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英语人物传记精选作文素材1:Zheng leaps into history In the winter of 1953, a powerful jump from a Chinese woman attracted world attention。

Twenty-year-old Chinese athlete Zheng Fengrong shattered the women's high jump world record with a leap of 1。

77 metres in a Beijing athletic meet on November 17, 1957。

The new record, the first women's world record for the People's Republic of China, was one centimetre higher than the old mark held by American Mildred McDaniel 。

The jump also made Zheng the first Asian athlete to break a world track and field record since 1936。

The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as "an explosive jump" because it generated China's first athletic world record。

Dubbed " a spring swallow (燕子) awakening (唤醒了)Chinese sports, " Zheng sent a message to the world that C

hina was Nolonger the "sick man of the East。 "

Born in the spring city of Jinan,Shandong Province,Zheng, who stands at 1。70 metres, has a good physique and a skillful scissor----sharp jump which was seldom seen among top jumpers in the world。

She once leapt 1。78 metres, a national record in 1963。

She claimed a well-merited place in sporting history when her achievement was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records (吉尼斯世界纪录) 。

Due to her contribution (奉献) to athletics,Zheng was awarded a series of honours。She was named among the nation's greatest athletes (运动员) in 1984。

英语人物传记精选作文素材2:Rong is first world champion When China was hungry for their first world title to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China table tennis player Rong Guotuan made their dream come true。

Rong became New China's first world champion after he won the men's singles title at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships, in former West Germany on April 5, 1959。

Before the championships, the team had pinned their gold hopes on the men's team。But their dream of a world team title

was destroyed by the Hungarian team in the semifinal match,losing three games to five。

After a chain of (一系列) unexpected defeats to Chinese favoured for the title,Rong carried the heavy hopes to make a breakthrough。

Rong's rival in the final was top Hungarian paddler Ferenc Sido。

Rong was seen as an underdog for the title as he had just lost to Sido in the team contest。Even the victory flowers were being prepared for Sido。

But much to the surprise of the 8000-member audience,Rong won three straight sets with a big margin 21⑴2, 21⑴5,and 21⑴4 after losing the first set 19⑵1。Until that very moment,Rong realized the promise he made one year ago, that was to win a world championship for his motherland。

Two years later at the 26th championship for his motherland。

Two years later at the 26th championships in Beijing,Rong led the Chinese men to win the team title。

After becoming the coach(教练) of the Chinese women's team,Rong led the team to the winners' podium at the 28th championships(锦标赛)in 1965。


【人物传记素材积累】 1.父亲: (1)石子在水中荡起的波纹就像父亲脸.上的皱纹,树干在风中磨砺的身躯就像父亲手掌的故事,细微到了尘埃里,鲜少有人关注这些点滴的变化。那是一个高大而又坚挺的背影,他远远走在前面,像阵风一般,疾走在这片黄土上。父亲走得快却十分稳健,他的脚印深深浅浅,烙印在这片他所拼搏的大陆上。我曾几何崇拜我的父亲,他那黝黑的皮肤和花白的头发都是他独特的勋章。正因如此父亲成为了我心目中的英雄,他义无反顾地挑起大梁,成为我的父亲陪伴我走过漫漫人生路。 (2)时间羡慕了父亲年轻的容貌,便悄悄的拿走了父亲年轻的容貌,而父亲相应的礼物,也许是上天派来的我。在我看见父亲时候那年轻的容貌以变得成熟,那几处胡渣显得父亲的疲倦但始终没变的是父亲那慈祥的眼神和永远让我感到温暖的手。 2.母亲: (1)母亲的脸削瘦了,没有以前那圆润饱满的脸蛋,整个人都秃废了,那浓黑的眉毛总爱相聚在一起,神色间多了些严肃。微风拂过,发丝落了下来,遮住了那饱经沧桑的皱纹。每当我犯困时,总会给我端来杯热腾腾的牛奶,我望着那老茧繁多,筋络突出的手,不由得心生悲伤。 (2)听说神无法无处不在,所以创造了妈妈。即使到了妈妈的年龄,,妈妈的妈妈仍然是妈妈的守护神。妈妈这个词,只是叫一叫,也觉得喉间哽咽。妈妈,最有力量的名字。 (3)从小觉得最厉害的人就是妈妈,不怕黑,什么都知道,做好吃的饭,把生活

打理得井井有条,哭着不知道怎么办时只好找她。可我好像忘了这个被我依靠的人也曾是个小姑娘,怕黑也掉眼泪,笨手笨脚会被针扎到手。最美的姑娘,是什么让你变的这么强大呢,是岁月,还是爱。 (4)我用一句“妈妈”为报酬,肆无忌惮地向您索取一切。您以一句“妈妈”为枷锁,毫无怨言地向我付出一生。 3.妹妹: 妹妹一双水汪汪的大眼睛里闪着莫名的光,长长的深黑色睫毛扑闪扑闪的,皮肤白皙,圆圆的小脸肉嘟嘟的,齐耳的短发清清爽爽。过年时穿上艳红的袄子,唇红齿白眉清目秀,宛如画中的小仙童。用一双水汪汪的大眼睛望着你,心都化了。 4.奶奶/姥姥: (1)奶奶弱小的身子在阳光下照应在大地上,她的头发苍沉浮我在我头脑中就像-个童话里的婆婆一样温:和着轻轻的拍打我,便紧握着我的手,看见她细小无力而又粗糙的手指,我时不时地看了奶奶才发现满头的白发、长长的皱纹……看见奶奶为我操绕许多心里满怀感激。 (2)姥姥曾经乌黑的头发染上几点银丝,晕黄的灯光跳跃在她发间,又轻轻抚摸她脸上的褶皱。她颤颤地为我盛了一碗盛了一-碗冬瓜汤。又将手放在桌子上,佝偻着腰。手.上的青筋蔓延开来,一点一点蹒跚过来。小心翼翼地将汤递给我。我迫不及待用勺子挖了一口,如原来一样,是阳光的味道。 (3)常青的树叶,叶片似虫翼,脉络似青筋。随着日子的沉淀,它出落得越发惊艳了。这株野蔷薇是奶奶前些日子栽的。自从年迈后,奶奶的腿脚越来越不好使,牙齿渐渐疏松脱落,不得换.上了假牙。星子般的黄斑铺满了枯瘦的面孔,整

英语作文 英语作文人物传记-精品

英语作文人物传记 人物传记类 写作指导 人物传记也是记叙文体的一种,但人物传记主要是写名人或伟人的生平、事迹。因此,写人物传记时,要抓住其出生年月、主要事迹、人们的评论等进行叙述。 精选范文 ① Our English Teacher Do you know our English teacher? Look! There is a young man standing over there. He isn\'t tall, and looks very thin. Who is he? He is our English teacher. His name is Sun Feng. Our teacher is strict not only with himself but also with us. We all like him, because he is a good teacher and often helps us with our English. My classmate Wang Haiyan was not good at Eng-lish at first. He often thought: "My English is poor, what can I do?" Mr Sun knew it and said to him: "Don\'t be disappointed, keep up with your classmates! I believe, you can. " With the help of our teacher, he decided to catch up with his classmates. So he began to put his heart into English and did better in English. At last, he took part in the English contest and got a prize. Our English teacher works hard and he is as busy as a bee. He often prepares lessons and studies until late at night. In Grade three, we often have tests and have more English homework. Mr Sun always goes over it carefully. Mr Sun gets on well with us. He likes singing very much. One day before classes began, he said to us: "Now, let me teach you an English song. " We all like our English teacher. He is not only teacher but also our good friend. Don\'t you think so?


⒈屈原(适用范围:价值追求、理想信念、个性品质、责任奉献) 他,长剑佩腰,纵横中原,问天索地,踌躇满志;他,朝搴木兰,夕揽宿莽,奔波效劳,鞠躬尽瘁。然而,子兰谄言,郑袖惑内,艾萧太盛,椒兰甚少,骐骥不跃,美政弗行,举世皆醉,万民同苦。勇气与理想尽灭,悲愤与绝望交加,他掩脸长泣,衣襟浪浪。 落日染红汨罗江,他,一跃冲进万里涛。只把清高的节操留在世上,却让伟大的思想长存历史。 2 贾谊(适用范围:个人和集体、对国家和民族的责任、忠诚) 万籁俱寂,剔亮的露珠顺着野草滴落在洛阳干涸的沙石上。寒雾飘渺,一个凛然的身影随风飘摇,那是赴任的贾生。在他身后,一轮血红的旭日挣出水面,傲立于汉朝昏黄的天宇中。 月光融融,西风萧萧。长沙王府里你正为战祸初平、百废待兴,诸侯割据、危机四伏的现实而愁眉不展。借着这秦时的遗风残月,你满腔热血如江水滔滔,在心中汇聚成那惊世旷古的《过秦论》。 秋波浮动莫名湖畔,业绩初显。你却独倚寒窗,将自己三十四岁的生命浸没于怀王之死的深深自责中,无尽的泪水融入滔滔历史长河,洗净千古多少赤胆忠心 3 司马迁(适用范围:忍辱负重、生命的意义、责任奉献、个人与历史) 就在着手写《史记》之际,“李陵之祸”不期而至。狱中的寒风刺骨,毒卒拷打使他几欲自杀。他仍心存侥幸,期盼着武帝开恩,却等来了“诬上”的罪名。腐刑、亲朋远离、酷吏凌辱让他生理上和心理上都遭到摧残。然而,他从“西伯拘而演《周易》;仲尼厄而作《春秋》;屈原放逐,乃赋《离骚》;左丘失明,厥有《国语》”的遭遇中获得了新的生命动力,隐忍苟活,弃小义,雪大耻,终于完成了“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”,名垂后世。 4 曹植(适用范围:才华与命运、恃才傲物与人生发展、政治大于亲情、独善其身) 他出口成文,下笔成章,曾博得曹操的欢心,曾充满了“捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归”的豪情;他才高八斗,学富五车,仁人志士无不敬仰。 然而出身权倾一世的曹家,注定他命途多舛。本可成为至高无上的君王,却由于他的不拘小节,不得“曹心”而葬送了他的大好前途。面对手足相残他“七步成诗”,悲叹“本是同根生,相煎何太急”。 怀瑾握瑜,却是英雄无用武之地;壮志难酬,他借酒消愁。想当年“归来宴平乐,美酒斗十千”,到头来只能以豪饮而留名,赢得个“寂寞圣贤”的悲凉美名。

大学英语B 统考英语b级 7写作万能模板精编版

第一类:计划安排,如国庆计划安排,新年安排,假期安排等。My Plan for the National Day Holiday The National Day Holiday is coming. It is a very important festival in China. Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday. I have a plan, too. My plan is as follows: First, I’ll take a good rest, as I’m always busy with my work. Second, I want to stay with my parents. I’m not usually togeth er with them. Third, I want to meet some of my friends and relatives, as t hese days we don’t see each other often. Fourth, I want to give my room a good cleaning. Finally, I will study English for the coming examination. This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday. 可套用题目1) The Chinese New Year;-中国新年;2) My Plan for the Spring Festiva;l-我的春节计划;3) My plan for summer vacation;-我的暑假计划;4) My travel plan;-我的旅行计划; 第二类:我的某某人,如老师,妈妈,同学,朋友等。My teacher of English My English teacher is Miss Wang. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. Miss Wang is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells us what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats us as her own children and takes good care of us. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is Miss Wang, my favorite teacher. I feel so lucky to have her as my teacher. I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her. 可套用题目:1) My Teacher in High School;-我的高中老师;2) My Teacher;-我的老师;3) A (good) teacher to remember;-难忘的老师;4) My Favorite Teacher;-我最喜欢的老师; My Best Friend我最好的朋友 Li Xia is my best friend. She is an English teacher. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. Li Xia is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells her students what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is Li Xia, my best friend. I feel lucky to have her as my best friend. I hope that we will be best friends forever. 可套用题目:1) My Close Friend; -我的好朋友;2) My best schoolmate;-我的同学;3) My Classmates;-我的同学;4) My best workmate;-我最好的同事; My mother我的母亲 My mother is an English teacher. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. My mother is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells her students what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is my mother. I feel so lucky to have her as my mother and I love her. I hope that someday I can be a mother just like her. 可套用题目:1) The one I love most;-我最爱的人2) My Family;-我的家庭3) The man I love most in my life;-最爱的人4) My father;-我的父亲5) My beloved grandparents;-我的祖父母; 第三类:英语学习类,用于各类学习型文章Why I study English?我为什么学习英语? English is an international language. It is very useful. I like English very much. And this is how I study English. First, I remember 30 English words every day. Second, I go over the grammar points regularly. Third, I read articles in English newspapers and I read simple novels in English. Fourth, I listen to English radio programs and watch English TV programs. Finally, I listen to English music and watch English movies. This is how I study English. As a result, I’m more and more interested in English and my Engli sh has improved greatly. Practice makes perfect. If I keep practicing, I believe that my English will be better and better. 1) Why do students like learning English? -为什么学生喜欢学习英语?;2) Why I Like Learning English;-为什么我喜欢学英语;3) Self-study;-自学;4) How to achieve success of distance learning;-如何在远程学习中获得成功;5) My School life;-我的学校生活;6) my first year in college;-大学生活的第一年;7)


人物传记阅读命题素材:从超越自我到贡献大美叶廷芳:从超越自我到贡献大美 张焱刘亦凡 北京东二环附近一间不大的公寓内,叶廷芳一边研究着新拆封的助听器,一边笑言一见电子产品就畏惧。 虽已年近耄耋,双耳听力明显下降,又有糖尿病的困扰,但叶廷芳从未停下工作的脚步。他刚出差回京,在家中接受采访,仍身着整洁的条纹衬衫与笔挺的西裤,使人感受到一种知识分子的自持。 阳光投射在铺满整面墙壁的白色书架上,照亮叶廷芳大半生的积累与成果:文物、建筑、哲学、美学……而这一切的发端,都要追溯到二十世纪六七十年代,叶廷芳与以卡夫卡、迪伦马特为代表的现代主义德语文学的结缘。 结缘 1978年,叶廷芳在国内率先翻译了迪伦马特的戏剧代表作之一《物理学家》。 叶廷芳与德语文学的结缘,由来已久。 1961年,刚从北京大学西方语言文学系德语专业毕业的叶廷芳留任助教,三年后,又随恩师冯至从北大调任社科院外文所。 在外文所,叶廷芳第一次从内部发行刊物上读到了在当时被视为毒草的西方现代主义文学作品,这中间就包括卡夫卡和迪伦马特。 我看了这些‘颓废派’作品,觉得它们并不颓废啊,里头甚至还有些很健康的东西。对当时主流定性的怀疑,促使叶廷芳萌发了翻译、研究现代派作品的念头。 文革结束恢复工作以后,爱好诗歌的叶廷芳曾一度将德国诗人海涅作为研究重点,拟定了一份详细的提纲,请时任外文所所长的冯至给予指点。 冯至浏览提纲后,向叶廷芳传达了一个令他耳目一新的信息:时任社科院院长的胡乔木希望研究人员能研究一些新鲜的、没有研究过的问题,不要总是做研究的研究、死人的研究。 火花在叶廷芳的头脑中瞬间点燃:卡夫卡、迪伦马特对于大家来说不是比较生疏吗?大家对他们的作品甚至还有误解。他思忖再三,决定放弃从少年时代就钟情的诗歌领域,而小说与戏剧。 1978年,叶廷芳在国内率先翻译了迪伦马特的戏剧代表作之一《物理学家》,很快被上海的《外国文艺》发表,并迅速被上海戏剧学院采用,交给表演系毕业班排练、演出,引发了意想不到的良好效应。 而作为曾经的内部发行材料,卡夫卡的《变形记》已有了一个现成的李文俊译本,还需配介绍。叶廷芳花费两个月时间,洋洋洒洒挥就一万多字,将介绍与小说一起,发表在1979年的《世界文学》第一期上。 那时的《世界文学》刚刚复刊不久,发行量多达三十万份。叶廷芳的介绍立足于对卡夫卡的肯定,使许多人意识到过去饱受批判的现代派并非一无是处,因而引发了强烈的反响。 但是,刚从文革中走出的社会病去如抽丝,许多亟待变的观念尚需时日才能回到正轨。主管文艺工作的领导强调对现代派的研究要着重于艺术借鉴,对思想方面要慎重。 为此,叶廷芳又从美学角度出发,在《文艺研究》上发表了《西方现代艺术的探险者——论卡夫卡的艺术特征》一文,再次收获好评。他说:这篇文章至少让人感觉到卡夫卡是一位严肃的作家,所以并没有像我估计的那样至少会受到一部分人的批评。 经此一试,叶廷芳胆子就大起来了,开始将卡夫卡的作品向思想层面、存在主义哲学层面,并在此后的三十多年里,不断致力于德语文学的研究与翻译工作,后来还接任了冯至先生首创的德语文学研究会会长一职。

英文人物传记:a brief bibliography of Benjamin Franklin

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Live Wire, written by Janet & Geoff Benge. Benjamin Franklin was a printer, writer, inventor and scientist who made great contribution to the study of electric. He was also one of the most important politicians who laid the foundation of America. Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston. His family made a living by making soap and candles. When Ben was little his father decided that Ben should become a clergyman. He was sent to Boston Grammar School to learn Latin as the first part of his clergyman training when he was eight. Ben proved to be a good student with a quick mind. At that time he found a great love of reading. Later Ben?s father and uncle found that Ben did not like praying so much, so they changed the idea of training him to be a clergyman. Ben was then enrolled in George Brownwell? School to learn Writing and Arithmetic. Only one year later, Ben was withdrew out of school again. By then he had spent only two years in school. His parents thought it was time for him to start working in the family soap-and candle-making business. Ben hated making soap and candles, because he couldn?t get rid of the smell on his skin. Finally, after considering many other occupations, Ben became an apprentice in his brother James? print shop. He learned the business quickly and proved to be a good printer. He still carried a great love of books and he used to save his money for meals to buy books. One custom of the print shop Matthew Adams, who owned the biggest private library in Boston, offered Ben a chance to borrow books to read. That was a great pleasure to Ben, and he often read the book at night and sent it back in the morning. In 1721 James started publishing his own newspaper, the New England Courant. There were always scathing articles about the colonial government published and James got himself thrown into jail sometimes. Ben?s relationship with James didn?t go on smoothly, they had a massive problem on who should own the newspaper which finally lead Ben to think about working in another place. So he left without saying in September 1723. His trip leaving for another place wasn?t safe and sound, he headed for New York, but after finding no jobs in New York, he was recommended to Philadelphia. In the end he settled to work with a print shop belonged to Samuel Keimer. He boarded in Mr. and Mrs. Read?s house, where he fell in love with their daughter, Debby Read. One day governor Keith, who was an acquaintance to Ben?s brother-in-law Captain Robert Homes, came to see Ben, suggested that Ben should start his own print shop and guaranteed him all the government printing jobs for Pennsylvania and Delaware. Ben can?t help being excited about the idea. In 1724, Ben boarded a ship to England where he was supposed to get all the equipment he needed with Keith?s letter of credit and introduction, he was filled with hope when the ship arrived but he found that Keith had failed to give him all the letters he needed. He had no choice but to live on his own in London. By the time he saved enough money for a trip back, it was two years later. He learned a lot about life during this accidental trip. When he was finally back in Philadelphia, many things had changed. Debby, to whom he was engaged, had married a man with a bad reputation. Ben started his own print shop with the help of Hugh Meredith in 1728. He did all the lowly jobs himself due to a tight circulation of money. He began publishing his own newspaper Pennsylvania Gazette to rival the American Mercury. Debby?s husband left her perhaps for another wife, and in 1730, Debby and Ben started a family. With his print shop prospecting, there seemed to be a bright future ahead of him. Pennsylvania Gazette became a very popular newspaper and Ben started selling almanac Poor Richard’s Almanack written by himself. Slowly his family started to get rich. The next thing he thought about was to find a way to improve Philadelphia. He had already established a circulating library which lent books to the general public, and it had been a benefit to the society, and then he was thinking about paving the streets of Philadelphia. He wrote about the suggestions on his newspaper and paved one street as an example. Soon people found the advantages of paved streets and a bill was drafted to have the streets in the entire city paved, as well as lightened. After losing his second son Francis, he fell in great sorrow, and he threw himself into making Philadelphia better. He made a plan with the Philadelphia assembly to establish fire companies and police force. It turned out that his idea worked well. He kept on being useful. He invented a new stove that used less wood than before and it was more


英语人物传记作文格式 写英文字母要掌握正确笔顺,一起看看下面的英语人物传记作文格式,欢迎阅读哦! Rong is first world champion When China was hungry for their first world title to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China table tennis player Rong Guotuan made their dream come true. Rong became New China’s first world champion after he won the men’s singles title at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships, in former West Germany on April 5, 1959. Before the championships, the team had pinned their gold hopes on the men’s team. But their dream of a world team title was destroyed by the Hungarian team in the semifinal match, losing three games to five. After a chain of (一系列) unexpected defeats to Chinese favoured for the title, Rong carried the heavy hopes to make a breakthrough. Rong’s rival in the final was top Hungarian paddler Ferenc Sido.


人物传记范文 下面是准备的人物传记范文,希望能满足各位的阅读需求,内容看完后有所收获。 【人物传记范文一】 看人与看物的道路一样,有时需要变换角度重新审视自己,只看到自己的短处,认为自己处处不如别人,这样的心态只能使自己越来越自卑。换个角度看自己是我们需要掌握一种认识自己的好方法。 大科学家爱因斯坦小时候在课堂上做手工,老师要求每个学生做一只鸭子。全班学生纷纷把做出来的鸭子交给老师并得到老师的夸奖。唯有爱因斯坦迟迟才交他的手工活,老师看过之后高高举起,用嘲笑的口气对全班同学说:谁见过世界上比这更丑的鸭子吗?全班同学哄堂大笑。爱因斯坦站起来大声说:有,同学们。他从抽屉里拿出一只更丑的小鸭子高高举起,那就是我第一次做的鸭子。若爱因斯坦因老师和同学的嘲笑而自卑,永远抬不起头,他能成为一代科学家吗? 一个人总能在某一处胜过别人,而在这一处上又总会有更强的人胜过他。学会欣赏每个人会让你受益无穷。智者尊重每一个人,因为他知道人各有其长,也明白成事不易。傻瓜都鄙视他人,一半出于无知,一半因为他所中意的总是最差的。 人们说:上帝在为你关闭一扇窗户的同时,也必定为你开启了另一扇窗户;在失去一些东西的时候,必然会在另一方面得到升华。每一种才能都有与之相应的缺点,如果你屈服于它,它将像暴君一样统治你。推翻它的办法

是一开头就要看准究竟是什么样的缺点。要像那些因你的缺点而责备你的人那样注意它。你要成为自己的主人,就必须学会自省。一旦这主要的缺点投降了,所有其它不足都会随之而降。相信自己天生我才必有用也许在未来的某一天,你也是一颗闪闪发光的明星!! 【人物传记范文二】 童年的母亲 母亲出生在一个小村庄里,排行老四,上面有三个哥哥,因为母亲是家里的第一个女孩儿,所以倍受姥爷和姥姥的疼爱,他们兄妹几个一闹别扭,母亲总是沾光,直到家里增添了最后一个孩子,也就是我的姨妈,受宠的对象才转移。母亲小时家里日子也不算富裕,加上这么多兄弟姐妹,使本来就不富裕的家庭有了更大的压力,但是,一家人很团结,过的非常愉快。母亲很小就学会了帮家里分担家务,家里的小活她都抢着做,有时还跑到地里去拣豆子,捡来的小豆子回到家洗一洗,晚上一家人熬饭时放上,姥姥会表扬她几句,那时应该是她最高兴的时候。母亲从小就有个男孩子的性格,每次和伙伴玩农村特有的那种游戏时,她都是赢,我想也正是由此磨练出了她今后坚强不服输的品格。她和伙伴一起玩泥巴、爬树、摘果子,经常把裤子划破,为这没少挨了打。记得有一次,母亲放学和小伙伴们一起回家,看到别人家的枣树伸出了墙外,那又红又大的枣,怎能不让没吃过这些东西的农村孩子不眼馋?于是母亲首发治人站了出来,她让其他伙伴望风,自己则爬上墙去偷摘人家的枣,很迅速的爬上去之后,往院内一看,正发现女主人在上厕所,因为听到声音往外看,正看到墙头上的母亲,母亲这时已也正望见下面的女主人,当这两束不同的眼光相撞时,母亲一慌不小心从几米的墙头掉


【部编版八年级上册第二单元写作】 《学写传记》教案 教学目标: 知识与能力 掌握人物传记的基本特点和写法。 过程与方法 学会写简单的人物传记。 情感、态度与价值观 培养学生善于观察人物的能力,反映传记人物积极向上的优秀品格。 教学重点:学会写简单的人物传记。 教学难点:学会剪裁材料突出人物个性。 教学课时:2课时,第一课时重在写作指导,第二课时完成写作,集体评议。 教学过程: 一、什么是传记 传记是记述人物生平事迹的作品,一般由别人记叙;自述生平的,称为“自传”。 1.传记要求真实。凡是文中涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件等都必须是准确的,有时还要引用一些可靠的资料,保证叙述的真实可信。但是传记作者可以发挥想象,以填补事实的空隙,生动传神地表现人物。如《伟大的悲剧》,作者茨威格严格按照探险队留下的日记等材料还原斯科特等人的经历,又通过合理的想象,表现人物的内心世界与英雄气概。这样就使得人物形象跃然纸上,令读者过目不忘。 2.传记重视细节。要具体表现人物的言行,让人物“自行”展现他们的思想感情、性格特点。在《美丽的颜色》中,作者对居里夫人的描写并不多,只撷取几个细节,稍加点染,如“头发被风吹得飘起来”“轻轻地笑了笑”“身体前倾,热切地望着”等,却能表现出居里夫人从事科学工作的艰辛和独特的气质。 3.从小传入手。与一般的传记相比,小传的记述较简略,篇幅也较短,因此,作者往往把笔墨集中在传记主人的主要经历上,通过叙述一些典型事件,体现人物特点。如老舍先生的《著者略历》一文。 二、例文引路感受特色 母亲小传

生活中总会有一些人深深影响着我们。在我的生命中,那个影响我一生的人便是我的母亲。我特别爱在闲暇时缠着她,听她讲述过去的故事。 儿时轶事 我的母亲出生于××(填籍贯)。小的时候,家里还算富裕。但是因为那个时代孩子多,母亲又是大姐,所以她的童年自然就不太平静了。那还是一个重男轻女的年代,在乡下尤为严重,一般的家庭是不会让女孩子读书的,长到十岁左右就要下地干活。而母亲发誓要读书,于是凭着韧性,始终在学校名列前茅,老师也不断上门劝说,就这样坚持读完了初中,并以优异的成绩考入当地的一所重点高中。入学通知书已经下来,但是那年外公患病,家中困难。为了照顾年幼的弟弟妹妹,母亲毅然放弃了学业,年仅十五岁的母亲挑起了生活的重担。 创业艰辛 等到弟弟妹妹们都长大了,母亲决定进城找工作。因为学历只有初中毕业,母亲找到的也就只有保洁员,营业员等工作。尽管每天工作时间很长,但母亲很珍惜自己的工作,无论做啥事都不怕吃苦,干活又比一般人勤快,两年后便升职做到了推销经理,也就在这时,她认识了我的爸爸。他们彼此欣赏,互相照顾,于是一年后他们结婚了,第二年,又迎来了我的出生。 三口之家 母亲告诉我,她怀我时,父亲总是无微不至的照顾着她,后来干脆让母亲辞了工作,呆在家里休养。就这样在××年1 1月8日的下午,我出生了。 我的出生,给父母带来了前所未有的喜悦。母亲每天忙完了家务就对着什么也不懂的我,依依呀呀地说个不停,给我唱歌谣,讲故事,带着我做“体操”,忙的不亦乐乎。守着我一点一点地长长、长胖,兴奋地和下班回家的父亲讲我每一天的不同和进步,每一天都是那么的值得期待。她说这段时光是她最幸福的日子。 良师益友 渐渐的,我可以上幼儿园了,母亲又出去工作了。再后来,我读学前班了,开始有了学习任务。从此,母亲又多了一项使命:陪读。十几年来,她只要不上班,都会和我一起做功课,帮我复习;后来她感到实在没有能力辅导我了,就是默默地坐在我身边,看着我做功课,在我需要的时候陪我聊聊天、递一杯热茶。 当我埋怨同学不都是真诚善良时,开导我的是母亲,她说:“无论别人如何对你,你问心无愧就好。”当我在考试中失败了,鼓励和安慰我的也是母亲,她说“只要你尽力了,妈不怪你。“当我偶尔耍耍小性子冲母亲发火,她总是体谅地走到一边不理我,用行动逼迫我记住“生


英语人物传记精选作文例文 人物传记是通过对典型人物的生平、生活、精神等领域进行系统描述、介绍的一种文学作品形式。下面小编搜集了英语人物传记精选作文例文,供大家参考。 篇一:英语人物传记精选作文Zheng leaps into history In the winter of 1953, a powerful jump from a Chinese woman attracted world attention. Twenty-year-old Chinese athlete Zheng Fengrong shattered the women's high jump world record with a leap of 1.77 metres in a Beijing athletic meet on November 17, 1957. The new record, the first women's world record for the People's Republic of China, was one centimetre higher than the old mark held by American Mildred McDaniel . The jump also made Zheng the first Asian athlete to break a world track and field record since 1936. The record jump, although by a tiny margin, was described by the foreign media as "an explosive jump" because it generated China's first athletic world record. Dubbed " a spring swallow (燕子) awakening (唤醒了)Chinese sports, " Zheng sent a message to the world that China was Nolonger the "sick man of the East. "

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