当前位置:文档之家› 2015年百合外国语学校小升初考试真题(2)-文科综合(语文、英语)








A. 破绽(zhàn)炽热(zhì)含情脉脉(mò)

B. 憎恶(zēng)栖息(qī)引吭高歌(háng)

C. 瓦砾(Lì)教诲(huǐ)呕心沥血(ǒu)

D. 禀告(bǐng)埋怨(mái)玲珑剔透(tī)


解析:正确的拼音如下:A炽chì B诲huì D埋mán


A. 躁热余辉迫不及待

B. 报负遗憾谈笑风生

C. 融洽轻盈别出心裁

D. 陡峭欺凌不容争辨




A. 我想我一定是世界上最狠心的母亲,在孩子生病的时候,不但不帮助他,还给他雪上加霜。

B. 日升日落,花开花谢,这些司空见惯的自然现象中其实蕴含着大自然的真谛。

C. 在茜茜的教育问题上,虎妈总是振振有词,猫爸永远体谅有加。

D. 上周四晚上,深圳电闪雷鸣,暴雨如注,我被震耳欲聋的雷声惊醒了。





A. 那幅图片再现了身穿节日盛装的姑娘们围绕在熊熊篝火旁载歌载舞。

B. 那跳跃着鸣禽的绿林,以及时隐时现的山岚雾霭,立刻把游客吸引了过去。

C. 六月的南澳是旅游的好季节,山上林木苍翠,海面白鸥飞翔。

D. 蓝天下,沙沙的浪声和波光粼粼的海面构成了一幅完美的图画。






A. 日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝。(比喻、对偶)

B. 老李考驾照屡战屡败,屡败屡战,最终还是成功了,真是“功夫不负有心人”啊!(排比,引用)

C. 油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀在这里弹琴。(拟人、对比)

D. 一旦冰消雪化,新叶便急不可耐地从干枝秃条上冒出来,怯怯地朝四处窥探一眼,然后,轻轻抖动小小的身子,亲热地互相招呼着,迎阳光、沐春雨,尽情舒展开来。(拟人、夸张)









A. ④①③⑤②

B. ①③②④⑤

C. ①②③④⑤

D. ④②①③⑤




A. “河东狮孔”“日暮途穷”“道听途说”“夜郎自大”感情色彩相同。

B. “酿酒”“要挟”“酷爱”“心思”都是动词。

C. 我问那个卖牡蛎的:“应该付您多少钱,先生?”这个句子的标点符号运用是正确的。

D. 治学严谨的怀特森先生似乎根本不理会我们糟糕的心情。这个句子的主干:怀特森先生不理会心情。




A. 在笛福的笔下,鲁滨孙勇敢、乐观、不惧困难。在孤岛上,他积极地与大自然做不屈的斗争,用火枪和《圣经》征服了“星期五”,使其心甘情愿做了他的忠实奴仆。

B. 我国第一部诗歌总集是《诗经》,而《离骚》是我国浪漫主义诗歌的源头。

C. 高尔基的《童年》用第一人称的口吻,叙述了主人公在父亲去世后寄住在外祖父家中的生活历程。

D. 书圣指颜真,画圣指吴道子,茶圣指陆羽。









































Listening part听力部分(20分)

I.Listen and choose the best Chinese,Each will be read only once.


1. Lucky Dog


B. 幸运儿

C. 不幸的狗


2. Big Apple

A. 大苹果

B. 苹果公司

C. 纽约


3. That is a lily.

A .莉莉 B. 百合花 C. 一幅画


4. Talk Big

A. 吹牛

B. 说谎

C. 骂人


5. White Elephant

A. 一头白象

B. 白色陷阱

C. 一件无用的东西


II.Listen and choose the best response,Each sentence will be read only once.


6. A.Yes,Ido.


C.Yes,it’seight o’clock now.

7. A.Ijust got a new bike.

B.It’s broken,MayI use yours?

C.It looks nice.

8. A.It’sJune 1st.

B.It’s Sunday.

C.It’s cloudy.

9. A.Ilike him very much.

B.He is tall and hansome.

C.I think he is kind,I’llgive it to you later.

10. A.That’stall and handsome.

B.It doesn’t matter.You can get it ifyou want.

C.Sorry,Iguess not.But you can get a copy in the library.

III. Listen to the passage,and answer the questions. The passage willbe read twice.


11、A.Sheis 23 year old.

B.She is 21 year old.

C.She is 22 year old.

12、A.Shewas an actress in THE Left ear(左耳).

B.She was a college student.

C.She was a model.

13、A.Onceactor of the THE Left ear(左耳).

B.The director of the THE Left ear.

C.The father of Chen Duling.

IV.Listen to the news and fill in theblanks.The news will be read twice.听新闻,在横线上填写相关信息,每空一词,新闻读两遍。(5分)

Ten new songs composed for Beijing’s2022 Olympic Winter Games(北京冬奥)biddingcampaign were___(14)_____in the Beijing on

___(15)_____Jiang Xiaoyu,deputyhead of the association,saidthat music is one of the important means to___(16)_____Olympic spirit,Jiang said,adding that the music isan asset to ___(17)_____ Olympic spirit.A total of 24___(18)_____created 10songs and 70 percent of them were born after 1980s.

答案:14.released 15.Wednesday 16.spread 17.inspire 18.musicians

Written Part笔试部分(80分)

I.Multiple Choices单项选择。(15分)

19、We’relooking forward to______you soon.

A. hear

B. hear from

C. hear of

D. hearing from


20、Todayis _____.

A. the first of June

B. June one

C. the first June

D.one June


21、Heis better than me_________swimming.

A. in

B. for

C. on

D. at


22、----_____isyour favorite holiday?

----TheSpring Festival.


B. What

C. Whose

D. Where


23、Don’tforget to turn off the lights before you leave,________?

A. will you

B. shall we

C. won’t you

D. do you


24、Onemorning he found ________ schoolbag,Therewas_______“s”on the comer of _____schoolbag.

A. a,an,the

B. a,a,the

C. an,an,an



25、Thereare _______students on the playground.

A. five hundreds and thirty-four

B. five hundred and thirty four

C. five hundred and thirty-fours

D. five hundred thirty-four


26、Theboy is only one year old.He can ____ read ____write,

A. both,and

B. either,or

C. neither,nor

D. not,but


27、Hewill stay here for____.

A. some time

B.s ome times


D. sometime


28、Wedecided not to go on a picnic because it was raining _______.

A. badly

B. hardly

C. strongly

D. heavily


29、Thisequipment has ________ cover.

A. a steel strong red

B. a strong red steel

C. a red steel strong

D. a steel red strong


30、——Didthe thieves _____ into the car?

——No,they _______.


B. fall,did

C. jump,didn’t

D. jump,did 答案:C

31、I’veknown him_______ we were children.

A. when

B. since

C. for

D. while


32、I______ her ______ in the classroom yesterday when I passed by.

A. see,singing

B. saw,sing

C. saw,singing

D. saw,tosing


33、Whichsentence is CORRECT?

A. Although he was late,buthe didn’t say sorry to us.

B. He is too old to drive a car.

C. There has many high building inShenzhen.

D. Can you tell me what is your name,please?


Ⅱ.ClozeText. 完型填空。(12分)


It’s a sunny spring day. Timo iswalking in the park. Suddenly,he hears someone __(34)__: “Help!Help!”Timo runs __(35)__ the voice and findsa lady in a white wool sweater sitting on the ground.

“What happened __(36)__ you?”Timo asked. “Someoneattacked me and __(37)__ my diamond necklace.”the lady said,“I __(38)__ him from behind and tried to take my necklaceback. But he still ran away.”“Did you see his face?”Timo asked. “No. He __(39)__a mask,”the lady said. “Theonly thing I am sure __(40)__ is that he wore a black wool sweater.”

Timo calls the police right away and they__(41)__ the park. After a while,the police find three men in black wool sweaters. Timo looks carefully __(42)__each man. Then he points __(43)__ one of them: “Look at your sweater. You arethe robber.”How did Timo know?

34、 A. said B. saying C. screamed D. shouting

35、 A. together B. after C. with D. before

36、 A. to B. on C. about D. for

37、 A. robed B. steel C. robbed D. got

38、 A. catched B. catch C. ran D. caught

39、 A. wears B. wore C. put on D. putting


40、 A. with B. of C. for D. on

41、 A. enter B. closed C. surround D. close

42、 A. for B. on C. at D. about

43、 A. at B. to C. towards D. over

答案:34-38 DBACD 39-43 BBCCB

(B)Choosethe right answer from A,B,Cand D (请根据货币符号选择相应的币种)(2分)





D.HongKong dollar






D.Hong Kong dollar


III. How much doyou know about literary works from China and abroad?中外名著知多少?(请进行选择!)

46、《红楼梦》Dream in the Red_____






47、《飘》__________withthe wind.












49、《傲三国演义》Thestory of Three_________






Ⅳ. 补全名人名言(3分)


To be or not to be,that’sa question .


Thereis no mountain higher that man. And no road longer than feet.


WhenI was a little kid,homesicknesswas a small stamp. I was here,my mother was over there.

Ⅴ.Fill in the blanks (24分)

(A) Fill in theblanks with the correct forms of the given words. 请用所给词语的正确形式填空。(10分)

53、Ineed ______(take) two buses to get to school

54、Pandaslive in the forests in _____(center) China.

55、Weshould make a ______(decide) now.

56、Jane_____(wait) for me when I arrived.

57、Thebooks sell _____(good).

58、Thereis some coffee_____ (leave).

59、Oneof the _____(run) is from Class 2.

60、Lindaplays the piano _________(wonderful).

61、It’s______(danger) to stand next to a tiger.

62、Theplaces where endangered animals live are now _______(appear).答案:

53.to take 54.central 55.Decision 56. was waiting 57. well

58.left59.runners 60.wonderfully 61.dangerous 62.disappearing

(B)How much do youknow about idioms?习语知多少?(5分)

63、Whateveris worth doing is worth doing _____(值得做的事情,值得把它做好)


64、Neverput _____what you can do today until tomorrow.(今日事,今日毕)


65、Youcan fool some of the people all of the time.(你可以一直愚弄部分人,有些时候愚弄所有人,但是你无法一直愚弄所有人)

答案:You can always foolsome of the people,sometimes fool all of them,but you can't fool all the people all the time.

66、Wherethere is a _______,there is a way.(有志者事竟成)


67、Nevertrouble trouble until trouble ______you.(别自找麻烦,除非麻烦找到你)



(1) 各国微笑含义

(2) 家庭人口统计





2018年广东省深圳市龙岗区百合外国语学校小升初数学试卷 一、判断题 1. 分针转180°时,时针转30°________.(判断对错) 2. 两圆相比,周长小的面积一定小。________.(判断对错) 3. 甲和乙两个数,甲比乙少3 5,则乙比甲多3 5.________(判断对错) 4. 有5克盐,制成95克盐水,则含盐率为5%.________(判断对错) 5. 要剪一个面积是9.42cm 2的圆形纸片,至少要11cm 2的正方形纸片。________. (判断对错) 二、选择题 跳蚤市场琳琳卖书,两本每本60元,一本赚20%,一本亏20%,共( ) A.不亏不赚 B.赚5元 C.亏2元 D.亏5元 如图,长方形被分成四块面积相等的部分,其中A .B 为长方形,其中长方形B 的长和宽的比为3:2,求长方形A 的长和宽的比为( ) A.2:3 B.3:6 C.3:2 D.6:1 教室里有红黄蓝三盏灯,只有一个拉环,拉一次亮红灯,拉两次亮红灯和黄灯,拉三次三灯全亮,拉四次 全部灭,现在有编号1到100的同学,每个同学拉开关拉自己编号吹灯,比如第一个同学拉一次,第二个拉两次,照此规律一百个同学拉完灯的状态是( ) A.亮红灯 B.亮红灯和黄灯 C.全部亮 D.全部灭 水流增加对船的行驶时间( ) A.增加 B.减小 C.不增不减 D.都有可能 定义新运算:○与? 已知A ○B =A +B ?1,A ?B =A ×B ?1. x ○(x ?4)=30,求x .( ) A.31 5 B.32 5 C.33 5 三、填空题 图中一共有________个三角形。 一张地图比例尺为1:30000000,甲、乙两地图上距离为6.5cm ,实际距离为________千米。 一个长方形的长和宽都为整数厘米,面积160有________种可能。 小明周末去爬山,他上山时4千米/小时,下山时5千米/小时,他上下山的平均速度是________. 一个棱长为1的正方体,按水平向任意尺寸切成3段,再竖着按任意尺寸切成4段,求表面积。 一个圆柱和一个圆锥,底面周长之比是2:3,体积之比是5:6,圆柱和圆锥的高之比是________:________. 一款东西120元,先涨价30%,再打8折,原来(120元),利润率为50%.则现在变为________%. 100名学生去离学校33公里的地方,只有一辆载25人的车,车每小时行驶55公里,学生步行速度5km/?,求最快要多久到目的地? 一根竹竿,一头伸进水里,有1.2米湿了,另一头伸进去,现没湿部分是全长的一半少0.4米,求没湿部分的长度。 如图,以CD 为底边时,高14cm ,以BD 为底边时,高20cm ,ACDB 周长为102cm ,面积是________


小升初数学试卷 一、填空题(共6小题,每小题2分,满分12分) 1.生产的90个零件中,有10个是废品,合格率是90%.(判断对错). 2.真分数除以假分数的商一定比1小.(判断对错) 3.大圆周长与直径的比值大于小圆周长与直径的比值.(判断对错) 4.一个长方形的长增加50%,宽减少,长方形的面积不变.(判断对错) 5.一根木料锯成4段要4分钟,锯成7段要7分钟.(判断对错) 6.甲、乙两数是正整数,如果甲数的恰好是乙数的,则甲、乙两数和的最小值是13.(判断对错) 二、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分) 7.甲数是a,比乙数的3倍少b,表示乙数的式子是________ . 8.的分子扩大3倍,要使分数大小不变,分母应加上________ . 9.已知M=4322×1233,N=4321×1234,下面结论正确的是________ 10.(2015?深圳)小明上学期期末考试语文86分,数学比语文、数学两科的平均分高6分,则数学期末考试的分数是________ . 11.盒子里有8个黄球,5个红球,至少摸________ 次一定会摸到红球. 12.甲步行每分钟行80米,乙骑自行车每分钟200米,二人同时同地相背而行3分钟后,乙立即调头来追甲,再经过________ 分钟乙可追上甲. 13.某砖长24厘米,宽12厘米,高5厘米,用这样的砖堆成一个正方体,用砖的块数可以为________ . 14.小华从A到B,先下坡再上坡共有小时,如果两地相距24千米,下坡每小时行4千米,上坡每小时行3千米,那么原路返回要________ 小时.

15.已知× <+ ,且a、b、c都是不等于0的自然数,则有________ . 16.同一宿舍住着小花、小朵、小美、小丽四名学生,正在听音乐,她们中有一个人在修指甲,一人在做头发,一人在化妆,一人在看书,已知:小花不在修指甲,也不在看书(2)小朵不在化妆,也不在修指甲(3)如果小花不在化妆,那么小美就不在修指甲(4)小丽不在看书,也不在修指甲,下列说法正确的是() A. 小花在化妆 B. 小朵在做头发 C. 小美在做头发 D. 小丽在化妆 三、解答题(共6小题,满分12分) 17.一座城市地图中两地图上距离为10cm,表示实际距离30km,该幅地图的比例尺是________. 18.在边长为a厘米的正方形上剪下一个最大的圆,这个圆与正方形的周长比是________. 19.一辆汽车的速度是每小时59千米,现有一块每5小时慢10分钟的表,若用该表计时,则测得这辆汽车的速度是________千米/小时. 20.如图是一个棱长4厘米的正方体,在正方体上面正中向下挖一个棱长是2厘米的正方体小洞,接着在小洞的底面正中再向下挖一个棱长是1厘米正方体小洞,最后得到的立方体图形的表面积是多少平方厘米? 21.在生活中,经常把一些同样大小的圆柱管如图捆扎起来,下面我们来探索捆扎时绳子的长度,图中,每个圆的直径都是8厘米,当圆柱管放置放式是“单层平放”时,捆扎后的横截面积如图所示: 那么,当圆柱管有100个时需要绳子________厘米(π取3) 22.有一个10级的楼梯,某人每次能登上1级或2级,现在他要从地面登上第10级,有________种不同的方式. 四、解方程 23.解方程: ①3.2x﹣4×3=52 ②8(x﹣2)=2(x+7)


深圳市百合外国语学校2016初中招生理科综合能力评估 一、 判断题 1.因为圆周长d C π=,所以π与d 成反比例。( ) 2.把甲、乙、丙、丁四人分成两组,每组2人,则甲,乙分在同一组的可能性为6 1。( ) 3.周长相等的圆、正方形、长方形三种图形中,面积最大的是正方形。( ) 4.一件商品,降低原价的%20后,现在又提价%20,商品现在的价格和原来一样。( ) 5.把棱长为20厘米的正方体木块,分割成棱长为4厘米的小正方体,可以分割成25块。( ) 6.m 、n 是不为0的自然数,3=÷n m ,那么m ,n 的最大公因数是n ,它们的最小公倍数是m.( ) 二、选择题 7.莉莉有张数相同的5元和1元的零钱若干,你认为它的钱可能是( ) A.38元 B.36元 C. 28元 D. 8元 8.把250克盐溶于1千克水中,盐占盐水重量的( ) A.25% B. 125% C. 20% D.15% 9.如下图中的四个正方形的边长均相等,其中阴影部分面积最大的图形是() A. B. C. D. 10. 墙上有一面镜子,镜子对面的墙上有一个数字式电子钟。如果在镜子里看到该电子钟的时间显示如图所示,那么它的实际时间是( ) A .12∶51 B .15∶21 C .15∶51 D .12∶21 11. 如图,用8块相同的长方形地砖刚好拼成一个宽为20 cm 的矩形图案(地砖间的缝隙忽略不计),则每块长方形地砖的面积是 A .20 cm 2 B .40 cm 2 C .60 cm 2 D .75 cm 2 12.如图所示,已知在正方形网格中,每个小方格都是边长为1的正方形,A 和B 两点在小方格的格点上,点C 也在小方格的格点上,且以A ,B ,C 为顶点的三角形的面积为1个平方单位,则满足条件的C 点的个数为( ) A .3个 B .4个 C .5个 D .6个 13.一个袋子中装有除了颜色以外都相同的红、白、黑三种球共10个,红球个数 的5倍与白球个数之和为20,任意从袋中摸出一球,可能性最大的是( ) A.红球 B.白去 C.黑球 D.三种球一样 14.繁分数64 16316216116011++++化简后的整数部分是( ) A.9 B.10 C.11 D.12


百合外国语学校小升初考试真题 文科综合能力评估—英语部分 时间50分钟总分100分 Listening part 听力部分(20分) 1、听短语,选出与你所听到内容相符的汉语,每个汉语仅读一遍。(5分) 2、听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子仅读一遍。(5分) 3、听短文,回答问题,短文读两遍(5分) 4、听新闻,在横线上填写相关信息,每空一词。新闻读两遍。(5分) Written Part笔试部分(80分) 1、单项选择题(共15题,15分) (1)There is ___“u”and ___“h”in______word“unhealthy” A. an,an,the B.a,an,a C.an,a,a D.a,an,the 答案:D (2)Your daughteris ___young to go to school. A. too B.so C.to D.very 答案:A (3)Why not___kites together? A. to fly B.flying C.fly D.going to fly 答案:C

(4)I’m going tohelp you____your maths_____next Monday. A. in;in B.with;/ C.with;on D. for;at 答案:B (5)There is goingto___a report ______Chinese culture in our school. A. have;on B.have;about C.be;of D.be;on 答案:D (6) --How was yourvisit to Hainan? --It was a amazing!We spent the___days at the seaside. A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last 答案:B (7)This buildingis ___that tree. A. so tall as B.as high as C.as tall as D.more taller than 答案:B (8)There are20__in our class A.boy students B.boys student C.Boy students D.boy’student 答案:C (9) Is she ateacher___an engineer____? A. / or anything B.or and anything C. or or something D.and dan something 答案:C


2016年百合外国语小升初入学考试 (英语部分满分100分) 听力部分20 分 I. Listen and choose what you hear. Each sentence will be read only once. 听句子,选出你所听到的内容,句子仅读一遍。(5 分) 1.A. March B. May C. might 2.A. grains B. trains C. brains 3.A. well B. will C. wall 4.A. transport B. translated C. chance 5.A. fate B. fair C. fear II.Listenandchoosethebestresponse.Each sentence willbereadonlyonce. 听句子,选出最佳答案,句子仅读一遍。(5 分) 6. A. Thankyou! B. You'reright C.Soundsgreat! 7. A. Yes,heis. B.Sorry,Iwon’t. C.Nokidding. 8. A. Whoknows? B.Letmehelpyou. C.Toldyouit'sbroken. 9. A. Hedrivesmecrazy. B.Mindyourownbusiness! C.Hefailedthetest. 10. A. Nevermind. B.Socareless. C.You’rewelcome. III. Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions. Each dialogue will be read only once. 听句子,选出你所听到的内容,句子仅读一遍。(5 分) 11. A. In her bag. B. On the table. C. In Lisa's bag. 12. A. It’s great. B. It’s noisy. C. It's full of people. 13. A. Her wallet is lost. B. She leaves Lisa alone. C. She forgets to take the wallet with her. 14. A. At 8:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 8:45. 15. A. By train. B. By bike. C. We don't know. IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the mind map. The passage will be read twice. 听短文两遍,完成思维导图,每空一词。(5 分)


2015年百合外国语小升初数学试题(上午场) 一、判断题(每题2分) 1、一个钟表,分针转180°,时针转30°。(×) 2、两个圆相比较,圆的周长小,它的面积就一定小。(√) 3、甲和乙两个数,甲比乙少53,则乙比甲多5 3。(×)4、有5克盐,制成95克盐水,则含盐率为5%(× )5、3段分成6份,则6段分成12份。(× )6、剪一个面积为9.422cm 的圆,至少要112cm 的正方形纸(× ) 二、选择题(每题2分)1.在跳蚤市场卖书,卖了2本书,每本60元,其中一本赚了20%,一本亏了20%,共(D ) A.不赚不亏B、赚5元 C.亏2元 D.亏5元2.如图,正方形被分成四块面积相等的部分,其中A、B 为长方形,其中长方形B 的长和宽的比为3:2,求长方形A 的长和宽的比为( )A.2:3 B.3:6 C.3:2 D.6:1 3.教室里有红黄蓝三盏灯,只有一个拉环,拉一次亮红灯,拉两次亮红灯和黄灯,拉三次三灯全亮,拉四次全部灭,现有编号1到100的同学,每个同学拉开关拉自己编号次灯,比如第一个同学拉一次,第二个拉两次,照此规律一百个同学拉完灯的状态是( A ) A 亮红灯和黄灯B、亮红灯和黄灯C、全部亮D、全部灭4、水流(D )对船的行驶时间。

A.增加 B.减小 C.不增不减 D.都有可能 7、定义新运算:○和□已知A○B=A+B-1,A□B=A×B-1 x○(x□4)=30,求□ (B )A.531 B.532 C.5 33 三、填空题 1、右图中一共有______个三角形。(37) 2、一张地图比例尺为1:30000000,甲、乙两地图上距离为6.5cm,实际距离为(1950)千米 3、一个长方形的长和宽都为整数厘米,面积160有_______种可能?(6) 4、小明周末去爬山,他上山时4千米/小时,下山时5千米/小时,他上下山的平均速度是________.(时千米/9 40)5、一个棱长为1的正方体,按水平方向任意尺寸切成3段,再竖着按任意尺寸切成4段,则表面积是___________(16) 6、一个圆柱和一个圆锥底面周长为2:3,体积比为5:6,高的比为_______.(圆柱:圆锥=5:8) 7、一款东西120元,先涨价30%,再打8折,原来(120元)利润率为50%,则现在变为___________% 8、100名学生去离学校33公里的地方,只有一辆载25人的车,车每小时行驶55公里,学生步行速度5km/小时,求最快要______?(2.6小时)


2017年百合外国语英语模拟考试 注意事项: 1. 考试时间:60分钟满分:100分 2. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。 3. 答题前,考生在答题纸上务必用黑色签字笔将自己的姓名填写清楚。 听力(共20分) 一、听句子,在每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出句子中包含的信息,每个句子读一遍。(1*5=5分)( )1. A. date B. dear C. dark ( ) 2. A. family B. friendly C. finally ( ) 3. A. increasing B. including C. inside ( ) 4. A. July B. June C. January ( ) 5. A. Remember to lock the door! B. Open the door, please! C. Knock at the door before you enter. 二、听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读一遍。(1*5=5分) ( ) 6. A. It’s my honor. B. It doesn’t matter. C. All right. ( ) 7. A. It’s usually warm. B. It’s in spring. C. It’s in France. ( ) 8. A. Yes, it is. B. No, only 2 dollars. C. Too many. ( ) 9. A. Congratulations. B. Sorry to hear that. C. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here. ( ) 10. A. He likes sports. B. He’s tall and thin. C. He’s a driver. 三、听较长对话,根据所听到的对话内容,选择最佳答案,对话读一遍。(1*5=5分) ( ) 11.A. Thirteen dollars. B. Thirty dollars. C. Thirty pounds. ( ) 12. A. It’s wonderful. B. He dislikes it. C. It’s just so-so. ( ) 13. A. China. B. Brazil. C. America. ( ) 14. What will the boy probably do? A. Call his best friend. B. Visit his best friend. C. Write a letter to his best friend. ( )15. A. Money. B. Music. C. Medicine. 四、听独白,根据所听到的独白内容,完成表格。每个空仅填1词。独白读两遍。(1*5=5分) 笔试(共80分) 一、完型填空。(1*10=10分) ①If you were a teardrop;In my 21. _______. For fear of losing you,I would never 22. _______. ( ) 21. A. face B. eye C. mouth D. heart ( ) 22. A. lie B. dry C. cry D. smile ②Hold fast to dreams. For if dreams die. Life is a broken-winged 23. _______. That can 24. _______ fly. ( ) 23. A. bird B. man C. fly D. elephant ( ) 24. A. always B. sometimes C. quickly D. never ③Higher,higher,will we 25. _______. Up the mount of glory. That our names may live 26. _______ time. In our country's story. ( ) 25. A. jump B. climb C. run D. walk ( ) 26. A. through B. with C. to D. under 第1页共10页第2页共10页


外国语小升初入学考试 (英语部分满分100分) 听力部分20 分 I. Listen and choose what you hear. Each sentence will be read only once. 听句子,选出你所听到的内容,句子仅读一遍。(5 分) 1. A. March B. May C. might 2. A. grains B. trains C. brains 3. A. well B. will C. wall 4. A. transport B. translated C. chance 5. A. fate B. fair C. fear II. Listen and choose the best response. Each sentence will be read only once. 听句子,选出最佳答案,句子仅读一遍。(5 分) 6. A. Thankyou! B. You're right C. Sounds great! 7. A. Yes, he is. B. Sorry, I won’t. C. No kidding. 8. A. Who knows? B. Let me help you. C. Told you it's broken. 9. A. He drives me crazy. B. Mind your own business! C. He failed the test. 10. A. Never mind. B. So careless. C. You’re welcome. III.Listen to the dialogues and answer the questions. Each dialogue will be read only once. 听句子,选出你所听到的内容,句子仅读一遍。(5 分) 11. A. In her bag. B. On the table. C. In Lisa's bag. 12. A. It’s great. B. It’s noisy. C. It's full of people. 13. A. Her wallet is lost. B. She leaves Lisa alone. C. She forgets to take the wallet with her. 14. A. At 8:30. B. At 9:00. C. At 8:45. 15. A. By train. B. By bike. C. We don't know. IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the mind map. The passage will be read twice. 听短文两遍,完成思维导图,每空一词。(5 分)


深圳市百合外国语学校2016-2017学年度第一学期期中考试 八年级英语试卷 班级:______ 姓名:______ (考试时间90分钟,满分100分) 1). Listen to the following sentences and choose the proper responses. The sentence will be read only once. (o.5*10=5) 1. A. She’s friendly. B. She likes water skiing. C. She looks happy. 2. A. A shop assistant. B. The woman in purple. C. A funny woman. 3. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I do. 4. A. Very busy. B. Very much. C. Very well. 5. A. Yes, as you like. B. No, of course. C. Sorry, it’s taken. 6. A. It’s a pleasure. B. I agree with you. C. Thank you very much. 7. A. I think so. B. I don’t think so. C. I’m terrified of it. 8. A. It doesn’t matter. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. Me, too. 9. A. So do I. B. Congratulations! C. Hold on! 10. A. Congratulations! B. No, of course not. C. Thank you. 2. Choose the correct answer according to the conversation you hear. Each conversation will be read twice. (1*5=5) 11. A. An “A” B. A “B” C. A”C” 12. A. In the park B. At the station C. In an elevator 13. A. Sam has a new car. B. Sam can fix the car. C. The car is Sam’s. 14. A. 175 yuan B. 200 yuan C. 225 yuan 15. A. a pair of earrings B. a headphone C. a bracelet 3). Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. The passage will be read twice. (1*5=5) 16. A. Almost 4,000 B. More than 1.3 billion C. 12 million 17. A. 交际 B. 对话 C. 方言 18. A. Tea B. Rice C. Meat 19. A. Dragon B. Rooster C. Monkey 20. A. Different foods have special meanings in Chinese culture. B. Chinese is a popular language. C. Chinese culture. Written Part (87%) I. 单项(每小题0.5分,共15分) 21. He is a very hardworking man. He always works from dawn to dusk. A. up and down B. back and forth C. from morning to night D. day and night 22. Your tie is a good match for your shirt. A. hangs out with B. goes well with C. is similar to D. seems that way of 23. I think of myself as friendly. A. regard…as B. regard...for C. think…about D. consider…to 24. To a certain degree, these changes are a great improvement. A. in the way B. by the way C. on the way D. in a way 25. It was snowing heavily when I got home yesterday evening. A. difficulty B. hardly C. strong D. hard 26. A (n) ______ is a question, game, or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly or put it together properly. A. certificate B. gift C. puzzle D. poster 27. A (n) ______ is a time when something happens, or a case of it happening. A. funeral B. organizer C. occasion D. calendar 28. If a board is ______, it is not wide. A. thin B. thick C. narrow D. width 29. ______ refers to things such as films and television that provide people with pleasure. A. Excitement B. Entertainment C. Advertisements D. Development 30. If you ______ somebody, your give help to him by showing that you agree with him. A. disappoint B. educate C. believe D. support 31. Amy is ______ unusual girl. She has traveled to 15 countries in ______ world. A. a; the B. a; \ C. an; the D. an; one 32. Inside out is such ______ interesting cartoon that I want to see it ______ second time. A. an; a B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a 33. Excuse me, sir. We don’t allow ______ in the subway. A. to drink B. to be drunk C. drinking D. to drinking 34. Can you make yourself ______ in Russia? A. to understand B. understand C. understanding D. understood 35. The best and most beautiful things in the world ______ be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.


2015年深圳百合外国语学校小升初考试真题 文科综合能力评估—英语部分 时间50分钟总分100分 Listening part 听力部分(20分) 1、听短语,选出与你所听到内容相符的汉语,每个汉语仅读一遍。(5分) 2、听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子仅读一遍。(5分) 3、听短文,回答问题,短文读两遍(5分) 4、听新闻,在横线上填写相关信息,每空一词。新闻读两遍。(5分) Written Part笔试部分(80分) 1、单项选择题(共15题,15分) (1)There is ___“u”and ___“h” in______word“unhealthy” A. an,an,the B.a,an,a C.an,a,a D.a,an,the 答案:D (2)Your daughteris ___young to go to school. A. too B.so C.to D.very 答案:A (3)Why not___kites together? A. to fly B.flying C.fly D.going to fly 答案:C (4)I’m going tohelp you____your maths_____next Monday. A. in;in B.with;/ C.with;on D. for;at 答案:B (5)There is goingto___a report ______Chinese culture in our school.

A. have;on B.have;about C.be;of D.be;on 答案:D (6) --How was yourvisit to Hainan? --It was a amazing!We spent the___days at the seaside. A. few last sunny B. last few sunny C. last sunny few D. few sunny last 答案:B (7)This buildingis ___that tree. A. so tall as B.as high as C.as tall as D.more taller than 答案:B (8)There are20__in our class A.boy students B.boys student C.Boy students D.boy’student 答案:C (9) Is she ateacher___an engineer____? A. / or anything B.or and anything C. or or something D.and dan something 答案:C 二、完形填空(共10题,10分) 文章大意: 主人公的爸爸天天去公园散步。一天,一辆警车停在了这个人的门前,警察对这个主人公说,这个老人(主人公的爸爸)迷路了,他打电话报警让警察送自己回家。 警察走后,主人公问他爸爸“你天天去散步,这次怎么会走丢呢?” 主人公爸爸回答:“因为我今天太累了,不想走路回家。” 三、句子找错(3分)


2019-2020学年广东省深圳市龙岗区百合外国语学校七年级(上) 期末数学试卷 一、选择题(每题3分,共36分) 1.(3分)6-的相反数是( ) A .16- B .16 C .6- D .6 2.(3分)2016年某市用于资助贫困学生的助学金总额是9680000元,将9680000用科学记 数法表示为( ) A .596.810? B .69.6810? C .79.6810? D .80.96810? 3.(3分)下列几何体是由4个相同的小正方体搭成的,其中左视图与俯视图相同的是( ) A . B . C . D . 4.(3分)下列各组数中,结果相等的是( ) A .25与52 B .22-与2(2)- C .42-与4(2)- D .2(1)-与20(1)- 5.(3分)下列调查中不适合抽样调查的是( ) A .调查某景区一年内的客流量 B .了解全国食盐加碘情况 C .调查某小麦新品种的发芽率 D .调查某班学生骑自行车上学情况 6.(3分)单项式39m x y 与单项式24n x y 是同类项,则m n +的值是( ) A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 7.(3分)下列说法中,正确的个数有( ) ①过两点有且只有一条直线;②连接两点的线段叫做两点间的距离;③两点之间,线段最短;

④若2 AOC BOC ∠=∠,则OB是AOC ∠的平分线. A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 8.(3分)把方程 10.21 1 0.40.7 x x +- -=中分母化整数,其结果应为() A.10121 1 47 x x +- -=B. 10121 10 47 x x +- -= C.1010210 1 47 x x +- -=D. 1010210 10 47 x x +- -= 9.(3分)某种商品的标价为120元,若以九折降价出售,相对于进价仍获得20%,则该商品的进价是() A.95元B.90元C.85元D.80元 10.(3分)如图,一个直角三角板ABC绕其直角顶点C旋转到DCE ?的位置,若2930 BCD ∠=?',则下列结论错误的是() A.11930 ACD ∠=?'B.ACD BCE ∠=∠ C.15030 ACE ∠=?'D.120 ACE BCD ∠-∠=? 11.(3分)如图,小华用黑白棋子组成的一组图案,第1个图案由1个黑子组成,第2个图案由1个黑子和6个白子组成,第3个图案由13个黑子和6个白子组成,按照这样的规律排列下去,则第8个图案中共有()个棋子. A.159B.169C.172D.132 12.(3分)某公司员工分别在A、B、C三个住宅区,A区有30人,B区有15人,C区有10人,三个区在一条直线上,位置如图所示,该公司的接送车打算在此间只设一个停靠点,为使所有员工步行到停靠点的路程之和最小,那么停靠点的位置应设在()


2019年百合外国语学校入学考试试题 一 一、语文 看图谈感受(推开雨帘,见到太阳) 解析:考察信息提取与表达能力,要求学生有良好的表达能力,能联系生活谈谈说出见解。 针对《水浒传》对”李逵之死“有何看法 可从李逵和宋江各自的性格,《水浒传》这部作品的思想意义来谈。 相关资料:征方腊结束后,梁山头领只有少数存活,李逵是其中之一,获封镇江润州都统制之职。后来蔡京、高俅等人,以御酒之计,要毒死宋江。宋江饮了御酒,知道已经中毒,因怕李逵为了报仇再度啸聚山林,便请他到自己所在,使他在不知情的情况下也饮下毒酒,事后宋江告知李逵真相,李逵表示:“生时服侍哥哥,死了也只是哥哥部下一个小鬼。”后来果然毒发身亡。 对国粹的看法(太极、书法、茶道、脸谱等) 相关资料:党的十八大报告提出,要树立高度的文化自觉和文化自信。文化自信,就是要对中华文化充满自信。党的十九大报告进一步指出,“文化自信得到彰显,国家文化软实力和中华文化影响力大幅提升。” 仿写--快乐是陶渊明“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适,快乐是......快乐是....... 快乐是.......快乐是...... 示例:快乐是“相看两不厌,只有敬亭山”的悠闲。快乐是“最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬”的天真。 快乐是“白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡”的激动。 相关资料:部编版八年级上册第六单元第24 课《诗词五首》之《饮酒(其五)》(陶渊明)、部编版八年级下册第一单元写作之“学习仿写”。 二、数学 逻辑推理:甲乙丙3 人中有1 个小偷,只有1 人说实话。甲说:是乙,乙说:不是我,丙说:不是我,问谁是小偷) 甲乙的话矛盾,则必有一真一假,则丙说的是假话,则丙是小偷。 小明看书,第一天看了46 页,第二天看了1/4,第三天比第二天多看了20%,最后35 页没看,


深圳市百合外国语学校2016~2017学年第一学期期末考试 七年级英语试卷 班级:___________ 姓名:____________ (考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分) Listening part (20%) 一:根据你在录音里听到的句子,从下面每小题的A,B,C 三个选项中,选择最佳答句。 1.A.Thank you B. The same to you C. That‘s all right 2.A. It‘s a detective story. B. It was written by Lu Kun. C. It‘s terrific 3. A. You need enough sleep B. Sorry to hear that. What‘s wrong? C. What a pity! 4. A. blue B. pop music C. computer games 5. A. How did you do that? B. Well done! C. You should have done better! 6.A. Yes, I lost my MP3. B. Yes, our class team won the basketball match. C. Yes, I failed the maths exam. 7. A. Yes, tea. B. Either is OK. C. No, coffee 8. A. Not very well B. She‘s strange. C. She‘s helpful. 9. A. Never mind B. What a pity! C. You are too careless. 10.A. I will begin the work. B. I know how to begin the work C. No problem. 二:各组对话后均有一个与对话内容有关的问题,从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中找出能回答这个问题的选项.听一遍。 11.Who is going to India this summer holiday? A. Mary B. Jane C. Jack. 12.Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At the woman‘s B. At the man's C. At the railway station. 13. How much do two pairs of shoes cost now ? A. $ 160. B. $ 120. C..$ 580. 14. What does the man mean? A. Mary should take over her father's business immediately B. Mary should give up her Doctor's degree C. Mary should finish her Doctor's degree first 15. What's the woman probably? A. secretary B. A teacher. C. A waitress 三:听下面短文,回答相对应的问题。(Listen to the following passage and answer questions. The passage will be read twice. ) 16 What does Uncle Zhang do? A. He sells books B. He grows flowers C. He is a shop assistant D. He works in a hospital 17 Why does he seldom go to work by bus? Because _______________. A. there are no buses B. the shoe shop is not far from his home C. he likes riding a bike D. the shoe shop isn't in the middle of the city 18 How long does it take him to walk to the shoe shop? A. Twenty minutes B. Forty minutes C. Ten minutes D. Half an hour 19 What time does he usually leave home by bike? A. At ten minutes to eight B . At half past eight C. At ten minutes past eight D. At twenty minutes past eight 20. He usually finishes his work at the shop at________ in the afternoon. A. 4:45 B. 5:15 C. 4:55 D. 5:05 Written Part (80%) I. Multiple Choice (0.5*30=15%) 21. First of all, we must finish the homework on time. A. Begin B. At first C. Beginning D. On first 22. The following year she joined the Royal Opera House. A. next B. another C. follow D. others 23. My mother enjoyed the TV programme very much. A. liked B. watched C. saw D. hated 24. My sister doesn‘t like rock music. Me neither. A. So don‘t I B. So do I C. Neither do I D.So does he 25. ---What's the price of this new shirt? ----It's 25 dollars. A. How many is B. How much is C. What is D. How old is 26. When they heard the news, they determined to go to the railway station at once. A. at present B. for now C. immediately D. at the moment 27.The girl is in a blue skirt. A. put on B. has C. have D. wears 28. We should prepare for the exam this weekend because it is very important for us. A. get ready for B. get ready to C. well-prepared D. study 29. I didn‘t remember to bring my homework. A. forget B. don‘t forget C. didn‘t forget D. forgot 30. When someone is in trouble, give him a hand. A. help him B. put up your hand C. borrow your hand D. take his hand 31. _______pencil-box is beautiful. But _____is more beautiful than_____. A. Tom; my; he B. Tom‘s;mine; his C. Tom‘s; mine; him D. Tom‘s; my; his 32. I bought ______China Daily from a news stand this morning. A. a page of B. a piece of C. a copy of D. a book of 33. ---Must I finish my homework at school? ---______.You can do it at home and hand in it next week. A. Yes, you must. B. No, you needn‘t. C. Yes, I can. D. No, you can. 34._______fine mornings, old people get together and do exercises by the lake. A .On B. At C. To D. In 35. Here are some flowers _____you _______our best wishes. A. to; for B. for; with C. of; to D. from; to

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