考条件的申请人提交相关材料,依据考生申请材料的综合评价结果确定差额综合考核名单,经综合考核后择优推荐拟录取。强军计划、少数民族骨干计划、论文博士等采取相同的办法同时进行。 一、院系简介 北京理工大学1994年创办法学本科教育, 2008年正式成立法学院。北京理工大学法学院坚持“法律+科技”的培养模式,致力于培养高层次、复合型的法律人才,现已形成法学本科、双学位、法学一级学科硕士学位、法律硕士专业学位及法学一级学科博士学位授权比较完整的人才培养体系。 “乘风者抟扶摇而上”,法学院依托北京理工大学学科优势,坚持法学特色学科带动主流学科整体发展的思路,以夯实的基础力求全面发展,近年来,根据国家重点战略需求和学校“双一流”建设规划,法学院重点建设空天政策与法律研究院、军民融合法律研究中心、智能科技法律研究中心、国际争端预防和解决研究院等研究平台,带动国际法、民商法、法理学和行政法、刑法、诉讼法、环境法等学科协调发展。 “不拘一格育人才”,北京理工大学法学院创新法律人才培养模式,立足于教学特色提升人才质量。学院注重国防科技、人工智能、网络科技与法律的交叉融合,设计了一系列“法律+科技”的特色课程。法学“法律+科技”人才培养模式获得2017年北京市高等教育教学成果奖一等奖。学院获批教育部“法律实践教学基地”项目,通过与20多家政府单位共建法学实践教学基地,建立联合培养的双导师制,加强学生的法律实践能力培养。学生多次在北京市大学生模拟法庭竞赛、国际空间法模拟法庭竞赛、知识产权模拟法庭竞赛获得冠军和最佳辩手。 “志合者不以山海为远”,北京理工大学法学院广泛开展国际交流与合作,增强学科实力、推进教育国际化。法学院与多所世界知名大学的法学院和法学研究机构建立了合作关系。作为国家留学基金第一批“创新人才培养国际合作项目”承担单位,学院每年选派学生出国参加学术会议、短期访学或攻读学位。学院每年邀请国外知名教授参与教学,同时设立国际法全英文专业,课程对所有法学专业学生开放。


北京理工大学2006年博士研究生入学考试英语试题 Part ⅠReading Comprehension (40 points) Directions:In this part there are four passages for you to read. After each passage there are five questions, below each of whom there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter with a pencil on the MA CHINE-SCORING ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Passage One I was introduced to the concept of literacy animator in Oladumi Arigbede's (1994) article on high illiteracy rates among women and school dropout rates among girls. According to Arigbede, literacy animators view their role as assisting in the self-liberating development of people in the world who are struggling for a more meaningful life. Animators are a family of deeply concerned and committed people whose gut-level rejection of mass human pauperization compels them to intervene on the side of the marginalized. Their motivation is not derived from a love of literacy as merely another technical life skill, and they accept that literacy is never culturally or ideologically neutral. Arigbede writes from her experiences as an animator working with women and men in Nigeria. She believes that literacy animators have to make a clear choice about whose culture and whose ideology will be fostered among those with whom they work. Do literacy educators in the United States consider whether the instruction they pursue conflicts with their students' traditional cultures or community, or fosters illiteracies in learners' first or home languages or dialects and in their orality? Some approaches to literacy instruction represent an ideology of individualism, control, and competition. Consider, for example, the difference in values conveyed and re presented when students engage in choral reading versus the practice of having one student read out loud to the group. To identify as a literacy animator is to choose the ideology of “sharing, solidarity, love, equity, co-operation with and respect of both nature and other human beings.” Liter acy pedagogy that matches the animator ideology works on maintaining the languages and cultures of millions of minority children who at present are being forced to accept the language and culture of the dominant group. It might lead to assessment that examines the performance outcomes of a community of literacy learners and the social significance of their uses of literacy, as opposed to measuring what an individual can do as a reader and writer on a standardized test. Shor (1993) describes literacy animators as problem-posing, community-based, dialogic educators. Do our teacher-education text books on reading and language arts promote the idea that teachers should explore problems from a community-based dialogic perspective? 1.A literacy animator is one who ______. A.struggles for a more meaningful life B.frees people from poverty and illiteracy C.is committed to marginalize the illiterate D.is concerned with what is behind illiteracy 2.The author suggests that literacy educators in the US in a way ______. A.promote students' home languages


太原理工大学2015年考博必知:公共课、专业课科目介绍又到了一年一度决定毕业出路的时刻了。大二的暑期,同学们亟待解决的一个问题就是考虑自己本科毕业之后的去向。由于目前社会就业压力大,整个人才市场上对学历也有着严苛的标准,拒绝接收研究生以下学历的公司亦不在少数。因此,众多的考生因各种原因走上了考博的道路。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八。 考博共考2个科目,分别为:公共课和专业课。在这里,老师就跟大家详细的介绍一下这4个科目的考试情况。 一、公共课有:考博政治、考博外语和考博数学。 1.考博政治 只要是参加中国“全国硕士研究生入学统一考试”的考生,每个人都得考政治。(FYI:报考管理类中6个专业学位(工商管理、公共管理、旅游管理、工程管理、会计、图书情报)和审计硕士的初试取消政治科目,思想政治理论考试由招生单位在复试中进行。) 2.考博外语 外语科目针对报考的专业不同,可以选择英语、法语、德语、日语等不同的语种,这个主要是由你所报考的院校和你即将报考的专业决定的。如果你报考英语专业的研究生,那么你的外国语应该就是英语以外的语种,如法语、德语等。很多同学报考计算机专业,有的学校外语科目就可以选择日语。但对于考博时考英语的学生来说,英语还分为英语(一)和英语(二)。一般情况下,参加学术类硕士考试的学生参加英语(一)考试,而参加专业类硕士考试的学生参加英语(二)考试。 3.考博数学 很多工科、理科或经济专业的考生都是要参加考博数学考试的。数学作

为公共课来考,有以下几种考试:全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学考试(简称考博数学)是各大高校、科研院所为招收工学、经济学、管理学硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的考试。各学科、专业对硕士研究生入学所应具备数学知识和能力的不同要求,从2009年数学考试分为3个卷种,其中针对工学门类的为数学一、数学二,针对经济学和管理学门类的为数学三。 需要选择数学一的专业: 1)工学门类中的力学、机械工程、光学工程、仪器科学与技术、冶金工程、动力工程及工程热物理、电气工程、电子科学与技术、信息与通信工程、控制科学与工程、计算机科学与技术、土木工程、测绘科学与技术、交通运输工程、船舶与海洋工程、航空宇航科学与技术、兵器科学与技术、核科学与技术、生物医学工程等20个一级学科中所有的二级学科、专业。 2)授工学学位的管理科学与工程一级学科。 需要选择数学二的专业: 工学门类中的纺织科学与工程、轻工技术与工程、农业工程、林业工程、食品科学与工程等5个一级学科中所有的二级学科、专业。 需要选择数学三的专业: 1)经济学门类的各一级学科。 2)管理学门类中的工商管理、农林经济管理一级学科。 3)授管理学学位的管理科学与工程一级学科。 二、考博专业课 考博专业课分为统考专业课和非统考专业课。 非统考科目一般没有考试大纲,但是招生单位一般都指定了复习参考书,应当按照招生单位指定的复习参考书进行复习,切不可盲目复习。如果招生单位没有指定复习参考书,应设法了解一下该招生单位本科生学习这门

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