当前位置:文档之家› 机械类毕业设计说明书范例









学号: 06124120



完成时间 2009 年 4 月 23 日


1、零件分析 (1)

1.1零件作用(产品简介) (1)

1.2零件的工艺分析 (2)

2、确定生产类型 (2)

3、确定毛胚 (2)

3.1确定毛胚种类 (2)

3.2确定锻件加工余量及形状 (3)

3.3绘制锻模零件图 (3)

4、工艺规程设计 (3)

4.1选择定位基准 (3)

4.2制定工艺路线 (3)

4.2.1 工序的划分 (4)

4.2.2 切削加工顺序的安排 (4)

5、切削用量的选择 (7)

6、夹具介绍及设计 (9)

6.1夹具的选择要求 (9)

6.2问题的提出 (10)

6.3夹具的设计 (11)

6.4夹具的加工 (11)

6.5夹具操作的简要说明 (11)

6.6螺纹心轴夹具的装配图 (11)

7、刀具的选择及成形刀介绍 (12)

7.1结构分析 (13)

7.2刀具的设计 (14)

7.3刀具的加工 (14)

8、量具的选择及量规的设计 (14)

8.1量规的设计原则及其结构 (15)

8.2量规的技术要求 (15)

8.3量规工作尺寸的计算 (16)

设计小结 (19)

参考文献 (20)









1.1 零件的作用(产品的简介)




表1 产品要求

产品代号WV20-A, 与c阀配合形成水路控制阀组。如图所示:

图1 产品实物

1.2 零件的工艺分析






缸体机械加工工艺设计 发动机缸体是发动机零件中结构较为复杂的箱体零件,其精度要求高,加工工艺复杂,并且加工加工质量的好坏直接影响发动机整个机构的性能,因此,它成为各个发动机生产厂家所关注的重点零件之一。 1.发动机缸体的工艺特点 缸体为一整体铸造结构,其上部有4个缸套安装孔;缸体的水平隔板将缸体分成上下两部分;缸体的前端面从到后排列有三个同轴线的凸轮轴安装孔和惰轮轴孔。 缸体的工艺特点是:结构、形状复杂;加工的平面和孔比较多;壁厚不均,刚度低;加工精度要求高,属于典型的箱体类加工零件。缸体的主要加工表面有顶面、主轴承侧面、缸孔、主轴承孔及凸轮轴孔等,它们的加工精度将直接影响发动机的装配精度和工作性能,主要依靠设备进度、工夹具的可靠性和加工工艺的合理性来保证。 2. 发动机缸体工艺方案设计原则和依据 设计工艺方案应在保证产品质量的同时,充分考虑生产周期、成本和环境保护;根据本企业能力,积极采用国内外先进的工艺技术和装备,不断提高企业工艺水平。发动机缸体机械加工工艺设计应遵循以下基本原则: (1)加工设备选型原则加工设备选型采用刚柔结合的原则,加工设备以卧式加工中心为主,少量采用立式加工中心,关键工序—曲轴孔、缸孔、平衡轴孔加工采用高精度高速卧式加工中心,非关键工序—上下前后四个平面的粗铣采用高效并有一定调整范围的专用机床加工; (2)集中工序原则关键工序—曲轴孔、缸孔、平衡轴孔的精加工缸盖结合面的精铣,采用在集中在一道工序一次装夹完成全部加工内容方案,以确保产品精度满足缸体关键品质的工艺性能和有关技术要求。 根据汽车发动机缸体的工艺特点和生产任务要求,发动机缸体机械加工自动生产线由卧式加工中心CWK500和CWK500D加工中心、专用铣/镗床、立式加工中心matec-30L等设备组成。 (1)顶底面及瓦盖止口面粗铣组合机床本机床为双面卧式专用铣床,采用移动工作台带动工件,机床采用进口西门子S7-200PLC系统控制,机床设独立电控柜,切削过程自动化完成,有自动和调整两种状态; (2)高速卧式加工中心CWK500 该加工中心可实现最大流量的湿加工,但由于设备自动排屑处理系统是通过位于托盘下的内置宽式排屑器而完成,该加工中心可以进行干加工;机床主轴转速6000r/min,快速进给速度38m/min; (3)前后端面粗铣组合机床机床采用液压传动;控制系统采用进口西门子S7-200PLC系统控制,机床具有一定的柔性; (4)采用机床TXK1500 本机床有立式加工中心改造而成形,具备立式加工中心的特点及性能,该机床具有高精度、高强度、高耐磨度、高稳定性、高配置等优点; (5)高速立式加工中心matec-30L 该加工中心主轴最高转速9000 r/min。控制系统采用西门子公司SINUMERIK840D控制系统 (6)高速卧式加工中心CWK500D 主轴最高转速15000 r/min。 3. 发动机缸体机械加工工艺设计的主要内容 发动机缸体结构复杂,精度要求高,尺寸较大,是薄壁零件,有若干精度要


XXX 大 学 (空一格,行距:单倍行距) (空四格,行距:单倍行距) 题 目: 女性时尚高跟鞋系列设计 学 院: 美术学院 专业、年级: 艺术设计专业2007级 3 班(产品造型方向) 姓 名: 学 号: 指 导 教师: 职称: 完 成 时间: 年 月 日

声明 本人声明所呈交的设计作品及论文是本人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得成都大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 本设计及论文成果是本人在成都大学读书期间在指导教师指导下取得的,设计及论文成果归成都大学所有,特此声明。 学生签名: 指导教师签名:

具、装饰物品或日常生活用品都带有色彩。因此要对他们进行统一,使他们能在同一色调上进行细微的变化,达到和谐的效果。色彩的运用会受到人的年龄、性别等各种因素的影响,而人的心理感受及联想与色彩的关系问题也是息息相关的。色彩还能造成不同的空间感,每个房间都不可能单独存在一种色调,不同的区域对色彩的要求也不一样。房间布置时应选择适合的“快乐”色彩,会有助于下班回到家里后松弛紧张的神经,觉客厅、卧室,有时也会因居住者秉性不同而有差异。 (空一格) :色彩;空间;心理;关系

utilization (空一行) room places the furniture, the decoration goods or the daily life thing all have the color. Therefore must carry on the unification to them, enables them to carry on the slight change in the identical tone, achieves the harmonious effect. The color utilization can receive human's age, the sex and so on each kind of factor influence, but human's psychological feeling and the association and the color relational question also is closely linked.The color also can create the different sense of space, each room is all impossible alone to have one kind of tone, the different region is dissimilar to the color request. When room arrangement should choose suitably “joyful” the color, can be helpful after gets off work gets in the home to relax the tense nerve, thought the relaxation is comfortable.The different room function is different, the color should not be same; Is the same function room, like is similarly the living difference differently. (空一格) Color ;Space ;


1)钢管捆扎自动码垛成型机设计(行车水平运动部分)(科研,需下厂) 2)钢管捆扎自动码垛成型机设计(垂直吊装部分)(科研,需下厂) 3)钢管成型输送机设计(科研,需下厂) 4)钢管捆扎自动码垛成型机设计(自动上料部分)(科研,需下厂) 5)铜棒料加热自动排放料装置设计(企业项目,需下厂) 6)氮化炉及炉门开关设计(企业项目,需下厂) 7)台车炉及料架进出装置设计(企业项目,需下厂) 8)网带炉进料装置设计(企业项目,需下厂) 9)大棒料冷进热出装置设计(企业项目,需下厂) 10)生物质颗粒造粒机设计(企业项目,需下厂) 11)秸秆打包机设计(企业项目,需下厂) 12)成型金属板工件的装卸设备(98) 13)薄壁管切割机设计(87) 14)物料(固液两相)灌装机(传动部分)设计 15)冲压回转定位装置设计 16)油缸装配机设计 17)磨料成型机设计 18)钢筋切断机的设计 19)搅拌磨设计 20)弯管机设计 21)旋转盘造粒机设计 22)螺旋输送泵设计 23)皮带机拉紧装置设计 24)振动输送机设计 25)板料输送机设计 26)轮毂抛光机设计 27)车床进给系统数控化改造 28)隔膜泵设计 29)升降横移式立体停车库设计 30)高空作业车设计 31)直线式不干胶贴标机设计 32)水仓清理机设计 33)缸筒加工专用机设计 34)提升机制动装置设计 35)四孔钻床设计 36)液压推车机设计 37)拉伸压缩试验机设计 38)电动绞车设计 39)工件输送机设计 40)筛沙机设计 41)法兰焊接机设计 42)型钢支架整形机设计 43)机械手直线运动液压系统的的设计 44)自动跟踪太阳智能型太阳能系统设计


密级:内部锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计 Zinc alloy command box body pressure molding design 院系:机械系 专业/班级:机械设计制造及其自动化0703班 学号:220072725 学生姓名:毕夺 指导教师:潘思伟(高级讲师) 2011 年 6 月

题目:锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计 评语: 评语: 指导教师:(签字) 时间: 指导教师:(签字) 时间:

题目:锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计 毕业设计(论文)答辩成绩评定 机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业设计(论文)第答辩委员会于 2011 年 6 月日审阅了 0703班级毕夺学生的毕业设计(论文),听取了该生的报告,并进行了答辩。 设计(论文)题目:锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计 设计(论文)说明书共页,设计图纸张。 毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会意见: 经答辩委员会无记名投票表决,通过同学本科毕业设计(论文)答辩。 根据学校相关规定,经答辩委员会认定,该生的毕业设计(论文)成绩为。 机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会 主任委员


摘要 本文介绍了锌合金指挥盒体压铸模设计的全部过程及压铸工艺参数的设计依据,通过全面的分析和精确的计算,设计出一套可用于生产实践的压铸模,从中得出设计方法对今后其它类型件的压铸模设计也有一定的参考价值。本压铸模的特点是四面侧抽芯,侧浇口浇注系统。通过对产品图的分析,确定方案。首先确定浇注系统,排溢系统和分型面。有几个方案中选出最适合本铸件的。此过程中考虑到避免铸件产生缺陷、提高铸件的质量的问题。然后计算型腔,型芯尺寸,进行压铸模结构的设计。再次进行推出复位机构的设计,在这些工作完成之后,要考虑的是压铸模的技术要求,其中包括总装要求和零件图要求。 目前,模具的设计特别是压铸模的设计在现代化制造行业起着越来越重要的作用,压铸是高效益、高效益,很有发展前途的铸造方法,在高科技的不断推动下,压铸必将进一步扩大其应用范围,在国民经济发展中必将发挥出越来越大的作用。与其他方法相比,它具有尺寸精度高,强度高,表面粗糙硬度高,能压铸复杂的薄壁零件,同时,生产率极高,可以省略大量的机加工。 本文分析了锌合金指挥盒体在设计过程中的工艺性和工艺方案,同时也阐述了在设计时应注意的一些原则性问题。在整个设计过程中以性能为中心,以降低成本为导向,以简化结构为基点,体现了原则性与灵活性的完美结合。 关键词:压铸模;工艺参数;工艺性 I



外文原文 Options for micro-holemaking As in the macroscale-machining world, holemaking is one of the most— if not the most—frequently performed operations for micromachining. Many options exist for how those holes are created. Each has its advantages and limitations, depending on the required hole diameter and depth, workpiece material and equipment requirements. This article covers holemaking with through-coolant drills and those without coolant holes, plunge milling, microdrilling using sinker EDMs and laser drilling. Helpful Holes Getting coolant to the drill tip while the tool is cutting helps reduce the amount of heat at the tool/workpiece interface and evacuate chips regardless of hole diameter. But through-coolant capability is especially helpful when deep-hole microdrilling because the tools are delicate and prone to failure when experiencing recutting of chips, chip packing and too much exposure to carbide’s worst enemy—heat. When applying flood coolant, the drill itself blocks access to the cutting action. “Somewhere about 3 to 5 diam eters deep, the coolant has trouble getting down to the tip,” said Jeff Davis, vice president of engineering for Harvey Tool Co., Rowley, Mass. “It becomes wise to use a coolant-fed drill at that point.” In addition, flood coolant can cause more harm than good when microholemaking. “The pressure from the flood coolant can sometimes snap fragile drills as they enter the part,” Davis said. The toolmaker offers a line of through-coolant drills with diameters from 0.039" to 0.125" that are able to produce holes up to 12 diameters deep, as well as microdrills without coolant holes from 0.002" to 0.020". Having through-coolant capacity isn’t enough, though. Coolant needs to flow at a rate that enables it to clear the chips out of the hole. Davis recommends, at a minimum, 600 to 800 psi of coolant pressure. “It works much better if you have higher pressure than that,” he added. To prevent those tiny coolant holes from becoming clogged with debris, Davis also recommends a 5μm or finer coolant filter. Another recommendation is to machine a pilot, or guide, hole to prevent the tool from wandering on top of the workpiece and aid in producing a straight hole. When applying a pilot drill, it’s important to select one with an included angle on its point that’s equal t o or larger than the included angle on the through-coolant drill that follows.


学号:[单击此处键入] 毕业设计说明书 G RADUATE D ESIGN 设计题目:[单击此处键入设计中文题名] —[单击此处继续键入副题名或删除此提示]学生姓名:[单击此处键入] 专业班级:[单击此处键入] 学院:[单击此处键入] 指导教师:[导师姓名][职称]


摘要 随着互联网在国际上迅猛的发展,基于互联网的各种应用也日益受到人们的重视,特别是现代远程教育得到了巨大的发展。基于Web的考试系统正是在这种形势下应运而生的。尽管传统的考试形式应用还非常普遍,但伴随着远程教学的推广普及,作为远程教学系统子系统的在线考试系统呼之欲出。 …… (中文摘要约300汉字) 关键词考试系统;自动组卷;题库;遗传算法

Abstract With the rapid development of Internet in the international, more and more web-based applications were increasingly subject to people's attention in recent years, and the modern distance education tremendous development. The web-based examination system is emerged in such a situation. Although the traditional form of examination is also very common, with the expansion and universality of distance learning, the online examination system come into being as a subsystem of distance learning system. Automatic Test Paper is a crucial part in the examination system. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, this issue a growing number of scientists concerned. Automatic Test Paper is the real follow a strategy of topics, and select a group of questions from the questions, makes them all the properties are within a certain range by volume to meet the expectations index. The core of the problem is multi-target strategy of choice. The design of database is also a very important part in the examination system, and the design of database is good or bad will directly affect the effectiveness of automatic Test Paper. This paper designs and implements an on-line examination system, and its functions include on-line examinations, test management and maintenance, automatic Test Paper, Grade examination papers and grade point, seeing results and information management features such as students etc. It focuses on the automatic Test Paper algorithm and the


实用标准文档 黄冈职业技术学院 毕业设计 课题名称:设计螺旋传输机传动装置中的一级圆柱齿轮减速器 系别机电工程系 专业机电一体化 班级机电动机200702班 姓名杨国志 学号200703011211 指导教师李杰老师

目录 第1章、总述 (5) 一、机械设计基础毕业设计的目的 (5) 二、机械设计基础毕业设计的内容 (6) 三、机械设计基础毕业设计的要求 (6) 第2章、传动装置的总体设计 (7) 一、减速箱的工作原理 (7) 二、电动机的选择 (8) 三、计算总传动比及分配各级的传动比 (10) 四、运动参数及动力参数计算 (10) 第3章、传动零件的设计计算 (12) 一、带轮传动的设计计算 (12) 二、带轮的安装与维护 (15) 第4章、轴的设计计算 (16) 一、从动轴的设计计算 (16) 二、从动轴校核轴受力图 (19) 第5章、滚动轴承的选择及校核计算 (22) 一、从动轴滚动轴承的设计 (22)

二、主动轴滚动轴承的设计 (23) 第6章、键联接的选择及校核计算 (24) 一、从动轴与齿轮配合处的键 (24) 二、主动轴与齿轮配合处的键 (26) 第7章、润滑的选择 (27) 第8章、联轴器及轴承盖的选择 (29) 一、联轴器的选择 (29) 二、轴承盖的选择 (29) 第9章、减速器箱体和附件设计 (30) 一、减速器箱体: (30) 二、附件设计: (32) 小结 (35) 参考文献 (37)

摘要 本次毕业课题设计中的减速机选择的是非标准减速器。一级圆柱齿轮减速机是位于原动机和工作机之间的机械传动装置。机器常由原动机、传动装置和工作机三部分组成。合理的传动方案不仅应满足工作机的性能要求,而且还要工作可靠、结构简单紧凑加工方便、成本低、传动效率高以及使用和维护方便。 关键词:传动装置箱体齿轮低速轴 Abstract The subject of design graduates choose non-standard gear reducer. A cylindrical gear reducer is located between the prime mover and working machine mechanical transmission device. Machines often the original motivation, transmission and work machine of three parts. Sound transmission programs should not only meet the performance requirements of the work machine, but also reliable operation, simple structure, compact and easy processing, low cost, high transmission efficiency, as well as easy to use and maintain. Key words: low-speed gear box gear shaft


附录一英文科技文献翻译 英文原文: Experimental investigation of laser surface textured parallel thrust bearings Performance enhancements by laser surface texturing (LST) of parallel-thrust bearings is experimentally investigated. Test results are compared with a theoretical model and good correlation is found over the relevant operating conditions. A compari- son of the performance of unidirectional and bi-directional partial-LST bearings with that of a baseline, untextured bearing is presented showing the bene?ts of LST in terms of increased clearance and reduced friction. KEY WORDS: ?uid ?lm bearings, slider bearings, surface texturing 1. Introduction The classical theory of hydrodynamic lubrication yields linear (Couette) velocity distribution with zero pressure gradients between smooth parallel surfaces under steady-state sliding. This results in an unstable hydrodynamic ?lm that would collapse under any external force acting normal to the surfaces. However, experience shows that stable lubricating ?lms can develop between parallel sliding surfaces, generally because of some mechanism that relaxes one or more of the assumptions of the classical theory. A stable ?uid ?lm with su?cient load-carrying capacity in parallel sliding surfaces can be obtained, for example, with macro or micro surface structure of di?erent types. These include waviness [1] and protruding microasperities [2–4]. A good literature review on the subject can be found in Ref. [5]. More recently, laser surface texturing (LST) [6–8], as well as inlet roughening by longitudinal or transverse grooves [9] were suggested to provide load capacity in parallel sliding. The inlet roughness concept of Tonder [9] is based on ??e?ective clearance‘‘ reduction in the sliding direction and in this respect it is identical to the par- tial-LST concept described in ref. [10] for generating hydrostatic e?ect in high-pressure mechanical seals. Very recently Wang et al. [11] demonstrated experimentally a doubling of the load-carrying capacity for the surface- texture design by reactive ion etching of SiC


第一章塑件分析 1.1塑件结构分析 图1-1 塑件结构图 此制品是消声器上盖,现实生活中经常看到用到,是一个非常实际的产品。且生产纲领为:中批量生产,所以我们采用注射模具注射成型。 1.2 成型工艺性分析[1] 塑件材料为尼龙,因塑件用在空压机内,表面无光洁度要求。具有良好的力学性能,其抗冲击强度比一般的塑料有显著的提高,具有良好的消音效果和自润滑性能。密度1.15 g/cm3, 成型收缩率:0.4~0.7%,平均收缩率为0.55%。 第二章确定模具结构

2.1模具结构的确定 塑料模具的种类很多,大体上分为:二板模,三板模,热流道模。 二板模缺点是浇口痕迹明显,产生相应的流道废料,不适合高效生产。本模具选择二板模其优点是二板模结构简单,制作容易,成本低,成型周期短。 支撑板 分型面 定模侧 动模侧 图2.1 典型的二板模结构 模架为非标准件 定模座板: 400*200*25mm 定模板: 315*200*40mm 动模板: 315*200*32mm 支承板: 315*200*25mm 推秆固定板:205*200*15mm 推板: 205*200*20mm 模脚: 50*200*60mm 动模座板 400*200*25mm 2.2确定型腔数目 2.2.1塑件体积的计算 a. 塑件体积的计算 体积为:

V a = S a ×L a =(37×35-8×25)×10-(33×36-10.5×25) ×8 =12.60cm 3 b.计算塑件的重量 根据《塑料模具设计手册》查得密度ρ取1.12g/cm 3 所以,塑件单件的重量为:m=ρV =12.60?1.12 =14.11g 浇注系统的体积为:主流道+分流道+浇口=(6280+376.8*2+12*2)/1000 ≈7.05 cm 3 粗略计算浇注系统的重量:7.05*1.12=7.90g ≈8.0g(含有冷料穴料重) 总重量:14.11*2+8.0=36.22g 2.2.2 模具型腔数目的确定 模具型腔的数目决定了塑件的生产效率和模具的成本,确定模具型腔的方法也有许多种,大多数公司采用“按经济性确定型腔的数目”。根据总成型加工费用最小的原则,并忽略准备时间和试生产原料的费用,仅考虑模具费用和成型加工费,则模具费用为 21C nC Xm += 式中Xm ——模具费用,元; 1C ——每一个型腔的模具费用,元 2C ——与型腔数无关的费用,元。 成型加工费用为 n Y N X t j 60= 式中j X ——成型加工费用,元 N ——需要生产塑件的总数; t Y ——每小时注射成型的加工费,元/h ;n ——成型周期,min 。 总的成型加工费用为n Y N C nC X X X t j m 6021++=+= 为了使成型加工费用最小,令 0=dn dX ,则 n=2 上式为按经济性确定型腔数目为2。考虑到模具成型零件和抽芯结构的设计,模具

机械类毕业设计(论文完整版模板) (3)

本科毕业论文(设计) 机械设计制造及其自动化 *** 20**1*00** 专业名称机械设计制造及其自动化申请学士学位所属学科工科 指导教师姓名、职称(教授) 20 年月日

摘要 摘要 多层热压机是生产胶合板、刨花板、中密度纤维板等人造板的主要设备。目前设备制造厂生产的热压机已基本定型,为了改进热压机的结构性能和降低制造成本,本文主要对五层侧压式热压机结构进行了设计,并对热压机的重要部件下托板的结构、强度和刚度进行了设计分析和计算,使下托板在结构上更加合理,降低了材料和能源消耗,提高了生产率。设计主要结合现有的设计理念,在符合设计要求的前提下,设计时热压机的机架整体上主要采用了钢板焊接闭式结构,这种结构制造方便无需大型加工设备,并且,选材主要使用了工字钢、角钢等常用材料,使用钢板焊接的加工工艺,因而,生产工艺性较好,一般机械厂均能制造。设计中主要使用了CAD、Pro\E等工程制图软件,使用了Pro\E软件进行受力分析。 关键词:侧压式,热压机,结构设计,受力分析 I

Abstract Abstract The multi-layered hot press is the production plywood, the shaving board, building board and so on density fiberboard major installations. At present the equipment factory production's hot press has finalized basically, to improve hot press's structure performance and reduce the production cost, this article mainly has carried on the design to five side thrust type hot press structure, and to hot press's important part under carrier's structure, the intensity and the rigidity has carried on the project analysis and calculates, causes the carrier to be more reasonable in the structure, reduced the material and the energy consumption, raised the productivity. The design main union existing design idea, in conforms to under the design requirements premise, in the design in press's rack whole has mainly used the steel plate welding closed type rack, this kind of structure manufacture convenience does not need the large-scale processing equipment, and, the selection has mainly used the I-steel, the angle steel and so on commonly used material, uses processing craft which the steel plate welds, thus, the production technology capability is good, generally the machine shop can make. In the design has mainly used CAD, engineering drawing soft wares Pro \ E and so on, used the software Pro \ E to carry on the stress analysis. Key words: lateral pressure type, thermal-pressing machine, structural design, stress analysis II


Automobile Brake System汽车制动系统 The braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes. Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake. The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set. The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the c ar. The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure). Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.


MCB – Industrial Robot Feature Article The BarrettHand grasper – programmably flexible part handling and assembly Abstract This paper details the design and operation of the BarrettHand BH8-250, an intelligent, highly flexible eight-axis gripper that reconfigures itself in real time to conform securely to a wide variety of part shapes without tool-change interruptions. The grasper brings enormous value to factory automation because it: reduces the required number and size of robotic workcells (which average US$90,000 each – not including the high cost of footprint) while boosting factory throughput; consolidates the hodgepodge proliferation of customized gripper-jaw shapes onto a common programmable platform; and enables incremental process improvement and accommodates frequent new-product introductions, capabilities deployed instantly via software across international networks of factories. Introduction This paper introduces a new approach to material handling, part sorting, and component assembly called “grasping”, in which a single reconfigurable grasper with embedded intelligence replaces an entire bank of unique, fixed-shape grippers and tool changers. To appreciate the motivations that guided the design of Barrett’s grasper, we must explore what is wrong with robotics today, the enormous potential for robotics in the future, and the dead-end legacy of gripper solutions. For the benefits of a robotic solution to be realized, programmable flexibility is required along the entire length of the robot, from its base, all the way to the target workpiece. A robot arm enables programmable flexibility from the base only up to the Industrial Robot: An International Journal by William T. Townsend

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