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上外版大学英语听说第三册听力原文及答案Unit 1 Reservations

Part A

Exercise 1

1. M: I’d like to book a double room with bath for four nights.

W: Sorry, sir. We’re full up. Can I recommend the Park Hotel to you? It is quite near here.

Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do?

2. M: I’d like to see Mr. Jones this afternoon, please.

W: I’m sorry but Mr. Jones will be busy the whole afternoon. Can

you manage at 10:30 tomorrow morning?

Q: What does the woman say to the man?

3. W: Can I book two tickets for the show “42nd Street” on Sunday night, Oct. 31st?

M: Sorry, madam. All the tickets on that night are sold out. But tickets are available for Nov.3rd.

Q: When can the woman see the show?

4. M: I’d like to reserve two tickets on Flight 6051 to Edinburgh,

for October 20th.

W: Sorry, Sir. We’re booked up on the 20th .But we still have a few seats available on the 21st.

Q: When does the man want to leave for Edinburgh?

5. W: Garden Restaurant. May I help you?

M: Can you make arrangements for a table for six at eight this evening? In a quiet corner, please.

Q: What does the man want to do?

Keys: 1-5 a c d a d

Exercise 2

W: Hello. Dazhong Taxi Company.

M: Hello. Can I book a taxi to the West Lake Hotel, Hangzhou? W: Sure. What time?

M: 9 o’clock tomorrow mornin g.

W: Your address, please?

M: Room 1008, Peace Hotel.

W: And your name?

M: Jack Smith.

W: OK, Mr Smith.

M: Thank you.

W: Not at all.

Keys: Jack Smith Rm 1008.Peach Hotel 9 tomorrow morning West Lake Hotel, Hangzhou

Part B

Conversation 1

I’d lik e to make a reservation

Operator: Glory Inn, Atlanta.

Paul: Hi, this is Paul Lambert. I’m the manager of the band Country Boys. You know, the rock band from

Chicago. I want …

Operator: Please hold, Mr. Lambert. I’m putting your through to the reservati on manager. Paul: But …

Manager: Mr. Lambert? This is Laurie Perry, the hotel manager. Paul: Oh, yeah? Well, I need five rooms for Friday night. That’s the 15th. I want the best room in the hotel. Manager: Sorry, I’m afraid I cannot accept your reservation.

Paul: Now look, we always stay at the Glory Inn…

Manager: I know that, Last time you were here, we had a number of complaints from other guests.

Paul: You mean they don’t like long-haired rock musicians Manager: That’s not the problem, sir. The band used bad language in the coffee shop, and threw two TV sets into the


Paul: Yeah, yeah. Well, I’11 tell them to be more careful this time. Manager: I’m afraid that’s not all, sir. You haven’t paid the account for the last time yet。

Paul: I’m sorry.I’ll put a check in the mail right away

Manager: Please do.

Paul: So, what about our reservation for Friday? Manager: I’11 answer that very simply, sir, No way! Keys: Exercise 1: 1-5 a c a b a Exercise 2: 1. five rooms in total ?

rooms on the top floor ?

the best rooms in the hotel ?

2. They damaged the hotel’s property. ?

They talked rudely in the coffee shop. ?

They did not pay the account when they left the hotel. ?

Conversation 2

Marcel Always Does My Hair M: Good morning. Unisex Hairdresser’s.

W: Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment, please, for three o’clock this afternoon, with Marcel. M: Let me see ... I’m sorry Marcel’s busy at three. Can you suggest another day, madam? W: No.

I’ve an important meeting to attend tonight and I mu st have my hair done before five. So how about 3:30? M: I’m afraid Marcel is busy all afternoon.

W: What a nuisance!

M: I’m terribly sorry, madam. But you should always book well in advance. W: I know. I know. But it’s short notice for

me, too.

W: OK, then. What time will he be available? M: Then may I suggest Tom O’Neil? He is just as good as Marcel.

W: But Marcel always does my hair. He knows what style I usually wear. M: But everybody says Tom can quickly figure

out the best style for a particular customer. M: Er... actually he is busy all afternoon too. But luckily, one of his customers has just called to cancel her appointment.

So if you can be here at 2:45, I can fit you in. You’ll be his

first customer this afternoon.

W: That would be nice the n. Thank you. You’re really very helpful. M: You’re welcome.

Keys: Exercise 1: 1-5 b a d c a

Exercise 2: 1. He is the woman’s favorite hairdresser. ?

He has an appointment with another customer. ?

He is a popular hairdresser at the Unisex Hairdresser. ?

2. Tom is just as good as Marcel. ?

Tom can quickly figure out the best style for a particular customer. ?

Tome has never done the woman’s hair before. ?

Unit 2 Animals and pets

Part A

Exercise 1

Passage 1

Dear Sir,

I’m writing to say how shocke d I am by the amount of money that people in Britain spend on their pets.

A recent article in your newspaper informed us that last year Britons spent 660 million pounds on dog food and 516 million pounds on food for their cats.

Are we completely mad? Every day on TV we see pictures of people who have no food at all. A few pounds would buy them food for a week. Even in Britain there are many people without work and homes. A little money

could make a big difference to them couldn’t it? But it seems that in Britain animals come first. Perhaps it is time to think again.

Yours faithfully,

Ms D.Walker

Passage 2

One of the main complaints of the city residents in the United States is the number of homeless cats and dogs. It has been estimated that more than 31 million cats and dogs are wandering through the streets of the cities. Each year about a fifth of these animals are destroyed. A survey of 41 cities reports that as much as 15 million dollars is spent to capture and kill those animals every year. One city alone, Chicago, spends one million dollars a year to control its animal population. On the other hand, though you can find quite a lot of cats and dogs wandering in New York, the city government can’t find any money for animal population control.

Keys: a, b

Exercise 2

1. Mrs. Bush had been giving her students a very long and not very interesting lecture to animals. When she

finished, she decided to ask a few questions. She started off with this question. “Now, Tommy, tell me where

elephants are found.”

Tommy hadn’t done much listening, but he pretended to be clever, saying, “Elephants are such big animals that

they hardly ever get lost.”

2. An angry customer went back to the pet shop and said to the owner, “The cat you sold me is absolutely useless!”

The owner looked at the cat and said, “What’s wrong with it? It looks perfectly all right to me.” The customer

became furious and said, “When you sold it to me you promised it would be a good cat for mice. Yet every time

it sees a mouse it runs away and hides.” The owner smiled and said, “Well, isn’t that a good cat for mice?”

Part B


Choosing a Pet

Attendant: Hello. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. I’m looking for a pet for my son. Can you suggest anything?

Attendant: What kind of pet does he want? A traditional pet,a cat or a dog? Or something unusual?

Customer: Well, He’d like a snake or an alligator, but he isn’t going to get one.

Attendant: We have a nice dog right now ,a Rottweiler!

Customer: A Rottweiler! Oh, no! I’ve heard ab out them on the news. They’re very big and mean.

Attendant: Oh, no, ma’am .They weren’t as mean as some dogs.

Customer: Really?

Attendant: Yes, really. Last week we had a small dog here. It was only as big as your purse, but it was as mean as the

devil. It bit me three times!

Customer: Let’s forget dogs, then.

Attendant: What about a cat?

Customer: A cat. Hmm … They aren’t as friendly as dogs, are they?

Attendant: No, but they don’t eat as much as dogs either. And they’re very clean.

Customer: Hmm…

Attendant: What about a bird then? A parrot or a parakeet. We have both.

Customer: Which do you recommend?

Attendant: Well, parakeets aren’t as easy to train, and they never speak as well as parrots. Customer: Yes, but parakeets don’t need as much space as parrots, do they?

Attendant: That’s true. Parakeets are very popular because they are so easy to keep.

Customer: Yes, but they’re a little noisy, aren’t they? I want a quiet pet.

Attendant: A quiet pet? Well, what about a goldfish? There’s nothing quiet as a goldfish.

Keys: Exercise 1: 1-5 c d b d

Exercise 2: A Rottweiler: big, mean

A cat: clean, less than a dog, friendly

A parrot: more

A parakeet: Easy to keep, less, parrot, a little noisy

A gold fish: Quiet


Dog Plays “Mother” to Tige r Cubs

People at a zoo in China have used a dog named Balu to play mother

to three newborn Siberian tigers.

The newborn tigers of the Shanghai Wild Animal Park, including one male and two females were abandoned by their mother. They were very much in need of being breast-fed and the zoo called for Balu.

The first time the 7-year-old bitch acted as a tiger’s mother was five years ago when a Siberian tiger became too

sick and weak to feed her four babies and the park had to place an advertisement for a replacement.

Since then the animal owned by a farmer from Nanhui has been asked

to play mother for 12 tiger cubs on four occasions.

Officials from the park came calling for her services two months ago shortly after she had given birth to her own two


Park spokesman Su Feilong recalled: “She was very strong at first sight. Though the tiger cubs were much bigger than her, she regarded them as her own children and fed them wholeheartedly.”

Balu has now takes to breast-feeding both her own and “adopted” babies, according to Shanghai Daily.

Mr Su told the paper: “She is a loving mother, especially to those tigers. When those naughty cubs fought against her own puppies, she never got angry with them but tried to make them quiet with a gentle hug.”

Keys: Exercise 1: 1-4 c b a c

Exercise 2: 1. 12-year-old bitch from a farmer’s family.

2. two puppies just two months ago

3. for 12 tiger cubs since 5 years ago.

4. strong but she is smaller than the cubs.

5. enough milk for her own babies and the baby tigers.

6. her own children and takes good care of them.

Unit 3 Age

Part A

1. I’m Emi. My husband is going to be forty at the weekend. It’s a special birthday, and in England we say, “Life

begins at 40.” he is going to have a big party with all his fri ends and relatives, but he doesn’t know that .It is going to

be a surprise. What am I going to give my husband? I can’t say. That is a surprise, too.

st2. My name is Elena. I live in Madrid, Spain. My 21 birthday is on Saturday, and I am going to go out with some

friends. To wish me a happy birthday, they are going to pull on my ear 21 times, once for each year. It is an old

custom. Some people do it only once, but my friends are very traditional. 3. My name is Philippe. I am going to be 30 next Sunday. To make the most of the day I’ll invite three very good

friends out to dinner. In France, you often invite people out on

your birthday. I know that in some countries it is the

opposite----people take you out.

Keys: 1. To throw a surprise party for his 40th birthday.

2. Pulling on the birthday person’s ear 21 times.

3. To invite three very good friends out to dinner.

Part B

Conversation 1

You sure don’t look it

Amy: Wow, it is hard to believe you are 60 years old, Sophie. You

sure don’t look it.

Brian: Yeah, you seem so much younger---- and have more energy than most people I know my age. Sophie: Thank you, you are sweet, Brian. And I must say, I don’t feel 60, either. I guess staying active is the key , and

being positive.

Brian: Hmmm, I wonder what we will be doing when we are your age?

Amy: It is difficult to imagine what I will be doing ten years from now---- let alone when I am 60. Brian: You, Amy? Ten years from now?

That is easy. You will be a successful doctor and you will be running

two or

three large clinics.

Sophie: And you will have already discovered a cure for some

terrible disease. Amy: By the time I am 30? Oh, not likely-----but I do kind of like the idea. Sophie: What about you, Brian? What do you think you will be doing in ten years? Do you think you will still be working for the same company?

Brian: hmm, good question. Actually, I doubt it. May be I will have started my own business by then. Hey, I know… I

will own a chain of computer stores. How does that sound?

Amy: And you will have opened branch stores in every major city in the country. Brian: I like this idea.

Sophie: That is being very positive.

Amy: Right, we can all dream, Brian.

Keys: Exercise 1: 1-5 d c d c

Exercise 2: Amy: A successful doctor; 2 or 3 large clinics; a cure for some terrible disease

Brian: his own business; a chain of computer stores; branch stores in every major city

in the country

Conversation 2

Do you mind if I ask you how old you are?

M: Do you mind if I ask how old you are?

W: Actuall y, I’d rather not say. But put it the way, I am on the wrong side of 30. M: Is that a good age to be?

W: Um, yes, pretty good. But it is a lot older than 25, which is how old I feel. M: What is life like when you are in your thirties?

W: Well, not very different from my twenties except that I am seriously thinking of buying more expensive face creams, and wondering if they really work.

M: What do you think is the best age to be ?

W: I think between 25 and 30 is a good age , because you have kind of sorted out what you want and you know how to

get it and you have got some experience of trying to get it. At the age you don’t know think about the consequences

of what you do whereas when you are a bit older you do tend to worry about the consequences. M: So do you wish you were still 25?

W: No, I am happy at the age I am now. I mean I had a good time in my twenties, but I wouldn’t necessarily want to

relive them.

M: I see.

Keys: Exercise 1: 1-5 c b a d c

Exercise 2: 1. She is on the wrong side of 30/over 30.

2. Yes. It’s pretty good.

3. 25

4. Between 25 and 30. Because by then you know what you want with life and how to get it.

5. They tend to be worried about consequences of what they do.

6. She had a good time but she wouldn’t necessarily want t o relive it.

7. No. She’s happy at her age now.

Unit 4 Personal budgets

Part A

Exercise 1

1. W: To be honest, I always seem to run out of money toward the end of the year.

M: Well, you should follow a month-by-month plan.

2. M: I am really having trouble with money lately.

W: Have you thought about the Financial Aid Office? A lot of

students go there when they are in financial trouble.

3. M: Emi, I am sorry to say that I can’t make ends meet this month.

W: I don’t think it would be a problem if yo u cut down on the discs you buy.

th4. W: My goodness! It is only 15, but I have almost spent all my monthly income.

M: You should start living within your means.

5 W: Eric, you said you’ve buy a new suit. Have you saved enough money for it?

M: Well, to tell you the truth my finances are really tight right now. Keys: 1-5 d c a d d

Exercise 2

1) weekly 2) fixed 3) fair 4) teenager 5) discs

6) an excellent way to teach their children the value of money

7) they learn to budget their expense

8) they will have no money to spend by the end of the week.

Part B

Conversation 1

Saving and spending money

Interviewer: Hi, Rob, do you try to have money?

Rob: Sure. I am a student. I have to save money.

Interviewer: Well, how do you save money?

Rob: Well, I try not to shop in department stores or malls except when things are on sale. I never pay full price.

And I really like shopping in outdoor markets---you can usually find some real bargains there.

Interviewer: How about you, Kathy? Do you try to save money?

Kathy: Of course. See, I am not interested in having the very latest or the most fashionable things. I sometimes

buy clothes at a thrift store. But, well, I think I still look

pretty good, don’t I ?

Interviewer: Oh, yes, you look very good actually.

Kathy: Thanks. I bought my shoes in regular store, but they were on sale. Interviewer: Oh, well, thank you very much Kathy. And you, Cliff? You try to save money too, don’t you?

Cliff: Oh, sure. And the best way to do that is not to pay people to fix things for you. Interviewer: What do you mean?

Cliff: Well, I try to fix things for myself, like fix my car or…or repair things around the house. I like to get

things done by myself. Last year I spent all my after-work hours

doing plumbing work. I even installed a

bar counter in our basement.

Interviewer: Great!

Cliff: And before I go grocery shopping, I cut coupons out of the newspaper. That way, I can save a lot of

money on food and, you know, household things. I also look for

things that are on sale. You can save a lot

of money that way, too.

Interviewer: Well, thanks a lot, Cliff.

Keys: Exercise 1: 1-4 c b c b

Exercise 2: Rob: 1) department stores, malls 2) outdoor markets

Kathy: 1) thrift store 2) things are on sale

Cliff: 1) fix things for himself 2) coupons 3) that are on sale

Conversation 2

Sounds like you have a budget problem

Tim: Hi, Carina. You look upset. What is up?

Carina: Well, I am trying to figure out where all my money has gone. Tim: You’ve lost your money? Was there a burglar y at your place? Carina: No, no. I seem to have spent all my allowance for this month. Now I

don’t even have money to go out and eat. Tim: Hey, I thought you had a good part-time job at the mall. Carina: I do. I work about twenty hours

a week, and the pay’s not bad, nine dollars and fifty cents an hour. Tim: Really? So that’s, what, a hundred and ninety dollars a week…times four weeks…so that’s seven hundred and

sixty dollars a month. Hey, that’s not a bad income for a student!

Carina: I know. And my parents send me two hundred and fifty dollars a month, too. But…

Tim: Wow, that’s more than one thousand dollars a month. And you can’t live on that?

Carina: No, I only manage to save about ten dollars a month. It is a drag! Tim: It sounds like you have a budget problem. Simple, either work more or spend less.

Carina: I am definitely not going to work more. I will have no time

to study. Tim: So you had better start spending less. Why don’t you make a monthly budget?

Carina: A budget? Hmm, maybe…hey, Tim, yo u majored in economics, right? Tim: Uh, yeah, why?

Carina: Well, you are the best person to help me make a budget! Keys: Exercise 1: 1-4 a c d b

Exercise 2: 1. all her allowance for this month

2. go out and eat

3. send her a fixed sum of money regularly

4. work more, study

5. never made a monthly budget

Unit 5 Sports

Part A

Exercise 1 Drawing inferences

1. W: Dick, how did Chris do in the 1oo-meter race?

M: Well, he had a very good start but he quickly fell behind.

Q: What does the man say about Chris?

2 W: Are you going to play table tennis with s today?

M: I promised Paul I’d go swimming with him.

Q: What does the man mean?

3 W: Bill, it’s a shame you didn’t win the tennis match.

M: I might have won if i listen to my coach.

Q: What canyon infer from the man’s response?

4 W: Shall we run around the sports field or go for a bike ride?

M: It makes no differences to me. Both are good activities.

Q: What does the woman mean?

5 W: You look great since you started going to the gym regularly.

M: Thanks. I’ve never fell better in my life.

Q: What does the man mean?

Keys: 1-5 d a c c d

Exercise 2

A great many people in the world consider 1) playing a sport they like an essential part of their life. They like to

spend time, effort and money on sports because they want to 2) keep fit and 3) live a more active life; 4) have a sense of

personal achievement and 5) meet people with similar interests.

Part B

A passage

The Olympic Park

thTo host the 29 summer Olympic Games in 2008, Beijing needs stadiums in all. Thirty of them will be in Beijing, with 15 of them newly built. The first on the list is the building of the Olympic Park or “Olympic Green”.

The Olympic Green will be located at the northern tip of central Beijing, to the north of downtown area and to the east of a district famous for science, education and historical buildings. Covering a total area of 1,215 hectares, the Olympic Green consists of 760 hectares of woods and grassland, a 50-hectare Chinese Nationalities Museum and a

405-hectare International Exhibition and Sports centre. The Olympic Green will become a state- of-the-art centre of cultural, recreational sports activities in Beijing.

The Olympic Green also has an area of sports venues. In the area, an 80,000-seat, ain stadium and 15 other sports venues are now under construction. When completed, they will be able to host 12 major sports competitions at the same time, including track and field events. The international Exhibition and Sports centre will also be built in this area.

The design of the Olympic Green has taken serious considerations about how to meet IOC’s standard of environmental protection. It uses materials that are environment-friendly and equipment that needs less

energy to run so as to protect the environment. All this will help the Beijing Olympic Games to be remembered as the greenest Olympics. Keys: Exercise 1: 1-5 c d c a c

Exercise 2: True statements: 1, 2, 3, 5

A conversation

Do you like sports?

W: Hello, sir. Can I help you?

M: Yes…Er, have you read about the World Cup in today’ newspaper, miss?

W: Yes, I have.

M: Are you interested in football?

W: Well, yes.

M: I am. Wonderful game, football. It is so exciting. All the fans shout and cheer so much that you can hardly hear


W: Yes, you’re right. Now, what shoes can I show you, sir?

M: I like all sports and games.

W: Oh, yes?

M: Yes. Football, cricket, swimming. Can you swim? W: I’m not a good swimmer, but I go swimming once in a while. M: What about tennis? That’s a good game.

W: Yes. You said it.

M: I’m crazy about tennis. I never miss Wimbledon. I see it every tear. W: Oh?


unit1 Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb. 1) 17, 2) 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 3) 1.98 meters tall and weighs 4) 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 5) 1984 season. In the 6) 1986 season he shot 7) 3041 points, the 8) third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion (扣篮冠军) in 9) 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 10) 1988, an honor repeated 11) four times in the next 12) ten years to 13) 1998. Jordan guided his team to win 14) six NBA championships during the 15) 1990s, scoring 16) 45 points during the 17) sixth and last game of the 18) 1998 NBA finals. In 19) 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA season to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn’t quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for 20) five more years, he once again announced his retirement in 21) 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 22) 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards. Part B Pre-listening Task Exercise 1 d b Exercise 2 Listen again and write down answers to the following questions. 1. Why is Laura so keen on sports? Because she wants to enjoy good health. She also wants to stay in shape and look good. 2. What sports do Peter and Laura go in for? Both Peter and Laura like cycling and swimming. Laura also plays tennis regularly. Part c d c d c b unit 2 Part A 1. Yes 2.No 3.Yes 4.No 5.Yes 6.No 7.No 8.No Part B Text Exercise 1: 1. ...for a while 2. ...plans for this Saturday


Unit 1 Listening skills (1)David(2) Leigh(3)Vicky Klein(4) Laura Tish Hill(5)Anthony McDonald Listening in Task 1BDBCA Task 2 John 2,3,5 Lisa 1,4,6 Task 3 1. In order to gain admission to a study course. 2.To corner him. 3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult. 4.He was jolted / shocked. 5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question. Task 4 (1)attention(2)closing(3)five(4)checkouts (5)leave Let’s talk Further listening and speaking Task 1 1.new and different 2.on his own 3.a bit confused4.talk with 5. sleep in Task 2 FTTFT 第一单元Unit test Part I BDCDB

Part II (1)all right (2)better(3)meet(4)how’s(5)major(6)What about Part III DBCAC Part IV 1-5 AACBD6-10 DCADB11-15 CBDAD16-20 CBCBD Unit 2 Lead in task 1 baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimming Listening skills DACBD Listening in Task 1 DBCDA Task 2 (1)strong and healthy (2) energy (3) sleep better(4)different (5)tastes and needs (6)careful Task 3 went golfing together. 2. He was giving him tips. 3. On Hole 8. 4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started. 5. Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time. Task 4 Department 6. exercise opportunity Let’s talk Jack 2,4,5 Jim 1,3,6 Further listening and speaking Task 1 1. local clubs 2. weekly 3. popular 4. big three 5. fan base Task 2 FTTFT


全新版大学英语听说教程答案第三册 UINT1 Part B Text 1 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. a 3.b Exercise 2: 1. She suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. She said to her husband, "Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer." 2. 1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled. 2) She had told her lady friends about this. Text 2 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. d 3. d Exercise 2: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F Part C 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. d PART D My First Job My parents ran a small restaurant. It was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. My first job was shining shoes for customers when I was six years old. My duties increased as I grew older. By age ten I was clearing tables and washing plates. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. I had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. One day I made the mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me ten pounds a week. He said, "OK, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring your friends here for free drinks?" He figured I owed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot. Unit 2 Part B Text 1


大学英语听说3听力原文和答案 Unit 1 Reservations Part A Exercise 1 1. M: I’d like to book a double room with bath for four nights. W: Sorry, sir. We’re full up(全满). Can I recommend the Park Hotel to you? It is quite near here. Q: What does the woman suggest that the man do? 2. M: I’d like to see Mr. Jones this afternoon, please. W: I’m sorry but Mr. Jones will be busy the whole afternoon. Can you manage at 10:30 tomorrow morning? Q: What does the woman say to the man? 3. W: Can I book two tickets for the show ―42nd Street‖ on Sunday night, Oct. 31st? M: Sorry, madam. All the tickets on that night are sold out. But tickets are available for Nov.3rd(十一月三号). Q: When can the woman see the show? 4. M: I’d like to reserve(预订)two tickets on Flight 6051 to Edinburgh, for October 20th. W: Sorry, Sir. We’re booked up(预订一空的) on the 20th .But we still have a few seats available on the 21st. Q: When does the man want to leave for Edinburgh? 5. W: Garden Restaurant. May I help you?


Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven! Listening skills: Making inferences Listen to the dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear 1 (A) She’s too busy to go to the concert. (B) She'll go with the man soon. (C) She prefers to go to the movies instead. (D) She'll go with the man next time. 2 (A) The man should check in the car before it is too late. (B) The purse might be in the car. (C) The woman might find the purse around the car. (D) It is too late to look for the purse. 3 (A) She likes a CD on thieves and robbers. (B) The man looks like a pirate. (C) She will probably buy the CD. (D) She won't buy the CD. 4 (A) The singer might win in a beauty contest. (B) The singer is a very pretty woman. (C) The singer is unattractive. (D) No votes were cast for the singer at the beauty contest.


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说 1 Unit 1 Sharing 1.2 (1)busy (2)friends (3)uni versity (4)social life 1.3 a-c-e-d-b-f 1.4 (1)danced (2)view of (3)fun (8) TV

(4)drink (5)west (6)delicious meal (7)house (8) TV

Listening 2.1 (1)1962 (2)4th (3)1990 (4)1996 2.2 (1) teacher (2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work (6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing 2.1 a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b 2.2 (1) home

(2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happ in ess Role-playing 2.2 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player (3) It was really beautiful 2.3 1 3 5 7 10 Presenting 1.1 (1) a small town (2)1993

(3)2008 (4)2003 (5)seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations BABDD DBCD DDBA Passage 2 (1) programmes (2) very (3) decisions (4) doing laundry (5) Obviously (6) choices (7) ruining (8) get used to (9) opportunities (10) step back


全新版大学英语听说教程答案第三册 Part B Text 1 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. a 3.b Exercise 2: 1. She suggested that her husband spend more time with his mother. She said to her husband, "Life is too short, but you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably won't believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together , it will make us closer." 2. 1) ...she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled. 2) She had told her lady friends about this. Text 2 Exercise 1: 1. c 2. d 3. d Exercise 2: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F Part C 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. d PART D My First Job My parents ran a small restaurant. It was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. My first job was shining shoes for customers when I was six years old. My duties increased as I grew older. By age ten I was clearing tables and washing plates. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. I had to be on time, hard-working and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. One day I made the mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me ten pounds a week. He said, "OK, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring your friends here for free drinks?" He figured I owed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot. Unit 2 Part B Text 1 Exercise 1: 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c Exercise 2: 1984 / son / medical school / tuition / afford it / realize / newspaper ads / extra business / advertisement / succeeded / agent / changed / phone call / put aside / doing / immediately / familiar / father-in-law's / visited / his father-in-law alive / coincidence. Text 2 Exercise 1: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F


Answers to listening and speaking BookII Unit 1 Part A Exercise 1 1. 398-4071 2. 278-9536 3. 1390-1910-466 4. 415-566-1268 5. 5-078-2489 6. 6102-9517-2880 7.210-699-4982 8. 6-592-7649 Exercises 2 Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returns home. Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1 father&daughter 2. they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him 3. Riding a motorcycle 4. He thinks John looks a little strange because John wears a

pony tail. 5. she says he is old-fashioned. Exercise 2 1. in a restaurant/ Dining/ 2. on a motorcycle/ learning to ride a motorcycle 3. in Angela’s office/ doing some part-time work for Angela’s magazine/ with John, her friend Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1. who dialed the wrong number? (a) 2. what is the most probable relationship between the man and the woman? (b) 3. what is true about the woman?(a) Exercise 2 1. First State Bank 2. her leg 3. 848-3952 4. Mrs Tailor/ his bank 5. having dialed the wrong number Part D 1. what as Mrs Bates calling for?(a) 2. who made a mistake?(d)


Unit 1 Parents Passage 1 Ex. 1 1-3 c a b Ex. 2 1. her husband spend more time with his mother. // Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love, You probably won’t believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer. 2. 1) she was waiting by the door with her coat on and she had her hair curled. 2) She had told her lady friends about this. Passage 2 Ex. 1 1-3 c d d Ex. 2 1. took// out to dinner// neighborhood 2. nicer than he expected. 3. A couple of times. 4. the importance of slowing down//his marriage Part C 1-5 b c b d d

Unit 2 Coincidence Passage 1 Ex 1 1-4 b a d c Ex 2 1984 // son // medical school // tuition // afford it // realize // newspaper ads // extra business // advertisement //succeeded // agent // changed // phone call // put aside // doing // immediately familiar // his father-in-law’s // visited // father-in-law // alive //coincidence Passage 2 1. The house was decorated exactly the same as Mr. Stewart remembered it 2. Mr. Stewart happened to be in the house when a postman came to deliver a letter to his father-in-law who had died 15 years ago. 3. The old postman had called in sick that day, and the postman who came in his place was not familiar with the neighborhood. Other wise the letter would have been returned to its sender. Ex. 2 1. He was intrigued. 2. A bank statement. 3. His father-in-law had put an amount of money in the bank for his grandchildren’s education.


Unit One Tr a ck 4-1-O L-l A. Jay and Elise are talking about an accident. Listen and check the correct picture. Jay: Come in here, Elise. You should see this show! Elise: What is it? Jay: It's called "The Titanic of the Sky." It's about the Hindenburg, a great engineering feat. Elise: The Hindenburg ... Jay: You know, that giant zeppelin that crashed in 1934. Thirty-five people died. Elise: Oh yeah, I remember now. It was flying from Germany to the United States. It crashed as it was landing. Jay: Right. It's so funny looking, don't you think? It doesn't look anything like the airplanes as have today. Elise: That's true. Why would people ride in a zeppelin anyway? It seems so dangerous. Jay: Well, some people called the Hindenburg "man's greatest achievement in flight." They thought it was safe, I guess. Elise: Who rode in it anyway? Jay: Mostly wealthy people. It accommodated between 30 and 40 passengers and crew. One person said it was like a "flying hotel." Eise: It sounds pretty great. Jay: Yeah, and it was fast. That's why people rode it. They wanted to get to their destination faster. Elise: Why didn't they just take a jet plane? Jay: Elise! You know they didn't have jets back then. Look, in 1934 it took five days to travel from Germany to the U.S. by ship. The zeppelin could do it in half that time. It was speedy. Elise: Well, maybe I'll sit down and watch a little bit. Maybe I'll learn something ... Tr a ck 4-1-O L-2 B. Listen again. How was the zeppelin described? Check your answers. Track 4-1-OL-3 A. Listen to the conversation and check the correct picture. Jack: I think we should buy a bigger car. Big cars are safer. Kayla: Yes, but on the other hand, they consume more oil. Jack: They also look really cool. Kayla: That's true, but there are some SUVs which are not big but also very beautiful. Jack: And 1 think big cars are more fun to drive. Kayla: But then again, it's very expensive. Jack: Well, let's get more information about several kinds of cars, okay? T r a c k4-1-O L-4 Listen to another person talking about famous buildings in his country and fill in the blanks with information you hear. My country has two very famous buildings called the Petronas Towers. The buildings are made of glass, steel, and concrete. They were designed by an American architect, but he used a Malaysian style. They were finished in 1998, and they were the tallest buildings in the world at that time. Each tower has 88 floors, and is 452 meters high. I really like the Petronas Towers. They show both the modern and the traditional side of my country. T r a c k4-1-O L-5 A. Listen to a talk on controversies about modern buildings. Then fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Modern buildings: We love them, We hate them The world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris is almost 500 years old, and it faced a very modern problem: There simply wasn't enough space for six million visitors each year. In 1989, American architect I.M. Pei designed a striking glass pyramid in the building's center to be a visitor entrance and shopping arcade. But he also started an angry debate. Some people felt his glass building was a piece of art, like the ones inside the museum. Others said it was just an ugly, modern mistake. Kyoto, Japan, is the country's ancient capital, and the heart of its culture. Its railroad station was too small for the millions of visitors. In 1997, the city completed a new station in a huge shopping center, right in the oldest part of the city. Designed by Hiroshi Hara, the building also contains a hotel and department store. Before it was built, critics said that the high, wide, modern building would destroy the city's traditional look. On the other hand, supporters said it would bring new life into the city center. Track 4-1-OL-6


百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我 Listening and Speaking Book 1 Answer key Unit 1 Inside view Activity 2 Hertford College accommodation form First name Family name Janet Li Staircase number 6 Room number 5 Keys Janet Li (sign here) 3 Sir. 4 He asks her to call him Stewart. 5 To sign for her keys. Activity 5 Janet Kate English name Janet Li Kate Santos Chinese name Li Hui -------------- Home town Anshan New York Activity 7 Suggested predicted questions: 1 What’s your name? 2 Are you British? 3 What are you studying? 4 What are you studying? 5 And how about you? Correct questions from video:1 And you are …?2 Y ou’re British, huh? 3 What are you reading? 4 How about you, Kate? 5 And you? Activity 8 1 (b)2 (b)3 (a)4 (b)5 (b)6 (a) Outside view Activity 1 Clip 1 – interview Clip 2 – conversation Activity 3 True statements according to the passage 3, 5 Activity 4 (1) one of the best universities(2) most talented students(3) well-known around the world(4) have open doors(5) good social life(6) you want it to be(7) on another campus(8) it’s a fun place (9) go to concerts(10) during the week Activity 5 1 From the library system Tree or four times a For leisure purposes, such as following news and sport.5 In the libraries. Listening in Activity 1 Number of institutions: 8 Sporting importance: university sports teams competed against each other Academic importance: near or at the top of the US colleges and university rankings Social importance: social elitism, mostly rich intellectual white students Location: the US Origin of name: four universities, Ivy plants growing on walls Oldest institution: Harvard, founded in 1636 Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000 Acceptance rates: 7% – 20% Famous alumni: George Bush, John F Kenne Activity 2 1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (d) Activity 5 3–6–4–1–5–2 Activity 6 1 At Princeton University. 2 That he is better with numbers than people. 3 Not very. He finds relationships difficult at first. 4 He thinks the Soviets have captured him. Pronunciation Activity 3Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading? Janet English. Mark How about you, Kate? Kate My major is law. And you? Mark I’m studying PPE. Kate That’s a special Oxford subject, isn’t it? Activity 6 Harvard University in Cambridge / is one of the best universities / in the world. He explained / that Harvard looks for the best / and most talented students / from around the world. We asked five students / at Harvard / to tell us / what kind of social life / they have. If you wanna / sit in your room / and study all night / like my friend over here, / you can also do that.


新视野大学英语听说教程 答案 The Standardization Office was revised on the afternoon of December 13, 2020

新视野大学英语4听说教程答案 Unit One Warming Up F T NG Listening Understanding Short Conversations 1~5 A C B B D 6~10 B A C C D Understanding a Long Conversation 1~5 A B A C B Understanding a Passage 1~5 A A D B C Undenstanding a Radio Program 1 married in ’s Cathedral 2 was a guest at the wedding ceremory 3 wore a hat with flowers at the wedding 4 is remmembered as having been naughty 5 was one of the designers of the wedding dress Culture Talk T F F T Listening and Speaking 1 They have high status. 2 They get the attentions of the public. 3 Using their fame to make money. Homework Supplementary Listening Task 1 1~5 D A B B A Task 2 1~5 C A B B A Task 3 1、shortage 2、assigned 3、centered 4、hospitalization 5、treatment 6、colleague 7、decentralized 8、There’re nurse-managers instead of head-nurses 9、decidea among themselves who will work what to do and when 10、an equal with other wise presidents of the hospital Unit Two Warming Up 1、Her new book 2、Original 3、Use your own words to complete it,this question has no correct answers. Listening Understanding Short Conversations 1~5 D D D C B 6~10 A A B C D Understanding a Long Conversation 1~5 D A B B A

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