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Certificate of A Student

曾棱同学, 男,出生于1989年3月4日,于2004年9月考入我校高中部,于2007年6月高中毕业。该生学习成绩如下:

The student ZENG Ziling male, born on March 4, 1989, enrolled in our senior school in September 2004 and he graduated in June 2007. His academic records are as follows:


Teaching Department of Xiangxiang No.1 High School



xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx中学 高中成绩证明 Certificate of Transcript 姓名:性别:出生日期:Name: Sex: Date of Birth:就读时间:身份证号:Duration: ID Number: 学期 (Grade)科目 (Subject)高一年级 Grade One 高二年级 Grade Two 高三年级 Grade Three 第一学期 1st semester 第二学期 2nd semester 第一学期 1st semester 第二学期 2nd semester 第一学期 1st semester 第二学期 2nd semester 语文 Chinese xx xx xx xx xx xx 数学 Mathematics xx xx xx xx xx xx 英语 English xx xx xx xx xx xx 生物 Biology xx xx xx xx xx xx 物理 Physics xx xx xx xx xx xx 化学 Chemistry xx xx xx xx xx xx 历史 History xx xx 地理 Geography xx xx 政治 Politics xx xx 体育 Physical Education xx xx xx xx xx xx 计算机 Computer xx xx xx xx 备注:以上课程均分两种计分制: 百分制计分:英语、数学、语文满分为150,及格90;其余课程满分为100,及格为60。 Annotation: All courses are set into two grading systems: The percentage system:The full mark in English,Maths,Chinese is 150,above 90 is passing;The full mark in the rest is 100,above 60 is passing. XXXXX中学(盖章)



Certificate No.:20xxxxxxxxxx Prepared by Guangdong Provincial Education Department Guangdong Province Certificate of Nine-Year Compulsory Education Student xx, male, born on xx xx, 19xx with household registered in Shanghai city, Guangdong province, having received nine-year compulsory education according to law from September 19xx to July 20xx, he is permitted to graduate and hereby granted the present certificate. xx xx, Principal Shanghai xx Middle School (Stamp) July 1, 20xx Photo graph

在学证明书 兹证明学生xx,男,(19xx年xx月xx日出生), 自20xx年9月进入本校学习, 现是高中二年级3班在读学生。 特此证明。 上海中学 20xx年04月06日 Schooling Certificate

This is to certify that student xx, male, (born on xx. xx, xxxx) began to study at our school in September 200x, now he is a student of Class Three, Senior Grade Two. Hereby Certificate. Shanghai Middle School April 6, 2007 本文档由国外学历https://www.doczj.com/doc/9519002456.html,提供,排版打印时请去掉版权。


SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT Department: School of Naval Architechture&Ocean Engineering Major: Naval Architechture&Ocean Engineering Name: abcd Course Credits Score Credits Score 1990-1991 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Military Theory Physical Education Englisn Advanced Mathematics General Physics Algorithmic Language Engineering Drawing Linear Algorithm Naval Architechture and Ocean Engineering Situation and Policy History of the C.P.C General Physics Lab Introduction Of World Ship Building Taste Of Art and Life 4 2 10 16.5 6 4 6 4 2 1 / / / / B A C C A B B C A A / / / / / 2 10 15 10 / / / / 1 6 6.5 2 3 / A C B A / / / / B B B B B 1991-1992 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Theoretical Mechanics Ship Structure Physical Education English Maxism Principle Engineering Mathemics Material Mechanics Situation and Policy Electronic Technique Electromic Circuit &Technology Lab Ship Drafting Fluid Mechanics CET-4 Machine Training Naval Practice 9 5 2 10 6 9.5 4 1 / / / / / 7 / A B A C B B C A / / / / / A / 5 / 2 10 6 / 10 1 9 4 5 11.5 / / 5 B / A C A / A B A B A B C / PASS 1992-1993Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Situation and Policy Fundamentals of Law Ship Statics Fundamentals of Machine Design Machine Design Principles of Microcomputer Ship structural Mechanics Foundament of Management Science Ship Ressitence Ship Reliability Professional English Ocean Energy Utility Socialist Construction of China Ship structural Mechanics Ship and Ocean Engineering Materials Shipbuilding Technique Shipbuilding Econmy Ship Propulsion Ship Dynamic Equipment Vehicle Electromechanical Equipment and Principle Submarine Strength Ship Equipment The Autocontrol Therory of Means of Delivery Structure Optimum Design Specialized Practice 1 3 5 10 2 6 6 6 4.5 4 4 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / A C B C C B C A B A C B / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 / / / / / / / / / / / 6 4 3 7 5 6 4 2 4 3 3 3 10 B / / / / / / / / / / / B C A B B B B A A C C A PASS 1993-1994 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Ship Strength and Structure Design Regulation Design of Ship Structure Ship Maneuver and Oscilation Principle of Ship Design Ship Vibration Exercise of Principle of Ship Design Ship Group Techniques Computer-aided Ship Construction Prediction of Ship Manoeuvablility Ship Propeller Computing Ship Seakindliness Ship Characteristic Trial Research Situation and Policy Undergraduate Thesis 5 2 4.5 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 / A C C C C B C B B C C PASS A / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 27 / / / / / / / / / / / / / B Note: 1.The transformation rules are illustrated in the attached chart on the back of this paper. 2.There is two grades system in some test marks: Pass(above 60 or 通过) or Fail (below 60 or 未通过). 3.The score of University English is improved one level if he or she study English from band 2 or higher. Registrar:Archives , Shanghai Jiaotong University 11/08/2002


大学中英文成绩单模板范文 到了大学,你看到的成绩单是否是中英文版本的呢?下面是给大家带来大学中英文成绩单模板,供大家参阅! 北京信息科技大学学生中英文成绩单Beijing Information Science & Technology(BISTU) University Report Card 姓名:Name: 学年学期/School Year 学号:Student ID: 学院:School: 专业:Specialty: 课程名称/Courses 班级:Class: 学分/Credits 学制:年 Years:Schooling Length: 成绩/Scores 绩点/Points 学年学期/School Year 课程名称/Courses 学分/Credits

成绩/Scores 绩点/Points 毕业应取得总学分(Total Credits Required for Graduatior)/ 已获得总学分(Total Credits Earned) 其中包括(including) 必修课(Required) 专业选修课(Specialized Elective) 公共选修课(Common.Elective) 实践课(Practical Course) 必修课平均学分绩点(GPA of equired Course) 此成绩单仅供出国使用This report is only for going abroad 北京信息科技大学教务处Academic Administration of BISTU 打印日期(PRINT DATE): 吉林大学中英文本科成绩单模板Key Comprehensive University Directly Under The Ministry of Education of The People’s Republic of China 本科生成绩单Academic Transcript of Undergraduate 姓名: Name: 院系: Dept.: 学制:


山东省潍坊市寒亭区第一中学 高中成绩证明 Certificate of Transcript 姓名:性别:男出生日期: Name: Sex:Male Date of Birth: 就读时间:学号:Duration: Student Number: 身份证号: ID Number: 学期 (Grade) 科目 (Subject)高一年级 Grade One 高二年级 Grade Two 高三年级 Grade Three 第一学期 1st semester 第二学期 2nd semester 第一学期 1st semester 第二学期 2nd semester 第一学期 1st semester 第二学期 2nd semester 语文Chinese 数学Mathematics 英语English 生物Biology 物理Physics 化学Chemistry 历史History

地理Geography 政治Politics 体育Physical Education 计算机Computer 音乐Music 劳技Labor Skills 美术Art 备注:以上课程均分两种计分制: 百分制计分:英语、数学、语文满分为150,及格90;其余课程满分为100,及格为60。 Annotation: All courses are set into two grading systems: The percentage system:The full mark in English,Maths,Chinese is 150,above 90 is passing;The full mark in the rest is 100,above 60 is passing. 潍坊市寒亭区第一中学(盖章)校长(Principal): 日期(Date):2014年1月15日


Fpg Fpg 學生成績報告單(2007--2010)SCHOOL REPORT FOR HIGH SCHOOL(2007--2010) 姓名:性別:男出生日:1990 年8月16 日Name: zhang Sex: Male Birth Date: Aug. 16,1991 茲證從2007年9 月進入本校學習至今,已完成所有課程,並於2010年6 月正式畢業。 This is to certify that Wang Hanzhang has studied at Zibo Experimental High School from September 2007 . He has finished all the courses and graduated in June 2010. 課程SUBJECT 第一學年 First Academic Year 第二學年 Second Academic Year 第三學年 Third Academic Year 第一學期 First Semester 第二學期 Second Semester 第一學期 First Semester 第二學期 Second Semester 第一學期 First Semester 第二學期 Second Semester 政治 PLICTICS 95 93 語文 CHINESE 121 128 123 124 125 123 數學 MATH 129 123 132 139 130 125 英語 ENGLISH 115 118 116 120 119 125 物理 PHYSICS 86 93 87 90 95 92 化學 CHEMISTRY 92 90 89 93 91 93 生物 BIOLOGY 92 90 87 92 90 88 歷史 HISTORY 91 92 地理 GEOGRAPHY 90 94 備註:語文、數學、英語滿分為150分,其他各科成績滿分均為100 分。 Annotation: The total score of Chinese Maths and English is 150 and the total score of all other subjects is on the scale of 100. 淄博中學 Zibo High School 2015年9月12日


南京工业大学 NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(below60)

NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(below60)

NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows

A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(below60) 南京工业大学 NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows Dean of studies A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(belo w60) Signature


XX大学学生成绩一览表 姓名:院系:专业:学号: 性别:出生年月:年月日籍贯:入学年月:年月学制:年 第一学年(-- 学年)第二学年(-- 学年)第三学年(-- 学年)第四学年(-- 学年) 第一学期课程学分成绩第一学期课程学分成绩第一学期课程学分成绩第一学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩第二学期课程学分成绩 毕业最低学分应为:已获得学分为:授予学位: 成绩记载说明:1、百分制:60分及60分以上为及格,100为满分: 2、五级计分制:优秀(A)、良好(B)、中等(C)、及格(D)、不及格(F);教务处长:注册主任: 3、二级计分制:合格(P)、不合格(F)。 年月日

XX UNIVERSITY Student’s Academic Record Name: Department: Major: Student Identification: Sex: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Entrance: Years of program: 1st Academic Year 2nd Academic Year 3rd Academic Year 4th Academic Year Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(1st Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Courses(2nd Term) *Cr *Sc Number of credits required: Number of credits obtained: Degree Granted: *Cr=Credits;*Sc=Score; Three grade systems used simultaneously in XXX university,specifically as follows: 1.The percentage system:Above 60 is passing,100 is full mark; 2.Five degree grading: Excellent(A),Good(B),Fair(C),passing(D),Failed(F); Dean of Academic Affairs: Registrar: 3.Two degree grading: Passing(P),Failed(F) Date Issued:


GuangZhou College Student Achievement List Studentnumber:09054060115 Name:HuangLiYin Major:accounting Grade:2009 Class:Accounting(CPA direction) 09-1 FemaleCredits Earned:129 Four-Year Track First Academic Year Semester Course Title Type Credit Mark 1 College English(1) Required Course 3.5 94 1 College Chinese Required Course 2.0 85 1 Foundations of Computer Application Required Course 2.5 89 1 Economy Maths (1)Required Course 5.5 88 1 Military Theory Required Course 1.0 72 1 Military Training Required Course 1.0 87 1 Honesty and self-cultivation Required Course 1.0 83 1 Ideological & Moral Cultivation and Law Required Course 3.0 93 1 Physical Education Required Course 1.0 78 2 Psychological Heatlh of College Students Required Course 1.0 84 2 College English(2) Required Course 4.0 92 2 Management Database Required Course 2.0 83 2 Accounting Practice Required Course 1.0 89 2 Accounting Required Course 4.0 93 2 Law of Economy Required Course 3.5 65 2 Economy Maths (2)Required Course 2.5 73 2 The Fundamental Principles of Marxism Required Course 3.0 86 2 Physical Education Required Course 1.0 95 2 Current Situation & Policy Required Course 1.0 73 Second Academic Year Semester Course Title Type Credit Mark 3 College students'career and development planning Required Course 1.0 88 3 Physical Education Required Course 1.0 93 3 College English(3) Required Course 4.0 75 3 Management Database Required Course 2.0 81 3 Management Required Course 3.0 90 3 Economy Maths (3)Required Course 2.5 93 3 Marketing Required Course 3.5 81 3 Microeconomics Required Course 3.0 88 3 Outline of Modern Chinese History Required Course 2.0 87 4 Intermediate financial accounting Required Course 3.0 72 4 Financial Management Required Course 3. 5 69 4 Fiscal Science Required Course 4.0 94 4 Physical Education Required Course 1.0 88 4 College English(4) Required Course 4.0 92 4 Management Information Systems Required Course 3.5 84 4 Macroeconomics Required Course 2.5 84 4 Economy Maths (4)Required Course 2.5 90 4 Social Practice Required Course 2.0 88

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