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Saving Water

Water is the most valuable resource on the earth. Water is the necessity of our life and we must drink it everyday.Now, many people can not drink clear water, because many of them are badly polluted. So, in order to save water, the first thing we should do is reduce water pollution. In addition, we should develop good habits to save water. For example, turn off the tap after we use. Or we should recycle the water to make it full use. In one word, water is scarce for all of us and we should try our best to save it.



Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday.

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We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?

A poem:

Water has no taste at all.

Water has no color.

Water’s in the waterfall.

The pump.

The tap.

The well.

Water is everywhere around us.

Water is in the rain.

In the stream.

In the pond.

And in the river.

And in the sea again.

There isn’t much water on the earth. we must to save it.

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It is not inexhaustible.

It is very valuable.


Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes are polluted.

And what shall we do

We can do like these things:

First we must protect the factory form pouring waste water into the river

Second we should stop people from throwing litter into the river.many kinds of litter may pollute the envirenment.

Finally we can tell the visitors how important the water is.

After doing these things,I think water will become clearer sooner or later.


Water is very important to the human beings.But now many rivers and lakes are polluted.

And what shall we do

We can do like these things:

First we must protect the factory form pouring waste water 3 / 4

into the river

Second we should stop people from throwing litter into the river.many kinds of litter may pollute the envirenment.

Finally we can tell the visitors how important the water is.

After doing these things,I think water will become clearer sooner or later.

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七年级暑假英语作文:我的暑假(My Summer Vacation).doc

七年级暑假英语作文:我的暑假(My Summer Vacation) 七年级暑假英语作文:我的暑假(my summer vacation) summer time is the besttime of the year.there is no school for months i get to do what i want.with no tests no homework,i'm as free as a bird. i do many things during the summer vacation.i relax by reading books watching tv.i also hang out with my friends travel with my family.however,i don't play in summer.i take advantage of the free time to learn more.for example,last summer i learned to swim.this summer i might study computers or english.this summer vacation i got a part-time job in a snack bar. at the beginning, i couldn't do well at all often made mistakes. i was very low-spirited,father mother encouraged me a lot. so i began to try my best. gradually, i could do a very good job. i felt very excited when i received my pay for the first time. i already made up my mind to find another part-time job in this winter vacation. i believe i can do better next time. summer vacation flies by fast,so it's important to do as as you can. 第页码页./. 总共总页数页


保护水资源的英语作文 水是生命的源泉、工业的血液、城市的命脉。下面是xx 为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 篇一:保护水资源 Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth. With fresh water, the world will be prosperous. 篇二:保护水资源 Water is the source of can't live without ,with the increasing population and industrial


XX四年级节约水资源作文 【篇一】 我们国家的水资源其实不丰富,假如再不注意节约用水,我们将面临严重的水荒。这件事让所有人都很担忧,因为谁随时都有可能发生,所以就让我们一起来爱护水吧,不要让水资源大量的消耗。下面我就来讲讲我人家人浪费水资源的事情吧。 其中我们家就是特别浪费水,每次爸爸洗完手总是不关水龙头,让水一直留在水槽里,有时妈妈洗完脸也把水直接倒在水槽里,有时奶奶去垃圾也会把垃圾扔到河里…… 我决定给我们家做一个爱护水资源的会议,爸爸洗完手之后应把水龙头关好,不要浪费水,不然那些贫困区的小朋友就用不到水了。 妈妈洗完脸之后应该把用脏的水再次利用了才到,不然的话,每个人都像妈妈一样,那我们国家就严重缺水了。奶奶应该把垃圾扔到垃圾桶里,不应该扔到水里,假如这样污染了河水,河水就会发臭,那里就不是优美的景区了。 听了我的介绍,请大家都要做好爱护水资源的好人民,不要把水资源浪费在自己的生活中,更不要把自己身边的水资源化作一摊垃圾堆,这样就更容易使我们国家变成水荒了。 【篇二】 水是生命的源泉!水的用处可大了,刷牙、洗脸需要水,洗衣、做饭需要 水,养花、种树需要水,灌溉农田需要水?…总之,水给我们的生活带来了不少 的方便。 世界上的淡水资源是有限的。我们乐清就是个缺水的地方,假如长时间不下雨,这里就会干旱,生活用水也难以保证。有一次,我们家停水了。早晨,我拿起水杯,打开水龙头,咦?怎么没水了?我奇异了。我去问妈妈,才知道停水了。停水了,牙当然不能刷了。我一个上午都没喝水,到了中午,我渴得受不了了,妈妈叫我去买两瓶矿泉水。我带了两块钱下楼,没想到矿泉水要一 块五一瓶。我又得回家再拿一块钱下楼,终于买了两瓶矿泉水回家,唉,可真费


描写小狗的英语作文带翻译 可爱的小狗是很多人都喜欢养的宠物,在英语中也有关于描写小狗的作文 题材。下面是小编分享的描写小狗的英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家阅读! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇一: My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. ’dian dian ’ likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet! 我的宠物是 一条可爱的狗。 它的名字是"点点" 。 因为有很多黑 的圆圈在它的皮肤上。 "点点" 是非常友好的。 许多孩子喜欢和它玩。 他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。 他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常 跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的 皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇二: I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice. 我是一个爱狗的人,因为狗是很温顺,友好,也很容易交流。我在我家养了 一只,它的名字叫巧克力。她的毛是棕色的卷毛,看起来就像泰迪熊。现在我们 已经一起生活了两年了,所以我很熟悉她的性格。她饿了,她经常会大声吠。那 个时候,我就会开始意识到是时候喂她了。她喜爱吃牛肉和鱼。有时候,她也吃 一些米饭。 Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her


我的暑假4篇(带翻译) 1.How I Spent My Summer Vacation The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned. 暑假有来了。我很高兴我能忘掉学校至少一段时间。免得我我浪费了这个暑假,我做了一个计划如何度过我的暑假。首先,我认为我应该复习所有我的老师一学期教的那些东西,这样我就可以有更好的理解。然后我想我应该参加一些不同形式的运动,如散步、跑步划船、让我身体强壮。它的原看在这样的一个很好的计划,我应该好好利用我的休假。事实上我也这么做了,因此我没有辜负了我的计划。 2.My summer vacation My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day. Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this. 今年的暑假生活非常愉快。我去农村过暑假。那儿非常美丽,有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和善良的人们。在那里的两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活。每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。 除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的孩子做功课。我帮他们读英语,使他们的口语有所提高。他们的父母为此很感激我。


保护水资源的小学生英语作文 Water is the source of life.We can't live without water.However,with the increasing population and industrial development,water pollution has become a serious https://www.doczj.com/doc/9b14157259.html,rge amounts of wastewater go into rivers and seas directly without being treated,which can be dangerous to people.Also lots of people pay no attention to saving water in daily life,while in some place water is badly needed. It's time for us to take some measures to improve the situation.Factories should treat the wastewater before letting it go into rivers.We can play a positive role in saving water.For example we can reuse the water for wishing rice to wash vegetables and then clean a mop. 【篇二】 It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite. As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What’s more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it’s high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.


保护水资源的300字作文 引导语:水资源的稀缺是一种水资源匮乏的现象,因为地球上水的总量一定,饮用淡水的总量则更少,随着利用和不合理浪费越来越剧烈,水资源缺乏问题日益明显。下面是小编为你带来的保护水资源的300字作文,希望对你有所帮助。 【第1篇】星期六,我们小记者去自来水厂参观,保护水资源作文300字。 自来水厂的陈阿姨接待了我们,她开始给我们讲解起来。漳河水是怎么流进千家万户的呢?这也是我很想问的问题。陈阿姨带我们看漳河。哇,这么大!一眼望不到边呢!河水看起来很清,陈阿姨说,漳河是我们的母亲河,它是漳河原水抽至取水泵房,加氯到过滤池……最后才抵达千家万户的。听着陈阿姨的讲解,想不到我们现在的饮用水竟是这样来的,我不禁想赞一个:"神奇的漳河水,了不起!"接着我们跟随工作人员到提水的地方。"好高!这些工作人员是怎样上去的呢?" 我们问陈阿姨。陈阿姨告诉我们:"那边有个弯弯曲曲的楼梯,顺着下就行了。"我往下一看,水管弯弯的,有的大,有的小,看起来可真有意思。 不知不觉,这一次的参观就结束了。通过参观,我想对着漳河呐喊:"漳河,真了不起!" 【第2篇】最近,我国西南地区发生了严重的旱灾,有许许多多人没有饮用水,有些地方从去年七月份开始就没有下雨了。我最 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

近从报纸和电视上了解到,云南、贵州、重庆、四川等地区旱灾情况非常严重,原本宽大的河流因旱灾变成了浅浅的溪流,有许多人还因为寻找水源而死去。 为什么我国会发生百年不遇的大旱灾呢?主要是因为我们人类制造出许多二氧化碳。所以,我们以后可以少坐汽车,多走路,这样可以尽量减少排放二氧化碳,300字作文大全《保护水资源作文300字》。我们还要节约用水,不要浪费水。要记得关好水龙头,洗澡尽量不要洗太长时间,这样做很浪费水。我们平常还可以把洗手、洗水果蔬菜等用完之后还比较干净的水收集起来,还可以再加利用。 水是生命之源,我们要节约用水,保护水资源。 【第3篇】水,和人类息息相关! 在地球上,有70%--75%的海洋面积,可是只有三分之一的淡水。在我国,600多个城市一半是缺水的,就说云南省吧,那里已经干旱了三年,小河断流、水库干涸,真是很不好啊! 在小河里,人们在河里杀鱼,那鱼血把清澈见底的河水变得浅红浅红的(一般叠词表示程度深。深红深红比较多用,浅红浅红似乎不恰当。人们在河里杀鱼,那鱼血在河里荡漾开去,把清澈的河水染成了浅红色的一片)。在家里,明明打了一大盆水,只洗了洗手就把它给倒了,真是太浪费了。在卫生间里,已经冲得很干净的马桶再去冲一冲,这清清的水又流向下水道。 在身边,也有人在一次又一次地利用一盆水。奶奶每次把洗脸水用来洗拖把;傍晚的时候,她又用淘米水来洗菜,再去浇浇她自己种


描写小狗的英语作文带翻译 可爱的小狗是很多人都喜欢养的宠物,在英语中也有关于描写小狗的作文题材。下面是小编分享的描写小狗的英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家阅读! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇一: My pet is a lovely name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its "dian dian" is very childen like play with favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. ’dian dian ’ likes to run very can run very fast and it has a girl name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin, like my pet very is a good pet! 我的宠物是一条可爱的狗。它的名字是"点点" 。因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上。"点点" 是非常友好的。许多孩子喜欢和它玩。他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物! 描写小狗的英语作文带翻译篇二: I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly

and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice. 我是一个爱狗的人,因为狗是很温顺,友好,也很容易交流。我在我家养了一只,它的名字叫巧克力。她的毛是棕色的卷毛,看起来就像泰迪熊。现在我们已经一起生活了两年了,所以我很熟悉她的性格。她饿了,她经常会大声吠。那个时候,我就会开始意识到是时候喂她了。她喜爱吃牛肉和鱼。有时候,她也吃一些米饭。 Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family. I really have the pleasure of her company. 每天我回到家的时候,她都会用她的尾巴开心地跑向我。她就像是我最好的朋友一样。随着时间的流逝,我们两个的


我的暑假生活英语作文(五篇) 期末考试已经结束,暑假也到了,同学们又能够各种玩耍游乐,但是 也不要把学习拉下哦!以下是###小编为大家精心整理的我的暑假生活 英语作文范文,希望对你有协助。 八月十三号那天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去江西井冈山革命根据地参 观旅游。 井冈山是毛主席和很多革命前辈闹革命的地方,那里四面环山, 树木非常茂盛,风景优美,空气很清新。到了龙潭瀑布,我兴奋不已,也让我想起了李白的诗句“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”。 我们还来到了毛主席住过的地方,房子非常简陋,房子后面有两 棵神树,房子前面有毛主席以前读书经常坐的“读书石”。 第二天,我们参观了井冈山革命根据地博物馆和革命烈士纪念馆。我仔细的观察了以前革命战士使用过的武器,真是毛主席讲的“小米 加玩具”。在革命烈士纪念馆,我看到了很多革命前辈的照片和雕像,牺牲了的革命烈士的姓名,刻满了纪念馆展厅的八面大墙,尤其叫人 难忘。 我觉得毛主席等很多革命前辈很顽强、很勇敢、很聪明、很勤奋,也最值得我们学习和怀念。 On the day of August 13, I went to visit the revolutionary base of jinggangshan, jiangxi, with my parents. Mount jinggangshan is the place where MAO and many of the revolutionary predecessors have been in the middle of the revolution. There are mountains and mountains, the trees are very luxuriant, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh. At longtan falls, I was excited, and reminded me of li bai's


保护水资源高三英语作文 水资源短缺,我们要从小培养保护水资源的意识。以下是我带来的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 篇一: Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth. With fresh water, the world will be prosperous. 篇二: Water is the source of life.We can't live without water.However,with the increasing population and


保护水资源的作文300字 导读:篇一:保护水资源 水是人生生存不可缺少的条件之一,没有水,也就没有生命的存在,所以我们要保护水资源。 据统计地球表面的水储量大约有140亿亿立方米,但淡水资源只有3。5亿亿立方米。这些有的水资源只有0。34是人类可以饮用,由于分布不平衡,生活浪费,全世界百分之六十的地区供水不足,严重缺乏用水,情况严峻。 再加上各种有害物质,污染水,人饮用后,可能使人慢性中毒,或者生疾病,严重的可能会死亡。 一些工厂。医院不把有害的水排放到该排放的地方去,而是随便的把水排放到河流。江湖或海洋。水中鱼儿。虾蟹喝了这些水会死亡,而这些死鱼死虾死蟹讲送入人类口中,这些死的水生物带毒,可能会讲毒留在人类的身体中。 我们要保护水资源,不要让世界的最后的一滴水是我们的眼泪。 篇二:保护水资源 水,是生命之源,任何物质都不可替代。没有水就没有生命,更谈不上什么文明和发展。然而,由于世界人口的剧增、人类的过度索取和浪费,以及工业污染等原因,世界淡水资源越来越匮乏,人类正面临着严重的水危机。 水是那样的普通,普通得让人须臾不可缺少而又随时可以忘记。

人只是在饿的时候想到吃饭,渴的时候想到喝水,而对于粮食和水本身,可以说关心得很少甚至从未关心过。至今,绝大多数人的心目中,水仍然是取之不尽用之不竭的,到处都是对水资源的过量开采、挥霍浪费以及粗暴的践踏与污染。 水资源是人类的共同财富,保护水资源,必须提高人们对水资源的认识。国家应制定出相应的节水法规,大家应自觉养成节约用水的良好习惯。我们应该从身边小事做起,在生活中节约用水,与浪费水资源、破坏水资源的行为做斗争。 如果人类继续破坏和浪费水资源,那么人类看到的最后一滴水,将是自己的眼泪! 篇三:保护水资源作文 今天下午,我、妈妈和姐姐去郊外踏青。 我们正坐在草地上,突然,姐姐尖叫一声,把我们都吸引过去了,我们看见一条被污染的小河,河面上覆盖着一层薄薄的油,河面还漂着一些垃圾,连河底下也有垃圾,原本在这嬉戏的小鱼也不见了,连河底的沙石都看不清了,还有刺鼻的味道。 我和妈妈、姐姐商量好,决定清理河床。首先,妈妈找来钩子和垃圾袋,然后,我们把河里的垃圾一点点的钩上来,最后,我们把垃圾放到垃圾袋里,打算送到垃圾站去。虽然我们已经汗流浃背了,但是我们很满足。 水资源是我们的生命,没有水我们就不会活在这个世界上,但光


描写小狗的英语作文及翻译 如果你喜欢小动物,一定就和动物之间发生过许多有趣的事情,挑选一件具有典型性的事情来写一写吧,下面是小编整理的描写小狗的英语作文,一起来看看! 描写小狗的英语作文1 我家养了一只小狗,我非常喜欢它。它的眼睛黑黑的宛如两个黑宝石,它的皮毛白白的好像一床毛毯子,它的四条腿犹如四根毛茸茸的小柱子,它的尾巴摇啊摇,似乎在向你挥手表示欢迎。 I have a puppy in my family. I like it very much. Its black eyes like two black stones, its fur is white like a bed blankets, its four legs like small pillars four hairy, its tail swinging, seemed to be waving to you welcome. 因为我叫小叮当,所以妈妈原想给它取名叫小叮咚,但是我不同意,我给它取名叫小乖,因为我想它天天都很乖。 Because I called Tinker Bell, so my mother wanted to name him little Ding Dong, but I do not agree, I called him, because I think it every day. 它非常的调皮,当我们出去吃饭时,它总是犯老毛病,捣乱,它跳到沙发上乱弄,还把报纸、餐巾纸撕得满地都是。

我回来时,看到地上一塌糊涂,我生气了,就不理它了。它也意识到自己犯错误了,就扑到我膝盖上,好像要流下眼泪一样说:“主人,原谅我吧!”我见它这么可怜,就原谅它了。 It is very naughty, when we go out to eat, it is always the old trouble, trouble, it jumped on the sofa mess, and also newspapers, napkins torn all over the floor. When I came back, I saw the mess on the ground. I was so angry that I ignored it. He realized he had made a mistake and threw himself on my knee as if to shed tears and said, "Lord, forgive me."!" I forgave it when I saw it so pathetic. 我家的小狗真是又可爱又调皮啊! My puppy is so cute and naughty! 描写小狗的英语作文2 我家有一只可爱的小狗叫嘟嘟,嘟嘟非常的可爱,也非常的令人讨厌,但嘟嘟是我最喜欢的一只小动物。因为嘟嘟的可爱,感染了我。 My family has a lovely puppy called Dudu, Dudu is very cute, and very annoying, but Dudu is my favorite small animal. Because Dudu's cute, infected with me. 告诉你们哦!嘟嘟也是个贪吃鬼哦,嘟嘟喜欢吃肉、狗粮等等。嘟嘟吃饭时很可爱哦!


【篇一】 水是生命的源泉、工业的血液、城市的命脉。水是人类生活中不可缺少的重要资源。 如果把家中的洗衣机换成节水洗衣机,一年能节出714个昆明湖;把家中的马桶换成3/6升双键马桶,一个家庭月节水近2000升左右;改掉不良用水习惯,能节水70%左右。 一滴水,微不足道。但是不停地滴起来,数量就很可观了。如果中国每人每天节约一滴水,就是13亿滴水,也就是1300升水,那么一年可以节约474500升水,它可以给一个城市提供一年的居民总用水量,它可以让一片荒原变成绿地。所以,节约用水要从点滴做起。 其实只要我们注意身边的点滴小事,节水很容易做到。像清除餐具上过重的油污时不要直接用洗涤剂洗,先用纸擦拭,然后再清洗,这样可以节省一半以上的用水。洗手时,用盆洗比用水长流的方法更节省水,洗涤蔬菜水果或洗碗时也一样,开着水龙头不间断的冲洗非常费水,间断冲洗就能节约水。把用过的水存下来还可以再次利用。家庭中洗衣机的用水量大,为了节水,生产厂家和科研人员都下足了功夫,要在保证洗干净衣服的前提下尽可能的节约用水。这种倾斜的造型并不是为了美观或标新立异,10度的斜面设计自有它的道理。洗衣筒歪了10度后,它的水位就相对加深了,能达到较大水量的洗涤效果。所以它省水。洗衣机设定的程序一般都是一次洗涤,两次漂洗,水主要都耗费在漂洗上了。如果不用洗衣粉,不就能省下漂洗的水了吗? 人人都需要水,人人都要珍惜水。节约用水,从身边的小事做起,从每一滴水做起,为节约水资源作出贡献吧! 【篇二】 随着人类科技的发展,那些清澈透亮的河水、湖水似乎离我们远去了,取而代之的则是漂满垃圾的脏水。阳光下,再也闻不到来自水的清香了,只能嗅到一股股恶臭。 城市里的水道上总会有许多垃圾:水面,塑料袋与饮料瓶你拥我挤地和荷花浮萍争地盘;水中,一根根烟蒂漂浮着嬉闹游玩;水底,鱼儿们穿梭于纸团纸屑之间,玩得不亦乐乎。水,已全然失去了以往的姣好容颜,当垂柳依依多情地想照“镜子”时,却发现“镜子”已肮脏无比,忙缩回了头;当蜻蜓款款飞来想点水起舞时,却发现水已恶臭不已,忙飞向花丛;当燕子南飞归来想找昔日好友时,却发现好友已狼狈不堪,忙跌跌撞撞飞走了……造成这一切的罪魁祸首,可是我们人类自己呀! 水,对地球上的生物来说,是生命的根本;水的干净与否,决定着我们的生死存亡。所以,现在的各个河段、湖泊上,总会发现一队队划着小船,辛勤打捞水上漂浮物的清洁工叔叔阿姨们。橘色的衣服是他们的标志,清亮的汗水挥洒着信念的光辉。 水资源的减少让人们有了觉悟,但只有少数人能做到保护水资源,多数人都未能清楚认识到保护水资源的重要性。不过,“五水共治”行动已经轰轰烈烈的开展,各种治水方案也已在实施中。相信在不久的将来,清澈的水源将重新呈现在我们面前。 让我们从我做起,充分发挥个人和集体的力量,保护水资源,让我们的地球和我们生命都能得到净化!


关于小狗的英语作文 3 篇 狗是非常友善的一种动物, 那么大家喜欢小狗吗?下面小编为大家介绍关于 小狗的英语作文 3 篇,希望能帮到大家!
关于小狗的英语作文 1 I have a lovely dog. He has a cute name “Little Jack”. He’s my good friend. He is 5 years old. I take it as my family member. He often follows me like a guard. He can watch my house. I often play with him. I often take him outside for a walk on the weekends. He always waiting for me in front of the house when I go back home. When I am sad, he feels sad, too. He is anxious to please me. My dog is so affectionate. I love my dog very much. Do you like it? 我有一只可爱的小狗。 他有一个可爱的名字叫“小杰克”。 它是我的好朋友, 它 5 岁了,我把它当作我的家人。它经常像一个后卫一样跟着我。它可以守卫我 的房子。 我经常和它一起玩。我周末经常带它到外面去散步。当我回家的时候,它总 是等在我的屋前。当我伤心时,它也会感到难过。然后热情的逗我开心。 我的狗是那么的深情。我非常爱我的狗。你喜欢它吗? 关于小狗的英语作文 2 Nowadays many people like to have dogs as their pets. Dogs are friends of man not only because they are lovely but also because they are faithful to their masters. Dogs can do a lot of work for man. They play with us. They hunt with us. They keep door for us. But long ago, dogs all over the world were wild. Dogs can date back to the Stone Age. All dogs have the same ancestor. It is believed that their ancestor was much like a wolf. Other animals, such as the fox, came from this ancestor, too. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, man began to tame wild dogs. After the dogs were tamed, they were trained. The strong dogs became working animals. They were trained to pull heavy loads. They learned to keep an eye on the sheep and other animals. Working dogs had other jobs, too.


英语作文范文 写作范文《保护水资源》 Directions: A. Title:Globle Shortage of Fresh Water B. Word Limit: about 200 words C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese below: 1. 人们认为淡水是取之不尽的(提示:雨水,河水,井水) 2. 实际上淡水是短缺的(提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染严重) 3. 我们应当怎么办(提示:节约用水,开发新水源) 例文: Global Shortage of Fresh Water People often think that water will never be used up. There is plenty of water, such as rain, water from the rivers and wells. It seems as if water is always available around us and we never have to worry about water shortage. In fact water is rather limited on the earth. With the rapid increase of population and fast development of

industries, water is more needed than before. At the same time, a large amount of water has been polluted and wasted every day. Some big cities in China are facing the problem of water shorage already. There, water supply is controlled and industry has been restrained. What should we do about the water shorage? I think, first, the people should be made aware of the real situation about the water. Everyone should consciously save on water and certain law should be made that no water will be polluted. We have to protect the existing water resources and develop new ones. In this way I believe that our cities will not be thirsty for water in the future.

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