当前位置:文档之家› 船舶专业英语



2012/9/27 Thursday
Lesson 1 The Ship–its Functions, Features and Types
Contents: 1. Vocabulary and Sentence
2. Vocabulary summary 3. Exercise and Homework
Practice makes perfect! 熟能生巧 Translation means translating meanings! 翻译即译意
一、Vocabulary and Sentence
e.g. (P1-1-1) merchant ships 商船
e.g. (P1-1-4) crew 船员
The worldwide nature of this function involves the ship, its cargo and its crew in many aspects of international life.
Merchant ships exist to carry cargoes across the waterways of the world safely, speedily and economically. 商船能够在世界水路范围内安全、快速、经济的 运输货物。
商船功能的全球性使得商船、商船所运载 的货物以及全体船员参与到国际生活的各 个方面。
e.g. (P1-2-1) type of construction 结构形式 The ship, in its various forms, has evolved to accomplish its function depending upon three main factors—the type of cargo carried, the type of construction and materials used, and the area of operation.
e.g. (P1-3-4) tanker 液货船、油轮 The tanker has its specialized forms for
原油 石油制品
the carriage of crude oil, refined oil products, liquefied gases, etc..
船舶通过船型的不断演化来完成其功能,这主要取决 于三个因素----所运输货物的类型、船舶的结构形式、 使用的材料和营运的范围。 注: operation:营运、操作、运转、手术
液货船有其特殊的形式方便原油、石油制 品以及液化气等的运输。

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e.g. (P1-3-5) passenger ship 客船 The passenger ship includes, generally speaking, the cruise liner and some ferries.
轮渡 巡游船、 客运班轮
e.g. (P1-4-2) framing 骨架 shell plating 外板 The principal types of construction refer to the framing arrangement for stiffening the outer shell plating, the three types being longitudinal, transverse and combined framing.
横向的 混合的 纵向的
主要的结构形式指那些加强外板的骨架布置形式, 三种常见的类型是纵骨架式、横骨架式及混合骨 架式。
e.g. (P1-4-5) general cargo ships section 型材 plating 板材
e.g. (P1-4-8)
superstructure 上层建筑 Passenger ships, with their large areas of superstructure, employ lighter metals and
合金 铝
General cargo ships are usually of transverse or combined framing construction using mild steel
温和的、软的、 低碳的
sections and plating.
alloys such as aluminium to reduce the weight of the upper regions of the ship. 客船具有大面积的上层建筑,因此采用轻质金 属和合金(例如铝)来减轻船舶上层区域的重 量。
杂货船通常使用横骨或混合骨架形式,利用低碳钢的型 材及板材。 注:section:型材、截面、分段
e.g. (P1-5-2 ) ocean-going vessels 远洋船 fresh water 淡水 oil fuel 燃油 船、通常指大型船舶 Ocean-going vessels require several tanks for fresh water and oil fuel storage.
e.g. (P1-5-3) stability 稳性 trim 纵倾
Stability and trim arrangements must be satisfactory for the weather conditions prevailing in the area of operation.
稳性和纵倾的布置必须满足航区内普遍的天气 状况。

2012/9/27 Thursday
e.g. (P1-5-4) inland waterway vessel 内河船
强度 狂风大浪
e.g. (P2-2-2) VLCC 巨型原油轮(载重量大于20万吨) LNG(Liquefied Natural Gas) 液化天然气 LPG(Liquefied Petroleum Gas) 液化石油气
The strength of the structure, its ability to resist the effects of waves, heavy seas, etc., must be much greater for an oceangoing vessel than for an inland waterway vessel. 在结构强度上,远洋船必须比内河船抵抗狂 风大浪的能力更强。
Recent years have seen such developments as very large crude carriers (VLCCs) for the transport of oil, and the liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas tankers for the bulk carriage of liquid gases.
近些年来,出现了用于石油运输的巨型原油轮、用 于散装液化气运输的液化天然气船和液化石油气船。
e.g. (P2-2-4) container ships 集装箱船 barge carriers 载驳船 Container ships and various barge carriers have developed for general cargo transportation, bulk carriers and combination bulk cargo carriers are also relatively modern developments. 对于杂货的运输逐渐形成了集装箱船和载驳船,散 货船和干散/液散混装船也有了较为现代化的发展。
e.g. (P2-5-1) load 装载 unload 卸载
The general cargo ship is the ‘maid of all work’, operating a worldwide ‘go anywhere’ service of cargo transportation. It consists of as large a clear open cargo-carrying space as possible, together with the facilities required for loading and unloading the cargo. 设施 杂货船是一个多面手,可以在世界任何范围内运营, 进行货物的运输。它由一些尽可能大的货物搬运开 敞空间以及装卸货物的设施所组成。
e.g. (P2-5-3) hatch 舱口
e.g. (P2-5-6) hatch cover 舱口盖 Hatch covers of wood or steel, as in most modern ships, are used to close the hatch openings when the ship is at sea. 大多数现代化船舶在航行的时候都采用木质 或钢质的舱口盖来关闭舱口。
Access to the cargo storage areas or holds is provided by openings in the deck called hatches. Hatches are made as large as strength
considerations will allow to reduce horizontal movement of cargo within the ship.
在甲板处,通往货物储藏区或货舱的开口叫作舱口。 舱口在满足强度需要的同时要尽可能的大,以便于 减少货物在船舶内部的水平移动。

2012/9/27 Thursday
e.g. (P2-5-7) watertight 水密的 coamings 舱口围板(hatch coamings) The hatch covers are made watertight and lie upon coamings around the hatch which are set some distance from the upper or weather deck to reduce the risk of flooding
露天甲板 in heavy seas. 舱口盖作成水密的,并且位于舱口周围的围 板上,同时高出上层甲板或露天甲板一段距 离,从而减少汹涛海浪时的进水。
e.g. (P3-2-1) ballast 压载 draught (draft) 吃水
Since full cargoes cannot be guaranteed with this type of ship, ballast-carrying tanks must be fitted. In this way the ship always has a sufficient draught for stability and total propeller immersion.
浸没、浸深 推进器、 螺旋桨
由于这种船型不能保证随时满载,因此必须配备 有压载舱。这样,船舶就总能够保证有足够大的 吃水来满足稳性及整个螺旋桨的浸深。
e.g. (P3-2-2) fore 船首 aft 船尾
e.g. (P3-1-3) double bottom 双层底 tank 液货舱
A double bottom is fitted which extends the length of the ship and is divided into separate tanks, some of which carry fuel oil and fresh water. 双层底沿船长方向布置,并被分隔成数个舱, 其中的部分用来装载燃油和淡水。
Fore and aft peak tanks are fitted which also assist in trimming the ship.
e.g. (P3-2-4) displacement 排水量 knot (kn) 节; 1kn = 1.85 km/h The current range of sizes for general cargo ships is from 2,000 to 15,000 displacement tons with speeds of 12-18 knots. 目前杂货船的排水量从2000至15000吨不等, 速度为12至18节。
e.g. (P4-1-2) refrigerated ship 冷藏船 Refrigerated ships vary little from general cargo ships. They may have more than one tween deck, and all hold spaces will be insulated to reduce heat transfer.
绝缘的、孤立的 中间甲板
冷藏船和杂货船之间的差别很小。冷藏货船 可以有多层中间甲板,并且,所有的货舱都 是绝缘的以降低热量的传播。

2012/9/27 Thursday
e.g.(P4-3-1) bulkhead 舱壁
pump 泵 pumproom 泵舱
The oil tanker has the cargo-carrying section of the vessel split up into individual tanks by longitudinal and transverse bulkheads.
分割、分开 单独的,独自的
The cargo is discharged by cargo pumps fitted in one or more pumprooms either at the ends of the tank section or sometimes in the middle. (液态)货物用安装在一个或多个泵舱中的 泵卸载,泵舱位于货舱区的末端或中部。
油轮同样具有货舱区,同时由纵向或者横向 舱壁分割成单独的货舱。
e.g.(P4-2-6) wing tank 边舱 Fore and aft peak tanks are used for ballast, with often a pair of wing tanks situated just forward of midships. These wing tanks are ballast-only
船中 满载
e.g.(P4-4-1) manifold 管簇 Large amounts of piping are to be seen on the deck running from the pumprooms to the discharge
midships, port and starboard. 甲板上,从泵舱到船中的管簇卸载处,无 论左舷还是右舷可以看到大量的管簇。
tanks and are empty when the ship is fully loaded. 首尾尖舱通常用作压载舱,并且通常在船中向首的 位置布置边舱。这些边舱用来装压载,当船舶满载 的时候边舱为空舱。(这种设计已过时!!!)
e.g.(P4-LNG tankers) e.g.(P4-3-3) accommodation 居住舱 machinery space 机舱 The accommodation and machinery spaces are located aft in modern tankers. The range of sizes for oil tankers at present is enormous, from small to 700,000 deadweight tones. Speeds range from 12 to 16 knots. 巨大的、惊人的 载重量、载重 现代化油轮的居住舱和机舱都位于船尾。油轮目前 的尺度是惊人的,载重量可达70万吨,速度可从12 节到16节。
Characteristics of the LNG/LPG tankers
Containment Insulation Membrane Pressurized tank Refrigerated tank Prismatic Cylindrical Spherical 密封 绝缘 薄膜 增压舱 制冷舱 低温钢 棱柱形的 圆柱形的 球形的
Low temperature steel

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e.g.(P5-3-1) bulk carrier 散货船
e.g.(P5-3-3) combination carrier
Bulk carriers are single-deck vessels which transport single-commodity cargoes such as grain, sugar and ores in bulk.
谷物 糖 矿砂
Combination carriers are bulk carriers designed for flexibility of operation and able to transport any one of several bulk cargoes on any one voyage, e.g. ore or crude oil or dry bulk cargo. 多用途散装货船在设计时考虑了使用的灵活 性,可用来在任何一次航行中装载任何一种 散货,例如矿砂、原油、干散货。
散货船是单甲板船,它运输单一商品,例如 谷物、糖、矿砂等散货。
e.g.(P6-1-1 ) port An 左舷
e.g.(P6-1-3) center of gravity 重心 航程 On loaded voyages the ore is carried in the has two longitudinal central hold, and the high double bottom serves to raise the center of gravity of this very dense cargo.
大密度货物, 反义:low density cargo
starboard 右舷 ore carrier
bulkheads which divide the cargo section into wing tanks port and starboard, and the center hold which is used for ore. 矿砂船有两道纵舱壁把货舱区分为左右舷两 个边舱,中间的货舱用来装矿砂。
压载航行时,矿砂装在中间货舱内,较高的 双层底可以帮助提高这种大密度货物的重心。
e.g.(P6-1-7) oiltight 油密的
e.g.(P6-2-1) handling 搬运、装卸
A double bottom is fitted beneath the center tank but is used only for water ballast. The bulkheads and hatches must be oiltight. 双层底位于中间货舱(液舱)之下,但 是仅用来装压载水。(液舱的)舱壁和舱口 都必须是油密的。
A large proportion of bulk carriers do not carry cargo-handling equipment, because they trade between special terminals which have particular equipment for loading and unloading bulk commodities.
大多数散货船都不备有货物搬运设备,因 为散货船在专门的码头之间进行贸易,这些专 门的码头都备有专用的散货装卸设备。

2012/9/27 Thursday
e.g.(P6-3-1) container 集装箱 The container ship is, as its name implies, designed for the carriage of containers. A container is a re-usable box of 2435 mm by 2435 mm section, with lengths of 6055, 9125 and 12190 mm. 顾名思义,集装箱船是设计用来装集装箱的。 集装箱是一个可以重复使用的箱子,剖面为 2435mm×2435mm, 长 度 可 以 是 6055 , 9125 及12190mm.
e.g.(P6-4-2) framework 构架、骨架
The containers are racked in special frameworks and stacked one upon the other within the hold space. Cargo handling therefore consists only of vertical movement of the cargo in the hold. 集装箱搁置在货舱的专用骨架上,并层层堆放 起来。因而货物的搬运仅由货物在货舱内的垂 直移动所组成。
e.g.(P6-5-1) web-frame 腹板框架
e.g.(P6-5-3) heeling 横倾
The various cargo holds are separated by a deep web-framed structure to provide the ship with transverse strength. 为了保证船舶的横向强度,各种货舱被深腹 板框架所分开。
These wing tanks may be utilized for water ballast and can be arranged to counter the heeling of the ship when discharging
containers. 这些边舱用来装载压载水,也可布置用来 防止卸载集装箱时船舶的横倾。
e.g.(P7-3-2) stabilizer 减摇鳍
二、 Vocabulary summary
1.各种船舶 ? inland waterway vessel ? merchant ship 内河船 商船 ? VLCC ? tanker 巨型原油轮 液货船、油轮 ? ULCC (Ultra Large ? passenger ship Crude Carrier) 客船 超大型原油轮 ? ferry ? LCC (Large Crude 轮渡 Carrier) ? ocean-going vessel 大型原油轮 远洋船
Stabilizers are fitted to reduce rolling and bow thrust devices are employed for
improved maneuverability. 安装减摇鳍来减轻(船舶的)横摇,并利 用艏侧推装置来提高船舶操纵性。 Ro-Ro ship (Ro-Ro=roll on-roll off) 滚装船

2012/9/27 Thursday
? LNG (tanker) 液化天然气船 ? LPG (tanker) 液化石油气船 ? barge 驳船 ? refrigerated ship 冷藏货船 ? container ship 集装箱船 ? Ro-Ro ship 滚装船
2.类型词汇 ? longitudinal 纵向的 ? transverse(al) 横向的 ? horizontal 水平的 3.一词多意 ? section 型材、剖面、分段、部门 ? operation 营运、操作、运转、手术
三、 Exercise
Translating the following words in English. ? ship ? tanker ? bulk carrier ? longitudinal ? displacement ? hatch ? ocean-going vessel ? trim
四、 Homework
1. 翻译课文:第二页1.1 之前的部分。 要求:英汉对照式翻译。 2. 总结学习要点:生词、意思、短语、术语 要求:(不少于100个生词或短语) 3. 录音: (1)生词(中英文) (2)课文(英文) (3)学习要点(中英文) 注:1、2写在笔记本上,3为三个或三个以 上的.mp3文件。
Happy Mid Autumn Festival and the National Day Holidays!


主船体main hull 上层建筑superstructure 上甲板/上层连续甲板upper deck 船底bottom 舷侧broadside 艏艉fore and aft 舱壁bulkhead 水密watertight 艏部bow 艉部stern/quarter 二层甲板second deck 平台甲板platform deck 桅屋masthouse 罗经甲板compass deck 驾驶甲板bridge deck 船长甲板master deck 高级船员甲板office deck 艇甲板boat deck 船员甲板crew deck 机舱engine room 货舱cargo hold 货舱口cargo hatch 压载舱ballast tank 深舱deep tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank 滑油舱lubricating oil tank 淡水舱fresh water tank 污油水舱slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱caisson 球鼻艏标志bulbous bow mark/BB mark 首侧推器标志bow thruster mark/BT mark 吃水标志draft mark 甲板线deck line 干舷甲板freeboard deck 载重线标志load line mark 热带淡水载重线tropical fresh water load line/TF 夏季淡水载重线fresh water load line/F 热带载重线tropical load line/T 夏季载重线summer load line/S 冬季载重线winter load line 北大西洋冬季载重线winter North Atlantic load line/WNA 国际船舶载重线证书international load line certificate 吃水指示系统draft indicating system 船舶尺度ship dimension 最大尺度/全部尺度/周界尺度overall dimension 最大长度/全长/总长length overall/LOA 最大宽度/全宽extreme breadth 最大高度maximum height 净空高度air draught 船型尺度/型尺度/主持度moulded dimension 垂线间长L/length between perpendiculars 型宽B/moulded breadth 型深D/moulded depth 型吃水d/moulded draft 登记尺度register dimension 登记长度register length 登记宽度register breadth 登记深度register depth 船舶主尺度比dimension ratio 船长型宽比L/B , length breadth ratio 船长型深比L/D , length depth ratio 船长型吃水比L/d , length draft ratio 型宽型吃水比B/d , breadth draft ratio 型深型吃水比D/d , depth draft ratio 重量吨weight tonnage 排水量displacement 满载排水量dead displacement 空船排水量light displacement 装载排水量load displacement 总载重量deadweight/DW 净载重量net deadweight/NDW 容积吨/登记吨capacity tonnage 总吨位/总吨gross tonnage/GT 净吨位net tonnage/NT 运河吨位canal tonnage/CT 抗沉性floatability 全客船passenger vessel 客货船passenger-cargo vessel 货客船cargo-passenger vessel 客滚船ro-ro passenger ship 集装箱船container ship 箱格导轨系统cellguide system 散装货船bulk carrier 散装货物bulk cargo 舱口围板hatch coaming 横剖面cross-section


Lesson Three Tug Assistance: 拖带协助 Dialog A: Tug Ordering 对话1:叫拖船 Yong Men/BOCV: Avonport Port Control. This is M/V Yong Men. I am anchor at Lambs Roadstead. I require tugs. Over. “永门”船:爱汶港调度,我是“永门”船。我在莱姆斯港外 开敞锚地抛锚。我需要拖船,请讲。 Avonport P.C: Roger. How many tugs do you require? Over. 爱汶港口调度:信息已清楚。你需要多少拖船?请讲。 Yong Men/BOCV: I will order two tugs. When will tugs expect to meet me? Over. “永门”船:我要两艘拖船,拖船几点到,请讲。 Avonport P.C: The tugs expect to meet you in half an hour. Out. 爱汶港口调度:拖船半小时到,完毕。 Dialog B: Tug Operation 对话2:拖船在工作 M/V Eternal Glory: Hold on your towing line. Make fast please. Forward tug. Over.

“永恒光荣”船:请拉紧拖缆,绑牢,前拖船。请讲。 Forward tug: M/V Eternal Glory. This is tug forward. The current is too rough. I suggest the aft tug single up. Over. 前拖船:“永恒光荣”船,这是前拖船。水流太不平稳了, 我建议后面的拖船单绑,请讲。 Eternal Glory: Affirmative. Single up. Aft tug. Over. “永恒光荣”船:同意,后拖船单绑,请讲。 Aft tug: Yes, sir. Single up. 后拖船:遵命。单绑。 Dialog C: Completion Work 对话3:结束工作 Chang Ting Bridge: Chang Ting. Let go fore and aft. Over. “长亭”驾驶台:“长亭”船注意。前后松绑,请讲。 Chang Ting aft: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug aft. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船尾:驾驶台,这是船尾拖船,我将松绑,请讲。Chang Ting forward: Chang Ting Bridge. This is tug forward. I will let go. Over. “长亭”船头:驾驶台,这是船头拖船,我将松绑,请讲。 Tug 1: Let go my towing line. Chang Ting aft. Over.


船舶专业英语词汇(按英文字母排序) a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线船 a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片 abaft 朝向船体 abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用 accommodation 居住(舱室) accommodation ladder 舷梯爱 adjust valve 调节阀 adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式 admiralty 海军部 advance coefficient 进速系数 aerostatic 空气静力学的 aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁 aft peak tank 艉尖舱船 aileron 副鳍 air cushion vehicle 气垫船 air diffuser 空气扩散器K`_\ W s C&@{:H air intake 进气口b ircraft carrier 航空母舰 aircraft carrier 航空母舰 air-driven water pump 气动水泵 airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵 alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔 aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构爱我 American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社 amidships 舯 amphibious 两栖的-- 25 Wan m anchor arm 锚臂- anchor chain 锚链-- 25 Wang anchor crown 锚冠 anchor fluke 锚爪https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba5576497.html, K/W n n6y B G[7^ anchor mouth 锚唇 anchor recess 锚穴 anchor shackle 锚卸扣 anchor stock 锚杆 angle bar 角钢 angle of attack攻角 angle plate 角钢 angled deck 斜角甲板 anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍 antiroll fins 减摇鳍


How do you do,Mr. Wang. I'm Brown,a ship chandler. 你好,王先生,我是布朗,物料供应商。 Glad to meet you,Mr. Brown. Have a seat,please. 很高兴见到你,布朗先生,请坐。Thanks. Your agent asked me to come and see you. 谢谢,你们的代理让我来见你。 Yes. We're going to order some stores and spare parts. 是的,我们想订些物料及备件。 Well,here is our price list. You'll find our prices fair and reasonable. 很好,这是我们的价目表,你会发现我们的价格公平合理。 I'm afraid I can't give you my order right now. 我恐怕不能马上给你订单。 That's all right. I'll be glad to come again tomorrow. 好的,我明天再来。 OK. See you tomorrow. 好吧,明天见。 Glad to see you,Mr. Brown. 很高兴见到你,布朗先生。 Me too,Mr. Wang. 我也是,王先生。 Let's talk about the orders. 我们谈一下订单吧。 All right. I'm ready for them. 是的,我正等着做这事呢。 We would like to get some spare parts for our diesel engine. 我们想订一些柴油机的备件。 What spare parts do you want? 你想要什么备件? I've got a list. Here you are. 我这儿有份备件清单给你。 Let me have a look. 让我看看。 When can you deliver them? 你们什么时候能送来? It depends on what you ordered. 这取决于你订什么东西。 A plunger with guide bush and sixty pcs of rubber rings. 一个带有导套的柱塞和60只橡皮圈。 Rubber rings,no problem. But the plunger is out of stock. However,I can make a special order for you. 橡皮圈没问题,但柱塞目前缺货,不过我可为你专门订货。 Can I get them within three days? 3天内能交货吗? I'm afraid not. The time is too short. 恐怕不行,太急了。 Well,Singapore is our next port of call. Could you airmail them there? 好吧,新加坡是我们下一停靠港,你可否把它们空运到那里? We'll arrange for the delivery,if you need them. 如果你们需要,我们可以安排。 OK. Customs duties and transport charge will be on your account(will be charged up to you). 好的,关税及运费由你们支付。 How about other spare parts or stores? 还需要别的备件和物料吗? Yes,we need water packing. 我们需要水封填料。 How much do you need?需要多少? Two boxes. 2箱。 All right, you'll have it. 好的,我们供给你。 Besides that,we'd like to order some electrodes for steel and v-belts. 此外,我们订购一些用于焊接钢的焊条和三角皮带。 How many pieces do you want to order? 你们想订多少? 3 packs of 3 mm diameter electrodes and 4 pieces of v-belts. 3包直径3 mm的焊条及4条三角带。 Are you going to take spare rollers? 你们需要备用滚轮吗? We don't need to this time. But thanks anyway. 这次我们不需要,但还是要谢谢你。Anything else? 还有别的吗?


主船体main hull 上层建筑superstructure 上甲板/上层连续甲板upper deck 船底bottom 舷侧broadside 艏艉fore and aft 舱壁bulkhead 水密watertight 艏部bow 艉部stern/quarter 二层甲板second deck 平台甲板platform deck 桅屋masthouse 罗经甲板compass deck 驾驶甲板bridge deck 船长甲板master deck 高级船员甲板office deck 艇甲板boat deck 船员甲板crew deck 机舱engine room 货舱cargo hold 货舱口cargo hatch 压载舱ballast tank 深舱deep tank 燃油舱fuel oil tank 滑油舱lubricating oil tank 淡水舱fresh water tank 污油水舱slop tank 隔离空舱/干隔舱caisson 球鼻艏标志bulbous bow mark/BB mark 首侧推器标志bow thruster mark/BT mark 吃水标志draft mark 甲板线deck line 干舷甲板freeboard deck 载重线标志load line mark 热带淡水载重线tropical fresh water load line/TF 夏季淡水载重线fresh water load line/F 热带载重线tropical load line/T 夏季载重线summer load line/S 冬季载重线winter load line 北大西洋冬季载重线winter North Atlantic load line/WNA 国际船舶载重线证书international load line certificate 吃水指示系统draft indicating system 船舶尺度ship dimension 最大尺度/全部尺度/周界尺度overall dimension


Lesson Six Acquiring and Providing Information on VHF 在甚高频上询问与提供信息 Dialog A: Ship’s Particulars 对话1:船舶细节 Yokohama Radio: Please tell you ship’s particulars, over. 横滨台:请告诉你船船舶细节,请讲。 M/V Yu Long: LOA, 121metres. Breadth, 20.6metres. TGT 12,800 tons, draft forward 7.5metres. draft aft 8.5metres. Over. “育龙”船:总长121米,宽20.6米,总吨12800吨,前吃 水7.5米,后吃水8.5米,请讲。 Yokohama Radio: What is your intention of calling this port? Over. 横滨台:你船靠该港意图是什么?请讲。 M/V Yu Long: We are calling at this port for replenishment of fuel oil. Over. “育龙”船:我们靠该港的目的是加燃油,请讲。 Dialog B: Changing Channel 对话2:转换频道 M/V Nathan: Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio. This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. Singal strength 2. Advise you change

channel 12, over. “内森”船:神户台,这是“内森”船。信号较弱,建议换到 12频道,请讲。 Kobe Radio: Positive. Over. 神户台:同意,请讲。 M/V Nathan: Kobe Radio, Kobe Radio. This is M/V Nathan, M/V Nathan. How do you read me? Over. “内森”船:神户台,这是“内森”船信号强度如何?请讲。Kobe Radio: Signal strength 2, There is a crosstalk. Advise you change channel 26. Over. 神户台:信号强度2,有串线,建议改到26信道,请讲。M/V Nathan: Negative. Reason, I do not have Channel 26. Over. “内森”船:不同意,理由是我没有26信道,请讲。 Dialog C: Port of Call, Destination 对话3:挂港与目的港 Hong Kong Radio: What was your last port of call? Over. 香港台:你上一次挂港是哪里?请讲。 M/V Jin Jiang: My last port of call was Dalian, over. “金江”船:我上一次挂靠大连,请讲。 Hong Kong Radio: What will be your destination? Over. 香港台:你的目的港呢?请讲。


Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计) Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类) 2.1 Introduction(介绍) The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的 A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮 None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体 self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。 This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。 In order to discuss naval architecture,it is helpful to place ships in certain categories. For purposes of this text, ships are classified according to their means of physical support and their designed purposes.将船舶分成一些特定的种类来讨论造船工程是有好处的。本文的目的就是根据船舶物理支撑方式和设计目的来将它们分类。

船舶驾驶员实用英语口语 (4)

Lesson Five In Icy Water 在有冰的水域 Dialog A: Ice-breaker Assistance 对话1:破冰援助 M/V Utopia: Skedholm Radio. This is M/V Utopia. My position 55°30′North 048°40′West. My destination Skedholm. Do I require ice-breaker assistance to enter? Over. “乌托邦”船:斯科德海姆台,我是“乌托邦”船。我船位置是 55°30′N,048°40′W。我船目的地是斯科德 海姆。我船需要破冰援助方能进入吗?请讲。Skedholm Radio: Yes, you require ice-breaker assistance. Receiving point is 225°, 10miles from Freya Head. Do not pass receiving point until 1100 hours local time. Out. 斯科德海姆台:对,你船需要破冰援助。会合点是方位225°, 距佛里亚·海德10海里处,在当地时间1100时 以前不要穿过会合点。完毕。 Dialog B: Ice-breaker in Operation. 对话2:破冰船在工作 M/V Princess Silva: M/V Nutcracker, This is M/V Princess Silva. Ok. I

am following you. I will keep a distance of three cables between vessels. Over. “丝维亚公主”:“纳特可利克”船,我是“丝维亚公主”船。我 正跟随你。我船保持船舶间距3链,请讲。 M/V Nutcracker: M/V Princess Silva. This is M/V Nutcracker. Your place in the convoy is astern of M/V Golden Dove. You will be followed by M/V Fuji Maru. Over. “纳特可利克”:“丝维亚公主”船,这是“纳特可利克”船,你 船在编队中位置是在“金鸽”船之后,“富士丸” 船之前,请讲。 M/V Nutcracker: Attention all vessels. Slow down. Shorten the distance to one cable. Proceed along the ice channel. Over. “纳特可利克”:各船注意,减速,船间距保持1链,沿着已开的 冰上航道航行,请讲。 Dialog C: M/V Nutcracker Finished Work 对话3:“纳特可利克”船结束工作 M/V Nutcracker: M/V Dainty River. This is M/V Nutcracker. Stop your engine immediately. Be ready to cast off towing line. Over. “纳特可利克”:“雅河”船。这是“纳特可利克”船,你船要立


1.基本,简单的词汇: AM 上午 PM下午 Notification of inspection 检查验收通知单 Application 申请,申请单 Inspection 检验,报验 Technical discussion 技术讨论 On board 在船上 In the workshop 在车间 On the slipway 在船台上 At pier(wharf) 在码头 Fair 尚好的 The performance is merely fair 性能尚好 Terrible 极坏的,很糟的 So so 马马虎虎 So far ,so good 到目前,一切顺利 Worse更糟的 worst最差、最糟 Improvement 改进 Leave no room for improvement 完美,无缺点 Accept 接收 Accept subject to 有条件的接收,有待于……做好之后才接收 Reject 拒收 Comments 意见 defect lish 消除意见清单 Item 项目 memorandum 备忘录 manual n、手册、说明书;a.手控的,手工的 drawings 图纸 working drawings 施工图 finished drawings 完工图 approved drawings 认可图 drawings for approval 送审认可图 supporting technical doucuments 基础技术文件 sketch 草图 draw a sketch画草图 up to the standard 达到标准 substandard 低于标准的 crane 吊车 building berth 船台 slipway 船台、下水滑道 dry dock 干无坞 pier 突码头、突堤 wharf 码头 along side (船)靠码头 foreman 工长,领班 coordinator 调度员


Excuse me, I'm Hyde, the representative of Eastern oil company.我是海德,东方油料 公司的代表。 Yes, I'm Wang. Take a seat,please.好的,我姓王,请坐。 Mr. Wang , your agent informed us you need 600 tons of 180 cst heavy oil and 200 tons of diesel oil,right?王先生,你的代理通知我们,你们需要600 t 180 cSt的重油和200 t 柴油,对吗? That's exactly what we want.这正是我们要的。 OK. Here is the a pplication f orm. All the specifications are on the form. Please go through it and fill it out.好的,这是申请表,所有规格明细均在里面,请看完后填表。 Well , why is there no sulphur content among specifications?为什么规格中无硫含量? You see , Mr. Wang ,the fuel oil comes from the Gulf Area. Its sulphur content is very low ,so we ignore it.你知道,王先生,这种油产于海湾地区,硫含量非常低,所以我们 忽略了。 Yes, I see. But the harbor officers from the European countries often check the sulphur content in the fuel.是的,我明白,但是欧洲的港口官员经常检查燃油硫含量。 We'll be fined if the content is over 1.5 percent.如果超出 1.5%,我们就得挨罚。 That's the point. If so,I'm sure you'll get the exact sulphur content next time.这才是问题关键,我保证下次提供精确的硫含量。 OK. So much for that. When will your bunker come here?好了,不管它了。你们的 油驳什么时候来? At your convenience. How about tomorrow?看你的方便,明天怎样? OK. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.好吧,明天上午9 时。


船舶类型词汇 渔业船舶种类 2.1 渔船fishing vessel 用于商业性捕捉鱼类、鲸、海豹、海象或其他生物资源的船舶之统称。 2.1.1 拖网渔船trawler 从事拖网作业,捕捞中、下层水域鱼虾类的专用渔船。分双拖和单拖渔船,舷拖、尾拖和桁拖渔船。 双拖渔船two boat trawler,pair trawler,bull trawler 由两船拖曳一顶网具进行捕捞作业的渔船。 单拖渔船single boat trawler 由单船拖曳网具进行捕捞作业的渔船。按作业方式可分为舷拖、尾拖和桁拖渔船。 舷拖渔船side trawler 在船的一舷设有网板架,并进行拖网作业的渔船。 尾拖渔船stern trawler 在船尾部进行拖网作业的渔船,称尾拖渔船。单船尾拖设有网板架。在尾部设起、放网滑道的称尾滑道拖网渔船(stern ramp trawler)。 桁拖渔船beam trawler 有桁架伸于舷外,以拖曳网具进行捕捞作业的渔船。 加工拖网渔船factory trawler 具有较大的冻结和加工能力的大型尾滑道拖网渔船。 2.1.2 围网渔船seiner 从事围网作业,主要围捕中、上层水域鱼类的专用渔船。包括双船及单船、舷侧起网及尾部起网灯光诱鱼、金枪鱼等围网渔船。 双船围网渔船two boat seiner 由两船共放、起一顶围网进行捕捞作业的渔船。 单船围网渔船single boat seiner 配有辅助船艇,单船放起围网进行捕捞作业的渔船。 灯光诱鱼围网船组light luring seiner group 由一艘围网渔船,数艘诱鱼灯船以及保鲜运输船等组成的灯光诱鱼围网作业船组。 a.灯光诱鱼围网船light luring seiner 利用水上及水下灯光诱集鱼群,进行围捕作业的渔船。 b.围网探鱼船fish scautang boat 灯光诱鱼围网船组中,配有多种探鱼仪器设备,主要用于探测鱼群的一种小型船舶。 c.灯光诱鱼船fish luring light boat


1.:[转]船厂常用口语 & DILOGE 35分钟前 2.Next time, we’ll be fully ready for the inspection. 2. 下一次, 我们会为检查做好充分准备。 9. Explaining the details of work 9. 工 作细节解释 1. I think something’s missing in the drawing. 1. 我 想图纸上漏了些东西。 2. Check it with the drawing. 2. 根据图纸检 查。 3. The main work will be finished at 4 today. 3. 主要工作4 天内完成。 4. Another of t... 2.Next time, we’ll be fully ready for the inspection. 2. 下一次,我们会 为检查做好充分准备。 9. Explaining the details of work 9. 工作细节解释 1. I think something’s missing in the drawing. 1. 我想图纸上漏 了些东西。 2. Check it with the drawing. 2. 根据图纸检查。 3. The main work will be finished at 4 today. 3. 主要工作4天内 完成。 4. Another of the owner’s surveyors has already inspection it. 4. 另一个 船东检查员已经检查了。 5. I did it as the drawing says. There’s nothing wrong. 5. 我根据图纸 工作的,没有错。 6. If you have any problems. I’ll confirm them to the design department. 如果你还有问题的话,我会通知设计部。 7. Yesterday, we did a preliminary inspection for this test. 7. 昨天,我们 做了测试的初步检查。 8. Let me cover it with plastic because rain is dripping off the scaffold. 让我们用塑料把它盖起来,因为雨从脚手架上滴下来了。 9. Though it’s raining, The inside of the paint shop looks all right.


Lesson Thirty-eight Accident Investigation and Manipulation 事故调查和处理 Dialog A: Fire 对话1:着火 Captain: Chief Cook, would you please tell me the fire in the galley last night? 船长:大厨,你能讲一下昨晚厨房里着火的情况吗?Chief Cook: Yes, sir. It’s all my fault. 大厨:是,先生。都是我的疏忽。 Captain: What’s the exact time, do you remember? 船长:你记得准确的时间吗? Chief Cook: 1800 hours I guess. For I was very busy at that time, I just went out to bring vegetables without shutting off the stove. When I came back, I found the frying pan burning. 大厨:我想是1800时。因为当时很忙,我出去拿蔬菜 就没有关炉火。当我回来时,我发现煎锅着火了。Captain: How did you deal with it? 船长:你是怎么处理的? Chief Cook: I put the blanket on the pan first, and then I switched off the stove and used a fixed foam


船舶操纵专业英语100个单词 1.船舶操纵ship handling 2.船舶操纵性能ship maneuverability 3.定常旋回steady turning . 4.进距advance 5.横距transfer 6.旋回初径tactical diameter 7.旋回直径final diameter 8.滞距reach 9.反移量kick 10.漂角drift angle 11.转心pivoting point 12.横倾list 13.方形系数block coefficient 14.舵面积比rudder area ratio 15.操纵性指数maneuverability indices 16.追随性指数turning lag index 17.旋回性指数turning ability index 18.新航向距distance to new course 19.静航向稳定性statical course stability 20.动航向稳定性dynamical course stability 21.船舶保向性course keeping ability 22.船舶惯性inertia effect 23.紧急停船距离crash stopping distance 24.最短停船距离shortest stopping distance 25.制动纵距head reach 26.制动横距lateral deviation 27.蛇航制动法zig zag stop manoeuvre 28.旋回试验turning test 29.螺旋试验spiral test 30.停船试验stopping test 31.操纵性试验manoeuvring test 32.正螺旋试验direct spiral test 33.逆螺旋试验reverse spiral test 34.固定螺距螺旋桨fixed pitch propeller 35.可变螺距螺旋桨controllable pitch propeller 36.阻力resistance 37.摩擦阻力frictional resistance 38.兴波阻力wave resistance 39.剩余阻力residual resistance 40.涡流阻力eddy-making resistance 41.污底阻力fouling resistance 42.附体阻力appendage resistance 43.空气阻力air resistance 44.汹涛阻力rough water resistance 45.推力thrust 46.吸入流suction current 47.排出流discharge current 48.转距torque 49.滑失slip 50.滑失比slip ratio 51.机器功率machinery horse power 52.收到功率delivered horse power 53.有效功率effective horse power 54.舵力rudder force 55.一字锚flying moor 56.伴流wake 57.舵效steerage 58.首缆head line 59.首横缆fore breast 60.首倒缆fore spring 61.尾缆stern line 62.尾横缆aft breast 63.尾倒缆aft spring 64.吊拖leading ahead 65.顶推pushing 66.傍拖towing alongside 67.尾找风stern to wind 68.受限水域confined water 69.浅水效应shallow water effect 70.岸壁效应bank effect 71.首下沉bow sinkage 72.尾下沉stern sinkage 73.岸吸suction 74.岸推repulsion 75.富余水深under keel clearance 76.船间效应interaction 77.海上船速sea speed 78.备车速度stand by speed 79.串视线transit line 80.墩底striking the bottom 81.单锚泊riding at single anchor 82.八字锚open mooring

报告VTS 船舶驾驶常用英语口语-消防与灭火

1、**VTS,this is M/V **,we arrive at VTS report line,my last port**,next port**,my draught**,over 。**交管中心,**船到达VTS报告线,我上一港**,下一港**,吃水**米 2、**VTS,this is M/V **,we supply for anchoring at NO.1 anchorage。 **交管中心,我是**船,我们申请在一号锚地抛锚 3、**VTS,we finished with anchoring,my position LAT*,LON*。 **交管中心,我是*船,我抛锚完毕,锚位经度*纬度* 4、**VTS,can I go alongside the wharf? *交管中心,我能靠码头吗? 5、**VTS,this is M/V *,we finished with loading,cloud I proceeded to sea? *交管中心,我是*船,我们装货完毕,我们能否开航? 6、could I overtake you on youport/stardbord?我能在你左/右舷追越吗? 7、please keep you course and speed。请保持你的航向和航速。 8、we pass port to port。我们左舷对左舷通过 9、*pilot station,this isM/V*,we need a pilot。 *引航站,我需要引航员。

10、when and where should I take the pilot?我在何时、何地接引航员? 11、you should reduce your speed。你应该减速。 12、you should increase your speed。你应该加速。 13、you should altere course to port/starboard 你应该向左/右转向 14、what's you course and speed?你航向航速是多少? 15、I need 2 tugs。我需要两艘突托轮。 16、can you read me。你能听见我吗? 17、please change to channel **请转到*频道。 Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Dialog A: Check Fire Fighting Appliance 对话1:检查消防装备 Captain: Did you replace a CO2 cylinder in saloon? Third Mate. 船长:你换了大台的二氧化碳灭火器了吗?三副。 Third Officer: What is the problem? Captain. 三副:有什么问题吗?船长。 Captain: You serve as the Third Officer. A CO2 cylinder weighed lighter than normal weight. You asked me the problem. Ridiculous!

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